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October 2009

THE BRIDGE Volume 1, Issue 1

DLES Learning Enhancement Program

A publication that develops the educational bridge for parents to their student and teacher.

What is a bridge?
Webster states that a bridge is a structure that is built over something and provides a path across.

How many times in life have you The bridge of LEP

looked at something and wondered The Bridge to
LEP is a program in our campus Organization:
“How do I do this? What is the an-
school that allows students to en-
swer? How do I figure out what needs  Use a checklist system
hance what they know, as well as to encourage organiza-
to be done?” We all know that infor-
build knowledge in different ways tion, homework comple-
mation can bridge the answers to the tion, chores, etc.
that are specifi-
questions about all things in life. These
cally designed to  Divide long term assign-
bridges in educational terms are what ments into stages
meet their unique
educators call tools which will answer
learning style.  Check assignment note-
questions for the student and for the book nightly
Building confi-
learning experience  Check RENWEB once a
dence in a child
An educational bridge is a gift that at an early age,
week with your student.

is often overlooked and goes unrecog- sets the founda-

 Set up a large calendar
Sit with your at home and mark
nized. We hope in this publication, our tion for a future child, review pa- school, social, church
first, you will be able to use this as a of sound thinking pers, PRAISE and and family events in
tool for you as you work with your stu- and self-reliance Teach
different colors. Set

dent outside of school hours. Each to develop into to assure

aside time each week to
go over major commit-
publication will have a wealth of infor- the best adult he understanding. ments and how that will
mation that will bridge the educational can be. affect homework and

experience for your child which can study time.

For more information about how
provide success for him/her in the fu-  Say something positive
LEP can help your student, contact
ture. to your student each
Marlene Butler, 966-6319. day.


Sleep deprived stu-
This section provides you with knowledge of educa- dents have to work
tional tools that can help in the success of your student. harder
Before studying ask
Test taking skills already know.
1. Use different colored high- PRE-4—1ST GRADE
lighters to highlight key infor- www. Book Club There is a difference
between recognizing/
mation. Math Enrichment
2ND—4TH GRADE being familiar with
Writing Enrichment material and actually
2. Teach someone else the infor- knowing it well
mation you read in your book. enough to retrieve it,
apply it, say it or write
3. Try to guess what the teacher MATH ENRICHMENT! it.
will ask about each chapter Available after school for
Breakfast is a MUST!
in your book. 1st graders. Eat proteins and carbs
966-6319 to start your day!

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