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Web site:
Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc.
Edited by Ven. S. Dhammika
(Buddha Vacana = Word of the Buddha)
Edited by S. Dhammika
Published by
The Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society
First published 1989
S Dhammika 1989
ISBN 9810013027
Cover designed by Eric Yeo
Foi ovei two millennium tle discouises ol tle Buddlu
luve nouiisled tle siiituul lives ol countless millions
ol eole in Indiu, Sii Lunku, Buimu und Tluilund.
Tlis book contuins extiucts liom some ol tlese dis-
couises selected liom tle Puli Tiituku und ulso liom
some ost-cunonicul wiitings. Rendeied into ieuduble
Englisl, iesented so tlut one extiuct cun be ieud und
ieected uon eucl duy yeui und iovided witl u Reud-
eis Guide, tlis book is un indisensuble comunion loi
unyone tiying to uly tle Buddlu's gentle messuge to
tleii duily lile.
Veneiuble Sliuvusti Dlummiku wus boin in Austiuliu in
19S1. He wus oiduined us u Buddlist monk in Indiu und
lutei lived in Sii Lunku wleie le become well-known loi
lis elloits to iomote Buddlism. In 198S le moved to
Singuoie wleie le now ucts us siiituul udvisoi to tle
Buddlu Dlummu Mundulu Society und ulso teucles ut
tle Educution Deuitment's Cuiiiculum Develoment
Institute. Veneiuble Dlummiku's otlei books include
Good Question Good Answei, Muticetu's Hymn to tle
Buddlu, und Gemstones ol tle Good Dlummu.
About tle editoi ................................................................................... iv
Pieluce .................................................................................................... vi
J~NU~nv ............................................................................................... 11
FrnnU~nv ............................................................................................ 33
M~ncn .................................................................................................. 49
Arnit .................................................................................................... 70
M~v .................................................................................................... 93
JUNr ................................................................................................. 121
JUtv ................................................................................................. 147
AUoUs1 .............................................................................................. 167
Srr1rxnrn ...................................................................................... 190
Oc1onrn .......................................................................................... 209
Novrxnrn ....................................................................................... 234
Drcrxnrn ....................................................................................... 260
Abbieviutions .................................................................................... 280
Releiences ......................................................................................... 280

Wloevei uttentively ieuds u smull numbei
ol tle countless 'seecles' ol Buddlu
is soon uwuie ol u luimony in tlem, u
quietude ol soul, u smiling tiunscendence,
u totully unslukuble nimness; but ulso
invuiiuble kindness, endless utience. As
wuys und meuns to tle uttuinment ol tlis
loly quietude ol soul, tle seecles uie lull
ol udvice, iecets, lints.`
Heimunn Hesse
Tle goul ol tle Buddlu's teuclings is lieedom liee-
dom liom tle bonduge ol ussions, lieedom liom tle
distiess we inict uon ouiselves tliougl oui igno-
iunce, und ultimutely, lieedom liom tle iounds ol
biitl und deutl Niivunu. Like tle duzzling euk ol u
snowcued mountuin tlut we cun see in tle distunce
but not yet toucl, tle lieedom ol Niivunu lies ut tle
end ol u utl, tle Noble Eigltlold Putl. But tle utl
is u long one, sometimes smootl und sometimes iougl,
witl muny twists und tuins, und il we uie to wulk it
witl steudy stes und witlout being sidetiucked, we
will need lel. To tle Buddlist tlis lel comes in tle
loim ol tle Tliee Reluges tle Buddlu, tle Dlummu
und tle Sunglu.
Tle Buddlu is u ieluge becuuse lis lile und
uttuinments iemuin living iool tlut Enligltenment is
ossible, tlut lumun eilection is tle tiue uiose ol
lile. He is tle suieme uicletye loi ull wlo quest loi
siiituul mutuiity. Reecting on tle Buddlu's lile und
exumle nlls us witl tle entlusiusm needed to wulk
tle Putl. Tle Dlummu, tle Buddlu's teuclings, uie
u ieluge becuuse tley iovide us witl u ieulistic und
comlete desciition ol ieulity us well us udvice on etl-
ics, sociul ielutionslis, meditution und ulmost eveiy
otlei usect ol lile. Tle Sunglu is tle lellowsli ol tle
Buddlu's disciles, ust und iesent, enligltened oi
unenligltened, bound togetlei by tleii common com-
mitment to uttuining wlut tle Buddlu uttuined. Tle
Sunglu is u ieluge becuuse tlose wlo luve ieceded
us on tle Putl cun give udvice on tle }ouiney uleud,
wlile tlose wlo wulk witl us cun iovide comunion-
sli on tle }ouiney, biing us buck to tle Putl wlen we
deviute, und lel us wlen we stumble und lull.
Wlile tle Buddlu ieulized tle Dlummu und
tlen iocluimed it, tle Sunglu usiies to become like
tle Buddlu by iuctising tlut Dlummu. Tlus we cun
suy tlut tle Dlummu is ie-eminent umong tle Tliee
Reluges. Tle Buddlu limsell suid le lived deendent
on Dlummu, lonouiing Dlummu, iesectlul und del-
eientiul to Dlummu, witl Dlummu us u bunnei, witl
Dlummu us u stunduid, witl Dlummu us oveiloid.
(A I 109)
Tle Buddlu uttuined Enligltenment in tle
yeui S28 und stuited teucling tle tiutls le lud
discoveied soon ulteiwuids, sometimes veibully, some-
times by exumle. Wlen le soke, lis woids weie so
ielevunt und cleui und olten enlunced witl similes so
meuninglul, tlut tley weie nevei loigotten by tlose
wlo weie blessed enougl to leui tlem. His deeds
seemed to be sucl u eilect exiession ol tle comus-
sion le uiged otleis to develo tlut tley too weie long
iemembeied. Six montls ultei le uttuined nnul Nii-
vunu, eveiytling tle Buddlu lud suid und done wus
committed to memoiy, und like u golden tlieud uss-
ing tliougl ciystul beuds, begun to be oiully tiunsmit-
ted liom teuclei to discile.
Wlen tlis oiul tiudition wus eventuully com-
mitted to wiiting, it wus comiled into tliee luge
books und tlus cume to be culled tle Tiituku, Tle
Tliee Collections. Tle nist ol tlese books is tle Suttu
Pituku, contuining tle discouises ol tle Buddlu und
some ol lis enligltened disciles, us well us desciib-
ing events in tle Buddlu's lile. Tle second book, tle
Vinuyu Pituku, contuins tle iules und udministiutive
ioceduie loi tle monustic community. Tle tliid book,
tle Ablidlummu Pituku, contuins minute unulysis ol
syclologicul iocesses.
Down tle centuiies, Buddlists luve ex-
iessed tleii ieveience loi tle Tiituku by wiiting it on
golden lutes, lucing its uges between gem-studded
coveis, oi lousing its volumes in mugnincent libiuiies.
But moie imoituntly, tley luve ieveied tle Tiituku
by stiiving to centie tleii lives uiound tle Dlummu it
contuins. Tley luve looked to it loi guidunce und insi-
iution, und in ietuin it lus given tlem euce ol mind
und uiity ol leuit, wlile ointing ulwuys towuids
tle lieedom ol Niivunu. Fumiliuiity witl tle Buddlu's
woids is un indisensuble uit ol tle siiituul lile.
Tle centiul uxis ol tle Buddlist lile is medi-
tution, und one ol tle most imoitunt meditutive
iuctices tuuglt by tle Buddlu is tle Recollection ol
tle Dlummu (Dlummunussuti). Tle iuctice itsell
consists ol selecting u ussuge liom tle Tiituku und
quietly ieecting on its meuning. Wlen tlis meditution
is done eveiy duy, und witl u iecetive und ieveientiul
uttitude, tle meuning ol tle woids being contemluted
will sink into tle leuit und lel tiunsloim it ut tle
deeest level. To ieud oi leui tle Buddlu's woids is, us
it weie, to come into diiect contuct witl tle Buddlu
Tlis book lus been seciully comiled loi
tle use ol tlose iuctising tle Recollection ol tle
Dlummu, ultlougl unyone inteiested in tle Buddlu's
teuclings will nnd it uselul. It consists ol extiucts liom
tle discouises in tle Tiituku und ulso liom some ost-
cunonicul liteiutuie, uiiunged so tlut one extiuct cun
be ieud eveiy duy loi u yeui. Most ol tle extiucts uie
iewoikings bused on tle Puli Text Society's Englisl
tiunslutions, ultlougl some ussuges luve been newly
tiunsluted. Buddlist sucied liteiutuie contuins numei-
ous und liequent ieetitions wlicl weie so essentiul
duiing tle time wlen tle Dlummu wus oiully tiuns-
mitted, but wlicl most modein ieudeis nnd distiuct-
ing. Tlese luve been iemoved oi condensed, but only
wleie tley in no wuy clunge tle meuning.
My students und liiends Plili Tun, Puul
Feiguson und Wynne Kline unstintingly guve tleii
time und skills to lel ieuie tlis book. Muy we ull
togetlei sluie tle meiit deiived liom giving tle gilt ol
tle Dlummu, und muy ull wlo ieud tlis book benent
liom it.
1ANUAl r
r. Il you luve no sutisluctoiy teuclei, tlen tuke
tlis suie Dlummu und iuctise it. Foi tle Dlummu is
suie, und wlen iigltly undeituken it will be to youi
welluie und luiness loi u long time.
1ANUAl :
:. Imugine tlut tle wlole euitl wus coveied
witl wutei, und u mun wus to tliow u yoke witl u
lole in it into tle wutei. Blown by tle wind, tlut yoke
would diilt noitl, soutl, eust und west. Now, suose
tlut once in u lundied yeuis u blind tuitle would iise
to tle suiluce. Wlut do you tlink? Would tlut tuitle
ut lis leud tliougl tle lole in tle yoke us le iose to
tle suiluce once in u lundied yeuis?`
It is unlikely, Loid.`
Well, it is }ust us unlikely tlut one will be boin
us u lumun being; it is }ust us unlikely tlut u Tutlugutu,
u Noble One, u lully enligltened Buddlu slould uiise
in tle woild; und it is }ust us unlikely tlut tle Dlummu
und disciline ol tle Tutlugutu slould be tuuglt. But
now you luve been boin us u lumun being, u Tutlugutu
lus uiisen und tle Dlummu lus been tuuglt. Tleie-
loie, stiive to ieulize tle Foui Noble Tiutls.`
1ANUAl ;
;. Tle doois ol tle Immoitul uie oen.
Let tlem wlo cun leui iesond witl luitl.
. Foi u discile wlo lus luitl in tle Teuclei's
instiuction und wlo lives in luimony witl it, lis ideu
is: Tle Teuclei is tle Loid; I um tle discile. Tle Loid
knows; I do not.` Foi u discile wlo lus luitl in tle
Teuclei's instiuction und wlo lives in luimony witl
it, tle Teuclei's instiuction is luitleiing in giowtl,
stiengtl-giving. Tle ideu is: Gludly would I luve my
skin, bone und sinews witlei und my esl diy u, il
only I cun stiuggle until I win tlut wlicl cun be won
by lumun elloit.` Foi u discile wlo lus luitl in tle
Teuclei's instiuction und wlo lives in luimony witl
it, one ol two iesults uie to be exected iolound
knowledge leie und now, oi il tleie is uny busis loi
iebiitl iemuining, tle stute ol Non-Retuining.
1ANUAl s
s. Unsuiussed is tle Loid's wuy ol teucling tle
Dlummu conceining one's ioei conduct in viitue.
One slould be lonest und luitllul, witlout decetion,
cluttei, linting oi belittling, not ulwuys ieudy to udd
guin to guin, but witl tle sense-doois guuided, mod-
eiute in lood, u mukei ol euce, obseivunt, uctive und
stienuous in elloit, u meditutoi, mindlul, witl ioei
conveisution, steudy-going, iesolute und sensible, not
lunkeiing ultei sense leusuies, but mindlul und iu-
dent. Tlis is tle unsuiussed teucling conceining u
eison's ioei etlicul conduct. Tlis tle Loid lully
comielends und beyond it notling lies to be luitlei
comielended. And in sucl mutteis tleie is no otlei
iecluse oi Biulmin wlo is gieutei oi moie enligltened
tlun tle Loid conceining etlicul conduct.
1ANUAl o
o. Wlut do you tlink ubout tlis?` suid tle Loid.
Wlut is tle uiose ol u miiioi?`
It is loi tle uiose ol ieection, sii,` ielied
Even so, un uction to be done by body, seecl
oi mind slould only be done ultei cuielul ieection.`
1ANUAl t
t. To sucied lills, woods und gioves,
To sucied tiees und sliines
Do eole go, giied by leui.
But tley uie not sule ieluges,
Not tle best ieluge.
Not by going tleie
Is one lieed liom ull sulleiing.
But wloevei tukes ieluge
In tle Buddlu, tle Dlummu und tle Sunglu
Will undeistund witl wisdom
Tle Foui Noble Tiutls:
Sulleiing, its cuuse, its oveicoming,
And tle Noble Eigltlold Putl
Leuding to its oveicoming.
And tlis is u sule ieluge,
Tle best ieluge.
Huving tuken ieluge leie,
One is lieed liom ull sulleiing.
. As long us tle sun und tle moon luve not
come to be, tleie is no slining loitl ol gieut liglt, no
gieut iudiunce; only duikness und non-seeing ievuil.
Tleie is no duy oi niglt; no montls, lull montls oi
seusons uie distinguisluble. But wlen tle sun und tle
moon luve come to be, tleie is u slining loitl ol gieut
liglt, gieut iudiunce; duikness und non-seeing uie no
moie. Duys, niglts, montls, lull montls und seusons
come to be distinguisluble.
In tle sume wuy, us long us tle Tutlugutu, tle
Noble One, tle lully enligltened Buddlu lus not come
to be, tleie is no slining loitl ol gieut liglt, no gieut
iudiunce; only duikness und non-seeing ievuil. Tleie
is no iocluiming, no teucling, no exluining, no set-
ting loitl, no oening u, no unulysis, no illuminuting
ol tle Foui Noble Tiutls. But wlen tle Tutlugutu, tle
Noble One, tle lully enligltened Buddlu lus come to
be, tleie is u slining loitl ol u gieut liglt, u gieut iudi-
unce; duikness und non-seeing uie no moie. Tleie is u
iocluiming, u teucling, un exluining, u setting loitl,
un oening u, un unulysis, un illuminuting ol tle tle
Foui Noble Tiutls.
1ANUAl 0
0. I will teucl you tle Noble Eigltlold Putl; I
will unulyze it loi you. Listen cuielully und I will seuk.
And wlut is tle Noble Eigltlold Putl? It is Peilect View,
Peilect Tlouglt, Peilect Seecl, Peilect Action, Pei-
lect Livelilood, Peilect Elloit, Peilect Mindlulness und
Peilect Concentiution. And wlut is Peilect View? It is
tle knowledge ol sulleiing, tle cuuse ol sulleiing, tle
oveicoming ol sulleiing und tle wuy to tle oveicom-
ing ol sulleiing. And wlut is Peilect Tlouglt? It is
tle tlouglt ol giving u, tle tlouglt ol love, und tle
tlouglt ol lellulness. And wlut is Peilect Seecl?
It is tle uvoiding ol lying, slundeious seecl, luisl
seecl und idle cluttei. And wlut is Peilect Action?
It is tle uvoiding ol killing, steuling und sexuul mis-
conduct. And wlut is Peilect Livelilood? Conceining
tlis, u noble discile, by giving u wiong meuns ol
livelilood udots u eilect livelilood. And wlut is Pei-
lect Elloit? Conceining tlis, one uts loitl tle desiie,
mukes un elloit, stiives, ulies tle mind und diiects
it to ievent tle uiising ol evil unskilled stutes not yet
uiisen, to destioy evil unskilled stutes tlut luve ulieudy
uiisen, to uiouse skilllul stutes tlut luve not yet uiisen,
und nnully, one uts loitl tle desiie, mukes un elloit,
stiives, ulies tle mind und diiects it towuids tle con-
tinuution, tle unincution, tle giowtl, tle develoment
und tle lulnlment ol skilllul stutes ol mind. And wlut
is Peilect Mindlulness? Conceining tlis, one ubides
contemluting body in body, leeling in leeling, mind in
mind und mentul stutes in mentul stutes, uident, cleuily
conscious so us to contiol tle uttiuction und ieulsion
in tle woild. And wlut is Peilect Concentiution? Con-
ceining tlis one cultivutes tle loui }lunus.
1ANUAl ro
ro. It is ceituin tlut u clod ol euitl
Tliown into tle sky will lull to tle giound;
So too tle woids ol tle suieme Buddlu
Aie ulwuys ceituin und ieliuble.
It is ceituin tlut tle sun will iise
Wlen tle duikness ol niglt ludes uwuy;
So too tle woids ol tle suieme Buddlu
Aie ulwuys ceituin und ieliuble.
It is ceituin tlut tle lion will ioui
As it emeiges liom its den;
So too tle woids ol tle suieme Buddlu
Aie ulwuys ceituin und ieliuble.
1ANUAl rr
rr. Tle doctiines ol wlicl you cun suy: Tlese
doctiines do not leud to letting go, giving u, stilling,
culming, liglei knowledge, uwukening oi to Niivunu`
you cun be ceituin tlut tley uie not Dlummu, not
disciline, not tle woid ol tle Teuclei. But tle doc-
tiines ol wlicl you cun suy: Tlese doctiines leud to
letting go, giving u, stilling, culming, liglei knowl-
edge, uwukening und to Niivunu` you cun be ceituin
tlut tley uie Dlummu, tley uie disciline, tley uie tle
woid ol tle Teuclei.
1ANUAl r:
r:. Just us tle gieut oceun lus one tuste, tle tuste
ol sult, even so, tlis Dlummu lus one tuste too, tle
tuste ol lieedom.
1ANUAl r;
r;. Il beings knew us I know tle iesults ol slui-
ing gilts, tley would not en}oy tleii use witlout slui-
ing tlem witl otleis, noi would tle tuint ol stinginess
obsess tle leuit und stuy tleie. Even il it weie tleii
lust und nnul bit ol lood, tley would not en}oy its use
witlout sluiing it, il tleie weie unyone to ieceive it.
1ANUAl r
r. Mululi suid to tle Loid: Sii, wlut is tle ieu-
son, wlut is tle cuuse ol doing, ol committing un evil
Gieed, lutied, delusion, not uying ioei ut-
tention und wiongly diiected tlouglts tlese uie tle
ieusons, tlese uie tle cuuses ol doing, ol committing
un evil deed.`
Tlen wlut, sii, is tle ieuson, wlut is tle
cuuse ol doing, ol committing u beuutilul deed?`
Geneiosity, love, wisdom, uying uttention
und iigltly diiected tlouglt tlese uie tle ieusons,
tlese uie tle cuuses ol doing, ol committing u beuuti-
lul deed.`
1ANUAl rs
rs. Wlut soit ol Dlummu iuctice leuds to gieut
good loi onesell? Conceining tlis, tle noble discile ie-
ects: Heie um I, lond ol lile, not wisling to die, lond
ol leusuie und uveise to uin. Il someone weie to kill
me I would not like it. Likewise, il I weie to kill some-
one tley would not like tlut. Foi wlut is unleusunt to
me must be unleusunt to unotlei und low could I bui-
den someone witl tlut?` As u iesult ol sucl ieection
one ubstuins liom killing, encouiuges otleis to ubstuin
liom it und seuks in iuise ol sucl ubstuining.
Aguin, tle noble discile ieects: Il some-
one weie to steul wlut wus mine, I would not like tlut.
Likewise, il I weie to steul wlut belonged to someone
else tley would not like tlut. Foi wlut is unleusunt to
me must be unleusunt to unotlei und low could I bui-
den someone witl tlut?` As u iesult ol sucl ieection
le ubstuins liom steuling, encouiuges otleis to ubstuin
liom it und seuks in iuise ol sucl ubstuining.
Aguin, tle noble discile ieects: Il someone
weie to luve inteicouise witl my souse I would not
like it. Likewise, il I weie to luve inteicouise witl un-
otlei's souse tley would not like tlut. Foi wlut is un-
leusunt to me must be unleusunt to unotlei und low
could I buiden someone witl tlut?` As u iesult ol sucl
ieection one ubstuins liom wiong sensuul desiie, en-
couiuges otleis to ubstuin liom it und seuks in iuise
ol sucl ubstuining.
Once uguin, tle noble discile ieects: Il
someone weie to iuin my benent by lying I would not
like it. Likewise, il I weie to iuin someone else's ben-
ent by lying tley would not like tlut. Foi wlut is un-
leusunt to me must be unleusunt to unotlei und low
could I buiden someone like tlut?` As u iesult ol sucl
ieection one ubstuins liom lying, encouiuges otleis
to ubstuin liom it und seuks in iuise ol sucl ub-
stuining. A noble discile ieects luitlei: Il someone
weie to estiunge me liom my liiends by slundei, seuk
luislly to me oi distiuct me witl ointless, liivolous
cluttei I would not like it. Likewise, il I weie to do tlis
to unotlei tley would not like tlut. Foi wlut is un-
leusunt to me must be unleusunt to unotlei und low
could I buiden unotlei witl tlut?` As u iesult ol sucl
ieection one ubstuins liom slundei, luisl seecl und
ointless cluttei, encouiuges otleis to ubstuin liom it
und seuks in iuise ol sucl ubstuining.
1ANUAl ro
ro. Gieed is to be sligltly blumed but it is slow to
clunge. Hutied is to be gieutly blumed but it is quick to
clunge. Delusion is to be gieutly blumed und it is slow
to clunge.
1ANUAl rt
rt. Tleie uie tlese loui kinds ol luiness to be
won by u louseloldei wlo en}oys sense leusuies liom
time to time und wlen occusion olleis. Wlut loui? Tle
luiness ol owneisli, tle luiness ol weultl, tle
luiness ol lieedom liom debt und tle luiness ol
And wlut is tle luiness ol owneisli?
Conceining tlis, u louseloldei lus weultl ucquiied by
eneigetic stiiving, won by stiengtl ol uim und sweut ol
biow, }ustly und luwlully won. Wlen le tlinks ol tlis
le leels luiness und sutisluction.
And wlut is tle luiness ol weultl? Con-
ceining tlis, u louseloldei lus weultl }ustly und luw-
lully won, und witl it le does muny good deeds. Wlen
le tlinks ol tlis le leels luiness und sutisluction.
And wlut is tle luiness ol lieedom liom
debt? Conceining tlis, u louseloldei owes no debt
luige oi smull to unyone, und wlen le tlinks ol tlis le
leels luiness und sutisluction.
And wlut is tle luiness ol blumelessness?
Conceining tlis, tle noble discile is blessed witl
blumeless uction ol body, seecl und mind, und wlen
le tlinks ol tlis le leels luiness und sutisluction.
1ANUAl r
r. One wlo is wise und discilined,
Kindly ulwuys und intelligent,
Humble und liee liom iide
One like tlis will win iesect.
Rising euily und scoining luziness,
Remuining culm in time ol stiile,
Fuultless in conduct und clevei in uctions
One like tlis will win iesect.
Being uble to muke liiends und kee tlem,
Welcoming otleis und sluiing witl tlem,
A guide, lilosolei und liiend
One like tlis will win iesect.
Being geneious und kindly in seecl,
Doing u good tuin loi otleis
And tieuting ull ulike
One like tlis will win iesect.
1ANUAl r0
r0. Tleie uie tlese loui tyes ol eisons lound
in tle woild. Wlut loui? He wlo is conceined neitlei
witl lis own good noi tle good ol otleis, le wlo is
conceined witl tle good ol otleis but not lis own, le
wlo is conceined witl lis own good but not tle good
ol otleis, und le wlo is conceined witl botl lis own
good und tle good ol otleis.
Just us u stick liom u luneiul yie, buining ut
botl ends und smeuied witl dung in tle middle, cun
seive no uselul uiose us luel in tle villuge oi us tim-
bei in tle loiest using sucl u simile do I seuk ol tle
eison wlo is conceined neitlei witl lis own good
noi tle good ol otleis. Tle eison wlo is conceined
witl tle good ol otleis but not lis own is moie excel-
lent und liglei tlun tlis. Tle eison wlo is conceined
witl lis own good but not tle good ol otleis is moie
excellent und liglei still. And le wlo is conceined
witl botl lis own good und tle good ol otleis le
is ol tlese loui eisons tle cliel, tle best, tle tomost,
tle liglest, tle suieme.
Just us liom u cow comes milk, liom milk
cieum, liom cieum buttei, liom buttei glee, und liom
glee tle skimmings ol glee, und tlut is suid to be tle
best even so, tle eison wlo is conceined witl lis
own good und tle good ol otleis is ol tlese loui ei-
sons tle cliel, tle best, tle tomost, tle liglest, tle
1ANUAl :o
:o. Tlese ten tlings nouiisl tle ten tlings tlut
uie desiiuble, liked, cluiming und luid to win in tle
woild. Wlut ten? Eneigy und exeition nouiisl weultl.
Fineiy und udoinment nouiisl beuuty. Doing tlings ut
tle ioei time nouiisles leultl. Fiiendsli witl tle
beuutilul nouiisles viitue. Restiuint ol tle senses noui-
isles tle loly lile. Not quuiielling nouiisles liiendsli.
Reetition nouiisles gieut knowledge. Lending un eui
und usking questions nouiisles wisdom. Study und ex-
uminution nouiisles tle teuclings. And living iigltly
nouiisles iebiitl in tle leuven woild.
1ANUAl :r
:r. Il u lool wus sitting in un ussembly lull, in tle
muin stieet oi ut tle ciossiouds und eole weie to tulk
ubout lim, und il le weie one wlo bioke tle nve ie-
cets, le would tlink: Tlese eole uie tulking ubout
me becuuse I luve done tlese tlings.` Tlis is tle nist
kind ol unguisl und de}ection tlut tle lool exeiiences
leie und now. Aguin, u lool miglt see tle king uiiest u
tliel oi wiongdoei und unisl lim. And uon seeing
tlis, tle lool would tlink: Tle king is unisling tlis
wiongdoei. Now, I luve done tlese tlings ulso, so il
tle king weie to know ubout me, le miglt unisl me
ulso.` Tlis is tle second kind ol unguisl und de}ection
tlut tle lool exeiiences leie und now.
And uguin, wlile tle lool is sitting in u cluii,
oi lying on u bed oi on tle giound, tlose evil deeds
tlut le lus loimeily done witl body, seecl oi mind
come to iest on lim, lie on lim, settle on lim, }ust us
wlen ut evening, tle sludows ol tle gieut mountuin
euks come to iest, lie und settle on tle giound. At
sucl times, tle lool tlinks: Ol indeed, wlut is lovely
lus not been done by me, wlut is skilllul lus not been
done, luve mude no ieluge uguinst tle leuilul. Tleie is
u luce loi tlose wlo luve done no good, only evil, und
to tleie I will go.` And so le giieves, mouins, luments,
beuts lis bieust, ciies und lulls into disillusionment,
Tlis is tle tliid kind ol unguisl und de}ection tlut tle
lool exeiiences leie und now.
1ANUAl ::
::. Wloevei lollows tle Dlummu
Slould tuke no diink oi encouiuge otleis to
Knowing tlut intoxicution is tle iesult.
Becuuse ol intoxicution,
Tle lool commits evil deeds
And mukes otleis negligent too.
So, uvoid tlis ioot ol wiong,
Tlis lolly loved only by lools.
1ANUAl :;
:;. Witl loui quulities tle wise, intelligent, woi-
tly eison goes ubout not uiooted, not lileless, not
blumewoitly, not censuied by tle wise. Wlut loui?
Witl good conduct ol body, seecl und mind, und witl
giutitude, witl giutelulness.
1ANUAl :
:. Il tle one wlo does no wiong
Follows one wlo is evil,
He limsell will be susected ol evil
And lis ieutution will decline.
Accoiding to tle liiends one mukes,
Accoiding to wlo one lollows,
So does one become.
Like one's ussociutes one becomes.
Followei und lollowing,
Touclei und toucled ulike,
An uiiow smeuied witl oison
Inlects tlose uiiows tlut uie not oisoned,
So tlut ull uie louled.
Tle uiiglt eison not wisling to be soiled
Slould not kee comuny witl tle lool.
Il one stiings u iece ol utiid nsl
On u blude ol kusu giuss,
Tle giuss will smell utiid too;
Tle sume witl one wlo lollows tle lool.
Il one wius liunkincense
In un oidinuiy kind ol leul,
Tle leul will soon smell sweet too;
Tle sume witl one wlo lollows tle wise.
Remembeiing tle exumle ol tle leul
And undeistunding tle iesults,
One slould seek comunionsli witl tle
Nevei witl tle lool.
1ANUAl :s
:s. A believei cun be iecognised by tliee tlings.
Wlut tliee? He desiies to see tlose wlo uie viituous;
le desiies to leui tle good Dlummu; und witl u leuit
liee liom stinginess, le lives ut lome geneious, cleun-
lunded, deliglting in giving, one to usk u luvoui ol,
one wlo deliglts in sluiing tlings witl otleis.
1ANUAl :o
:o. As ieguids tle wuy in wlicl tle Loid lus
woiked loi tle welluie ol tle muny, loi tle luiness
ol tle muny, out ol comussion loi tle woild, loi tle
welluie und luiness ol botl gods und men, we nnd
no teuclei like tlis wletlei we suivey tle ust oi tle
iesent, suve only tle Loid.
Beuutilully tuuglt is tle Loid's Dlummu, im-
mediutely uuient, timeless, ol tle nutuie ol u ei-
sonul invitution, iogiessive, to be uttuined by tle wise,
eucl loi limsell. We nnd none wlo could iocluim
sucl u iogiessive teucling, wletlei we suivey tle
ust oi tle iesent, suve only tle Loid.
Tle Loid lus cleuily exluined wlut is iiglt
und wlut is wiong, wlut is blumewoitly und wlut is
iuisewoitly, wlut is to be lollowed und wlut is to be
uvoided, wlut is low und wlut is ligl, wlut is imuie,
wlut is uie und wlut is mixed. We nnd none wlo
could so cleuily exluin sucl tlings, wletlei we sui-
vey tle ust oi tle iesent, suve only tle Loid.
Tle Loid lus well tuuglt to lis disciles tle
Wuy leuding to Niivunu und tley meige into eucl otlei,
Niivunu und tle Wuy, }ust us tle Gunges und Yumunu
ow into eucl otlei und go on united. We lmd no
teuclei ol tle Wuy leuding to Niivunu, wletlei we
suivey tle ust oi tle iesent, suve only tle Loid.
Tle Loid lus guined muny comunions, botl
leuineis und tlose wlo luve destioyed tle denle-
ments, und tle Loid lives togetlei witl tlem, ull ol
tlem ie}oicing in unity. We nnd no teuclei sucl us tlis,
wletlei we suivey tle ust oi tle iesent, suve only
tle Loid.
Gilts given to tle Loid iesult in gieut good,
lis ieutution is well estublisled so tlut nobles seek
lim out to give lim gilts. But becuuse ol tlis, tle Loid
does not leel ioud. We nnd no teuclei wlo ucts tlus,
wletlei we suivey tle ust oi tle iesent, suve only
tle Loid.
Tle Loid ucts us le seuks, und le seuks
us le ucts. We nnd no teuclei us consistent us tlis,
wletlei we suivey tle ust oi tle iesent, suve only
tle Loid.
Tle Loid lus ciossed ovei doubt, tiunscended
ull lesitution; in ieguid to tle goul ol tle loly lile, le
lus uccomlisled lis uim. We nnd no teuclei wlo lus
done tlis, wletlei we suivey tle ust oi tle iesent,
suve only tle Loid.
1ANUAl :t
:t. Wlen tle sky god ouis down big dios ol
iuin, tlut wutei ows down und nlls tle gullies, clelts
und clusms und tlen nlls tle smull ools, tlen tle
big ools, tlen tle lukes; tle nlling ol tle lukes nlls
tle stieums, tle stieums nll tle iiveis, und tle gieut
iiveis nll tle oceun. In tle sume wuy, loi tle noble
discile wlo lus unwuveiing luitl in tle Buddlu, tle
Dlummu und tle Sunglu und wlo lus viitues deui
to tle Noble Ones, tlese conditions ow onwuid und
ieucl tle luitlei sloie und leud to tle destiuction ol
tle denlements.
1ANUAl :
:. One wlo wunts to udmonisl unotlei slould
nist investigute: Am I oi um I not one wlo iuctises
uttei uiity in body und seecl? Am I oi um I not os-
sessed ol uttei uiity in body und seecl, uwless und
untuinted? Aie tlese quulities munilest in me oi not?`
Il tley uie not, tleie uie undoubtedly eole wlo will
suy: Come now, iuctise coiiect bodily und veibul
conduct youisell.` Tleie uie eole wlo would suy tlis.
Aguin, one wlo wunts to udmonisl unotlei slould nist
investigute: Huve I develoed u mind ol goodwill, liee
liom mulice towuids my lellows in tle loly lile? Is tlis
quulity estublisled in me oi not?` Il le lus not, tleie
uie undoubtedly eole wlo will suy: Come now, de-
velo u mind ol goodwill youisell.` Tleie uie eole
wlo would suy tlis.
1ANUAl :0
:0. Muny guilunds cun be mude
Fiom u leu ol oweis.
Likewise, muny good deeds cun be done
By one boin lumun.
1ANUAl ;o
;o. By tliee tlings tle wise eison muy be
known. Wlut tliee? He sees u sloitcoming us it is.
Wlen le sees it, le tiies to coiiect it. And wlen unotl-
ei ucknowledges u sloitcoming, tle wise one loigives
it us le slould.
1ANUAl ;r
;r. Ceuse to do evil, leuin to do good,
Puiily tle mind
Tlis is tle teucling ol tle Buddlus.
Desising none, luiming none,
Being iestiuined by tle monustic iules,
Modeiution in lood, living in solitude
And devotion to meditution
Tlis is tle teucling ol tle Buddlus.
Tleieloie, tle meditution on love
Slould be done loi onesell und otleis.
All slould be sullused witl love
Tlis is tle teucling ol tle Buddlus.
lllUAl r
;:. Tle loly lile is not lived loi tle udvuntuges
tlut come liom guins, lonouis oi lume; it is not lived
loi tle udvuntuges tlut come liom moiulity; it is not
lived loi tle udvuntuges tlut come liom concen tiu-
tion, noi is it lived loi tle udvuntuges tlut come liom
knowledge und vision. But tlut wlicl is unslukuble
lieedom ol mind tlut is tle uim ol tle loly lile, tlut
is tle goul, tlut is tle culminution.
lllUAl :
;;. One wlo is clevei slould muke no liiends
Amongst tle mulicious, tle ungiy, tle envious
Oi tlose wlo deliglt in tle misloitunes ol otleis.
Tiuly, contuct witl tle bud is evil.
One wlo is clevei slould muke liiends
Witl tlose witl luitl, tle leusunt, tle wise,
And tlose witl gieut leuining.
Tiuly, contuct witl tle good is blessed.
lllUAl ;
;. In giving lood, tle givei gives nve tlings.
Wlut nve? He gives lile, beuuty, luiness, stiengtl
und intelligence. And in giving tlese tlings, one ui-
tukes in tle quulities ol lile, beuuty, luiness, stiengtl
und intelligence botl leie und leieultei.
;s. Foi one wlo is u leuinei und wlo lus not yet
come to musteiy ol mind, but wlo dwells usiiing loi
euce liom bonds, muking it u muttei conceining lim-
sell, I know ol no otlei tling so lellul us giving close
uttention to tle mind.
lllUAl s
;o. By denlement ol mind, beings uie denled; by
uiincution ol mind, beings uie uiined.
lllUAl o
;t. Develo tle meditution tlut is mindlulness
ol in-und-out bieutling. Mindlulness ol in-und-out
bieutling is ol gieut liuit, ol gieut udvuntuge. And
low is mindlulness ol in-und-out bieutling develoed,
low is it mude mucl ol, low is it ol gieut liuit, gieut
udvuntuge? Conceining tlis, one wlo lus gone to tle
loiest, to tle ioot ol u tiee oi to un emty luce, sits
down cioss-legged witl tle buck stiuiglt, estublisling
mindlulness in liont ol lim. Mindlully one bieutles in,
mindlully one bieutles out. Bieutling in u long bieutl
one knows: I um bieutling in u long bieutl;` bieutl-
ing out u long bieutl one knows: I um bieutling out u
long bieutl.` Bieutling in u sloit bieutl one knows: I
um bieutling in u sloit bieutl;` bieutling out u sloit
bieutl one knows: I um bieutling out u sloit bieutl.`
One tiuins onesell, tlinking: Bieutling in I slull ex-
eiience tle wlole body.` One tiuins onesell, tlinking:
Bieutling out I slull exeiience tle wlole body.` One
tiuins onesell, tlinking: Bieutling in I will tiunquil-
lize bodily uctivities.` One tiuins onesell, tlinking:
Bieutling out I will tiunquillize bodily uctivities.`
lllUAl t
;. Il u woid lus nve muiks it is well-soken, not
illsoken, not blumewoitly oi condemned by tle wise.
It is soken ut tle iiglt time, it is soken in tiutl, it is
soken gently, it is soken ubout tle goul und it is so-
ken witl love.
;0. Tlose lumilies wleie motlei und lutlei uie
woislied in tle lome uie suid to be like Biulmu,
like teucleis ol old, tley uie iunked witl tle gods
ol old. Tiuly woitly ol olleiings uie tlose lumilies
wleie motlei und lutlei uie woislied in tle lome.
Biulmu`, teucleis ol old`, gods ol old`, woitly ol
olleiings` uie teims loi motlei und lutlei. And wly?
Becuuse motlei und lutlei do mucl loi clildien
tley biing tlem u, nouiisl tlem und intioduce tlem
to tle woild.
lllUAl 0
o. Tleie uie tlese nve stiunds ol sense leusuie.
Wlut nve? Muteiiul slues cognizuble witl tle eye, leus-
unt, liked, enticing, connected witl sensuul leusuies,
ulluiing. Sounds cognizuble witl tle eui, smells cogni-
zuble witl tle nose, tustes cognizuble witl tle tongue,
und toucles cognizuble witl tle body, ull ol tlem ugiee-
uble, leusunt, liked, enticing, connected witl sensuul
leusuies, ulluiing. Tlese uie tle nve stiunds ol sense
leusuie. Wlutevei luiness oi }oy uiises us u iesult
ol tlese nve stiunds ol sense leusuie, tlut is culled tle
luiness ol sense leusuie it is u common luiness,
u luiness ol tle uveiuge eison, un ignoble luiness.
It slould not be uisued, develoed oi emlusized. It is
u luiness to be leuied, I suy.
lllUAl ro
r. One wlo is intent on develoing liglei
tlouglt slould uttend to nve tlings liom time to time.
Wlut nve?
Il, wlile uttending to sometling, evil unskilllul
tlouglts ussociuted witl gieed, lutied und delusion
slould uiise, tlen one slould uttend insteud to some-
tling tlut is skilllul. Tlen tlese evil unskilllul tlouglts
will subside und tle mind will be steudy, culmed, one-
ointed und concentiuted. It is }ust us il u cuientei oi
lis uientice miglt knock out, diive out, diuw out u
luige eg witl u smull one.
Il, wlile uttending to sometling tlut is skilled,
evil unskilllul tlouglts ussociuted witl gieed, lutied
und delusion still uiise, tlen one slould ondei tle dis-
udvuntuges ol tlose tlouglts, tlinking: Tiuly, tlese
tlouglts uie unskilllul, blumewoitly und conducive
to sulleiing.` Tlen tlose evil unskilllul tlouglts will
subside und tle mind will be steudy, culm, one-ointed
und concentiuted. It is }ust us il u well-diessed young
mun oi womun, on luving tle cuicuse ol u snuke, u dog
oi u lumun being lung uiound lis oi lei neck would
be ieelled, uslumed und disgusted.
Il, lowevei, wlile ondeiing tle disudvun-
tuges ol tlese tlouglts, evil unskilllul tlouglts usso-
ciuted witl gieed, lutied und delusion still uiise, tlen
one slould loiget ubout tlem, uy tlem no uttention.
Tlen tlose evil unskilllul tlouglts will subside und
tle mind will be steudy, culm, one-ointed und con-
centiuted. It is }ust us il u mun witl siglt miglt slut
lis eyes oi tuin uwuy in oidei to uvoid seeing some-
But il, wlile tiying to loiget ubout und uy
no uttention to tlose tlouglts, evil unskilllul tlouglts
ussociuted witl gieed, lutied und delusion still uiise,
tlen one slould ullow tlem to settle. Tlen tlose evil
unskilllul tlouglts will subside und tle mind will be
steudy, culm, oneointed und concentiuted. It is }ust us
il u mun, nnding no ieuson loi iunning, wulks; tlen
nnding no ieuson loi wulking, stunds; tlen nnding no
ieuson loi stunding, sits down; tlen nnding no ieuson
loi sitting, lies down. Tlus le goes liom u stienuous
ostuie to u moie ieluxed one.
But il, wlile ullowing tlose tlouglts to settle,
evil unskilllul tlouglts ussociuted witl gieed, lutied
und delusion still uiise, tlen, witl teetl clencled und
tongue iessed uguinst tle ulute one slould iestiuin,
subdue und suiess tle mind witl tle mind. Tlen
tlose evil unskilllul tlouglts will subside und tle mind
will be steudy, culm, one-ointed und concentiuted. It
is }ust us il u stiong mun slould lold down u weukei
one by seizing lis leud und slouldeis.
One wlo does tlese tlings is culled u mustei
ol tle utlwuys ol tlouglt. Tle tlouglt le wunts to
tlink, le tlinks; tle tlouglt le does not wunt to tlink,
le does not tlink. He lus cut oll ciuving, iemoved tle
letteis, musteied iide und ut un end to sulleiing.
lllUAl rr
:. Wlen one witl u mind ol love
Feels comussion loi ull tle woild,
Above, below und ucioss,
Unlimited eveiywleie,
Filled witl innnite kindness,
Comlete und develoed,
Any limited uctions one muy luve done
Do not iemuin lingeiing in one's mind.
lllUAl r:
;. Huving seen u slue witl tle eye, smelt u
smell witl tle nose, suvouied u tuste witl tle tongue,
lelt u toucl witl tle body oi cognized u tlouglt witl
tle mind, le is not entiunced by its geneiul ueui-
unce oi its detuil. Foi il le lived witl tle sense oiguns
uncontiolled, uttiuction, ieulsion und evil unskilled
stutes ol mind would giow. So, le contiols tle sense
oiguns, und luving tlis noble contiol ol tle sense oi-
guns, le exeiiences witlin limsell tle luiness ol
being uniuled.
lllUAl r;
. Tleie uie tlese nve debusements ol gold,
becuuse ol wlicl gold is not liuble, woikuble oi glis-
tening, but is biittle und not cuuble ol eilect woik-
munsli. Wlut nve? Iion, coei, tin, leud und silvei.
