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Book Review Essay Instructions

54:279 Fall 2021

Instructor: Dr. M. Max Hamon

• 1000-1500 words, (approx. 4-5 pages, double spaced)

• Deadline: Friday October 29, 11:50 PM

Submission Instructions
Submit your essay in the moodle dropbox

Student Name
Student Number

Book Review Assignment

54:279 Canada to Confederation

Whitefield, Harvey Amani. North to Bondage: Loyalist Slavery in the Maritimes. Vancouver:
University of British Columbia Press, 2016.



Formatting Checklist
• Title
• Include the full reference to the book just below the title
• Your name, student ID, course number
• Paragraphs visually marked with an indented first line, no indent of first
• For references put page numbers in brackets in the text
• References to additional works must provide a full citation as a footnote
according to Chicago Manual of Style
• 12 font, 2.54 cm margins and headers, double spaced
• Page numbers
• Spellcheck


Detailed Instructions
Your essay is intended to be a critical analysis and review. It is NOT a
summary or simple response. You are expected to evaluate the book and
assess its strengths.

A review should include the following:

• What is the author(s)’s overall argument? Are there secondary theses as
well? What are they and how do they relate to the overall argument?
• Your assessment of the book. (What you think about it, your evaluation
not your opinion)
• What evidence do(es) the author(s) use to support the argument? What
are the sources and how to they relate to the overall argument?
• What is the contribution of the book? Does it present a new
perspective/interpretation of the field or subject.

Be sure to organize your own review with a clear statement of what you think
about the book. You should have a thesis! (You need to say more than “this is a
good book”, but rather to explain why) Someone who reads your review should
come away with a clear sense of what you thought about the book. Consider
whether you are convinced and explain why or why not. Remember this thesis
is about how Whitfield writes about this event, not the event itself.

Clearly structuring your essay is very important. Your review should have a
clear introduction and conclusion. The paragraphs should not be overly long,
one page paragraphs are a good indication that you need to be more concise.

It is important that you cite specific passages of the book. Using direct quotes
is acceptable, however, your paper should not be composed of long quotes. (At
most you should be quoting one sentence, more often you will be quoting
phrases.) Tips on being specific: think about approaches, events and people.

References should be limited to the page numbers.

Your paper may require a bit of extra reading or work. You may want to situate
the book in comparison with other things you have read (books or articles). You
will provide full citations for such references. Be creative and consider how to
situate and evaluate the book.

You will not be able to write everything that you think about the book; it is a
short essay. That is part of the challenge of writing a clear and coherent
analysis: think carefully about eliminating what is inessential or irrelevant.

Final tips: read the book once fully, then return to the book and skim through
important sections. Write and outline and refer to the book regularly as you
write. Proof-read carefully.

Grading Rubric
Criteria A range (80-100) B range (70-79) C range (60-69) D range (50-59)
Are the main Yes An attempt is made, No, although there is No, and the essay
arguments of but the argument is some indication that the suggests that the
the book somewhat topic is identified student did not
identified and misinterpreted or not understand the book.
discussed? clearly represented

Does the essay Yes, including careful Somewhat: there is Weak analysis Weak analysis that
offer original engagement and analysis, but without suggests a
and thoughtful analysis of the sources discussion of sources, misunderstanding of the
analysis of the etc.. book

Quality and Exceptionally clear and Generally clear and Writing is not well Ineffective organization
Style of Writing well-organized writing; well-organized organized; missing an makes writing difficult to
15% mastery of language writing; generally effective introduction follow and/or decipher;
and grammar; good use of language and/or conclusion; poor use of language
communication of and grammar; somewhat good use of and grammar;
ideas with a high communication of language and grammar; communication of ideas
degree of clarity and ideas with fairly good communication of ideas with limited clarity
confidence clarity with some clarity

Attention to No errors and all Some errors A few errors Several errors
formatting formatting rules
10% followed
Correct No errors in Chicago Some errors A few errors Several errors
Referencing footnotes and
10% bibliography

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