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Problems of the IV International Olympiad, Moscow, 1970 The publication is prepared by Prof !

"o#el $ Prof V Orlo% &Moscow Institute of Physics and Technolo'y( The IV International Olympiad in Physics for schoolchildren took place in Moscow (USSR) in J ly !"#$ on the %asis of Moscow State Uni&ersity' Teams from ( co ntries participated in the competition) namely * l+aria) , n+ary) Poland) Romania) -.echoslo&akia) the //R) the S0R 1 +osla&ia) the USSR' The pro%lems for the theoretical competition ha&e %een prepared %y the +ro p from Moscow Uni&ersity st ff headed %y professor V'2 %o&' The pro%lem for the e3perimental competition has %een worked o t %y *' 2&orikin from the 4cademy of Peda+o+ical Sciences' It is pity that markin+ schemes were not preser&ed' Theoretical Problems Problem 1 4 lon+ %ar with the mass M 5 ! k+ is placed on a smooth hori.ontal s rface of a ta%le where it can mo&e frictionless' 4 carria+e e6 ipped with a motor can slide alon+ the pper hori.ontal panel of the %ar) the mass of the carria+e is m 5 $'! k+' The friction coefficient of the carria+e is 5 $'$7' The motor is windin+ a thread aro nd a shaft at a constant speed v$ 5 $'! m8s' The other end of the thread is tied p to a rather distant stationary s pport in one case (0i+'!) a)) whereas in the other case it is attached to a picket at the ed+e of the %ar (0i+'!) %)' 9hile holdin+ the %ar fi3ed one allows the carria+e to start mo&in+ at the &elocity V$ then the %ar is let loose'

0i+' !

0i+' 7

*y the moment the %ar is released the front ed+e of the carria+e is at the distance l 5 $': m from the front ed+e of the %ar' 0or %oth cases find the laws of mo&ement of %oth the %ar and the carria+e and the time d rin+ which the carria+e will reach the front ed+e of the %ar'

Problem ) 4 nit cell of a crystal of natri m chloride (common salt; <a-l) is a c %e with the ed+e len+th a 5 :'=> !$;!$ m (0i+'7)' The %lack circles in the fi+ re stand for the position of natri m atoms whereas the white ones are chlorine atoms' The entire crystal of common salt t rns o t to %e a repetition of s ch nit cells' The relati&e atomic mass of natri m is 7? and that of chlorine is ?:):' The density of the common salt 5 7'77> !$? k+8m? ' 0ind the mass of a hydro+en atom' Problem * Inside a thin;walled metal sphere with radi s R=7$ cm there is a metal %all with the radi s r 5 !$ cm which has a common centre with the sphere' The %all is connected with a &ery lon+ wire to the @arth &ia an openin+ in the sphere (0i+' ?)' 4 char+e Q 5 !$;( - is placed onto the o tside sphere' -alc late the potential of this sphere) electrical capacity of the o%tained system of cond ctin+ %odies and draw o t an e6 i&alent electric scheme'

0i+' ? Problem +

0i+' A

4 spherical mirror is installed into a telescope' Its lateral diameter is D5$): m and the radi s of the c r&at re R57 m' In the main foc s of the mirror there is an emission recei&er in the form of a ro nd disk' The disk is placed perpendic lar to the optical a3is of the mirror (0i+'#)' 9hat sho ld the radi s r of the recei&er %e so that it co ld recei&e the entire fl 3 of the emission reflected %y the mirrorB ,ow wo ld the recei&ed fl 3 of the emission decrease if the detectorCs dimensions decreased %y ( timesB /irections D !) 9hen calc latin+ small &al es (EE!) one may perform a s %stit tion
! !