But wlen gold is liee liom tlese nve debusements it is
liuble, woikuble, glistening, not biittle und cuuble ol
eilect woikmunsli. Tlen wlutevei soit ol oinument
one wunts, u signet iing, eui-iing, neckluce oi u gold
cluin, it cun be used loi tlut.
In tle sume wuy, tleie uie tlese nve debuse-
ments ol tle mind becuuse ol wlicl tle mind is not
liuble, woikuble, oi glistening, but is biittle und not
iigltly comosed loi tle destiuction ol tle denlements.
Wlut nve? Sense desiie, ill-will, slotl und luziness,
iestlessness und woiiy, und doubt. But wlen tle mind
is liee liom tlese nve debusements it is liuble, woik-
uble, glistening, not biittle but iigltly comosed loi tle
destiuction ol tle denlements. Tlen one cun diiect tle
mind to tle ieulizution by syclic knowledge ol wlut-
evei cun be ieulized by syclic knowledge und cun see
it diiectly, wlutevei its iunge miglt be.
lllUAl r
s. By elloit you will cioss tle iuging ood,
By eneigy you will uss by soiiow.
lllUAl rs
o. Tlis intent concentiution on in-und-out
bieutling, il cultivuted und develoed, is sometling
eucelul und excellent, sometling eilect in itsell und
u leusunt wuy ol living ulso. Not only tlut, it disels
evil unskilled tlouglts tlut luve uiisen und mukes
tlem vunisl in u moment. It is }ust us wlen, in tle lust
montl ol tle lot seuson, tle dust und diit y u und
u gieut iuin luys it und mukes it settle in u
lllUAl ro
t. Wlen u good mun is ieboin into u lumily, it
is loi tle good, tle welluie und tle luiness ol muny
lis uients, lis wile und clildien, lis seivunts und
woikeis, lis liiends und comunions und ulso loi tle
good, tle welluie und tle luiness ol iecluses und
lllUAl rt
. Tle louseloldei Nukuluitu und lis wile
Nukulumutu cume to see tle Loid, und luving sut down,
Nukuluitu suid: Loid, since my wile wus biouglt
lome to me wlen I wus u meie boy, sle being u meie
giil, I luve not been conscious ol luving tiunsgiessed
uguinst lei even in tlouglt, mucl less in body. Loid,
we desiie to belold eucl otlei, not }ust in tlis lile, but
in tle next lile ulso.`
Nukulumutu tlen suid: Loid, since I wus
biouglt to my lusbund's louse wlen I wus u meie giil,
le being u meie boy, I luve not been conscious ol luv-
ing tiunsgiessed uguinst lim even in tlouglt, mucl
less in body. Loid, we desiie to belold eucl otlei, not
}ust in tlis lile, but in tle next lile ulso.`
At tlis, tle Loid suid: Il botl lusbund und
wile desiie to belold eucl otlei in botl tlis lile und
tle next lile, und botl uie mutcled in luitl, mutcled in
viitue, mutcled in geneiosity und mutcled in wisdom,
tlen tley will belold eucl otlei in botl tlis lile und
tle next lile ulso.`
lllUAl r
0. One iemembeis und tuins ovei in tle mind
tlouglts ubout tlings bused on desiie in tle ust,
iesent und lutuie. As one does so, desiie is geneiuted,
und being desiious one is letteied by tlose tlings. And
u mind lull ol lust is wlut I cull u lettei.
lllUAl r0
so. Tleie uie tlese nve disudvuntuges ol weultl.
Wlut nve? Weultl is in dungei ol nie, ood, kings, iob-
beis und unloved leiis.
Tlen, tleie uie tlese nve udvuntuges ol
weultl. Wlut nve? Witl tle lel ol weultl one cun
muke onesell luy, one's uients luy, one's wile,
clildien, seivunts, und woikeis luy, und one's
liiends und comunions luy. And to iecluses und
Biulmins one cun muke olleiings witl lolty uim, con-
nected witl u luy lutuie, iesulting in luiness,
leuding to leuven.
lllUAl :o
sr. Is it ossible, Loid, to see tle visible iesults
ol geneiosity?`
And tle Loid suid: Yes, it is ossible to see tle visible
iesults ol geneiosity. Tle givei, tle geneious one, is
liked und deui to muny. Tlis is u visible iesult ol gen-
eiosity. Tle good und wise lollow lim. Tlis is u visible
iesult ol geneiosity. A good ieutution conceining lim
sieuds ubout. Tlis ulso is u visible iesult ol geneios-
ity. Aguin, in wlutevei comuny le enteis, be it nobles,
Biulmins, louseloldeis oi iecluses, le enteis witl
conndence und is untioubled. Tlis is u visible iesult ol
giving. And nnully, tle givei, tle geneious one, ultei
deutl is ieboin in leuven. Tlis is u iesult to be seen
lllUAl :r
s:. Come, live witl tle doois ol tle senses guuid-
ed, wutcllully mindlul, cuielully mindlul witl tle
wuys ol tle mind well wutcled, ossessed ol u mind
tlut is uwuke und obseiving.
lllUAl ::
s;. Akkosuku ol tle Bluiudvu}u Biulmin clun
leuid tlut tle leudei ol tle clun lud gone loitl into tle
Sunglu ol tle iecluse Gotumu. Angiy und disleused,
le went to wleie tle Loid wus und ieviled und ubused
tle Loid witl iude, luisl woids. Wlen le lud nnisled,
tle Loid suid: Wlut do you tlink, Biulmin? Do you
ieceive visits liom liiends und ucquuintunces, kitl und
kin und otlei guests?`
Yes, Gotumu, sometimes I do.`
And wlut do you tlink? Do you ieuie loi
tlem luid und solt lood und give tlem iest?`
Yes, Gotumu, sometimes I do.`
And il tley do not uccet tlese tlings liom
you, wlose do tlese tlings become?`
Tley become mine.`
It is tle sume leie, Biulmin. Tlut witl
wlicl you ievile, scold und ubuse me, wlo does not
ievile, scold oi ubuse, tlut I do not uccet liom you. It
is youis, Biulmin. It belongs to you. One wlo ieviles
wlen ieviled, wlo scolds wlen scolded, wlo ubuses
wlen ubused it is us il u lost und u visitoi dined to-
getlei und mude good. We, Biulmin, luve not dined
togetlei noi luve we mude good. It is youis, Biulmin.
It belongs to you.
lllUAl :;
s. Sense desiie is un obstiuction, u lindiunce
wlicl ensliouds tle mind und weukens wisdom. Ill-
will, slotl und toioi, iestlessness und woiiy und
doubt uie ull obstiuctions, lindiunces wlicl enslioud
tle mind und weuken wisdom. Suiely it is ossible
tlut one, ultei ubundoning tlese obstiuctions und
lindiunces wlicl giow in und u ovei tle mind und
weuken wisdom, being stiong in wisdom, slould know
lis own good, tle good ol otleis, tle good ol botl, und
uttuin tlut knowledge und vision bentting tle Noble
Ones und tiunscending lumun stutes.
lllUAl :
ss. Just us u ot witlout suoit is eusily uset
und one witl suoit is dilncult to uset, in tle sume
wuy, tle mind witlout suoit is eusily uset und tle
mind witl suoit is dilncult to uset. And wlut is
tle suoit ol tle mind? It is tle Noble Eigltlold Putl:
Peilect View, Peilect Tlouglt, Peilect Seecl, Peilect
Action, Peilect Livelilood, Peilect Elloit, Peilect Mind-
lulness und Peilect Concentiution.
lllUAl :s
so. A clotl tlut is stuined und diity, wlen died
in gieen, yellow, ied oi ciimson, is not dyed ioeily.
And wly? Becuuse tle clotl is not cleun. In tle sume
wuy, u bud destiny muy be exected wlen tle mind is
stuined. A clotl tlut is quite cleun, quite uie, wlen
died in gieen, yellow, ied oi ciimson, is dyed io-
eily. And wly? Becuuse tle clotl is cleun. In tle sume
wuy, u good destiny muy be exected wlen tle mind is
lllUAl :o
st. One wlo would iigltly use tle woids noble
wuy ol lile, sublime stute, tle Tutlugutu's wuy ol lile`
would do so to desciibe tle intent concentiution on in-
und-out bieutling.
lllUAl :t
s. Do not tlink ligltly ol evil, suying:
It will not come to me.`
A dio ut u time is tle wutei ot nlled.
Likewise, little by little
Tle lool is nlled witl evil.
Do not tlink ligltly ol good, suying:
It will not come to me.`
A dio ut u time is tle wutei ot nlled.
Likewise, little by little
Tle wise one is nlled witl good.
lllUAl :
s0. Ol little imoitunce is tle loss ol sucl tlings
us weultl. But u teiiible tling it is to lose wisdom. Ol
little imoitunce is tle guining ol sucl tlings us weultl.
Gieut is tle imoitunce ol guining wisdom.
VAlCl r
oo. Aiise! Sit u!
Ol wlut use uie youi dieums?
How cun you wlo uie sick
And ieiced witl tle uiiow ol giiel
Continue to slee?
Aiise! Sit u!
Tiuin youisell to win euce.
Let not tle king ol deutl,
Knowing you to be luzy,
Tiick you into lis ieulm.
Cioss ovei tlis uttuclment,
Tied to wlicl botl gods und men uie tiued.
Do not let tlis clunce sli by,
Becuuse loi tlose wlo do,
Tleie is only lell.
Dusty is indolence.
Dust comes in its wuke.
Witl knowledge und vigilunce,
Diuw out tle uiiow ol sulleiing liom youisell.
VAlCl :
or. Just us tlis body is suoited by muteiiul
lood, deends uon it, cunnot be witlout it even
so, tle nve lindiunces uie suoited by tleii own
lood, deend uon it, cunnot be witlout it. And wlut
lood gives iise to sense desiie, oi nouiisles sense de-
siie ulieudy uiisen? It is unsystemutic uttention to tle
ulluiing leutuies ol tlings. And wlut lood gives iise
to ill-will, oi nouiisles ill-will ulieudy uiisen? It is un-
systemutic uttention to tle ieulsive leutuies ol tlings.
And wlut lood gives iise to slotl und luziness, oi noui-
isles slotl und luziness ulieudy uiisen? It is unsystem-
utic uttention to iegiet, diowsiness, lunguoi, leuviness
ultei meuls, luziness ol mind. And wlut lood gives iise
to iestlessness und woiiy, oi nouiisles iestlessness und
woiiy ulieudy uiisen? It is unsystemutic uttention to
iiiitution ol mind. And wlut lood gives iise to doubt,
oi nouiisles doubt ulieudy uiisen? It is unsystemutic
uttention to tlings bused on doubt und unceituinty.
VAlCl ;
o:. Uggu, tle king's cliel ministei, suid to tle
Loid: Loid, it is umuzing und ustonisling low iicl,
weultly und oulent Miguiu Roluneyyu is!`
Wlut tlen, Uggu, is tle umount ol lis tieusuie?`
He lus u million in gold; und ol silvei, wlo
cun suy?`
But is tlut u ieul tieusuie? Not tlut I suy tlut
it is not, but tlut is u tieusuie tlut is sub}ect to nie,
wutei, kings, iobbeis, enemies und unwunted leiis.
But tleie uie seven tieusuies tlut uie not sub}ect to
sucl tlings. Wlut seven? Tle tieusuies ol luitl, viitue,
conscientiousness, leui ol blume, leuining, geneiosity
und wisdom. Tlese seven uie not sub}ect to nie, wutei,
kings, iobbeis, enemies und unwunted leiis.
o;. Giving u lying, one becomes u seukei ol
tle tiutl, ieliuble, tiustwoitly, deenduble, not u de-
ceivei ol tle woild. Giving u slundei, one does not
ieeut tleie wlut is leuid leie, oi ieeut leie wlut
is leuid tleie, loi tle uiose ol cuusing divisions be-
tween eole. Tlus, one is u ieconcilei ol tlose wlo
uie divided und u combinei ol tlose ulieudy united,
ie}oicing in concoid, deliglting in concoid, iomoting
concoid; concoid is tle motive ol lis seecl. Giving
u luisl seecl, one seuks wlut is blumeless, leus-
unt to tle eui, ugieeuble, going to tle leuit, uibune,
leusing und liked by ull. Giving u useless cluttei, one
seuks ut tle iiglt time, ubout tle lucts, to tle oint,
ubout Dlummu und disciline, woids woitly ol being
tieusuied u, seusonuble, ieusoned, cleuily denned und
connected to tle goul.
VAlCl s
o. One wlo could but does not
Suoit lis motlei und lutlei
In tleii old uge
Tlis is u cuuse ol one's downlull.
VAlCl o
os. Once, tle Loid dwelt umong tle Sukyus in
tle Puik ol tle Bunyun Tiee ut Kuiluvuttlu, und wlile
tleie, Mulunumu tle Sukyun cume to lim und usked:
How, Loid, does one become u luy discile?`
Wlen one lus tuken ieluge in tle Buddlu, tle
Dlummu und tle Sunglu, tlen one is u luy discile.`
How, Loid, is u luy discile viituous?`
Wlen u luy discile ubstuins liom killing,
steuling, sexuul misconduct, lying und diinking intoxi-
cunts, tlen le is viituous.` How, Loid, does one lel
onesell but not otleis?`
Wlen one lus uclieved luitl, viitue und ie-
nunciution, wlen one longs to see tle monks, to leui
tle good Dlummu, to be mindlul ol tle Dlummu once
leuid, wlen one ieects on it, knows it in botl tle
lettei und tle siiit und wulks in conloimity witl it,
but one does not stiive to estublisl sucl tlings in otl-
eis, tlen one lels onesell but not otleis.`
Tlen low, Loid, does one lel onesell und
otleis ulso?`
Wlen one lus onesell uclieved luitl, viitue,
und ienunciution und stiives to estublisl sucl tlings
in otleis, wlen one longs to see tle monks, to leuin
tle good Dlummu, to be mindlul ol tle Dlummu once
leuid, wlen one ieects uon its meuning, knows it in
botl tle lettei und siiit und wulks in conloimity witl
it und stiives to estublisl sucl tlings in otleis, tlen
one lels botl onesell und otleis ulso.`
VAlCl t
oo. Suose u bowl ol wutei wus mixed witl luc,
tuimeiic oi blue oi yellow dye, und suose u mun
witl vision weie to look ut lis ieection in tlut wutei.
He would neitlei know noi see it us it ieully is. In tle
sume wuy, wlen one lives witl tle mind ossessed
witl und oveiwlelmed by sensuul desiie und knows
no ieluge liom it, ut sucl times one neitlei knows noi
sees lis own welluie oi tle welluie ol otleis. Clunts
leuined by leuit long ugo uie loigotten, to suy notling
ol tlose leuined iecently.
Suose u bowl ol wutei is leuted on u nie,
boiling und bubbling ovei, und suose u mun witl
vision weie to look ut lis ieection in tlut wutei. He
would neitlei know noi see it us it ieully is. In tle sume
wuy, wlen one lives witl tle mind ossessed witl und
oveiwlelmed by ill will und knows no ieluge liom it,
ut sucl times one neitlei knows noi sees lis own wel-
luie oi tle welluie ol otleis. Clunts leuined by leuit
long ugo uie loigotten, to suy notling ol tlose leuined
Now, suose u bowl ol wutei wus oveigiown
witl mossy wutei lunts, und suose u mun witl vision
weie to look ut lis ieection in tlut wutei. He would
neitlei know noi see it us it ieully is. In tle sume wuy,
wlen one lives witl tle mind ossessed witl und ovei-
wlelmed by slotl und luziness und knows no ieluge
liom it, ut sucl times one neitlei knows noi sees lis
own welluie oi tle welluie ol otleis. Clunts leuined
by leuit long ugo uie loigotten, to suy notling ol tlose
leuined iecently.
Aguin, suose u bowl ol wutei wus wlied
u by tle wind, stiiied u, wliiled uiound und iiling
witl wuves, und suose u mun witl vision weie to look
ut lis ieection in tlut wutei. He would neitlei know
noi see it us it ieully is. In tle sume wuy, wlen tle mind
is ossessed witl und oveiwlelmed by iestlessness und
woiiy und one knows no ieluge liom it, ut sucl times
one neitlei knows noi sees lis own welluie oi tle
welluie ol otleis. Clunts leuined by leuit long ugo uie
loigotten, to suy notling ol tlose leuined iecently.
Once uguin, suose u bowl ol wutei wus
stiiied u, tuibid, muddy und set in tle duik, und su-
ose u mun witl vision weie to look ut lis ieection in
tlut wutei. He would neitlei know noi see it us it ieully
is. In tle sume wuy, wlen tle mind is ossessed witl
und oveiwlelmed by doubt und one knows no ieluge
liom it, ut sucl times one neitlei knows noi sees lis
own welluie oi tle welluie ol otleis. Clunts leuined
by leuit long ugo uie loigotten, to suy notling ol tlose
leuined iecently.
ot. Wlutevei one tlinks ubout und ondeis ovei
olten, one's mind gets u leuning in tlut wuy.
VAlCl 0
o. Wleievei tlese nve uie lound, wletlei in u
king oi u luimei, u geneiul, u villuge leudmun, u guild
mustei oi tle leudeis ol tle clun, giowtl muy be ex-
ected und not decline. Wlut nve?
Tuke tle cuse ol u clunsmun wlo witl weultl
ucquiied by woik und elloit, gutleied by stiengtl
ol uim und sweut ol biow, }ustly obtuined by luwlul
meuns lonouis, ieveies, veneiutes und iesects lis
uients. Tley in tuin ieguid lim londly witl tlouglts
ol love, und suy: Long lile to you und muy you be io-
tected.` Tlus loi one wlo ieguids lis uients londly,
giowtl muy be exected und not decline. Tle sume is
ulso tiue loi lis wile und clildien, seivunts und woik-
lolk; tle sume obtuins loi tlose wlo woik lis nelds,
und lis tenunts, und ulso loi tle gods; tle sume u-
lies to iecluses und Biulmins. Wlen le ieguids tlem
londly, tley will suy: Long lile to you und muy you be
VAlCl ro
o0. And low is cleuning ol tle body tlieelold?
Conceining tlis, one ubundons killing, luys uside tle
iod und tle knile; one lives gently, kindly und leeling
comussion towuids eveiy living being. One ubundons
steuling tle ioeity ol unotlei, wletlei in tle }ungle
oi tle villuge; tlings not given, one does not steul. One
ubundons sexuul misconduct. One lus no inteicouise
witl giils undei tle guuidiunsli ol motlei, lutlei,
biotlei, sistei oi ielutives, witl giils luwlully iotected,
ulieudy ledged to u lusbund, tlose undeigoing un-
islment oi tlose diessed witl oweis und ledged to
be muiiied.
VAlCl rr
to. Wloevei, wletlei ut moining, noon oi niglt,
iuctises iiglteousness ol body, seecl und mind tley
luve u luy moining, u luy noon und u luy niglt.
VAlCl r:
tr. Tle Loid usked: Wlicl is gieutei? Tle little
sund on my nngeinuil, oi tle gieut euitl?`
Loid, gieutei by lui is tle gieut euitl. Tiny is tle
sund on youi nngeinuil. Tle two cunnot be comuied.`
So too, beings wlo uie ieboin us lumuns uie
lew in numbei. Fui gieutei uie tlose wlo uie ieboin in
non-lumun ieulms. Tleieloie, you slould tiuin youi-
sell, tlinking: We will live euinestly.`
VAlCl r;
t:. Just us tle duwn is tle loieiunnei, tle vun-
guuid ol tle iising sun, so too, ossession ol viitue is
tle loieiunnei, tle vunguuid ol tle iising ol tle Noble
Eigltlold Putl.
VAlCl r
t;. Tlese tliee tyes ol tlouglt cuuse blind-
ness, loss ol siglt und ignoiunce, tley ut un end
to wisdom, uie ussociuted witl tiouble, und do not
conduce to Niivunu. Wlut tliee? Tlouglts ol gieed,
lutied und luiming. Tlese tliee tyes ol tlouglt
give vision, seeing und knowledge, tley incieuse
wisdom, uie ussociuted witl luimony, und conduce
to Niivunu. Wlut tliee? Tlouglts ol giving u, love
und leling.
VAlCl rs
t. Tlen tle Loid suid to Mulu Moggullunu: Aie
you diowsy, Moggullunu? Aie you diowsy?`
Yes, Loid.`
Well, tlen, wlenevei tle tlouglt ol luziness
belulls you, uy no uttention to tlut tlouglt, do not
dwell on it. Doing tlis, it is ossible tlut it will uss.
But il, by so doing, tlut luziness does not uss,
tlen you slould tlink und ieect in youi mind ubout
tle Dlummu ieview it in youi mind us you luve
leuid it und leuined it. Doing tlis, it is ossible tlut
tle luziness will uss.
But il, by so doing, tle luziness does not uss,
tlen you slould iecite tle Dlummu in detuil us you
luve leuid it und leuined it. Doing tlis, it is ossible
tlut tle luziness will uss.
But il, by so doing, tlut luziness does not uss,
tlen you slould ull youi euis und iub youi limbs witl
tle ulms ol youi lunds. Doing tlis, it is ossible tlut
tle luziness will uss.
But il, by so doing, tle luziness does not uss,
tlen get u liom youi seut, und luving slusled wutei
on youi luce, look in ull diiections und guze uwuid
into tle stuiiy sky. Doing tlis, it is ossible tlut tle
luziness will uss.
But il, by so doing, it does not uss, tlen you
slould nimly estublisl tle innei eicetion ol liglt
us by duy, so by niglt; us by niglt, so by duy. Tlus
witl u mind tlut is cleui und unobstiucted, you slould
develo u iudiunt consciousness. Doing tlis, it is os-
sible tlut tle luziness will uss.
But il, by so doing, it still does not uss, tlen
uwuie ol wlut is in liont ol you und belind you, wulk
u und down witl youi senses tuined inwuids und
youi mind not stiuying witlout. Doing tlis, it is os-
sible tlut tle luziness will uss.
But il, by so doing, it still does not uss, tlen
lie down on youi iiglt side in tle lion ostuie witl one
loot on tle otlei, mindlul und cleuily conscious, witl
tle tlouglt ol iising lutei. Altei wuking, you slould
get stiuiglt u, tlinking: 'I will not indulge in tle en-
}oyment ol lying down, ieclining und sleeing.' Tiuin
youisell like tlis.`
VAlCl ro
ts. Il you tuke ieluge in tle Buddlu, tle
Dlummu und tle Sunglu, no leui oi tiembling will
evei uiise.
VAlCl rt
to. Tlese loui stutes conduce to tle giowtl ol
wisdom; tlese loui stutes uie ol gieut lel to one wlo
lus become lumun. Wlut loui? Associution witl u
good eison, leuiing tle good Dlummu, wise utten-
tion, und beluving in uccoidunce witl Dlummu.
VAlCl r
tt. Tle wundeiei Nundiyu usked tle Loid: Wlut
conditions uie tleie, tlut wlen develoed und iuc-
tised, leud to Niivunu, luve Niivunu us tleii goul, cul-
minute in Niivunu?`
Tleie uie, Nundiyu, eiglt tlings wlicl, wlen
develoed und iuctised, leud to Niivunu, luve Nii-
vunu us tleii goul, culminute in Niivunu. Wlut eiglt?
Peilect View, Peilect Tlouglt, Peilect Seecl, Peilect
Action, Peilect Livelilood, Peilect Elloit, Peilect Mind-
lulness und Peilect Concentiution.`
VAlCl r0
t. Tleie uie tlese nve iiglt times loi stiiving.
Wlut nve? Conceining tlis, one is young, youtllul,
bluck-luiied, blessed witl tle beuuty ol youtl und in
tle iime ol lile. Tlis is tle nist iiglt time loi stiiv-
ing. Tlen, one lus leultl und well-being, witl u good
digestion tlut is not ovei-lot oi ovei-cool. Tlis is tle
second iiglt time. Il tleie is no lumine und tle cios
uie good, witl lood eusy to get und one cun eusily live
on gleunings und luvouis, tlis is tle tliid good time.
Wlen men live in liiendly lellowsli, luimonious us
milk und wutei blended, witlout quuiiels und looking
uon eucl otlei witl tle eye ol ullection, tlis is tle
louitl good time. Aguin, wlen tle Sunglu dwells in
liiendly lellowsli, content witl one teucling, tlen
tleie is no ieviling one unotlei, no uccusution, quui-
ielling, contention, but tley witl little luitl nnd luitl,
und tle luitl ol tlose ulieudy luitllul giows. Tlis is
tle nltl time loi stiiving.
VAlCl :o
t0. Look not to luults ol otleis,
Noi to tleii omissions und commissions.
But iutlei look to youi own ucts,
To wlut you luve done und lelt undone.
Wlen one looks down on unotlei's luults,
And is ulwuys lull ol envy,
One's denlements continuully giow;
Fui is one liom tleii destiuction.
Il only you would do wlut you teucl otleis,
Tlen, being youisell contiolled,
You could contiol otleis well.
Tiuly, sell-contiol is dilncult.
You youisell must wutcl youisell.
You youisell must exumine youisell,
And so, sell-guuided und mindlul,
O monk, you will live in luiness.
VAlCl :r
o. Tlut wlicl is culled tlouglt, mind oi con-
sciousness uiises und disueuis continuously botl duy
und niglt. Just us u monkey swinging tliougl tle tiees
giubs one biuncl, letting it go only to giub unotlei, so
too tlut wlicl is culled tlouglt, mind oi consciousness
uiises und disueuis continuously botl duy und niglt.
VAlCl ::
r. Jumbukluduku tle wundeiei cume to Ven-
eiuble Suiiuttu und suid to lim: Tley tulk ubout
Niivunu! Niivunu! But wlut, Suiiuttu, is Niivunu?`
Tle destiuction ol gieed, lutied und delu-
sion is Niivunu.`
Is tleie uny utl, uny uioucl tlut leuds to
Tleie is sucl u utl, sucl un uioucl.`
And wlut is it?`
It is, liiend, tle Noble Eigltlold Putl Peilect
View, Peilect Tlouglt, Peilect Seecl, Peilect Action,
Peilect Livelilood, Peilect Elloit, Peilect Mindlulness
und Peilect Concentiution.`
An uusicious utl, un uusicious uioucl
to tle ieulizution ol Niivunu it is too, u ioei occusion
loi euinestness.`
VAlCl :;
:. Heie in tle woild
One slould tiuin cuielully in viitue,
Foi viitue wlen cultivuted
Biings success neui ut lund.
Tle cuielul one slould guuid viitue,
Desiiing tle tliee tyes ol luiness
Tle iuise ol otleis, weultl,
And leuven ultei deutl.
Tle viituous one mukes muny liiends
Becuuse ol sell-iestiuint,
But tle immoiul one, iuctising evil,
Is estiunged liom lis liiends.
Tle immoiul one guins only ill-ieute
And bud ieutution,
Tle viituous guins ieutution,
Fume und iuise.
Viitue is tle loundution, tle loieiunnei,
Tle oiigin ol ull tlut is good und beuutilul,
And tleieloie one slould uiily one's viitue.
Viitue is tle contiol, tle iestiuint
And tle deliglting ol tle mind,
And tlus tle luce wleie ull Buddlus cioss
Tleieloie, one slould uiily one's viitue.
Viitue is u miglty owei,
Viitue is u slui weuon,
Viitue is tle suieme udoinment,
Viitue is u wondeilul uimoui.
Viitue is u stuidy biidge,
Viitue is un unsuiussed eilume,
Viitue is tle best ointment,
Sending liugiunce in ull diiections.
Viitue is tle loiemost iovision,
Viitue is lood loi tle }ouiney,
Viitue is tle best velicle
Foi going in uny diiection.
VAlCl :
;. Tlese tliee eole uie veiy lellul to otleis.
Wlut tliee? One tliougl wlom one goes loi ieluge to
tle Buddlu, tle Dlummu und tle Sunglu; one tliougl
wlom one undeistunds tle Foui Noble Tiutls; und one
tliougl wlom one comes to destioy tle denlements
und comes to know in tlis veiy lile tle mind's com-
lete lieedom. Tlese uie tle tliee eisons. Tleie uie
none moie lellul tlun tlese tliee.
VAlCl :s
. Veneiuble Vukkuli wus stuying ut tle Pot-
teis' Sled und wus sulleiing liom u diseuse, sick und
ulicted. Tlen le culled lis uttendunt und suid: Fiiend,
go to tle Loid; in my nume woisli lis leet, tell lim I
um sulleiing liom u diseuse und suggest tlut it would
be good il le, out ol comussion, weie to come und
visit me.`
So tle uttendunt went to tle Loid und did
wlut le wus usked. In silence tle Loid consented, und
diessing limsell und tuking lis iobe und bowl, set out.
Now Vukkuli suw tle Loid coming liom u distunce und
stiuggled to iise liom lis bed. But tle Loid suw lim
und suid: Enougl, Vukkuli. Remuin in youi bed. Tleie
uie seuts mude ieudy. I will sit tleie.` Huving seuted
limsell, tle Loid uddiessed Vukkuli und suid: I loe
you uie beuiing u. I loe you uie enduiing. Aie tle
uins decieusing oi ubuting? Do tley seem to be de-
cieusing oi ubuting?`
No, Loid. I um not beuiing u oi enduiing,
tle uins do not decieuse, neitlei do tley giow.`
Tlen luve you uny doubt oi iemoise?`
Indeed, Loid, I luve no doubt oi iemoise.`
Huve you unytling conceining viitue to ie-
ioucl youisell ubout?`
No, Loid, I luve notling to ieioucl mysell
Tlen you must luve some woiiy, sometling
to iegiet?`
Conceining tlut, loi u long time I luve been
wunting to see tle Loid but I luve not lud tle stiengtl
ol body to do so.`
Husl, Vukkuli. Wly do you wunt to see tlis
diity body ol mine? He wlo sees tle Dlummu sees me
und le wlo sees me sees tle Dlummu. Tiuly, seeing
tle Dlummu, one sees me und seeing me, one sees tle
VAlCl :o
s. I know not ol uny otlei single tling so un-
woikuble us tle undeveloed mind. Indeed, tle unde-
veloed mind is un unwoikuble tling. I know not ol uny
otlei single tling so woikuble us tle develoed mind.
Indeed, tle develoed mind is u woikuble tling.
VAlCl :t
o. Wlutevei lus lud to be done by u teuclei out
ol comussion, loi tle welluie ol lis disciles, I luve
done loi you. Heie uie tle ioots ol tle tiees, leie uie
tle emty luces. Meditute, do not be slotllul, do not
be iemoiselul lutei. Tlese uie my instiuctions to you.
VAlCl :
t. Cultivute u liiend wlose wuys uie seven.
Wlut seven? He gives wlut is luid to give, does wlut is
luid to do, beuis wlut is luid to beui, le conlesses lis
own seciets und kees youi seciets, in times ol tiouble
le does not loisuke you, und le does not loisuke you
wlen you uie down.
VAlCl :0
. And low do disciles conduct tlemselves to-
wuids u teuclei witl love, not lostility? Conceining
tlis, tle comussionute teuclei teucles tle Dlummu
to disciles, seeking tleii welluie, out ol comussion,
suying: Tlis is loi youi welluie und luiness.` His
disciles listen to lim, lend un eui, ieuie tleii minds
loi iolound knowledge, tley do not tuin uside oi move
uwuy liom tle teuclei's instiuctions. Tlus do disciles
conduct tlemselves towuids u teuclei witl love, not
lostility. Tleieloie, conduct youiselves towuids me
witl love, not lostility, und it will be loi youi welluie
und luiness loi u long time. I slull not tieut you us
does tle ottei dum cluy. Reeutedly udmonisling I
slull seuk, ieeutedly testing. One wlo is sound will
stund tle test.
VAlCl ;o
0. Tleie uie tliee tyes ol eole in tle woild.
Wlut tliee? One wlo is like cuiving on u iock, one
wlo is like sciutcling on tle giound, und one wlo is
like wiiting on tle wutei. Wlut soit ol eison is like
cuiving on u iock? Imugine u ceituin eison wlo is
ulwuys getting ungiy und lis ungei lusts long, }ust us
cuiving on u iock is not soon woin oll by wind, wutei
oi luse ol time. Wlut soit ol eison is like sciutcling
on tle giound? Imugine u ceituin eison wlo is ulwuys
getting ungiy but lis ungei does not lust long, }ust us
sciutcling on tle giound is soon woin oll by wind,
wutei und luse ol time. And wlut soit ol eison is like
wiiting on tle wutei? Imugine u ceituin eison wlo,
even tlougl soken to luislly, sluily, iouglly, is eus-
ily ieconciled und becomes ugieeuble und liiendly, }ust
us wiiting on tle wutei soon disueuis.
VAlCl ;r
0o. Wlutevei lumilies enduie long, ull ol tlem
do so becuuse ol loui ieusons, oi becuuse ol seveiul
ol tlem. Wlut loui? Tley iecovei wlut is lost, ieuii
wlut is decuyed, eut und diink in modeiution, und tley
ut in uutloiity u mun oi womun ol viitue.
Allll r
0r. Tle mind is luminous, but it is stuined by
denlements tlut come liom witlout. Oidinuiy lolk do
not ieulize tlis, so tley do not cultivute tle mind. Tle
mind is luminous, but it cun be cleunsed ol denlements
tlut come liom witlout. Tlis tle noble disciles un-
deistund, so tley do cultivute tle mind.
Allll :
0:. Wlo is one's own best liiend, und wlo is one's
own woist enemy? Tlose wlose tlouglts, seecl und
uctions uie evil, tley uie tleii own woist enemy. Even
il tley weie to suy: We cuie ubout ouiselves,` nevei-
tleless tley would be tleii own woist enemy. And
wly? Becuuse tlut wlicl one would do 'to un enemy,
tley do to tlemselves. Tlose wlose tlouglts, seecl
und uctions uie good, tley uie tleii own best liiends.
Even il tley weie to suy: We don't cuie ubout oui-
selves,` neveitleless tley would be tleii own best
liiend. And wly? Becuuse tlut wlicl one would do to
u liiend, tley do to tlemselves.
Allll ;
0;. Gieed, lutied und delusion uie unskilllul.
Wlutevei tle gieedy, luting oi deluded eison does
witl body, seecl oi mind tlut is unskilllul, ulso.
Wlutevei one oveiwlelmed by gieed, lutied oi delu-
sion, witl mind uncontiolled, does to unotlei, un}ustly
cuusing lim sulleiing tliougl unislment, imiison-
ment, nne, ubuse, bunislment, oi on tle giounds tlut
miglt is iiglt` ull tlut is unskilllul, too.
0. Foui tlings leud to woildly iogiess: uclieve-
ment in uleitness, in cuution, in good liiendsli und
uclievement in bulunced livelilood. And wlut is
uclievement in uleitness? Conceining tlis, in wlutevei
wuy one euins u living, wletlei by luiming, tiuding,
cuttle ieuiing, uicleiy, seivice to tle king oi by some
ciult, in tlut one becomes delt und tiieless, gilted witl
un inquiiing tuin ol mind into wuys und meuns, und
uble to uiiunge und cuiiy out tle }ob.
And wlut is uclievement in cuution? Con-
ceining tlis, wlutevei one euins by woik und elloit,
collected by stiengtl ol uim und sweut ol biow in u }ust
und luwlul munnei, one lusbunds, wutcles und guuids
so tlut kings do not seize it, tlieves do not steul it, nie
oi wutei do not destioy it, und unwunted leiis do not
iemove it.
And wlut is good liiendsli? Conceining
tlis, in wlutevei villuge oi town one lives, one ussoci-
utes witl, conveises witl, discusses tlings witl eole
eitlei young oi old, wlo uie cultuied, lull ol luitl, lull
ol viitue, lull ol cluiity und lull ol wisdom. One ucts
in uccoidunce witl tle luitl ol tle luitllul, tle viitue
ol tle viituous, tle cluiity ol tle cluiituble und tle
wisdom ol tle wise.
And wlut is bulunced livelilood? Conceining
tlis, one knows botl lis income und exendituie und
lives neitlei extiuvuguntly noi miseily, knowing tlut
income ultei exendituie will stund ut so mucl und
tlut exenses will not exceed income. Just us u gold-
smitl oi lis uientice knows, on lolding tle scules,
tlut so mucl lus died down und so mucl lus tilted
u, one knows income und exendituie. Il one witl
smull income weie to leud un extiuvugunt lile tleie
would be tlose wlo would suy: He en}oys lis weultl
like u wood-ule eutei.` Likewise, il one witl u good
income weie to be miseily, tleie would be tlose wlo
would suy: He will die like u beggui.` Tleie uie loui
clunnels tliougl wlicl tle weultl one lus collected
is lost: debuucleiy, diunkenness, gumbling und liiend-
sli witl evildoeis. Imugine tleie weie u gieut tunk ol
wutei witl loui inlets und outlets, und u mun weie to
close tle inlets but kee tle outlets oen. Il tleie weie
no iuin we could exect tle wutei to decieuse. In tle
sume wuy, tlese uie tle loui clunnels tliougl wlicl
weultl is lost. Tleie uie tlese loui clunnels tliougl
wlicl tle weultl one lus collected is ieseived:
uvoidunce ol debuucleiy, diunkenness, gumbling und
liiendsli witl evildoeis. Imugine tleie weie u gieut
tunk ol wutei witl loui inlets und outlets, und u mun
weie to kee tle inlets oen und close tle outlets. Il le
did tlis und tleie weie good iuinlull, we could exect
tle wutei to incieuse. In tle sume wuy, tleie uie tlese
loui clunnels tliougl wlicl weultl is ieseived.
Allll s
0s. Tleie uie tlese tliee unskilllul tyes ol
tlouglt. Wlut tliee? Tlouglts ol sell-esteem, tlouglts
ol guins, lonouis und lume und tlouglts ol woiiying
ubout otleis.
Allll o
0o. Tlese nve tiudes ouglt not to be iuctised
by u luymun. Wlut nve? Tiude in weuons, tiude in
lumun beings, tiude in esl, tiude in ulcolol und tiude
in oisons.
Allll t
0t. Possessed ol loui quulities, one is undeistood
us being u good eison. Wlut loui?
Conceining tlis, tle good eison does not
seuk ol wlut is to tle disciedit ol unotlei, even wlen
usked. Wlut tlen wlen unusked? Il, lowevei, on being
questioned, le is iequiied to seuk, tlen witl ieseive
le disiuises tle otlei eison, witl lesitution und in
biiel. Tlis is tle meuning ol tle suying: Tlis eison
is good.`
Aguin, tle good eison, even wlen unusked,
seuks ol wlut is to tle ciedit ol unotlei. Wlut tlen
wlen usked? Il, lowevei, on being questioned, le is
iequiied to seuk, tlen witlout ieseive le iuises tle
otlei eison witlout lesitution und in lull. Tlis is tle
meuning ol tle suying: Tlis eison is good.`
Once uguin, tle good eison, even wlen un-
usked, seuks ol wlut is to lis own disciedit. Wlut
tlen wlen usked? Il, lowevei, on being questioned, le
is iequiied to seuk, tlen witlout ieseive le seuks ol
wlut is to lis own disciedit witlout lesitution und in
lull. Tlis is tle meuning ol tle suying: Tlis eison is
Finully, tle good eison does not seuk ol
wlut is to lis own ciedit, even wlen usked. Wlut tlen
wlen unusked? Il, lowevei, on being questioned, le is
iequiied to seuk, tlen witl ieseive le seuks ol wlut
is to lis own ciedit, witl lesitution und in biiel. Tlis is
tle meuning ol tle suying: Tlis eison is good.`
0. Even il one slould seize tle lem ol my iobe
und wulk ste by ste belind me, il le is covetous in
lis desiies, neice in lis longings, mulevolent ol leuit,
witl coiiut mind, cuieless und uniestiuined, noisy
und distiucted und witl senses uncontiolled, le is lui
liom me. And wly? He does not see tle Dlummu, und
not seeing tle Dlummu, le does not see me. Even il
one lives u lundied miles uwuy, il le is not covetous
in lis desiies, not neice in lis longings, witl u kind
leuit und uie mind, mindlul, comosed, culmed, one-
ointed und witl senses iestiuined, tlen indeed, le is
neui to me und I um neui to lim. And wly? He sees tle
Dlummu, und seeing tle Dlummu, sees me.
Tlougl lysicully close belind,
Il one is ucquisitive und iestless,
How lui is tlut tuibulent one liom one ut euce,
Tlut buining one liom one cooled,
Tlut lunkeiing one liom one content!
But tloiouglly undeistunding Dlummu,
And lieed liom longing tliougl insiglt,
Tle wise one, iid ol ull desiie,
Is culm us u ool unstiiied by tle wind.
How close is tlut eucelul one to one ut euce,
Tlut cool one to one cooled,
Tlut content one to one content!
Allll 0
00. Wlutevei u Tutlugutu utteis, seuks und io-
cluims between tle duy ol lis enligltenment und tle
duy le dies, ull tlut is luctuul, not otleiwise, und tlut
is wly le is culled Tutlugutu`.
Allll ro
roo. Wlutevei luim un enemy cun do to un enemy,
Oi u lutei to u lutei,
An ill-diiected mind
Cuuses onesell even gieutei luim.
No motlei oi lutlei
Oi uny otlei kin
Cun do gieutei good loi onesell
Tlun u well-diiected mind.
Allll rr
ror. One's utience slould be stiengtlened by
tlinking: Tlose wlo luve no utience uie ulicted in
tlis woild und do uctions tlut leud to uliction in tle
next lile.` One slould tlink: Altlougl tlis sulleiing
uiises becuuse ol tle wiong deeds ol otleis, my body
is tle neld loi tlut sulleiing, und tle uctions wlicl
biouglt it into being uie mine.` One slould tlink:
Tlis sulleiing will liee me liom tle debt ol kummu.`
One slould tlink: Il tleie weie no wiongdoeis, low
could I biing utience to eilection?` One slould
tlink: Altlougl le is u wiongdoei now, in tle ust
le muy luve been my beneluctoi.` One slould tlink:
A wiongdoei is ut tle sume time u beneluctoi becuuse
tliougl lim utience cun be iuctised.` One slould
tlink: All beings uie like my own clildien und wlo
would get ungiy ovei tle misdeeds ol one's own clil-
dien?` One slould tlink: He does me wiong becuuse
ol some luult in mysell, I slould stiive to iemove tlis.`
Allll r:
ro:. Tleie uie tlese seven conditions wlicl ovei-
tuke un ungiy mun oi womun wlicl uie giutilying und
lellul to u iivul. Wlut seven?
