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StateofMinnesota CountyofPine

DistrictCourt 10thJudicialDistrict
ProsecutorFileNo. CourtFileNo. 12CR00041 58CR14283

StateofMinnesota, Plaintiff, vs. VICTORARDENBARNARDDOB:09/14/1961 currentaddressunknownpreviousaddress:68935RhineLakeRoad Finlayson,MN55735 Defendant.


The Complainant submits this complaint to the Court and states that there is probable cause to believe Defendantcommittedthefollowingoffense(s): COUNTI Charge:CriminalSexualCond1stDegreePenetorContactwithPersonUnder13Actor>36moldr MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(a),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about October 27, 2000, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, or in sexual contact with a person under 13 years of age as defined in section 609.341, subdivision 11, paragraph (c), and the complainant is under 13 years of age and the actor is more than 36 months older than the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's agenorconsenttotheactbythecomplainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a twelve year old female, identifiedasC. COUNTII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 6, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainant is 1

adefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTIII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 15, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTIV Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 24, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTV Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 2

Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about February 4, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTVI Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about February 24, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTVII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about March 22, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTVIII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof 3

Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about April 5, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTIX Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about April 11, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTX Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about May 9, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: 4

Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXI Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about May 23, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about May 31, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXIII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 5

Charge Description: On or about June 9, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXIV Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about June 22, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXV Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about July 1, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXVI Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) 6

MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about July 16, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXVII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about July 17, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXVIII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about July 24, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. 7

COUNTXIX Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about August 11, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXX Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about August 13, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXI Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208

Charge Description: On or about August 27, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about September 6, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXIII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about October 15, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXIV Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) 9

MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about December 28, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXV Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 4, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXVI Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 19, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. 10

COUNTXXVII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about February 11, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXVIII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about March 9, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXIX Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208


Charge Description: On or about April 11, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXX Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about May 5, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXXI Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about May 25, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXXII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) 12

MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about June 23, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXXIII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about August 13, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXXIV Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about August 27, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. 13

COUNTXXXV Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about September 15, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXXVI Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about September 22, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXXVII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208


Charge Description: On or about October 5, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXXVIII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about October 14, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXXXIX Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about October 20, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXL Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) 15

MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about October 30, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXLI Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about November 21, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fourteen year old girl identifiedasC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. COUNTXLII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about December 11, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fifteen year old girl identified asC.Cmarkedthedateofthepenetrationonhercalendar. 16

COUNTXLIII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about the time period between January 1, 2013 and December 1, 2013, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant'sagenorconsenttotheactbythecomplainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a fifteen year old girl identified asC. COUNTXLIV Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a female identified as C, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTXLV Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred 17

during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a female identified as C, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTXLVI Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a female identified as C, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTXLVII Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a female identified as C, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTXLVIII Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 18

MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a female identified as C, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTXLIX Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2009 through August 1, 2009, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a female identified as C, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTL Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about the time period between July 23, 2000 and December 31, 2000, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant'sagenorconsenttotheactbythecomplainantisadefensetowit: 19

Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a thirteen year old girl identifiedasB. COUNTLI Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about the time period between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2001, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake astothecomplainant'sagenorconsenttotheactbythecomplainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a girl that was at least thirteen butlessthansixteenyearsold,identifiedasB. COUNTLII Charge:CriminalSexConduct1stDegreePenetorContactUnder13Victim1315Positionof Authority MinnesotaStatute:609.342.1(b),withreferenceto:609.342.2(a) MaximumSentence:30yearsinjailand/ora$40,000fineorboth OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about the time period between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2002, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person, and the complainant is at least 13 years of age but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake astothecomplainant'sagenorconsenttotheactbythecomplainantisadefensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with a girl that was at least thirteen butlessthansixteenyearsold,identifiedasB. COUNTLIII Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 20

Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with female identified as B, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTLIV Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with female identified as B, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTLV Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with female identified as B, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTLVI 21

Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with female identified as B, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTLVII Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with female identified as B, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTLVIII Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek 22

or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with female identified as B, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod. COUNTLIX Charge:CriminalSexCond3rdDegreeClergyOngoingMeetf/Advice MinnesotaStatute:609.344.1(l)(ii),withreferenceto:609.344.2 MaximumSentence:15yearsand/or$30,000 OffenseLevel:Felony OffenseDate(onorabout):10/27/2000 Control#(ICR#):12001208 Charge Description: On or about January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009, within the County of Pine, defendant engaged in sexual penetration with another person and the actor is or purports to be a member of the clergy, the complainant is not married to the actor, and the sexual penetration occurred during a period of time in which the complainant was meeting on an ongoing basis with the actor to seek or receive religious or spiritual advice, aid or comfort in private. Consent by the complainant is not a defensetowit: Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9/14/1961, engaged in sexual penetration with female identified as B, while acting as her minister and spiritual adviser and teaching her that it was her duty to have sex with him becausehewasamanofGod.


STATEMENTOFPROBABLECAUSE TheComplainantstatesthatthefollowingfactsestablishprobablecause:

Your complainant has reviewed police reports relating to the above-named defendant and the allegations contained herein. Based upon that information, complainant believes the following to be true and correct: On January 3, 2012, a 24 year old female, hereinafter referred to as "B," contacted the Pine County Sheriff's Office to report that she had been sexually abused from the ages of thirteen through twenty-two while living in Finlayson, Pine County. Investigator Matt Ludwig of the Pine County Sheriff's Office spoke to B and learned that her family had joined a church called the "River Road Fellowship" in 1998, when she was eleven years old. This was an offshoot of The Way International. The River Road Fellowship set up a camp near Finlayson, Pine County, that had multiple pieces of land connected with it. One particular section was called "Shepherd's Camp." The leader and minister of the River Road Fellowship was Victor Arden Barnard, DOB 9-14-1961. In July 2000, Barnard set up a group of young females at Shepherd's Camp that were referred to as Alamoth or the Maidens Group. B was invited by Barnard to join Alamoth and live at Shepherd's Camp. She and her father thought that this was a summer camp and she decided to go. She was thirteen years old when she moved to Shepherd's Camp. Nine other females also moved to Shepherd's Camp at the same time in July 2000. These girls ranged in age from 12-24. Barnard began giving sermons about the Maidens Group giving themselves to God, remaining unmarried, and being a privileged and honored group. Alamoth means virgin. B eventually realized that the move to Shepherd's Camp was intended to be permanent, not temporary. For the rest of the time that B remained in the River Road Fellowship, she saw her parents only occasionally and usually in the company of another Maiden. Barnard spent a lot of time with the Maidens, both individually and in groups. He taught them that he represented Jesus Christ to them. Inv. Ludwig learned that Barnard had previously moved out of the house he shared with his wife and children and told the congregation he was dedicating himself to God. He lived in a home referred to as the Lodge on the Shepherd's Camp property. B said that when she was thirteen years old, Barnard first engaged in penile-vaginal penetration with her. Barnard repeatedly preached to her that he represented Christ in the flesh, that Jesus Christ had Mary Magdalene and other women who followed him, that King Solomon had lots of concubines that he had sex with, that the firstborn child was to be sacrificed to God, and that it was normal for Barnard to have sex with her because it was in God's Word. B remembers that the first time Barnard told her he was going to have sex with her, she told him she did not want to and cried and felt weird. She felt that she had to do what Barnard said though so she did it. They engaged in sexual intercourse numerous times throughout the years she remained with the group. The last time she had intercourse with Barnard was in 2009. She estimated one to three times per month every year she was there. B reported that Barnard also had her perform fellatio on him sometimes, putting her mouth on his penis. Barnard would call her to the lodge when he wanted to have sexual intercourse with her. Sometimes when she got called to the lodge, she would just do his laundry or make him dinner or other chores and other times there would be sexual penetration. She said the other girls in Alamoth were also called to the lodge to see Barnard in the same manner that she was but they never discussed what happened there. Barnard had told her many times not to tell anyone about having sex with him, including her parents and any 24

