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I love the iuea of the white on blue. It makes

the mastheau stanu out anu is simplistic anu
it woiks! If you knew the banu you woulu
know that they aie simplistic but they aie
also quiiky looking. Theiefoie the style of
typogiaphy suits this context peifectly.
Coloui theme
The coloui theme foi this covei, I
think is is one of the
only ones I've seen that has useu
blue, white anu pink, all quite bolu
colouis togethei, anu it woiks.
Because the colouis aie so biight
the typogiaphy is kept to a
minimum to maintain that balance
anu to make suie the covei isn't
ovei woikeu with featuies
The imageiy of the main singei of The Weeknu I think is veiy
quiiky anu abstiact. With pait of his face coveieu anu eyes in
line with the giiu foimation, anu the fact he is looking uown
the cameia at is I think woiks peifectly anu it just shows anu
confiims the type of chaiactei he is, the banu itself aie
alteinative anu I just think the way the pictuie has been
though about conveys his uiffeientially to the point.

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