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ARTICLES Articles are written to give information (e.g.

. news reports) Collision kills five, Child trapped in rubble, Lost boy found, etc to express opinions (e.g. argumentative articles)- Exams to be banned? to describe an experience !he "ourney of a Lifetime, #esert $dventure, $lone in the %ilderness, &tranded', (ld %oman in !raffic, etc to describe an event (a wedding, a festival) to discuss benefits and drawbacks etc !he style an article will be written in depends on the publication it will appear in, the audience they are addressed to and the topic they deal with. Thus, there are formal, semi-formal and informal articles. Most articles are semi-formal. A good article consists of: 1. an eye-catching headline/ title which captures the central theme of the article in a few, well- chosen words. !he present simple is often used to describe events which have occurred uite recentl!, especiall! when writing news articles (e.g. Earth)uake hits L* $*) "he verb to be is omitted when using the passive voice to describe a past event. "hus, !he president was defeated becomes +resident defeated while Lost boy was found becomes Lost boy found* #imilarl!, articles are omitted a, an, the) as in Child trapped in rubble ,$ child was trapped-*) Also, write to be . past participle when using the passive voice to describe a future event, as in /oo to be closed) Avoid using prepositions like under, over, across, through* $rite 0nidentified virus spreads rather than $n unidentified virus has spread across the country* %se abbreviations when possible. $rite 01( sighted not $n unidentified flying ob2ect was seen* 2. an interesting introduction. 3. a ain !ody consisting of & or more paragraphs (commonl! ' paragraphs are written) in which the topic is presented in detail. ". a conclusion# which gives an appropriate ending to the article . (((( A good concluding $aragra$h to an article should) give the reader a sense of closure be longer than one sentence in length not end the article in a totall! predictable wa!. Articles can appear in newspapers, maga*ines, newsletters. %oints to consider when writing an article) +ecide on the st!le of the article before !ou start writing. "hink of an appropriate headline which attracts the reader,s interest -ake !our article vivid b! addressing !our reader directl! (in the second person, you) if the topic of the article and the st!le !ou have adopted permits this. Asking rhetorical &uestions ma! help !ou to do this. +eal with different aspects of the topic in se$arate $aragra$hs. .ou can use lin'ing (ds/$hrases or ti e e)$ressions to /oin !our ideas or introduce paragraphs. Avoid using simplistic ad/ectives (good, nice, bad). Alwa!s tr! to use more sophisticated vocabular! instead (splendid, gorgeous, awful)* $hen writing a narrative, descriptive or argumentative article, alwa!s appl! the narrative0descriptive0argumentative techni ues !ou have been previousl! presented. -ake sure !our article has a livel! tone and appeals to the reader,s imagination. $hen describing an experience, use narrative tenses and draw on !our personal experience* 1xaminers award marks for the correct and appropriate use of complex sentence structures, so don3t /ust use simple sentences in !our article.

#A-231 "A#4 A567181-19") "ask) .ou see this announcement in a leisure maga*ine) We are looking for articles which encourage young people to take up an unusual leisure activity. Your article should outline the activity, describe one or two of your own experiences of doing the activity and explain how you think people can benefit from doing this activity. *rite your article. Are !ou like most !oung people: +o !ou spend most of !our leisure time on music or sport: $ell, wh! not tr! something different: 6ow about doing something that will not onl! keep !ou fit but also do something to help make the environment a better place: elp the !nvironment is an organi*ation that encourages people to come along in their free time to help look after the countr!side. "he! do tasks like clearing paths and ponds, planting bulbs and pruning trees building fences and constructing benches. 7n other words the! do all sorts of /obs that help the countr!side to be a pleasant place for people to relax in. 7,ve been volunteering for elp the !nvironment for a couple of !ears now. ;f course, 7 en/o! feeling that 7,m helping to improve the rural environment but 7 also love the social aspect of the activit!. 7,ve made a lot of great new friends of m! own age. $e spend the whole weekend in the open air, camping overnight, and we have a lot of fun. 3ast weekend, for example, we camped in the grounds of an old castle where we were helping to build a children,s adventure pla! area. 7n the evening we cooked potatoes on a bonfire and sat round it till late singing and telling stories under the stars. 7t was magical. #o, wh! not give it a tr! too: 7,m sure !ou won,t regret it. "he ph!sical activit! provides exercise, !ou,ll en/o! !ourself and !ou,ll get to know lots of interesting new new people. (&<= wds)

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