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Brand name: Catapres

Generic name: Clonidine

Indication: Clonidine is indicated in the treatment of hypertension.
Drug Classification: Therapeutic Category: Antiadrenergics
Mechanism of Action: Reduces sympathetic outflow from CNS, producing a decrease in
vasomotor tone and heart rate.
Dosage: Adults:
Oral: Initial: 0.1 mg twice daily, usual maintenance dose: 0.2-1.2 mg/day in 2-4
divided doses; maximum recommended dose: 2.4 mg/day.
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms: .1 mg twice daily to maximum of 0.4 mg/day for 3-
4 weeks.
Transdermal: once every 7 days; for initial therapy start with 0.1 mg and increase by
0.1 mg at 1-2 week intervals;
Elderly: Oral: initial: 0.1 mg once daily at bedtime, increase gradually as needed.
Special Precaution: Use with caution in cerebrovascular disease, coronary insufficiency,
renal impairment, sinus node dysfunction. Do not abruptly discontinue ( rapid
increase in BP and symptoms of sympathetic overactivity, eg. Increased heart rate,
tremor, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, sweating, palpitations) may occur. If need to
discontinue, taper dose gradually over 1 week or more. Adjust dosage in patients
with renal dysfunction.
Pregnancy risk category C
Adverse Effects: difficulty of breathing; closing of your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue,
or face; or hives, a very slow heart rate (fewer than 60 beats per minute); or
unusually high or low blood pressure (severe headache, redness of the face, neck,
and chest, dizziness, and fainting).Other, less serious side effects may be more likely
to occur. Continue to take clonidine and talk to your doctor if you experience any of
the following: unusual fatigue, dizziness, or tiredness, headache, constipation,
nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, insomnia; or a dry mouth (sucking on ice chips or
sugarless hard candy may relieve this side effect).
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to clonidine hydrochloride or any component
Form: patch, transdermal, tablet
Nursing Responsibilities: Monitor blood pressure, mental status, vital signs, and liver
function on a regular basis during long-term therapy. Instruct patient in appropriate
use, possible adverse effects and symptoms to report. Pregnancy Risk factor C-
benefits of use should outweigh possible risks. Breastfeeding is not recommended.

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