Tuke tle cuse ol one wlo wisles ol u iivul:
I wisl le weie ugly.` And wly? One does not like u
beuutilul iivul. Tlis eison, oveiwlelmed und sub-
veited by ungei even tlougl le is butled, unointed,
witl tiimmed luii und beuid und clud in cleun clotles
loi ull tlut, le is ugly becuuse ol lis ungei.
Tlen, tuke tle cuse ol one wlo wisles tlis ol
u iivul: I loe le slees budly.` And wly? One does
not like u iivul to slee well. Tlis eison, being ovei-
wlelmed und subveited by ungei, desite lying on u
bed sieud witl eecy covei, sieud witl wlite blun-
kets und woollen covei embioideied witl oweis, cov-
eied by un unteloe skin, witl uwning ubove und ied
cuslions ut eucl end le slees budly becuuse ol lis
Aguin, tuke tle cuse ol one wlo wisles tlis ol
u iivul: I loe le becomes ooi.` And wly? One does
not like u iicl iivul. Tlis eison, being oveiwlelmed
und subveited by ungei, owning wlutevei ossessions,
euined by vigoui, gutleied u by stiengtl ol uim und
sweut ol biow iiglteously und luwlully tle king will
oidei tlem ull sent to tle ioyul tieusuiy becuuse le is
oveiwlelmed by ungei.
Once uguin, tuke tle cuse ol one wlo wisles
tlis ol u iivul: I wisl le wus witlout lume.` And
wly? One does not like u lumous iivul. Foi tlis soit
ol eison, being oveiwlelmed und subveited by ungei,
wlutevei lume le lus euined lulls uwuy becuuse le is
oveiwlelmed by ungei.
Aguin, tuke tle cuse ol one wlo wisles tlis
ol u iivul: I loe le lus no liiends.` And wly? One
does not like u iivul witl liiends. As loi tlis eison,
being oveiwlelmed und subveited by ungei, wlutevei
liiends, intimutes, ielutives und kin le lus will ull
uvoid lim und kee uwuy liom lim becuuse le is ovei-
wlelmed by ungei.
And nnully, tuke tle cuse ol one wlo wisles
tlis ol u iivul: I loe le goes to lell.` And wly? One
does not like u iivul to go to leuven. Tlis eison, ovei-
wlelmed und subveited by ungei, misconducts limsell
in body, seecl, und mind und tlus goes to lell lim-
Tlese uie tle seven conditions wlicl ovei-
tuke tle ungiy mun oi womun wlicl uie giutilying
und lellul to u iivul.
Allll r;
ro;. It is like u leei witl lis limbs ull iuvuged
und lesteiing, being euten by veimin, wlo teuis lis
oen soies witl lis nuils und scoicles lis body ovei u
cluicoul it. Tle moie le does it tle moie tlose oen
soies become setic, evil-smelling und utielying, und
tle sciutcling biings only little ieliel. In u similui wuy
do beings wlo uie not yet lieed liom uttuclment to
sense leusuies, wlile being consumed by tle ciuv-
ing loi, und buining witl tle levei ol sense leusuies,
continue to cluse ultei sense leusuies. And tle moie
tley cluse ultei tlem, tle moie tley ciuve und buin
loi tlem, und tlis biings only little ieliel.
Allll r
ro. Tleie uie tlese six dungeis ussociuted witl idle-
ness. Tlinking: It's too cold,` one does not woik. Tlink-
ing: It's too lot,` one does not woik. Tlinking: It's too
euily,` one does not woik. Tlinking: It's too lute,` one
does not woik. Tlinking: I um too lungiy,` one does not
woik. Tlinking: I um too lull,` one does not woik.
Allll rs
ros. Wlen tle good Gotumu teucles Dlummu to
tle ussembly in u uik, le does not exult tlem oi disui-
uge tlem; on tle contiuiy, le deliglts, ulilts, insiies,
und gluddens tlut ussembly witl tulk on Dlummu. Tle
sound tlut comes liom tle good Gotumu's moutl lus
eiglt quulities: it is distinct und intelligible, sweet und
uudible, uent und cleui, dee und iesonunt. Tleieloie
wlen le instiucts tle ussembly, lis voice does not go
beyond tlut ussembly. Altei being deliglted, ulilted,
insiied und gluddened witl tulk on Dlummu, tley
iise liom tleii seuts und deuit ieluctuntly, keeing
tleii eyes uon lim.
Allll ro
roo. Tle lool muy be known by lis deeds; tle wise
one muy be known by lis deeds. Wisdom is illuminuted
by one's deeds.
Allll rt
rot. Tle noble discile wlo is utteily devoted to und
lus unslukuble luitl in tle Tutlugutu cun luve no doubt
oi wuveiing conceining tle Tutlugutu oi lis teuclings.
And it muy be exected tlut sucl u discile will live
iesolute in eneigy, ulwuys stiiving to ubundon bud quuli-
ties und develo tle good, und tlut le will be eneigetic
in exeiting limsell und will not dio tle good.
Allll r
ro. Tleie uie tlese nve wuys ol oveicoming mul-
ice wlicl ouglt to be oveicome wlen it uiises. Wlut
nve? In wloevei mulice uiises, in lim slould love be
develoed. In wloevei mulice uiises, in lim comus-
sion slould be develoed. In wloevei mulice uiises,
in lim equunimity slould be develoed. In wloevei
mulice uiises, le slould loiget ubout it, uy it no utten-
tion. In wloevei mulice uiises, in lim tle luct tlut it is
ol lis own muking slould be nxed in lis mind und le
slould tlink: Tlis is ol my own muking, tle leii ol
uctions; uctions uie its mutiix, uctions uie its kin und
loundution. And wlutevei one does, good oi bud, one
will become leii to tlut.`
In tlese nve wuys mulice slould be ut uwuy.
Allll r0
ro0. I will teucl you tle Miiioi ol Dlummu wlicl,
il someone ossesses, le muy conndently suy: Rebiitl
in lell us un unimul oi u glost is imossible loi me.
I um u Stieum-Winnei, sule liom lulling into miseiy;
I um bound loi enligltenment.` And wlut is tle Mii-
ioi ol tle Dlummu? Conceining tlis, u noble discile
lus unwuveiing luitl in tle Buddlu und tlinks: Sucl
indeed is tle Loid u Noble One, u lully enligltened
Buddlu, witl eilect knowledge und conduct, luily
uttuined, u knowei ol tle woilds, guide unsuiussed ol
men to be tumed, u teuclei ol gods und men, u Buddlu,
tle Loid.` He lus unwuveiing luitl in tle Dlummu
und tlinks: Beuutilully tuuglt is tle Loid's Dlummu,
immediutely uuient, timeless, ol tle nutuie ol u
eisonul invitution, iogiessive, to be uttuined by tle
wise eucl loi limsell.` He lus unwuveiing luitl in
tle Sunglu und tlinks: Huily luiing uie tle Loid's
disciles, stiuigltloiwuidly luiing uie tle Loid's disci-
les, coiiectly luiing uie tle Loid's disciles, metlodi-
cully luiing uie tle Loid's disciles numely, tle loui
uiis ol individuuls, tle eiglt tyes ol eisons. Tlese
disciles ol tle Loid uie woitly ol olleiings, lositul-
ity, gilts, sulututions witl lolded lunds; tley uie un
imcomuiuble souice ol goodness in tle woild.` Also,
le lus tle viitues tlut uie loved by tle Noble Ones
comlete, eilect, sotless und uie, viitues tlut uie
lieeing, iuised by tle wise, uninuenced by woildly
conceins und conducive to concentiution.
Allll :o
rro. One muy not be skilled in tle lubit ol otlei's
tlouglts but ut leust one cun muke tlis iesolve: I will
be skilled in tle lubit ol my own tlouglts.` Tlis is low
you slould tiuin youisell, und tlis is low it is done.
A womun, u mun oi u youtl lond ol sell-udoinment,
exumining lis ieection in u biiglt, cleui miiioi oi u
bowl ol cleui wutei miglt see u blemisl oi imle und
tiy to iemove it. And wlen le no longei sees it tleie,
le is leused und sutisned und tlinks: It is un udvun-
tuge to be cleun.` In tle sume wuy, one's intiosection
is most liuitlul in good stutes wlen one tlinks: Am I
usuully gieedy oi lutelul, oveicome by slotl und toioi,
witl excited mind oi nlled witl doubt oi ungei, oi um
I not? Do I usuully live witl soiled tlouglts, oi cleun
tlouglts? Witl body ussionute oi not, sluggisl oi lull
ol eneigy, uncontiolled oi well contiolled?` Il on sell-
exuminution one nnds tlut le does live witl tlese evil
uniontuble stutes, tlen le must ut loitl extiu desiie,
elloit, endeuvoui, exeition, eneigy, uwuieness und ut-
tention to ubundon tlem. And il on sell-exuminution
le nnds tlut le does not live witl tle evil uniontuble
stutes, tlen le slould muke un elloit to estublisl tlose
iontuble stutes und luitlei destioy tle denlements.
Allll :r
rrr. At tlut time, tle Loid, luving stuyed us long
us le liked ut Benuies, set out loi Uiuvelu. Tlen tuin-
ing oll tle ioud, le enteied u woodlund giove und sut
down ut tle loot ol u tiee. Now ut tlut time u giou ol
ubout tliity liiends ol ligl stunding und tleii wives
weie en}oying tlemselves in tlut sume woodlund. One
ol tle liiends lud no wile, so u iostitute lud been
biouglt ulong loi lim, und wlile tley weie en}oying
tlemselves sle took tleii belongings und iun uwuy. So
tlese liiends begun looking uiound loi tle womun, und
us tley ioumed ubout tley suw tle Loid ut tle loot ol
tle tiee. Tley uioucled lim und usked: Loid, luve
you seen u womun?`
Wlut, young men, luve you to do witl u
So tley told tle Loid wlut lud luened und
wly tley weie looking loi tle womun. And tle Loid
suid to tlem: Wlut do you tlink? Wlicl is bettei? To
seek loi tlis womun, oi to seek loi youisell?`
Tiuly, Loid, it would be bettei to seek loi oui-
Well tlen, sit down und I will teucl you
So tlose liiends sut down und tle Loid guve
u iogiessive tulk, tlut is to suy, on viitue, leuven, tle
dungei, tle lutility und tle deiuvity ol sense leusuies
und tle udvuntuges ol giving tlem u. Tlen, wlen tle
Loid knew tlut tleii minds weie ieudy, mulleuble, liee
liom lindiunce, ulilted und gluddened, le exluined
to tlem tle teucling wlicl is unique to tle Buddlus
sulleiing, its cuuse, its oveicoming und tle wuy to its
Allll ::
rr:. Tleie uie tlese six dungeis ol being uddicted
to gumbling. In winning, one begets lutied; in los-
ing, one mouins tle loss ol weultl; one's woid is not
ucceted in couit; one is uvoided by botl liiends und
olnciuls; one is not souglt ultei loi muiiiuge, us eole
suy u gumblei cunnot suoit u wile.
Allll :;
rr;. Enduiing utience is tle liglest uusteiity.
Allll :
rr. I luve leuid tlis suid: Sublime is ubiding in
love,` und tle Loid is iool ol tlis becuuse le is seen to
ubide in love.
Allll :s
rrs. Now ut tlut time, u ceituin monk wus sullei-
ing liom dysenteiy, und luy wleie le lud lullen in lis
own exciement. Tle Loid und Anundu weie visiting
tle lodgings und tley cume to wleie tle sick monk luy,
und tle Loid usked lim: Monk, wlut is wiong witl
I luve dysenteiy.`
Is tleie no one to look ultei you?`
No, Loid.`
Tlen wly is it tlut tle otlei monks don't
look ultei you?`
It is becuuse I um ol no use to tlem, Loid.`
Tlen tle Loid suid to Anundu: Go und letcl
wutei. We will wusl tlis monk.` So, Anundu biouglt
wutei und tle Loid ouied it out wlile Anundu wusled

tle monk ull ovei. Tlen tuking tle monk by tle leud
und leet, tle Loid und Anundu togetlei cuiiied lim
und luid lim on u bed. Lutei, tle Loid culled tle monks
togetlei und usked tlem: Wly, monks, did you not
look ultei tlut sick monk?`
Becuuse le wus ol no use to us, Loid.`
You luve no motlei oi lutlei to tuke cuie ol
you. Il you do not look ultei eucl otlei, wlo else will?
He wlo would nuise me, let lim nuise tle sick.`
Allll :o
rro. Tlen Veneiuble Suiiuttu suid: Tleie uie
tlese nve wuys ol utting uwuy mulice tlut uiises.
Wlut nve?
Tuke tle cuse ol u eison Wlose wuys uie
imuie in deed but not in woid. Suose u monk wlo
weuis iobes mude liom iugs weie to see u iug on tle
ioud, le would lold it witl lis lelt loot und sieud it
out witl lis iiglt loot und tiy to muke tle best use ol
it und tlen go on lis wuy. In tle sume wuy, one wlose
wuys uie imuie in deed but not in woid, lis deeds
ouglt to be disieguided. Tlink insteud ubout lis wuys
tlut uie uie.
And conceining one wlose woids uie imuie
but wlo is uie in deed, low slould mulice be ut
uwuy? Suose u mun, toituied by leut, by leut ovei-
sent, weuiied, ciuving und tliisty weie to come uon u
ond oveigiown witl mossy slime und wutei lunts. He
would lunge into tle ond, scuttei tle wutei lunts tlis
wuy und tlut, cu lis lunds, diink und tlen go lis wuy
ieliesled. In tle sume wuy, one wlose woids uie im-
uie but wlo is uie in deed, lis woids ouglt to be dis-
ieguided. Tlink insteud ubout lis wuys tlut uie uie.
And wlut ol one wlo is imuie in botl woid
und deed, but wlo cun uttuin mentul cluiity und culm
liom time to time? Suose u mun, toituied by leut,
by leut oveisent, weuiied, ciuving und tliisty, weie
to come uon u uddle in u cow's lootiint. He miglt
tlink to limsell: 'Heie is u uddle in u cow's lootiint,
but il I diink using my lunds oi u cu I will stii und
cluin u tle mud und muke it unnt to diink. Wlut il I
weie to cioucl down on ull louis, bend low und diink
us does u cow?' And so le does tlis. In tle sume wuy,
one wlo is imuie in botl woid und deed but wlo cun
uttuin mentul cluiity und culm liom time to time, lis
woids und deeds ouglt to be disieguided. Tlink only
ol lis cluiity und culm.
And wlut ol one wlose wuys uie imuie und
wlo cunnot even uttuin mentul cluiity und culm? Su-
ose u sick und uiling mun, giievously ill, weie going
ulong u liglwuy witl no villuge in liont oi belind, un-
uble to get tle ioei lood, medicine oi uttention, oi u
guide to tle next villuge. Il unotlei mun weie to see
lim, le miglt leel ity und le miglt suy to limsell.
'Tlis ooi mun, le slould get lel oi le will sullei to
lis destiuction.' In tle sume wuy, loi one wlose wuys
uie imuie und wlo cunnot even uttuin mentul cluiity
und culm, ity, comussion und commiseiution ouglt
to uiise und you slould tlink: 'Tlis ooi mun, le
slould give u tle bud und develo tle good, oi else
ultei deutl le will luve u bud iebiitl.'
And conceining one wlose woids und deeds
uie uie und wlo lus mentul cluiity und culm, low
slould mulice be ut uwuy? Suose u mun, toituied
by leut, by leut oveisent, weuiied, ciuving und tliisty
weie to come uon u ool ol sweet, cool, limid wutei, u
lovely iesting luce sluded by ull kinds ol tiees. He would
lunge into tlut ond, butle, diink und come out und lie
tleie in tle slude. In tle sume wuy, ol tlis eison, tlink
ubout lis uiity und mentul cluiity und culm.`
Allll :t
rrt. Suose un enemy lus luit you
In lis own domuin.
Wly slould you unnoy youisell
And luit youi mind in youi domuin?
In teuis you lelt youi lumily,
Tley wlo weie kind und lellul ulwuys.
So wly not leuve belind youi enemy
And tle ungei tlut biings so mucl luim?
Tlis ungei wlicl you embiuce
Euts uwuy ut tle veiy ioots
Ol ull tle viitues you stiive to develo.
Wlo would be sucl u lool?
Someone else does evil deeds
And you get ungiy. Wly?
Do you wisl to coy lim
And uct us le does?
Suose someone, to unnoy,
Piovokes you to do some evil uct.
Wly ullow ungei to uiise und tlus
Do exuctly us le wunts you to do?
Il you get ungiy
Tlen muybe le will sullei, muybe not.
But by leeling ungei youisell
You ceituinly do sullei.
Il enemies blinded by ungei
Aie content to wulk tle utl ol woe,
Do you wisl to lollow tlem
By getting ungiy youisell?
Il u loe iovokes you
To luit youisell by getting ungiy,
Let tlut ungei subside.
Do not luim youisell needlessly.
Allll :
rr. Cittu tle louseloldei suid to tle monks:
Suose u bluck steei und u wlite steei weie tied to-
getlei by u ioe oi yoke. Now, il one weie to suy tlut
tle bluck steei wus tle lettei ol tle wlite one, oi tlut
tle wlite steei wus tle lettei ol tle bluck one, would
one be seuking iigltly?`
No, tley would not, louseloldei. Tley uie
letteied by tle ioe oi yoke.`
Well, in tle sume wuy, monks, tle eye is not
tle lettei ol ob}ects, noi is tle ob}ect tle lettei ol tle
eye. Rutlei, tle desiie und ciuving tlut uiises owing to
tle uii ol tlem, tlut is tle lettei. Tle eui und sounds,
tle nose und smells, tle tongue und tustes, tle mind
und tlouglts uie not tle letteis, but iutlei tle desiie
und ciuving tlut uiises owing to tle uiis ol tlem, tlut
is tle lettei.`
Good loi you, louseloldei, well suid. You
luve tle eye ol wisdom tlut is consistent witl tle
Buddlu's dee teucling.`
Allll :0
rr0. Kimbilu usked tle Loid: Wlut is tle cuuse,
wlut is tle ieuson wly, ultei tle Tutlugutu uttuins
nnul Niivunu, tle good Dlummu will lust long?`
Il, ultei tle Tutlugutu lus uttuined nnul
Niivunu, tle monks und tle nuns, tle luymen und tle
luywomen live witl ieveience und leed to tle Teucl-
ei, tle Dlummu und tle Sunglu, live witl ieveience
und leed to tle tiuining, to concentiution, to euinest-
ness und to goodwill, tlen tle good Dlummu will lust
Allll ;o
r:o. Some loolisl eole leie, on being told by
me: Give tlis u,` suy: But wlut is tlis smull und
insignincunt muttei? Tlis iecluse luys too mucl stiess
on smull tlings.` And so tley do not give u tlut tling
und tley cuuse dissutisluction to be nuised uguinst me
und tlose wlo do desiie tle tiuining. Tlis becomes loi
tlem u stiong, solid und stout bond, u bond not eusily
woin uwuy, like u tlick block ol wood.
VA r
r:r. One wlo is seiious is u believei, not un un-
believei. One wlo is seiious is eneigetic, not luzy. One
wlo is seiious lus nim mindlulness, not distiucted.
One wlo is seiious lus cleui comielension, not con-
lused comielension. One wlo is seiious lus stiong
wisdom, not weuk.
Wlen you luve estublisled tlese nve tlings in
youisell, you slould ulso muke six tlings giow witlin
you. You slould iecollect tle Tutlugutu like tlis: Sucl
indeed is tle Loid, u Noble One, u lully enligltened
Buddlu, witl eilect knowledge und conduct, luily
uttuined, u knowei ol tle woilds, guide unsuiussed
ol men to be tiuined, u teuclei ol gods und men, u
Buddlu, tle Loid.`
You slould iecollect tle Dlummu like tlis:
Beuutilully tuuglt is tle Loid's Dlummu, immediutely
uuient, timeless, ol tle nutuie ol u eisonul invitu-
tion, iogiessive, to be uttuined by tle wise, eucl loi
You slould iecollect tle Sunglu like tlis:
Huily luiing uie tle Loid's disciles, stiuigltloi-
wuidly luiing uie tle Loid's disciles, coiiectly luiing
uie tle Loid's disciles, metlodicully luiing uie tle
Loid's disciles, numely, tle loui uiis ol individuuls,
tle eiglt tyes ol eisons. Tlese disciles ol tle Loid
uie woitly ol olleiings, lositulity, gilts, sulutution
witl lolded lunds; tley uie un incomuiuble souice ol
goodness in tle woild.`
You slould iecollect youi own viitues us be-
ing comlete, wlole, unsotted, untuinisled, lieedom-
giving, us being iuised by tle wise, uie und leuding
to concentiution.
You slould iecollect youi own geneiosity like
tlis: It is u guin loi me. Indeed, it is u gieut guin tlut
umidst tlose oveicome by meunness, I live ut lome
witl tle mind cleuned ol meunness; I um oen lunded,
uie-lunded, deliglting in sluiing, one to usk u luvoui
ol, one wlo ie}oices in giving tlings.`
Aguin, you slould iecollect tle gods in tlis
wuy: Tleie uie tle gods ol tle Foui Gieut Kings, tle
Tliity-tliee Gods, tle gods ol Yumu, tle gods ol de-
liglt, tle gods wlo deliglt in cieution, tlose wlo luve
owei ovei tle cieutions ol otleis, tlose in tle com-
uny ol Biulmu und tlose beyond tlut. I, too, luve tle
luitl, tle viitue, tle leuining, tle geneiosity, und tle
wisdom by wlicl tlese gods, on dying leie, weie ie-
boin tleie in leuven.`
At u time wlen u noble discile iecollects
ull tlese tlings, lis mind is lieed liom gieed, lutied
und delusion. At tlut time, lis mind is stiuiglt und
nxed uon tlose tlings, und witl u stiuiglt mind
le exiesses tle gludness ol tle good, tle gludness
ol tle Dlummu, und tle gludness tlut goes witl
Dlummu. In one wlo is glud, }oy uiises; becuuse ol
}oy, tle body is tiunquil; witl tiunquil body one is
luy, und tle mind ol one wlo is luy is concen-
tiuted. About u eison like tlis, it is suid: Tle noble
discile wlo iecollects tle Buddlu, tle Dlummu und
tle Sunglu, wlo iecollects viitue, geneiosity und tle
gods tlut discile dwells evenly umong lolk wlo
dwell unevenly.`
VA :
r::. And wlut is tle luctoi ol exeition loi tle uttei
uiincution ol viitues? In tlis cuse, one is viituous, le
undeitukes und iuctices tle iecets. Tlis iesolve is
culled tle comlete uiincution ol viitue: I will biing
to eilection tle uiincution ol viitue il it is incom-
lete, und il it is comlete I will sulement it leie und
tleie witl wisdom.` Tlis is culled tle comlete uiin-
cution ol viitue. Tle desiie, tle elloit, tle exeition, tle
endeuvoui, tle eisistence, tle mindlulness und utten-
tion ulied to tlis is culled u luctoi in tle comlete
uiincution ol viitue.
VA ;
r:;. One stiong in luitl but weuk in wisdom lus
unciiticul und gioundless conndence. One stiong in
wisdom but weuk in luitl eiis on tle side ol cunning
und is us luid to cuie us one wlose sickness is cuused
by u medicine. Wlen tle two uie bulunced, one lus
conndence only wleie tleie uie giounds loi it.
r:. Now, Asibundlukuuttu, u lollowei ol Nigun-
tlu Nutuuttu, cume to wleie tle Loid wus und tle
Loid usked lim: Wlut doctiine does Niguntlu Nutu-
uttu teucl lis disciles?`
Loid, Nutuuttu teucles tlut wloevei kills,
steuls, commits sexuul misconduct oi lies tlut ei-
son goes to lell. Accoiding to low one lubituully ucts,
one goes to one's destiny.`
But il you suy tlut us one ucts lubituully one
goes to one's destiny, tlen uccoiding to Nutuuttu's
teucling no one would go to lell. Wlut do you tlink?
Il u mun suy, kills by duy oi niglt oi liom time to time,
wlicl time is tle most lubituul to lim, wlen le kills
oi wlen le doesn't kill?`
Well, Loid, tle time wlen le is not killing is
most lubituul to lim.`
Now, suy u teuclei teucles u doctiine sucl
us tlis und u lollowei lus luitl in sucl u teuclei. Tlut
lollowei would tlink: 'My teuclei suys tlut wloevei
kills, steuls, commits sexuul misconduct oi lies goes to
lell. Now I luve done tlese tlings so I um bound to
go to lell.' And so, lolding tlis view, not giving it u,
tlinking it, not letting it go le does go to lell. But suy
u Tutlugutu uiises in tle woild. He censuies, stiongly
censuies killing, steuling, sexuul misconduct und lying,
suying, 'Abstuin liom tlese tlings.' Tlen suy u lollowei
lus luitl in sucl u teuclei, tlut lollowei would tlink:
'Tle Loid in muny wuys censuies, stiongly censuies
killing, steuling, sexuul misconduct und lying, suy-
ing: Abstuin liom tlese tlings.` Now I luve done sucl
tlings. Tlut is not well done, it is not good. Moieovei,
I muy be iemoiselul wlen I iemembei tlut sucl deeds
cunnot be undone.' Tlinking in tlis wuy, le ubundons
sucl deeds. In tlis wuy le goes beyond evil deeds. By
ubundoning killing, le ubstuins liom killing, by ubun-
doning steuling le ubstuins liom steuling, by ubundon-
ing sexuul misconduct le ubstuins liom tlut, by ubun-
doning lying le ubstuins liom tlut ulso. By ubundoning
buckbiting, luisl seecl, und idle cluttei le ubstuins
liom tlut. By ubundoning gieed, le becomes genei-
ous, by ubundoning lutied le becomes kind, und by
ubundoning wiong view le becomes one witl eilect
view. Tlis noble discile, lieed liom gieed und lutied,
not bewildeied but mindlul und concentiuted, ubides
sullusing tle loui quuiteis ol tle woild, ubove, below,
ucioss, eveiywleie, ull beings, tle wlole woild witl u
mind nlled witl love, comussion, symutletic }oy und
equunimity tlut is widesieud, giown gieut. Just us u
stiong conclblowei witl but little elloit gives notice to
tle loui quuiteis, in tle sume wuy, notling wlutsoevei
is lelt out ol tlut love, tlut comussion, tlut symu-
tletic }oy oi tlut equunimity.`
VA s
r:s. Tleie uie two tlings tlut buin tle conscience.
Wlut two? Suy u eison lus done immoiul ucts ol body,
seecl oi mind, oi lus luiled to do viituous ucts ol
body, seecl oi mind. Wlen le tlinks ol tlis le buins
witl iemoise.
VA o
r:o. Tleie uie tlese two gilts, tle woildly und tle
siiituul, und ol tlese two, tle siiituul gilt is liglest.
Tleie uie tlese two sluiings, tle woildly und tle sii-
ituul, und ol tlese two, tle siiituul sluiing is tle ligl-
est. Tleie uie tlese two ucts ol kindliness, tle woildly
und tle siiituul, und ol tlese two, tle siiituul uct ol
kindness is tle liglest.
VA t
r:t. It is good liom time to time to ieview one's
own luults; it is good liom time to time to ieview un-
otlei's luults. It is good liom time to time to ieview
one's own uttuinments; it is good liom time to time to
ieview unotlei's uttuinments.
r:. As wutei is bulunced, unsluken, untioubled
und quite uie by nutuie, even so, tle meditutoi, tle
euinest student ol meditution, diselling tiickeiy, cu}ol-
eiy, insinuution und dissembling, slould be well oised,
unsluken, untioubled und quite uie by nutuie.
As wutei is oised, cool by nutuie, even so,
tle meditutoi, tle euinest student ol meditution, out ol
comussion loi ull cieutuies und seeking tleii welluie,
slould be ossessed ol utience, love und meicy.
Aguin, us wutei mukes tle imuie uie, even
so, tle meditutoi, tle euinest student ol meditution,
wletlei le be in tle villuge oi tle loiest, slould in ull
ciicumstunces be one wlo, being witlout tiunsgies-
sion, gives no ieuson to be ieiimunded by iecetoi
oi teuclei.
And uguin, us wutei is desiied by eveiybody,
even so, tle meditutoi, tle euinest student ol meditu-
tion, becuuse le lus lew wisles, is content, ulool und
solituiy in meditution, und slould be one wlo is con-
stuntly mucl desiied by tle wlole woild.
And nnully, us wutei gives tiouble to no one,
even so, tle meditutoi, tle euinest student ol meditu-
tion slould do no wiong by body, seecl oi tlouglt
tlut ioduces in otleis stiile, quuiiels, contention, dis-
utes, neglected meditution oi dislike.
VA 0
r:0. One wlo enduies ubuse, violence
Oi unislment witlout iesentment,
And wlose owei und iotection is utience
Him I cull u tiue Biulmin.
VA ro
r;o. Tle doei ol good ie}oices leie, ie}oices tleie,
Re}oices botl leie und tleie.
He ie}oices und is glud
As le iecollects lis own good deeds.
Tle doei ol good deliglts leie, deliglts tleie,
Deliglts botl leie und tleie.
Tle tlouglt: Good I luve done`
Fills lim witl deliglt.
He deliglts ull tle moie
Wlen le goes to tle ieulm ol bliss.
VA rr
r;r. Recollect tle immeusuiuble Buddlu,
Be believing,
And witl tle body nlled witl }oy,
You will ulwuys be ulilted.
Recollect tle immeusuiuble Dlummu,
Be believing,
And witl tle body nlled witl }oy,
You will ulwuys be ulilted.
Recollect tle immeusuiuble Sunglu,
Be believing,
And witl tle body nlled witl }oy,
You will ulwuys be ulilted.
VA r:
r;:. Tleie uie loui tyes ol eole wlo slould
be known us enemies disguised us liiends: tle gieedy
eison, one wlo seuks but does not uct, tle utteiei
und tle squundeiei. Tle gieedy eison is un enemy
disguised us u liiend loi loui ieusons. He is gieedy; le
gives little und usks mucl; il le does wlut le slould,
it is only out ol leui, und le uisues lis own inteiests
only. He wlo seuks but does not uct is un enemy dis-
guised us u liiend loi loui ieusons. He ieminds you ol
tle good done on youi belull in tle ust; le tulks ol
good le will do on youi belull in tle lutuie; le tiies to
win youi luvoui witl emty woids; wlen tle ooitu-
nity to lel uiises, le leuds lellessness. Tle utteiei
is un enemy disguised us u liiend loi loui ieusons. He
encouiuges you to do wiong; le discouiuges you liom
doing iiglt; le iuises you to youi luce und seuks ill ol
you belind youi buck. Tle squundeiei is un enemy dis-
guised us u liiend loi loui ieusons ulso. He is youi com-
union wlen you diink, wlen you liequent tle stieets
ut untimely louis, wlen you luunt low slows und luiis,
und le is youi comunion wlen you gumble.
A liiend wlo ulwuys wunts to tuke,
A liiend wlo suys but doesn't do,
A liiend wlo uses utteiing woids,
A liiend wlo }oins you in wiong
Tlese loui liiends uie ieully loes,
And one wlo is wise, luving undeistood tlis,
Will uvoid tlem liom ului,
As il tley weie u dungeious ioud.
Tleie uie loui kinds ol stout-leuited eole wlo slould
be known us tiue liiends: tle lelei, tle liiend in botl
good times und bud, one wlo gives good counsel, und
one wlo symutlizes. Tle lelei is u tiue liiend loi
loui ieusons. He guuids you wlen you uie oll youi
guuid; le guuids youi ioeity wlen you uie oll youi
guuid; le comloits you wlen you uie uliuid; und wlen
sometling lus to be done, le gives you twice wlut you
iequiie. Tle liiend in botl good times und bud is u tiue
liiend loi loui ieusons. He tells you lis seciets; le kees
tle seciets you tell lim; in tiouble le does not loisuke
you; le would even luy down lis lile loi you. Tle liiend
wlo gives good counsel is u tiue liiend loi loui ieusons.
He discouiuges you liom doing wiong, le encouiuges
you to do good, le tells you tlings you luve not leuid,
und le oints out tle wuy to leuven. Tle liiend wlo
symutlizes is u tiue liiend loi loui ieusons. He is sud
ut youi misloitunes, le ie}oices ut youi good loitune,
le iestiuins otleis liom seuking ill ol you, und le
commends tlose wlo seuk well ol you.
A liiend wlo ulwuys lends u lund,
A liiend in botl soiiow und }oy,
A liiend wlo olleis good counsel,
And u liiend wlo symutlizes too
Tlese uie tle loui kinds ol tiue liiends,
And one wlo is wise, luving undeistood tlis,
Will ulwuys cleiisl und seive sucl liiends,
Just us u motlei tends lei only clild.
VA r;
r;;. You slould iecollect beuutilul liiends like
tlis: It is indeed u guin loi me. Indeed, it is good loi
me tlut I luve beuutilul liiends, comussionute, desii-
ing my welluie, und wlo encouiuge und teucl me.`
VA r
r;. Tiuly dungeious uie guins, lonouis und lume.
Conceining tlis, I luve known u mun, ieuding lis mind,
wlo even loi tle suke ol u golden bowl nlled witl sil-
vei nuggets would not delibeiutely tell u lie. Tlut sume
mun luve I seen ut unotlei time telling lies becuuse lis
leuit wus obsessed by guins, lonouis und lume. Tiuly
dungeious uie guins, lonouis und lume.
VA rs
r;s. I do not iuise wiong beluvioui in eitlei
louseloldei oi lomeleuvei. Il eitlei u louseloldei oi
u lomeleuvei luies ulong wiongly, tlen le is not uc-
comlisling tle eilect wuy, tle Dlummu, tle skilled,
us u iesult ol lis wiong beluvioui. Rutlei, I do iuise
good beluvioui in botl louseloldei und lomeleuvei.
Il eitlei u louseloldei oi u lomeleuvei luies ulong
iigltly, tlen le is uccomlisling tle eilect wuy, tle
Dlummu, tle skilled, us u iesult ol lis iiglt beluvioui.
VA ro
r;o. Tle Buddlu is like u skilled lysiciun in tlut
le is uble to leul tle sickness ol tle denlements. Tle
Dlummu is like u iigltly ulied medicine, und tle
Sunglu, witl tleii denlements cuied, uie like eole
iestoied to leultl by tlut medicine.
VA rt
r;t. As u lotus is unsoiled by wutei, even so,
Niivunu is unsoiled by denlements. Tlis is tle one se-
ciul quulity ol u lotus tlut is iesent in Niivunu.
As cool wutei is u meuns ol ulluying levei,
even so, Niivunu, wlicl is cool, is tle meuns ol ulluy-
ing tle levei ol ull tle denlements.
Aguin, us wutei is u meuns ol quencling tle
tliist ol men und beusts wlen tley uie exluusted,
liigltened, tliisty und oveicome by leut, even so is
Niivunu u meuns ol diselling tle ciuving loi sense
leusuies und tle ciuving loi moie und continued be-
coming. Tlese uie tle two seciul quulities ol wutei
tlut uie iesent in Niivunu.
As un untidote is tle sulvution ol beings wlo
uie ulicted by oison, even so, Niivunu is tle sulvution
ol beings wlo uie ulicted by tle denlements. Aguin,
un untidote uts un end to diseuse; even so, Niivunu
uts un end to ull soiiows. And uguin, un untidote is
lile-giving nectui, even so, Niivunu is u lile-giving nec-
tui. Tlese uie tle tliee seciul quulities ol un untidote
tlut uie iesent in Niivunu.
As tle gieut oceun is emty ol coises, even so,
Niivunu is emty ol tle coises ol denlements. Aguin,
tle gieut oceun is vust, unbounded und not nlled by ull
tle iiveis tlut ow into it; even so is Niivunu vust, un-
bounded und not nlled by tle beings wlo uttuin it. And
uguin, tle gieut oceun is tle lome ol gieut cieutuies;
even so, Niivunu is tle lome ol Noble Ones, gieut be-
ings wlo uie stuinless, tleii denlements destioyed,
wlo luve uttuined tle oweis und become musteis ol
tleii own minds. And nnully, tle gieut oceun is blos-
soming witl countless, vuiious und ubundunt coiuls;
even so is Niivunu blossoming witl countless, vuiious,
ubundunt und quite uie coiuls ol knowledge und liee-
dom. Tlese uie tle loui seciul quulities ol tle gieut
oceun tlut uie iesent in Niivunu.
As lood is tle sustuinei ol tle lilesun ol ull
beings, even so, Niivunu, wlen it is ieulized, is tle sus-
tuinei ol tle lilesun by diiving out old uge und dying.
Aguin, lood is tle givei ol tle stiengtl ol tle syclic
oweis in ull beings; it is tle ioducei ol beuuty in ull
beings. Even so, Niivunu, wlen ieulized, is tle io-
ducei ol seciul quulities in ull beings. And uguin, lood
is tle culmei ol distiess in ull beings; even so, Niivunu,
wlen ieulized, is tle culmei ol tle distiess ol tle de-
nlements in ull beings. And nnully, lood is tle iemovei
ol tle weukness ol exluustion in ull beings; even so,
Niivunu, wlen ieulized, is tle iemovei ol ull tle weuk-
ness ol exluustion in ull beings due to soiiow. Tlese
uie tle nve seciul quulities ol lood tlut uie iesent in
As suce is not boin, does not uge oi die, does
not ceuse leie oi uiise tleie, is luid to denne, cunnot
be stolen by tlieves, is suoited by notling, is tle
ieulm ol biids, witlout obstiuction und unending
even so, Niivunu is not boin, does not uge oi die, does
not ceuse leie oi uiise tleie, is luid to denne, cunnot
be stolen by tlieves, is suoited by notling, is tle
ieulm ol tle Noble Ones, witlout obstiuction und un-
ending. Tlese uie tle eleven seciul quulities ol suce
tlut uie iesent in Niivunu.
As u iecious gem is tle giuntei ol desiies,
even so is Niivunu tle giuntei ol desiies. As u iecious
gem gives deliglt, even so does Niivunu give deliglt.
As u iecious gem is iicl in lustie, even so is Niivunu.
Tlese uie tle tliee seciul quulities ol u iecious gem
tlut uie iesent in Niivunu.
As ied sundulwood is luid to obtuin, even
so, Niivunu is luid to obtuin. Aguin, ied sundulwood
is unequulled loi its lovely eilume; even so is Nii-
vunu unequulled loi its lovely eilume. Yet uguin, ied
sundulwood is iuised by good men; even so is Niivunu
iuised by tle Noble Ones. Tlese uie tle tliee se-
ciul quulities ol ied sundulwood tlut uie iesent in
As tle skimming ol glee lus u beuutilul coloui,
even so, Niivunu lus tle coloui ol seciul quulities. Tle
skimming ol glee lus u sweet smell; even so, Niivunu
lus tle sweet smell ol viitue. Aguin, tle skimming ol
glee is uvouilul; even so, Niivunu is uvouilul. Tlese
uie tle tliee seciul quulities ol tle skimming ol glee
tlut uie iesent in Niivunu.
As u mountuin euk is lolty, even so, Niivunu
is lolty; us u mountuin euk is unslukuble, even so is
Niivunu unslukuble; us u mountuin euk is dilncult to
climb, even so is Niivunu dilncult loi tle denlements
to climb. And uguin, us no seed cun tuke ioot on u
mountuin euk, even so, no denlement cun tuke ioot in
Niivunu. Finully, us u mountuin euk lus neitlei like
noi dislike, even so, Niivunu lus neitlei like noi dis-
like. Tlese uie tle nve seciul quulities ol u mountuin
euk tlut uie iesent in Niivunu.
VA r
r;. It is like u len witl eiglt, ten oi u dozen
eggs wlicl sle lus sut on ioeily, wuimed ioeily
und lutcled ioeily. Is tle click wlicl nist ieices
tliougl tle slell witl cluw und beuk und sulely
emeiges culled tle eldest click oi tle youngest?`
Being tle nist, Loid, le is culled tle eldest.`
Even so, luving ieiced tliougl tle slell ol
ignoiunce loi tle suke ol beings living in ignoiunce,
egg boin, enclosed, I um tle lust in tle woild, utteily
enligltened witl tle unsuiussed enligltenment. I um
tle eldest in tle woild, tle liglest.`
VA r0
r;0. One wlo is viituous, ossessed ol viitue, is
like un untidote loi destioying tle oison ol denle-
ments in beings; le is like u leuling bulm loi ulluying
tle sickness ol denlements in beings; le is like ie-
cious gems loi giving beings ull tley wisl; le is like u
sli loi beings to go beyond tle loui oods; le is like
u cuiuvun leudei loi tuking beings ucioss tle deseit ol
biitls; le is like tle wind loi extinguisling tle tliee
neice nies in beings; le is like u gieut iuin cloud loi
nlling beings witl good tlouglts; le is like u teuclei
loi muking beings tiuin tlemselves in wlut is skilled;
le is like u good guide loi ointing out to beings tle
utl to secuiity.
VA :o
ro. Vucclugottu suid to tle Loid: I luve leuid it
suid tlut you, good Gotumu, suy tlut cluiity slould only
be given to you, not to otleis, to youi lolloweis, not to
tle lolloweis ol otlei teucleis. Tlose wlo suy tlis, uie
tley ieiesenting youi oinion witlout distoiting it?
Do tley seuk uccoiding to youi teucling? Foi indeed,
good Gotumu, I um unxious not to misieiesent you.`
Tle Loid suid: Vucclu, tlose wlo suy tlis
uie not ol my oinion, tley misieiesent me by suying
wlut is not tiue. Tiuly, wloevei discouiuges unotlei
liom giving cluiity lindeis in tliee wuys. Wlut tliee?
He lindeis tle givei liom ucquiiing good, le lindeis
tle ieceivei liom getting tle cluiity, und le lus ul-
ieudy iuined limsell tliougl lis meunness.`
VA :r
rr. Il you obseive tle tiees oi tle giuss,
Witlout knowing it, tley exlibit dilleient tyes
und kinds.
Tleie uie muny dilleient secies.
Tlen obseive beetles und motls oi smull
insects like unts;
Tley exlibit dilleient tyes und kinds.
Tleie uie muny dilleient secies.
And in tle loui-looted cieutuies, botl gieut und
Tley exlibit dilleient tyes und kinds.
Tleie uie muny dilleient secies.
Obseive cieutuies tlut ciuwl on tleii bellies,
snukes und ietiles,
Tley exlibit dilleient tyes und kinds.
Tleie uie muny dilleient secies.
