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☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh.

Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

By Wilh. Werner Winther

Å sitere gullkorn til en psykiater er som å kaste
prima fuglefrø til en oligofren leirgjøk — I likhet
med psykiatere gir leirgjøker ulyd fra seg når
man blåser i dem! ☆☆☆

Honestly expecting to find a kernel of wisdom in
the notions of a typical psychiatrist, is eminently
comparable to patiently awaiting an anorectic clay
pigeon devouring first class birdseed! ☆☆☆
En psykiaters intelligenskarakteristika er; uvett,
nesevishet, vanvidd, uforstand og etterpåklokskap! ☆☆☆

En edruelig psykiater vet like mye om visdom som
en tom lommelerke om vakker fuglesang! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Psykiaterens forundring over at Frisk ikke godtok
interneringen ved galehuset, kan sammenlignes
med den matrosdraktkledde pjokkens skuffelse da
professoren forklarte ham at strekkfisker av platina,
attisk salt og delfisk subtilitet ikke hører hjemme i
marinegastenes stueakvarium! ☆☆☆
Psykiatere hevder ofte at de bruker hodet
profesjonelt — min kommentar; svin bruker
også hodet....når de roter i godtfolks bed og
slafser i seg forbuden frukt! ☆☆☆
Desto bedre jeg lærer psykiaterne å kjenne, jo mer
beundrer jeg apekattenes komparative skarpsinn! ☆☆☆
Psykiatere hevder ofte at sprøyten er en nødvendig
løsning — min kommentar; det påstår gjerne
pyromaner òg....når de i retten forklarer at de må
betjene en brannsprøyte for å fremprovosere
seksuell utløsning! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

(NB: Metadiatropisk har psykiateren og pyromanen

samme ultimalmål — viz; den første ønsker å slukke
livsgnisten, mens den andre vil ildfullheten til livs!)
Neuroleptikaadministrasjon kongruerer med
psykoseetiologien som finkeljokuminntak med
terapeutisk ekvilibrisme! ☆☆☆
Galskap korresponderer med eksentrisitet og
sykdom som genialitet med overlegent intellekt
og normal kreativitet! ☆☆☆

Menneskesinnet forholder seg til psykosebegrepet
som en vakker rosehage til egosentrisk
jarovisering! ☆☆☆
En presumptiv psykoses natur klassifiseres gjerne
iht observatørens egne horisonter og
estetiske begavelse! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Menneskeverd er tankens frihet og egoisme bundet med
røde lenker til fangenskapets drektige mur! ☆☆☆

Hva er forskjellen på en psykiater og Henry Oliver
Rinnan? Svar: psykiaterens tortur er etiologisk/
eksekutivt umenneskelig og strekker seg gjerne
over flere år — Rinnan, Esq, var komparativt
human både genetisk og punitivt, og mishandlet
sjelden sine ofre mer enn noen få døgn! ☆☆☆
Å snakke en psykiater etter munnen og å kysse
Djevelens rasshøl kommer ut på ett! ☆☆☆

En psykiater som ikke får tilfredsstilt sine sadistiske
og pekuniære behov er troende til å legge en kjepphest
i tvangstrøye og beskylde den for å være dypt psykotisk,
for så å søke Sosial- og helsedept om ekstraordinære
bevilgninger for å kurere den! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Verily; psychiatrists descend from the amoebas —
and have been descending ever since! ☆☆☆
A psychiatrist is an anthropoid biomat using noxious
chemicals, electricity, verbigeration, corporal coercion,
paltering and injurious accusations to legitimate his
nonexistent soul by unceasingly condemning his
own mirror reflection (cf enantiomorphism)! ☆☆☆

Psychiatrists unceasingly claim they‘re using their
heads — my comment; swine are also using their
heads....when messing around in a splendid flower
garden devouring the rosebuds and tearing up
unique and magnificent lilies! ☆☆☆
Psykiatere pynter seg mer enn gjerne med lånte
fjær — du skjønner; Vårherre er, til syvende og
sist, en gudbenådet spøkefugl! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Profetene berettet om den onde Satan og helvetes
pinsler, og se; deres mal var psykiateren
og sinnsykehuset! ☆☆☆

Enten ens nosologiske misère er av legemlig, åndelig
eller psykosomatisk art, vil helbredelsesmulighetene
være positivt proporsjonale med optimal geodetisk og
moralsk avstand til nærmeste dollhus! ☆☆☆
Jo sunnere den friskes dømmekraft er, desto sykere
vil psykosebegrepet forekomme ham/henne! ☆☆☆

En av psykiaternes favorittslogans; ―Det er mye bedre
å ta den skinnbarlige Satan ned av korset for å gi Ham en
penere kristen begravelse, enn å tilstå en feilbehandlet
pasient kompensasjon for utholdt overlast!‖ ☆☆☆

Intelligence corresponds to a psychiatrist as a brilliant

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

diamond crown to the head of a muddy swine! ☆☆☆

Deposit your money in a savings bank, and receive
interests; save negative criticism of the Norwegian
police, and get your due profit in hell! ☆☆☆

Lonely, scared and depressed? — Norwegian
police officers gladly assists you; sharp knives,
ropes w/ noose and seized firearms hired out
for free, and experienced jurists will help you
compose enthralling parting salutations to
your family and friends! ☆☆☆
No disaster so grave — no circumstances so terrifying,
that interference from Norwegian police not will
aggravate the situation considerably! ☆☆☆

Ensom, redd og fortvilet? — norsk politi hjelper deg;
skarpe tapetserkniver, tau m/ renneløkke og beslaglagte
skytevåpen bortleies vederlagsfritt, og erfarne jurister

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

hjelper deg med gripende avskjedsbrev til familie

og venner! ☆☆☆
Sett pengene dine i sparebanken, og få renter; spar din
negative kritikk av den norske politi- og lensmannsetaten,
og motta fortjenesten i helvete! ☆☆☆
Den lokale purken understøttet notorisk prostitusjon og
ubeskyttet bestialisme, og fikk etter noen måneder enda
flere svin på skauen! ☆☆☆
Når jeg ser et antall lensmannsbetjenter etikettere
tallrike kraftfôrsekker med stinkende avføring fra
ansatte ved nærmeste politistasjon ―Nattverdsbrød —
fredlyst!‖ ....gjør jeg egentlig noe lastverdig når jeg
karakteriserer gjerningsmenn og fôremballasje som
— drittsekker? ☆☆☆

