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Hardy Ha’s
Anita Renfroe, the YouTube sensa-
tion, is definitely a lady who can
be funny and clean at the same time
(“Mirth Mother”). I saw Renfroe
perform last year, and she was
hysterical. We need more people
like her to keep us laughing.
Donna B ea m, Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania

Healing Ideas?
I appreciated your article highlight-
ing some of the issues of health-
care reform (Quick Study: “Bill of
I had to put the
Health”). It confirmed that overtest-
ing and overbilling have led to the September humor issue down time
decline of our health-care system. after time to wipe tears from my
It has many problems, but before eyes and to relax my throbbing sides.
we mess it up more in the name of This was the best day brightener
reform, Washington needs to figure I’ve had in months. And by the way,
out what works and then slowly
repair what’s broken.
I think Americans have the best
B il l Coons, Woodstock, Georgia sense of humor.
Kathleen Ponikvar, Orwell, Ohio
Two things drive up health-care
costs: unethical lawsuits and I’m Canadian, and I’ve had hernia
bureaucracy. Let’s reduce those surgery, a rotator cuff repair, and
first instead of reducing quality four MRIs. My entire family has

for everyone. received care for some very compli-

Russel l E. Souz a , Schell City, Missouri cated conditions. The cost to me

We Want to Hear from You!

If we publish your letter—whether it’s to comment on our content, sing our praises,
or take us to task—you’ll receive a free Reader’s Digest book or CD, courtesy of our
Books and Music division. Send your submissions to 0/09 9
for all of this? Nothing. I hear about
how Americans come together in
times of trouble, but the one thing
Americans have not come together
We asked readers on our e-mail panel on is sharing the cost of health care.
to complete this sentence: “I’ll know I was in a gas station in Interna-
the recession is over when …” The tional Falls, Minnesota, and there
top indicator? When more jobs are
was a donation jar for an 11-year-old
available (40%). Other telltale signs:
girl with stage III cancer and no
>> “… I’m able to sell my home for insurance. That would never happen
at least the amount I originally paid in Canada. Do not be afraid of
for it.” C. K., Fountain Hills, Arizona health-care reform.
>> “… people start smiling again.” Doug Jensen, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada
S. J., Bismarck, North Dakota
>> “… frugality is no longer a Off Track
popular topic.” T. M., Casper, Wyoming You’ve got to be kidding: June
>> “… I don’t feel guilty spending $20 Griffith was nearly killed by an on-
on something I want but don’t need.” coming train (Heroes: “Dangerous
G. D., Pleasant Grove, Utah Crossing”), which obliterated her
>> “… I have to turn work away (I’m car, and she was given a ticket for
a self-employed carpenter).” “inattentive driving”? The poor
C. L., Harwich, Massachusetts woman was lost at night and got
>> “… I can move out of my parents’ stuck! The police officers should
house.” K. S., Auburn, Maine
apologize to Griffith, refund any
fine, and remove the violation
>> “… my employer stops cutting from her driving record.
benefits and actually gives me a raise.”
Josh Baer, West Jordan, Utah
K . L., Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina
>> “… my husband feels ‘safe’ enough Grizzly Tale
to take some time off from work.”
As a wildlife filmmaker who lives
G. C., Owings Mills, Maryland
in grizzly bear country, I read with
>> “… traffic jams are back.” great interest about how Ron
W. W., Hillside, New Jersey
Leming Sr. saved his son from a
>> “… I can sleep at night.” bear attack (“Arrow to the Heart”).
H . K ., Hibbing, Minnesota While a great tragedy was averted,
Want your opinion heard? Join Our if the pair had carried pepper
Connection, the Reader’s Digest reader spray, they could have defended
panel, and take part in short surveys. themselves—and that bear would
Sign up at still be roaming Wyoming’s
You can also register to win $30,000. majestic backcountry.
John Shier, Livingston, Montana

10 11/09
The grizzly was provoked and acted by stolen American arms, I was
on instinct. This innocent animal furious (Outrageous! “Friends Like
was killed because a father and son These …”). Why doesn’t the govern-
wanted a “trophy” elk. Shame! ment do a better job of tracking
N ina Lomba rd ino, Lyme, Connecticut guns and protecting our troops? I
hope this article provokes people
More Than a Game to take action.

( C AT ) J I L L J O H N S O N F R O M G L A M O R P U S S B Y J U L I E
All kids should have a role model Ashley Taurman, Placentia, California
as terrific and caring as Roger Barta
(“Life Coach”). So many team lead- If our government can keep track of
ers want to win, often at the expense mad cow disease, surely it should be


of their players’ mental and physical able to monitor the military’s guns.
health. Learning about Barta’s style M. M., via Internet
should be mandatory for all coaches.
J oa nna Rhoton, Sherman, Texas Eking Out Ink
Janice Lieberman said most of
Gun Control us spend $10 to $20 for a single
My boyfriend is a Marine serving cartridge of black ink (Here’s the
in Afghanistan. When I read that our Deal: “School’s In”). I’d like to
troops are being killed and injured know where most people shop. I
spend $37.05 for a single
cartridge of black ink.
Now Hair This
M a ril y n Erickson, Wigs on horses? Livestock haute
Springfield, Massachusetts
couture is quite a hoot. And if you like
pony pinups, may I refer you to
I visited each of the three Colleen M. Schiebold,

sites for ink cartridges Fort Worth, Texas

that Lieberman recom- I think the horse on the

mended. I have a Lex- cover of the September
mark printer, and each of issue and comedian Kathy

the sites listed prices that Griffin have the same hair-
are at least $4 higher than dresser! Jimmie Jo Hixon,
what I pay at Target— Tavares, Florida

even for the recycled

ones. And that’s without tax and the cartridge, and the manufacturer.
postage. B. Gier, Prospect Heights, Illinois Many consumers spend about $20
(or less) on cartridges. While Target’s
Janice Lieberman writes: The price of pricing is excellent, the sites we sug-
ink cartridges ranges widely, depend- gested offer a larger selection and,
ing on your printer model, the size of often, better prices. ■

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