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WHC is a registered United Kingdom Charity No. 232409

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Dearest Crusader friend,

It is so good to hear from you again and we are very

grateful to you for making contact with us. I do feel that
we have a very special prayer partnership that enables
Divine Healing to take place. Irrespective of how you
make contact with us, we offer prayers for your
wellbeing and for the health and happiness of your
loved ones as well. Letter writing takes a little longer
but you receive a reply that you can keep!
I know that life can be difficult and there are many challenges that we
face each and every day but remember that you are not alone; we are
here to help you and we will give good counsel if requested to do so. Of
course prayer is vitally important in the healing process and I don’t just
mean for the healing of illnesses. Payer is far more powerful than that!
Intercession can be applied to any area of your life and to great effect.
We will offer our prayers on your behalf and we look forward with
confidence to blessings enfolding all areas requiring God’s attention.
God is manifesting His perfection as you share your needs with us. I
never tell God what to do; I ask, I share needs and He makes the
decisions. I learned from an early age to ‘let go and let God,’ it never
fails, so be of good cheer and trust Him to answer at the right time and
in the right way. Please share your testimonies with us and with your
permission we will share them with Crusaders around the world. God
bless you and your loved ones.

Yours sincerely,

Your Testimonies
I’m grateful to God!

“I’m grateful to God for all the help and support you give; when you
believe in God and have faith miracles do happen. At work I am the only
person that has managed to do better and even reach target in the past
three months which is amazing. Stay well and God bless you all for your
wonderful work.


J. N.” – Email received 12/09/09

I am filled with faith!

“What a beautiful message from Brother Andrew. Thank you so much,

Brother, for these uplifting words. I am filled with faith that God is indeed
at work and we Praise Him today for renewed "Hope" that has come
from you to us. May God continue bless your good work in Him.

K. B.” – USA (Email received 22/10/09)

He has made an amazing recovery!

“Thanks Father, thanks Brother Andrew,

Yesterday I emailed you for prayers for Tim who was ill with a chest
infection this could have been bad considering he is wheel chair bound
and has spinal curvature. I passed the message on to Shirley his mother
that he was receiving your prayers. Shirley emailed today to say he has
made an amazing recovery. Thanks so much and thanks for your
prayers for myself and my family.

God Bless,

J.” – Email received 05/10/09

Healing In Hospital
At one time or another so many people in this age need medical care in
hospital. With the amazing knowledge and healing techniques now
available we certainly need no longer fear following the doctor's advice
for treatment in this way.

God heals through every channel offered to Him and definitely through
the dedicated lives and skills of the entire medical faculty and the kind
nurses who expend themselves in loving service for the sick.

The Lord is surely there, in every ward, ever seeking to help both
doctors and patients in every way. Love, faith and prayer are, we know,
the central principles of health, peace and well being. Someday they will
be even more completely recognised and implemented in every hospital
in the World.

If you, or one of your loved ones, must go to hospital, then you have a
remarkable opportunity to prove for yourself how God can heal both
directly and through the doctors and nurses. Make your own love, faith
and prayer, your living experience. This is your great contribution of the
Christ way to hospitals now and in the future.

Go to the hospital with God. He is one with you always. Your life is in
His keeping, and His Power is flowing through every doctor and nurse
you meet. Love and pray with faith for those who are caring for you.
Thank God for your experience and opportunity to help them in their

Love and pray with faith for each of the other patients. In partnership
with the Lord you are an "Angel of Light" bearing His Blessings to
all. You are now being blessed with Perfect Everything. You are
enfolded in His Peace. The happiness and joy of the Lord fills your soul.
You are spirit, not a body, and therefore an eternal being who can never
be lost - no matter what happens. – Extract from ‘Healing In Hospital’ -
FREE PAMPHLET- when you write in and request it.

Become A Centre of Excellence
Brother Andrew

I believe that when we respect ourselves then we are more inclined to

respect others. Do I hear you say, ‘That’s selfish?’ I disagree; it’s not
selfish to care about yourself. There is a saying, ‘Charity begins at
home’ and I agree with that sentiment. If you consider yourself as a
‘body temple’ then you will appreciate yourself far more. You will be
more considerate about what you think; what you say, what you eat and
what you drink. Not to mention being more aware of your actions. When
you accept that premise
then you are on the road to

Everything that happens to

us and around us, first
occurs as a thought. Our
minds interpret what is
happening around us. Our
brains gather together ideas
and formulate an
explanation for the
experience. It refers to memory for comparison and presents us with
‘reasoned’ perception of the world about us. You can be a centre of
excellence if you accept that very thought and make it yours. Of course I
don’t expect you to be the best artist or the fastest runner, I am talking
about being one of the best human beings in the world. You are truly
God’s ambassador!

It is your consideration that matters. It is your positive thoughts that can

lead to improved relationships. It is your actions that can improve your
wellbeing and that of those around you. So be a centre of excellence for
all that is good; loving, kind and understanding. Become a positive
person, and be the divine self that you were created to be. Be the new
wonderful you!