Ingen ulykke så stor — ingen omstendighet så truende,
at innblanding fra norske politi- og lensmannsansatte
☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

ikke forverrer situasjonen betydelig! ☆☆☆

Tyranner, nekrofile, psykopater, sadister, pyromaner,
koprofager og norske politiansatte — foren eder! ☆☆☆
Norske borgere synes det er greit med oppslag som varsler
om helseskadelige kjemikalier, smitterisiko, radioaktivitet,
tynn is, utrygge broer, giftige avgasser, steinsprang,
undervannsskjær, avgrunner, blindveier og eksplosjons-/
brannfare....; — hvorfor har de ikke lett synlige skilt som
advarer mot landets politi- og lensmannsansatte? ☆☆☆
By anno 2003 all major problems impairing and existenti-
ally imperilling mankind can be justly summated in a
gruesome one-word malediction: ―NORWAY‖! ☆☆☆
Priestly educated, the Norwegian Prime Minister found
it highly praiseworthy to consecrate heaven-born
righteousness on his filthy scaffold of thoroughly
condemned post hoc fallacies ex ministerii — offering
the human rights ritualistic irreverence and, devil-may-

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

care, sacrilegiously slaughtering the cardinal virtues

on his hellhole altar of mephitic self-gratification while
passionately blessing the sepulchral liturgy satanically
dictating the ceremonious under-the-table molestation
of supernal sinlessness.....all the time disgracefully
attempting to convince God that his bloody peccancy
ex officio eucharistically glorified the macabrely pre-
tended transubstantiation of political headlessness to
deified ingenuity celestially appraised and factionally
benedictive; proh pudor — what a messy mass! ☆☆☆
Above 90 percent of the crimes committed in Norway
anno 2002 was triggered by public injustice reflecting
addlepated directives of governmental easy marks
insidiously aimed at casuistic legitimation of state
propelled offences hitting beguiled victims of ballistic
law-abidingness notoriously scoreboarded by bully
pulpited mass media unawarely publishing political
propaganda secularly enhancing criminality through
additional restrictions following dioristic misconceptions
of ontologic fractions embodying the societal mosaic

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

broken by penal provisions obscuring clear-sightedness

eo ipso segregating vitreous humor gnomologically
expounded — respice finem! ☆☆☆

As for the Norwegian society anno 2003: more joy —
less criminality, improved health — reduced wickedness,
higher intelligence — lower mortality, better livelihood —
worse prisons.....with the entire national police force
safely behind bars! ☆☆☆
Pupils from the public schools in Norway not ending up
as lunatics, invalids, junkies, necrophiles, murderers or
tyrants, exclusively belongs to the less endowed part
of the population failing the final exam! ☆☆☆
The best prescription for maintaining healthiness and
general prosperity in Norway, is fully to avoid the
national physicians and hospitals! ☆☆☆
It‘s particularly unwise to see a Norwegian physician

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

if actually diseased, ‘cause your immunological

defence and enthusiasm tends to be preconsultatory
reduced — thus leaving you more vulnerable! ☆☆☆

Anybody voluntarily visiting a Norwegian psychiatrist
is certainly insane, feebleminded, misled, sleepwalking,
inhumane, dead-drunk, moribund, an undertaker or —
someone looking for a murderous revenge! ☆☆☆
Those looking up to Norway nowadays are mainly
suicidally propelled crackpots lacking wholesome
perspectives and realistic kamikaze prospects, or
stone-blind morons sporting a fresh whiplash
injury! ☆☆☆

Lend the Norwegian police a willing hand: dig your
own grave, pay the undertaker, set fire to the cross,
curse justice violently, praise the Habeas Corpus Act
of 1679 and administer the poison yourself listening
to the national anthem! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Really: the human world is preeminently the most absurd
place I never sojourned by native misconception of
metathetical palingenesis conceptually denied
antinomically! ☆☆☆
During the Second World War psychiatrists heavily
relied on extermination camps, T4 killing projects,
lethal doses luminal to children, deadly phenol
injections and the SS Security Service — today they
trustworthy place their confidence in state operated
lunatic asylums, intentionally unsound health care
policy, governmental folly, parliamentary folie du
dout, neuroleptic holocaust and the local police
HQ.....the ideologic persuasion remains unchanged:
―Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens‖,
and the crematoria in Norway are still — anno 2003,
daily fed with butchered victims of their
―euthanasic‖ agenda.....! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

It‘s written in Luke 4:5―7 that the kingdoms of the
world belongs to the Devil — and sure enough:
ample experience ‘ve confirmed that the Kingdom
of Norway indeed is ruled by Satan.....that the
Norwegian authorities vanguarded by the national
police force are his loyal disciples worshipping evil-
doing, deceiving the general population and terror-
izing those righteous (cf Matthew 15:8―9 and
Isaiah 29:13)! ☆☆☆

Rather contrary to popular belief, I‘m willing to
confess that a few Norwegian police officers
has demonstrated praiseworthy, personal
qualities the last decade — though: only to
reveal my exalted humor, to ridicule common
atheism somewhat, and to prove that a uniform
secular yoke might be correctly discerned from
a plain spiritual joke through even vindication
of initial misconceptions semasiologically termi-
nating as remonstrated faith in a final, irregular

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

conviction of human vice and official

bestiality! ☆☆☆
Firmly exhibiting stark antagonism vis-à-vis
Norway is by now the only way to global peace
and safety — it‘s a road to mundane salvation
for the nations! ☆☆☆
Wherever in Norway there‘s a police station
you‘ll find a satanic temple and
diabolic stronghold! ☆☆☆
Nowadays Norway most strikingly resemble
a melanotic sarcoma metastatically spreading
its fatal perversion and intrinsic
hellishness worldwide! ☆☆☆
The unmitigated and synergetic corruption
routinely exercised by Norwegian police and
the public prosecutors* (*i.e former police jurists),

