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Jake Gooden Professor Padgett English 1102 28 January 2013 What is the role of Social Media? he !

ri"ary function of cell !hones has e#ol#ed o#erti"e fro" #oice calls$ to te%t "essaging and no& social "edia' My !hone !lays a s"all (ut significant !art in "y life (ecause it allo&s "e to stay connected to the outside &orld &ithout actually ha#ing to (e there to &itness it' he internet ca!a(ilities of !hones today allo& "e to get )hicago *ears ne&s u!dates at a "o"ents notice &hich is !erk e#ery fan of any s!ort desires' +n addition it allo&s "e to co""unicate &ith !ast friends that + graduated &ith &ho ha#e gone to different colleges #ia te%t "essage and social "edia' y!ically + use "y !hone to (ro&se social "edia and ne&s ten "inutes for e#ery t&o hours' o "e this ti"e is ,ustifia(le to catch u! on e#erything + &ant and it gi#es "e a ten "inute (reak fro" &hate#er + "ight (e doing during that ti"e fra"e' When it co"es to social "edia + a" not a #ery a#id !oster$ for one$ + a" a guy and it is not socially acce!ta(le for guys to !ost a (unch of selfies and secondly + feel like + need "ore !ri#acy than "ost and + don-t like others kno&ing e%actly &hat +-" doing &hen +-" doing it' + "ainly ,ust ha#e it to (e a(le to kee! u! &ith fa"ily and friends as &ell as kee! u! &ith the ti"es in today-s technology' he a#erage ."erican s!ends a(out t&o hours a day on their s"art!hone + feel

that + a" a "oderate to (elo& a#erage user of a cell !hone$ + do see &here the addiction can co"e to social "edia (ecause of the !sychological !ositi#e and negati#e reinforce"ent in#ol#ed' +f an indi#idual recei#es a lot of attention on a !hoto or status it "akes the" feel acce!ted (y society$ this acce!tance could urge the" to !ost "ore and if they kee! getting the sa"e attention that rush could create a !ro(le" to &here they are al&ays checking their social "edia &e(site' +f an indi#idual does not get a lot of attention to their status or !hoto then they could feel shunned (y society and (e en#ious

to those &ho do get the likes and co""ents' /ro" this !oint$ they could either (ack a&ay fro" social "edia or they could continue to !ost ho!ing that their ne%t !icture &ill get "ore likes than last' his of course could create an issue &here they are checking social "edia so "uch that they are una(le to get anything done during the day (ecause they are so distracted' So &hat e%actly &ould ha!!en if social "edia ,ust #anished and &e as a society &ere longer a(le to use it? +t &ould (e fascinating to kno& ho& &e &ould learn to co""unicate &ithout !hones and ho& starting fro" scratch &ith co""unication &ould change the de#elo!"ent of society' 0o& e%actly does it affect the !sychological de#elo!"ent of the younger !o!ulation? he younger !o!ulation of today is unintentionally e%!osed to e%!licit content on a daily (asis$ + a" #ery intrigued a(out ho& it affects the "aturity le#el in youth' 1oes social "edia hel! or hurt the de#elo!"ent of 2!eo!le skills3 in children? +n addition$ + &ant to find out ho& co""unicating on the internet translates into the children talking to indi#idual in !erson' .re they a(le to actually read the other !erson-s e"otions or does social "edia lea#e the" &ith no inter!ersonal skills? /inally$ ho& can &e de#elo! an inno#ati#e &ay for social "edia to !ositi#ely affect education and attention le#els in the classroo"? +f &e could acco"!lish this feat then the a#erage national grades &ill (e a(le to rise and &e &ould (e a(le to set a (etter foundation for the child-s future With "y research + e%!ect to find out ho& &ithdra&al affects so"eone &hen they do not ha#e access to their technology for e%tended !eriods of ti"e' +n a (roader !ros!ecti#e$ + &ant to del#e into a co""unity that has all technology taken a&ay and find out ho& they a(le to "aintain the necessities for li#ing' +n addition$ + &ant to find out ho& social "edia affects the de#elo!"ent of the younger !o!ulation' Such as$ finding the si"ilarities and differences of a child &ho is e%!osed to social "edia co"!ared to a child that has had no social "edia interaction' With ho& !re#alent social "edia is in this ti"e$ inno#ati#e &ays to incor!orate social "edia into education need to (e disco#ered so that it kee!s e#eryone focused and in#ol#ed throughout classes' +f &e could kee! children focused then &e "ay (e a(le to shorten actual class ti"e and add "ore !hysical acti#ity that &ould allo& the 4S to tackle the

!re#alence of o(esity' /inally$ + &ant to understand the relationshi! (et&een the co""unication skills children de#elo! o#er the internet #ersus &hat they learn in !erson' + a" curious to find out &hether those skills are a(le to transfer &hen they are talking to a !erson face to face' +n the grand sche"e things$ social "edia is not going any&here anyti"e soon' + ,ust &ant to find de#elo! a &ay that social "edia can !ositi#ely i"!act society'

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