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Whlch of Lhe followlng are a beneL of removlng unused or unneeded servlces

and proLocols?
A. More machlne resource avallablllLy
8. More neLwork LhroughpuL
C. Less need for admlnlsLrauon
u. More securlLy
2. Whlch ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL reason for Lhe removal of unused, unnecessary,
or unneeded proLocols, servlces, and appllcauons?
A. lncreased securlLy
8. lncreased performance
C. Less need for admlnlsLrauon
u. Less machlne resource use.
3. 1he componenL of a uuoS auack LhaL sends commands Lo uuoS zomble
agenLs ls known as a _____.
A. SysLem Commander
8. Console
C. MasLer
u. 8ooLklL
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Data Classication - Condential
4. 1he acL of auempung Lo appear Lo be someone you're noL ln order Lo galn
access Lo a sysLem ls known as whlch of Lhe followlng?
A. Spoong
8. uuoS
C. 8eplay
u. Snlmng
3. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls mosL llkely Lo make sysLems vulnerable Lo
Ml1M auacks?
A. Weak passwords
8. Weak 1C sequence numbers
C. AuLhenucauon mlscongurauon on rouLers
u. use of Lhe wrong operaung sysLems
6. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe besL way Lo proLecL your organlzauon from
reveallng sensluve lnformauon Lhrough dumpsLer dlvlng?
A. LsLabllsh a pollcy requlrlng employees Lo change passwords every 30 Lo 60 days.
8. 1each employees Lhe value of noL dlscloslng resLrlcLed lnformauon over Lhe
Lelephone Lo unknown parues.
C. Add a new rewall Lo Lhe neLwork.
u. Shred all sensluve documenLauon.
7. 1he use of vns and __________________ have enabled users Lo be able Lo
A. C
8. S/MlML
C. Wlreless nlCs
u. 8ASs
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Data Classication - Condential
8. uAs, cell phones, and cerLaln neLwork cards have Lhe ablllLy Lo use
_____________ neLworks. Choose Lhe 8LS1 answer.

A. Wlred
8. rlvaLe
C. Wlreless
u. Anuque
9. 1here are Lhree recognlzed levels of hacklng ablllLy ln Lhe lnLerneL communlLy.
1he rsL ls Lhe skllled hacker, who wrlLes Lhe programs and scrlpLs LhaL
scrlpL klddles use for Lhelr auacks. nexL comes Lhe scrlpL klddle, who knows
how Lo run Lhe scrlpLs wrluen by Lhe skllled hackers. Aer Lhe scrlpL klddles
come Lhe _______________, who lack Lhe baslc knowledge of neLworks and
securlLy Lo launch an auack Lhemselves.
A. Web klddles
8. Cllckers
C. Cllck klddles
u. uunce klddles
10. ?our supervlsor has charged you wlLh deLermlnlng whlch 802.11 auLhenucauon
meLhod Lo use when deploylng Lhe new wlreless neLwork. Clven your knowledge of Lhe
802.11 speclcauon, whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe mosL secure 802.11 auLhenucauon
A. Shared-key
8. LA-1LS
C. LA-Mu3
u. Cpen
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11. WhaL are Lhe Lwo WL key slzes avallable ln 802.11 neLworks?
A. 40-blL and 104-blL
8. 24-blL and 64-blL
C. 64-blL and 128-blL
u. 24-blL and 104-blL
12. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a weakness ln WL relaLed Lo Lhe lv? (SelecL all LhaL apply)
A. 1he lv ls a sLauc value, whlch makes lL relauvely easy for an auacker Lo bruLe
force Lhe WL key from capLured Lramc.
8. 1he lv ls Lransmlued ln plalnLexL and can be easlly seen ln capLured Lramc.
C. 1he lv ls only 24 blLs ln slze, whlch makes lL posslble LhaL Lwo or more daLa
frames wlll be Lransmlued wlLh Lhe same lv, Lhereby resulung ln an lv colllslon
LhaL an auacker can use Lo deLermlne lnformauon abouL Lhe neLwork.
u. 1here ls no weakness ln WL relaLed Lo Lhe lv.
13. ?ou are creaung a uMZ for a company and need Lo allow exLernal users Lo access Web
servers ln Lhe uMZ uslng P11/S as well as allow lnLernal users Lo access Lhe same Web
servers uslng sLandard P11. WhaL ls Lhe besL way Lo congure Lhe exLernal and lnLernal
rewalls Lo meeL Lhese requlremenLs?
