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What Did Jesus Do?

In the late 1990s it became the must-have accessory among Christian young people a wrist band cryptically inscribed with the letters WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? Whatever situations we face in life, whatever decisions we make, the issue of WWJD? is an important one for the Christian disciple. Jesus call, after all, is to follow me. WWJD? became a worldwide phenomenon and a huge marketing campaign worth millions that still thrives today t-shirts, mugs, posters, jewellery and much more all emblazoned with WWJD? On the one hand the simple summons to Christian thinking and discipleship was great, but it begs the question on which people of all ages are increasingly hazy, which is: What DID Jesus do? There is a danger of asking questions about Jesus without rooting them clearly in the Jesus of the Gospels. How easy it could be to construct a Jesus of my own making, a pocket Jesus that I pull out or ignore as suits me, who conveniently shares my views on money, relationships, politics and everything else without making me feel uncomfortable or challenged at all! That is why its great to begin our sermon series this month looking at the I am statements that Jesus made and conclude with the important question Jesus asks of us all: Who do you say I am? Find out for yourself who Jesus was, is, and is to come by coming to church for the evening series, listen to the podcast or open up the Gospels and discuss it in a home group. Pastor Ian Clarkson (Discipleship Team)


February 2014

Should I Stay? Should I Go?

Ive now been working as Assistant Pastor for three years and Im due for ordination at the Free Methodist Conference here this May. Thank you for your love, support, challenge and inspiration. Its been three amazing years. Some of my time here has been spent considering what the next part of Gods plan would be for Joanna, Sam, Joel, Grace and I. As Ive mentioned before, in the past Joanna and I have felt a call to overseas mission and had opportunities to go on VISA teams to America, Ukraine and then with Youth for Christ to Rwanda. Having spoken with the Missions and Leadership teams we realise that Fulwood, Preston and beyond is our mission field for now. Should I stay? Should I go? is something we all need to continually ask ourselves as the Body and the Bride of Christ. Joanna and I believe we have so much more to do and give to the vision and work here at FFMC so, for now, its Yes, were staying. But we also want to be ready if God asks us to go wherever and whenever that might be. Our prayer is that you will do the same. Pastor Ian Clarkson Thank you to Tim Ball for the front cover photo.

Living Values
Without One-ness we will have no Worship or Witness Just before He died, Jesus prayed for unity among Christians. We believe God is One; that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are undivided in their unity. We believe that, made in Gods image we are made for unity that is common unity. Lets face it, we dont always get on or feel like being united, but our worship will be empty and noisy without unity. Our witness to people who dont yet know Jesus will be meaningless if they think we dont actually like, love, or have any kind of friendship with fellow Christians around us. So what does unity look like? The Apostle Paul wrote, Ephesians 4 v 1: I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4 v 15: Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. Speaking I will speak well to you. I speak well about you to others. I walk towards you even if things have gone wrong. Listening I will be patient to listen and to make sure you know that I have heard you. Honesty I will say what needs to be said in order to walk with you. I will not hold back, but I will find gracious words which build you up and not tear you apart. Humility On issues where there is no clear scriptural teaching my views may be right or wrong. You may be right or wrong! We allow each other to have different perspectives. I am different to you in the way I think, the way I express myself and the way I work. Will you allow me the grace to be different and forgive me when I may cross your path? Trust I will trust your motives and ask you to help me understand when I need clarification. John 13 v 35: Jesus said, By this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Pastor Andrew Gardner

Mission Matters - A World Class Event

Have you a heart for mission? Are you open to taking your skills with children or youth abroad? Hear first-hand reports from those who have enjoyed teaching or supporting mission kids in Africa, Asia, and South America. Discover the great variety of opportunities, the rewards, challenges and practical implications of involvement. This flyer is being widely distributed in London and South East England. After spending a day a week for six months leading preparation for this event, I am excited it will happen next month! Please pray that at least 100 people will attend with some applying to the five agencies. Pray that I will have many significant conversations. As a young teen sensing God calling me to be a missionary my response was, No, I could never do that! because I took missionary to mean evangelist. However as I moved to, Yes Lord, I am available, God showed me that Id be teaching missionary children, which used my gifts and passions perfectly! Now in my fourth year as OMFs Third Culture Kid Advisor to 66 British families with their 155 children, it feels like a Janet-shaped role using my teaching and counselling skills and drawing on experience of ministry in East Asia. Thank you FFMC friends for your generous support of me in this. God is at work within you encouraging you to want to do His will and then giving you the power to do it. He did it for me and He can do it for you. Maybe the Network course could help you discover where God wants you to serve, be it locally or further afield. Janet Chapman

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