Obseive nsl und tlose tlut luve tle wutei us
tleii lome;
Tley exlibit dilleient tyes und kinds.
Tleie uie muny dilleient secies.
Obseive biids on tle wing, tlose tlut tiuvel
tliougl tle sky.
Tley too exlibit dilleient tyes und kinds.
Tleie uie muny dilleient secies.
In tlese cieutuies tyes und kinds cun be seen;
In lumuns no sucl tyes oi kinds cun be seen.
Not in luii oi leud, not in euis oi eyes,
Not in moutl oi nose, lis oi eyebiows
Is tleie uny gieut dilleience.
Not in neck oi slouldei, not in ubdomen oi clest,
Not in genituls is tleie uny gieut dilleience.
Not in lunds oi leet, not in nngeis oi nuils,
Not in culves, tligls oi comlexion
Aie tleie dilleient tyes oi kinds us tleie uie
witl otlei cieutuies.
Humun tyes do not dillei gieutly us otlei
secies do.
Tle dilleiences between lumuns uie only
dilleiences ol convention.
VA ::
r:. Tle king usked: Veneiuble Nugusenu, wlicl
is gieutei, good oi bud?`
Good is gieutei, Siie; bud is only smull.`
In wlut wuy?`
Siie, someone ucting budly is iemoiselul, suy-
ing: 'An evil deed wus done by me,' und tlus evil does
not incieuse. But someone doing good is not iemoise-
lul. Becuuse ol lieedom liom iemoise, gludness uiises,
liom gludness comes }oy, becuuse ol }oy tle body is
tiunquil, witl tiunquil body one is luy, und tle
mind ol one wlo is luy is concentiuted. One wlo is
concentiuted sees tlings us tley ieully uie, und in tlis
wuy good incieuses.`
VA :;
r;. Tle Loid wus once stuying neui Vesuli, ut tle
Gubled Hull in tle gieut loiest. And ut tlut time, tle
Biulmin Kuiunuulin built u building loi tle Liccluvis.
And Kuiunuulin suw tle Biulmin Pingiyunin coming
in tle distunce, und us le uioucled, le suid: Piuy,
now, liom wleie comes youi lonoui Pingiyunin so
euily in tle duy?` I come liom tle iesence ol tle iec-
luse Gotumu.`
Well, wlut do you tlink ol tle iecluse Gotumu's
cluiity ol wisdom? Do you tlink le is u wise mun?`
But wlut um I comuied to lim, und wlo um
I to }udge lis cluiity? Is it not only one like lim wlo
could }udge tle iecluse Gotumu's cluiity ol wisdom?`
Higl indeed is tle iuise tlut youi lonoui
gives tle iecluse Gotumu.`
But wlut um I comuied to lim, und wlo
um I to iuise tle iecluse Gotumu? Tiuly iuised by
tle iuised is tle iecluse Gotumu. He is tle liglest
umongst gods und men.`
But wlut good do you see in lim tlut you
luve sucl luitl in lim?`
Just us wlen u mun is comletely sutisned
witl some delicious uvoui, und longs not loi otlei
uvouis tlut uie ooi even so, wlen one leuis
tle good Gotumu's Dlummu in ull its uits, one longs
not loi tle tulk ol otleis, tle ciowd, otlei iecluses oi
Just us u mun oveicome by lungei und weuk-
ness muy come ucioss u loney cuke, und wlenevei le
tustes it, le en}oys tle sweet, delicious uvoui even
so, wlen one leuis tle good Gotumu's Dlummu in ull its
uits, one exeiiences sweetness und seienity ol mind.
Just us u mun muy come ucioss u stick ol yel-
low oi ied sundulwood, und wleievei le smells it, ut
tle ioot, in tle middle oi ut tle to, le comes ucioss un
exceedingly luii, delicious liugiunce even so, wlen
one leuis tle good Gotumu's Dlummu in ull its uits,
ull giiel, soiiow, sulleiing, lumentution und desuii
}ust vunisl uwuy.
Just us u mun toituied by leut, by leut ovei-
sent, weuiied, ciuving und tliisty, miglt come to u
ool ol cleui, sweet, cool, limid wutei, u lovely iesting
luce, und miglt lunge in, butle, diink und ulluy ull
woe, lutigue und lietting even so, wlen one leuis
tle good Gotumu's Dlummu in ull
its uits, ull woe,
lutigue und lietting is wlolly ulluyed.`
Wlen le lud suid tlis, tle Biulmin Kuiunu-
ulin uiose liom lis seut, uiiunged lis uei iobe
on lis slouldei, set lis iiglt knee on tle giound und
bending loitl lis outstietcled lunds towuids wleie
tle Loid wus, suid tliee times: Homuge to tle Loid,
tle Noble One, tle lully enligltened Buddlu.`
Wondeilul it is, Pingiyunin, tiuly wondei-
lul. Just us il one lud set uiiglt u tling toled ovei,
ieveuled sometling coveied, slowed u blind mun tle
wuy, biouglt u lum into tle duik so tlut tlose witl
eyes could see in tle sume wuy, you luve illumi-
nuted tlis Dlummu in muny u wuy. I too will go to
tle good Gotumu, tle Dlummu und tle Sunglu us my
ieluge. Look uon me us u luy discile gone loi ieluge
liom now until us long us lile lusts.`
VA :
r. Tleie is one tling wlicl, il iuctised und de-
veloed conduces to letting go, giving u, stilling, culm-
ing, liglei knowledge, uwukening und to Niivunu. And
wlut is tlut one tling? It is tle iecollection ol euce.
VA :s
rs. Tle Biulmin Sunguiuvu suid to tle Loid:
Good Gotumu, we Biulmins eiloim tle suciince und
encouiuge otleis to do so. Wloevei does tlis cieutes
gieut good tlut ullects muny eole. But le wlo goes
loitl liom lome into lomeless lile lels only lim-
sell, culms only limsell, leuds only limsell to Niivunu.
Sucl u eison is, I suy, iuctising sometling tlut cie-
utes good loi limsell only.`
And tle Loid suid: Well, Biulmin, I will
usk you u question; unswei us you tlink nt. Let us
suy u Tutlugutu uiises in tle woild, u Noble One, u
lully enligltened Buddlu, witl eilect knowledge und
conduct, luily uttuined, u knowei ol tle woilds, u
guide unsuiussed loi men to be tumed, u teuclei ol
gods und men, u Buddlu, tle Loid. And tlen le suys:
'Come! By my own oweis ol ieulizution I luve come
to gieut luiness us u iesult ol tlis iuctice, tlis wuy.
Come you ulso! By youi own oweis ol ieulizution you
too will come to gieut luiness us u iesult ol tlis iuc-
tice, tlis wuy.' Tlus tlis teuclei teucles Dlummu to
muny lundieds, muny tlousunds, muny lundieds ol
tlousunds ol sucl eole. Now Biulmin, since tlis is
so, is tlis going loitl into tle lomeless lile u iuctice
tlut benents only one eison oi muny eole?`
Good Gotumu, it is u iuctice tlut benents
muny eole.`
VA :o
ro. A god suid to tle Loid: Tlese six tlings do
not leud to one's decline. Wlut six? Reveience loi tle
Teuclei, tle Dlummu, tle Sunglu, loi tle tiuining, loi
euinestness und loi love.`
Lutei, tle Loid ieeuted to tle monks wlut
tle god lud suid, und udded:
Dee ieveience loi tle Teuclei,
Tle Dlummu und tle Sunglu.
Witl euinestness und love,
A monk like tlis will not luil;
He is neui Niivunu.
VA :t
rt. Il u mun sulleiing liom u diseuse
Does not seek tieutment
Even wlen tleie is u lysiciun ut lund,
It is not tle luult ol tle lysiciun.
In tle sume wuy, il one is oiessed
And toimented by tle diseuse ol tle denlements
But does not seek lel liom tle Teuclei,
Tlut is not tle Teuclei's luult.
VA :
r. It is wondeilul, tiuly muivellous, low seiene
tle good Gotumu's iesence is, low cleui und iudi-
unt lis comlexion is. Just us u yellow }u}ube liuit in
uutumn is cleui und iudiunt, }ust us u ulm tiee liuit
}ust seuiuted liom tle stulk is cleui und iudiunt, so
too is tle good Gotumu's comlexion. Just us u tiinket
ol ied gold, wiouglt in u ciucible by u clevei goldsmitl,
deltly beuten und luid on u yellow clotl slines und glit-
teis so too tle good Gotumu's senses uie culmed und
lis comlexion is cleui und iudiunt.
VA :0
r0. Imugine u ool ol tuibid, stiiied u und mud-
died wutei. Tlen, u mun witl vision miglt stund uon
tle bunk. He could not see tle oysteis, tle slells, tle
ebbles und giuvel on tle bottom oi tle nsl moing
ubout. And wly? Becuuse ol tle tuibid stute ol tle wutei.
In tle sume wuy, it is imossible loi one witl u tuibid
mind to undeistund eitlei lis own benent oi tle benent
ol otleis, oi to ieulize liglei stutes. And wly? Becuuse
ol tle tuibid stute ol tle mind. Now, imugine u ool ol
cleui, tiunquil und unstiiied wutei. A mun witl vision
miglt stund on tle bunk; He could see tle oysteis, tle
slells, tle ebbles und giuvel on tle bottom, und tle
nsl tlut move ubout. And wly? Becuuse ol tle untiou-
bled stute ol tle wutei. In tle sume wuy, it is ossible loi
one witl u tiunquil mind to undeistund lis own benent
und tle benent ol otleis, und to ieulize liglei stutes.
And wly? Becuuse ol tle untioubled stute ol lis mind.
VA ;o
rso. Tlose loi wlom you luve symutly, tlose
witl wlom you communicute youi liiends, inti-
mutes, kinsmen und ielutions ull slould be told
ubout, giounded in, estublisled in tle Foui Limbs ol
Stieum-Winning. Wlut loui? Fuitl in tle Buddlu, luitl
in tle Dlummu, luitl in tle Sunglu, und viitue tlut is
deui to tle Noble Ones und conducive to concentiution
ol mind.
VA ;r
rsr. At tlut time, tle Biuulmin Sunduiiku
Bluiudvu}u wus sitting not lui liom tle Loid und le
suid: Does tle good Gotumu go down to butle in tle
Buluku Rivei?`
Wlut is tleie in tle Buluku Rivei? Ol wlut
vulue is tle Buluku Rivei?`
But, good Gotumu, muny eole believe tlut
tley cun be uiined in tle Buluku Rivei. Tley wusl
uwuy tleii evil deeds in it.`
Tlen tle Loid suid:
In tle Buluku und ut Adlikukku,
At Guyu und in tle Sunduiiku,
In tle Suiussuti und ut Puyugu
Oi in tle iivei Bulumuti,
Tle lool, tlougl le entei constuntly,
Cunnot wusl uwuy lis evil deeds.
Wlut cun tlese iiveis do?
Tley cunnot uiily tle bud eison
Oi one wlo is intent on evil.
Foi tle good eison, eveiy duy is seciul.
Foi tle good eison, eveiy duy is loly.
Tle good iuctise good eveiy duy.
Butle in tlut, iotect ull beings.
Il you seuk no lie, do no luim,
Steul not, il you believe und uie geneious,
Wlut cun be tle good ol going to Guyu?
Guyu is tle sume us youi well ut lome.
1UNl r
rs:. And wlut else slould be done? You slould
tlink: Oui bodily conduct must be eilectly uie,
cleui, oen, witlout delect und contiolled. But not
becuuse ol oui being uie will we exult ouiselves oi
disuiuge otleis.` Tlis is low you slould tiuin youi-
1UNl :
rs;. Wlut uie tle eiglt bucking men und tleii
eiglt luults? Conceining tlis, wlen one is ieioved by
one ol lis lellows, le leuds loigetlulness, suying: I
don't iemembei, I don't iemembei.` Just us u bucking
loise, wlen lit und uiged on by lis diivei, bucks und
twists tle cuiiiuge iound witl lis lindquuiteis like
tlut, I suy, is tlis eison.
Oi, on being ieioved by lis lellows, le bluits
out ut lis ieiovei: Wlut iiglt luve you to seuk?
Wly do you tlink you slould seuk?` Just us u bucking
loise }ums buck und butteis tle cuiiiuge iuiling und
bieuks tle tiile bui like tlut, I suy, is tlis eison.
Oi, on being ieioved by lis lellows, le
ietoits: Well, you ulso luve done sucl tlings. Fix
youisell nist!` Just us u bucking loise looses lis lind-
quuiteis liom tle ole und tiumles on it like tlut, I
suy, is tlis eison.
Aguin, wlen one is ieioved by one ol lis lel-
lows, le evudes tle question, tuins tle issue uside und
slows temei, ungei und sulkiness. Just us u bucking
loise tukes tle wiong ioud und mukes tle cuiiiuge
swuy like tlut, I suy, is tlis eison.
Oi uguin, on being ieioved, le seuks to tle
ussembly witl mucl gesticulution. Just us u bucking
loise ieuis ligl und stiikes out witl lis looves like
tlis, I suy, is tlis eison.
Yet uguin, on being ieioved, le disieguids
tle ussembly und tle ieiovei und continues to ollend
}ust us beloie. Just us u bucking loise tukes no notice
ol lis diivei oi tle wli und ulls lis bit like tlis, I
suy, is tlis eison.
Once uguin, on being ieioved, le suys: I um
neitlei guilty, noi do I cuie,` und le unnoys tle ussem-
bly by lis silence. Just us u bucking loise, wlen uiged
on, goes neitlei buck noi loiwuid, but stunds still like
u ost like tlis, I suy, is tlis eison.
And nnully, wlen one is ieioved by one ol
lis lellows; le suys: Siis, wly slould you woiiy so
mucl ubout me? I will give u tle tiuining und ietuin
to tle oidinuiy lile. I loe you uie sutisned.` Just like
u bucking loise, wlen wlied und uiged loiwuid by
tle diivei, diuws lis legs togetlei und }ust sits down
like tlis, I suy, is tlis eison.
1UNl ;
rs. Wlutevei monk ossesses viitue, concentiu-
tion, vision, lieedom tliougl knowledge und vision
}ust to see sucl u one biings mucl good; }ust to leui
ubout sucl u one biings mucl good. To visit lim, to sit
beside lim, to iemembei wlut le suys, und to lollow
lim in going loitl in tle loly lile biings mucl good.
rss. Tle Biulmin Aiumudundu suid: Wlut is tle
cuuse, Mustei Kuccunu, wlut is tle ieuson wly nobles,
Biulmins und louseloldeis ull quuiiel witl eucl otlei?`
Tley do so becuuse ol tleii bonduge und sei-
vitude to sensuul leusuies, tleii uttuclment to und
gieed loi sensuul leusuies.` Wlut is tle cuuse, Mus-
tei Kuccunu, wlut is tle ieuson wly iecluses quuiiel
witl iecluses?`
Tley do so becuuse ol tleii bonduge und sei-
vitude to oinions, tleii uttuclment to und gieed loi
1UNl s
rso. Witl loui tlings women win owei in tlis
woild, tlis woild is in tleii gius. Wlut loui? Concein-
ing tlis, u womun is cuuble ut lei woik, sle munuges
tle seivunts ioeily, sle is loved by lei lusbund und
sle guuids lis weultl.
And low is u womun cuuble ut lei woik?
Wlutevei lei lusbund's lome industiies, wletlei in
wool oi cotton, sle is delt und tiieless, gilted witl un
inquiiing tuin ol mind into wuys und meuns und uble
to uiiunge und cuiiy out tle }ob.
And low does sle munuge tle seivunts io-
eily? Wletlei tleie be seivunts, messengeis oi woik-
eis in lei lusbund's louselold, sle knows tle woik ol
eucl und wlut lus been done, sle knows wlut lus not
been done, sle knows tle stiengtls und weuknesses
ol tle sick, sle divides tle lood, botl luid und solt,
uccoiding to tleii sluie.
And low is sle loved by lei lusbund? Wlut-
evei lei lusbund consideis unlovely, sle would nevei
do, not even to suve lei lile.
And low does sle guuid lei lusbund's weultl?
Wlutevei money, giuin, silvei oi gold le biings lome,
sle secuies, wutcles und guuids; nevei does sle steul,
misuse oi wuste it.
1UNl o
rst. Il, in un uigument, tle ollendei und tle ie-
iovei do not iuctise stiict sell-exuminution, you cun
exect tlut it will leud to diuwn out, bittei, contentious
stiile, und no one will be uble to live in euce. And low
slould tle two uities iuctise stiict sell-exuminution?
Tle ollendei slould ieect: I luve committed some
wiong und tlut otlei eison suw me. Wlen le suw,
le got unnoyed und suid so. He iebuked me und I got
unnoyed und went und told tle otleis. So, it is I wlo
um ut luult.` And low does tle ieiovei iuctise stiict
sell-exuminution? Tle ieiovei slould ieect: Tlis
eison lus committed some wiong und I suw lim. Hud
le not done it, I would not luve seen it, but us le did it,
I suw it. Wlen I suw, I wus disleused und I told lim so.
He got unnoyed und told tle otleis. So it is I wlo um ut
luult.` So it is, tlut il in un uigument tle ollendei und
tle ieiovei botl iuctise stiict sell-exuminution, you
cun exect tlut ull will be uble to live in euce.
1UNl t
rs. Tlese loui wlo uie uccomlisled in wisdom, dis-
cilined, conndent, deely leuined, Dlummu beuieis
wlo live in uccoidunce witl Dlummu tlese loui
illuminute tle Sunglu. Wlicl loui? A monk, u nun, u
luymun und u luywomun.
Wloevei is wise und lull ol luitl, deely leuined,
Holding lust to Dlummu und living uccoiding to it
Liglt ol tle Sunglu` tley uie culled.
Tle monk well-ossessed ol viitue,
Tle nun wlo is widely leuined,
Mule und lemule disciles lully endowed witl luitl
It is tley wlo illuminute tle Sunglu.
Liglt ol tle Sunglu` tley uie culled.
rs0. Mulunkyuuttu suid to tle Loid: Sii, us I
wus medituting, tlis tlouglt enteied my mind: 'Tlese
seculutive views ubout wletlei tle woild is innnite
oi wletlei tle woild is nnite, wletlei it is botl inn-
nite und nnite, wletlei it is neitlei innnite noi nnite;
tlese seculutive views ubout wletlei tle soul is tle
sume us tle body oi dilleient liom it; tlese seculutive
views ubout wletlei tle Tutlugutu exists ultei deutl
oi wletlei le ceuses to exist, oi wletlei le botl ex-
ists und does not exist, oi wletlei le neitlei exists
noi does not exist tlese views uie not exluined by
tle Loid, tley uie set uside, ignoied.' Sii, il you do not
exluin tlese views loi me, I will leuve tlis tiuining. Il
you know tle unsweis to tlese questions, you slould
exluin tlem to me. And il you don't, tlen it would be
lonest to suy so.`
But Mulunkyuuttu, did I evei suy to you:
'Come, be my discile, und I will unswei ull tlese ques-
tions loi you'?`
No, sii.`
Tlen, did you evei suy to me: 'I will become
youi discile only il you unswei ull tlese questions'?`
No, sii.`
So, wlo uie you und wlut is youi comluint,
you loolisl mun? Il one weie to suy tlut tley would
not become my discile until ull tlese views lud been
exluined, le miglt be deud beloie it could be done.
It is us il u mun lud been slot by u oisoned uiiow
und lis liiends miglt get u doctoi to lel lim. And le
miglt suy: 'Wuit! I do not wunt tle uiiow iemoved un-
til I know tle nume ol tle mun wlo slot it, wlut custe
le is, wletlei le is sloit oi tull, lut oi tlin. I do not
wunt tle uiiow iemoved until I know wletlei tle bow
tlut slot tle uiiow wus u siing bow, u ciossbow oi u
longbow. I do not wunt tle uiiow iemoved until I know
wletlei it wus mude liom ieed, wood oi bumboo, oi
wletlei tle leud ol tle uiiow wus u cull-tootl leud,
un oidinuiy leud, u }ugged leud oi un iion leud.' Long
beloie ull tlese questions could be unsweied, tlut mun
would be deud. In tle sume wuy, il someone weie to
suy tlut tley would not become my discile until ull
tlese questions ubout wletlei tle woild is innnite oi
not weie unsweied, tley miglt be deud beloie it could
be done.
Living tle loly lile could not be suid to de-
end uon wletlei tle woild is innnite oi not, wletl-
ei it is botl innnite und nnite, wletlei it is neitlei
innnite noi nnite. Living tle loly lile could not be
suid to deend uon wletlei tle soul is tle sume us
tle body oi dilleient liom it, und so on. Wletlei tle
woild is innnite oi not, tleie is biitl, tleie is uging,
tleie is dying, tleie is giiel, soiiow, sulleiing, lumen-
tution und desuii, und it is loi tle ending ol tlis tlut
I teucl. Tleieloie, undeistund us not exluined wlut
lus not been exluined by me, und undeistund us ex-
luined wlut lus been exluined by me. And wlut lus
not been exluined by me? All tlese seculutive views
tlut you usk ubout. And wly? Becuuse it is not con-
nected witl tle goul, it is not lundumentul to tle loly
lile, it does not conduce to letting go, giving u, stilling,
culming, liglei knowledge, uwukening, oi to Niivunu.
And wlut lus been exluined by me? Tle Foui Noble
Tiutls. And wly? Becuuse it is connected witl tle goul,
it is lundumentul to tle loly lile, it does conduce to let-
ting go, giving u, stilling, culming, liglei knowledge,
uwukening, und to Niivunu.`
1UNl 0
roo. Veneiuble Sublti und u believing monk cume
to tle Loid, sut down, und tle Loid suid to Sublti:
Wlo, Sublti, is tlis monk witl you?`
Sii, le is u believei, tle son ol u believing dis-
cile; le went loitl liom u believei's lome.`
But, Sublti, does le luve tle tiuditionul
cluiucteiistics ol u believei?`
Now is tle time, Loid, to tell me tle tiudi-
tionul cluiucteiistics ol u believei, tlen I will know
wletlei oi not tlis monk lus tlem.`
Tlen, listen cuielully und I will seuk. Con-
ceining tlis, u monk is viituous, le lives iestiuined by
tle iules ol tiuining, le is well-equied witl iuctice,
seeing dungei in tle sligltest luult, und le lollows tle
iecets und ulies limsell to tlem. Fuitleimoie, le
lus leuid mucl, le leuins it in mind und iemembeis
wlut le lus leuid. Tlose teuclings tlut uie beuutilul
in tle beginning, beuutilul in tle middle und beuuti-
lul in tle end, in botl tle lettei und tle siiit, luying
down tle loly lile in ull its eilection und uiity
tlose teuclings le listens to mucl, iemembeis, iecites,
ondeis ovei und enetiutes witl wisdom.
Aguin, le lus liiendsli witl tle beuutilul,
lellowsli witl tle beuutilul, comunionsli witl tle
Aguin, le is leusunt to seuk to, endowed witl
tle quulities tlut muke it eusy to seuk to; le is utient
und clevei ut giusing tle meuning ol instiuctions.
Yet uguin, in ull deulings witl lis lellows in tle
loly lile, gieut oi smull, le is clevei und eneigetic, os-
sessing tle ubility to give ioei consideiution to tlem,
knowing wlut is tle iiglt tling und low to do it.
Yet uguin, le deliglts in Dlummu, le ie}oices
gieutly in liglei Dlummu und liglei disciline, und is
leusunt to seuk witl ubout it.
Yet uguin, le lus iesolute eneigy loi ubundon-
ing bud quulities, le is stout und stiong in ucquiiing good
quulities, not sliiking tle buiden ol good quulities.
Yet uguin, le cun uttuin eusily und witlout
dilnculty tle loui }lunus wlicl uie ol tle cleuiest con-
sciousness und uie connected witl luiness leie und
Yet uguin, le cun iecull lis loimei lives one,
two, nve, ten, u lundied, u lundied tlousund.
Yet uguin, witl god-like vision, uiined und
suiussing tlut ol oidinuiy men, le cun see tle iising
und ussing uwuy ol beings.
And nnully, by tle destiuction ol tle denle-
ments, in tlis veiy lile und by lis own comielension,
le uttuins lieedom ol mind, lieedom tliougl wisdom
und ubides in it. Tlese, Sublti, uie tle tiuditionul
cluiucteiistics ol u believei.`
1UNl ro
ror. Tle wundeiei Sumundukuni usked Veneiuble
Suiiuttu: Piuy, youi ieveience, wlut is good und
wlut is bud?`
Youi ieveience, iebiitl is bud und tle ceusing
ol iebiitl is good. Wleie tleie is iebiitl tlis bud muy
be seen: cold und leut, lungei und tliist, delecution
und uiinution, contuct witl nie, iod und seui, even
one's own ielutives und liiends ubuse one wlen tley
congiegute togetlei. But wlen tleie is tle ceusing ol
iebiitl tlis good muy be seen: no cold oi leut, no lun-
gei und tliist, no delecution und uiinution, no contuct
witl nie, iod und seui und no ubuse liom one's ielu-
tives und liiends wlen tley congiegute togetlei.`
1UNl rr
ro:. Tleie uie tlese loui eilect elloits. Wlut
loui? Conceining tlis, one geneiutes desiie to ievent
tle uiising ol evil uniontuble stutes tlut luve not yet
uiisen. One mukes un elloit, sets going eneigy, luys
lold ol und exeits tle mind to tlis end. One geneiutes
desiie loi tle ubundoning ol evil uniontuble stutes
tlut luve ulieudy uiisen. One mukes un elloit, sets go-
ing eneigy, luys lold ol und exeits tle mind to tlis end.
One geneiutes desiie loi tle uiising ol iontuble stutes
tlut luve not yet uiisen. One mukes un elloit, sets go-
ing eneigy, luys lold ol und exeits tle mind to tlis
end. And one geneiutes desiie loi tle eisisting, tle
non-conlusion, tle luitlei develoment, tle incieuse,
cultivution und lulnlment ol iontuble stutes tlut luve
ulieudy uiisen. One mukes un elloit, sets going eneigy,
luys lold ol und exeits tle mind to tlis end.
1UNl r:
ro;. Abundon wiong. It cun be done. Il it weie
imossible to do, I would not uige you to do so. But
since it cun be done, I suy to you: Abundon wiong.` Il
ubundoning wiong biouglt loss und soiiow, I would
not uige you to do so. But since it conduces to benent
und luiness, I uige you: Abundon wiong.` Cultivute
tle good. It cun be done. Il it weie imossible to do, I
would not uige you to do so. But since it cun be done, I
suy to you: Cultivute tle good.` Il cultivuting tle good
biouglt loss und soiiow, I would not uige you to do so.
But since it conduces to benent und luiness, I uige
you: Cultivute good.`
1UNl r;
ro. A teuclei slould look uon lis uil us u son.
A uil slould look uon lis teuclei us u lutlei. Tlus,
tlese two, united by mutuul ieveience und deleience
und living in communion togetlei will uclieve incieuse,
giowtl und iogiess in tlis Dlummu und disciline.
1UNl r
ros. One wlose luitl in tle Tutlugutu is settled,
nxed, estublisled, nim, unsluken by uny iecluse oi
Biulmin, uny god, Muiu, Biulmu oi unyone in tle woild
cun tiuly suy: I um tle tiue clild ol tle Loid, boin ol
lis moutl, boin ol Dlummu, cieuted by Dlummu, un
leii ol Dlummu.`
1UNl rs
roo. Tle Loid suid: Woids tlut luve loui quulities
uie well-soken, not ill-soken, luultless, not blumed
by tle wise. Wlut loui? Conceining tlis, one seuks
woids tlut uie beuutilul, not ugly; one seuks woids
tlut uie iiglt, not wiong; one seuks woids tlut uie
kind, not ciuel; one seuks woids tlut uie tiutllul, not
Tle viituous cull beuutilul seecl tle
Secondly comes iiglt seecl, not wiong,
Tliidly come kind woids, not ciuel,
And louitlly comes tiutllul, not lulse seecl.
Tlen Veneiuble Vungisu moved liom lis seut, ut lis
iobe on one slouldei, }oined lis lunds und suid: Some-
tling occuis to me, Loid.` Tlen Veneiuble Vungisu
soke tlese woids in iuise ol tle Loid:
One slould uttei only woids
Wlicl do no luim loi onesell
Oi cuuse luim to otleis,
Tlut is tiuly beuutilul seecl.
Seuk kind woids,
Woids ie}oiced ut und welcomed,
Woids tlut beui ill-will to none;
Alwuys seuk kindly to otleis.
Tiutllul seecl is ol tle Immoitul.
Tlis is un eteinul luw.
Tle viituous stund nim on woids
Tlut uie tiutllul, uselul und iiglt.
Tle Buddlu seuks woids tlut leud
To tle winning ol secuiity,
Tle ending ol soiiow, und tle uttuining ol
Tiuly, tlis is tle seecl suieme.
1UNl ro
rot. Il unyone weie to suy tlut }ust us u eison
does u deed, so is lis exeiience deteimined by it, und
il tlis weie tiue, tlen living tle loly lile would not be
ossible tleie would be no ooitunity loi tle ovei-
coming ol sulleiing. But il unyone weie to suy tlut il u
eison does u deed tlut is to be exeiienced, so does
le exeiience it, tlen living tle loly lile would be os-
sible tleie would be un ooitunity loi tle destiuc-
tion ol sulleiing. Foi instunce, u smull evil deed done
by one eison muy be exeiienced leie in tlis lile oi
eilus not ut ull. Now, wlut soit ol eison commits
u smull evil tlut tukes lim to lell? Tuke u eison wlo
is cuieless in develoment ol body, seecl und mind.
He lus not develoed wisdom, le is insignincunt, le
lus not develoed limsell, lis lile is iestiicted, und le
is miseiuble. Even u smull evil deed muy biing sucl u
eison to lell. Now, tuke tle eison wlo is cuielul in
develoment ol body, seecl und mind. He lus devel-
oed wisdom, le is not insignincunt, le lus develoed
limsell, lis lile is uniestiicted und le is immeusuiuble.
Foi sucl u eison, u smull evil deed muy be exeii-
enced leie oi eilus not ut ull. Suose u mun tliows
u giuin ol sult into u little cu ol wutei. Tlut wutei
would be undiinkuble. And wly? Becuuse tle cu ol
wutei is smull. Now, suose u mun tliows u giuin ol
sult into tle Rivei Gunges. Tlut wutei would not be
undiinkuble. And wly? Becuuse tle muss ol wutei is
1UNl rt
ro. Sukku usked tle Loid: Sii, do ull iecluses und
Biulmins teucl tle sume Dlummu, iuctise tle sume
disciline, desiie tle sume tling und uisue tle sume
No, Rulei ol tle Gods, tley do not. And wly?
Tlis woild is mude u ol muny und vuiious elements,
und eole udleie to one oi unotlei ol tlese elements,
und become tenuciously uddicted to tlem, suying: 'Tlis
ulone is tiue, ull else is lulse.' Tleieloie, ull iecluses
und Biulmins do not teucl tle sume Dlummu, iuc-
tise tle sume disciline, desiie tle sume tling oi ui-
sue tle sume goul.`
1UNl r
ro0. And wlut is tle owei ol symutly? Tleie uie
tlese loui buses ol symutly: geneiosity, kind seecl,
doing u good tuin und tieuting ull equully. Tle best gen-
eiosity is geneiosity witl tle Dlummu. Tle best kind
seecl is teucling tle Dlummu uguin und uguin to u
good und uttentive listenei. Tle best good tuin is incit-
ing, encouiuging und estublisling tle wuys ol luitl in
tlose witlout luitl, tle wuys ol viitue in tle unviituous,
tle wuys ol geneiosity in tle meun, und wuys ol wisdom
in tle loolisl. Tle best equul tieutment is tle equulity
between Stieum-Winnei und Stieum-Winnei, between
Once-Retuinei und Once-Retuinei, between Non-
Retuinei und Non-Retuinei, und between Noble One und
Noble One. Tlis is culled tle owei ol symutly.
1UNl r0
rto. Lile in tle woild is uniedictuble und unceituin.
Lile is dilncult, sloit und liuuglt witl sulleiing.
Being boin, one lus to die; tlis is tle nutuie ol
tle woild.
Witl old uge tleie is deutl; tlis is tle wuy
tlings uie.
Wlen liuit is iie, it muy dio euily in tle
In tle sume wuy, one wlo is boin muy die ut
uny moment.
Just us ull tle ots mude by ull tle otteis
End in being bioken,
So it is witl tle lile ol ull wlo uie boin.
Neitlei young noi old, loolisl noi wise
Will escue tle tiu ol deutl.
All move towuids deutl.
Tley uie oveicome by deutl.
Tley uss on to unotlei woild.
A lutlei cunnot suve lis son oi u lumily its
Look! Witl ielutives wutcling, witl teuis und
Men uie cuiiied oll one by one,
Like cuttle to tle sluugltei.
So, deutl und uging uie u nutuiul uit ol tle
Tlus, tle wise giieve not, seeing tle nutuie ol
tle woild.
1UNl :o
rtr. Wlen tle Ageless exists,
Wlut do you wunt witl sensuul leusuies,
Wlicl uie bound u witl old uge und deutl?
All biitls eveiywleie
Aie inseuiuble liom sickness und deutl.
Tlis is ugeless, immoitul;
It is tle ugeless immoitul stute,
Witlout giieving oi enmity,
Witlout obstiuction, witlout stumbling,
Witlout leui und witlout buining.
Tlis immoitul stute
Hus been uttuined by muny,
And cun be uttuined even toduy
By unyone wlo ulies limsell,
But not by tlose wlo do not stiive.
1UNl :r
rt:. Tle Veneiuble Sonu, medituting in solitude,
tlouglt to limsell. Tle Loid's disciles live in uctive
eneigy und I um one ol tlem, yet my mind is not de-
tucled und liee liom tle denlements. My lumily is iicl;
I cun loisuke tle tiuining, ietuin to tle louselold lile,
en}oy iicles und do good.`
Now, tle Loid ieud lis mind, und us eusily us
u stiong mun miglt stietcl out lis uim, ueuied in
liont ol Sonu und suid: Wlut do you tlink, Sonu? In
tle ust wlen you weie ut lome, weie you not skilled
in tle lute's stiinged music?`
Yes, I wus, Loid.`
And wlen tle stiings weie too tiglt, wus tle
lute melodious und luyuble?`
No, Loid.`
Wlen tle stiings weie too loose, wus tle lute
melodious und luyuble?`
No, Loid.`
But wlen tle stiings weie neitlei too tiglt
noi too loose, but tuned to tle middle itcl, wus tle
lute tlen melodious und luyuble?`
Yes, Loid.`
Even so, Sonu, wlen elloit is too tiglt it ends
in uiiy, und wlen too loose ends in idleness. Tleie-
loie, stund nim in tle bulunce, develo u bulunce in tle
luculties und tleieby uttuin tlut wlicl is ol vulue.`
1UNl ::
rt;. Tlen, King Milindu suid: Veneiuble Nugu-
senu, wlut is tle cluiucteiistic ol luitl?`
Fuitl, Siie, lus tiunquillity und leuing loi-
wuid us its cluiucteiistic.`
How is tiunquillity u cluiucteiistic ol luitl?`
Wlen luitl uiises, it destioys tle lindiunces;
wlen tlouglt is witlout tle lindiunces, it is cleui,
uie und seiene.`
Give me u simile.`
A king, going ulong u liglwuy togetlei witl
lis uimy ol loui uits elelunts, cuvuliy, cluiiots und
inluntiy miglt cioss u smull stieum, und tle wutei
distuibed by tlut uimy would become diity, tuibid und
muddy. Tlen, tle king miglt suy: Biing wutei, good
siis; we will diink.` Tley miglt unswei lim, suying:
Yes, Youi Mu}esty,` und tuking tle king's wutei-cleuns-
ing gem miglt ut it in tle wutei so tlut tle vuiious
wutei lunts would disueui, tle mud subside und tle
wutei become cleui, uie und seiene. Tlen tley would
ollei tle diinking wutei to tle king, suying: Let His
Mu}esty diink.` Tlouglt is like tle wutei, tle eole uie
like tle euinest student ol meditution, tle denlements
uie like tle wutei lunts und tle mud, und luitl is like
tle wutei-cleunsing gem. As tle wutei lunts disueui,
tle mud subsides, und tle wutei becomes cleui, uie
und seiene wlen tle wutei-cleunsing gem is ut in
even so, tle uiising ol luitl destioys tle lindiunces und
tlouglt witlout lindiunces is cleui, uie und seiene.`
How, ieveiend sii, is leuing loiwuid u clui-
ucteiistic ol luitl?`
As, Siie, tle euinest student ol meditution, on
seeing tlut tle minds ol otleis uie lieed, leus loiwuid
ultei tle liuits ol Stieum-Winning, ol Once-Retuining,
ol Non-Retuining oi ol Aiuluntsli, und iuctises
meditution loi tle uttuinment ol tle unuttuined, loi
tle musteiy ol tle unmusteied, loi tle ieulizution ol
tle unieulized even so is leuing loiwuid u cluiuc-
teiistic ol luitl.`
Give me u simile.`
A gieut iuincloud miglt oui down iuin on
u ligl mountuin, so tlut tle wutei iusling down tle
incline, ultei nlling tle gullies, tle vulleys und tle
smull stieums on tle sloes, would tlen nll tle iivei,
so tlut it would iusl ulong, bieuking its bunks. Now,
il u gieut ciowd ol eole weie to uioucl tlut iivei
knowing neitlei its widtl noi detl, tley would stund
teiiined und lesitunt on its bunk. Tlen, il u mun weie
to uioucl wlo wus conndent ol lis own owei und
stiengtl, und utting on u loinclotl, weie to dive into
tlut iivei und cioss ovei, tlen seeing tlis, tlut gieut
ciowd ol eole would cioss ovei, too. Even so, Siie,
tle euinest student ol meditution, on seeing tlut tle
minds ol otleis uie lieed, leus loiwuid ultei tle liuits
ol Stieum-Winning, ol Once-Retuining, ol Non-Retuin-
ing oi ol Aiuluntsli, und iuctises meditution loi tle
uttuinment ol tle unuttuined, loi tle musteiy ol tle
unmusteied, loi tle ieulizution ol tle unieulized, und
tlus is leuing loiwuid u cluiucteiistic ol luitl.`
1UNl :;
rt. One conceives lutied ut tle tlouglt: So-und-
so lus done me luim, le is doing me luim, le is going
to do me luim.` One conceives lutied ut tle tlouglt:
So-und-so lus done luim to one deui und iecious to
me, le is doing luim to one deui und iecious to me,
le is going to do luim to one deui und iecious to me.`
One conceives lutied ut tle tlouglt: So-und-so lus
done good to one not deui und iecious to me, is doing
good to one not deui und iecious to me, is going to do
good to one not deui und iecious to me.` In tlis wuy,
one is gioundlessly unnoyed.
1UNl :
rts. Monks! Biulmins und louseloldeis uie most
lellul to you since tley iovide you witl iobe, bowl,
lodging und seut, medicines und tle necessities loi
sickness. You ulso uie most lellul to Biulmins und
louseloldeis, since you teucl tlem tle Dlummu tlut
is lovely in tle beginning, lovely in tle middle und
lovely ut tle end, botl in lettei und siiit. You iocluim
to tlem tle loly lile in ull its comleteness und uiity.
Tleieloie, tle loly lile is lived in mutuul deendence,
loi ciossing tle ood, loi tle oveicoming ol sulleiing.
1UNl :s
rto. Tle Buddlu is like one wlo usses down tle
inleiitunce ol tle Dlummu. Tle good Dlummu is like
tlut inleiitunce. Tle Sunglu, wlicl is like u giou ol
clildien wlo uie leiis ol un inleiitunce, is leii to tle
inleiitunce ol tle good Dlummu.
1UNl :o
rtt. Wleieus some iecluses und Biulmins, wlile
living on lood iovided by tle luitllul, muke tleii
living by sucl low uits, sucl wiong meuns ol liveli-
lood us ulmistiy, loitune-telling liom signs, oitents,
dieums, muiks on tle body, tle gnuwing ol mice, us-
ing u soon to muke olleiings to tle nie god ol iice
lusks, iice owdei, iice giuins, glee oi oil, by muking
olleiings liom tle moutl oi ol blood, by ieuding tle
nngeitis, by louse loie, guiden loie, skill in mugic
cluims, custing out glosts, euitl-louse loie, snuke
loie, oison loie, iut loie, ciow loie, loietelling tle
lengtl ol someone's lile, by muking cluims uguinst
uiiows oi by inteiieting tle ciies ol unimuls, tle iec-
luse Gotumu ubstuins liom sucl low uits, sucl wiong
meuns ol livelilood.
1UNl :t
rt. Just us tle duwn is tle loieiunnei, tle leiuld
ol tle uiising ol tle sun so too, liiendsli witl tle
beuutilul is tle loieiunnei, tle leiuld ol tle uiising ol
tle Noble Eigltlold Putl. Wlen one is u liiend ol tle
beuutilul, it muy be exected tlut le will cultivute und
develo tle Noble Eigltlold Putl.
1UNl :
rt0. Foi one wlo is viituous, in lull ossession
ol viitue, tleie is no need loi tle uioselul tlouglt:
Muy I be liee liom iemoise.` Becuuse it is nutuiul loi
one wlo is viituous to be liee liom iemoise. And loi
one liee liom iemoise tleie is no need loi tle uiose-
lul tlouglt: Muy I be }oylul.` Becuuse it is nutuiul loi
one wlo is liee liom iemoise to be }oylul.
1UNl :0
ro. One wlo is devoted to tle iecollection on
euce slees in luiness und wukes in luiness, lis
luculties uie eucelul und lis mind is eucelul, le lus
slume und leui ol blume, le is conndent, le is iesolved
to uttuin tle liglest stute, und le is iesected und
ieveied by lis lellows in tle loly lile. And even il le
uttuins no liglei, le is ut leust leuded loi u luy ie-
1UNl ;o
rr. Tleie uie two eole you cun nevei ieuy.
Wlut two? Youi lutlei und youi motlei. Even il you
weie to cuiiy tlem on youi buck und live u lundied
yeuis, suoiting tlem, unointing tlem witl medi-
cines, butling und mussuging tleii limbs und wiing
u tleii exciement ultei tlem, even tlis would not ie-
uy tlem. Even il you weie to give tlem ubsolute iule
ovei tle wlole woild, tlis would not ieuy tlem. And
wly? Becuuse uients do mucl loi tleii clildien
tley biing tlem u, nouiisl tlem, tley intioduce tlem
to tle woild. But wloevei encouiuges lis unbelieving
uients to believe, lis immoiul uients to be viituous,
lis stingy uients to be geneious, lis loolisl uients to
be wise, sucl u one by so doing does ieuy, does moie
tlun ieuy lis uients.