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

are the proud and largely ignored parents of many

exceptional children — I but mention: Murderer-234,
Necrophiliac-78, Mobster-3410, Burglar-2970,
Forger-883, Fool-8202, Rapist-399, Arsonist-516,
Garroter-106 and Mugger-1764! ☆☆☆
Much in the same manner as the Sacred College
of Cardinals and the pope symbolizes divine enlight-
enment and moral splendor to pious Catholics and
Christians globally, the Norwegian Parliament and
present (anno 2003) prime minister serve as
perfect epitomes of eclipsing diabolism and benighted
depravity to philanthropists and human rights
activists nationwide! ☆☆☆
NorWay — the superhighway to human wreckage,
global ruin and never-ending anguish! ☆☆☆
(cf Isaiah 59:8)
The Devil and accomplished evildoers may be
hard to detect when lurking beneath Norwegian

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

altars, judgements-seats or corresponding Parlia-

ment rostrum, and cumbersome to exorcise when
visibly safeguarded by national interests! ☆☆☆
Hell apart — the Devil and his associates will
always reassure you about their noble intentions
and moral excellence! ☆☆☆
Initially my scatheloving foes expected me to
forgive and forget their overly heinous offences;
— a more terrible example of wiseling folly and
beastly delusion has yet to appear on Earth! ☆☆☆
The prettiest piece of architecture I ever shall
see, is the utterly devastated ruins of
Norwegian tyranny! ☆☆☆
Their sympathy with the Devil and stark evilness
are indeed strong who adequately apprised still
(anno 2003) steps to the loony and hellborn caco-

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

phony of ―certain‖ Norwegian ministers — ! ☆☆☆

Nothing was ever ―right‖ or ―wrong‖ because an
earthly legislature authorized or prohibited it.....
nobody was ever ―exonerated‖ or ―doomed‖ because
a worldly jury acquitted or convicted him —
neither was anything ―holy‖ or ―profane‖ because
mankind worshipped or debased it.....though;
anybody outlawing actual probity, legalizing real
injustice, penalizing someone truly innocent or
wilfully desecrating what‘s genuinely sacred is
indeed guilty and will be severely punished! ☆☆☆
In many respects secular intelligence tests corre-
sponds to human capability, genius and moronity as
the Norwegian Penal Code to what‘s factually ethical,
spiritual and sinful — hence the nomological nimbus
of confined brilliance and the excess of well-endowed
dolts and incriminated devotees in Heaven.....and
thus the doomful halo effect of nimbated discrimination
and the superabundance of wordly-wise highbrows

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

and nonspiritually venerated judges in Hell! ☆☆☆

After thoroughly studying the present Norwegian
government, I feel absolutely convinced they‘re
totally unable to behave ethical and wise inasmuch
as it‘s a matter of choice — I‘ve never seen them
doing anything honorable or otherwise correct when
opposing alternatives exist! ☆☆☆
The various facilities found in the Parliament Building
(―the Pillbox‖) in Oslo, is a touching example of the
altruistic compassion Norway shows her
psychiatric outcasts! ☆☆☆
In medicine — as in science generally — many
solutions seems practically perfect.....until
someone unexpectedly and correctly perceives
the factual problem! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Many psychiatric dogmas and scientific theses
may briefly be described as self-justifying
belief in human folly, delusions
and imperfection! ☆☆☆
Norwegian police officers will normally take
great pains to get all relevant facts of the
corruption case against them on the table —
before throwing the entire stuff to the dogs,
assassinating the chef-à-cuisine, falsely
accusing the butler and closing down the
whole restaurant for purported ―health
care reasons‖! ☆☆☆
Many of us ‘ve seen how lukewarm cowpats
attracts coprophagous gadflies.....and we‘ve
also witnessed the way befouled journalists
make a dirty living of the stinking bullshit
served by certain Norwegian police officers
and shitfabricating politicians! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Methinks what medically termed ―health‖ and
―normality‖ is nothing but the commonest
manifestations of grave illness and thriving
madness ( least I arrived at this conclusion
while still studying medicine and leisurely
scrutinized the history of mankind — at that
time the merry-go-round in Jardin des Tuileries
apparently represented the sole profitable
revolution in Earth‘s total eras not powered by
some kind of psychiatric insufficiency)! ☆☆☆
I hate Norway — and I don‘t like scorpions in
my shoes or big holes in the roadbed either! ☆☆☆
Suicide is generally the last successful attempt
Norwegian physicians makes to avoid justice! ☆☆☆
According to Mr Oscar Wilde ‗any preoccupation
with ideas of what is right or wrong in conduct
shows an arrested intellectual development‘ —

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

hence the thoughtless injustice, unrestrained

mindlessness and prodigiously liberal interpre-
tation of facts so peculiar to Norwegian judges
and Christian politicians, I suppose...! ☆☆☆
Pyromaniacs have gasoline, matches and
dedicated fire fighters — psychiatrists
neuroleptics, syringes and me! ☆☆☆
My reckless enemies attacked me with shocking
lies and false problem; the
judges are faithful and fully aware the facts, and
while still sporting the life of this world I get
some revenge by telling the truth and merely
characterizing my doomed foes (— in general you
should feel blissfully honored whenever maltreated
and wrongfully persecuted by Norwegian author-
ities.....whereas, in agreement with his vile nature,
the selfsame Satan relentlessly assaults everything
righteous and spiritually magnificent; you can
hardly get a more encouraging compliment)! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

By critically analyzing the ostensively loathsome
misbehavior of certain Norwegian armed forces
officers, most discerning pacifists will find
multiform and honorable reasons for military
attacking and mercilessly erasing Norway
from the map! ☆☆☆
Bountiful evidence attests to the disturbing
fact many Norwegian health professionals
opportunistically confuses occupational success,
deontological integrity and juridical blamelessness
with illegally omissive and even resolutely
untruthful patient journals! ☆☆☆
After all a democracy may be nothing but a
somewhat resigned and possibly bewildered society
who syndetically have made general mediocrity
their state religion and prime ideal due to its
overwhelming distribution and
popular adherence! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Real delusions are always hard to treat medically
— amputating a limb the patient doesn‘t have
ain‘t easy, either.....! ☆☆☆
Unfaltering loyal to their wayward nature, Norwegian
politicians clearly prefers neuroses in their offices,
hemlocks out-of-doors and glowering rather
than flowering while at home! ☆☆☆
The Norwegian filth are certainly sans pareille —
where I recently planted a choice lily, now grows
up a twisted and bloodstained spear! ☆☆☆
In steadfast concordance with his fragile psyche
and social touchiness, the average Norwegian physician
exclusively admits his gruesome mistakes inasmuch
as you or somebody else are willing to take the whole
and unabridged responsibility — the worst and
best doctors will all valiantly stand by their errors
to confirm their professional aptness! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