A. Cpen porL 80 on Lhe exLernal rewall and porL 443 on Lhe lnLernal rewall.
8. Cpen porL 443 on Lhe exLernal rewall and porL 80 on Lhe lnLernal rewall.
C. Cpen porL 80 on Lhe exLernal rewall and porL 110 on Lhe lnLernal rewall.
u. Cpen porL 110 on Lhe exLernal rewall and porL 80 on Lhe lnLernal rewall.
14. When you use !ava, Lhe !vM lsolaLes Lhe !ava appleL Lo a sandbox when lL execuLes.
WhaL does Lhls do Lo provlde addluonal securlLy?
A. 1hls prevenLs Lhe !ava appleL from accesslng daLa on Lhe cllenL's hard drlve.
8. 1hls prevenLs Lhe !ava appleL from communlcaung Lo servers oLher Lhan Lhe one
from whlch lL was downloaded.
C. 1hls prevenLs Lhe !ava appleL from falllng ln such a way LhaL Lhe !ava appleL ls
unable Lo execuLe.
u. 1hls prevenLs Lhe !ava appleL from falllng ln such a way LhaL lL aecLs anoLher
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13. ?ou are semng up a LesL plan for verlfylng LhaL new code belng placed on a Web server
ls secure and does noL cause any problems wlLh Lhe producuon Web server. WhaL ls Lhe
besL way Lo LesL Lhe code prlor Lo deploylng lL Lo Lhe producuon Web server?
A. 1esL all new code on a developmenL C prlor Lo Lransferrlng lL Lo Lhe producuon
Web server.
8. 1esL all new code on an acuve lnLernal Web server prlor Lo Lransferrlng lL Lo Lhe
producuon Web server.
C. 1esL all new code on a dupllcaLe Web server prlor Lo Lransferrlng lL Lo Lhe
producuon Web server.
u. 1esL all new code on anoLher user's C prlor Lo Lransferrlng lL Lo Lhe producuon
Web server.
16. 1o allow lLs employees remoLe access Lo Lhe corporaLe neLwork, a company has
lmplemenLed a hardware vn soluuon. Why ls Lhls consldered a secure remoLe access
A. 8ecause only Lhe company's employees wlll know Lhe address Lo connecL Lo ln
order Lo use Lhe vn.
8. 8ecause vns use Lhe lnLerneL Lo Lransfer daLa.
C. 8ecause a vn uses compresslon Lo make lLs daLa secure.
u. 8ecause a vn uses encrypuon Lo make lLs daLa secure.
17. 1he neLwork Leam aL your company has placed a snler on Lhe neLwork Lo analyze an
ongolng neLwork-relaLed problem. 1he Leam connecLs Lo Lhe snler uslng 1elneL Lo vlew
Lhe daLa golng across Lhe neLwork. WhaL would you recommend Lo lncrease Lhe securlLy
of Lhls connecuon wlLhouL maklng lL slgnlcanLly more dlmculL for Lhe neLwork Leam
members Lo do Lhelr [obs?
A. 8equlre Lhe neLwork Leam Lo remove Lhe snler lmmedlaLely.
8. 8equlre Lhe neLwork Leam Lo vlew Lhe daLa from Lhe local console of Lhe snler.
C. LncrypL Lhe connecuon Lo Lhe snler uslng A.
u. use SSP Lo make Lhe connecuon Lo Lhe snler raLher Lhan 1elneL.
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Data Classication - Condential
18. Some new servers are belng lnsLalled on your company's neLwork and you have been
asked Lo work wlLh Lhe lnsLaller Lo ensure LhaL Lhey are as secure as posslble from hack
auempLs. WhaL ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL sLep you should Lake Lo ensure LhaL Lhe servers'
CSs ls secure?
A. Make sure LhaL Lhe lnsLaller ls cerued.
8. Make sure LhaL Lhe laLesL CS servlce pack ls lnsLalled.
C. Make sure LhaL Lhe laLesL CS servlce pack and all securlLy paLches are lnsLalled.
u. Make sure LhaL Lhe servers have locks on Lhe hoL-swap drlve chassls.
19. 8lck ls a securlLy audlLor for your company. Pe ls ln Lhe process of auempung Lo auack
one of your servers buL when you check all of your producuon servers, you deLecL no
auacks happenlng. Why ls Lhls so?
