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Liberty State Park

Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal

Ellis Island Scavenger Hnt
1. In what wad did New Jersey's Black Tom explosion affect Ellis Island?
2. hat is the co!ntry of ori"in of the #$oss!th tie#?
%. ho sc!lpted #&ockin"#?
'. hen did the Ellis Island open?
(. ho was the )ommissioner of Immi"ration from 1*1'+1*1*?
,. hat artifact or item is !sed as an example of )ypriot immi"ration?
-. hat year did Ellis Island close?
.. hat instr!ment did /arit0a /ooradian 1ttarian play?
2. In what co!ntry?
*. here is the 3tat!e of 4i2erty in relation to Ellis Island?
15. 6n /arch 2-7 1*5- the "reatest n!m2er of immi"rants were processed thro!"h Ellis
Island in a sin"le day. hat was the total?
11. hy did trachoma fi"!re so prominently in the physical examination?
12. 8ow did first+class processin" differ from steera"e class processin"?
1%. hat was the si"nificance of each of the followin" chalk marks9
1'. 8ow m!ch money wo!ld an immi"rant ha:e to posses 2efore 2ein" admitted into the
1(. hat was the sleepin" capacity of Ellis Island?
1,. hat was the si"nificance of the $issin" <ost?
1-. hat were the p!rpose of the #mental examination#?
1.. hat former mayor of New =ork )ity worked on Ellis Island?
1*. here did most of the immi"rants "o to after 2ein" processed in order to tra:el o!t to
the rest of the co!ntry?
25. hy is the ;.3. considered a #/eltin" <ot#?
na:as. m 2555

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