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PERSONAL PRONOUNS Underline the correct answer. 1. If you see Alias, please i!e "hi#, her$ this %oo&.

'. (on)t distur% #y %a%y sister. "She, *er$ is sleepin in that roo#. +. ",e, I$ a# feelin !ery tired. I will o to %ed early. -. I ha!e found your puppy. "It, *e$ was wanderin in #y arden. .. /hose %ananas are rotten ones. Please throw "it, the#$ away. 0. 1a#il #ust apolo i2e to his #other, or "he, she$ will %e an ry. 3. 4ou cannot use this stool %ecause "they, it$ is %ro&en. 5. ,r. and ,rs. /an were !ery happy %ecause "he, they$ ha!e %ou ht a house. 6. Please follow "I, #e$ to the #ana er)s office. She wants to #eet you now. 17. I lo!e #y father !ery #uch. "She, *e$ is !ery a carin and &ind #an. 11. (o you &now the head#istress of that &inder arten8 "*e, She$ li!es in Sere#%an. 1'. If you #eet Sari#ah, please infor# her to #eet "#e, I$ at the school li%rary. 1+. ,r. 9rown is late, so we ha!e to start the #eetin without "he, hi#$. 1-. ,en *en saw the #o!ie, so he can tell you a%out "the#, it$. 1.. See Lin is !ery stu%%orn irl. 4ou, as her #other should ad!ise "she, her$. 10. /hose &ittens are so cute, aren)t "they, the#$8 13. I li&e this watch. ,y uncle %ou ht "hi#, it$ as #y %irthday present. 15. Rasid and 1alani are ood at %ad#inton. 4ou should learn fro# "hi#, the#$. 16. /he fisher#an cau ht those fishes and sold "it, the#$ to the #iddle#an. '7. A%u li&es his nei h%ours %ecause "he, they$ are enerous and helpful. '1. ,y nei h%our :ust %ou ht a new car. "*e, It$ is a !ery e;pensi!e car. ''. Sally said to Sa#, <"She, 4ou$ are the #ost stu%%orn person I &now.= '+. /ho#as and I are oin to the %as&et%all #atch. ">e, /hey$ will %e %ac& %efore dinner. '-. ?ai >en)s sister is an air stewardess. "She, *e$ has tra!elled all o!er the world. '.. /ina and the irls are oin to a concert. (o "you, he$ want to o with "you, the#$8 '0. @era is sittin in our car. She wants to follow "us, the#$ to town. '3. Please listen to "#e, hi#$ when I spea& to "you, her$. '5. 1eya and the %oys want to o hi&in to#orrow. "/hey, >e$ plan to lea!e early in the #ornin . '6. <(o you want to :oin "#e, us$8= as&ed *ali# and Si!a. +7. /he police cau ht the #an after a short chase. "She, *e$ was ta&en to the police station. POSSESSI@E PRONOUNS Underline the correct answer. 1. ,y %a is as new as "yours, #ine$. '. *is #ar&s are hi her than "you, yours$ or "I, #ine$. +. ,y shoes are cleaner than "she, hers$. -. I wish I had seen that puppy of "he, his$ %efore he sold it. .. Susan)s do is not the sa#e as "he, his$A her do is a poodle. 0. /hat car is "they, theirs$, not "we, ours$. 3. /a&e what is "yours, you$. (o not ta&e what is "I, yours$. 5. ,y dress and "she, hers$ were %rou ht fro# the sa#e %outiBue. 6. /hat nau hty puppy of "we, ours$ has chewed the slippers a ain. 17. /hat new car of, "they, theirs$ is !ery e;pensi!e.

11. 1'. 1+. 1-. 1.. 10. 13. 15. 16. '7.

/his yellow u#%rella is "I, #ine$, not "she, hers$. /hat #otorcycle is not "he, his$A it %elon s to his father. /hese %iscuits are "they, theirs$A we ha!e already eaten "we, ours$. /hey ha!e different %a s. "*e, *is$ is %lue and "she, hers$ is red. *er hei ht is not the sa#e as "you, yours$A you are shorter. /he cow fell into the pit and %ro&e one of "his, its$ hind le s. </his pen is "you, yours$. 4ou left it here yesterday,= said ,us to 9on. ,rs Ra:a wants the !ases %ac&. /hey are "hers, she$. /hese shoes are not 1a#al)s. "*e, *is$ shoes are %lac&. /hese ca&es are "you, yours$. 4our aunt %rou ht the# for you.

RECLEDI@E PRONOUNS Underline the correct answer. 1. I cannot help you this ti#e. 4ou ha!e to do it "#yself, yourself$. '. She cut "herself, #yself$ while pic&in up the pieces of %ro&en lass. +. /he cat is cleanin "hi#self, itself$. -. /he little irl is learnin to dress "hi#self, herself$. .. /hey painted the house "oursel!es, the#sel!es$. 0. >e #ust o to the li%rary "oursel!es, yoursel!es$A she is not co#in with us. 3. *a!e you for otten8 4ou "yourself, hi#self$ said so. 5. *e "#yself, hi#self$ spo&e to the head#aster. 6. I %ou ht "herself, #yself$ a old %racelet. 17. 1a#al is !ery selfishA he thin&s only of "hi#self, #yself$. 11. *elen is an ry with "herself, yourself$ for #a&in such a #ista&e. 1'. 4ou #usn)t %la#e "herself, yourself$ for what happened. 1+. >e should depend on "the#sel!es, oursel!es$ and not on others. 1-. /he students "hi#self, the#sel!es$ did the e;peri#ent. 1.. I "#yself, the#sel!es$ will see that they finish their wor& %efore they lea!e. 10. /his #ornin , I %oiled the water "herself, #yself$. 13. 4ou are cle!er. I a# sure you can do the wor& "yourself, #yself$. 15. 4esterday, the pupils carried the chairs to the hall all %y "hi#self, the#sel!es$. 16. /he %ird %uilt the nest "itself, herself$. '7. ,other is not at ho#e. ,y sister and I will ha!e to coo& food "oursel!es, hi#self$.

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