authorities. B said that Barnard would get very angry if he felt people were going against what he wanted. B said that she was hit by Barnard when he was angry and sometimes it left bruises. He would also yell at her and make her feel very small and afraid. In 2001, Barnard had a meeting with her and her parents and Barnard told her parents he might have sex with B. At that time he was already having sex with B but he did not say that. B then believed her parents knew and were okay with Barnard's behavior. When she was fifteen years old, in 2002, she tried to leave the group because she had decided she did want to marry someday. Barnard was angry and gave a sermon in front of a large group that included her that those who wanted to follow the Lord and not be cast out should ask the Lord what He wants them to do. Barnard said that he represented Christ to them so they should ask him. B asked Barnard what she should do and he told her to stay in Alamoth and remain unmarried. She stayed. In 2004 the Shepherd's Camp property was sold and the group moved to another residence near Finlayson. Barnard continued to engage in sexual intercourse and fellatio with B. B said that she continued to feel uncomfortable with the situation and wanted to leave the group many other times but always stayed. One of the Maidens was a Brazilian citizen who had gotten involved in the group when she came to the United States to attend school. In 2009, she had to return to Brazil because her Visa had expired. In September 2009, when B was twenty-two years old, she travelled to Brazil to spend time with this woman at the request of Barnard. She was to be there for six months. While she was gone, her parents moved back to Pennsylvania and a large portion of the group moved to the state of Washington. There had been a division in the group that caused many to separate because Barnard had admitted to having sexual relations with multiple married women in the group. Barnard came to Brazil to visit near the very end of B's trip. She then left Brazil and moved to Washington to be with the other remaining Maidens. When B arrived in Washington, she did not like it. She was upset by Barnard's confession to his affairs with married women and she wanted to be with her parents again. Before Barnard returned from Brazil, B moved to Pennsylvania to be with her parents. This was in 2010. When B left Barnard's group, she did not tell her parents or anyone else about having sexual intercourse with Barnard. In the Fall of 2011, B was contacted by another former Maiden, hereinafter referred to as "C," who had left Alamoth in 2008 and the Fellowship in 2009. At first B and C just reconnected their friendship but eventually C shared that she had been having difficulties because of Barnard having sex with her from the time she was twelve until she left Alamoth when she was twenty in 2008. B then admitted she had sex with Barnard too. B said C was the first person she ever talked to about her sexual experiences with Barnard. B told Inv. Ludwig that C was willing to talk to law enforcement about what had happened to her and provided C's contact information. Inv. Ludwig spoke to C on January 4, 2012. C said that she moved to the Shepherd's Camp to join Alamoth on July 23, 2000 when she was twelve years old. She lived with nine other girls that were also part of the group and rarely saw her family after that. C said the first time Barnard touched her sexually was on October 27, 2000. She was twelve. She knew the date because Barnard had given her a card the day after and she still had it. She also used to mark the anniversary of the date on her calendars, until Barnard forbid her from keeping calendars anymore. C later provided Inv. Ludwig with the card from Barnard. It was dated October 28, 2000 and read, "To my beloved [C], I thank God for you as I remember your tears and love and believing. I have you in my heart