A. 8lck ls acLually auacklng a server ln someone else's neLwork.
8. 8lck ls acLually auacklng a honeypoL, noL a producuon server.
C. 8lck ls belng sLopped aL Lhe rewall.
u. 8lck ls uslng Lhe wrong accounL wlLh whlch Lo launch Lhe auack.
20. WhaL Lypes of compuLers mlghL you expecL Lo nd locaLed on an lnLraneL?
(Choose all LhaL apply)
A. ubllcly accesslble unS servers
8. ubllc Web servers
C. SCL 2000 servers
u. user worksLauons
21. Whlch of Lhe followlng proLocols can be used Lo secure a vn connecuon?
A. 1C/l
8. unS
u. Apple1alk
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Data Classication - Condential
22. Sally has come Lo you for advlce and guldance. She ls Lrylng Lo congure a neLwork
devlce Lo block auempLs Lo connecL on cerLaln porLs, buL when she nlshes Lhe
congurauon, lL works for a perlod of ume buL Lhen changes back Lo Lhe orlglnal
congurauon. She cannoL undersLand why Lhe semngs conunue Lo change back. When
you examlne Lhe congurauon, you nd LhaL Lhe __________ are lncorrecL, and are
allowlng 8ob Lo change Lhe congurauon, alLhough he ls noL supposed Lo operaLe or
congure Lhls devlce. Slnce he dld noL know abouL Sally, he kepL changlng Lhe
congurauon back.
A. MAC semngs
8. uAC semngs
C. ACL semngs
u. ermlsslons
23. !osh has asked for a clarlcauon of whaL a rmware updaLe ls. Pow could you brley
descrlbe for hlm Lhe purpose of rmware updaLes? (lck Lhe besL answer)
A. llrmware updaLes are conLrol soware- or 8lCS-Lype updaLes LhaL are lnsLalled
Lo lmprove Lhe funcuonallLy or exLend Lhe llfe of Lhe devlce lnvolved.
8. llrmware updaLes are devlce-speclc command seLs LhaL musL be upgraded Lo
conunue operauon.
C. llrmware updaLes updaLe Lhe mechanlcal funcuon of Lhe devlce.
u. llrmware updaLes are mlnor xes, and are noL usually necessary.
24. ?our l1 server was [usL compromlsed. When you examlne Lhe semngs, you nd LhaL
Lhe server allows Anonymous access. Powever, you know LhaL Lhls ls a defaulL condluon
ln mosL l1 servers, and musL dlg furLher for Lhe problem. Where else mlghL you check?
A. Access permlsslons on server's le sLrucLure
8. ACL semngs for server access
C. Lecuve permlsslons for Lhe anonymous access
u. All of Lhe above
23. ?ou have downloaded a Cu lSC lmage and wanL Lo verlfy lLs lnLegrlLy. WhaL should you
A. Compare Lhe le slzes.
8. 8urn Lhe lmage and see lf lL works.
C. CreaLe an Mu3 sum and compare lL Lo Lhe Mu3 sum llsLed where Lhe lmage was
u. CreaLe an Mu4 sum and compare lL Lo Lhe Mu4 sum llsLed where Lhe lmage was
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26. lf you wanLed Lo encrypL a slngle le for your own personal use, whaL Lype of
crypLography would you use?
A. A proprleLary algorlLhm
8. A dlglLal slgnaLure
C. A symmeLrlc algorlLhm
u. An asymmeLrlc algorlLhm
27. Whlch of Lhe followlng algorlLhms are avallable for commerclal use wlLhouL a llcenslng
fee? (SelecL all LhaL apply)
A. 8SA
8. uLS
C. luLA
u. ALS
28. 1he kl ldenucauon process ls based upon Lhe use of unlque ldenuers, known as
A. Llcenses
8. llngerprlnLs
C. keys
u. Locks
29. ubllc key CrypLography ls a sysLem LhaL uses a mlx of symmeLrlc and !!!!!!!!!!!
algorlLhms for Lhe encrypuon of a secreL key.
A. ubllc
8. AsymmeLrlc
C. rlvaLe
u. CerucaLe
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Data Classication - Condential
30. uavld's company has lnformed lLs employees LhaL Lhe company wlll shuL down aL Lhe
end of Lhe monLh due Lo a lack of funds. uavld ls Lhe neLwork englneer and ls
responslble for lLems such as dlglLal cerucaLes and key palrs. WhaL should uavld do
abouL hls exlsung dlglLal cerucaLes and key palrs?