F 7) diffraction sho ld not %e taken into acco nt' 7

,-perimental Problem /etermine the focal distances of lenses' .ist of instruments D three different lenses installed on posts) a screen %earin+ an ima+e of a +eometric fi+ re) some &ertical wirin+ also fi3ed on the posts and a r ler' !olutions of the problems of the IV International Olympiad, Moscow , 1970 Theoretical /ompetition Problem 1 a) *y the moment of releasin+ the %ar the carria+e has a &elocity v$ relati&e to the ta%le and contin es to mo&e at the same &elocity' The %ar) infl enced %y the friction force Ffr 5 mg from the carria+e) +ets an acceleration a 5 Ffr8 M 5 mg/M ; a = 0.02 m8s ) while the &elocity of the %ar chan+es with time accordin+ to the law v% 5 at. ' its Since the %ar can not mo&e faster than the carria+e then at a moment of time t = t0 slidin+ will stop) that is vb = v0' Get s determine this moment of timeD
t$ = v$ v M = $ = :s a mg

*y that moment the displacement of the Sb %ar and the carria+e Sc relati&e to the ta%le will %e e6 al to
S c = v$ t $ =
7 v$ M ) mg 7 at $ v7M = $ ' 7 7 mg

Sb =

The displacement of the carria+e relati&e to the %ar is e6 al to

S = Sc Sb =
7 v$ M = $'7:m 7 mg

Since SEl) the carria+e will not reach the ed+e of the %ar ntil the %ar is stopped %y an immo&a%le s pport' The distance to the s pport is not indicated in the pro%lem condition so we can not calc late this time' Th s) the carria+e is mo&in+ e&enly at the &elocity v$ 5 $'! m8s) whereas the %ar is mo&in+ for the first : sec niformly accelerated with an acceleration a = $'$7 m8s and then the %ar is mo&in+ with constant &elocity to+ether with the carria+e' %) Since there is no friction %etween the %ar and the ta%le s rface the system of the %odies H%ar;carria+eI is a closed one' 0or this system one can apply the law of conser&ation of moment mD mv J Mu 5 mv$


where v and u are proKections of &elocities of the carria+e and the %ar relati&e to the ta%le onto the hori.ontal a3is directed alon+ the &ector of the &elocity v$' The &elocity of the thread windin+ v$ is e6 al to the &elocity of the carria+e relati&e to the %ar (v;u)) that is v$ 5 v u Sol&in+ the system of e6 ations (!) and (7) we o%tainD u 5 $ ) v 5 v$ ' Th s) %ein+ released the %ar remains fi3ed relati&e to the ta%le) whereas the carria+e will %e mo&in+ with the same &elocity v$ and will reach the ed+e of the %ar within the time t e6 al to t = l/v$ 5 : s' Problem ) GetCs calc late the 6 antities of natri m atoms (n !) and chlorine atoms (n7) em%edded in a sin+le <a-l nit crystal cell (0i+'7)' One atom of natri m occ pies the middle of the cell and it entirely %elon+s to the cell' !7 atoms of natri m hold the ed+es of a lar+e c %e and they %elon+ to three more cells so as !8A part of each %elon+s to the first cell' Th s we ha&e n! 5 !J!7!8A 5 A atoms of natri m per nit cell' In one cell there are = atoms of chlorine placed on the side of the c %e and ( placed in the &ertices' @ach atom from a side %elon+s to another cell and the atom in the &erte3 ; to se&en others' Then for one cell we ha&e n75 =!87 J ( !8( 5 A atoms of chlorine' Th s A atoms of natri n and A atoms of chlorine %elon+ to one nit cell of <a-l crystal' The mass m of s ch a cell is e6 al m 5 A(mr<a J mr-l) (am )) where mr<a and mr-l are relati&e atomic masses of natri m and clorine' Since the mass of hydro+en atom m, is appro3imately e6 al to one atomic mass nitD m, 5 !'$$( am L ! am then the mass of an nit cell of <a-l is m 5 A(mr<a J mr-l) m, ' On the other hand) it is e6 al m 5 a ? ) hence a ? m, = !'=# !$ 7# k+ ' A( mr<a + mr-l ) Problem * ,a&in+ no char+e on the %all the sphere has the potential
$s =
Q = A:$V ' A $ R


