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Pataki Slams Cell Door On Jail Privatization

President's Message

For more thai seven yea-s, the COBA. Executive Board and I have fought vigorously against privatization of any Nf3IN York City j,ail facility. Private correction companies have long been interesl.ed in getting their hands on any or all of the facilities in the Nf3IN York City jail system,

VIla know that once t hey got thei r feet in the door these companies would be able to make continual progress because they would pay their employees less than Correction Officers and expect much less from them. This would be unacceptable to COBA.. 8 nee the day I took the oath of

Norman Seabrook COBA President

office as President of th is uni on, I have fought agai nst th ese cornpan i as and their plans.

I an now proud to say that the elected officials of the city and state of Nf3IN York have demonstrated that th,ey are in complete agreement tha the Nf3IN York City Correction Departmentisthe best in the world and cannot be replaced by any prlvae security organization.

On \l'\.ednesjay, 8;ptember 19, 2002, the final nal was pounded into t he coffin of private jai Is in New York City when Governor George E Pctal<.i signed into IaN S3nate Bill 67721 Assembly Bill 6038. This IaN amendsS3ction 9·117 of the New York City Administrative oode to require that the duty of maintaining the custody and supervision of persons det a ned, or confined in any facility of the N6'W York City Depa-t men! of Correction must be performed by members of t he un i· formed force.

Once agai n, we have won a signifi cant vi ct ory on your behalf, and we're proud to tell you so.


COBC\ President Norman ::eabrook (second from r.ight) and members of the COBC\ Executive Board and staff surrounded Former Assembly Minority Learer ...bhn Fa9::las COBA. endorsed him in ::eptember in his quest for the office of 3.ate Comptroller. "He has been a grea friend to New York aty Correction Officers in the N6'W York Sole Assembly;' Mr.S3abrook said, "and has supported many pieces of significant legislation for Correction Officers and their families."


As a result of a recent New York 3.ate 3Jpreme Court, if you file a notice of claim very soon, you may stin beabl.e to protect your right to sue N6'W York City in connection with. any medi ca condition you may suffer arising out of work performed a or around Ground Zero. This is true even though. the time for filing a notice of claim, called a"pro se" notice, has technically passed ..

COBA. will asi.S! you to protect your fights through this or other means and has asked its IaN firm, Koehler & Isaacs, to asiSl. anyone affected by the events ofS;:ptember 11 to file su ch a clsl m. Many Fir~Rghters and Fblice Offioers have filed such notioes for potential l.aNsuits <gans! the city in connection with medical conditions arising out of work in or around Ground Zero.

Even though N6'W York City Correction Officers are covered by \fIbrkers Compensation, we suggest you contact Koehler & Isaacs to discuss any health problems you are experiencing as a result of working a or near Ground Zero. The IaN firm can help you clarify your rights under \fIbrkers corroensaton and a:lvise you regarding any potential .lifNsuit. The firm w ill assist you in filing a notice of claim against the Cily where appropriae. 3Jch a noticeis designed to protect your rights but does not tie you in any way to a particuIala,.v firm.

Do not delay.

Rye Playland Family Outing &.

African-American Day Parade



Nevv York City Correction Officers,

I like most other Americans, we involved in auto accidents at least once in their lifetime. The best way to hoodle an auto accident situation is to follow tnese simple rules.

1. Keep cam and tace time to protect your passengers <Ild cw Call for an ambulance for any injured paties, .8;1 flares, if you carry them. Do not leave the scene of the occident.

2. Do not discuss the accident with anyone or blame Ollyone, including yourself, Exch a1 ge only license, regi.stfati on ,ood motor veh i cle identification card.

3. Provide only your name, address, license number, license plate number, name of registered ow ner of the cw and the name of your insuraice oompany .. SlOW your driver's license to the other party. 4 .. Take down the name, address, operator's license number, dae of birth, sex, state of license and phone number of the other driver. 5 .. Write down the other cw owner's name, a:ldress and insurance company. Th e driver may not be the ow ner of th e ca.

6. S3ek information from police for all injured parties, including passengers. T<f<.e down the name, a:ldress, da:e of birth, sex aid extent of injury to each person.

7. Be sure to w rite down the names, a:ldresses aid phone numbers of any people who .S3:N the OCCident but weren't involved in it. Passengers in accidents we not witnesses.

8. Note the make, body type, year and license plate number of the other vehicle. Also make note of the damage to the other vehicle.

9. Note the dae and time of the accident. Write down the location (street intersection or landmwk).

10. iReport the accident to your insurroce broker or agent immediately. If the accident involves death or injury report it without delay to the police department. Obtain a copy of their report 24 hours.

COBA members are encouraged. to call Attorney Barry Washor at Koehler and Isaacs at 917..sSH300 for further advice on auto accidents.


by Joe Bracco, COBA Second Vice President

All COBA. members mug: protect themselves and their famiHes by keeping their personal history tntormaton updated by contacting the COBl\ offi ce as soon as any relevant ch ange occurs.

COBA must be notified of aly changes in the areas

as soon as possible: *Your address

*Your lelephone number "Birth or aioption of a child

*Remova of person from dependent Status *Cha1ge in marital Status

*Cha1ge in beneficiaries

*Dependents attending college

COBA will provide you with forms to fi II out regarding all of the above changes. INa will mail you a packet of such forms at your request.

PlEA.s::. NOTE tM: COBl\ does not share lntormaion with the Department of Correction Personnel Division, is locaed at 2 \!\tish i ngton 9.ree!, or with NYCERS w h ieh is looated in Brooklyn. It is the re~onslbility of the individual officer to send all relevant changes directly to COso.., to the Fersonnel Division, and to NYCERS. Both. Ih e Rlrson nel Division and NYC~ will send youthei r own forms for til i ng changes with them.


