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“My personal experience with diabetes and review of the literature

made it VERY clear to me that virtually every case of type 2 diabetes

is 100 percent reversible.”

Dr. Joseph Mercola, Sept. 2008

“ The Scourge of Diabetes”

How I cured my Diabetes Naturally!

By Bill Young, Nutritional Therapy Coach

Diabetes is an epidemic in our community

Blacks, Hispanics and the Elderly are especially victimized.

It is estimated that 1 out of 2 Black, Hispanic or Native American New Yorkers over the
age of 40 and who are over weight are either pre-diabetic or have the disease!

Many do not even know they have the disease. Studies show that the average newly
diagnosed diabetic has had diabetes for 7 years before it is discovered, often only after
symptoms of complications have caused them to seek a doctor’s help.

Unfortunately, many people underestimate the disease. Diabetes is not high blood sugar.
That is just a symptom.

Diabetes is a sentence of premature death.

A diabetic dies every 6 minutes in the USA!

Once educated, they become highly motivated to treat themselves and restore their health
for their sake and their family’s.

Here are some diabetes Facts that everyone needs to know.

Diabetes is the 3rd Leading Killer in the country

According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta and Other Medical Sources:

• There are 24 million diabetics in the US, 30% of whom do not know they have it
• There are 57 million who are pre-diabetic, most of whom don’t know it
• 12% of Blacks and Hispanics are diabetic vs. 6% for Whites
• 1 out of 4 people over the age of 60 are diabetic, probably 50% are pre-diabetic
• 65% of Americans are overweight, 30% obese (more than 30 lbs overweight) a
major contributing factor for diabetes
• 50% of African-American women are obese

• Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20 to
74 years.

• Diabetic retinopathy (damage to the blood vesicles of the eye) causes 12,000 to
24,000 new cases of blindness each year.

• Diabetes is the leading cause of end stage kidney failure leading to dialysis
(diabetic neuropathy, damage to the nervous system), accounting for 44% of new
cases in 2002.

• About 60% to 70% of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nervous
system damage (diabetic neuropathy). The results of such damage include
impaired sensation or pain in the feet or hands, slowed digestion of food in the
stomach, sexual dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other nerve problems.

• Severe forms of diabetic nerve disease are a major contributing cause of lower-
extremity amputations, in fact more than 60% of the 80,000 non-traumatic lower-
limb amputations that take place each year are related to diabetes.

• Diabetes is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, heart
attack and strokes.
• Diabetes and its complications make it the 3rd leading cause of death in this
• Nearly 70% of diabetics die of heart disease, 4 times higher than non-diabetics

• The risk for stroke is 2 to 4 times higher among people with diabetes.
• Diabetes slashes 10-15 years from the life span of a diabetic
• Diabetes costs an extra $10,000 per year in medical costs to each diabetic

What causes diabetes?

There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1 is called insulin dependant diabetes. Insulin is the hormone that allows glucose
(sugar) to enter the cells to be burned for energy. In Type 1, the pancreas stops making
insulin which means the person cannot burn sugar to produce energy and will die shortly
if they cannot get insulin. This person will probably be on insulin injections for the rest of
their lives.

Type 1, in many cases, is an autoimmune disease. This means that it is the result of their
own body attacking and damaging itself. In this case it attacks and destroys the pancreas
the organ that makes insulin.

There is no consensus on what causes Type 1. It appears that attacks by viruses can also
trigger the disease. It is also called Juvenile Diabetes because it is seen mostly in people
under 30. Many are born with the condition, meaning some cases are hereditary.

In the rest, it is thought that free radicals damage and destroy the insulin producing cells
in the pancreas. Free radicals can be produced by the body as a result of energy
production; they can be introduced into the body by foods and food additives, in drinks,
pollutants in air, water, food by stress and worry.

Unless kept in check by antioxidants, they can cause enough damage to kill you!

The thing to keep in mind about Type 1’s is that although the body will probably never
again be able to make its own insulin, insulin injections will NOT prevent the deadly
complications such as blindness etc as you will see below.

Nonetheless, Type 1’s will benefit from treatment with an Alkaline Diet and Alkaline
Water, natural supplements, exercise etc. This way complications can be prevented or
controlled. Imagine if you could avoid losing your feet? Your eyes? A Heart attack? Sex

Type 1 diabetes only accounts for about 10% of all diabetics.

Type 2 diabetics account for 90% of all diabetics.

Type 2 use to be called “adult on-set” diabetes because it use to appear mainly in middle
age or older.

Now, people are being diagnosed with Type 2 at younger and younger ages. This is
related to the fact that children are getting fatter at earlier ages, primarily because of
eating and drinking garbage. The average teen ager drinks over 700 cans of soda per

In Type 2, the buildup in acid in the person’s body from an unhealthy diet and drinks and
the damaging effect of free radicals combine to damage the membranes of the body’s
cells and the insulin receptors on them making them unable to effectively allow glucose
into the cells.