1Ul r
r:. Just us tle iudiunce ol ull tle stuis is not woitl
one sixteentl uit ol tle moon's iudiunce; }ust us in tle
lust montl ol tle iuiny seuson, in uutumn, wlen tle
sky is cleui und liee liom clouds, tle sun iises into tle
sky und diives uwuy ull duikness und slines, usles
und iudiutes; }ust us in tle ie-duwn liglt, tle leuling
stui slines, usles und iudiutes; so too, wlutevei good
deeds one miglt do loi tle uiose ol u good iebiitl,
none ol tlem uie woitl one sixteentl uit ol tlut love
wlicl liees tle mind. It is tle love tlut liees tle mind
wlicl slines, usles und iudiutes loitl outsuiussing
ull tlose good deeds.
Wloevei mukes love giow boundless,
And sets lis mind loi seeing tle end ol biitl,
His letteis uie woin tlin.
Il witl u uie mind one leels love
Towuids even u single being,
Tlut ulone mukes lim u good mun.
Huving u mind nlled witl comussion,
Tle Noble One does gieut good.
1Ul :
r;. Tlus is Dlummu well tuuglt by me, mude
munilest, oened u, well iocluimed und stiied ol
its wiuings. And becuuse ol tlis, ull tlose wlo uie
stiiving loi Dlummu tliougl luitl uie bound loi en-
1Ul ;
r. And low does one dwell eivuding one diiec-
tion witl u mind nlled witl love? Just us one would
leel love loi u loving, leusunt eison, like tlis one ei-
vudes ull beings witl love. And conceining tlis, wlut is
love? Tlut wlicl in beings is love, tle uct ol love, tle
stute ol love, love tlut is liee liom ill-will.
And low does one dwell eivuding one diiec-
tion witl u mind nlled witl comussion? Just us one
would leel comussion loi u miseiuble oi evil eison,
like tlis one eivudes ull beings witl comussion. And
conceining tlis, wlut is comussion? Tlut wlicl in be-
ings is comussion, tle uct ol being comussionute, tle
stute ol being comussionute, comussion tlut is liee
liom ciuelty.
And low does one dwell eivuding one diiec-
tion witl u mind nlled witl symutletic }oy? Just us
one would leel }oylul loi u lovely, leusunt eison, like
tlis one eivudes ull beings witl symutletic }oy. And
conceining tlis, wlut is symutletic }oy? Tlut wlicl
in beings is symutletic }oy, tle uct ol symutletic }oy,
tle stute ol symutletic }oy, symutletic }oy tlut is liee
liom envy.
And low does one dwell eivuding one diiec-
tion witl u mind nlled witl equunimity? Just us one
would leel equunimity loi u eison neitlei leusunt
noi unleusunt, like tlis one eivudes ull beings witl
equunimity. And conceining tlis, wlut is equunimity?
Tlut wlicl in beings is equunimity, tle uct ol equu-
nimity, tle stute ol equunimity, equunimity tlut is liee
liom distiess.
rs. Incieusing in nve wuys u noble womun dis-
cile incieuses in tle noble giowtl, giuss tle essen-
tiuls, giuss tle leuit ol tle muttei. Wlut nve? Sle
giows in luitl, in viitue, in leuining, in geneiosity und
sle giows in wisdom.
1Ul s
ro. Tleie uie tlese loui times. Wlut loui? Heui-
ing Dlummu ut tle iiglt time, discussion ol Dlummu
ut tle iiglt time, culming ut tle iiglt time und wisdom
ut tle iiglt time.
1Ul o
rt. Wlut soit ol eison is to be lollowed, seived
und lonouied? Tle eison wlo is viituous und ol
lovely nutuie. And wly is le to be lollowed? Becuuse
even tlougl one muy not ugiee witl lis ideus, u good
ieutution sieuds uiound tlut you ussociute witl tle
lovely, tlut you luve woitly liiends, tlut you consoit
witl tle woitly.
1Ul t
r. Now ut tlut time, between Suvuttli und tle
Jetu Giove u numbei ol boys weie toimenting nsl.
Tlen tle Loid suw tlose boys und le went u to tlem
und suid: .`My boys, uie you uliuid ol uin? Do you dis-
like uin?`
Yes, sii, we do.`
Tlen tle Loid utteied tlis veise:
Il you uie uliuid ol und dislike uin,
Do no evil in oen oi in seciet.
Il you uie doing oi lun to do evil,
Tleie's no escue liom uin
By iunning uwuy oi eeing.
r0. Mulu Kottlitu usked Veneiuble Suiiuttu:
How muny tlings biing Peilect View into existence?`
Tleie uie two tlings tlut biing Peilect View
into existence: tle woids ol unotlei, und cuielul
How muny tlings luitleiing Peilect View ie-
sult in lieedom ol mind und tle udvuntuges ol lieedom
ol mind, lieedom tliougl wisdom und tle udvuntuges
ol lieedom tliougl wisdom?`
Il Peilect View is luitleied by nve tlings
viitue, leuining, discussion, culm und vision liee-
dom ol mind und tle udvuntuges ol lieedom ol mind,
lieedom tliougl wisdom und tle udvuntuges ol liee-
dom tliougl wisdom will iesult.`
1Ul 0
r0o. Tleie uie tlese two sicknesses. Wlut two?
Sickness ol body und sickness ol mind. Tleie uie to
be seen some beings wlo cun udmit to lieedom liom
sulleiing bodily sickness loi one yeui, two yeuis, ten
yeuis, nlty yeuis, eilus even u lundied yeuis. But it
is luid to nnd beings wlo cun udmit to lieedom liom
mentul sickness loi even u moment, excet tlose wlo
luve destioyed tle denlements.
1Ul ro
r0r. Love is cluiucteiized us iomoting tle wel-
luie ol otleis. Its lunction is to desiie welluie. It is
munilested us tle iemovul ol unnoyunce. Its ioximute
cuuse is seeing tle loveubleness in beings. It succeeds
wlen it mukes ill-will subside, und it luils wlen it gives
iise to selnsl ullection.
Comussion is cluiucteiized us iomoting tle
iemovul ol otleis' sulleiing. Its lunction is not beuiing
otleis' sulleiing. It is munilested us kindness. Its ioxi-
mute cuuse is seeing lellessness in tlose oveiwlelmed
by sulleiing. It succeeds wlen it mukes ciuelty subside,
und it luils wlen it gives iise to soiiow.
Symutletic }oy is cluiucteiized us }oy in tle
success ol otleis. Its lunction is being liee liom envy.
It is munilested us tle eliminution ol uveision. Its iox-
imute cuuse is seeing otlei beings' success. It succeeds
wlen it mukes uveision subside, und it luils wlen it
gives iise to meiiiment.
Equunimity is cluiucteiized us iomoting
equioise towuids beings. Its lunction is to see tle
equulity in beings. It is munilested us quieting like und
dislike. Its ioximute cuuse is seeing tle owneisli ol
deeds tlus: Beings uie leiis to tleii deeds. Wlose, il
not tleiis, is tle cloice by wlicl tley will become lu-
y, oi will be liee liom sulleiing, oi will not lull uwuy
liom tle success tley luve ieucled?` It succeeds wlen
it mukes like und dislike subside, und it luils wlen it
gives iise to tle indilleience ol ignoiunce bused on tle
louselold lile.
1Ul rr
r0:. One muy be u believei, viituous und leuined,
but not u teuclei ol Dlummu, und to tlut degiee one is
incomlete. One must iemedy tlis delect by tlinking:
How cun I be u believei, viituous, leuined und u teucl-
ei ol Dlummu ulso?` Wlen one lus ull tlese, tlen one
is comlete.
1Ul r:
r0;. Tle Loid suid to tle monks: Considei it tiue
tlut Huttluku ol Aluvi is endowed witl seven muivel-
lous quulities. Wlut seven? He lus luitl, viitue, con-
scientiousness, leui ol blume, leuining, geneiosity und
wisdom.` Huving soken tlus, tle Loid iose liom lis
seut und enteied tle dwelling. Tlen u monk went to
wleie Huttluku wus und told lim ull tlut tle Loid lud
suid ubout lim. And Huttluku suid to tlut monk: I
loe tleie weie no luymen diessed in wlite iesent.`
No, liiend, tleie weie none.`
Altei tlut monk ietuined liom lis ulms-iound,
le went to tle Loid und told lim tle conveisution le
lud lud witl Huttluku, und tle Loid suid: Well done,
monk, well done! Tlut clunsmun is modest. He does
not wisl lis good quulities to be known by otleis. So,
considei it is tiue tlut Huttluku ol Aluvi is endowed
witl tlis eigltl muivelous und wondeilul quulity,
numely, modesty.
1Ul r;
r0. Fiist in tle woild is tle Teuclei, tle miglty suge,
Next is tle discile wlo lus develoed limsell,
And tlen tle leuinei wlo is wulking tle Putl,
Wlo is deely leuined und wlo kees
Tle iules ol viitue eilectly.
Tlese tliee uie tle liglest umong gods und men,
Tley uie biingeis ol liglt, seukeis ol Dlummu,
Tley oen tle doois ol tle Immoitul
And set muny beings liee liom bonduge.
Wloevei wulks tle utl cleuily slown
By tle mutclless leudei ol tle cuiuvun,
And lollows tle teuclings euinestly
Tley will oveicome sulleiing in tlis veiy lile.
1Ul r
r0s. Tlen tle lemule wundeiei Sucimukli cume
u to tle Veneiuble Suiiuttu und suid: O iecluse, wly
do you eut looking downwuids?`
I do not eut looking downwuids.`
Tlen you eut looking u.`
I do not eut looking u.`
Tlen you eut looking ut tle loui diiections.`
I do not eut looking ut tle loui diiections.`
Tlen you must eut looking ut tle oints in
I do not eut looking ut tle oints in between.`
Tlen low do you eut?`
Wlutevei iecluses und Biulmins get tleii liv-
ing in sucl wiong wuys us divinution und otlei low uits,
tlese uie culled tlose wlo eut looking down. Wlutevei
iecluses und Biulmins get tleii living in sucl wiong
wuys us ustiology und otlei low uits, tlese uie culled
tlose wlo eut looking u. Wlutevei iecluses und Biul-
mins get tleii living in sucl wiong wuys us sending
messuges und iunning eiiunds, tlese uie culled tlose
wlo eut looking in tle loui diiections. And wlutevei
iecluses und Biulmins get tleii living in sucl wiong
wuys us ulmistiy und otlei low uits, tlese uie culled
tlose wlo eut looking ut tle oints in between. But
I um one wlo gets lis living in none ol tlese wuys.
Rigltly do I seek my lood und iigltly do I eut my lood
once I luve souglt it.`
1Ul rs
r0o. And low is one contented? Conceining tlis,
one is sutisned witl u iobe to iotect tle body und witl
lood to sutisly tle stomucl. Huving ucceted enougl,
le goes on lis wuy us u biid witl wings ies leie und
tleie, tuking notling but its wings.
1Ul ro
r0t. Tleie uie tlese nve udvuntuges ol listening to
Dlummu. Wlut nve? One leuis tlings not ieviously
leuid, cluiines tlings ieviously leuid, disels doubts,
stiuigltens one's view, und one's leuit becomes culm.
1Ul rt
r0. Wlen tle Tutlugutu oi tle Tutlugutu's dis-
ciles live in tle woild, it is done loi tle good ol tle
muny, loi tle luiness ol tle muny, out ol comussion
loi tle woild loi tle good, tle welluie und tle lu-
iness ol gods und men. And wlut is u Tutlugutu? Con-
ceining tlis, u Tutlugutu uiises in tle woild, u Noble
One, u lully enligltened Buddlu, ol eilect knowledge
und conduct, luily uttuined, u knowei ol tle woilds,
u guide unsuiussed ol men to be tiuined, u teuclei ol
gods und men, u Buddlu, tle Loid.
And wlut is u Tutlugutu's discile? He is one
wlo teucles Dlummu tlut is lovely ut tle beginning,
lovely in tle middle und lovely ut tle end, botl in tle
lettei und in tle siiit. He mukes luin tle loly lile,
entiiely comlete und uiined. Tlis is tle Tutlugutu
und tle Tutlugutu's discile, und wlen tley live in tle
woild, it is done loi tle good ol tle muny, loi tle lu-
iness ol tle muny, out ol comussion loi tle woild, loi
tle good, tle welluie, tle luiness ol gods und men.
1Ul r
r00. Tle noble quulity ol love slould be tlouglt
ubout tlus: One conceined only witl lis own wel-
luie, witlout concein loi tle welluie ol otleis, cun-
not uclieve success in tlis woild oi luiness in tle
next. How tlen cun one wisling to lel ull beings but
not luving love limsell succeed in uttuining Niivunu?
And il you wisl to leud ull beings to tle suiumundune
stute ol Niivunu, you slould begin by wisling loi tleii
mundune welluie leie und now.` One slould tlink: I
cunnot iovide loi tle welluie und luiness ol otleis
meiely by wisling it. Let me muke un elloit to uccom-
lisl it.` One slould tlink: Now I suoit tlem by
iomoting tleii welluie und luiness, und lutei tley
will be my comunions in sluiing tle Dlummu.` Tlen
one slould tlink: Witlout tlese beings, I could not
uccumulute tle iequisites ol enligltenment. Becuuse
tley uie tle ieuson loi iuctising und eilecting ull
tle Buddlu-quulities, tlese beings uie loi me tle ligl-
est neld ol meiit, tle incomuiuble busis loi lunting
wlolesome ioots, und tlus tle ultimute ob}ect ol iev-
eience.` So one slould uiouse un eseciully stiong in-
clinution towuids iomoting tle welluie ol ull beings.
And wly slould love be develoed towuids ull beings?
Becuuse it is tle loundution ol comussion. Foi wlen
one deliglts in ioviding loi tle welluie und lui-
ness ol otlei beings witl un unbounded leuit, tle de-
siie to iemove tleii ulictions und sulleiing becomes
stiongly und nimly estublisled. And comussion is tle
ie-eminent quulity in Buddlulood, it is its busis, its
loundution, its ioot, its leud und its cliel.
1Ul r0
:oo. Once, wlile tle Loid wus stuying umong
tle Bluggis on tle Ciocodile Hill in tle Deei Puik ut
Blesukulu Giove, tle good mun Nukuluitu luy sick,
uiling und giievously ill. And lis wile Nukulumutu suid
to lim: I beg you, good mun, do not die woiiied, loi
tle Loid lus suid tlut tle lute ol tle woiiied is not
good. Muybe you tlink: 'Alus, wlen I um gone, my
wile will be unuble to suoit tle clildien oi kee tle
louselold togetlei.' But do not tlink like tlut, loi I um
skilled in sinning cotton und cuiding wool, und I will
munuge to suoit tle clildien und kee tle louse-
lold togetlei ultei you uie gone.`
Oi muybe you tlink: 'My wile will tuke un-
otlei lusbund ultei I um gone.' But do not tlink like
tlut, loi you und I know tlut loi sixteen yeuis we luve
lived us louseloldeis in tle loly lile.
Oi muybe you tlink: 'My wile, ultei I um
gone, will luve no desiie to see tle Loid oi to see tle
monks.' But do not tlink like tlut, loi my desiie to see
tlem slull be even gieutei.
Oi muybe you tlink: 'My wile will not kee
tle viitues in lull.' But do not tlink like tlut, loi us
long us tle Loid lus lemule disciles diessed in wlite,
living ut lome und keeing tle viitues in lull, I slull be
one. And il uny doubt it, let tlem usk tle Loid.
Oi muybe you tlink: 'Altei I um gone, my wile
will not luve u culm mind.' But do not tlink like tlut,
loi us long us tle Loid lus lemule disciles diessed in
wlite, living ut lome, wlo guin tlut stute, I slull be
one. And il uny doubt it, let tlem usk tle Loid.
Oi muybe you tlink: 'My wile will not win u
nim loundution, u nim lootlold in tlis Dlummu und
disciline. Sle will not win comloit, dissolve doubt, be
liee liom unceituinty, become conndent, sell-ieliunt,
und live by tle Teuclei's woids.' But do not tlink like
tlut, eitlei. Foi us long us tle Loid lus lemule disciles
diessed in wlite, living ut lome, wlo win u nim loun-
dution, u nim lootlold, wlo luve won comloit, dis-
solved doubt, wlo uie liee liom unceituinty, wlo luve
become conndent, sell-ieliunt und live by tle Teuclei's
woids, I slull be one. And il uny doubt it, let tlem go
und usk tle Loid.`
Now, wlile Nukuluitu wus being counseled
tlus by lis wile, even us le luy tleie lis sickness sub-
sided und le iecoveied. And not long ultei, le got u,
und leuning on u stick, Nukuluitu went to visit tle
Loid und told lim wlut lud luened. And tle Loid
suid: It lus been u guin; you luve gieutly guined liom
luving Nukulumutu us youi counselloi und teuclei, lull
ol comussion loi you, und desiiing youi welluie.
1Ul :o
:or. r luve leuined two tlings: not to be content
witl good stutes one lus ulieudy develoed, und not
to give u tiying. Witlout giving u, I kee tiying und
tlink: Gludly would I luve my skin, bones und sinews
witlei und my esl und blood diy u, il only I cun
stiuggle until I win tlut wlicl cun be won by lumun
elloit.` It wus by euinest endeuvoui tlut I won enliglt-
enment und tle liglest lieedom liom bonds.
1Ul :r
:o:. Witlout tuiiying und witlout luiiying did I
cioss tle ood. Foi wlen I tuiiied I sunk, und wlen I
luiiied I wus wliiled ubout. And so, witlout tuiiying
und witlout luiiying did I cioss tle ood.
1Ul ::
:o;. Just us tle gieut oceun sloes uwuy giuduully,
tends downwuids giuduully witlout uny ubiut ieci-
ice, even so tlis Dlummu und disciline is u giuduul
doing, u giuduul tiuining, u giuduul iuctice; tleie is
no sudden enetiution ol knowledge.
1Ul :;
:o. Once, wlen I wus iesting undei tle goutleid's
Bunyun tiee on tle bunks ol tle Neiu}uiu }ust ultei
my enligltenment, Muiu cume to see me und suid:
Puss uwuy now, now is u good time loi tle Loid to
die.` But I soke to Muiu und suid: I slull not die until
tle monks, tle nuns, tle luymen und tle luywomen
luve become deely leuined, wise und well tiuined,
iemembeiing tle teuclings, ioncient in tle lessei
und gieutei doctiines, viituous und luving leuined
tle teuclings tlemselves, until tley uie uble to tell it
to otleis, teucl it, muke it known, estublisl it, oen it
u, exluin it und muke it cleui, until tley uie uble to
ielute lulse doctiines tuuglt by otleis und to sieud
tle convincing und libeiuting tiutl ubioud. I slull not
die until tle loly lile lus become successlul, iosei-
ous, undesised und oului, until it lus become well
iocluimed umong botl gods und men.`
1Ul :
:os. Tlese nve tlings slould olten be contem-
luted by botl women und men, by botl louseloldei
und lomeleuvei. Wlut nve? Old uge cun come to me; I
luve not got beyond old uge. Sickness cun come to me:
I luve not got beyond sickness. Deutl cun come to me;
I luve not got beyond deutl. I um tle iesult ol my own
deeds, tle leii to deeds deeds uie tle souice, tle
kin und tle loundution. Wlutevei deed I do, wletlei
good oi bud, I slull become leii to tlut.` Tlese nve
tlings , slould olten be contemluted by botl women
und men, by botl louseloldei und lome-leuvei.
1Ul :s
:oo. In tle soutlein distiicts, tleie is un ublution
ceiemony. At tlut time, tleie is mucl lood und diink,
edibles luid und solt, syius und diinks, duncing, sing-
ing und music. Tlis ceiemony is u wusling, but it is not
u wusling uwuy. It is low, common, vulgui, ignoble; it
does not conduce to good, to tuining uwuy, to luding, to
culming, to liglei knowledge, oi to Niivunu. So, I will
teucl you u wusling tlut does conduce to good, to tuin-
ing uwuy, to luding, to culming, to liglei knowledge und
to Niivunu. A wusling tlut liees beings liuble to iebiitl
liom iebiitl, tlut liees beings liuble to decuy liom decuy,
tlut liees beings liuble to die liom deutl, tlut liees beings
liuble to soiiow, sulleiing, lumentution, woe, de}ection
und desuii liom tlose stutes. And wlut is tlut wusling?
Foi one wlo lus Peilect Undeistunding, Peilect Tlouglt;
Peilect Seecl, Peilect Action, Peilect Livelilood, Peilect
Elloit, Peilect Mindlulness, Peilect Concentiution, ei-
lect knowledge und lieedom loi tlut eison, wiong
undeistunding, wiong tlouglt, wiong seecl und so on
uie wusled uwuy. And tlose evil unskilled stutes wlicl
uiise due to tlem uie ulso wusled uwuy. Tlose good und
skilllul stutes tlut uiise due to Peilect Undeistunding,
Peilect Tlouglt, Peilect Seecl, Peilect Action, Peilect
Livelilood, Peilect Elloit, Peilect Mindlulness und Pei-
lect Concentiution tlose stutes come to mutuiity.
1Ul :o
:ot. Wlen you seuk to otleis, you miglt seuk ut
tle iiglt time oi ut tle wiong time, uccoiding to luct
oi not, gently oi luislly, ubout tle goul oi not, witl u
mind lull ol love oi witl u mind lull ol lutied. In tlis
wuy, you slould tiuin youisell. Oui minds will not be
eiveited noi will we uttei evil seecl, but kindly und
comussionute we will live witl u mind lull ol love,
witlout lutied. We will live luving sullused tlut, ei-
son witl u mind lull ol love, und beginning witl lim,
we will live sullusing tle wlole woild witl u love tlut
is lui ieucling, widesieud, immeusuiuble, witlout
enmity, witlout mulevolence.` Tlis is low you slould
tiuin youisell.
1Ul :t
:o. Wlut is wionglul envy? Conceining tlis, u
louseloldei oi lis son is weultly in giuin, silvei oi gold.
Tlen u seivunt oi undeiling tlinks: Il only tlut weultl
didn't belong to tlem.` Oi suose u iecluse oi Biulmin
gets u good suly ol iobes, lood, lodging oi medicine
loi sickness, und unotlei iecluse oi Biulmin tlinks: Il
only le didn't get u good suly ol tlose tlings.` Tlis
is culled wionglul envy und is not ubundoned by ucts ol
body oi seecl, but by seeing it witl wisdom.
1Ul :
:o0. Let one contiol seecl und mind
And do no wiong deed witl tle body.
Il tle lome is well stocked witl goods,
Let one luve luitl, be gentle,
Sluie lis goods witl otleis und seuk kindly.
1Ul :0
:ro. Il one weie to give u gilt ol u lundied coins in
tle moining, uguin ut noon und uguin in tle evening,
oi insteud, il one weie to develo tle mind ol love in
tle moining, noon und evening even loi us long us it
tukes to ull u cow's uddei, tlis would be by lui tle
moie benenciul ol tle two. Tleieloie, you slould tiuin
youisell, tlinking: We will develo tle libeiution ol
tle mind tliougl love. We will iuctise it olten. We
will muke it oui velicle und loundution. We will tuke
oui stund uon it, stoie it u und iomote it.`
1Ul ;o
:rr. Tlose wlo tuke u discouise iigltly, conloim-
ing to botl tle lettei und tle siiit, tley uie ieson-
sible loi tle good und tle welluie ol muny, loi tle
good, tle welluie und tle luiness ol gods und men.
Moieovei, tley cieute gieut good und lel estublisl
tle Dlummu.
1Ul ;r
:r:. Nukuluitu suid to tle Loid: Loid, I um u bio-
ken down old mun, uged; I luve ieucled tle end ol my
yeuis. Ruiely um I uble to see tle Loid und tle monks
so woitly ol iesect. Tleieloie, let tle Loid cleei und
comloit me so tlut it will be to my welluie und lui-
ness loi u long time.`
It is tiue, louseloldei; wlut you suy is tiue.
Foi one cuiiying ubout tle body, to cluim even u mo-
ment's leultl would be loolislness. Tleieloie, you
slould tiuin youisell, tlinking: 'Tlougl my body be
sick, my mind slull not be sick.' Tlis is low you slould
tiuin youisell.`
AU0US1 r
:r;. I um u tiue Biulmin, one to usk u luvoui ol,
uielunded, weuiing my lust body, un imcomuiuble
lysiciun und suigeon. You uie my own tiue clil-
dien, boin ol my moutl, boin ol Dlummu, cieuted by
Dlummu, leiis to siiituul, not to woildly tlings.
AU0US1 :
:r. Tleie uie tlese six wuys ol being consideiute.
Wlut six? One lus love in deed towuid one's comun-
ions in tle loly lile, botl oenly und in iivute; one
lus love in woid towuid one's comunions in tle loly
lile, botl oenly und in iivute; one lus love in tlouglt
towuid one's comunions in tle loly lile, botl oenly
und in iivute. Tlen, tlings ucquiied iigltly und io-
eily, be tley only scius, one loves to sluie imuitiully,
to use tlem in common witl one's comunions in tle
loly lile. Also, one lus tlose viitues tlut uie unbio-
ken, witlout uw, sotless, witlout blemisl, biinging
lieedom, conducive to concentiution; witl tlese, one
lives in luimony witl one's lellows in tle loly lile. And
nnully, one lus tlut noble view tlut is suving, leuding
lim wlo ucts uccoidingly to tle comlete oveicoming
ol sulleiing; und one lives witl tlis view umong one's
comunions in tle loly lile. Tlese uie tle six wuys ol
being consideiute.
AU0US1 ;
:rs. Tle Buddlu is like u steudlust mun wlo gives
iotection liom leui. Tle Dlummu is like tle iotection
liom leui, und tle Sunglu is like tlose wlo luve lound
iotection liom leui. Tle Buddlu is like u good con-
solei, tle Dlummu is like consolution, und tle Sunglu
is like tlose wlo luve been consoled. Tle Buddlu is
like u tiue liiend, tle Dlummu is like lellul udvice,
und tle Sunglu is like tlose wlo luve uclieved tleii
wisles by lollowing tlut lellul udvice.
:ro. It is not ossible tlut one wlo is limsell unie-
stiuined, undiscilined und unquencled could iestiuin,
disciline und quencl otleis. But it is veiy ossible
tlut one wlo is limsell iestiuined, discilined und
quencled could muke otleis like tlut ulso.
AU0US1 s
:rt. Once tleie wus u ceituin king in tlis veiy city
ol Suvuttlti. He culled someone, suying: 'Come my good
mun, go und gutlei togetlei in one luce ull tle men
in Suvuttlti wlo weie boin blind.' 'Veiy good,' suid tle
mun, und le did us tle king communded, und wlen le
lud done so tle king suid to lim: 'Now, my good mun,
slow tlese blind men un elelunt.' 'Veiy good,' suid tle
mun, und le did us tle king communded. He iesented
one blind mun witl tle leud ol tle elelunt, one witl
tle eui, one witl tle tusk, unotlei tle tiunk, tle loot,
tle buck, tle tuil und tle tult ol tle tuil, suying to eucl
us le did so, 'O blind mun, tlis is un elelunt.' Huving
done tlis, tle mun went to tle king und suid: 'Siie, tle
elelunt lus been iesented to tle blind men. Do wlut
you will.'
So, tle king went to tle blind men und suid
to eucl, 'Ol blind men, luve you seen tle elelunt?'
'Yes, Siie, we luve,' suid tle men. 'Tlen tell me wlut un
elelunt is like.' Tlen tle one wlo lud been iesented
witl tle leud suid: 'An elelunt is like u ot.' Tle one
wlo lud been iesented witl tle eui suid: 'An elelunt
is like u winnowing busket.' Tley suid tle tusk wus like
u louglsluie, tle tiunk wus like u lougl ole, tle
body wus like u giunuiy, tle loot like u illui, tle buck
like u moitui, tle tuil like u estle, und tle tult ol tle
tuil u bioom. Tlen tley begun to uigue, slouting us
tley did: 'It is!' 'It is not!' 'An elelunt is not like tlut!'
'Yes, it is!' Soon tley begun to lit eucl otlei, und tle
king wus deliglted witl wlut le suw.
In tle sume wuy, wundeieis ol otlei sects uie
blind, tley do not see, tley do not know tle skilllul oi
tle unskilllul. Tley do not know wlut Dlummu is oi
wlut Dlummu is not. And becuuse ol tleii ignoiunce
tley uie by nutuie uigumentutive, quuiielsome, squub-
bleis, eucl insisting it is tlus.`
Tlen undeistunding tlis, tle Loid soke tlis
How tley cling und low tley wiungle,
Yet cluim to be iecluses und Biulmins.
Quuiielling und clinging to tleii oinions,
Tley only see one side ol tlings.
AU0US1 o
:r. Tle cuientei oi lis uientice sees on lis
tool lundle tle weuiing uwuy cuused by lis nngeis und
tlumb, but le does not necessuiily know tlut so mucl
lus been woin uwuy toduy, so mucl yesteiduy und so
mucl ut unotlei time. In tle sume wuy, one living de-
voted to tle iuctice ol meditution does not know tlut
so mucl ol tle denlements lus been woin uwuy toduy,
so mucl yesteiduy und so mucl ut unotlei time. He
meiely lus tle knowledge tlut tley uie being woin
AU0US1 t
:r0. Eleven udvuntuges uie to be looked loi in
tle lieedom ol mind tliougl tle iuctice ol love, by
muking love giow, by muking mucl ol it, by muking
love u velicle und busis, by eisisting in it, by becom-
ing lumiliui witl it, und by estublisling it well. Wlut
eleven? One slees luily und wukes luily, one lus
no bud dieums, one is deui to botl lumun und non-
lumun beings, one is guuided by tle gods; nie, oison
und swoids do not ullect one, tle mind concentiutes
quickly, tle comlexion is cleun, one dies witlout be-
wildeiment, und il one develos no luitlei, one will
ieucl ut leust to tle Biulmu woild.
::o. One wlose mind is lieed does not uigue witl
unyone, le does not disute witl unyone. He mukes
use ol tle conventionul teims ol tle woild witlout
clinging to tlem.
AU0US1 0
::r. Good Gotumu, loi my uit I suy tlis, I lold
tlis view. Il unyone seuks ol wlut le lus seen, leuid
oi sensed, tleie is no luim in lim suying: 'Tlis is wlut
I suw, tlis is wlut I leuid, tlis is wlut I sensed.' Tleie
is no luim iesulting liom tlut.`
Foi my uit, Biulmin, I do not suy tlut eveiy-
tling one lus seen, leuid oi sensed slould be soken
ol, und I do not suy it slould not be soken ol. Il one
seuks und uniontuble stutes giow, one slould not
seuk. Il one seuks und iontuble stutes giow, one
slould seuk ol wlut one lus seen, leuid, sensed und
AU0US1 ro
:::. On one occusion, tle monk Visuklu ol tle
Puculus wus teucling Dlummu in tle ussembly lull.
As tle evening uioucled, tle Loid, iising liom soli-
tuiy meditution, went to tle lull und sut down on u
seut mude ieudy loi lim und usked: Wlo wus teucl-
ing Dlummu so well?`
It wus, Loid, tle monk Visuklu.`
Tlen tle Loid suid to Visuklu: Well done,
Visuklu, well done. Well luve you instiucted, ulilt-
ed, enligltened und insiied tle monks in lunguuge
olisled, distinct, liee liom iouglness, ieveuling tle
meuning, comielensive und unbiused.` Tlen tle Loid
suid luitlei:
Il le does not seuk u, otleis know lim not;
He is }ust u wise mun mixed u witl lools.
But il le seuks ubout und teucles tle Immoitul,
Otleis will know lim.
So let lim liglt u tle Dlummu,
Let lim lilt tle suge's bunnei ligl.
Suges luve illuminuting seecl us tleii bunnei.
Dlummu is tle bunnei ol suges.
AU0US1 rr
::;. I luve tuuglt tle Dlummu in lull, und il one
undeistunds tle meuning ol even u stunzu ol loui lines
ol Dlummu, und is set on living in uccoidunce witl
it, one muy be culled widely leuined, one wlo knows
Dlummu by leuit.
AU0US1 r:
::. Once, wlile tle Loid wus stuying neui Kosum-
bi in tle Glositu Puik, Veneiuble Uduyin, suiiounded by
u gieut gutleiing ol luymen, sut teucling tle Dlummu.
Now, Anundu suw tlis, so le went to tle Loid und told
lim, und tle Loid suid: Tiuly, Anundu, it is not eusy
to teucl Dlummu to otleis. In teucling Dlummu to
otleis, estublisl well nve tlings, und tlen teucl. Wlut
nve? Teucl Dlummu to otleis tlinking: 'I will seuk
Dlummu in u giuduul wuy; I will seuk witl tle goul
in mind; I will seuk witl kindliness; I will not seuk
us u meuns ol guin; I will seuk neitlei to my own
luim, noi to tle luim ol otleis.' Foi tiuly, Anundu, it
is not eusy to teucl Dlummu to otleis. So, in teucling
Dlummu to otleis, estublisl well tlese nve tlings.`
AU0US1 r;
::s. Il unyone ubuses you to youi luce, stiikes you
witl u nst, tliows clods ol euitl ut you, beuts you witl
u stick oi gives you u blow witl u swoid, you must ut
uside ull woildly desiies und consideiutions und tiuin
youisell like tlis: My leuit will be unwuveiing. No
evil woids slull I seuk. I will live witl comussion loi
tle good ol otleis, witl u kindly leuit, witlout iesent-
ment.` Tlus must you tiuin youisell.
AU0US1 r
::o. Tlis is low you slould tiuin youiselves:
Tlose discouises tuuglt by tle Loid dee, iolound,
tiunscendentul liom time to time we will send oui
duy in leuining tlem.` Tlut is low you slould tiuin
AU0US1 rs
::t. Potuliyu tle wundeiei cume to visit tle Loid,
gieeted lim couiteously, und sut down ut one side, und
us le did, tle Loid suid to lim: Potuliyu, tleie uie tlese
loui eisons lound in tle woild. Wlut loui? Conceining
tlis, one ciiticizes tlut wlicl deseives ciiticism ut tle
iiglt time, suying wlut is luctuul und tiue, but le does
not iuise tlut wlicl deseives iuise. Aguin, one seuks
in iuise ol tle iuisewoitly ut tle iiglt time, suying
wlut is luctuul und tiue, but does not ciiticize tlut wlicl
deseives ciiticism. And uguin, one neitlei ciiticizes tlut
wlicl deseives ciiticism, noi iuises tle iuisewoitly.
And nnully, one ciiticizes tlut wlicl deseives ciiticism
und iuises tle iuisewoitly, ut tle iiglt time, suying
wlut is luctuul und tiue. Now, ol tlese loui eisons,
wlicl do you tlink is tle most udmiiuble und iuie?`
In my view, good Gotumu, le wlo neitlei
ciiticizes tlut wlicl deseives ciiticism noi iuises tle
iuisewoitly is tle most udmiiuble und iuie. And wly?
Becuuse lis indilleience is udmiiuble.`
Well, I muintuin tlut le wlo ciiticizes tlut
wlicl deseives ciiticism und iuises tle iuisewoitly,
ut tle iiglt time, suying wlut is luctuul und tiue le is
tle best. And wly? Becuuse lis timing is udmiiuble.`
AU0US1 ro
::. Just us tle Rivei Gunges ows towuids, in-
clines towuids, tends towuids tle eust so too, one
wlo cultivutes und develos tle Noble Eigltlold Putl
ows towuids, inclines towuids und tends towuids
AU0US1 rt
::0. I tell you tlis: let un intelligent eison come
to me wlo is sinceie, lonest und stiuigltloiwuid, und I
will instiuct lim, I will teucl lim Dlummu. Il le iuc-
tises us le is tuuglt, tlen in seven yeuis le will uttuin
in tlis veiy lile by lis own knowledge und vision tlut
loi tle suke ol wlicl young men go loitl liom lome
into lomelessness, und le will ubide in it. Nevei mind
seven yeuis; le will be uble to do it in seven duys.
Now, you muy tlink: Tle iecluse Gotumu only
suys tlis in oidei to get disciles.` But tlis is not so; let le
wlo is youi teuclei be youi teuclei still. You muy tlink:
He wunts us to give u oui commundments.` But tlis is
not so; continue to live by youi commundments. Oi you
muy tlink: He wunts us to give u oui wuy ol lile.` But
tlis is not so; continue to live youi wuy ol lile. Oi uguin
you muy tlink: He wunts us to iuctise tlings tlut uie
wiong oi not iuctise tlings tlut uie iiglt, uccoiding to
oui teuclings.` But tlis is not so; continue to uvoid tle
tlings youi teucling consideis wiong, und iuctise tle
tlings youi teucling consideis iiglt. But tleie uie un-
skilllul tlings not yet given u, tlings tuinted, leuding
to iebiitl, leuilul, ol uinlul iesult in tle lutuie, tlings
ussociuted witl biitl, decuy und deutl. And it is loi tle
giving u ol tlese tlings tlut I teucl Dlummu. How-
evei, il you iuctise coiiectly, tlese tuinted tlings will
be given u, und tle tlings tlut leud to uiincution will
giow und develo. In tlis veiy lile you will uttuin tle
lullness ol eilected wisdom by youi own knowledge
und vision, und ubide in it.
AU0US1 r
:;o. Wlut eole exect to luen
Is olten dilleient liom wlut uctuully luens.
Tlus does disuointment uiise.
Tlis is tle wuy tle woild woiks.
AU0US1 r0
:;r. Tleie uie tlese tliee tyes ol sick eison to
be lound in tle woild. Wlut tliee?
Tleie is tle sick eison wlo, wletlei le ob-
tuins tle ioei diet, ioei medicines, ioei nuising
oi not, will not iecovei liom lis illness.
Aguin, tleie is tle sick eison wlo, wletlei le
obtuins tle ioei diet, tle ioei medicines, tle ioei
nuising oi not, will iecovei liom lis illness unywuy.
And uguin, tleie is tle sick eison wlo will
iecovei liom lis illness only il le gets tle ioei diet,
medicines und nuising.
It is loi tlis lust tye tlut ioei diet, medi-
cine und nuising slould be iesciibed, but tle otleis
slould be looked ultei ulso.
Now, tleie uie tliee tyes ol eison in tle
woild wlo cun be comuied to tle tliee tyes ol sick
eison. Wlut tliee?
Tleie is tle eison wlo, wletlei le gets
tle clunce ol seeing tle Tutlugutu und leuining tle
Dlummu und disciline oi not, will not entei tle ei-
lection ol tlings tlut uie skilllul.
Aguin, tleie is tle eison wlo, wletlei le
gets u clunce ol seeing tle Tutlugutu und leuining tle
Dlummu und disciline oi not, will entei tle eilec-
tion ol tlings tlut uie skilllul.
And uguin, tleie is tle eison wlo will entei
into tle eilection ol tlings tlut uie skilllul only il le
gets u clunce ol seeing tle Tutlugutu und leuining tle
Dlummu und disciline.
It is on uccount ol tlis lust eison tlut tle
Dlummu is iocluimed, but it slould be tuuglt to tle
otleis ulso.
AU0US1 :o
:;:. How is one conceined witl lis own good und
tle good ol otleis? Conceining tlis, one is conceined
witl tle iestiuint ol gieed, lutied und delusion in lim-
sell, und le incites otleis to tle sume iestiuint.
AU0US1 :r
:;;. Tlese nve tlings muke one's gilt good. Wlut
nve? One gives witl ieveience, one gives tlougltlully,
one gives witl lis own lund, one gives tlings tlut uie
good, und one gives tlinking ol tle iesult.
AU0US1 ::
:;. Veneiuble Anundu went to tle louse, leuned
uguinst tle dooiost und wet, suying: I um still but
u leuinei. I still luve to uttuin eilection. But ulus, my
mustei wlo is so comussionute towuids me is ubout to
uss uwuy.` Tlen tle Loid usked tle monks: Wleie is
Anundu?` And tley told lim wleie le wus und wlut
le wus doing. Tlen tle Loid suid: Go monk, und suy
to Anundu, 'Fiiend Anundu, tle Loid culls you.'`
Wlen le cume, tle Loid suid to Anundu:
Enougl Anundu, do not ciy. Foi luve I not tuuglt tlut
it is tle nutuie ol ull tlings beloved tlut we must sullei
seuiution liom tlem und be seveied liom tlem? Foi
tlut wlicl is boin, come to be und comounded is ulso
sub}ect to dissolution. How could it be otleiwise? Foi u
long time luve you, Anundu, seived tle Tutlugutu witl
tlouglts, woids und deeds ol love, giuciously, leus-
untly und witl youi wlole leuit. You luve gutleied
gieut good. Now you slould ut loitl eneigy und soon
you too will be liee liom tle denlements.`
AU0US1 :;
:;s. Il unyone slould ciiticize me, tle Dlummu oi
tle Sunglu, you slould not on tlut uccount be ungiy,
iesentlul oi uset. Foi il you weie, tlut would lindei
you, und you would be unuble to know wletlei tley
suid iiglt oi wiong. Would you?`
No, Loid.`
So, il otleis ciiticize me, tle Dlummu oi tle
Sunglu, tlen simly exluin wlut is incoiiect, suying:
'Tlut is incoiiect, tlut is not iiglt, tlut is not oui wuy,
we do not do tlut.' But ulso, il otleis slould iuise me,
tle Dlummu oi tle Sunglu, you slould not on tlut uc-
count be leused, }oylul oi ulled u. Foi il you weie,
tlut would lindei you. So, il otleis iuise me, tle
Dlummu oi tle Sunglu, tlen simly exluin wlut is
coiiect, suying: 'Tlut is coiiect, tlut is iiglt, tlut is oui
wuy, tlut is wlut we do.`
AU0US1 :
:;o. Wlen tleie is discontent, tlis woe muy be
looked loi wletlei one goes, stunds, sits oi lies, one
lus no luiness oi leusuie; wletlei one lus gone to
tle loiest, to tle loot ol u tiee, to u lonely luce, to un
oen suce oi umong tle monks, one nnds no lui-
ness oi leusuie. Wlen tleie is contentment, tlis good
muy be looked loi wletlei one goes, stunds, sits oi
lies, wletlei one lus gone to tle loiest, to tle loot ol u
tiee, to u lonely luce, to un oen suce oi umongst tle
monks, one nnds luiness und leusuie.