All attendance and. fundraisng records were smashed August 26 at OOEA's :sevent h Ann ual Golf CI assi c.held once again at Inwood Count ry CI ub in I nw ood, Nev.' York. The tournament atl rscted more thai 170 golfers atd rased thousands of dollars for COBL\'s Widows aid Children's Fund.

"All those who attended were prize winners" sad COBA President Norman :seabrook," because they won the prize of help i ng COBA help the widows and children of deceased Nevv York aty Correction Officers~'

9:lme attendees also won prizes a the event itself. They included the winners of the lottery grand prizes: Retired Correction Offi.cers Thomas Rya1 atd Donald Miller, who won me FirS!. and Fourth Pri.zes, respectively; Correction Officer ...ames Hyla"l.d, who won seconc Prize, and Michael Malzella of Aetna Insurance, who won Third Prize.

Taking first place in the tournament were Carmine Campo, Michael Faele, Vi.ncent Coppola .r, and Michael Coppola, also known as the Met Ufe Team; taking second pl.ace were Rich.ard Ullman, Ken UII man, Ri ch UII man and Ken Monagh a1, also known as the National Vision AdministratorsTeam; and taking third place were .hhn Driscoll, .bhn LaRose of the NYFD, Mikell'\elcome and Doc S3vage, also known as the Captai ns Endow ment Association Team.

Ann Chiarvanoand .be Diesso won the Closest to Ihe Line Prize, Richard Ullman S. and Mike Cook won the Longest Drive Prizes, aid Mike Faele, 9.eve Gilman, Michael, Fra! Asselta ald Jm Ekellenger won the Closest to the Pin .Prizes.


"If you have children, you need a peoiariclsn.

"If you have heat problems, you need a cardiologist.

"If you have hand problems, you need a hand surgery spe-


And the services of Ihese and many more special.ists are free, through COBA and its nev.' medical servioe, Confinuum Health Partners.

Avalable through COBA and Continuum are physicians and medical services providing not only comprehensive primwy cae but distinguished cae in such medical specialties as·cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, e·n, gastroentero.logy,infectlous diseases, internal mediCine, nephrology, neurology, OBI GYN, occupaiona medicine, oncology,,. ortttopedlcs, physical tn.erapy, psychiatry, pulmonary disease, urology, radiology,hald surgery and emergency care,

For this ooditional service there is noooditional cost. 10 you other t han your original co- payment tha: is req ui red for GHI or your correspond ing health coverage pial. What I his mears is I hat if your co-payment is $10, all you pay is $10.

Neither OOBA nor Continuum i.s trying to replace your primary care physician. Continuum is provided as an alternative service so that you and your family may gain acoess to specialized medical experts a Beth Israel, 3. Luke's Roosevelt, Long lslaid College Hospital and NY Eye & Ear Infirmary,. to name a fevv.

It oould be grea:ly in ~ur interffit to S€lfft a spedalist physician to help ~u when the need arises

Rx rrore i ntormaion on this Cbnti nuum sef\~ ee, feel free to call the cedlcaed telephone llnetha G:mtinuum has set up for Cbrrfftion Oficers and their fan lies. The nurreer is toll free (87T) 420-4209.

You are also invited to visit our website at and access the Continuum link through the COBA web ate's=Links section (available on the first drop-down menu on the COBt\ web site home page.)


Held on ~ptember 14, with more than 9,000 Correction Officers aid their fanilies ald very few non-Cos in attendance, COB/!..'s Hfth Annual Rye A ayland RlniJ.y Day was by gen era consensus the best such event ever held, as the photos on th is and the following three pages show.

All rides at Rye aid all food was free for COB/!.. members and their families .. The food, provided by COBA., included hot dogs, hamburgers,barbequed chicken, corn on the cob, baced ziti, baked beans, tossed salad, ice crean and other desserts. Live entertainers plus a DJ provided. the entertainment.

Correction Department talks, armored ca-s, emergency service vehicles, rescue units and telecornmun ications vehicles were allan di.splay .<t the gates of Rye with their crews, as has become traditional, providing very popular guided tours of the vehicles for both kids end aiults,


Numerous Nevv York Oty Correction Officers rna ched proudly in the city's 33rd Annua Afrtcsn-Americat DayRsra::le on 8..mday, Slptember 22, In upper Malhattcrl. The pa'sders mached from 111th 8:. to 142nd 8: .. aid ha::l a great time aong the way, <E these photos show.


Contribute to the COBA. Widows and Children's Fund and honor the Correction Officers who served during and after the \!\brld Trade Center disaster by buying as many .2002 OOBA. Cads as you can. All proceeds from the sale a'e earmarked for the COBA. Wdows ald Children's Fund . The cost. is $1 per card. Orders should, include a::IdHional fun ds to cover postage: 37 cents for one to threecards, 78 cents for four to ten cads, and $1.56 for eleven to twenty cards.

PI'e<£,e complete coupon below;

Make checks payable to COBA. Widows and Children's Fund, 335 Broadway"5th Hoor, New York, NY 10013 (212) .274-8000.

(Pictu red in the upper right on the Year 200.2 COBA. Cards is New

York City Correction Officer Rdbert Martin a Ground Zero wearing his volunteer fife fighter gear.)




City: _-'-- __ ----.:...-=-----.:........:...-.:........:.:.. _




Please send me COBA Cards

$._-=-:-:---,-:-_ for # Cards

$, __ ~_for Pos:age

$ Total enclosed

Correction Officers Benevolent Association Contact 8 izabeth Castro (212) 27 4~8000



JJ5 Broadway. 51 h Floor New York. NY1001J

• Patrol II "g ll1eToughes: Pt",lnClsln N ...... Yor~'


NEW YOR<, N.Y. Permit No, 2418

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