One of the ways the body tries to compensate for too much acid in the body is to
encapsulate the acid in fat, generally around the person’s middle. This is what makes the
person overweight. So, overweight is associated with and a predictor of diabetes, but is
not necessarily the cause of diabetes.

The result is that insulin has a harder and harder time getting sugar into the cells. The
sugar builds up in the blood, but the cells keep calling for more insulin because the sugar
is not getting through. As a result, insulin and sugar build up in the blood.

The sugar is turned into fat and deposited mainly around the person’s middle, adding to
their weight problem. Excess insulin damages the nervous system.

At some point, the person becomes a full fledged diabetic.

There are clinical symptoms:

Fasting Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar) Level

The gold standard for diagnosing diabetes is an elevated blood sugar level after an
overnight fast (not eating anything after midnight). A value above 140 mg/dl on at least
two occasions typically means a person has diabetes. Normal people have fasting sugar
levels that generally run between 70-110 mg/dl.:

Resting Glucose Levels: This is a more complex test. It calls for a fast followed by
consumption of a sugary beverage. The glucose level of the blood is checked at intervals.
A person has diabetes when oral glucose tolerance tests show that the blood glucose level
at 2 hours is equal to or more than 200 mg/dl. Such a result would likely be further
investigated using either the Fasting Blood Glucose test or the A1C.

A1C: This is considered the most reliable indicator of blood glucose levels because it
reports the sugar level over the past several months. A reading of up to 6% is considered
normal, non-diabetic. Anything over 7 indicates diabetes. Readings of 8-10% are really
bad and treatment must begin shortly.

Here are recognizable symptoms the person himself may recognize:

• Extreme thirst
• Always hungry, even after eating
• Losing weight without trying
• Excessive urination, noticeable sweet smell from urine
• Unusual Irritability
• Feeling tired and rundown possibly falling asleep right after meals
• Unexplained tingling in feet or hands
• Blurred vision

The symptoms of both types of diabetes are similar, however they are much more sudden
with Type 1 and may involve the person passing out or even going into a coma.

If a person has the latter two symptoms, tingling in the extremities or blurred vision, they
probably have had the disease for awhile as those are symptoms of complications. On
average, a person has diabetes for 7 years before it is diagnosed!

How is diabetes treated?

Conventional medicine, driven exclusively by profit motives and self inflicted ignorance,
does not know what causes diabetes and has no cure!

Although they give lip service to diet and exercise, doctors mainly prescribe diabetic
drugs; expensive, ineffective and dangerous drugs that treat symptoms rather than cure
the disease.

Diabetic drugs are constantly being pulled from the market by their makers because of
“side effects” such as deaths caused by heart failure, liver failure or damage to the
nervous system; but, inexplicably, not before the company’s “New, Improved” drug has
been announced to replace it!

The goal for conventional treatment of both types of diabetes is to control or reduce the
level of sugar in the blood, which means the person will be on the drug for life. In

practice, as the disease progresses and complications ensue, more drugs are added to the
menu, producing an ever increasing revenue stream to the drug companies.

However, forcing blood sugar levels down with medications does nothing to relieve the
underlying diabetic conditions which as you know are caused by over acidity and free

For Type 1 diabetics, there is no other course but to provide the patient with insulin as
their body is making little or none of the hormone. There is little prospect for being able
to get these people off insulin. However, as mentioned before, insulin does not protect
against the onset of the deadly complications of the disease.

“The Pharmaceutical Companies Would Rather “Treat” You Than Cure You!”

Where it gets criminal, in my opinion is the Medical Establishment’s complete ignorance

or suppression (don’t know which is worse!) of safe, inexpensive, proven natural
treatments and cures for diabetes.

Although the Europeans and the Japanese have been saving diabetic’s limbs for years
with natural treatments, American doctors still cut off close to 80,000 such limbs per

They might have misunderstood or twisted President Obama’s words when he said that
doctors would rather make the money for an amputation rather than show the patient how
to save the limb. He was right.

Knowing that 80% of their diabetic patients will die from a heart attack, doctors do not
recommend natural treatments that have proven to stop or reverse cardiovascular

In spite of the fact that it is known that free radicals attack the nervous and circulatory
systems of diabetics, doctors persist in prescribing blood sugar medications as diabetes
destroys the patient’s kidneys to the point they need kidney transplants or dialysis.

The Natural Alternative

By eliminating or at least greatly reducing poor food choices like sodas, fried foods,
foods made with white flour and sugar such as pies, cakes, donuts, etc and drinking
Ionized Alkaline (Kangen) water, getting the proper exercise, eating an Alkaline Diet
along with meditation and/or prayer, the body will, in most cases, be able to prevent or
even reverse at least some of the complications of diabetes.

