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Unity in the Truth

Think about the last argument you had. Maybe your spouse couldnt understand you or
you and your boss just couldnt see eye to eye. Even though you were right, arguing about the
problem didnt bring unity, did it? They may have buckled and done things your way, but they
dont agree with you any more than beore, and they likely appreciate you less. !o how do you
resolve conlicts with others when youre right? "ow do you bring others into unity with the
#magine two people in a ace$o, arguing about where they are. Mr. %ight looks past Mr.
&et and sees an ocean, while Mr. &et sees a mountain range behind Mr. %ight. Mr. &et yells,
'(nyone could see that were by the mountains) *ere no where near an ocean)+ while Mr.
%ight counters, '(s ar as the eye can see is only lat, sandy beach) ,bviously were by the
ocean)+ The problem is neither person can see the scene behind themselves. -oth are partially
right and partially wrong, and neither can see the whole truth.
Mr. %ight and Mr. &et wont come to an agreement by arguing their own perspectives.
They have completely dierent worldviews with nothing in common. #magine, however, that
Mr. &et decides to try to understand Mr. %ight. This will take humility. #t means Mr. &et must
admit that Mr. %ight may actually have an understandable oundation or his belies and that his
own perspective isnt the only one. #n trying to understand Mr. %ight, however, Mr. &et is not
abandoning what he knows is true .that they are by the mountains/. "e is simply willing to learn.
!o with a humble heart he walks over and puts his arm around Mr. %ight, and all o a sudden he
reali0es the whole picture. #t would look like this1
'2ow # understand where youre coming rom)+ Mr. &et e3claims. '4ou were right, we
are near the ocean.+ Mr. &et and Mr. %ight have now established a common truth. They can
respect each other. They both know they are near the ocean. Mr. &et, however, knows they are
also near the mountains, and he wants Mr. %ight to see the whole picture like he does. '&ook5+
says Mr. &et, and with his arm around his new riend, he gently turns Mr. %ight around, 'we are
also near the mountains.+
2ow both parties can see the whole picture. -oth had a piece o truth, but not the whole
truth, and only by sharing together and being willing to learn were they able to grow in their
understanding o truth.
This illustration is simplistic, and even a little silly, but dont miss its lesson. The key to
resolving conlicts is humility $ a willingness to come together, search or common truth, and
grow. 2aturally, however, the human heart recoils rom humility. "ow then can peaceul
relationships be maintained? 6esus 7hrist gives us an e3ample. "e says1 '7ome to me5and
learn rom me, because # am gentle and humble in spirit8 and you will ind rest,+ .Matt. 991:;$:<,
=2T/. -y ollowing 7hrists gentle, humble e3ample, we can ind rest > rest rom conlict and

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