My most spectacular roses are briskly blooming
on barbed wire rooted in the midst of Hell — they‘re
frequently drenched with blood and bile, attacked
with burning hate, caressed by the wildest
storms and constantly enlightened by
the rays of Heaven! ☆☆☆
Only my toughest soldiers lacking humoristic
sense can help smiling and laughing heartily
whileas my hellish foes are howling and writhing
in terror and excruciating agony! ☆☆☆
I‘m cultured, valiant, savvying, likeable, ingenious,
truthful and incorruptible — in all major respects the
manifest horror and living nightmare of
most Norwegian bureaucrats! ☆☆☆
My statements are never untrue — occasionally,
however, I adorn truth somewhat exclusively to
celebrate it and because I love facts so much.....

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

besides; too simple truths may frequently look

like mendaciousness! ☆☆☆
Success, probity and general aptitude seldom if
ever fails to excite consternation, spite and nervous
speculations amongst Norwegian officials! ☆☆☆
With respect to Darwinism, biological evolutionism
and the descent/origin of man; appears incre-
asingly clearer mankind owes the monkeys
an unconditional apology! ☆☆☆
As a general rule most associations of
collaborating blockheads are capable of
creating worse confusion, faster breakdowns
and more elaborate mistakes than
unassisted numskulls! ☆☆☆
The present (A 2004) Norwegian government has
unveeringly demonstrated conspicuous tolerance

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

and significantly advanced the nation‘s commerce;

state aided lawbreaking generously appanaged
by fateful misconceptions is by now an accepted
way of living amongst officials, and parliament
incited troublemaking has become
a major industry! ☆☆☆
Beware professional fools who‘ve exalted sheer
stupidity and vice to religion and thus faithfully
believes in their ―sacred‖ misconceptions,
liturgical wickedness and ―God-given‖
praiseworthiness! ☆☆☆
Sacred cows and their various crossbreeds are
predominantly unsuited as clergymen, hamburgers,
leather wear and milk generators — nevertheless;
here in Norway they‘ve had marked success as vg
religious politicians, manslaughtering fast-food
adherents, double-crossing plainclothesmen and
assuredly unspirited electroshock agents! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Norway A 2004 shouldn‘t be granted any kind of
clemency, support, guidance, respect, absolution,
togetherness, enfranchisement or accommodat-
ions — however; a commodious zoo for their
indigenous, umpteen, notorious and rather spectac-
ular hellcats, black sheeps, spaniels, jackasses,
cuckoos, stool pigeons, toads, hellhounds,
mooncalfs, beetleheads, March hares, sacred
cows, hounds-feet, birdbrains, loan sharks,
cowards, paper tigers, wolves in sheep‘s clothing,
bird-dogs, jellyfishes, pigs, geese, assholes
and asses in lion‘s skin should indeed be most
welcome and useful! ☆☆☆
Though somewhat destitute of petty cash due to
long-standing maltreatment, I‘m fully capable
of paying the price for Norway‘s
ultimate bankruptcy! ☆☆☆
If not zealously battling the scummy oppression,

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

criminality and terrorism abidingly promoted by

nowadays Norwegian authorities, I should indeed
be a contemptible, perfidious and most
trashy Norwegian! ☆☆☆
As long as my Norwegian foes are busy completing
their freeway to Hell, I don‘t assault them military —
I merely supply cement concrete, guidance, subtle
incitements and refreshments heartening and
facilitating their enterprise! ☆☆☆
The quanta wool socks, pig iron, simple gravel
and opaque rubbish accepted as silk stockings,
pure gold, precious gems and grey matter here
in Norway, are truly remarkable! ☆☆☆
Bright prospects, vivifying merrymaking and
sincere gratification richly and progressively
transfuses each new day in my terrene life —
whereas; my mortal enemies has all somewhat
advanced fundamental Hell and, empirically,

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

they‘ll all keep knifing their parachutic suspension

lines most determinedly.....hence — I‘m increasingly
delighted not to be one of them! ☆☆☆
Law-abiding Norwegians should forthright join
forces — fully prepared to protect themselves
and suffering fellowmen against the rampageous
criminality of Norwegian police officers! ☆☆☆
It‘s the moral and patriotic obligation of all worthy
Norwegians to condemn and forcefully battle the
ravaging assaults of nowadays (A 2004)
Norwegian government! ☆☆☆
Man‘s inventiveness has by far surpassed
his comprehension! ☆☆☆
Not all prohibited by man-made bodies of laws are
truly ―wrong‖, and not everything permitted by worldly
rules and regulations actually ―right‖ — the Criminal

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Code, hardly being anything but a spurious collection

of factitious opinions and fallible arguments, must
never become our ultimate key to what‘s unadulte-
ratedly correct, praiseworthy or reprehensible! ☆☆☆
Long-standing, ample and bitter experience ‘ve duly
confirmed Norwegian authorities object vg generosity,
compassion and mildness as exploitable weaknesses —
as a frank invitation to carry on and intumesce their
manipulative hellishness.....and; — if ever accepting
their seemingly charitable offers, you give ‘em the upper
hand, and they‘ll despise you even more because of
your manifest humble and gullible nature! ☆☆☆
The council physician accompanying the spiteful
rascals exhibited a most charming, helminthoid appetency
for dragging himself along the chitterling ambages of
swinish, verminous, hog wild and bootlicking pig in
a poke, indeed; I was forthwith cloistered
in one of the glorified state tophets of Norway — a loony
bin and satanic point d‘appui for governmental