And now abideth faith, hope, love; these three; but the greatest of these
is LOVE.—Cor. 13 : 13.

I become still for a minute, here and now . . . I become still in the
kingdom of my Father, and know that all is well, now, and unto all

I turn the whole of my attention to Him, and claim Christ as my friend and
partner in the unfolding of divine perfection through every experience of
this day.

"This is My commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved

When we truly know that love is the great law, we shall surrender self
and trust in the operation of God's love in every aspect of life.

Since the only obstacle to spiritual expression is lack of love, I make
sure that this day is filled with God's blessings, by resting in His love, so
that He may bring this infinite healing power into operation in my being.

I look beyond all tribulations in others, and no longer judge or criticise,
but see only the living truth underlying every personality.
Healing Recordings for You
E 12 – The Right Route – Brother Andrew
E 13 – In God’s Presence – Brother Andrew
E 14 – Make It Happen – Brother Andrew
E 15 – The Essence of Healing – Brother Andrew
E 16 – Healing Memories – Brother Andrew
E 17 – In One Mind – Brother Andrew
E 19 – Body; Mind & Soul – Brother Andrew
GS 2 – The Plan Divine / Simplicity, Faith & Love – Brother Mandus
GS 4 – Pray Without Ceasing / The Bread of Life – Brother Mandus
GW 3 – The Word of God – Brother Andrew
GW 9 – Healing Love – Brother Andrew
HC 3 – Healing Help / Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus
HC 6 – Help in General Sickness / Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus
HC 8 – Meeting You in Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus
HC 13 – Eyesight problems / Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus
HC 20 – To free you from drugs / Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus

All are recordings are priced at £6 + £1.00 p. & p. They are

available on CD and audio tape. When you make your order
please specify if you require tape or CD, thank you.

WHC Healing DVDs

GN1 - Good News – Brother Andrew

HPS1 - Healing Prayer Service (Special price £5)

DVD’s priced at £10 each + p. & p.

Almighty Love
Brother Mandus
Let our Father be our principal business. Then
we become channels not in our own strength but
in that of the Lord. You are the Light of the World.
You are more wonderful than you have ever
dreamed possible, and it is because you are
Nothing can destroy you. I am quite sure that if any of us could catch a
glimpse of ourselves, as we shall be in one hundred thousand years we
should look like angels of light. People who come to the Healing
Crusade are beginning to move into this healing work are beginning to
see that the natural thing in life is to go to the Father expecting results
and knowing that what we do in Christ's name will be successful. If we
realise that great reality we shall be like the disciples of our Lord
following the steps of our Master. We shall know that our prayers are
answered because when we pray with faith we must get results. Then
we shall see the people going back to their churches in their thousands.
You will soon sense that the most wonderful and also the most natural
thing to do is to go to the Father if we want all our troubles removed. We
have to get into this Consciousness.

Now is the opportunity for you to take your part in the redemption of
mankind starting with yourself and carrying it on with all people whose
lives touch yours. We are a worthy Crusade. We are completely non-
sectarian and non-political. We are a universal expression of faith and
love. We are not seeking to empty the churches but to fill them, seeking
to find those who have no church and bringing them back into the
churches. In our Crusade we are interested in people. We are not
interested in theological arguments of any kind. We are seeking to apply
the principles of Jesus using every facility that is available. We are
publishing six FREE magazines every year, and meetings are going on
all the time. I want you to know that you are part of us and unite with us
in prayer and if you are needing to be put on the prayer list we will pray
for you, and our services are free. We are longing to gather all the
people up before the Father so that they may be blessed.

Be Positive
Brother Andrew

When you start to think, you are creating a

fantastically complicated chain of
processes in your brain!

That's why it’s so important to be careful what you think, and when you
think it. It is very easy for most people to think of the past and to
become depressed about things they wished they had done and didn't,
or things said in haste and regretted at leisure!

The positive person resides in all of us to a greater or lesser degree and

is bursting to break out. Free your thoughts from the negative clouds of
self doubt and pity. Open up the 'Positive You.' View your life as a most
incredible adventure, which will be filled with opportunities beyond your
wildest dreams! Envisage yourself actually being involved in those good
and wholesome activities which until now you have deferred and as you
do so, your confidence will increase!

Somebody once said something to the effect that what the mind can
conceive, the hand can achieve and it’s so true! Your brain is more
powerful and creative than any computer currently available, and it is the
mind, working through the human brain that conceives such machinery
in the first place! OK I hear you say, but I'm not a computer buff, but an
ordinary person, with an ordinary life. How then does that relate to me?
Well it’s quite simple really. It’s your mind that is in control of your brain.
So fill yourself full of the most positive thoughts and action them to the
best of your ability. Be fulfilled in your life!

God gives us all different talents and the equipment to get the most out
of them. Realise your strengths and play to them. Know that the Lord is
helping and guiding you every step of the way! Be brave and enjoy your
new found confidence because it’s God given for all of us. Realise it.
Make it yours today!

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