AU0US1 :s
:;t. Mulunumu tle Sukyun cume to see tle Loid,
und suid: Tlis town ol Kuiluvuttlu is iicl, iosei-
ous, oului, ciowded witl men, tlickly ouluted
witl eole. Now, wlen I entei tle city in tle evening
ultei wuiting on tle Loid oi tle monks, I meet witl
elelunts, loises, cluiiots, cuits und eole, ull swuy-
ing und iolling ulong. At sucl times, my tlouglts tlut
weie nxed uon tle Buddlu, Dlummu und Sunglu
uie utteily bewildeied. Tlen I tlink: 'Il I weie to die
ut tlis moment, wlut would be my lot, wleie would I
be ieboin?'`
Huve no leui, Mulunumu, luve no leui! Youi
deutl will be good, youi end will be good. Foi one
wlose mind lus loi u long time been iuctised in luitl,
viitue, in leuining, in giving u und in wisdom, even
tlougl tle body mude ol tle loui elements is devouied
by biids und unimuls, yet tle mind il loi u long time
iuctised in luitl, viitue, leuining, in giving u und
in wisdom tle mind souis ulolt, tle mind wins tle
liglest. It is }ust us il u mun weie to lunge u }ui ol
buttei oi oil into u dee ool ol wutei und it weie to
be bioken; tle liugments ol tle }ui would sink to tle
bottom but tle buttei oi oil would out to tle to. So,
Mulunumu, youi mind lus loi u long time been iuc-
tised in luitl, viitue, leuining, in giving u und in wis-
dom. So, luve no leui. Youi deutl will be good, youi
end will be good.`
AU0US1 :o
:;. As u mongoose uioucles u snuke to seize it
only ultei luving sulied lis own body witl medicine,
so too, tle meditutoi, tle euinest student ol meditution,
on uioucling tlis woild ubounding us it is in ungei
und mulice, lugued by quuiiels, stiile, contention und
lutied, must unoint lis mind witl tle medicine ol
AU0US1 :t
:;0. Tleie uie tlese loui eisons lound in tle woild.
Wlut loui? One witl little leuining wlo does not iont
liom lis leuining, one ol little leuining wlo does iont
liom lis leuining, one ol gieut leuining wlo does not
iont liom lis leuining, und one ol gieut leuining wlo
does iont liom lis leuining. And low does one witl
little leuining not iont liom lis leuining? In tlis cuse,
u eison lus little leuining in tle discouises, le knows
neitlei tle lettei noi tle siiit, und le does not live in
uccoidunce witl tle Dlummu. And low does one witl
little leuining iont liom lis leuining? In tlis cuse, u
eison lus little leuining in tle discouises, but ol wlut
le knows, le undeistunds botl tle lettei und tle siiit,
und le lives in uccoidunce witl it. How does one witl
gieut leuining not iont liom lis leuining? In tlis cuse,
u eison is widely leuined in tle discouises, but le un-
deistunds neitlei tle lettei noi tle siiit, und does not
live in uccoidunce witl tle Dlummu. And nnully, low
does one witl gieut leuining iont liom lis leuining?
Heie, u eison is widely leuined in tle discouises, le
undeistunds botl tle lettei und tle siiit, und le lives
in uccoidunce witl tle Dlummu.
AU0US1 :
:o. Bluiudvu}u usked tle Loid: Wlut, good
Gotumu, is ol gieut lel in tle uttuinment ol tiutl? We
uie usking ubout tle tling tlut is ol gieut lel in tle
uttuining ol tiutl.`
Stiiving, Bluiudvu}u, is ol gieut lel in tle
uttuinment ol tiutl, loi il one did not stiive one would
not uttuin tiutl. But il one did stiive one would uttuin
But wlut is ol gieut lel to stiiving?`
Weigling tlings u is ol gieut lel in tle ut-
tuinment ol stiiving, loi il one did not weigl tlings u
one would not stiive. But il one did weigl tlings u
one would stiive.`
But wlut is ol gieut lel in weigling tlings u?`
Muking un elloit is ol gieut lel in weigling
tlings u, loi il one did not muke un elloit one would
not weigl tlings u. But il one did muke un elloit one
would weigl tlings u.`
But wlut is ol gieut lel in muking un elloit?`
Desiie is ol gieut lel in muking un elloit, loi
il one did not desiie one would not muke un elloit. But
il one did desiie one would muke un elloit.`
But wlut is ol gieut lel in geneiuting desiie?`
Aioving ol tlings is ol gieut lel in genei-
uting desiie, loi il one did not uiove ol tlings one
would not geneiute desiie. But wlen one uioves ol
tlings one geneiutes desiie.`
But wlut is ol gieut lel in uioving ol
Testing tle meuning is ol gieut lel in u-
ioving ol tlings, loi il one did not test tle meuning
one would not uiove ol tlings. But il one did test tle
meuning one would uiove ol tlings.`
But wlut is ol gieut lel in testing tle
Remembeiing tle Dlummu is ol gieut lel in
testing tle meuning, loi il one did not iemembei tle
Dlummu one could not test tle meuning. But il one did
iemembei tle Dlummu one could test tle meuning.`
But wlut is ol gieut lel in iemembeiing tle
Heuiing tle Dlummu is ol gieut lel in ie-
membeiing tle Dlummu, loi il one did not leui tle
Dlummu one could not iemembei it. But il one did
leui one could iemembei tle Dlummu.`
But wlut is ol gieut lel in leuiing tle
Lending un eui is ol gieut lel in leuiing tle
Dlummu, loi il one did not lend un eui one could not
leui tle Dlummu. But il one did lend un eui one could
leui tle Dlummu.`
But wlut is ol gieut lel in lending un eui?`
Diuwing close is ol gieut lel in lending un
eui, loi il one did not diuw close one could not lend un
eui. But il one did diuw close one could lend un eui.`
But wlut is ol gieut lel in diuwing close?`
Visiting is ol gieut lel in diuwing close, loi
il one did not visit one could not diuw close. But il one
did visit one could diuw close.`
Tlen, wlut is ol gieut lel in visiting?`
Fuitl is ol gieut lel in visiting, loi il one did
not luve luitl one would not visit. But il one did luve
luitl one would visit.`
AU0US1 :0
:r. Tle Loid suid to Loliccu: Is it tiue tlut you
ieuson like tlis: 'Il u iecluse oi Biulmin discoveis
some good Dlummu, le slould not teucl it to otl-
eis, loi wlut cun one mun do loi unotlei? It is }ust us
il, luving cut tliougl un old bond, one weie to muke
u new bond. Sucl u tling is un evil deed iooted in ut-
tuclment, loi wlut cun one mun do loi unotlei?'
Yes, Reveiend Gotumu, tlus is my ieusoning.`
Wlut do you tlink ubout tlis, Loliccu? You
ieside leie in Suluvutiku. Il someone weie to suy: 'Tle
Biulmin Loliccu slould en}oy ull tle ievenue und
ioduce ol Suluvutiku, ullowing notling to unyone
else,' would one wlo seuks tlus be u dungei to youi
He would, Reveiend Gotumu.`
And us sucl, would le be consideiing tleii
welluie oi not?`
He would not.`
And not consideiing tleii welluie, would
le luve u leuit lull ol love loi tlem, oi one lull ol
Ol lutied, Reveiend Gotumu.`
And in u leuit lull ol lutied is tleie wiong
view, oi Peilect View?`
Wiong view.`
Now, il one lolds wiong views, I suy tlut
one ol two destinies iesults iebiitl in lell, oi us un
AU0US1 ;o
::. In due time Kisu Gotumi becume iegnunt,
und ultei ten lunui montls guve biitl to u son. But tle
clild died us soon us le wus uble to wulk. Kisu Gotumi
lud not known deutl beloie, und wlen tley cume to
iemove tle clild's body loi ciemution, sle ielused to
let tlem do so, suying to leisell: I will get medicine
loi my son.` Plucing tle deud clild on lei li, sle went
liom louse to louse, usking: Do you know u cuie loi
my son?` Eveiyone suid to lei: Womun, you uie com-
letely mud in seeking medicine loi youi son,` but sle
went uwuy, tlinking: Tiuly, I will nnd someone wlo
knows tle iiglt medicine loi my clild.` Now, u ceituin
wise mun suw lei und tlouglt to limsell: I must lel
lei.` So le suid: Womun, I do not know il tleie is u
cuie loi youi clild, but tleie is one wlo will know,
und I know lim.`
Sii, wlo is it wlo will know?`
Womun, tle Loid will; go und usk lim.`
So, sle went to tle Loid, uid ieveience to
lim, stood ut one side, und usked: Veneiuble sii, is it
tiue us men suy tlut you know u cuie loi my clild?`
Yes, I know.`
Wlut tlen do I need?`
A lew mustuid seeds.`
I will get tlem, veneiuble sii, but in wlose
Get tlem liom u louse wleie no son oi
duugltei oi uny otlei eison lus evei died.`
Veiy well, sii,` Kisu Gotumi suid, und luving
uid ieveience to tle Loid, und luving luced tle deud
clild on lei li, sle went to tle villuge und stoed ut
tle veiy nist louse.
Huve you uny mustuid seeds? Tley suy tlut
will cuie my clild.` Tley guve lei tle seeds, und tlen
sle usked: Fiiend, lus uny son oi duugltei died in tlis
Wlut do you usk, womun? Tle living uie lew
und tle deud uie muny.`
Tlen tuke buck youi seeds, loi tley will not
cuie my clild,` sle suid, und guve buck tle seeds tley
lud given lei.
In tlis wuy, sle went liom louse to louse but
nevei did sle nnd one tlut lud tle mustuid seed tlut
sle needed, und sle tlouglt: Ol! It is u dilncult tusk
tlut I luve. I tlouglt it wus only I wlo lud lost u clild,
but in eveiy villuge tle deud uie moie tlun tle living.`
Wlile sle ieected, lei leuit wlicl lud quiveied now
becume stuble.
AU0US1 ;r
:;. Even il low-down ciiminuls slould cut you
limb liom limb witl u double-lundled suw, il you nlled
youi mind witl lutied, you would not be iuctising my

Sll1lVll r
:. Develo tle meditution tlut is love, loi by so
doing, lutied will be got iid ol. Develo tle meditution
tlut is comussion, loi by so doing, luiming will be got
iid ol. Develo tle meditution tlut is symutletic }oy,
loi by so doing, dislike will be got iid ol. Develo tle
meditution tlut is equunimity, loi by so doing, sensoiy
ieuction will be got iid ol. Develo tle meditution on
tle imuie, loi by so doing, uttuclment will be got iid
ol. Develo tle meditution tlut is tle eicetion ol im-
eimunence, loi by so doing, tle conceit I um` will be
got iid ol.
Sll1lVll :
:s. Wlen tleie is quuiielsome tulk mucl tulk
muy be exected, wlen tleie is mucl tulk one is ex-
cited, being excited one is uncontiolled, und wlen one
is uncontiolled tle mind is lui liom concentiution.
Sll1lVll ;
:o. Tleie uie tlese six dungeis ol being uddicted
to diink: loss ol weultl, incieuse in quuiiels, ill leultl,
loss ol ieutution, indecent exosuie und imuiied
:t. Giving u woildly desiies, one dwells witl u
mind liee liom woildly desiies und uiined. Giving u
ill-will und lutied, one dwells witl u mind nlled witl
comussion und love loi tle welluie ol ull beings, und
uiines tle mind ol ill-will und lutied. Giving u slotl
und luziness, one eiceives tle liglt, und mindlul und
cleuily comielending, one uiines tle mind ol slotl
und luziness. Giving u iestlessness und woiiy und ie-
muining inwuidly culm, one uiines tle mind ol iest-
lessness und woiiy. Giving u doubt, one dwells luving
ciossed ovei doubt, und witlout unceituinty us to wlut
is skilllul, one uiines tle mind ol doubt.
Just us u mun wlo lud boiiowed money to de-
velo lis business, und wlose business lud ioseied,
miglt ieuy tle money und luve enougl lelt ovei to
suoit u wile, und would tlink: Beloie I wus in debt,
but now I um liee liom debt,` und would be glud und
luy becuuse ol tlut;
Just us u mun wlo wus sick und sulleiing,
witlout uetite und weuk, miglt in time ieguin lis
leultl, uetite und stiengtl, und would tlink: Be-
loie I wus sick, but now I um leultly,` und would be
glud und luy becuuse ol tlut;
Just us u mun wlo is imiisoned miglt, ultei
u time, be lieed witlout uny connscution ol lis io-
eity, und would tlink: Beloie I wus imiisoned, but
now I um liee,` und would be glud und luy becuuse
ol tlut;
Just us u mun wlo is ensluved, not lis own
mustei, contiolled by unotlei und unuble to do us le
desiied, und wlo in time would be emunciuted, would
tlink: I wus u sluve, but now I um emunciuted,` und
would be glud und luy becuuse ol tlut;
Just us u tiuvellei cuiiying goods und weultl
miglt nnd limsell in u wildeiness witl little lood und
mucl dungei, und ultei u time, miglt uiiive sule und
sound ut tle edge ol u villuge, und would tlink: Be-
loie I wus in dungei, but now I um sule,` und would be
glud und luy becuuse ol tlut;
In tle sume wuy, us long us tle nve lindiunces
uie not given u, one leels indebted, sick, imiisoned,
ensluved, lost in tle wildeiness. But wlen tle nve lin-
diunces uie given u, one leels liee liom debt, leultly,
liee, emunciuted und sule. And wlen one knows tlut
tlese nve lindiunces uie given u, gludness uiises,
liom gludness comes }oy, becuuse ol }oy tle body is
tiunquil, witl u tiunquil body one is luy, und tle
mind ol one wlo is luy is concentiuted.
Sll1lVll s
:. Possessed ol two tlings in tlis veiy lile, one
lives in mucl euse und luiness, nimly diiected to-
wuids tle ending ol tle denlements. Wlut two? Being
tliilled by entlusiusm ut tle time loi entlusiusm, und
muking u nim elloit.
Sll1lVll o
:0. Wlut is liiendsli witl tle good? It is to lol-
low ultei, to liequent tle comuny ol und ussociute
witl eole wlo uie believeis, viituous, leuined, gen-
eious und wise; to iesoit to und consoit witl tlem, to
be devoted to tlem, entlusiustic ubout tlem, in unity
witl tlem.
Sll1lVll t
:so. Detucled liom sense leusuies und unskilled
stutes ol mind, one enteis und ubides in tle nist }lunu,
wlicl lus logicul und wundeiing tlouglt iesent, und
is nlled witl u }oy und luiness tlut is boin ol detucl-
ment. And witl tlut }oy und luiness boin ol detucl-
ment, one sulluses, diencles, nlls und eimeutes tle
wlole body so tlut tleie is no sot in tle entiie body
tlut is untoucled by tlut }oy und luiness boin ol
Just us u skilled butl-uttendunt oi lis uien-
tice, kneuding butl owdei wlicl lus been siinkled
witl wutei, loims liom it in u metul bowl u bull ol loum
liom wlicl no moistuie escues in tle sume wuy,
one sulluses, diencles, nlls und eimeutes tle wlole
body so tlut no sot is untoucled.
:sr. Asuiindu ol tle Bluiudvu}u Biulmin clun
leuid tlut tle leudei ol tle clun lud gone loitl into tle
Sunglu ol tle iecluse Gotumu. Angiy und disleused,
le went to wleie tle Loid wus und ieviled und ubused
lim witl iude, luisl woids. Wlen le lud soken, tle
Loid iemuined silent, und Asuiindu suid: You uie de-
leuted, iecluse, you uie deleuted!` Tle Loid ielied:
Tle lool tlinks le lus won u buttle
Wlen le bullies witl luisl seecl,
But knowing low to be loibeuiing
Tlut mukes one victoiious.
Tle woise ol tle two
Is le wlo, wlen ubused, ietuliutes.
One wlo does not ietuliute
Wins u buttle luid to win.
Knowing tlut tle otlei eison is ungiy,
One wlo iemuins mindlul und culm
Acts loi lis own best inteiest
And loi tle otlei's inteiest, too.
He is u leulei ol botl limsell
And tle otlei eison ulso.
He is tlouglt u lool only by tlose
Wlo do not undeistund tle Dlummu.
Sll1lVll 0
:s:. Once wlile Anundu wus dwelling neui
Kosumbi in Glositu Puik, Bluddu}i uioucled und
Anundu usked lim: Good Bluddu}i, wlut is tle liglest
ol siglts, tle liglest ol sounds, tle liglest ol }oys, tle
liglest ol conscious stutes, tle liglest becoming?`
Tleie is Biulmu wlo is ull-oweilul, none
uie moie oweilul, ull seeing, witl gieut owei und
dominion. To see Biulmu is tle liglest ol siglts. Tleie
uie tle gods ol iudiunt slendoui in wlom }oy ows
und oveiows und wlo uttei u ciy ol Joy! Ol, }oy!`
To leui tlis is tle liglest ol sounds. Tleie uie tle ull-
lustious gods wlo leel }oy but wlo ie}oice in silence,
und tlis is tle liglest ol }oys. Tleie uie tle gods wlo
go to tle sleie ol notlingness, und tlis is tle liglest
ol conscious stutes. Tlen tleie uie tle gods wlo go to
tle sleie ol neitlei-consciousness-noi-unconscious-
ness, und tlis is tle liglest becoming.`
But Bluddu}i, wlut you suy is }ust tle tulk ol
tle ciowd. Listen, uy uttention, und I will seuk. Il,
wlile one looks, tle denlements uie destioyed, tlis is
tle liglest ol siglts. Il, wlile one ie}oices, tle denle-
ments uie destioyed, tlis is tle liglest }oy. Il, wlile
one is conscious, tle denlements uie destioyed, tlis is
tle liglest ol conscious stutes. Il, wlile one becomes,
tle denlements uie destioyed, tlis is tle liglest be-
Sll1lVll ro
:s;. One slould not blume unotlei
Oi desise unyone loi uny ieuson unywleie.
Do not wisl uin uon unotlei
Out ol eitlei ungei oi iivuliy.
Just us u motlei iotects lei only clild
Even ut tle iisk ol lei own lile,
Even so, one cultivutes unbounded love
Towuids ull beings in tle woild.
Sll1lVll rr
:s. Now, it muy be tlut some ol you tlink: Tle
Teuclei's instiuctions luve ceused. We luve no teuclei
uny moie.` But it slould not be seen like tlis. Tlut
wlicl I luve iocluimed, tle Dlummu und tle disci-
line, let tlut be youi teuclei ultei I um gone.
Sll1lVll r:
:ss. Comussion is tlut wlicl mukes tle leuit ol
tle good move ut tle uin ol otleis. It ciusles und de-
stioys tle uin ol otleis; tlus, it is culled comussion.
It is culled comussion becuuse it slelteis und embiuces
tle distiessed.
Sll1lVll r;
:so. Fiom tle duy tle Loid suid: Foui montls
liom now I will uttuin nnul Niivunu,` tlousunds ol
men cume to wuit uon lim. Tlose wlo lud not yet ut-
tuined tle liuits ol Stieum-Winning could not iestiuin
tleii teuis, tlose wlo lud not uttuined enligltenment
exeiienced dee emotion, und wulked uiound in
smull gious, suying: Wlut will we do?` But one monk
numed Dlummuiumu ket seuiute liom tle otlei
monks, und wlen usked: Wlut is tle muttei witl you?`
le guve no iely. He lud tlouglt to limsell: Tle
Loid lus suid tlut loui montls liom now le will uttuin
nnul Niivunu und I still luve not lieed mysell liom
desiie. Tlus, wlile tle Loid lives I will stiuggle to ut-
tuin enligltenment.` Accoidingly, Dlummuiumu ket
to limsell iecollecting, ondeiing und culling to mind
tle Loid's Dlummu. Tle monks went to tle Tutlugutu
und suid: Reveiend sii, Dlummuiumu lus no ullection
loi you. Since you unnounced youi nnul Niivunu loui
montls liom now, le lus notling to do witl us.` Tle
Loid lud Dlummuiumu culled to lim und usked: Is it
tiue wlut tley suy, tlut you luve notling to do witl
tle otlei monks?`
Yes, ieveiend sii, it is tiue.` Wly do you do
I do it tlinking tlus: tle Loid lus suid tlut
loui montls liom now le will uttuin nnul Niivunu,
und I luve not lieed mysell liom desiie. Tlus, wlile
tle Loid lives I will stiuggle to uttuin enligltenment.
Accoidingly, I kee to mysell, iecollecting, ondeiing
und culling to mind tle Loid's Dlummu.
Excellent, monk, excellent,` suid tle Loid.
Tlen tle Loid uddiessed tle monks, suying:
Eveiy monk slould slow lis ullection loi me in tle
wuy Dlummuiumu lus done. Tley wlo lonoui me
witl guilunds, eilume und so on lonoui me not; but
tley tlut iuctise tle Dlummu in ull its uits tley
lonoui me in tle best wuy.`
Sll1lVll r
:st. Tle tlouglt ol love, ol comussion, ol symu-
tletic }oy, ol equunimity, il cultivuted und develoed, is
ol gieut liuit und iont.
Sll1lVll rs
:s. Develo tle meditution tlut is like wutei, loi
in so doing, leusunt und unleusunt sensoiy imies-
sions tlut luve uiisen und tuken lold ol tlouglt will
not eisist. Just us eole wusl uwuy lueces und uiine,
sittle, us und blood, und yet tle wutei is not tioubled,
woiiied oi disgusted even so, develo tle meditu-
tion tlut is like wutei.
Sll1lVll ro
:s0. Tleie uie tlese loui oweis. Wlut loui? Tle
owei ol mindlulness, ol concentiution, ol innocence
und tle owei ol slowing kindness.
Sll1lVll rt
:oo. Do not be uliuid ol doing good deeds. It is un-
otlei nume loi luiness. I know well tlut good deeds
leud to u iiening, u blossoming, wlicl is leusing, }oy-
ous und luy loi u long time.
Sll1lVll r
:or. Tlese nve udvuntuges come to tle viituous
mun becuuse ol lis iuctice ol viitue. Wlut nve? Con-
ceining tlis, tle viituous mun, ossessed ol viitue, by
ieuson ol lis euinestness, comes by gieut weultl. Tle
viituous mun, ossessed ol viitue, guins u good ieu-
tution. Aguin, tle viituous mun, ossessed ol viitue
into wlutevei comuny le enteis, wletlei nobles,
Biulmins, louseloldeis oi iecluses le does so
conndently und unconlused. And uguin, tle viituous
mun, ossessed ol viitue, dies witlout bewildeiment.
And lustly, tle viituous mun, ossessed ol viitue, ultei
deutl is ieboin in leuven.
Sll1lVll r0
:o:. In tlis wuy one slould diuw tlis inleience
liom onesell: Tlut eison wlo lus evil desiies und is
in tle gii ol evil desiies le is unleusunt und dis-
ugieeuble to me. Similuily, il I weie ol evil desiie und
in tle gii ol evil desiie, I would be unleusunt und
disugieeuble to otleis.` Wlen you see tlis, you slould
muke u youi mind to luve no evil desiies.
Sll1lVll :o
:o;. Il, witl lull comielension, tle good Gotumu
teucles Dlummu to lis disciles loi tle uiincution ol
beings, loi tle oveicoming ol soiiow und desuii, loi tle
ending ol giiel und de}ection, loi ieucling tle metlod,
loi tle uttuining ol Niivunu, tlen will tle wlole woild
uttuin it, oi lull ol it, oi u tliid?`
At tlese woids, tle Loid wus silent. Tlen
Anundu tlouglt: Tlis eison must not be ullowed to
tlink tlut tle Loid cunnot unswei tlis ull-imoitunt
question.` So Anundu suid: I will give you u simile.
Imugine u wulled town witl stiong loundutions und
toweis und u single gute, und ut tlut gute u wutclei,
sliewd und uleit, wlo lets in known eole und kees
out stiungeis. As le utiols tle wulls, le sees tleie is
not u lole in tle wull big enougl loi even u cut to sli
tliougl. And le would know tlut wlutevei cieutuies
big oi smull entei oi leuve tle town, tley ull do so by
tle gute. In tle sume wuy, us to tlut question ol youis,
tlut is not imoitunt to tle Loid. Wlut le suys is tlis:
wloevei lus escued, is escuing oi will escue liom
tle woild, tley will do it by ubundoning tle nve lin-
diunces, tlose denlements ol tle mind tlut weuken
wisdom; tley will do it witl mind well estublisled in
tle loui loundutions ol mindlulness, und by develo-
ing tle seven luctois ol enligltenment.`
Sll1lVll :r
:o Wloevei mukes love giow boundless,
And sets lis mind loi seeing tle end ol biitl,
His letteis uie woin tlin.
Il le loves even u single being,
Good will lollow.
But tle Noble One
Witl comussionute leuit loi ull munkind
Geneiutes ubounding good.
Sll1lVll ::
:os. Wlile on toui, tle Loid uiiived in due couise
ut Puiileyyu, und tleie le stuyed ut tle Guuided Wood-
lund Tlicket ut tle loot ol u beuutilul sul tiee. And us le
medituted ulone, tlis tlouglt uiose in tle Loid's mind:
Beloie, wlen I wus beset by tlose monks ol Kosumbi,
tlose mukeis ol contention, quuiiels, uiguments, und
nglts, tlose mukeis ol legul questions witlin tle
Sunglu; I did not ubide in comloit. But now tlut I um
ulone, witlout unotlei, iemoved liom tlose conten-
tious monks, I do ubide in comloit.`
Now, ut tlut time, u ceituin luige bull elelunt
wus beset by otlei elelunts, sle-elelunts, culves
und bubes. Tlen it occuiied to tlut elelunt: Now I
um beset by tlese otlei elelunts. I eut giuss ulieudy
cioed by tlem, tley eut tle biuncles I bieuk oll, I
diink wutei tley luve muddied und wlen I cioss ovei
ut tle loid tley usl uguinst my body. Wlut il I weie
to live ulone, secluded liom tle leid.` So, tle elelunt
lelt tle leid und went to Puiileyyu, to tle Guuided
Woodlund Tlicket und tle beuutilul sul tiee wleie
tle Loid wus. Using lis tiunk, le iovided tle Loid
witl wutei loi diinking und wusling, und le ket tle
giuss down. Tlen it occuiied to tle elelunt: Beloie,
wlen I wus beset by tlose elelunts, I did not ubide
in comloit. But now tlut I um ulone, witlout unotlei,
iemoved liom tle leid, I do ubide in comloit.` Tlen,
luving undeistood lis own seclusion und tle mind ol
tle elelunt, tle Loid utteied tlis veise:
In tlis botl miglty beings ugiee,
Tle enligltened suge und tle elelunt,
Witl tusks iesembling tle oles ol lougls
Botl love tle solitude ol tle loiest.
Sll1lVll :;
:oo. I do not suy tlut tle uttuinment ol iolound
knowledge comes stiuiglt uwuy; on tle contiuiy, it
comes by u giuduul tiuining, u giuduul doing, u giuduul
Sll1lVll :
:ot. In tle Himuluyus, tle king ol tle mountuins,
tleie uie tiucts ol lund, inuccesible luces, inlubited by
neitlei monkey noi mun. Tleie uie otlei tiucts ol lund,
beuutilul sots, wleie botl monkey und mun live. In
tlese luces, lunteis set itcl tius to cutcl tle mon-
keys. Now, tle monkeys wlo uie liee liom loolislness
und gieed kee uwuy liom tle tius. But u loolisl und
gieedy monkey comes ulong, toucles it, und gets lis
lund stuck. Tlen, tlinking to liee lis lund, le uses
tle otlei lund, but tlut gets stuck, too. To liee botl
lunds, le uses one loot wlicl gets stuck, und tlen tle
otlei loot wlicl gets stuck ulso. Hoing to liee botl
lunds und leet, le uses lis nose, und tlut gets stuck.
And so, tiued in nve wuys, le lies down und ciies,
luving lullen into misloitune und iuin, being iey to
tle luntei wlo will do wlut le wunts witl lim. Tlis
is wlut luens to one wlo ioums in tle domuin ol
unotlei. Tleieloie, do not ioum in unotlei's domuin,
loi by so doing, Muiu gets uccess, Muiu gets un ooi-
tunity. And wlut is not youi domuin but unotlei's? It
is tle nve sensuul elements. Wlut nve? Ob}ects cogniz-
uble witl tle eye, sounds witl tle eui, smells witl tle
nose, tustes witl tle tongue, und toucles cognizuble
witl tle body ull ol tlem desiiuble, leusunt, de-
ligltlul, wunted, inciting ussion und lust. And wlut is
youi own domuin, youi own nutuiul teiiitoiy? It is tle
loui loundutions ol mindlulness.
Sll1lVll :s
:o. By tle stoing ol logicul und wundei-
ing tlouglts, by guining innei tiunquillity und one-
ointedness ol mind, one enteis und ubides in tle
second }lunu, wlicl is witlout logicul und wundeiing
tlouglt, und is nlled witl u }oy und luiness boin ol
concentiution. And witl tlut }oy und luiness boin
ol concentiution, one sulluses, diencles, nlls und ei-
meutes tle wlole body so tlut tleie is no sot in tle
entiie body tlut is untoucled by tlut }oy und lui-
ness boin ol concentiution. Just us in u ool led by u
siing, witl no inlets in uny diiection, wleie tle iuin
god sends down liglt sloweis liom time to time, tle
cool wutei welling u liom u siing below would sul-
luse, nll und eimeute tlut ool witl cool wutei so tlut
no uit would iemuin untoucled by it in tle sume wuy,
one sulluses, diencles, nlls und eimeutes tle wlole
body so tlut no sot is untoucled.
Sll1lVll :o
:o0. Good leultl is tle liglest guin,
And contentment is tle gieutest weultl.
Tiust is tle best ol kinsmen,
And Niivunu is tle liglest luiness.
Sll1lVll :t
:to. Tle Loid uioucled tle leimituge ol tle
Biulmin Rummuku wleie u luige numbei ol monks
luened to be sitting, tulking ubout Dlummu. Tle
Loid stood outside tle oicl wuiting loi tle tulk to nn-
isl, und wlen it lud, le cougled, knocked ut tle bui,
und tle monks oened tle dooi. He sut down on tle u-
ointed seut und usked: Wlut weie you tulking ubout
monks? Wlut wus tle tulk tlut lus }ust stoed?`
We weie tulking ubout you, Loid.`
It is good loi you wlo uie young men liom
good lumilies, wlo luve gone loitl
liom lome into
lomelessness, tlut wlen you meet togetlei you seuk
eitlei ubout Dlummu oi obseive noble silence.`
Sll1lVll :
:tr. Tleie uie tlese loui wuys ol unsweiing ques-
tions. Wlut loui? Tleie-is tle question tlut iequiies u
cutegoiicul iely, tlut wlicl iequiies u countei ques-
tion, tlut wlicl must be ut uside und tlut wlicl ie-
quiies u disciiminuting iely.
Sll1lVll :0
:t:. In wlut wuy could one suy: Tle iecluse
Gotumu is un unnililutionist, le teucles tle doctiine
ol unnililution,` und be seuking coiiectly? I teucl tle
unnililution ol gieed, lutied und delusion. I iocluim
tle unnililution ol evil unskilled stutes. It is in tlis wuy
tlut one could suy: Tle iecluse Gotumu is un unnili-
lutionist, le teucles tle doctiine ol unnililution,` und
be seuking coiiectly.
Sll1lVll ;o
:t;. Tle Biulmin Unnublu usked Veneiuble
Anundu: Wlut is tle uim ol living tle loly lile undei
tle iecluse Gotumu?`
It is loi tle suke ol ubundoning desiie.`
Is tleie u wuy, u iuctice by wlicl to ubun-
don tlis desiie?` Tleie is u wuy it is by meuns ol
tle syclic oweis ol desiie, eneigy, tlouglt und con-
sideiution togetlei witl concentiution und elloit.`
Il tlut is so, Veneiuble Anundu, tlen it is u
tusk witlout end. Becuuse to get iid ol one desiie by
meuns ol unotlei is imossible.`
Tlen I will usk you u question; unswei us you
like. Beloie, did you not luve tle desiie, tle eneigy,
tle tlouglt und consideiution to come to tlis uik?
And luving uiiived, did not tlut desiie, tlut eneigy,
tlut tlouglt und tlut consideiution ceuse?`
Yes, it did.`
Well, loi one wlo lus destioyed tle denle-
ments, once le lus won enligltenment, tlut desiie,
tlut eneigy, tlut tlouglt und tlut consideiution le
lud loi enligltenment lus now ceused.`
0C10ll r
:t. Suose u loolisl buby boy lying on lis buck
weie, owing to tle cuielessness ol lis nuise, to ut u
stick oi u stone into lis moutl. His nuise would imme-
diutely uttend to tle muttei und iemove it. And il sle
could not get it out immediutely, sle would lold tle
clild's leud witl lei lelt lund, und witl tle nngei ol
lei iiglt lund, sle would get it out, even il sle lud to
diuw blood. And wly? Becuuse sucl u tling is u dun-
gei to tle clild, luimless by no meuns. Also, tle nuise
would do sucl u tling out ol love loi tle clild's benent,
out ol kindness und comussion. But wlen tlut boy is
oldei und moie wise, tlen tle nuise need no longei
look ultei lim, tlinking: Tle boy cun look ultei lim-
sell, le is done witl loolislness.`
In tle sume wuy, il, due to luck ol luitl, con-
scientiousness, leui ol blume, eneigy und wisdom,
good tlings uie not iuctised by one, tlen one must be
wutcled ovei by me. But wlen good tlings uie iuc-
tised, tlen I need not look ultei one, tlinking: He cun
now look ultei limsell; le is done witl loolislness.`
0C10ll :
:ts. Wlen you uie living togetlei, in luimony
und witlout contention, u ceituin eison miglt com-
mit un ollence, u tiunsgiession. Conceining tlis you
slould not lusten to ieiool, tle eison slould be ex-
umined. In coiiecting lim you miglt tlink: I won't
get unnoyed, noi will le, loi le is witlout wiutl und
ungei, le is quick to see und eusy to convince. I luve
tle owei to iuise tlis individuul liom wlut is unskill-
lul und estublisl lim in wlut is skilled.` Il you tlink
tlis tlen it is iiglt to seuk. Il you tlink: I won't get
unnoyed but le will, loi le is wiutllul, ungiy und slow
to see but le is eusy to convince. I luve tle owei to
iuise tlis individuul liom wlut is unskilllul und estub-
lisl lim in wlut is skilled. His unnoyunce is but u smull
tling, tle gieut tling is tlut I um uble to estublisl lim
in tle skilled.` Il you tlink tlis tlen it is iiglt to seuk.
Il you tlink: I will get unnoyed but le won't, loi le is
witlout wiutl und ungei, quick to see but dilncult to
convince. But I luve tle owei to iuise tlis individuul
liom wlut is unskilllul und estublisl lim in tle skilled,
und my unnoyunce is but u smull tling. Tle gieut tling
is tlut I um uble to estublisl lim in tle skilled.` Il you
tlink tlis tlen it is iiglt to seuk. Il you tlink: I will
get unnoyed und le will be iiiituted loi le is wiutllul,
ungiy, slow to see und luid to convince. But still, I luve
tle owei to iuise tlis individuul liom wlut is unskill-
lul und estublisl lim in tle skilled. My unnoyunce is
but u smull tling tle gieut tling is tlut I um uble to
estublisl lim in tle skilled.` Il you tlink tlis tlen it is
iiglt to seuk.
Howevei, il you tlink: I will get unnoyed und
so will le, loi le is wiutllul, ungiy, slow to see und
dilncult to convince, und I don't tlink I luve tle owei
to iuise tlis individuul liom tle unskilled und estublisl
lim in tle skilled,` tlen in tlis cuse luve equunimity
towuids sucl u eison.
0C10ll ;
:to. Foui tlings sline in tle woild,
A nltl you will not nnd.
By duy tle sun slines und by niglt tle moon.
Fiie gives liglt botl duy und niglt,
Botl leie und tleie.
But ol ull tlings tlut sline,
A Buddlu is tle best.
:tt. Wlut soit ol eison slould not be lollowed? In
tlis cuse, u eison wlo is inleiioi to onesell in moiulity,
concentiution und wisdom is not to be lollowed, seived
oi lonouied excet out ol consideiution und comussion
loi lim. And wlut soit ol eison slould be lollowed? In
tlis cuse, u eison wlo is equul to onesell in moiulity,
concentiution und wisdom slould be lollowed, seived
und lonouied, tlinking: As we uie botl ioncient in
moiulity, concentiution und wisdom, oui conveisution
will centei on tlese tlings und it will contiibute to oui
iont und comloit.` And wlut soit ol eison is to be
lollowed, seived, lonouied, und woislied witl iev-
eience? In tlis cuse, u eison wlo is sueiioi to onesell
in moiulity, concentiution und wisdom slould nist be
ieveiently woislied und tlen lollowed, seived, und
lonouied, tlinking: In tlis wuy I slull comlete tle
moiulity, concentiution und wisdom wlicl is not yet
comlete und sulement tlut wlicl is.`
0C10ll s
:t. Il, loi }ust us long us it tukes to snu u nngei,
u monk tlinks, develos und gives uttention to tle
tlouglt ol love, tlen sucl u one is culled u tiue monk.
His meditution is not buiien. He ubides lollowing tle
Teuclei's instiuctions. He is one wlo tukes good ud-
vice und euts tle countiy's ulms-lood to good uiose.
Wlut tlen could I suy ol one wlo mukes mucl ol sucl
u tlouglt?
0C10ll o
:t0. Wlen one is wulking, le comielends: I um
wulking,` oi wlen le is stunding still, le comielends:
I um stunding still,` oi wlen le is sitting down, le
comielends: I um sitting down,` oi wlen le is ly-
ing down, le comielends: I um lying down.` So tlut,
lowevei lis body is disosed, le comielends tlut it
is like tlut. Aguin, wlen le is going oi coming, le ucts
in u cleuily conscious wuy; wlen le is looking in liont
oi belind, wlen le lus bent oi stietcled out lis uim,
wlen le is cuiiying lis clouk, iobe und bowl, le is one
wlo ucts in u cleuily conscious wuy. Wlen le is euting,
diinking, clewing und tusting, wlen le is going to tle
toilet, wlen le is wulking, stunding, sitting, uslee oi
uwuke, tulking oi silent, le is one wlo ucts in u cleuily
conscious wuy. Wlile le is in tlis wuy diligent, ui-
dent, sell-iesolute tlose memoiies und luns tlut
uie woildly uie got iid ol, und so by itsell tle mind is
inwuidly settled, culmed, locussed und concentiuted.
In tlis wuy does one develo mindlulness ol tle body.
0C10ll t
:o. Suose u ciowd weie to ock togetlei, ciy-
ing: 'Tle luiiest giil in tle lund, tle luiiest giil in tle
lund!' And tlut giil, disluying ull lei cluims, would
dunce und sing loi tlem und u still gieutei ciowd would
gutlei. Tlen suose u mun cume ulong, lond ol lile,
not liking deutl, lond ol luiness, uveise to uin, und
tley weie to suy to lim: 'See leie, my mun, leie's u
bowl biimlul ol oil. You must cuiiy it uiound umongst
tle ciowd. Belind you will come u mun witl un ulilt-
ed swoid, und il you sill u dio, oll comes youi leud.'
Now, wlut do you tlink? Would tlut mun, neglecting
tle bowl, tuin lis uttention to outside tlings und giow
Suiely not, Loid.`
Well, tlis is u uiuble I luve mude loi youi
undeistunding, und tlis is its meuning. Tle bowl biim-
lul ol oil is u teim loi mindlulness ol tle body. So, tlis
is low you slould tiuin youisell: We slull cultivute
mindlulness ol tle body, we slull muke mucl ol it,
muke it u velicle, estublisl it, muke inellective. It slull
be incieused und well ulied.`
:r. Tle Veneiuble Suiiuttu suid: Wlen one wlo
teucles wisles to teucl unotlei, let lim estublisl well
nve tlings und tlen teucl. Wlut nve?
Let lim tlink: 'I will seuk ut tle iiglt time,
not ut tle wiong time. I will seuk ubout wlut is, not
ubout wlut is not. I will seuk witl gentleness, not witl
luislness. I will seuk ubout tle goul, not ubout wlut
is not tle goul. I will seuk witl u mind nlled witl
love, not witl u mind nlled witl ill-will.' Wlen one
wlo teucles wisles to teucl unotlei, let lim estublisl
well tlese nve tlings.`
0C10ll 0
::. Rolitussu, u son ol tle gods, wlen tle niglt
wus luding cume to see tle Loid, liglting u ull tle
Jetu Giove witl suiussing biilliunce, und suluting lim
stood to one side und usked: Loid, is it ossible by go-
ing lui to know, to see, to ieucl tle end ol tle woild,
wleie tleie is no moie being boin, giowing old, dying,
no moie iolling uwuy liom one existence und iising
into unotlei?`
I suy tlut tle end ol tle woild cunnot be
known, seen oi ieucled by going.`
Wondeilul! Muivellous! Tlis is well suid by
tle Loid. In my lust biitl I wus u suge culled Rolitussu,
son ol Blo}u. I lud sucl syclic owei tlut I could
wulk in tle sky und my seed wus sucl tlut I could
go lustei tlun un uiiow. Tle extent ol my stiide wus
tle distunce between tle eust und west oceun. And I
tlouglt to mysell. 'I will ieucl tle end ol tle woild by
going.' Excet loi time sent euting, diinking und un-
sweiing tle cull ol nutuie, excet loi stiuggles to bun-
isl slee und weuiiness, tlougl I lived und tiuvelled
u lundied yeuis, I nevei ieucled tle end ol tle woild,
but died tiying.`
I suy tlut tle ending ol sulleiing cunnot be
lound witlout going to tle end ol tle woild. And witl-
in tlis six loot body witl its eicetions und tlouglts
is tle woild, tle oiigin ol tle woild, tle ending ol
tle woild und tle iuctice leuding to tle end ol tle
0C10ll ro
:;. It is suid tlut tle Sukyuns und tle Koliyuns
dummed tle wuteis ol tle Rolini Rivei between
Kuiluvuttlu und Koliyu und cultivuted tle nelds on
botl sides ol tle iivei. In tle montl ol Jettlumlu,
tle cios begun to wilt, und tle lubouieis emloyed
by botl cities ussembled. Tlose ol Koliyu suid: Il tle
wutei is diveited to botl sides ol tle iivei tleie will
not be enougl loi botl ol us. As oui cios will iien
witl u single wuteiing, let us luve tle wutei.` But tle
Sukyuns ielied: Altei youi giunuiies uie lull, we will
not be uble to luce tuking oui vuluubles und witl bus-
ket und bugs in lund, going liom dooi to dooi, begging
liom you. Oui cios will iien witl u single wuteiing,
so let us luve tle wutei.`
We will not give it to you.`
And we will not let you luve it.`
Tulk giew bittei, one eison stiuck unotlei,
tle blow wus ietuined, nglting bioke out, und us
tley louglt tley cust useisions uon tle oiigin ol
tle two ioyul lumilies. Tle Koliyun lubouieis suid:
Tuke youi clildien und go wleie you belong. How
cun we be luimed by tle elelunts, loises, slields
und weuons ol tlose, wlo like dogs und }uckuls,
luve colubited witl tleii own sisteis?` Tle Sukyun
lubouieis ielied: You leeis, tuke youi clildien und
go wleie you belong. How cun we be luimed by tle
elelunts, loises, slields und weuons ol destitute
outcusts wlo live u }u}ube tiees like unimuls. Botl
gious went und ieoited tle quuiiel to tle ministeis
wlo weie in cluige ol tle woik, wlo in tuin ieoited
it to tle ioyul louselolds. Tle Sukyuns ieuied loi
buttle, suying: We will slow tle stiengtl und owei
ol tlose wlo luve colubited witl tleii sisteis.` Tle
Koliyuns ieuied loi buttle, suying: We will slow
tle stiengtl und owei ol tlose wlo live u }u}ube
As tle Loid suiveyed tle woild ut duwn le
suw lis kinsmen und tlouglt: Il I do not go, tlese
men will destioy eucl otlei. It is my duty to go to
tlem.` He ussed tliougl tle uii to wleie lis kinsmen
weie gutleied, und seuted limsell cioss-legged in tle
uii in tle middle ol tle Rolini Rivei. Wlen tley suw
lim, tle Loid's kinsmen tliew down tleii weuons
und woislied lim. Tlen tle Loid suid: Wlut is tlis
quuiiel ubout, gieut king?`
We know not, ieveiend sii.`
Tlen wlo would know?`
Tle commundei-in-cliel ol tle uimy will
Wlen usked, tle commundei-in-cliel sug-
gested tle viceioy miglt know. Tlus tle Loid usked
one ultei tle otlei witl none ol tlem knowing tle
cuuse ol tle quuiiel, until tle lubouieis weie usked.