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

beastliness (excerpt from Doc #377)! ☆☆☆

You won‘t tell this uppish meshuggener the truth — you‘re
going to fabricate a tenable nursery-tale closely matching
his unsightly ignorance.....yeah; you‘ll cheerfully piggyback
his self-deceptive paralogisms and nod slyly approvingly
when his shamus-amenable moonshine casts grotesque
shadows onto the lunatic quagmire of grey matter consti-
tuting the firmament of his castle-in-the-sky
haecceity (about the ―Norwegian physician injudiciously
gawking at you behind his rosepink spectacles‖)! ☆☆☆
When Norway is marketed abroad, potential tourists
are shown magnificent photographs of snow-covered
mountains, blue fjords, gorgeous waterfalls and pictur-
esque valleys, and chauvinistic hucksters slyly delude
gullible would-be visitors to identify the national geo-
graphy of Norway with the human nature of innate
Norwegians.....hence; in view of the pestiferous aspects
indigenously linked to credulous confusion of indicated
perspectives, I find prophylactic affordable to emphasize

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

the fact Norwegians not ‘ve created even one of the scen-
eries they opportunistically and with great enthusiasm
promulgate as their territorial fixtures — they‘ve merely
devastated and exploited terrain noncontractually
feasible as semblable property to meet specific
needs (excerpt from Doc #627)! ☆☆☆
Much in the same way as the Norwegians ‘ve deluged
beautiful landscapes and penstocked imposing freshets
to generate hydroelectricity heating and illuminating
their living accommodations, they ‘ve ruined the gentle
nature of fellowmen by confining them in lunatic asylums
restraining the stream of life to produce misery tempe-
ramentally satisfying their dull-witted crave for personal
power.....and in the selfsame hunt for dynamic energy to
keep going their generator units and psychiatric
factories, Norwegians expediently intermingle their
self-ordained constitutional conception and corre-
sponding notion regarding freedom of environ-
mental manipulation, with the edified persuasion

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

human nature by analogy can be legally oppressed and

liberally machinated at the mandament of Nor-
wegian authorities (excerpt from Doc #627)! ☆☆☆
―Yes indeed: we‘re chronic crooks, murderers, perjurers,
maniacs, forgers, dopenicks, drunkards, corrupted
lamebrains and moral lepers.....but; — since we effec-
tively ‘ve blocked criminal investigation of our iniquity,
dexterously embezzled proofs against ourselves and
successfully hampered a diversity of legal actions
opposed to our inveterate transgressions and misfea-
sance, there exist no legally enforceable judgments
against us.....and for that reason we are — at least in
a profanely juridical sense, not guilty (excerpt from
the ―Professional Code and Ethical Philosophy‖
of Norwegian judges)!‖ ☆☆☆
―The Norwegian society should bestow significantly
more of their attention purely revering our allelopathic
lawbreaking.....‘cause it‘s an established truism our
surreptitious foulness keep back the constitutional

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Ragnarok and scandalous imprisonment of Norwegian

top politicians and Government officials etc unavoidably
following unwarped trials and objective, judicial fact-
finding procedures (excerpt from the ―Professional Code
and Ethical Philosophy‖ of Norwegian judges)!‖ ☆☆☆
―Treat us courteously, please, and immortalize our
satanic statutory offences and monumental corruption
by placing a luciferous statue outside the Parliament
Building.....and a leviathan monument at the royal palace
square in Oslo where noble-minded adulators can bring
their burnt offerings and confer dignity upon our accom-
plished, forensic diabolism and — also — squareshootingly
commemorate the many illustrious adamites slain by our
minister extolled vice (excerpt from the ―Professional Code
and Ethical Philosophy‖ of Norwegian judges)!‖ ☆☆☆
It‘s not entirely proper to say the Norwegian Police
―Security Service‖ lacks responsibility, care, generosity
and culture.....whereas they‘re positively responsible
for villainously assassinating dozens of guiltless persons,

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

and empirically shows marked care while generously

spreading their pernicious bacteria cultures in your
private house and car (Cf Aphorism #45 etc)! ☆☆☆
Peacefully prepare for war — Norwegian authorities
are expected to attack you anyway! ☆☆☆
Keep the body armor on and your first aid kit at
hand — Norwegian authorities are likely to stab
you in the back anytime these days! ☆☆☆
Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who
esteems your disgusting foolishness more
than God‘s wisdom and foresight;
Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who
drink to one another with blood from
blameless victims of your evilness;
Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who
deceives the world and bamboozles pious
politicians to honor Satan;
Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

globally pretends to help while devastating

righteousness and succoring flagitiousness!
Verily, scurvy Norway — your heinous wickedness
and nefarious lies shall vehemently torment you
till Earth passes away;
Verily, scurvy Norway — those supporting or
trading with you shall inexorably gather
God‘s scathing wrath;
Verily, scurvy Norway — agonized howling and
futile cries for mercy shall rise from
your principals in Hell;
Verily, scurvy Norway — you‘ve cogently aroused
the ire of Heavenly hosts and shall ride your
condigned fate! ☆☆☆
(excerpt from the poem ―Woe Unto You, Norway‖)
Norwegian authorities appreciates nice lads and
good girls — usually they‘re the simplest and
most agreeable victims! ☆☆☆
Sometimes you‘ll be better off dealing the

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

first, shattering blow — whereas Norwegian

authorities probably ‘ve planned to assault you
entirely unprovoked in any case! ☆☆☆
When you ruefully are compelled to acknowledge
that my thoughtful warning were most justified,
there shall be no doubt whatsoever which
kingdom to retaliatory assault as responsible
for oncoming destructions (excerpt from
Doc #1022)! ☆☆☆
The subsequent and to the hell-doomed panel of
judges befittingly dissembling verdict and final
passing of sentence in corresponding lawsuit
was — in perfect concordance with my unpre-
tentious anticipations — an emetic brew of ossuary
rejectamenta, venomous lies, hogwash, sepulchral
mayhem and a tremendous portion pure diabolism
seasoned with the cremains of my fiancée who
was one of those dispatched in the correlated and
in great part police instigated shooting (excerpt

