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CC2433 Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills

Bed Making


Hospital Beds
1. Size: 66cm(high)(adjustable by lever or button), 0.9m(wide), 1.9m(length)

Usually are covered with a water-repellent material (resist soiling and can be cleaned

Side Rails
Safe and effective means of preventing client fall out of bed Vs more serious falls and

Footboard/ Footboot
Prevent planter flexion contractures

Bed Cradles
To keep the top bedclothes off the feet, legs, and abdomen of a client
Curved mental rod, brackets

Intravenous Rods
IV poles, stands
Support IV infusion containers while fluid is being administered to the client


Unoccupied Bed
1. Admission Bed
2. Surgical Bed

Occupied Bed
CC2433 Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills
Bed Making

Changing an Unoccupied Bed

♦ Promote the client’s comfort
♦ To provide a clean neat environment for the client
♦ To provide a smooth, wrinkle-free bed foundation, thus minimizing sources of
skin irritation

♦ Assess the client’s health status to determine that the person can safely get out of
bed/ any written order
♦ Assess the client’s vital signs
♦ Note all the tubes and equipment connected to the client

♦ Find the colleague to help
♦ Provide clear information for the colleague the condition of the client, any
wound, tube, urinary catheter or dressing
♦ Provide clear instruction of proper disposal method of linens
♦ Provide call bell to the client

♦ Two flat sheets ♦ Waterproof drawsheet
♦ Cloth drawsheet ♦ Pillowcases
♦ One blanket ♦ Portable linen hamper
♦ One bedspread


1. Determine what linens the client may already have in the room to avoid
stockpilling of unnecessary extra linens.
2. Explain to the client.
3. Wash hands and observe other appropriate infection control procedures.
4. Place the fresh linen on the client’s chair or overhead table; do not use another
client’s bed. Why?________________________________________________
5. Assess and assist the client out of bed.
6. Strip the bed.
♦ Check bed linens for any items belonging to the client, and detach the call
bell or any drainage tubes from the bed linen.
CC2433 Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills
Bed Making

♦ Loosen all bedding systematically.

♦ Remove the pillowcases, if soiled.
♦ Fold reusable linens into fourth.
♦ Roll all soiled linen inside the bottom sheet, hold it away from your
uniform, and place it directly in the linen hamper
♦ Grasp the mattress securely, using the lug if present. Move the mattress up
to the head of the bed.
7. Apply the bottom sheet and drawsheet.
♦ Miter the sheet at the top corner.
♦ Waterproof drawsheet
♦ Lay the cloth drawsheet.
♦ Place the top linen and tuck in
♦ Move to the other side and secure the bottom linens
♦ Miter the corner of the sheet
♦ No wrinkles
8. Apply or complete the top sheet, blanket and spreads.
♦ Vertical or a horizontal toe pleat (________________) for additional space
♦ Fold the cuff of sheet (________________ away from the head the bed)
9. Put clean pillow cases on the pillow required.
10. Provide for client comfort and safety.
11. Document and report pertinent data (client’s condition and vital signs).

Variation: Surgical bed

♦ Fold up the two outer corners of the top linens forming a triangle
♦ The linens are horizontally fanfolded to the other side of the bed to facilitate
transfer of the client into the bed (depends on different hospital settings).


♦ Make sure the call bell/light is accessible to the client.

♦ Check client’s condition
♦ Make sure the wheels are locked.
Changing an occupied bed
CC2433 Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills
Bed Making

♦ Maintain the client in good body alignment. No contradiction. Obtain help to
ensure safety
♦ Move the client gently and smoothly
♦ Explain to client and use understandable term
♦ Use the bed-making time to assess and meet the client’s needs
♦ To conserve the client’s energy and maintain current healthy status.
♦ To promote client comfort.
♦ To provide a clean, neat environment for the client.
♦ To provide a smooth, wrinkle-free bed foundation, thus minimization sources of
skin irritation.
♦ Note specific precautions for moving and positioning the client.
♦ Determine presence of incontinence or excessive drainage.
♦ Assess skin condition
Refer to the note for Making an unoccupied bed.
1. Explain to the client
2. Wash hand and observe other infection control procedure.
3. Provide for client privacy.
4. Remove the top bedding.
♦ Remove any equipment and drainage attached to the top linen
♦ Ensure adequate warmth for the client.
5. Change the bottom sheet and draw sheet.
♦ Assist the client to turn laterally.
♦ Raise the side rail to prevent fall.
♦ Fanfold of the linen.
6. Reposition the client in the center of the bed.
7. Apply and complete the top bedding.
8. Ensure continued safety of the client.
9. Record client’s pertinent condition.
♦ Client’s comfort and safety, provide call bell.
♦ Patency of all drainage tube.

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