A. uesLroy all coples of Lhe cerucaLes and keys, and leL Lhe CA know LhaL Lhey
should be dereglsLered.
8. Make coples of Lhe keys and keep Lhem ln a safe place ln case someone wanLs Lo
buy Lhem.
C. 1ake Lhem home and use Lhem on hls home compuLer, because hls company wlll
noL need Lhem anymore.
u. uavld does noL have Lo do anyLhlng, Lhe CA wlll gure lL all ouL.
31. ?our cerucaLe and keys are abouL Lo explre. As long as Lhe cerucaLe ls ln good
sLandlng, you can use your exlsung key Lo slgn your requesL Lo _______ your keys.
A. 8evoke
8. 8enew
C. 8elnluallze
u. 8edlsLrlbuLe
32. When a company uses ____________, lL ls keeplng coples of Lhe prlvaLe key ln Lwo
separaLe secured locauons where only auLhorlzed persons are allowed Lo access Lhem.
A. key escrow
8. key desLrucuon
C. key generauon
u. key rlngs
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33. A company conslsLs of a maln bulldlng wlLh Lwo smaller branch omces aL opposlLe ends
of Lhe clLy. 1he maln bulldlng and branch omces are connecLed wlLh fasL llnks so LhaL all
employees have good connecuvlLy Lo Lhe neLwork. Lach of Lhe bulldlngs has securlLy
measures LhaL requlre vlslLors Lo slgn ln, and all employees are requlred Lo wear
ldenucauon badges aL all umes. ?ou wanL Lo proLecL servers and oLher vlLal equlpmenL
so LhaL Lhe company has Lhe besL level of securlLy aL Lhe lowesL posslble cosL. Whlch of
Lhe followlng wlll you do Lo achleve Lhls ob[ecuve?
A. CenLrallze servers and oLher vlLal componenLs ln a slngle room of Lhe maln
bulldlng, and add securlLy measures Lo Lhls room so LhaL Lhey are well proLecLed.
8. CenLrallze mosL servers and oLher vlLal componenLs ln a slngle room of Lhe maln
bulldlng, and place servers aL each of Lhe branch omces. Add securlLy measures
Lo areas where Lhe servers and oLher componenLs are locaLed.
C. uecenLrallze servers and oLher vlLal componenLs, and add securlLy measures Lo
areas where Lhe servers and oLher componenLs are locaLed.
u. CenLrallze servers and oLher vlLal componenLs ln a slngle room ln Lhe maln
bulldlng. 8ecause Lhe bulldlng prevenLs unauLhorlzed access Lo vlslLors and oLher
persons, Lhere ls no need Lo lmplemenL physlcal securlLy ln Lhe server room.
34. ?ou have declded Lo lmplemenL blomeLrlcs as parL of your securlLy sysLem. 8efore
purchaslng a locklng sysLem LhaL uses blomeLrlcs Lo conLrol access Lo secure areas, you
need Lo declde whaL wlll be used Lo auLhenucaLe users. Whlch of Lhe followlng opuons
relles solely on blomeLrlc auLhenucauon?
A. username and password
8. llngerprlnLs, reunal scans, ln numbers, and faclal characLerlsucs
C. volce pauerns, ngerprlnLs, and reunal scans
u. SLrong passwords, ln numbers, and dlglLal lmaglng
33. A problem wlLh alr condluonlng ls causlng ucLuauons ln LemperaLure ln Lhe server
room. 1he LemperaLure ls rlslng Lo 90 degrees when Lhe alr condluoner sLops worklng,
and Lhen drops Lo 60 degrees when lL sLarLs worklng agaln. 1he problem keeps occurrlng
over Lhe nexL Lwo days. WhaL problems may resulL from Lhese ucLuauons? (SelecL Lhe
besL answer)
A. LlecLrosLauc dlscharge
8. ower ouLages
C. Chlp creep
u. oor alr quallLy
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Data Classication - Condential
36. ?ou are runnlng cabllng for a neLwork Lhrough a boller room where Lhe furnace and
some oLher heavy machlnery reslde. ?ou are concerned abouL lnLerference from Lhese
sources. Whlch of Lhe followlng Lypes of cabllng provldes Lhe besL proLecuon from
lnLerference ln Lhls area?