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

from Doc #377)! ☆☆☆

Alternatively my aphorisms may be seen as complex
―paintings‖.....; studying the exergonic literalization
and synesthetic transubstantiation of portrayed leit-
motif, you might sense the craftily designed plot strictly
matching intended redintegration of the connotational
sketch and semantic expressionism adroitly interwoven
through gnomic photoinduction of radiant lucidity
spectrally resembling epigrammatic solvolysis of
depicted configuration! ☆☆☆
Darkness beyond life, or life beyond darkness —
it‘s a matter of existential qualities and qualified
existence rather than transmundane illumination
and worldly parameters! ☆☆☆
Feared by mediocrity, begrudged by talent and
incarcerated by imprudence — hardly understood
by anyone, genius politely handshakes normality,
smilingly pardons mere prodigy and sincerely con-
☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

doles manifest folly.....though; wisely

shuns ‘em all! ☆☆☆
The agonizing and widespread misery of this world
are decisively no commendable playground
for children! ☆☆☆
I‘ve seen the wicked folly of this world, and
willingly admits it must be brought
to an end! ☆☆☆
Nowadays deep-rooted antipathy for Norway usually
reflects moral excellence and superior wit! ☆☆☆
Sheer stupidity are always complex and
intellectually challenging! ☆☆☆
Educating stupidity makes it more sophisti-
cated and socially integrable! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

These days stark hostility towards Norway
certainly belongs to the cardinal virtues! ☆☆☆
Incompetency frequently reaches its
highest level through academic training
and political admission! ☆☆☆
Blessed are those who never ‘ve been and
never shall become an integrated or consenting
part of Norwegian society! ☆☆☆
I‘m a great powerlifting enthusiast, and feel
absolutely convinced women belongs to the
weaker sex! ☆☆☆
The fatuous irresponsibility of my Norwegian
foes can always be trusted! ☆☆☆
I‘ve hung the girls safely on the wall — thus I avoid

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

stumbling headfirst over their bloody corpses if some

mooncalf ‘ve gunned ‘em down.....and replacing the
perforated photos is merely piece of cake! ☆☆☆
(cf Aphorism #117 and Doc #599*
[*Centurie-VI:72 etc])
Nowadays people should have solid experience as
parents before procreating children! ☆☆☆
Sex is much overrated by people — particularly
the feminine gender (boys will be boys — and
girls will be boys, too)! ☆☆☆
If somebody promotes nuclear winters as auspicious
means to halt global warming, you can feel next to
sure Norwegian authorities will nominate him or her
for the Nobel Peace Price! ☆☆☆

The Norwegian lion rampant is but a mischievous cat
peeing and shitting on my private carpets — installing

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

St Olav‘s battle-ax between the paws of this perversely

crowned beast is pure blasphemy symbolically befitting
a royal impostor! ☆☆☆
(The heraldic badge applied by the genuine, royal family
of Norway the last 1300 years, is still the ferocious wolf
―Skoll‖. According to Scandinavian mythology this gigant-
esque wolf is bound to devour the very, to pre-
vent provoking it, the redoubtable Viking kings and their
chieftains wisely treated it courteously! It‘s much likely
the veritable, royal family of Norway, long ago and de-
liberately renounced their documentable royalty and con-
sequently erased certain proofs as they were — and surely
are — perfectly aware irresponsible Norwegian auth-
orities may bring about Ragnarok through sheer brain-
lessness and vice [cf Doc #4000 etc]! The unbending
nobility, superior intelligence, psychic abilities, leadership
qualities and general strength distinguishing Norway‘s
true sovereigns are utterly unequalled by the nation‘s
modern and crowned monarchs.)
Don‘t forgive ‘em — they‘ve been

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

rightfully warned! ☆☆☆

It‘s not unlike conventional Norwegians to venerate
and crown a mere hoax — failure to detect ignobility
is one of its hallmarks! ☆☆☆
Darkness and light are female twins — though habitually
contradicting, they‘re faithful and sociable allies.....; one
may be your bedroom favorite, the other your study hall
champion — both enkindled or extinguished through
conception and mundane dim-wittedness! ☆☆☆
(Cf Aphorisms ##117 & 119, item Doc #599* —
*Centuries VI:72 and I:76 etc)
If unable to fathom my relentless ire towards Norwegian
authorities, it may be due to the austere fact it‘s
practically bottomless! ☆☆☆
Inasmuch as common rectitude is concerned, schoolchild-

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

ren must be taught to detest — not respect — Norwegian

cops.....moreover, teachers should generally leave the
maintenance and spreading of gross injustice and propa-
gandistic rubbish to the criminal courts and state hired
journalists, while instead highlighting the slimy corruption
hideously prevalent amongst national police officers in
order to pedagogically enhance their pupils
morality — the value of Norwegian law
enforcement agents as utterly bad examples
can hardly be overrated! ☆☆☆
I don‘t actually love her — as a conscientious physician
I just keep her alive as long as possible before
throwing her into Hell! ☆☆☆
(About a specific and perversely cop sympathizing woman,
only. Her benighted misbehavior ‘ve nevertheless been a
prerequisite for application of the severest, infernal pun-
ishments vis-à-vis those provoking the slaying of her
slightly older sister, so I‘m not entirely without thankful-
ness towards her though! Significantly less gifted than
her murdered sister and just too ready to embrace mani-

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

fest wickedness, satanically manipulating and duping her

were easy for Norwegian police officers thus completely
devastating her otherwise bright future. She‘ll find her
Christian mother next to herself in Hell — divided into
separate compartments for males and females respec-
tively, she won‘t see her biological father.....
Cf Aphorisms ##26, 28, 38, 39, 48, 51, 67, 95, 98, 117,
119, 131, 136, 138 and 140)
Appreciating women — though loving truth alone,
I‘ve spent many uncorrupted nights exclusively
on my own! ☆☆☆
Though the average full-scale WAIS IQ for Norwegian
police officers is 11 points subordinate to ditto median
for physicians, their streetwise-quotient* (*SWQ) and
everyday realism by far and in terms of convertible
practicality transcends the half-assed sophomania and
mawkish narcissism diathetically characteristic
and con variazioni dictating the quixotic Weltan-
schauung of most Norwegian MDs.....thus the street-

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

smart police officer is likely to succeed when he

attempts to convince the authority menial and ivory
towered would-be felos-de-se-medico that you‘re
crazy (Excerpt from Doc #1536, p 86.)! ☆☆☆
Actively sustained by and largely including govern-
mental authorities and flyblown principals of major
state institutes, the innate corruption and wormy
diabolism pervades all executive and official branches
of the infected nation which — befittingly — 've been
nicknamed "The Kingdom of Satan"! ☆☆☆
(Said about Norway. Excerpt from
Formal Complaint, p 122.)
The pathologically distorted thought and behavior
patterns normally typifying Norwegian public officials
and senior civil servants may however — viewed as
an endemic phenomenon — partially rupture the com-
monly accepted boundaries imposed by international
norms of disease classification! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 122.)