and I'm so glad to be waiting and watching and longing together for our beloved lord Jesus Christ. Kept by His love together with you, Victor." C said the first time it happened she was at the lodge with him where Barnard lived. She had been talking with him and he asked her if she wanted to have sex with him. She told him she did not. He asked her many times and began to explain that sex with him was not wrong because he was a Man of God and she would remain a virgin because of it. C said he quoted parts of Scripture, saying it gave him the authority to do this because he was Christ in the flesh. He began to touch her. C said from the time she was very little, she was raised to believe that Barnard was the man in authority and she had to do what he said or there would be consequences and judgment. She told him she was afraid but he continued to touch her and eventually engaged in penile-vaginal penetration with her. Afterwards, he told her never to tell anyone what had happened between them. He continued to engage in penile-vaginal penetration with C as well as fellatio throughout the time that she remained in Alamoth. She said that the number of times a month would vary. She turned thirteen in December 2000. During 2001 and 2002, she kept calendars and would mark an "X" on the calendar every time they had sexual intercourse. She later provided these calendars to Inv. Ludwig. C said sometime after 2002, Barnard found out about the calendars and was angry and would not let her continue with them. In February 2001, Barnard brought her to a meeting with her parents and she heard him tell her parents that he might have sex with her. She was already having sexual intercourse with him before that date. On February 12, 2001, C participated in a ceremony with Barnard called the Salt Covenant. C said this was a pledge to remain unmarried and virgins and loyal to Barnard for their entire lives. When C would do something that Barnard did not like, she would get a "reproof." C said this was a type of discipline and that on at least three occasions that she could remember, the reproof was violent and Barnard hit her. These happened when she was 14-16 years old. In 2004, Shepherd's Camp was sold and the group moved to another property in Finlayson. At this time there was a calendar in the kitchen where the Alamoth Group lived that scheduled time for each female with Barnard. C said she never told the other girls about having sex with Barnard while she was at Alamoth and they never said anything to her. She would see them called to spend time with him the same way she would. She would also see all the females act very intimately with Barnard when they were in groups, lying down with him and putting their hands on his chest or hair. By the time she was eighteen, C was having a very difficult time continuing in the group. C said she would talk to Barnard about not wanting to have sex with him and wanting to leave the group. Barnard would tell her it was okay and that it was her body and he understood. Then he would tell her that this was his way of loving her and taking care of her and making sure she felt loved. She said she was very confused and stayed with him. She continued to engage in sexual intercourse with him when he told her to but continued to struggle with everything about being there. In June 2008, when C was twenty years old, she decided to leave Alamoth and moved in with another family that was part of the fellowship. She moved back to Alamoth the next day. She moved back and forth throughout July until she finally moved away from Alamoth for the last time on August 1, 2008. She remained in the fellowship however until she moved to Wisconsin in September 2009. C said she never intended to talk about what had happened with Barnard but it began to cause her problems. She was very depressed. In January 2011, she attempted suicide. Her younger brother had left the Fellowship in 2007 when he turned eighteen but they had reconnected after C left it also. Her brother