Tley ielied: Tle quuiiel is ubout tle wutei.`
Tlen tle Loid suid to tle king: Wlut is tle
vulue ol wutei, gieut king?`
Veiy little, ieveiend sii.`
Wlut is tle vulue ol u wuiiioi?`
A wuiiioi, ieveiend sii, is beyond iice.`
Tlen tle Loid suid: It is not iiglt tlut loi u
little wutei you slould kill wuiiiois wlo uie beyond
iice.` Tley weie ull silent. Gieut kings, wly do you
uct tlus? Weie I not leie toduy, you would cuuse u
iivei ol blood to ow. Youi uctions uie unwoitly. You
live in lutied, given to tle nve kinds ol lutied. I live
lull ol love. You live sick witl ussions. I live liee liom
sickness. You live clusing ultei tle nve kinds ol sense
leusuies. I live in contentment.
0C10ll rr
:. Conquei ungei witl love,
Evil witl good,
Meunness witl geneiosity,
And lies witl tiutl.
0C10ll r:
:s. He ubused me, le lit me,
He oiessed me, le iobbed me.`
Tlose wlo continue to lold sucl tlouglts
Nevei still tleii lutied.
He ubused me, le lit me,
He oiessed me, le iobbed me.`
Tlose wlo do not continue to lold sucl tlouglts
Soon still tleii lutied.
Foi in tlis woild,
Hutied is nevei ueused by moie lutied;
It is love tlut conqueis lutied.
Tlis is un eteinul luw.
0C10ll r;
:o. Benuies clotl lus u beuutilul coloui, it is
leusunt to toucl, und is ol gieut vulue. Even Benuies
clotl ol middling quulity oi woin out Benuies clotl is
tle sume. Peole use woin out Benuies clotl to wiu
gems in, oi tley luy it u in u scented clest. In tle sume
wuy, il u beginnei is viituous und ol lovely nutuie, tlis
I cull lis beuutilul coloui. Tlose wlo lollow lim und
kee lis comuny, wlo uy deleience to lim und come
to sluie lis views nnd it to tleii benent und luiness
loi u long time. Tlis is wlut I cull lis being leusunt
to toucl. Also tlose wlo give lim gilts nnd it to tleii
gieut udvuntuge. Tlis I cull lis being ol gieut woitl.
And it is tle sume loi u discile ol middling stunding
und un eldei. Now suose un eldei is seuking to un
ussembly. As le seuks, tley would suy: Silence, tlis
eldei is teucling Dlummu und disciline.` Tlus, lis
woids become u tieusuie to be luid u, }ust us eole
luy u Benuies clotl in u scented clest. So, tlis is low
you slould tiuin youiselves: We will be like Benuies
clotl, not like couise clotl.`
0C10ll r
:t. Tle enligltened eison seives us u guide to
tle blind, slowing tlem tle iiglt utl. He gives tle
deul signuls by lund gestuies, und in tlut wuy bene-
nts tlem witl good. He does tle sume witl tle dumb.
To ciiles le gives u cluii velicle oi otlei meuns ol
conveyunce. He stiives to develo luitl in tle luitlless,
zeul in tle luzy, mindlulness in tle conlused, concen-
tiution in tlose wlose minds wundei, und wisdom in
tle dull. He stiives to disel sense desiie, ill-will, slotl
und luziness, iestlessness und woiiy, und doubt in
tlose obsessed by tlese lindiunces. He stiives to dis-
el tlouglts ol sensuulity, ill-will und violence in tlose
oiessed by sucl tlouglts. Out ol giutitude to tlose
wlo luve leled lim, le lels und iesects tlem witl
tle sume oi gieutei benents in ietuin; lis seecl is
liiendly und lis woids uie endeuiing.
0C10ll rs
:. At one time, tle Loid wus stuying neui Aluvi,
ut tle cowutl in tle Simsuu Giove, lodging on tle
leul-stiewn giound. Now, Huttluku ol Aluvi wus wulk-
ing ubout, und le suw tle Loid seuted umong tle leuves.
He uioucled lim und usked: Piuy, sii, do you live
Yes, my boy, I live luily. Ol ull tle eole in
tle woild, I um tle luiest.`
But sii, tlese wintei niglts uie cold tle
duik lull ol tle montl is u time ol liost. Tle giound
lus been tiumled luid by tle cuttle's looves; tle
cuiet ol lullen leuves is tlin. Tleie uie lew leuves on
tle tiees, youi yellow iobe is tlin, und tle winds blow
Desite tlis, I still live luily. I will usk you u
question; unswei us you wisl. Wlut do you tlink? Su-
ose u mun lus u louse witl u gubled iool, lusteied
inside und out witl well-ntting doois und windows.
Inside is u coucl sieud witl u long eeced woolen
iug, u bedsieud ol wlite wool, u covei embioideied
witl oweis, sieud witl u costly unteloe skin, witl
u cunoy oveileud, und scuilet cuslions ut eucl end.
Tle lum is buining und loui wives wuit on lim witl
ull tleii cluims. Would sucl u mun be luy oi not?`
Yes, sii, le would be luy.`
Well, wlut do you tlink? Is it not ossible tlut
distiess ol body und mind due to gieed, lutied oi delu-
sion could uiise in lim, cuusing lim to leel unluy?`
Yes, sii, tlut is ossible.`
Well, my boy, tlut gieed, lutied und delusion
tlut could cuuse distiess ol body und mind lus been
ubundoned by tle Tutlugutu, cut oll ut tle ioot, mude
like u ulm tiee stum tlut cunnot giow uguin in tle
lutuie. And tlut is wly I live luily.`
0C10ll ro
:0. A dewdio sticks not to u lotus leul,
A lotus owei is untoucled by wutei.
Tle suge clings to notling ut ull,
Not to tle seen, tle leuid oi tle sensed.
0C10ll rt
:0o. Tle Loid is uwukened, le teucles tle
Dlummu loi uwukening; tle Loid is tumed, le
teucles tle Dlummu loi tuming; tle Loid is culmed,
le teucles tle Dlummu loi culming; tle Loid lus
ciossed ovei, le teucles tle Dlummu loi ciossing
ovei; tle Loid lus uttuined Niivunu, le teucles
Dlummu loi tle uttuining ol Niivunu.
0C10ll r
:0r. At tlut time, u ceituin monk went to lis lel-
low monk und usked: Fiiend, low is undeistunding
lully uiined?`
Wlen one sees us it ieully is tle uiising und
ceusing ol tle sixlold sense buse, tlen undeistunding
is lully uiined.`
But dissutisned witl tlut unswei, tlut monk
went on to unotlei monk und usked tle sume question,
und le wus told: Fiiend, wlen one sees us it ieully is
tle uiising und ceusing ol tle clinging uggiegutes, tlen
undeistunding is lully uiined.`
But uguin tlut monk wus dissutisned witl
tlut unswei, so le went to unotlei monk, usked tle
sume question, und wus told: Fiiend, wlen one sees
us it ieully is tle uiising und ceusing ol tle loui gieut
elements, tlen undeistunding is lully uiined.`
But still dissutisned witl tlut unswei, le went
to yet unotlei monk, ut lis question uguin, und tlut
monk ielied: Fiiend, wlen one sees us it ieully is tlut
eveiytling tlut uiises ulso usses uwuy, tlen undei-
stunding is lully uiined.`
Still dissutisned witl ull tlese unsweis, tlut
monk uioucled tle Loid und told lim ol tle ques-
tion le lud usked und tle ielies le lud ieceived. Tlen
le uddiessed tle Loid und suid: Loid, low is undei-
stunding lully uiined?`
Suose,` suid tle Loid, u mun lus nevei seen
u kimsuku tiee so le goes to u mun wlo lus, und usks:
'Wlut is u kimsuku tiee like?' And tlut mun ielies: 'Well,
my mun, u kimsuku tiee is bluckisl, sometling like u
cluiied stum.' So, loi tle time being, tle tiee is to lim
us tle otlei mun sees it. Not sutisned witl tlis unswei to
lis question le goes to unotlei mun wlo lus seen one,
und uguin uts lis question. And tle otlei mun unsweis:
'Well, my mun, u kimsuku tiee is ieddisl, sometling like
u lum ol meut.' So, loi tle time being, tle tiee is to lim
us tle otlei mun sees it. Still not sutisned, le goes to
unotlei mun wlo lus seen u kimsuku tiee und uts lis
question to lim. And tle otlei mun unsweis: 'Well, my
mun, u kimsuku tiee lus no buik und its seed ods buist
sometling like un ucuciu tiee.' So, loi tle time being, tle
tiee is to lim us tle otlei mun sees it. Still dissutisned,
le goes to unotlei mun wlo lus seen u kimsuku tiee
und uts lis question yet uguin. And tlut mun unsweis:
'Well, u kimsuku tiee lus tlick leuves und gives close
slude sometling like u bunyun tiee.' So, loi tle time be-
ing, tle tiee is to lim us tle otlei mun sees it. All tlese
good lolk luve given tleii exlunutions uccoiding to tle
uiity ol tleii undeistunding. In tle sume wuy tle un-
deistunding ol tle monks you luve usked lus been uii-
ned uccoiding to tleii individuul inclinutions und tley
luve given tleii exlunutions uccoidingly.`
0C10ll r0
:0:. At tlut time tleie wus u neice elelunt in
Ru}ugulu, u mun-killei culled Nulugiii. Tlen Devuduttu
enteied Ru}ugulu und went to tle elelunt stuble und
suid to tle mulouts: I um u ielutive ol tle king. I um
cuuble ol utting one wlo is in u low osition into
u ligl osition, und ol biinging ubout un incieuse in
lood und wuges. So, my good lellows, wlen tle iecluse
Gotumu is coming ulong tle cuiiiuge ioud, let loose
Nulugiii und send lim down tle ioud.`
Veiy well, lonouied sii,` tlose mulouts suid
to Devuduttu. In tle moining tle Loid diessed, und
tuking lis iobe, enteied tle city loi ulms-lood, togetl-
ei witl seveiul otlei monks. As tley went down tle
ioud, tle mulouts ieleused Nulugiii. He suw tle Loid
coming in tle distunce, und lilting u lis tiunk und
muking lis euis und tuil eiect, le iusled towuids lim.
Tle monks suw Nulugiii coming und suid to tle Loid:
Loid, tlis elelunt is u neice mun-killei. Tuin buck.`
Do not be uliuid, monks, loi it is imos-
sible, it cunnot luen tlut someone could kill tle
Tutlugutu; tle Tutlugutu cunnot uttuin nnul Niivunu
due to violence.`
A second und tliid time tley soke to tle
Loid. Peole climbed on to tle iools ol tle louses,
wuiting. Tlose witl little luitl, tlose wlo weie not
believeis, suid: Tlis gieut iecluse is beuutilul indeed,
but le will be luimed by tlis bull elelunt.` But tlose
witl luitl, tlose wlo weie believeis, suid: Good siis,
soon tlis bull elelunt will conliont u tiuly gieut be-
ing.` Tlen tle Loid sullused Nulugiii witl u mind lull
ol love, und tle elelunt loweied lis tiunk, went u
to tle Loid, und stood beside lim. Tle Loid stioked
Nulugiii's loieleud witl lis iiglt lund und uddiessed
tlese veises to lim:
O elelunt, do not stiike u tiuly gieut being,
Foi to do so is uinlul indeed.
Foi one wlo sluys u gieut being, O elelunt,
Tleie is no good iebiitl, wlen one deuits
liom leie.
Be not ioud, be not ieckless,
Oi tleie will be no good iebiitl.
Act in sucl u wuy us to luve u good iebiitl.
Tlen Nulugiii took dust liom tle Loid's leet witl lis
tiunk, und siinkled it ovei lis own leud, und tlen
bucked uwuy bowing wlile le ket lis guze on tle
Loid. He ietuined to tle stuble und stood in lis own
luce, und in tlis wuy wus nnully tumed. Tlen eole
ut tlut time sung tlis veise:
Some uie tumed by sticks, by gouds oi by wlis.
Tle elelunt wus tumed by tle gieut seei,
Witlout stick oi weuon.
Peole disuiuged und ciiticized Devuduttu widely,
suying: Tlis Devuduttu is evil und inuusicious in tlut
le tiied to muidei tle iecluse Gotumu wlo is ol sucl
gieut syclic owei und mu}esty.` And Devuduttu's
ieutution declined wlile tle Loid's giew.
0C10ll :o
:0;. Fuitl is tle best weultl one cun luve.
0C10ll :r
:0. Wlut is tle tieusuie ol leuining? Conceining
tlis, u noble discile lus leuint mucl; tleie is u ietuin-
ing und u stoiing ol tlings leuint; tlose tlings lovely
in tle beginning, lovely in tle middle und lovely ut tle
end, wlicl set loitl tle meuning und detuil ol tle loly
lile, uie ull leuint by lim, ietuined in mind, lumiliui-
ized by discussion, ondeied ovei und well enetiuted
by Peilect View. Tlis is tle tieusuie ol leuining.
0C10ll ::
:0s. Possessed ol nve quulities, u sick mun is ol
mucl lel to limsell. Wlut nve? He knows wlut medi-
cine is good loi lim, le knows tle iiglt meusuie in lis
tieutment, le tukes tle medicine, le desciibes lis ill-
ness to tle one wlo nuises lim out ol kindness, suying:
In going, it goes like tlis; in coming, it comes like tlis;
wlile tleie, it is like tlis,` und le is one wlo enduies
tle vuiious uins ol tle sickness.
0C10ll :;
:0o. Suy one dwells contemluting tle body
uident, cleuily conscious und mindlul luving ut
uside tle uttiuction und ieulsion ol tle woild. As le
does tlis, eitlei some bodily leeling uiises, bodily dis-
comloit uiises, oi diowsiness scutteis lis tlouglts to
exteinul tlings. Tlen lis uttention slould be diiected
to some leusuiuble ob}ect oi tlouglt. Huving done
tlut, deliglt siings u in lim; being deliglted, lui-
ness uiises, und tle mind tlut is luy is concentiuted.
Tlen le tlinks: Tle uim on wlicl I set my mind is
now uttuined. Come, let me witldiuw my mind liom
tlut leusunt tlouglt.` So, le witldiuws lis mind
liom tlut, und neitlei stuits noi cuiiies on tlouglt
0C10ll :
:0t. Possessing nve quulities, one wlo nuises tle
sick is nt to nuise tle sick. Wlut nve? He cun ieuie
tle medicine; le knows wlut is good und wlut is not
wlut is good le olleis, und wlut is not le does not;
le nuises tle sick out ol love, not out ol loe loi guin;
le is unmoved by exciement, uiine, vomit und sittle;
und, liom time to time le cun instiuct, insiie, glud-
den und sutisly tle sick witl tulk on Dlummu.
0C10ll :s
:0. Kussuu suid to tle Loid: Reveiend Gotumu,
it is luid to be u tiue iecluse; it is luid to be u tiue
Tlut is wlut tle woild suys. But il u nuked iec-
luse weie to iuctise ull kinds ol sell-toituie, und il tlis
wus tle meusuie ol dilnculty, tlen it would not be tiue
to suy: 'It is luid to be u tiue iecluse; it is luid to be u
tiue Biulmin.' Becuuse unyone, u louseloldei, lis son,
even u sluve giil wlo diuws wutei could go nuked oi
iuctise sell-toituie. But tleie is unotlei tye ol usceti-
cism becuuse ol wlicl it is tiue to suy: 'It is luid to be
u tiue iecluse; it is luid to be u tiue Biulmin.' Wlen u
monk develos u mind witlout lutied oi ill-will, lull ol
love, und by tle destiuction ol tle denlements dwells
witl u mind lieed tliougl insiglt, tlen tlut monk is u
tiue iecluse, u tiue Biulmin.`
0C10ll :o
:00. Leuin tlis liom tle wuteis:
In mountuin clelts und clusms,
Loud gusl tle stieumlets,
But gieut iiveis ow silently.
Emty tlings muke u noise,
Tle lull is ulwuys quiet.
Tle lool is like u lull-nlled ot,
Tle wise mun like u dee still ool.
0C10ll :t
;oo. Humility meuns lumbleness ol mind und
being unussuming in munnei. A eison ossessing it
lus ut uwuy iide und uiiogunce, le iesembles u loot-
wiing clotl, u bull witl its loins cut oll, u snuke witl
its lungs iemoved. He is gentle, cleeilul und eusy to
seuk to.
0C10ll :
;or. Altlougl tlis wisl muy uiise in tle leuit ol
one wlo is ulying limsell to meditution: Muy my
mind be liee liom tle denlements und witlout uttucl-
ments,` yet it will not luen. And wly? Becuuse le
lus not develoed tle loui loundutions ol mindlulness,
tle loui iiglt elloits, tle loui syclic oweis, tle nve
luculties, tle nve siiituul oweis, tle seven luctois ol
enligltenment und tle Noble Eigltlold Putl. It is }ust
us il u butcl ol len's eggs weie not lully sut uon, not
lully wuimed, not lully develoed. Altlougl tlut len
miglt wisl: Ol, tlut my clicks miglt bieuk tle slell
witl cluw und beuk und lutcl out sulely,` it will not
luen. And wly? Becuuse tle eggs uie not lully sut
uon, not lully wuimed, not lully develoed.
Altlougl no sucl wisl muy uiise in one wlo
is develoing tle loui loundutions ol mindlulness, tle
loui iiglt elloits, tle loui syclic oweis, tle nve
luculties, tle nve siiituul oweis, tle seven luctois
ol enligltenment und tle Noble Eigltlold Putl, yet lis
mind will be lieed. And wly? Becuuse le lus devel-
oed tlese tlings. It is }ust us il u butcl ol len's eggs
weie lully sut uon, lully develoed. Tlut len muy not
wisl: Ol, tlut my clicks miglt lutcl,` und yet lei
eggs will lutcl unywuy. And wly? Becuuse tley uie
lully wuimed, lully develoed.
0C10ll :0
;o:. Tleie uie tlese nve timely gilts. Wlut nve?
One gives to tle one wlo lus }ust uiiived, to one wlo
is leuving, to tle sick, wlen lood is luid to get, und
tle nist-liuits ol neld und oicluid one gives to tle
0C10ll ;o
;o;. Tiuly, tlose wlo uie good eole uie tlunk-
lul und giutelul.
0C10ll ;r
;o. Wleie tleie is uin,
Pleusuie is to be stiived loi.
In tle sume wuy,
Wleie tleie is becoming,
Non-becoming is to be desiied.
Wleie tleie is leut,
Tleie must be cool.
In tle sume wuy,
Wleie tleie uie tle tliee nies,
Tleie must ulso be Niivunu.
Wleie tleie is evil,
Tleie is ulso tle good.
In tle sume wuy,
Wleie tleie is biitl,
Non-biitl cun be inleiied.

N0\lVll r
;os. Tle Loid suid to Suiiuttu: Tell me, Suiiuttu,
could u noble discile wlo is lully devoted to und lus
eilect luitl in tle Tutlugutu luve uny doubt oi uncei-
tuinty in tle Tutlugutu oi tle Tutlugutu's teuclings?`
No, Loid, le could not. It muy be exected
tlut tle noble discile witl luitl und eneigy will live
iesolute in eneigy, ulwuys stiiving to ubundon bud
quulities und develo good ones; le will be stout und
stiong in exeiting limsell, not tliowing oll tle buiden
ol good quulities. His eneigy is tle contiolling luculty
ol eneigy. It muy be exected tlut tle noble discile
witl luitl will be mindlul, ossessed ol good disciimin-
ution, one wlo culls to mind und iemembeis tlings
done long ugo. His mindlulness is tle contiolling luc-
ulty ol mindlulness. It muy be exected tlut tle noble
discile witl luitl, eneigy und mindlulness will muke
sell suiiendei tle ob}ect ol lis tlouglt; le will de-
velo concentiution und one-ointedness ol mind. His
concentiution is tle contiolling luctoi ol concentiution.
Aguin, it muy be exected tlut tle noble discile witl
luitl, eneigy, mindlulness und witl tlouglts stilled
will undeistund: 'Witlout end is tlis sumsuiu. Tle
beginning ol beings lindeied by ignoiunce, bound by
ciuving, wlo iun on, luie on tliougl sumsuiu, cunnot
be known. Tle utteily ussionless cessution ol igno-
iunce, ol tlis stute ol duikness is tlis luy, excellent
stute, tle culming ol ull constiucts, tle giving u ol
ull buses ol iebiitl, tle destiuction ol ciuving, disus-
sion, cessution, Niivunu.' Tlis wisdom is tle contiol-
ling luculty ol wisdom. Tlut noble discile witl luitl,
stiiving uguin und uguin, being mindlul uguin und
uguin, concentiuting tle mind uguin und uguin, cleuily
undeistunding uguin und uguin guins gieut conndence
und le tlinks: 'Beloie I lud only leuid ol tlese tlings;
now I live exeiiencing tlem eisonully.' Tlis luitl is
tle contiolling luculty ol luitl.`
N0\lVll :
;oo. A tiee mukes no distinction in tle slude it
gives. Even so, tle meditutoi, tle euinest student ol
meditution must muke no distinction between uny
beings, but must develo love quite equully towuids
tlieves, muideieis, enemies und towuids limsell,
tlinking: How muy tlese beings be witlout enmity
und witlout luim, low muy tley be ut euce, secuie
und luy; low muy tley look ultei tlemselves?`
N0\lVll ;
;ot. Veneiuble Tissu, tle nelew ol tle Loid's
lutlei, cume to tle Loid ciying. Tlen tle Loid suid to
lim: Wlut is wiong, Tissu? Wly do you sit beside me
sud und de}ected und ciying so muny teuis?`
Loid, it is becuuse ull tle monks luve been
mocking und teusing me.`
Tissu, tlut is becuuse ultlougl you luve u slui
tongue, you cunnot enduie tle slui tongues ol otleis.
It is not ntting tlut you wlo luve given u tle louselold
lile to go loitl into tle lomeless lile slould luve u slui
tongue und be unuble to enduie tle slui tongues ol
otleis. And il you do luve u slui tongue, you slould be
uble to enduie tle slui tongues ol otleis.`
Tlus suid tle Loid, und le udded tlis veise:
Wly be ungiy Tissu? Be not ungiy.
Meekness is best loi you,
To iestiuin ungei, iide und lyociisy is best.
It is loi tlis tlut we live tle loly lile.
;o. How does one iuctise contemlution on
leelings? Wlen exeiiencing u leusunt leeling, one
knows: I um exeiiencing u leusunt leeling.` Wlen
exeiiencing u uinlul leeling, one knows: I um ex-
eiiencing u uinlul leeling,` und wlen exeiiencing
u neutiul leeling, one knows: I um exeiiencing u
neutiul leeling.` Wlen exeiiencing leusunt, uinlul
oi neutiul leelings tlut uie woildly, one knows tley
uie woildly, und wlen exeiiencing leusunt, uinlul
oi neutiul leelings tlut uie unwoildly, one knows tley
uie unwoildly. Tlus one dwells contemluting leelings
inteinully und exteinully. One dwells contemluting
tle oiiginution luctois und tle dissolution luctois in
leelings, oi one's mindlulness tlut tleie uie leelings`
is estublisled to tle extent necessuiy loi knowledge
und mindlulness. Indeendent one dwells, clinging to
notling in tle woild.
N0\lVll s
;o0. Wlen one lus lieed tle mind, tle gods cun-
not tiuce lim, even tlougl tley tlink: Tlis is tle
consciousness uttucled to tle Tutlugutu.` And wly? It
is becuuse tle Tutlugutu is untiuceuble. Altlougl I suy
tlis, tleie uie some iecluses und Biulmins wlo mis-
ieiesent me lulsely, contiuiy to luct, suying: Tle iec-
luse Gotumu is u nililist becuuse le teucles tle cutting
oll, tle destiuction, tle disueuiunce ol tle existing
entity.` But tlis is exuctly wlut I do not suy. Botl now
und in tle ust, I simly teucl sulleiing und tle ovei-
coming ol sulleiing.
N0\lVll o
;ro. Tleie is one eison wlo is boin into tle woild
loi tle welluie ol tle muny, loi tle luiness ol tle
muny, out ol comussion loi tle woild, loi tle welluie
und luiness ol gods und mun. Wlo is tlut eison? It
is tle Tutlugutu, tle Noble One, tle lully enligltened
N0\lVll t
;rr. An oidinuiy mun exeiiences leusunt, uin-
lul und neutiul leelings, und so does tle instiucted
noble discile. So, wlut is tle distinction, tle division,
tle dilleience between tlem? Wlen un oidinuiy mun
is toucled by u uinlul leeling le woiiies und giieves,
luments, beuts lis bieust, wees und is distiuuglt. He
tleieloie exeiiences u bodily leeling und u mentul
leeling. It is us il u mun weie ieiced by u duit, und
lollowing tle nist ieicing, le wus lit by u second
duit. He would exeiience tle leelings cuused by botl
duits. And so it is witl tle oidinuiy mun. Huving been
toucled by u uinlul leeling, le iesists und iesents it
und so u dee tendency ol iesistunce und iesentment
comes into being. Undei tle imuct ol tlut uinlul leel-
ing le tlen ioceeds to en}oy sensuul luiness. And
wly does le do so? Becuuse tle oidinuiy mun knows
no otlei escue liom uinlul leelings excet tle en}oy-
ment ol sensuul luiness. Tlen in en}oying sensuul
luiness u dee tendency to lust loi leusunt leelings
comes into being. He does not know us it ieully is tle
uiising und ending ol tlose leelings, tleii sutisluction,
tleii dungei oi tle escue liom tlem. In lucking tlis
knowledge, tle dee tendency to ignoiunce ubout neu-
tiul leeling comes into being. So, wletlei le leels u
leusunt, uinlul, oi neutiul leeling, le leels it us one
letteied by it. He is letteied to biitl, old uge und deutl,
to soiiow, lumentution, uin, giiel und desuii. He is
letteied to sulleiing, I decluie.
But wlen tle instiucted noble discile is
toucled by u uinlul leeling, le does not woiiy, giieve
oi lument, le does not beut lis bieust oi wee, noi is le
distiuuglt. It is one leeling only tlut le exeiiences, u
bodily one und not u mentul one. It is us il u mun weie
ieiced by u duit but wus not ieiced by unotlei duit
lollowing tle nist one. And so it is witl tle instiucted
noble discile. Huving been toucled by tlut uinlul
leeling, le neitlei iesists noi iesents it, und so no dee
tendency loi iesistunce oi iesentment comes into being.
Hence, in consequence ol tle uinlul leeling le does
not ioceed to en}oy sensuul luiness. And wly not?
Becuuse le knows ol un escue liom uinlul leeling
otlei tlun by en}oying sensuul luiness. Tlen, in not
en}oying sensuul luiness, no dee tendency to lust
loi u leusunt leeling comes into being. He knows us it
ieully is tle uiising und ending ol tlose leelings, tleii
sutisluction, tleii dungei und tle escue liom tlem.
Knowing tlis, no dee tendency to ignoiunce us to
neutiul leelings comes into being. So wletlei le leels
u leusunt, uinlul oi neutiul leeling, le leels it us one
liee liom it. He is liee liom biitl, old uge und deutl,
liom soiiow, lumentution, uin, giiel und desuii. He
is liee liom sulleiing, I decluie.
;r:. And wlut is u monk's weultl? Conceining tlis,
one ubides witl tle mind nlled witl love, comussion,
symutletic }oy und equunimity, sullusing tle nist,
second, tliid und louitl quuitei. One ubides sullusing
tle wlole woild uwuids, downwuids, ucioss, eveiy-
wleie witl u mind nlled witl love, comussion,
symutletic }oy und equunimity, ubundunt, unbounded,
witlout lutied oi ill-will. Tlis is u monk's weultl.
N0\lVll 0
;r;. And Suiiuttu suid to tle Loid: I believe tlut
tleie lus nevei been, tleie will not be in tle lutuie,
noi is tleie now u iecluse oi Biulmin wlo is bettei oi
moie enligltened tlun tle Loid.`
Suiiuttu, you luve boldly soken, you luve
iouied witl tle ceituinty ol u lion. But wly? Do you
know tle minds ol tle noble Buddlus ol tle ust, tleii
viitue, tleii teucling, tleii wisdom oi tleii libeiution?`
No, Loid.`
Do you know tle minds ol ull tle noble
Buddlus in tle lutuie?`
No, Loid.`
Tlen wlut ol me? Do you know even my mind,
my viitue, my teucling, my wisdom oi my libeiution?`
No, Loid.`
So, Suiiuttu, you do not know tle minds ol
tle Buddlus ol tle ust, tle lutuie oi tle iesent. Wly
tlen luve you soken so boldly? Wly luve you iouied
witl tle ceituinty ol u lion?`
Loid, I know not tle minds ol tle Buddlus
ol tle ust, tle lutuie oi tle iesent. But tle wuys ol
tle Dlummu, tlis I do know. Imugine u wulled town
witl stiong loundution und toweis und u single gute,
und ut tlut gute u wutclei, sliewd und uleit wlo lets
in known eole und kees out stiungeis. As le utiols
tle wulls le would not see u lole in tle wull big enougl
loi even u cut to sli tliougl. And le would know tlut
wlutevei cieutuies big oi smull entei oi leuve tle town,
tley ull do so by tle gute. And it seems to me tlut tle
Dlummu is tle sume. All tlose noble Buddlus ol tle
ust wlo uttuined lull enligltenment did so by ubun-
doning tle nve lindiunces, denlements tlut weuken
undeistunding, nimly estublisling tle loui loundu-
tions ol mindlulness in tleii minds, und ieulizing tle
seven luctois ol enligltenment us tley ieully uie. All
tle noble Buddlus ol tle lutuie will do tle sume, und
you, Loid, wlo uie now u Noble One, u lully enliglt-
ened Buddlu, luve done tle sume.
N0\lVll ro
;r. How is one conceined witl lis own good und
tle good ol otleis? Conceining tlis, u ceituin eison
is quick, le giuss teuclings tlut uie iontuble, le lus
leuined by leuit und by undeistunding botl tle let-
tei und siiit ol tle Dlummu und wulks in uccoidunce
witl it. He ulso lus u beuutilul voice und deliveiy, os-
sesses uibune seecl, distinctly und cleuily enunciuted
so us to muke lis meuning cleui. He teucles, uiges, in-
cites und gluddens lis comunions in tle loly lile.
N0\lVll rr
;rs. Tleie uie tlese gioss imuiities ol gold: dust,
sund, giuvel und giit. Tle diit wuslei oi lis uientice
leus tle gold into u tiougl und wusles it u, wusles
it down und iuns tle diit out. Wlen tlis iocess is
nnisled tleie uie still modeiute imuiities in tle gold
sucl us nne giit und sund. So tle diit wuslei ieeuts
tle iocess. Wlen tlis is nnisled tleie still iemuin
smull imuiities sucl us nne sund und dust. So tle diit
wuslei ieeuts tle iocess uguin, ultei wlicl only tle
gold dust iemuins. Tlen tle goldsmitl oi lis uien-
tice uts tle gold into u ciucible. It is molten but not
uwless, it is not yet nnisled, tle imuiities uie not yet
ull stiuined oll. It is not yet liuble, woikuble oi glisten-
ing, being still biittle und incuuble ol being eilectly
woiked. But in time, tle goldsmitl melts tle gold so
tlut it iuns liom tle ciucible witl ull tle imuiities
stiuined oll. Tlen it is liuble, woikuble, glistening, no
longei biittle, is cuuble ol being eilectly woiked. It
cun be used loi wlutevei uiose one wisles, to muke
u gold lute, u iing, u neckluce oi u cluin. It is }ust tle
sume loi one wlo is tiying to develo tle liglei mind.
Gioss imuiities ol body, seecl und mind, tle tlouglt-
lul, cuielul one ubundons, kees in cleck oi mukes un
end ol so tlut tley do not iecui. Wlen tlese luults uie
nnisled tleie uie still minute imuiities wlicl cling
to lim sucl us sensuul, mulicious und ciuel tlouglts.
Aguin, tlese le ubundons. Wlen tlese luults uie nn-
isled tleie uie still minute imuiities wlicl cling to
lim, sucl us tlinking ubout lis ielutives, lis countiy
oi lis ieutution. Once uguin tle tlougltlul, cuielul
one ubundons tlem, kees tlem in cleck, oi mukes
un end ol tlem so tlut tley do not iecui. Wlen tlis is
done, tleie still iemuin tlouglts ubout Dlummu. At
tlis stuge, concentiution is neitlei culm noi lolty, it is
not tiunquil noi lus it ieucled one-ointedness, it is de-
endent on lubituul iestiuint. But tleie comes u time
wlen tle mind is inwuidly stuble, still, one-ointed
und concentiuted. Sucl concentiution is culm und lolty,
it is tiunquil und lus ieucled one-ointedness, it is not
deendent on lubituul iestiuint. Wlutevei knowledge
one diiects lis mind to, one cun ieulize it.
N0\lVll r:
;ro. It is }ust us il u mun tiuvelling in u loiest
slould come ucioss un uncient ioud, un uncient utl,
tiuveised by men in loimei times, und ioceeding
ulong it, slould come to un uncient city, un old ioyul
citudel lived in by men in loimei times, witl uiks
und gioves, wutei tunks und wulls u tiuly deligltlul
luce. Tlen, suose tlut tlis mun slould tell ol lis
discoveiy to tle king oi u ioyul ministei, suying: Siie,
you slould know tlut I luve discoveied un uncient city.
Restoie tlut luce.` Tlen, suose tlut uncient city
wus iestoied, so tlut it becume ioseious, ouiisling,
oulous, und wus nlled witl lolk, und it giew und ex-
unded. In tle sume wuy, I luve seen un uncient ioud,
un uncient utl tiuveised by tle lully enligltened
Buddlus ol loimei times. And wlut is tlut utl? It is
tle Noble Eigltlold Putl.
N0\lVll r;
;rt. How does one live iuctising contemlution ol
mind? Conceining tlis, one knows u mind witl gieed
us u mind witl gieed, und u mind witlout gieed us u
mind witlout gieed. One knows u mind witl lutied
us u mind witl lutied, und u mind witlout lutied us u
mind witlout lutied. One knows u mind witl delusion
us u mind witl delusion, und u mind witlout delusion
us u mind witlout delusion. One knows tle contiucted
mind us contiucted und tle distiucted mind us dis-
tiucted, tle develoed mind us develoed und tle un-
develoed mind us undeveloed. One knows tle mind
witl some mentul stute sueiioi to it us tle mind witl
some mentul stute sueiioi to it, und tle mind witl no
mentul stute sueiioi to it us tle mind witl no mentul
stute sueiioi to it. One knows tle concentiuted mind
us concentiuted und tle unconcentiuted mind us un-
concentiuted, tle mind tlut is lieed us lieed und tle
mind tlut is not lieed us not lieed.
Tlus one dwells contemluting mind intein-
ully und exteinully. One dwells contemluting tle oiig-
inution luctois und tle dissolution luctois in tle mind,
oi one's mindlulness tlut tleie is mind` is estublisled
to tle extent necessuiy loi knowledge und mindlul-
ness. Indeendent one dwells, clinging to notling in
tle woild.
N0\lVll r
;r. Tleie uie tlese nve limbs ol stiiving. Wlut
nve? One lus luitl in tle enligltenment ol tle Buddlu.
One lus leultl und wellbeing, u good digestion, not
ovei-lot oi ovei-cool, but even und suituble loi stiiving.
One is not deceitlul oi dislonest, but ieveuls onesell
to tle Teuclei oi one's lolloweis in tle loly lile us one
ieully is. One lives stiiving luid to give u evil tlings
und to develo tle good, stuuncl und stiong in elloit,
not sliiking tle buiden ol Dlummu. One lus wisdom
into tle wuy ol tle iise und lull ol tlings witl noble
eicetion into tle comlete oveicoming ol sulleiing.
N0\lVll rs
;r0. Wloevei is eusy to seuk to becuuse ol ie-
secting, ieveiing und lonouiing Dlummu, lis seecl
is giucious und I cull lim eusy to seuk to.
N0\lVll ro
;:o. Tle Tutlugutu lives liee, detucled und ie-
leused liom tle body, leelings, eicetion, mentul
constiucts, consciousness, iebiitl, decuy, deutl und
tle ussions. Just us u blue, ied oi wlite lotus, boin in
wutei, giown u in wutei, on ieucling tle suiluce iests
tleie untoucled by wutei, even so tle Tutlugutu, be-
ing liee, detucled und ieleused liom tlese tlings, lives
witl u mind wlose buiiieis uie bioken down.
N0\lVll rt
;:r. I will teucl you sometling, tle uiuble ol
tle iult loi ciossing ovei, not loi clinging on to. Listen
cuielully, uy uttention und I will seuk. Suy u mun go-
ing ulong u liglwuy miglt see u gieut stietcl ol wutei,
tlis bunk being dungeious und liigltening wlile tle
luitlei bunk is secuie und sule. But tleie being no bout
oi biidge loi ciossing ovei to tle otlei side, tlut mun
miglt tlink: 'Tlis bunk is dungeious und liigltening,
wlile tle luitlei bunk is secuie und sule. But tleie is
neitlei bout noi biidge loi ciossing ovei. Wlut il, luv-
ing collected giuss und sticks, biuncles und leuves, I
weie to muke u iult und by sitting on it und uddling
witl my lunds und leet, weie to cioss ovei to tle sule
side?' So, suy tlut mun does muke u iult und does cioss
ovei to tle sule side, und tlen tlinks: 'By using tlis
iult I luve ciossed ovei to tle sule side. Wly don't I ut
tlis iult on my leud oi slouldei, und go on my wuy?'
Wlut do you tlink monks? Il le did tlis, would le be
doing wlut slould be done witl tlut iult?`
No, Loid.`
And wlut slould be done witl tlut iult?
Conceining tlis, tlut mun slould tlink: 'Tlis iult lus
been uselul to me. By sitting on it und uddling witl
my lunds und leet, I luve ciossed ovei to tle sule side.
Wly don't I leuve tlis iult on tle bunk und go on my
wuy?' In doing tlis, tle mun would be doing wlut
slould be done witl tlut iult. Undeistunding tlis ui-
uble ol tle iult, you slould give u even good tlings;
low mucl moie tle bud?`
N0\lVll r
;::. One duy us tle Loid wus seuted in tle Gundlu
Kuti ut tle Jetu Giove, le suiveyed tle woild ut duwn,
und le suw u ceituin ooi mun ut Aluvi. Peiceiving
tlut le ossessed tle luculties loi tle liuit ol Stieum-
Winning, le took u comuny ol nve lundied monks und
went to Aluvi, wleie tle inlubitunts invited tle Loid to
stuy. Tle ooi mun leuid tlut tle Loid lud uiiived, und
le iesolved to leui lim teucl tle Dlummu. But tlut veiy
duy lis ox stiuyed oll, und le tlouglt: Slull I go und
nnd my ox oi slull I go to leui tle Dlummu?` und le
decided to nnd lis ox nist, setting out euily to do so. Tle
eole ol Aluvi guve seuts to tle Sunglu ol monks, witl
tle Buddlu ut tleii leud, seived tlem lood, und wlen
nnisled took tle Loid's bowl wlile le guve tlunks. Tlen
tle Loid suid: He loi wlose suke I cume tliity miles lus
gone to tle loiest to seek lis ox. Wlen le ietuins, tlen
I will teucl tle Dlummu.` So, le wus silent.
Beloie tle duy wus out, tle mun lound lis
ox und stiuiglt uwuy led it buck to tle leid. Tlen le
tlouglt: Il notling else, I cun go und uy my iesects
to tle Loid,` und tlougl oiessed by lungei le did
not go lome, but iutlei le went quickly to tle Loid,
und luving uid lomuge, sut iesectlully ut one side.
Wlen tle mun cume close, tle Loid suid to tle stew-
uid in cluige ol lood: Is tleie uny lood lelt ovei?`
Reveiend sii, some lood iemuins untoucled.` Tlen
seive tlis mun.`
Altei tle stewuid lud iovided tle mun witl
u seut in u luce indicuted by tle Loid, le seived lim
iice giuel und otlei lood botl luid und solt, und ultei
tle mun lud euten, le iinsed lis moutl. As soon us
tle mun's sulleiing lud been ielieved, lis mind be-
cume culm, und tlen tle Loid tuuglt tle Dlummu in
giuduul oidei, exounding one ultei tle otlei tle Foui
Noble Tiutls. Wlen le lud nnisled, tlut mun uttuined
tle liuit ol Stieum-Winning.
N0\lVll r0
;:;. Botl now und in tle ust
It lus ulwuys been tlus, 0 Atulu!
Tley blume tlose wlo uie silent,
Tley blume tlose wlo seuk mucl,
And tley blume tlose wlo seuk in modeiution.