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

The wholly deliberate and fulsomely imbuing lawless-
ness, terrorism and nefariousness arrogantly paraded
by the Norwegian public "health" service (et al) in this
case, represents an all-out and portentously hellish
onslaught of the high-minded stipulations laid down in
the Hippocratic oath — we are, categorically, facing the
worst and most dishonorable example of state supported
inequity, official folly and premeditated human rights
violations seen in Norway after World War II!
A judicious and impartial being may turn over
and search underneath each stone and windfall
without finding factually extenuating circum-
stances in this case.....the intensely loathsome
picture of an occupational group rapaciously van-
dalizing their professional code and, in symptomatic
confederacy, illegally terrorizing a particularly
valiant man opportunistically deemed morally and
intellectually superior — and for that reason male-
volently persecuted by depraved dunces, incessantly
becomes more detailed and horridly scandalous
as new pieces of evidence appears! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 126.)

The revolting truth, however, is that preaching human
rights and ethical code observance to Norwegian
authorities — the public "health" service vastly included —
in this case invariably have had the same, questionable
effects as solemnly offering a literally bloody, honeyed
and invigorating sacrament to a swarm screwy, hell-
ordained and plague-spreading rat fleas...! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 127.)
To these chronic and obtrusively arrogant malefactors,
your adherence to soft-boiled human rights and ethical
codes simply means they can protract and possibly
intensify their obnoxious offences without risking dis-
maying sanctions and burdensome, international
interference.....verily; your idealistic and perchance
pusillanimous approach is nothing but an enhearte-
ning incitement to these naturally schizoid and
overly low-minded felons! ☆☆☆
(Said about Norwegian officials. Excerpt from

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Formal Complaint, p 136.)

Instead of mollycoddling and inadvertently spurring
Norwegian authorities mayheming the human rights,
the world community at large and international fora
in particular should go for explicitly pragmatic solutions
to halt and legally punish corresponding and vainglori-
ously contemptuous criminality! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 136.)
In any event — and this point can hardly be over-
stressed: before international and politically powerful
alliances are willing to resolutely and with required
sternness arrest, imprison, convict and otherwise treat
Norwegian officials in accordance with the categorical
condemnation the latter's satanic fiendishness, double-
dealing and odious corruption ex officio en effet calls
for, the well-meant but woefully uncharged pro forma
chiding normally launched by human rights organizat-
ions/tribunals scarcely becomes more than a waggish
and downright encouraging brutum fulmen

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

to Norwegian authorities...! ☆☆☆

(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 136.)
Considered the occurrence of pathologic depress-
ion and stark madness are comparatively more
frequent in Norway than elsewhere in Europe,
it's especially noticeable Norwegian physicians
clearly and statistically negatively distinguish
themselves as proner to psychiatric suffering and
bizarre fits etc than the population generally! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Doc #1536, p 85.)
The downright corruption and hell-destined iniquity
abidingly displayed by Norwegian magistracy in
juxtaposed facts of nearby case, are unparalleled in
modern monarchic history of law, and execrable
diabolism and gangrenous ghoulishness interoscu-
lates their exceedingly opprobrious criminality! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Doc #103, pp 1–2.)
By and large brimming over with decayed sickees and

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

back-alley jimcrowists, the Norwegian state apparatus

just about plenary may go to truly astonishing lengths to
actively support and safeguard against public exposure
serious criminality committed by their police officers and
assorted socii criminis, and various mass media — private
as well as state owned — are very likely to reflect this
inglorious fact! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 115.)
The blatant hypocrisy and treacherous opportunism
by and large characterizing nowadays Norwegian
officials, was befittingly coined "bigoterie" in
medieval France — germanely delineating the
grungy and widespread practice amongst Norwe-
gian Normans to worship the Christian Trinity as
well as their heathen deities out of strictly
materialistic motives.....whereas — following
Christian baptism, the French regularly bestowed
generous gifts on "converted" pagans. So, the
largely marauding Norwegians shamelessly
exploited Gallic benevolence and Catholic naïveté

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

maximally, and quite a few of them underwent

sacramental affusion and immersion more
than seven times...! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 128.)
Acquainted with various Christian doctrines, the
Norwegian prime minister — Mr Kjell Magne Bondevik
(cf Doc's ##1022 and 1049 above) — and his religious
accomplices believed they ruthlessly, endlessly and
unpunished could exploit/abuse evangelical reassu-
rances about forgiveness to repetitively commit the
most disgusting offences! While seeing the pope
for absolution or praying for exculpation,
their ignoble minds were busy planning new,
abominable violations! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 128.)
It‘s perfectly evident the rotten terrorism steadily
exercised by Norwegian authorities aims at ruining
my general health, mutilating my social relation-
ships, marring my reputation, adding to my pec-

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

uniary expenses and — if possible —

provoking criminality! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 130.)
The systematic, repugnant, recidivistic and long-
drawn-out violations does not only attest to a
deep-rooted disrespect for basal human rights
and lawfulness, it also demonstrate a transparent
contempt for the discerning qualities and safe-
guarding potency of other nations.
The sociopathic manipulation of facts and emetic
hypocrisy wontedly promulgated by Norwegian
politicians and their official delegates to cosmo-
politan fora, circumstantiate the fact that Nor-
wegian authorities furtively look upon — inter
alios — the United Nations, the Council of
Europe and the International Helsinki Federation
as inferior assemblages of retarded easy marks
and puling cowards! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 131.)