brought her home after her suicide attempt and confronted her about what was going on. He was the first person she told that Barnard had sexually abused her. Inv. Ludwig spoke to C's brother and he confirmed that C had told him about being sexually assaulted by Barnard. He said he was very upset when his sister was taken away from him to join the Maidens Group and that he barely ever saw her after that. He said the boys and girls were separated and that he began to rebel against that in his teens and eventually left the group and moved to Montana when he turned eighteen. He said when he was moving back to Minnesota, he was going to live with his parents but Barnard told them not to let him so they didn't. Both B and C told Inv. Ludwig that their parents did not know they were talking to the police about what Barnard had done and that they were still in contact with him even though he was now in Washington State. At the request of Inv. Ludwig, B told her parents in June 2012. Her mother did not want to hear it and would not listen to B but her father listened to her. He also agreed to speak to Inv. Ludwig. B's father told Inv. Ludwig that when B first joined Shepherd's Camp, they thought it was a temporary thing but gradually it became clear that it was permanent. He said B always seemed happy to be there so he did not challenge it. B's father said Barnard was very controlling of all the members of the group. He wanted to leave several times to move back home to Pennsylvania but his wife and Barnard always talked him into staying. He described the atmosphere in the congregation and said it is a very powerful force to face the idea of losing everything- family, home, friends, business and being cast out of the church- if you do not go along with what Barnard wants you to do. B's father remembered a time that Barnard came to visit him and told them that because the Maidens Group had decided to remain unmarried, if they wanted to consent to having sexual intercourse with him, he would be able to do that because he was the head of the church. B's father said he felt that was wrong but he felt pressured to not say anything against Barnard and didn't. Looking back on it now that he knew Barnard had sex with his daughter when she was still a child, he said he did not know what he was thinking at the time but just remembers always feeling so much pressure to not become an outcast and lose everything he had. B's father said that in September 2009, Barnard admitted to him and others that he had sexual intercourse with one of the married women in the congregation. Barnard also admitted to him having sexual intercourse with a different married woman in the congregation. It was about this time that one of his good friends in the group decided to leave and he decided to leave also. He moved back to Pennsylvania in October 2009. Inv. Ludwig spoke to the woman, hereinafter referred to as "S," who had been identified as having a sexual affair with Barnard while she was married. S confirmed that she had a sexual relationship with the defendant which began in 1997, shortly after she and her husband had moved to Finlayson to be part of Barnard's congregation. She said she felt seduced by Barnard. He would talk to her about it being her responsibility to take care of him sexually because he had left his wife to serve the church. S said that every time she tried to talk to him about what they were doing being wrong that Barnard would tell her it was not wrong because he was a Man of God and she was serving the church by taking care of him. She said she would engage in sexual intercourse with him once a twice a month for seven years and that it ended in 2004 when the Shepherd's Camp was sold. S said she would not have told anyone but as her daughter grew older she feared Barnard would put her in the same position and try to have sex with her. She decided to confess the affair to her husband in September 2009. Her husband then confronted Barnard in front of S and Barnard admitted the affair. S said that after Barnard admitted the affair, he took S aside and berated her for not protecting him because he could not do his job in the ministry if he was not protected. S said that she left the group right after the affair was disclosed but that she heard Barnard admitted to

having sex with other married women also. The group split and Barnard and several members moved to the State of Washington while others stayed behind in Finlayson. In November 2012, Sgt. Jeff Nelson of the Pine County Sheriff's Office flew to the state of Washington and coordinated with local authorities in an attempt to interview Barnard and any other members of the Maidens Group that they could locate. Sgt. Nelson went to the residence in Spokane, Washington that was listed on Barnard's driver's license. He made contact with Craig Elmblad. Sgt. Nelson knew through prior investigation that Elmblad was one of the elders in the congregation and was referred to as Barnard's "right-hand man." Elmblad told Sgt. Nelson that Barnard did not live there but only visited sometimes. Sgt. Nelson asked when the last time was that Elmblad had seen Barnard and he said he could not remember. He said he did not know when he would be at the house again. He also would not tell the officer Barnard's telephone number. Sgt. Nelson identified himself as law enforcement but did not tell Elmblad why he wanted to speak to Barnard. He provided his contact information and asked Elmblad to tell Barnard he would like him to contact him. Local authorities assisted Sgt. Nelson with monitoring three different residences believed to be associated with Barnard or members of the Maidens Group. They also monitored the movements of people leaving those residences. The officers saw three different vehicles that moved luggage between them in different parking lots. The officers followed the last vehicle seen with luggage inside to a gas station and attempted to make contact with the occupants of the vehicle. Sgt. Nelson approached the parked car and noted that the rear passenger window rolled up as he neared. He knocked on the driver's window and tried to communicate with the female driver that he wanted to speak with her but she would not respond. There were three adult females in the vehicle but he could not identify any of them as members of the Maidens Group. The driver eventually shook her head "no" at Sgt. Nelson's attempt to talk to her so they had to leave. Sgt. Nelson spoke to Elmblad again the next day and asked him if he had spoken to Barnard yet. Elmblad told him he had not and that it was rude for them to follow people around. Without telling him the reason, Sgt. Nelson asked Elmblad if he would talk to him about why Sgt. Nelson was there and Elmblad refused. Sgt. Dave Bolton of the Washington State Patrol spoke to Randy Roark, another elder in the church whose two daughters were members of the Maidens Group. Roark denied that there had ever been a group of females separated from their parents and living alone as a group. Roark said that he and his wife moved to Washington because they had allergies and that the other members moved with them because they were close friends. He said they were not part of an organized church and that Barnard had no more authority over any of them than anyone else. Roark admitted that his daughter Nicole Roark was in the house but refused to let the officers speak to her. Nicole Roark had been identified by both B, C, and other witnesses as being a member of Alamoth. The Pine County Sheriff's Office has spoken to multiple former members of the River Road Fellowship who confirmed Barnard's power over the group through his status as their minister. They also detailed his interactions with female members of the group and described the females as treating Barnard "like a rock star," fawning over him. The Pine County Sheriff's Office has been unsuccessful in its attempts to locate Barnard or to make contact with any other current or former members of Alamoth. A warrant is requested as Barnard's whereabouts are unknown.


