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Introduction of vaccines have eliminated many types of diseases.

There are many vaccines preventable viral diseases which are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Varicella-Zoster, Polio, Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Other than these listed diseases, also exists some other vaccines preventable diseases which are Pneumococcal infections, Lyme diseases, Diphtheria, Meningcoccal infections and Pertussis. Vaccination comprises in two forms which are passive and active immunization and both of them constitute in two forms which are natural and acquired immunity. Active immunity is accomplished by injecting a viable or non-viable pathogen when body infected by microorganisms. Our body is exposed to an antigen and produce adaptive immune response. Although the response is generated after a few weeks but it will remain in our body for lifelong time. Natural active immunization is achieved by wild infection for example to Hepatitis A and after recovery the patients will have a natural active immunization for life-long time. Acquired active immunization is achieved by giving 2 doses of Hepatitis A vaccine to the patients generating a long-lasting protection. Passive immunity is accomplished by injecting a preformed immunoglobulin antibodies received from human serum to the patients. It gives quick but short-lived protection which may last from several weeks to 4 months at least. Natural passive immunization is usually given to newborn baby by the mother by transferring a maternal tetanus immunoglobulin antibodies across placenta. These antibodies will give immunity to the newborn until it is degraded and lost. In acquired passive immunization, we will need to obtain serum from immune individuals and concentrating the immunoglobulin then it is injected to the patients to protect them. Furthermore, there exists many different type of vaccines. Moreover, there are many different types of vaccines exists. They can be classified into four types. First type is Toxoid vaccines. The advantage using this vaccines are, it is safe, cannot spread to unimmunized persons, and it is stable. The disadvantages are, they need an adjuvant, need many doses which can cause tolerance and local reaction at vaccine site more common and this cause acute local inflammatory reaction. The second type is killed or inactivated vaccines. The advantage is presence of antigen connected with infection and this situation results in antibodies production against each other. The disadvantage is that it does not produce cytotoxic T-cells that is required to stop infections by microorganisms. The third type is sub-unit vaccines. The advantage is it can distinguish vaccinated person from infected person. The disadvantage is the prevalent occurrence of local reaction at the infection site. The fourth type is live-attenuated. The disadvantage using this vaccine is the possibility that this vaccines will return to virulence state which will results in illness in the patients. Besides that, there four commonly known immunoglobulin preparation which are Human Hepatitis B, Rabies, Tetanus, and Varicella-Zoster Immunoglobulins Ph-Eur. Finally, the adverse reaction of using vaccines are mild fever, swelling at injection site, tenderness, anaphylaxis, thrombocytopenia and poliomyelitis.

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