A. S1
8. u1
C. Coaxlal
u. llber-opuc
37. ?ou are promoung user awareness ln forenslcs, so users wlll know whaL Lo do when
lncldenLs occur wlLh Lhelr compuLers. Whlch of Lhe followlng Lasks should you lnsLrucL
users Lo perform when an lncldenL occurs? (Choose all LhaL apply)
A. ShuL down Lhe compuLer
8. ConLacL Lhe lncldenL response Leam
C. uocumenL whaL Lhey see on Lhe screen
u. Log o Lhe neLwork
38. ?ou are Lhe rsL person Lo respond Lo Lhe scene of an lncldenL lnvolvlng a compuLer
belng hacked. Aer deLermlnlng Lhe scope of Lhe crlme scene and securlng lL, you
auempL Lo preserve any evldence aL Lhe scene. Whlch of Lhe followlng Lasks wlll you
perform Lo preserve evldence? (Choose all LhaL apply)
A. hoLograph any lnformauon dlsplayed on Lhe monlLors of compuLers lnvolved ln
Lhe lncldenL.
8. uocumenL any observauons or messages dlsplayed by Lhe compuLer.
C. ShuL down Lhe compuLer Lo prevenL furLher auacks LhaL may modlfy daLa.
u. CaLher up manuals, nonfuncuonlng devlces, and oLher maLerlals and equlpmenL
ln Lhe area so Lhey are ready for LransporL.
39. ?ou are Lhe rsL Lo arrlve aL a crlme scene ln whlch a hacker ls accesslng unauLhorlzed
daLa on a le server from across Lhe neLwork. 1o secure Lhe scene, whlch of Lhe
followlng acuons should you perform?
A. revenL members of Lhe organlzauon from enLerlng Lhe server room.
8. revenL members of Lhe lncldenL response Leam from enLerlng Lhe server room.
C. ShuL down Lhe server Lo prevenL Lhe user from accesslng furLher daLa.
u. ueLach Lhe neLwork cable from Lhe server Lo prevenL Lhe user from accesslng
furLher daLa.
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Data Classication - Condential
40. lorenslc procedures musL be followed exacLly Lo ensure Lhe lnLegrlLy of daLa obLalned ln
an lnvesugauon. When maklng coples of daLa from a machlne LhaL ls belng examlned,
whlch of Lhe followlng Lasks should be done Lo ensure lL ls an exacL dupllcaLe?
A. erform a cycllc redundancy check uslng a checksum or hashlng algorlLhm.
8. Change Lhe aurlbuLes of daLa Lo make lL read only.
C. Cpen les on Lhe orlglnal medla and compare Lhem Lo Lhe copled daLa.
u. uo noLhlng. lmaglng soware always makes an accuraLe lmage.
41. ?ou are Lhe rsL person Lo arrlve aL a crlme scene. An lnvesugaLor and crlme scene
Lechnlclan arrlve aerwards Lo Lake over Lhe lnvesugauon. Whlch of Lhe followlng Lasks
wlll Lhe crlme scene Lechnlclan be responslble for performlng?
A. Lnsure LhaL any documenLauon and evldence Lhey possessed ls handed over Lo
Lhe lnvesugaLor.
8. 8eesLabllsh a perlmeLer as new evldence presenLs lLself.
C. LsLabllsh a chaln of command.
u. 1ag, bag, and lnvenLory evldence.
42. When evldence ls acqulred, a log ls sLarLed LhaL records who had possesslon of Lhe
evldence for a speclc amounL of ume. 1hls ls Lo avold allegauons LhaL Lhe evldence may
have been Lampered wlLh when lL was unaccounLed for, and Lo keep Lrack of Lhe Lasks
performed ln acqulrlng evldence from a plece of equlpmenL or maLerlals. WhaL ls Lhe
Lerm used Lo descrlbe Lhls process?
A. Chaln of command
8. Chaln of cusLody
C. Chaln of [urlsdlcuon
u. Chaln of evldence
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43. ?ou are manager of Lhe l1 deparLmenL and have deslgned a new securlLy pollcy LhaL
addresses Lhe l1 sLa's responslblllues Lo users, equlpmenL, and daLa. 1he pollcy only
aecLs Lhe l1 sLa. lL deals wlLh such lssues as rouune backups of daLa, neLwork securlLy
changes, and audlLs of daLa on servers. now LhaL Lhe new pollcy ls wrluen, whlch of Lhe
followlng should you do nexL? (Choose all LhaL apply)
A. ubllsh Lhe pollcy and make lL avallable for all users Lo read.
8. CbLaln auLhorlzauon from oLher members of Lhe l1 sLa.
C. CbLaln auLhorlzauon from senlor managemenL.
u. rovlde a copy of Lhe pollcy Lo legal counsel, and have Lhem revlew lLs conLenL
and wordlng.
