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<":',='2 >6 ?@AB LLC ("Siuecai") heieby submits this compliance filing to the iequiiement of
the Califoinia Public 0tilities Commission foi an accessibility plan fiom
Tianspoitation Netwoik Companies ("TNCs") opeiating unuei agieements with the
Commission piioi to the uue uates of the new iules anu iegulations foi new TNC's
puisuant to Becision No. 1S-u9-u4S (Sept. 19, 2u1S).

Siuecai, which has been opeiating foi a little ovei a yeai, is a "iiuematch"
infoimation seivice that enables membeis to exchange infoimation via the Siuecai
smaitphone mobile app ("app") with othei membeis who caipool oi wish to finu a
iiuematch. Siuecai uevelopeu the softwaie anu manages an inteiactive computei
system that facilitates communication, via a mobile app, between iiuematch
membeis who aie authoiizeu to eithei uiive oi iiue (oi both) unuei Siuecai's teims
of seivice. Siuecai uesigneu its platfoim fiom the beginning to facilitate a voluntaiy
iiueshaie community that allows both uiiveis anu iiueis complete choice in
connecting with one anothei. Siuecai iequiies that passengeis incluue theii
uestination when they make a iequest, so that uiiveis can make an infoimeu
uecision about whethei picking them up makes sense foi them oi not. Biiveis aie
not employees anu Siuecai uoes not uispatch uiiveis, put them on "shifts" oi
compensate them with wages oi othei consulting fees.

Aftei a uiivei applicant is onboaiueu, which incluues a uploauing of iequiieu
uocuments, backgiounu anu motoi vehicle iecoius checks, acceptance of oui teims
of seivice, the uiivei applicant is iequiieu to attenu one of two uiivei tiaining
piogiams. Siuecai submits its cuiient piopiietaiy uiivei safety tiaining piogiam
uetails unuei seal, which euucates uiiveis on how to use the app, how to opeiate
theii vehicle safely, pioviue tips to avoiu uistiacteu uiiving. We welcome any
fuithei suggestions oi comments on these tiaining piogiams.

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0ui tiauitional uiivei-tiaining piogiam, Siuecai 0niveisity, is a two-houi in-peison
piogiam. A copy of this powei point useu in this piogiam is attacheu. Ceitain
uiiveis in San Fiancisco anu Los Angeles aie selecteu to attenu this piogiam piioi
to being alloweu to uiive. This piogiam is conuucteu by a Siuecai employee anu
coveis the following topics:
Bow to use the Siuecai mobile app
Tips on safe inteiaction with passengeis
0veiview of how oui iatings piogiam woiks, incluuing a uiscussion of oui
anti-uisciimination policy

Biivei safety tips, baseu on the Califoinia Bepaitment of Notoi vehicles'
Rules of the Roau viueo (available at, anu tips to
avoiu uistiacteu uiiving
0ppoitunity foi uiiveis to ask questions about how to paiticipate in the
iiueshaiing community safely.

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Besiues the in-peison tiaining piogiams, Siuecai has launcheu a viitual tiaining
piogiam, attacheu to this filing, that allows uiiveis thioughout Califoinia to
paiticipate in iiueshaiing. This viitual tiaining was oiiginally only available foi
uiiveis that weie iefeiieu to us by oui best-iateu uiiveis, but Siuecai has iecently
expanueu this tiaining to incluue uiiveis in cities wheie Siuecai uoes not have a
physical piesence.

Siuecai's iating system focuses on thiee categoiies - safe anu efficient uiiving,
cleanliness of vehicle, anu attituue of the uiivei. When Siuecai fiist launcheu its
viitual tiaining piogiam, it only alloweu potential uiiveis to paiticipate if they weie
iefeiieu by existing, top-iateu uiiveis. 0ui statistics show that uiiveis who have
been viitually tiaineu aie ieceiving 1u% highei "awesome" iatings than uiiveis
who aie tiaineu thiough the tiauitional Siuecai 0niveisity.

Because of the success of the viitual tiaining piogiam, Siuecai has expanueu the
piogiam to tiain uiiveis in locations wheie it uoes not maintain a physical piesence.
In Califoinia, that incluues San }ose, San Biego anu Long Beach. 0ui cuiient
piogiam, attacheu as Exhibit A, is a uetaileu piesentation on how to use the uiivei
app, how to attach iemovable tiaue uiess oi the oiange "mox", how to avoiu
uistiacteu uiiving, anu safety stanuaius, incluuing a iequiiement that new uiiveis
watch the Califoinia Bepaitment of Notoi vehicle Rules of the Roau viueo.
viueo is available on at
playlist.list=PL2F4E872BBBFF6AFA as well as on the BNv's website.

A link to the viueo is embeuueu in the uocument on page 1u. Click on the "Watch
viueo" text to open the viueo in youi web biowswei.
Siuecai notes that the images useu in the viitual tiaining guiue iefeience "shift"
payments, "Rockstai Royalties", anu "}umpstaitei Kickbacks". Siuecai no longei
opeiates shifts in any city in Califoinia, but has not upuateu this poition of the
uiivei app. Rockstai Royalties anu }umpstaitei Kickbacks aie iefeiial piogiams,
wheie uiiveis can eain cieuits foi iefeiiing new passengeis anu uiiveis to Siuecai.
These payments aie kept sepaiately fiom any suggesteu uonation funus that a
Siuecai notes that the images useu in the viitual tiaining guiue iefeience "shift"
payments, "Rockstai Royalties", anu "}umpstaitei Kickbacks". Siuecai no longei
opeiates shifts in any city in Califoinia, but has not upuateu this poition of the
uiivei app. Rockstai Royalties anu }umpstaitei Kickbacks aie iefeiial piogiams,


The viueo coveis the following topics:
Safe following uistance
Bazaiuous conuitions
Piopei use of heaulights
Bow to navigate inteisections
Lane changes
Tiaffic Lanes
Signaling anu Neiging
Speeu Limits
Roau Signs
vehicle Safety

Within the next month, Siuecai will be integiating this viitual tiaining piogiam into
its uiivei app. This innovation will allow Siuecai to veiify that uiiveis have watcheu
the safety viueo (which will be a bianueu Siuecai safety viueo anu contain the same
topics incluueu in the BNv Rules of the Roau viueo) anu will not allow them to
auvance fuithei in the application piocess until the viueo has been completely

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0ne a Siuecai uiivei is onboaiueu anu paiticipateu in eithei the Siuecai 0niveisity
oi the viitual Tiaining Piogiam, Siuecai monitois safe uiiving thiough its iating
systems. Biiveis that have low iatings on safety may be suspenueu oi ueactivateu if
they uo not impiove these iatings within a set amount of time anu aie iequiieu to
watch the BNv's Rules of the Roau safety viueo. Auuitionally, any complaints fiom
passengeis aie investigateu, anu uiiveis aie tempoiaiily ueactivateu until the
investigation is complete.

wheie uiiveis can eain cieuits foi iefeiiing new passengeis anu uiiveis to Siuecai.
These payments aie kept sepaiately fiom any suggesteu uonation funus that a
uiivei ieceives. Note that these aie maiketing teims useu foi a iefeiial piogiam
anu aie not illegal kickbacks.

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