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

Synchronously with steadily growing disrespect for
the human rights amongst Norwegian officials, the
need to report related violations increases accord-
ingly. Norwegian authorities routinely steals,
obstructs, destroys and illegally copies etc jural
communications to and from human rights
tribunals/organizations AO, and actual
complainers ‘ve been incriminated,
terrorized, confined, infected/poisoned
and — murdered! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, pp 135–136.)
The seemingly irresistible urge to compensate for
assorted shortcomings through stark falsehood and
extensive nefariousness, soon turned out as one of
the foremost hallmarks of these fundamentally
vicious ruffians....! ☆☆☆
(Said about Norwegian police officers. Excerpt
from Formal Complaint, p 16.)

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

The reader should constantly keep in mind Norwegian
authorities unscrupulously will exploit every
adequate opportunity to erase, steal and
falsify/alter to their advantage any piece of evidence
communicated through nearby complaint — empirically
they‘re much prone to manipulate, espy, ha-
rass/intimidate, incarcerate, obstruct, weaken and
explicitly harm/attack potential/actual witnesses in
this and other cases where Norwegian officials are
the factual culprits.....and the presentation of forth-
coming matter are by and large accommodated
these disquieting facts! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 10.)
All interference from Norwegian authorities in this
case 've been unilaterally destructive, invidious,
unwelcomed and largely criminal — clearly reflecting
the mental illness, habitual double-dealing and emetic
disregard for the human rights and fundamental free-
doms of man indeed characterizing
most of the malefactors! ☆☆☆
☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 145.)

Whereas the Hippocratic oath lay emphasis on honesty,
respectfulness and benevolence towards patients and
impels physicians to champion international human rights
and exercise their professional judgment uninfluenced by
political pressure, physicians and other "health" personnel
involved in this ill-omened case maliciously 've displayed
the most inexpiable disregard inasmuch as dutyful
compliance with ethical stipulations, the statutory rights
of others and their vocational integrity otherwise are
concerned.....honestly; it's stark impossible to find even
the slightest trace of formally mitigating circumstances,
respectability or professional adequacy in the
uninterrupted orgy of lawless terrorism satanically
indulged in by Norwegian medics AO since 1992! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Formal Complaint, p 144.)
Ad nauseam we‘ve witnessed how Norwegian police
officers expediently perpetrates and provokes grave
criminality exclusively to ride high on the confusion

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆

and fear thereby produced! ☆☆☆

(Excerpt from Doc #2907, p 102.)
Norwegian authorities will comply with international
law and human rights conventions exclusively if forced
to by v.g military pressure, serious political scandals or
massive fiscal/material/human losses! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Doc #4588, p 121.)
It has, of course, been crucial to Norwegian authorities to
prevent impartial/adequate criminal investigation, mar My
general reputation and to deny Me fair trials and exculpating
compensations etc in order to outwardly maintain the pro
forma semblance of their hellish falsifications! ☆☆☆
(Excerpt from Doc #2037, p 97.)
Verily; though stinking, a shitfilled sack
will stand upright…! ☆☆☆

☆☆☆ APHORISMS &C — By Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway ☆☆☆


They adore God who doesn’t know him! 6


God has certainly more confidence in me than I in Him! 6


If there’s somebody I don’t trust, it’s God! 6

There’s a considerable chance man indulges in evildoing

and lies not despite the fact he’s created in God’s image,

but — precisely — because of it! 6

God is guilty indeed, and He’s likely to wipe out mankind

completely to hide the execrable truth! 6

The very creation of man may pretty well be the

gravest of all sins! 6

Presumably nobody is more deserving of eternal

condemnation than God himself! 6

Frankly considering Mark 8:35, we can hardly do Christians

a greater favor than bumping ’em off! 6

A few persons are wise — most people, however,

are quite otherwise! 6

I can hardly imagine something more reckless than

bringing children into this utterly depraved and devastating world! 6

Practically perfect humanoids and topflight role players,

efficient detection and neutralization of corrupted angels

infecting e.g the state apparatus and powerful organizations

should be given top priority! 6


Whoever created man should be deeply ashamed indeed! 6

If not openly reproaching the multifaceted inequity God and

his depraved angels are guilty of, I should indeed

be corrupted myself! 6

Behind none of the gross injustice or sadistic devilishness ever

striking me have I found the notorious scapegoat

Satan, but — God himself! 6

I’m born into this utterly reprehensible world wholly against

my will, and as a brutally responsible individual any act aimed

at human and Earthly preservation abhors me absolutely! 6

The popular and illusory notion of angels as benevolent
guardians and messengers facilitates their subversive

endeavors significantly! 6

It doesn’t befit a righteous man to keep company with

God and his corrupted angels! 6

Apparently all angels are natural sadists and sociopaths, and

promotion of disgusting lies, multifarious criminality and sheer

diabolism are evidently an essential part of their

sinistrous assignment! 6

Beware the revolting fact some satanists may be nothing

but God-employed and unjustly spiteful angels exerting

themselves to maintain the common and erroneous picture

of Satan as an evil-minded ne’er-do-well! 6

Whenever a particularly morbid or atrocious crime has been

committed, God’s angels should be amongst the chief suspects! 6

Justice has not been done till God himself and all corrupted

angels are rightly charged, sentenced and punished! 6

It’s been said that power tends to corrupt, and that absolute

power corrupts absolutely........and, as proved by solid experience,

this adage has first-rate validity also when it comes to

God himself! 6

If your peremptory notion of God is that He’s good and

righteous — and only good and righteous, you shall never

reach an adequate understanding of the flagrant evilness

and injustice suffusing the human world! 6

Om ikke Gud er direkte ondsinnet, løgnaktig og sinnssyk, er det iallfall

mye ved hans oppførsel som tyder på det! 6

Man behøver ikke være vegetarianer for å tråkke i salaten — og,

om du tråkker i salaten, bli for all del stående stille! 6

Den higer ikke etter Guds Himmel og selskap som setter rett-

ferdigheten i høysetet! 6

Når dåren møter seg selv i døren drar han sjelden

kjensel på egen person! 6

Ansvarlige kvinner setter ikke barn til verden før den vordende

ungens skriftlige samtykke foreligger! 6

Det sømmer seg ikke en rettsindig mann å søke selskap med

Gud og hans korrupte engler! 6


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