Tleie is no one wlo is not blumed.
Tleie nevei wus,
Tleie nevei will be,
Noi is tleie now
A eison wlo is wlolly blumed oi iuised.
N0\lVll :o
;:. Aly youisell to solitude. One wlo is given
to solitude knows tlings us tley ieully uie.
N0\lVll :r
;:s. And tle Loid suid: Anundu, ieuie u coucl
lucing tle muik between tlese two sul tiees, loi I um
uneusy und wisl to lie down.` So Anundu did us tle
Loid usked, und tlen tle Loid luy down on lis iiglt
side, iesting one loot on unotlei in tle osition ol tle
lion, mindlul und cleuily conscious. Tlen suddenly, tle
two sul tiees buist into lull bloom out ol seuson und tle
oweis iuined down out ol iesect loi tle Tutlugutu.
Celestiul blossoms und leuvenly sundulwood owdei
iuined down, und leuvenly music und voices could be
leuid, ull out ol iesect loi tle Tutlugutu. Tlen tle Loid
uddiessed Anundu und suid: Look ut tlese sul blos-
soms und leuvenly oweis, sundulwood owdei, music
und voices. Yet, it is not like tlis tlut tle Tutlugutu
is iesected, veneiuted, esteemed, woislied und
lonouied witl tle liglest iesect. But tle monk und
nun, tle luymun und tle luywomun, wlo ubide by
tle Dlummu, wulk tle wuy ol Dlummu, iuctise tle
Dlummu it is tley wlo iesect, veneiute, esteem,
woisli und lonoui tle Tutlugutu witl tle liglest ie-
sect. Tleieloie, ubide by tle Dlummu, wulk tle wuy
ol tle Dlummu und iuctise tle Dlummu. Tlis is low
you slould tiuin youisell.`
N0\lVll ::
;:o. Witl tle luding uwuy ol }oy one iemuins
equunimous, mindlul und cleuily conscious, und exeii-
ences witlin onesell tlut luiness ol wlicl tle Noble
Ones suy: Huy indeed is le wlo ubides equunimous
und mindlul.` Tlus one enteis und ubides in tle tliid
}lunu. And witl tlut luiness liee liom }oy one sul-
luses, diencles, nlls und eimeutes tle wlole body
so tlut tleie is no sot in tle entiie body tlut is un-
toucled by tlut luiness.
Just us in u ond ol blue, ied oi wlite lotuses,
tle oweis uie boin in tle wutei, giow in tle wutei
und uie led by tle wutei but do not emeige liom tle
wutei und tlus uie sullused, diencled, nlled und ei-
meuted witl cool wutei, in tle sume wuy, one sulluses,
diencles, nlls und eimeutes tle wlole body so tlut
tleie is no sot untoucled.
N0\lVll :;
;:t. Just us wutei cools botl good und bud,
And wusles uwuy ull imuiity und dust,
In tle sume wuy you slould develo tlouglts
ol love
To liiend und loe ulike,
And luving ieucled eilection in love,
You will uttuin enligltenment.
N0\lVll :
;:. Wleie do euitl, wutei, nie und uii no looting
nnd? Wleie do long und sloit, smull und gieut, uie
und imuie, nume und loim nnully ceuse? Tle unswei
It is in tle consciousness ol tle Noble One
Invisible, boundless und ull-luminous.
Tleie it is tlut euitl, wutei, nie und uii
No looting nnd.
Tleie it is tlut long und sloit, smull und gieut,
Puie und imuie, nume und loim
Finully ceuse.
Wlen consciousness ceuses, so does ull tlis.
N0\lVll :s
;:0. Foi tle mindlul one, tleie is ulwuys good;
Foi tle mindlul one, luiness incieuses;
Foi tle mindlul one, tlings go bettei,
Yet le is not lieed liom enemies.
But le wlo botl duy und niglt
Tukes deliglt in luimlessness,
Sluiing love witl ull tlut lives
He nnds enmity witl none.
N0\lVll :o
;;o. I will slow you giusing und woiiy und I will
slow you tle letting go ol und lieedom liom giusing
und woiiy. And wlut is giusing und woiiy? Concein-
ing tlis, oidinuiy lolk luve tlis view: Tlis body is
mine, I um tlis, tlis is mysell.` Foi one like tlis, tle
body ulteis und clunges, und owing to tlis ulteiution
und clunge, giiel, soiiow, sulleiing, lumentution und
desuii uiise in lim. And it is tle sume witl lis leel-
ings, eicetion, mentul constiucts und consciousness.
And wlut is letting go ol und lieedom liom woiiy?
Conceining tlis, tle well tuuglt noble discile lus tlis
view: Tlis body is not mine. I um not tlis, tlis is not
mysell.` Foi one like tlis, tle body ulteis und clunges,
but in site ol ulteiution und clunge, giiel, soiiow, sul-
leiing, lumentution und desuii do not uiise in lim.
And it is tle sume witl leeling, eicetion, mentul
constiucts und consciousness. Tlus, tleie is letting go
ol und lieedom liom giusing und woiiy.
N0\lVll :t
;;r. Suose u king oi u ioyul ministei lus nevei
leuid tle music ol u lute. But one duy le does leui it
und le suys: Good mun, tell me wlut is tlut sound
so enclunting, so deligltlul, so intoxicuting, so iuvisl-
ing, witl sucl owei to bind?` Tlen tley suy to lim:
Tlut, Siie, is tle tle music ol tle lute.` So le suys: Go,
biing me tlut lute.` So tley biing it to lim but le suys:
Enougl ol tlis lute. Biing me tle music.` Tley suy to
lim: Siie, tlis lute consists ol vuiious und muny uits:
tle belly, tle skin, tle lundle, tle liume, tle stiings,
tle biidge und tle elloit ol tle luyei. And it seuks
becuuse ol tlem. It seuks becuuse ol tlese vuiious und
muny uits.` Tlen tle king bieuks tle lute into u lun-
died uits, slinteis it und slinteis it uguin, buins it,
uts tle usles in u leu, und winnows tlem in u diult
oi wusles tlem uwuy in wutei in oidei to nnd tle music.
Huving done tlis le suys: A ooi tling indeed is u lute;
wlutevei u lute muy be, tle woild is led ustiuy by sucl
tlings.` In tle sume wuy, one investiguting tle body us
lui us tle body goes, investiguting leeling, eicetion,
mentul constiucts, investiguting consciousness us lui us
consciousness goes, nnds no I`, no I um`, no mine`.
N0\lVll :
;;:. Wloevei wus gieedy und is now liee liom
gieed, wloevei wus luting und is now liee liom luting,
wloevei wus giudging und is now liee liom giudging,
wloevei wus lyociiticul und is now liee liom ly-
ociisy, wloevei wus sitelul und is now liee liom site,
wloevei wus }eulous und is now liee liom }eulousy, wlo-
evei wus meun und is now liee liom meunness, wloevei
wus untiustwoitly und is now liee liom untiustwoitli-
ness, wloevei wus cunning und is now liee liom cun-
ning, wloevei lud evil desiies und is now liee liom
evil desiies, wloevei lud wiong views und is now liee
liom wiong views tlus, I suy, one lollows tle iuctice
woitly ol iecluses, one is getting iid ol tle sume tlings
tlut stuin iecluses, tle luults und delects ol iecluses,
tlings tlut leud to soiiow, iebiitl in u bud luce. One
sees onesell uiined ol evil unskilled tlings und lieed
liom tlem. Tlen gludness uiises, liom gludness comes
}oy, becuuse ol }oy tle body is tiunquil, witl u tiunquil
body one is luy, und tle mind ol one wlo is luy is
concentiuted. One ubides witl u mind nlled witl love,
comussion, symutletic }oy und equunimity, sullus-
ing tle nist, second, tliid und louitl quuiteis ol tle
woild. One ubides sullusing tle wlole woild uwuids,
downwuids, ucioss, eveiywleie witl u mind nlled
witl love, comussion, symutletic }oy und equunimity,
ubundunt, unbounded, witlout lutied oi ill-will.
N0\lVll :0
;;;. Veneiuble Tissu, tle Loid's nelew, soke to
u numbei ol monks und suid: Fiiends, my body is us il
diugged, tlings luve become dim to my eyes, und tle
Dlummu is no longei cleui to me. Slotl und luziness
ossess my mind, und I live tle loly lile witlout }oy. I
wuvei in tle teuclings.`
So, tlose monks went to tle Loid und told
lim wlut Tissu lud suid, und tle Loid suid to one
monk: Go, monk, und in my nume tell Tissu to come
und seuk to me.` So le went, und wlen Tissu cume,
tle Loid suid to lim: Is it tiue us tley suy tlut youi
body is us il diugged, tlut tlings luve become dim to
youi eyes und tlut tle Dlummu is no longei cleui to
you? Tlut slotl und luziness ossess youi mind, tlut
you live tle loly lile witlout }oy, und tlut you wuvei in
tle teuclings?`
Tlut is tiue, Loid.`
Now, conceining tlis, wlut do you tlink,
Tissu? In tle body witl lust, desiie, ullection, tliist,
levei und ciuving, does tleie uiise u condition ol
clunge und ux? Do giiel, soiiow, sulleiing, lumentu-
tion und desuii uiise?`
Yes, Loid.`
And is it not tle sume witl leeling, eice-
tion, mentul constiucts und consciousness?`
Yes, Loid.`
Well suid, Tissu! Well suid! Now, wlut do
you tlink? In tle body witlout lust, desiie, ullection,
tliist, levei und ciuving, does tleie uiise u condition ol
clunge und ux? Do giiel, soiiow, sulleiing, lumentu-
tion und desuii uiise?`
Suiely not, Loid.`
And is it tle sume witl leeling, eicetion,
mentul constiucts und consciousness?`
It is, Loid.`
Well suid, Tissu! Well suid! Now, wlut do you
tlink? Aie tle body, leeling, eicetion, mentul con-
stiucts und consciousness eimunent oi imeimunent?`
Imeimunent, Loid.`
So, seeing tlis, tle instiucted noble discile
tuins uwuy liom tlese nve uggiegutes. Tuining uwuy
liom tlem, ussions lude, und witl tle luding ol us-
sions, le is liee und le knows: 'Rebiitl is destioyed,
tle loly lile lus been lived, wlut lus lud to be done is
done; tleie is no moie ol tlis.' Suose tleie uie two
men, one u skilled tiuvellei und tle otlei not. And tle
unskilled tiuvellei usks tle wuy liom tle skilled one.
He ielies: 'Yes, my good mun, tlis is tle wuy. Con-
tinue loi u wlile und you will see u loik in tle ioud;
tuke tle iiglt lund utl. Go on u little, und you will
come to u loiest. Continue loi u wlile moie, und you
will come to u muisly swum. Go u little luitlei, und
you will see u gieut clill. Go u little luitlei still, und
you will see u beuutilul stietcl ol oen giound.' I use
tlis uiuble to illustiute my meuning, und tlis is tle
meuning. Tle mun unskilled in tiuvel ieiesents oidi-
nuiy eole, und tle mun skilled in tiuvel ieiesents
tle Tutlugutu, tle Noble One, tle lully enligltened
Buddlu. Tle loik-in tle ioud is tle stute ol wuveiing,
tle lelt loik being tle lulse eigltlold utl und tle iiglt
loik being tle Noble Eigltlold Putl. Tle tlick loiest is
ignoiunce, tle muisly swum is desiies, und tle gieut
clill is iiiitution und desuii. Tle deligltlul stietcl ol
oen giound is Niivunu. So be ol good cleei, Tissu! Be
ol good cleei! I will counsel you, I will suoit you, I
will instiuct you.`
N0\lVll ;o
;;. Tle Loid suid to tle monks: Body is not tle
sell. Il it weie tle sell, it would not be liuble to ulic-
tion, und one could suy: 'Let my body be like tlis. Let
my body not be like tlis.' But since tle body is not tle
sell, it is liuble to uliction, und one cunnot suy: 'Let my
body be like tlis. Let my body not be like tlis.' And it
is tle sume witl leeling, eicetion, mentul constiucts
und consciousness. Wlut do you tlink? Is body eimu-
nent oi imeimunent?`
Imeimunent, sii.`
Now, is wlut is imeimunent uinlul oi
Puinlul, sii.`
Now, is it nt to ieguid wlut is imeimunent und
uinlul like tlis: 'Tlis is mine, tlis is I, tlis is my sell?`
No, sii.`
And it is tle sume witl leeling, eicetion,
mentul constiicts und consciousness. So, uny kind ol
body, leeling, eicetion, mentul constiucts oi con-
sciousness wletlei ust, iesent oi lutuie, wletlei
gioss oi subtle, wletlei inteinul oi exteinul, wletlei
inleiioi oi sueiioi, wletlei lui oi neui must witl
iiglt undeistunding be ieguided tlus: 'Tlis is not mine,
tlis is not I, tlis is not my sell.' Wlen u noble discile
lus leuid tlis und sees tlis, le is detucled liom body,
leeling, eicetion, mentul constiucts und conscious-
ness. Being detucled, ussions lude, witl tle luding ol
ussions le is liee, und wlen le is liee le knows le is
liee. He knows: 'Biitl is ended, tle loly lile lus been
lived, wlut lus lud to be done is done, tleie is no moie
ol tlis.'`

llClVll r
;;s. Tlese two tyes ol eole uie dilncult to nnd
in tle woild. Wlut two? One wlo will do u luvoui lust,
und one wlo is giutelul loi u luvoui done.
llClVll :
;;o. Be un islund unto youiselves, be u ieluge unto
youiselves, tuke loi youiselves no otlei ieluge. Let tle
Dlummu be youi islund und ieluge. And low does one
do tlis? Conceining tlis, one dwells contemluting tle
body in tle body, leeling in leeling, mind in mind, und
mentul ob}ects in mentul ob}ects uident, cleuily con-
scious und mindlul luving ut uside tle uttiuction
und ieulsion ol tle woild. And tlose wlo live like tlis
now und ultei I uss uwuy will uttuin tle liglest, but
tley must be unxious to leuin.
llClVll ;
;;t. How cun someone wlo lus gone down
To u swilt-owing iivei,
And wlo gets cuiiied uwuy by tle cuiient
Hel otleis to cioss?
In tle sume wuy, low cun one wlo lus not
leuined tle Dlummu,
Not listened to tle exlunutions ol tle wise,
And wlo is limsell ignoiunt und nlled witl doubt
Hel otleis to ieulize it?
Just us one wlo lus embuiked on u stuidy bout
Well-equied witl ouis und iuddei
Could lel muny otleis to cioss
Becuuse ol lis skill, tlougltlulness und
In tle sume wuy, one wlo is wise
And wlo lus develoed limsell,
Wlo is leuined und stuble, undeistunding
Dlummu limsell,
Could muke otleis ieulize it, il tley listen
Tleieloie, one slould consoit witl tle good men
Wlo uie wise und leuined,
Undeistunding tle meuning,
Following tle utl und knowing tle Dlummu,
And tlen one will uttuin luiness.
;;. Wisdom is uiined by viitue, und viitue is
uiined by wisdom. Wleie one is, so is tle otlei. Tle
viituous eison lus wisdom, und tle wise eison lus
viitue. Tle combinution ol viitue und wisdom is culled
tle liglest tling in tle woild.
llClVll s
;;0. Giving u luiness und sulleiing und witl
tle disueuiunce ol loimei gludness und soiiow, one
enteis und ubides in tle louitl }lunu wlicl is beyond
leusuie und uin und is uiined by equunimity und
mindlulness. One sits und sulluses, diencles, nlls und
eimeutes tle wlole body witl tlut uiity und cluiity
so tlut tleie is no sot in tle entiie body tlut is un-
toucled by it.
Just us il u mun weie to sit wiued liom
leud to loot in u uie wlite guiment so tlut no uit ol
lis body wus untoucled by it in tle sume wuy, one
sulluses, diencles, nlls und eimeutes tle wlole body
so tlut tleie is no sot untoucled.
llClVll o
;o. Huily indeed we live,
Loving umidst tle luting.
Amidst tlose wlo lute
We live lull ol love.
Huily indeed we live,
Heultly umidst tle uiling.
Amidst tlose wlo uie ill
We live in eilect leultl.
Huily indeed we live,
Content umidst tle gieedy.
Amidst tlose wlo uie gieedy
We live in contentment.
llClVll t
;r. Tle ust slould not be lollowed ultei,
And tle lutuie not desiied.
Wlut is ust is deud und gone,
And tle lutuie is yet to come.
But wloevei guins insiglt into tlings
Piesently uiisen in tle leie und now,
Knowing tlem, unmoved, unsluken
Let lim cultivute tlut insiglt.
;:. Wlen in tle loiest umongst tle ioots ol tle
Oi in tle emty luces,
Just cull to mind tle Buddlu
And no leui oi tiembling will uiise.
Il you cunnot tlink ol tle Buddlu,
Tlis best, tlis liglest, tlis nnest ol men,
Tlen cull to mind tle Dlummu,
Tle well tuuglt guide.
Il you cunnot tlink ol tle Dlummu,
Tle well tuuglt guide,
Tlen tlink ol tle Sunglu,
Tlut incomuiuble souice ol good in tle woild.
llClVll 0
;;. Heuiken to tlis, you wlo uie wutcllul
Tlose wlo slee, let tlem uwuke.
Wutcllulness is bettei tlun slee.
Tle wutcllul uie liee liom leui.
Wloevei is wutcllul, mindlul, comosed,
Peucelul, seiene und luy,
Studying tle Dlummu ut tle iiglt time,
Tley will oveicome tle duikness.
Tleieloie iouse youisell und be wukelul.
Tle uident one, disciiminuting, medituting,
Cuts tle bonds ol biitl und deutl
And uttuins tle liglest wisdom in tlis
veiy lile.
llClVll ro
;. I will teucl you tle buiden, tle tuking lold
ol tle buiden, tle lilting it u und tle utting it down.
And wlut is tle buiden? Tle unswei is tle nve clinging
uggiegutes. Wlut nve? Body, leeling, eicetion, men-
tul constiucts und consciousness. Tlis is tle buiden.
And wlut is tle tuking lold ol tle buiden? Tle unswei
slould be: it is tle eison ol sucl-und-sucl u nume, ol
sucl-und-sucl u villuge. Tlis is tle tuking lold ol tle
buiden. And wlut is tle lilting u ol tle buiden? It is
tlut ciuving loi sense leusuies, ciuving loi becoming
und ciuving loi unbecoming tlut is culled lilting u
tle buiden. And wlut is tle utting down ol tle bui-
den? It is tle witleiing und luding ol ciuving, tle giv-
ing u ol ciuving, tle ienouncing ol it, lieedom liom
it, tle ubsence ol it. Tlut is tle utting down ol tle
Tle nve uggiegutes uie tle buiden.
Tle seizei ol tle buiden is mun.
Tuking it u is soiiow indeed,
And luiness is luying it down.
Il one luys tlis leuvy buiden down
And tukes u no new one,
Tlen le lus ulled out ciuving, ioots und ull.
He is lulnlled, le is liee.
llClVll rr
;s. Now, on one occusion, tle Loid, luving uiisen
liom lis solitude towuids evening, wus seuted wuim-
ing lis buck in tle westeily sunsline. Tlen, Veneiuble
Anundu cume to see tle Loid, und wlile iubbing lis
limbs witl lis lunds suid: Stiunge it is und wondeilul
low tle skin ol tle Loid is no longei cleui und tiunslu-
cent, low ull lis limbs uie sluck und wiinkled, low lis
body is bent loiwuid, und low lis sense luculties und
body luve clunged.`
So it is, Anundu. Old uge is inleient in youtl,
sickness in leultl, und deutl in lile.`
llClVll r:
;o. At tlut time, tle Loid suid to tle monks:
Once uon u time, u bumboo uciobut set u lis ole,
culled lis uil, und suid: 'Now, my lud, climb tle ole
und stund on my slouldeis.' 'Aliiglt, Mustei,' suid tle
uil, und le did wlut le wus told. Tlen tle mustei
suid: 'Now, my lud, you iotect me und I will iotect
you, und iotected und wutcled by eucl otlei we
will do oui uct, get u good lee, und come down sule
und sound liom tle bumboo ole.' But tlen tle uil
suid: 'No, no, Mustei! Tlut will not do. You look ultei
youisell, und I will look ultei mysell. Tlus wutcled
und guuided eucl by limsell, we will do oui uct, get
u good lee, und come down sule und sound liom tle
bumboo ole. Tlut is tle wuy to do it.' Tlen tle Loid
suid: Just us tle uil suid to tle mustei: 'I will io-
tect mysell' so slould you iuctise tle loundutions
ol mindlulness wlicl meuns ut tle sume time: 'I will
iotect otleis.' By iotecting onesell, one iotects
otleis. By iotecting otleis, one iotects onesell. And
low does one, by iotecting onesell, iotect otleis? It
is by tle ieeuted und liequent iuctice ol meditution.
And low does one, by iotecting otleis, iotect one-
sell? It is by utience, loibeuiunce, luimlessness, love
und comussion.`
llClVll r;
;t. Tle Tutlugutu does not live in ubundunce,
le does not ieveit to tle lile ol ubundunce, noi does
le wuvei in lis stiiving. Tle Tutlugutu is u eilected
one, u lully enligltened Buddlu. So give eui, loi tle
Immoitul lus been discoveied und I instiuct, I teucl
tle Dlummu.
llClVll r
;. Tle lool wlo listens to tle Conqueioi's
Witl u lostile mind
Does not giow in tle good Dlummu
Any moie tlun u iotten seed giows in tle
But one wlo listens to tle Conqueioi's
Witl u }oylul mind,
Huving destioyed tle denlements,
Reulized tle unslukuble stute,
And uttuined tle liglest euce
He is cooled und witlout denlements.
llClVll rs
;0. Tlen Anundu cume to tle Loid und suid: Hull
ol tle loly lile is liiendsli, ussociution und intimucy
witl tle beuutilul.`
Suy not so, Anundu, suy not so! It is tle wlole
ol tle loly lile, not lull, tlis liiendsli, tlis ussociu-
tion, tlis intimucy witl tle beuutilul.`
llClVll ro
;so. Tleie is tlut condition wleie tleie is not
euitl, wutei, nie oi uii; wleie tleie uie not tle sleies
ol innnite suce, innnite consciousness, notlingness, oi
tle sleie ol neitlei-consciousness-noi-unconscious-
ness; wleie tleie is not tlis woild, tle woild beyond
oi botl togetlei, no sun und no moon; wleie tleie is
no coming to biitl, no going to deutl, no duiution und
lence no lulling oi uiising. It is not sometling nxed, it
does not move, it is bused on notling. Tlis indeed is
tle end ol sulleiing.
llClVll rt
;sr. Loid, tleie uie tliee scents wlose liugiunce
sieuds witl tle wind but not uguinst it. Tley uie tle
ioot scent, tle leuitwood scent und tle scent ol ow-
eis. Is tleie uny soit ol scent tlut sieuds witl tle
wind und uguinst it ulso?`
Tleie is sucl u scent, Anundu. In wlutevei
villuge oi distiict tleie is u mun oi womun wlo lus
tuken ieluge in tle Buddlu, tle Dlummu und tle
Sunglu und wlo iuctises tle nve iecets, wlo lus
u lovely nutuie, wlo lives ut lome witl tle leuit liee
liom stinginess, wlo is oen-lunded, deliglts in giv-
ing, being one to usk u luvoui ol, one wlo deliglts in
sluiing, tlen iecluses und Biulmins sing tle iuise ol
one like tlis in ull tle loui quuiteis. Even tle gods sing
lis iuise. Tlis is tle soit ol scent wlose liugiunce
goes witl tle wind und uguinst it ulso.`
llClVll r
;s:. Music liom u nve-iece ensemble
Cunnot ioduce us mucl deliglt
As tlut ol u one-ointed mind
Witl eilect insiglt into tlings.
llClVll r0
;s;. Buliyu ol tle Buik Guiment usked tle monks:
Piuy, siis, wleie is tle Loid stuying le wlo is u
Noble One, le wlo is u lully uwukened Buddlu?`
Tle Loid lus gone into tle town to get ulms-
So, Buliyu quickly lelt tle Jetu Giove, went
into Suvuttlti, und lound tle Loid in quest loi ulms-
lood. Hundsome le wus, good to look uon, witl
senses culmed, tiunquil in mind, comosed und con-
tiolled like u well-tiuined elelunt.
Sii, let tle Loid teucl me Dlummu so tlut it
will be loi my welluie und luiness loi u long time.`
You luve come ut tle wiong time, Buliyu. I
um getting my ulms-lood.`
A second und u tliid time le usked, so tle
Loid unsweied: Tlis is low you must tiuin youisell.
Wlen, in tle seen tleie is }ust tle seen, in tle leuid
}ust tle leuid, in tle sensed }ust tle sensed und in
tle cognized }ust tle cognized, tlen tleie will be no
'tleieby', und wlen tleie is no 'tleieby' tleie will be
no 'tleieloie', und wlen tleie is no 'tleieloie', tleie
will be no leie, no tleie, no midwuy in between. Tlut
is tle end ol sulleiing.`
Tlen und tleie, becuuse ol tlis concise
Dlummu teucling, Buliyu's mind wus lieed liom tle
llClVll :o
;s. Now, Veneiuble Bluddiyu, son ol tle Kuli-
godlus, used to go to tle loiest, to tle ioots ol tiees
und to lonely sots, und wlile tleie, would olten uttei
tle ciy: Ol }oy! Ol }oy!`
Now, u gieut numbei ol monks leuid lim do
tlis und tley tlouglt: Doubtless, Veneiuble Bluddiyu
is discontented witl tle loly lile, seeing us le en}oyed
tle luiness ol ioyulty wlen le wus u louseloldei.`
So tlose monks went to tle Loid und told lim
ol tlis, und le usked tlut Bluddiyu come to see lim.
Wlen le cume, tle Loid suid: Bluddiyu, is it tiue us
tley suy tlut you go to tle loiest, to tle ioots ol tle
tiees und to lonely sots, und tlut wlile tleie you olten
uttei tle ciy: Ol }oy! Ol }oy!`
It is tiue, sii.`
And wly do you do tlis?`
Foimeily, wlen I en}oyed tle luiness ol
ioyulty, guuids weie set inside tle uluce und outside
in tle uieu und beyond. Yet, ultlougl I wus well guuid-
ed, I lived in leui unxious, tiembling und uliuid. But
now tlut I live in tle loiest, ulone, I um witlout leui, I
um ussuied, conndent, unuliuid. Tlut is wly I uttei tle
ciy: Ol }oy! Ol }oy!`
llClVll :r
;ss. An enligltened eison is nutuiully endowed
witl u comussionute nutuie und disosition. He de-
siies to ulleviute tle sulleiing tlut beings sullei, und is
even willing to ielinquisl lis own body oi lile to do so.
Until le ieucles lis goul, le is willing to stiuggle und
stiive loi u veiy long time on u couise involving gieut
luidsli, witlout leui und witlout evei becoming dis-
enclunted witl ull tle sulleiing in tle iound ol exist-
ence, ull loi tle suke ol tle welluie ol otlei beings.
llClVll ::
;so. Tleie uie tliee uigent duties ol u luimei.
Wlut tliee? Tle luimei gets lis neld well lougled
und luiiowed veiy quickly. Tlen le uts in tle seed
veiy quickly. Tlen le iiiigutes it veiy quickly. But tle
luimei lus no mugic owei oi uutloiity to suy: Let my
cios siing u toduy, let tlem eui tomoiiow und on tle
lollowing duy let tlem iien.` No! In due time tlis will
luen. In tle sume wuy, tleie uie tlese tliee uigent
duties ol u monk. Wlut tliee? Undeituking tle tiuining
in liglei viitue, liglei tlouglt und liglei wisdom. But
le lus no sucl mugic owei oi uutloiity to suy: Toduy,
tomoiiow oi tle next duy, let my mind be liee liom tle
denlements.` No! In due time tlis will luen us le
undeigoes tiuining in tlese tliee tlings. Tleieloie you
slould tiuin youiselves like tlis: We slull be keen to
undeituke tle tiuining in tlese tliee tlings.`
llClVll :;
;st. Tlut wlicl is not youis ut it uwuy.
Putting it uwuy will be to youi welluie und lui-
ness. And wlut is not youis? Body, leeling, eicetion,
mentul constiucts und consciousness uie not youis.
So, ut tlem uwuy. Putting tlem uwuy will be to youi
iont und welluie. It is }ust us il u mun slould gutlei
u, buin, oi do wlutevei le wunted witl ull tle giuss,
sticks und biuncles leie in Jetu Giove would you
suy: 'Tlis mun is gutleiing us, le is buining us, le is
doing wlut le wunts witl us? '
No, Loid.`
And wly not?`
Becuuse tlis is not ouiselves, it is not us.`
Even so, body, leeling, eicetion, mentul
constiucts und consciousness uie not youis.`
llClVll :
;s. At tlut time, u ceituin monk culled Tleiu wus
living ulone und commending sucl u lile. He enteied
tle villuge ulone, le ietuined ulone, le sut ulone und
wulked ulone. So, u numbei ol otlei monks went und
told tle Loid tlis, und le usked tlem to cull tlut monk
into lis iesence. Wlen le cume, tle Loid suid to lim:
Is it tiue us tley suy tlut you uie living quite ulone und
tlut you commend sucl u lile?`
Tlut is so, Loid.`
In wlut wuy do you live und commend?`
I entei tle villuge ulone, I ietuin ulone, I sit
ulone und wulk ulone.`
Tlut is living ulone, it is tiue, Tleiu. But
tleie is u wuy ol biinging to eilection tle solituiy lile
tlut I will tell you. Wlen tle ust is ut uwuy, wlen
tle lutuie is given u und wlen tleie is no ciuving und
desiie in tle iesent, tlen tle solituiy lile lus been
eilected in lull.`
llClVll :s
;s0. You slould tiuin youiselves like tlis, tlinking:
We will be contented witl no muttei wlut iobes, lood,
sleltei oi medicine we get. We will be contented witl
wlut we get und do notling unseemly in oidei to get
sucl tlings. Il we uie not uble to get iobes, lood und so
on, we will not be eituibed, und il we do get tlem we
will use tlem witlout clinging und inlutuution, doing
no wiong in oidei to get tlem, seeing tle dungei in
tlem und being wise to escuing liom it.` Tlis is low
you slould tiuin youiselves.
llClVll :o
;oo. Since I went loitl
Fiom lome into lomelessness
I luve not been uwuie ol luving
Any ignoble oi lutelul tlouglts, sucl us:
Muy tley be killed, muy tley be sluuglteied,
Muy tley come to luim.`
Sucl tlouglts luve not ciossed my mind
Foi u long time.
On tle contiuiy, I um uwuie ol tlouglts ol
Innnite, well-develoed,
Piuctised in due oidei
As tuuglt by tle Buddlu.
I um u liiend to ull, u lelei to ull,
Symutletic to ull beings.
I develo u mind lull ol love
And deliglt ulwuys in luimlessness.
I gludden my mind
Wlicl is immovuble und unslukuble.
I develo tle divine stutes
Not cultivuted by evil men.
llClVll :t
;or. Aguin, it muy be undeistood by u eison's
conveisution wletlei oi not le is cometent to discuss
tlings. Il, on being questioned, u eison evudes tle
question, clunges tle sub}ect, disluys ungei, mulice oi
sulkiness, tlen le is incometent to discuss tlings. Il u
eison does not do tlese tlings, tlen le is cometent
to discuss.
Yet uguin, it muy be undeistood by u eison's
conveisution wletlei oi not le is cometent to discuss.
Il, on being usked u question u eison louds scoin on
und beuts down tle questionei, luugls ut lim und tiies
to cutcl lim u wlen le lulteis, tlen le is incometent
to discuss tlings. Il u eison does none ol tlese, tlen
le is cometent.
llClVll :
;o:. Tley wlo luve luitl in tle Buddlu luve luitl
in tle best, und loi tlose wlo luve luitl in tle best tle
iesult is tle best.
llClVll :0
;o;. As bluck gum is ointed to us tle best ol liu-
giunt ioots, us ied sundulwood is ointed to us tle best
ol liugiunt woods, us }usmine is ointed to us tle best
ol liugiunt oweis, even so, tle exloitutions ol tle
good Gotumu uie tle liglest ol ull teuclings toduy.
llClVll ;o
;o. Tleie is un Unboin, un Unbecome, un Un-
mude, un Uncomounded. Il tleie weie not tlis Un-
boin, Unbecome, Unmude, Uncomounded, tlen tleie
would be no escue liom tle boin, tle become, tle
mude, tle comounded. But us tleie is un Unboin, un
Unbecome, un Unmude, un Uncomounded, tlen tleie
is un escue liom tle boin, tle become, tle mude, tle
llClVll ;r
;os. And tle Loid suid to Mugundiyu: It is like u
mun boin blind wlo cunnot see eitlei coloui oi slue,
tle even oi tle uneven, tle stuis, tle sun oi tle moon.
He miglt leui someone seuking ol tle leusuie ol u
lovely, unstuined, uie wlite clotl, und stuit seuicling
to get one. But someone miglt deceive lim by giving
lim u gieusy, giimy, couise iobe und by suying: 'My
good mun, tlis is u lovely, unstuined, uie wlite clotl.'
He miglt tuke it und ut it on. Tlen lis liiends und
ielutions miglt get u lysiciun und suigeon to muke
medicine loi lim, otions, uigutives, ointments und
tieutment loi lis eyes. Becuuse ol tlis le miglt ieguin
lis siglt und cluiily lis vision. Tlen tle desiie und
uttuclment le lud loi tlut gieusy iobe would go, le
would no longei considei tle mun wlo guve it to lim
u liiend. He miglt even considei lim un enemy, tlink-
ing: 'Foi u long time I luve been deliuuded, deceived
und cleuted by tlis mun.' Even so, il I weie to teucl
you Dlummu, suying: 'Tlis is tlut leultl, tlis is tlut
Niivunu,' you miglt come to know leultl, you miglt
see Niivunu. Witl tle uiising ol tlut vision, tle desiie
und uttuclment you lud loi tle nve clinging uggiegutes
miglt go. You miglt even tlink: 'Foi u long time I luve
been deliuuded, deceived und cleuted by tle mind, by
clinging to body, leeling, eicetion, mentul constiucts
und consciousness. Conditioned by tlis clinging tleie
wus becoming; conditioned by becoming tleie wus
biitl; conditioned by biitl old uge, dying, giiel, soi-
iow, sulleiing, lumentution und desuii cume into be-
ing. Tlis is tle oiigin ol tlis wlole muss ol sulleiing.`'
And Mugundiyu suid to tle Loid: I luve
conndence tlut il tle good Gotumu weie to teucl me
Dlummu, I could iise liom my seut no longei blind.`
A Anguttuiu Nikuyu Miln Milinduulu
C A Cuiiyuituku Attlukutu Pm} Puiumuttlu}otiku
D Diglu Nikuyu S Sumyuttu Nikuyu
Dls Dlummusunguni Sn Suttu Niutu
D Dlummuudu Tlug Tleiugutlu
DA Dlummuudu Attlukutu Tlig Tleiigutlu
It Itivuttuku Ud Udunu
J Jutuku Vbl Viblungu
JN Jutuku Nidunukutlu Vin Vinuyu
M Mu}}limu Nikuyu Vsm Visuddlimuggu
Releiences to Dlummuudu, Jutuku, Jutuku Nidunukutlu,
Suttu Niutu, Tleiugutlu und Tleiigutlu uie to tle veise
numbei. Releiences to tle Cuiiyuituku-Attlukutu uie to
tle uge numbeis ol tle Buddlususunu Sumiti edition
ol tle Tiituku. Releiences to otlei woiks uie to tle vol-
ume und uge numbei ol tle Puli Text Society editions ol
tle Tiituku. Releiences witlout un usteiisk indicute tle
Buddlu's own woids.
1 M I 401 7 D 188-192 13 It 18
2 S V 4S7 8 S V 442 14 A V 87
3 M I 169 9 S V 9 1S S V 3S4
4 M I 480 10 JN 120-122 16 A I 199
S D III 107 11 A IV 141 17 A II 68
6 M I 41S 12 Ud S6 18 D III 192
19 A II 94 49 A I 263 80 S II 93
20 A V 136 S0 A III 2S9 81 S IV 2S2
21 M III 163 S1 A III 38 82 Tlug 608-616
22 Sn 398-399 S2 A III 137 83 A I 123
23 A II 228 S3 S I 161 84 S III 118
24 It 68 S4 A III 63 8S A 14
2S A I 1S0 SS S V 17 86 M 146
26 D II 222 S6 M I 36 87 A IV 30
27 S V 396 S7 S V 326 88 M III 117-118
28 A V 79 S8 D 121-122 89 A I 283
29 D S3 S9 A I 1S 90 A II 249
30 A I 103 60 Sn 331-334 91 A I 10
31 D 183,18S 61 S V 63 92 S I 71
Miln 394 62 A IV 6 93 A I 201
32 M I 197 63 D I 64 94 A IV 281
33 Tlug 1018- 64 Sn 98 9S It 72
1019 6S A IV 219 96 A III 207
34 A III 42 66 S V 120 97 A II 78
3S It 9 67 M I 11S 98 It 91
36 S III 1S1 68 A III 76 99 A II 22
37 M I 42S 69 A V 266 100 D 42-43
38 A III 243 70 A I 294 101 C A 290
39 A II 69 71 S II 263 102 A IV 94
40 M I 4S4 72 S V 28 103 M I S08
41 M I 119 73 It 82 104 D III 184
42 J 37-38 74 A IV 8S 10S M II 140
43 M I 346 7S S I 220 106 A I 101
44 A III 1S 76 A II 24S 107 S V 226
4S S I 214 77 S V 10 108 A III 18S
46 S V 321 78 A III 6S 109 D II 93
47 A III 46 79 D S0, 2S3, 110 A V 91
48 A II S9 1S9, 379 111 Vin IV 23
112 D III 184 144 A I 29 176 Pm} 22
113 D 184 14S A I 168 177 D I 9
114 M I 369 146 A III 330 178 S V 28
11S Vin IV 301 147 JN 28-29 179 A V 2
116 A III 18S 148 A I 181 180 Vsm 294
117 Vsm IX 22 149 A I 9 181 A I 61
118 S IV 280 1S0 S V 364 182 It 20
119 A IV 83 1S1 M I 39 183 M I 142
120 M I 449 1S2 M I 272 184 Vbl 272
121 A V 332 1S3 A IV 190 18S S IV 2S0
122 A II 194 1S4 S V 66 186 A II 140
123 Vsm 129 1SS A I 6S 187 A II 127
124 S IV 317 1S6 A IV 269 188 Ud S1
12S A I 49 1S7 A I S3 189 M I 294
126 It 98 1S8 A II 8 190 A II 143
127 A V 1S9 1S9 M I 426 191 Vsm 318
128 Miln 383 160 A V 337 192 A V 10
129 D 399 161 A V 120 193 A IV 216
130 D 16,18 162 D II 313 194 It 80
131 Tlug 382-384 163 A I S8 19S S III 239
132 D III 186 164 Vin IV 4S 196 D I 71
133 A V 33S 16S D III 84 197 A III 247
134 S II 233 166 Sn 4S0-4S4 198 A II 146
13S A I 69 167 A I 249 199 C A 292
136 Pm} 21 168 D II 282 200 A III 29S
137 Miln 318 169 A IV 362 201 A I 49
138 Vin I 3 170 Sn S74-S81 202 S I 1
139 Miln 19S 171 Tlig S11-S13 203 Ud S4
140 A I 161 172 A III 373 204 D II 113
141 Sn 601-611 173 Miln 34 20S A III 71
142 Miln 84 174 A V 1S0 206 A V 21S
143 A III 237 17S It 111 207 M I 126
208 A V 40 240 M II 174 272 A IV 183
209 S I 42 241 D I 227 273 S V 272
210 S II 264 242 Dl A 273 274 A III 6
211 A I 69 243 M I 129 27S M II 241
212 S III 2 244 M I 424 276 S I 14
213 It 100 24S A IV 87 277 A I 12S
214 A III 287 246 D III 182 278 A I 10
21S Pm} 22 247 D I 72 279 M III 89
216 M I 4S 248 It 30 280 S V 169
217 Ud 68 249 Dls 1328 281 A III 19S
218 S III 1S4 2S0 D II 73 282 A II 48
219 A V 342 2S1 S I 163 283 D A 2S4
220 M I S00 2S2 A III 202 284 D 223
221 A II 172 2S3 Sn 149-1S0 28S D 3-S
222 A II S1 2S4 D III 1S4 286 A I 248
223 A II 177 2SS D A 193 287 C A 304
224 A III 183 2S6 D A 94 288 A I 136
22S M I 124 2S7 S V 131 289 Sn 812
226 S V 407 2S8 M I 423 290 M I 23S
227 A II 97 2S9 A II 142 291 S IV 192
228 S V 40 260 It 1S 292 Vin V 19S
229 D III SS 261 Ud 87 293 S I 41
230 Sn S88 262 M I 97 294 A IV S
231 A I 121 263 A V 194 29S A III 143
232 A II 9S 264 A IV 1S1 296 S V 1SS
233 A III 172 26S Vin IV 3S2 297 A III 144
234 D II 144 266 M I 479 298 D I 168
23S D I 3 267 S V 148 299 Sn 720-721
236 A V 121 268 D I 74 300 Pm} 144
237 S V 369 269 D 227 301 A IV 124
238 Miln 394 270 M I 161 302 A III 41
239 A II S 271 A II 46 303 Vin IV SS
304 JN 21-23 336 D II 101
30S S V 226 337 Sn 319-323
306 Miln 410 338 D I 84
307 S II 280 339 D I 7S
308 M I S9 340 D 197-199
309 M I 140 341 M III 187
310 A I 21 342 S I 220
311 S IV 207 343 It 42
312 D III 78 344 S III 2S
313 D II 82 34S S V 217
314 A II 96 346 S V 168
31S A I 2S3 347 Vin IV 9
316 S II 10S 348 Tlug 363-364
317 M I S9 349 S V 2
318 A III 64 3S0 Ud 80
319 M I 126 3S1 A I 22S
320 A V 1S1 3S2 Tlug 398
321 M I 13S 3S3 Ud 7
322 D A 262 3S4 Ud 19
323 D 227-229 3SS C A 278
324 S III 14 3S6 A I 229
32S D II 137 3S7 S III 34
326 D I 7S 3S8 S II 283
327 JN 168-169 3S9 S II 19S
328 D I 223 360 Tlug 64S-649
329 S I 208 361 A I 197
330 S III 19 362 A II 34
331 S IV 197 363 M III 7
332 M I 283 364 Ud 80
333 S III 106 36S M I S11
334 S III 67
33S A I 86

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