SIGNATURESANDAPPROVALS ComplainantrequeststhatDefendant,subjecttobailorconditionsofrelease,be: (1)arrestedorthatotherlawfulstepsbetakentoobtainDefendant'sappearanceincourtor (2)detained,ifalreadyincustody,pendingfurtherproceedingsandthatsaidDefendantotherwise bedealtwithaccordingtolaw. Complainant StevenBlackwell ChiefDeputy 635NorthridgeDriveNW Suite100 PineCity,MN55063 Badge:5577 ElectronicallySigned:4/11/2014

Subscribedandsworntobeforetheundersigned. NotaryPublicor JudicialOfficial KatyBeck Notary,CountyofKanabec 635NorthridgeDriveNW Suite100 PineCity,MN55063 NotaryID:20416569 Commissionexpires:01/31/2018 ElectronicallySigned:4/11/2014

Beingauthorizedtoprosecutetheoffensescharged,Iapprovethiscomplaint. ProsecutingAttorney MichelleSkubitz AssistantCountyAttorney 635NorthridgeDriveNW Suite310 PineCity,MN55063 (320)5911560 ElectronicallySigned:4/11/2014


From the above sworn facts, and any supporting affidavits or supplemental sworn testimony, I, the Issuing Officer, have determined that probable cause exists to support, subject to bail or conditions of release where applicable, Defendants arrest or other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendants appearance in court, or Defendants detention, if already in custody, pendingfurtherproceedings.Defendantisthereforechargedwiththeabovestatedoffense(s).

THEREFORE YOU, THE DEFENDANT, ARE SUMMONED to appear on ________ ___, _____ at _____ AM/PM before the above-named court at 635 Northridge Drive NW Suite 320, Pine City, MN 55063 to answer this complaint.

To the Sheriff of the abovenamed county or other person authorized to execute this warrant: I order, in the name of the State of Minnesota, that the Defendant be apprehended and arrested without delay and brought promptly before the court (if in session), and if not, before a Judge or Judicial Officer of such court without unnecessary delay, and in any event not later than 36hoursafterthearrestorassoonassuchJudgeorJudicialOfficerisavailabletobedealtwithaccordingtolaw.
ExecuteinMNOnly X ExecuteNationwide ExecuteinBorderStates

X ThiswarrantmaybeexecutedatanytimeofthedayornightandonSundaysorlegalholidays.

Since the Defendant is already in custody, I order, subject to bail or conditions of release, that the Defendant continue to be detainedpendingfurtherproceedings. Bail:$ ConditionsofRelease: ThiscomplaintisissuedbytheundersignedJudgeasofthefollowingdate:April11,2014.

KristaK.Martin DistrictJudge


SworntestimonyhasbeengivenbeforetheJudicialOfficerbythefollowingwitnesses: COUNTYOFPINE STATEOFMINNESOTA Clerk'sSignatureorFileStamp:

IherebyCertifyandReturnthatIhaveservedacopyofthisWarrant upontheDefendanthereinnamed.




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