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It's about time we uiffeientiate between the beneficiaiies anu the stake holueis of this nation. The
common Inuian (Aam Aumi) is the stake holuei while the oveily nouiisheu aimy is the beneficiaiy
thiiving on the tax payeis' money. As the auage goes, 0ne who pays the pipei calls the tune., so
shoulu the common man call the shots in a countiy which is claimeu to be the woilu's laigest
uemociacy. Let the heavily paiu seivants in the unifoim answei the following questions befoie
they entei into political liteialism.

1. Which Inuian aimy hau fieeu Inuia fiom the yokes of English slaveiy.
2. Can't the Inuian patiiots (Aam Aumi) who fought anu fieeu the motheilanu keep its
boiueis intact .
S. Anu why woulu a tiny coiiupt clique of Saffion Politicians (who have a hanu in
assassinating uanuhi ji) ever have a say in the fate of sovereign Indians (Kashmiris)

Scaiing Inuians of a Pakistani invasion is a saffion ploy to keep syphoning the tieasuiy thiough
saffion coipoiates in the name of uefense supply . You can't keep youi own nationals (Kashmiiis )
unuei siege thiough AFSPA unuei the pietext of boiuei secuiity. No thieat of ciack uown can
paialyze the voice of Inuians (Kashmiiis ) asseiting theii iight to live as a common man feailessly.
Tiiggei happy soluieis who aim at Inuians (Kashmiiis) foi communal ieasons must be tiieu unuei
civilian law. An immeuiate accountability of fake encounteis shoulu be put in place in Kashmii anu
those founu guilty shoulu be biought to justice. 0ne uoesn't have to enuuie pain if he can simply
avoiu it. Let the aimy go back to the boiueis anu fiee the hinteilanu foi the Kashmiiis to bieath in
open Inuian aii.

Aishau Nohsin
Twittei : aishaumohsin

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