9hen connected with the @arth the %all inside the sphere has the potential e6 al to .ero so there is an electric field %etween the %all and the sphere' This field mo&es a certain char+e q from the @arth to the %all' -har+e QM) niformly distri% ted on the sphere) doesnCt create any field inside th s the electric field inside the sphere is defined %y the %allCs char+e q' The potential difference %etween the %alls and the sphere is e6 al
= % s = ! A $ q q ) r R


O tside the sphere the field is the same as in the case when all the char+es were placed in its center' 9hen the %all was connected with the @arth the potential of the sphere s is e6 al
s =
q +Q ' A $ R !


Then the potential of the %all

% = s + =
! q+Q q q ! + = A $ R r R A $ Q q + =$ R r


9hich leads to
q = Q r ' R


S %stit tin+ (A) into (7) we o%tain for potential of the sphere to %e fo ndD
! s = A $ Q Q R r R = ! Q( R r ) = 77:V' A $ R7

The electric capacity of whole system of cond ctors is

C= Q A $ R 7 = = A'A !$ !! 0 = AAp0 s Rr

The e6 i&alent electric scheme consists of two parallel capacitorsD !) a spherical one with char+es Jq and Nq at the plates and 7) a capacitor Hsphere N @arthI with char+es J(Q q) and N(Qq) at the plates (0i+':)'

0i+' : Problem +

0i+' =

4s known) rays parallel to the main optical a3is of a spherical mirror) passin+ at little distances from it after ha&in+ %een reflected) Koin at the main foc s of the mirror F which is at the distance R87 from the centre ! of the spherical s rface' Get s consider now the mo&ement of the ray reflected near the ed+e of the spherical mirror of lar+e diameter D (0i+' =)' The an+le of incidence of the ray onto the s rface is e6 al to the an+le of reflection' That is why the an+le !"# within the trian+le) formed %y the radi s !" of the sphere) traced to the incidence point of the ray %y the reflected ray "# and an intercept *O of the main optical a3is) is e6 al to ' The an+les *O4 and M4O are e6 al) that is the an+le *O4 is e6 al to ' Th s) the trian+le 4O* is isosceles with its side 4* %ein+ e6 al to the side *O' Since the s m of the len+ths of its two other sides e3ceeds the len+th of its third side) "#J#!O!"5R$ %&'c& #!OR87' This means that a ray parallel to the main optical a3is of the spherical mirror and passin+ not too close to it) after ha&in+ %een reflected) crosses the main optical a3is at the point # lyin+ %etween the foc s F and the mirror' The focal s rface is crossed %y this ray at the point C which is at a certain distance CF 5 r from the main foc s' Th s) when reflectin+ a parallel %eam of rays %y a spherical mirror finite in si.e it does not Koin at the foc s of the mirror % t forms a %eam with radi s r on the focal plane' 0rom P #FC we can write D r 5 #F t+ ( 5 #F t+ 7 ) where is the ma3im m an+le of incidence of the e3treme ray onto the mirror) while sin 5 D/7RD
#F = #! !F = R R R ! cos = ' 7 cos 7 7 cos

Th s) r =

R ! cos sin 7 ' 7 cos cos 7

Get s e3press the &al es of cos $ sin 7) cos 7 &ia sin takin+

into acco nt the small &al e of the an+le D

sin 7 ) 7

cos = ! sin 7 !

sin7 5 7sincos ) cos7 5cos7 N sin7Q 5 ! N 7sin7 . Then

r= R sin ? R ? D? ' sin 7 ! 7 sin 7 7 != R 7

S %stit tin+ n merical data we will o%tainD r L !'":R!$;? m L 7mm '

0rom the e3pression D = ? != R 7 r one can see that if the radi s of the recei&er is decreased ( times the trans&ersal diameter DC of the mirror) from which the li+ht comes to the recei&er) will %e decreased 7 times and th s the Heffecti&eI area of the mirror will %e decreased A times' The radiation fl 3 reflected %y the mirror and recei&ed %y the recei&er will also %e decreased twice since S.