44. ?ou recelve a complalnL from Lhe neLwork admlnlsLraLor of anoLher company regardlng
an auempLed hacklng of Lhelr Web slLe. 1helr rewall logs show LhaL Lhe auempL came
from an l address from your company. upon hearlng Lhe l address, you nd LhaL Lhls
ls Lhe l address of Lhe proxy server belonglng Lo your company. lurLher lnvesugauon
on your parL wlll be needed Lo ldenufy who acLually performed Lhe auempLed lnLruslon
on Lhe oLher company's Web slLe. Who wlll you noufy of Lhls problem before sLarung
Lhe lnvesugauon?
A. Medla ouLleLs Lo publlclze Lhe lncldenL
8. 1he lncldenL response Leam
C. users of Lhe neLwork Lo ensure Lhey are aware LhaL prlvaLe lnformauon deallng
wlLh employees may need Lo be shared wlLh Lhe oLher company
u. no one
43. An organlzauon has declded Lo lmplemenL a pollcy deallng wlLh Lhe dlsposal and
desLrucuon of daLa and oLher maLerlals LhaL may conLaln sensluve lnformauon. 1hey
have consulLed you Lo deLermlne whaL elemenLs should be lncluded ln Lhe pollcy. Whlch
of Lhe followlng wlll you Lell Lhem?
A. uaLa on hard dlsks should be deleLed before hard dlsks are dlsposed of.
8. Pard dlsks should be shredded before belng dlsposed of.
C. non-classled maLerlals, such as medla releases, should be shredded before
belng dlsposed of.
u. Classled documenLs should be shredded before belng dlsposed of.
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46. ?ou are concerned LhaL mlsLakes may be made from accounLs LhaL are seL up on each
server ln Lhe neLwork when users log lnLo Lhem. ?ou also wanL Lo make lL easler for
users Lo log onLo muluple servers whlch physlcally reslde ln a server room wlLhln Lhe
company's maln bulldlng. 1o achleve Lhese goals, whlch of Lhe followlng feaLures of a
neLwork are needed?
A. CenLrallzed servers
8. uecenLrallzed servers
C. Slngle Slgn-on
u. Audlung
47. A user ls concerned LhaL someone may have access Lo hls accounL, and may be accesslng
hls daLa. Whlch of Lhe followlng evenLs wlll you audlL Lo ldenufy lf Lhls ls Lhe case?
A. MonlLor Lhe success and fallure of accesslng prlnLers and oLher resources.
8. MonlLor Lhe success of changes Lo accounLs.
C. MonlLor Lhe success of resLarLs and shuLdowns.
u. MonlLor for escalaLed use of accounLs durlng o hours.
48. ?ou wanL Lo lmplemenL access conLrol LhaL wlll allow users Lo conLrol who has access Lo
Lhe daLa Lhey have ownershlp over. Whlch of Lhe followlng would you use?
8. uAC
C. 88AC
u. 8AC
49. ?ou are Lhe admlnlsLraLor of a neLwork runnlng novell neLWare, and are havlng
problems wlLh a server's ablllLy Lo connecL Lo oLher servers. 1he server was able Lo
connecL Lo Lhe neLwork before you lnsLalled a recenL bug x. Aer auempung Lo solve
Lhe problem, you declde Lo check and see lf anyone else has had Lhls problem. Where ls
Lhe besL place Lo nd Lhls lnformauon?
A. 1he manual LhaL came wlLh Lhe server
8. 1he vendor's Web slLe
C. Servlce pack
u. Mlcroso knowledge base
FORESEC Academy - Networking Security Exam
Data Classication - Condential
30. ?ou have been asked Lo develop an audlL plan for your company. ?ou have been Lold
LhaL Lhere have been consLanL deleuons of les LhaL are belng worked on by a Leam, and
LhaL Lhey have had Lo redo Lhe work a number of umes. WhaL Lype of audlung would
you lmplemenL Lo Lrack Lhe access Lo Lhls resource
A. Logon/logo success
8. ob[ecL/le access success
C. ob[ecL/le access fallure
u. Logon/logo fallure
FORESEC Academy - Networking Security Exam
Data Classication - Condential

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