This is Great News to the Type 1 diabetic!

For Type 2 diabetics, the odds are very good that by drinking Kangen water, getting the
proper exercise, eating an Alkaline Diet along with meditation and/or prayer, the body
will, in most cases, be able to not only prevent complications but also be able to heal
itself, eliminating diabetes altogether!

You eliminate the acidosis with alkaline water and strengthen the body’s ability to
stop free radical damage by boosting the body’s supply of antioxidants.

Also note the following Acute conditions that might strike diabetics at any time:

Hyperglycemia, also known as Diabetic ketoacidosis, aka DKA, is a serious complication

of diabetes, which occurs when a very high blood sugar level (above 300 mg/dL) is
coupled with a severe shortage of insulin in the body.

This is more common in Type I diabetes because the body produces very little or no
insulin on it's own. The body starts to break down fat for energy and ketones (toxic acids)


• Increased thirst
• increased urination
• Nausea/vomiting
• Deep and/or rapid breathing
• Abdominal pain
• Fruity smelling breath
• Loss of consciousness

These symptoms can lead to coma or death and should be treated by medical
personnel immediately.

Hypoglycemia, the exact opposite of Hyperglycemia or DKA.

Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar drops, usually below 60 mg/dl

Taking glucose tablets, or a glass of orange juice, or other fast sugar sources such as
regular soda, cake decorating gel, or a few sugar cubes, can relieve the symptoms within

If blood sugar has a tendency to fall very low, very quickly, a person may carry glucagon
with them in addition to glucose tablets. Glucagon is an injection that stimulates the liver
to release sugar into the blood. It can be self-administered and usually brings the blood
sugar up to an acceptable level within 15 minutes.

Hypoglycemia can be life-threatening if left untreated, resulting in coma and death.

If blood sugar is severely low, or if taking in some form of sugar is not raising the blood
sugar, or if a person is unable to take in a sugar source due to vomiting or
unconsciousness, it is critical that the person receives emergency care as soon as possible.


• Trembling or weakness
• Lack of coordination

• Drowsiness or confusion
• Headache
• Dizziness
• Double vision
• Convulsions or unconsciousness

We Suggest Everyone Be Evaluated at Free, Community Health Fairs!

Nurses, doctors or chiropractors at the Fair, will do a check of basic health indicators,
blood pressure, pulse, weight, height, age, health history, etc.

If none is present you can read from a health questionnaire and ask prospects to note
which of the conditions apply to them.

You can get an immediate diabetic risk assessment online, here:

This easy, simple test could save your life!

Metabolic Syndrome X

The Majority of people over 40 who are overweight, (65%) will have something called
“Metabolic Syndrome X.” (MSX)

Over 75 Million people have MSX and more than half do not know they have it!

MSX is a group of negative health indicators:

• Overweight by 20 lbs or more

• Middle measurement of 40 inches or more for men, 37in for women
• High blood pressure or under treatment for same
• Sedentary lifestyle
• High Cholesterol
• Diabetic symptoms

Having MSX predicts the likelihood that a person is on track to have the “Diseases of
Aging,” and age faster than normal and 70% will die from one of the following diseases,
cutting their lifespan short by 10-15 years:

• Heart Disease
• Stroke
• Cancer
• Diabetes

As we know, they are all caused by the same thing, acidosis and free radical attacks.

Kangen water has been used by Japanese doctors in Japan to treat these illnesses for

Go here to see a video of a Japanese doctor saving a diabetic’s foot with Kangen water!

Combined with the proper diet, exercise, nutritional supplements and meditation, Kangen
water will restore the body to its proper acid alkaline balance and boost its antioxidant
stores, the key to a longer, healthier life according to Dr Lester Packer of the Packer
Institute at UCLA and other Alternative Health Professionals.

Dr P ack er s ays s im ply , “ Th e p eo pl e wit h the

hi gh es t lev el of antio xi da nts in their b ody will liv e
th e long es t an d he althi est liv es. T he other s will
co ntr act ch ronic di se as es an d di e early! ”
I was able to cure my diabetes in 4 months, using the natural treatments recommended in
this Special Report!

I went from 205 lbs, 40 ½ inches around the middle, an A1c of 7.3 (anything over 7 is
diabetic) with high blood pressure and bad blood fats, winded from walking up the
Subway stairs, to an A1c of 5.6, 38 inches around the middle, blood pressure medicine
cut in half, and much improved blood fat picture, able to run 6 miles, in a little over 4

I would be glad to show you exactly how I did it.

Contact me for more information.

Bill Young, 646-961-3818


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