!olution of the ,-perimental Problem 9hile lookin+ at o%Kects thro +h lenses it is easy to esta%lish that there were +i&en two con&er+in+ lenses and a di&er+in+ one' The pec liarity of the +i&en pro%lem is the a%sence of a white screen on the list of the e6 ipment that is sed to o%ser&e real ima+es' The competitors were s pposed to determine the position of the ima+es %y the parallance method o%ser&in+ the ima+es with their eyes' The focal distance of the con&er+in+ lens may %e determined %y the followin+ method' Usin+ a lens one can o%tain a real ima+e of a +eometrical fi+ re shown on the screen' The position of the real ima+e is re+istered %y the paralla3 methodD if one places a &ertical wire (0i+'#) to the point) in which the ima+e is located) then at small
0i+' #

displacements of the eye from the main optical a3is of the lens the ima+e of this o%Kect and the wire will not di&er+e'

9e o%tain the &al e of focal distance F from the form la of thin lens %y the meas red distances ) and * D

! ! ! = + F F!)7 ) *

F!)7 =

)* ' )+ *

In this method the %est acc racy is achie&ed in the case of * 5 )' The competitors were not asked to make a concl sion' The error of meas rin+ the focal distance for each of the two con&er+in+ lenses can %e determined %y m ltiple repeated meas rements' The total n m%er of points was +i&en to those competitors who carried o t not less fewer than n5: meas rements of the focal distance and estimated the mean &al e of the focal distance 0a&D

Fa& =

! ' F+ ' !

and the a%sol te error F

F =
or root mean s6 are error Frms

! ' F+ ) ' ! ! '

F+ = F+ Fa&

Frms =

( F )


One co ld calc late the error %y +raphic method'

0i+' ( /etermination of the focal distance of the di&er+in+ lens can %e carried o t %y the method of compensation' 9ith this +oal one has to o%tain a real ima+e SC of the o%Kect S sin+ a con&er+in+ lens' The position of the ima+e can %e re+istered sin+ the paralla3 method' If one places a di&er+in+ lens %etween the ima+e and the con&er+in+ lens the ima+e will %e displaced' Get s find a new position of the ima+e SI' Usin+ the re&ersi%ility property of the li+ht rays) one can admit that the li+ht rays lea&e the point SI' Then point SC is a &irt al ima+e of the point SI) whereas the distances from the optical centre of the conca&e lens to the points SC and SI are) respecti&ely) the distances * to the ima+e and ) to the o%Kect (0i+'()' Usin+ the form la of a thin lens we o%tain

! ! ! = + F F? * )

F? =

*) <$ ' ) *

,ere 0 E $ is the focal distance of the di&er+in+ lens' In this case the error of meas rin+ the focal distance can also %e estimated %y the method of repeated meas rements similar to the case of the

con&er+in+ lens' Typical res lts areD

F! = (77)$ $)A)cm ) F7 = (!7)? $)?)cm ) F? = (()A $)A)cm '

0c1nowled'ement The a thors wo ld like to thank Professor 9aldemar Sor.kowski (Poland) and Professor I&o Volf (-.ech Rep %lic) for their pro&idin+ the materials of the IV IPhO in the Polish and -.ech lan+ a+es' 2eferences3 !' O'Ta%ardin) V'Orlo&) International Physics Olympiads for P pils) <a ka) Mosk&a !"(: 7' 9'Sor.kowski) 2adania . fi.iki . cale+o swiata N 7$ lat' Mied.yna N rodowych Olimpiad 0i.yc.nych) 9<T) 9ars.awa !""A ?' V'Ur mo&) Pros&entno /elo) SkopKe !""" A' /'Tl &anec) I'Volf) Me.inarodni 0ysikalni Olympiady (metodycky material)) Ma0y) ,radec Tralowe !""?


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