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Wright Investment Management Account

Final StatEment
for tne period ending oaooer 31, 2006
INVESTORS 'SERVICE Constrocton & General taborers' Local unon 190 Pension Fund -Term 10/03 · w066485
First NJagara Bank.

Construction & General Laborers' Local Union 190 Pension Fund-T

Dominic Gerace
Fund Administrator
PO Box 339
668 Wemple Rd.
Glen mont, NY 12077-0339

Investment Results Quarter End Year-to-Date Cumulative QuestiOns concerning your Account ?
( 10/ L- 10/31) (tIl' 10/]1) since 5/14/03 Contact your service representalive at
(80 0) 232-0013

B€glnrllng Market Value $29,856,330.94 $29,132,652.38 $30,194,098.51 •• GOVEf; NME. r 801l DS

oeoosns $12,806.25 $12,806.25 $28.295.98 AGENe, .5

CASH R6't:tltV .-lD~ ~
vVlthdrawals $(29,897,9 19.72) $(29,897,9 19.72) $(32,386.434.87) r j ~ MA
Ttll.) f

et Gain (Loss) $(327,392.70) $(609,668.56) $( 2,268,270.00)

Net I ncome S387,322.16 $1,393,276.58 $4,463,457.31

Net I nvestment Gain (Loss) $59.929.46 $783,608.02 $2,195, 187.31
Ending Market Value $31,146.93 $3U46.93 $31.146.93

Current Holdings Summary Shares Cost Market Value Percent Indicated Yield
Holdings Income
CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS $9,096.15 $9,096.15 29.20 % $412.10 4.5 0/0
Cash Account $0.00 $0.00 0.00 % $0.00 0.0 %
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CASH RECEIVABLES $22,050.78 $22,050.78 70.80 % $0.00 0,0 0/0

From Delayed In terest Payment $3,542.72 $3,542.72 t1.37 % $0.00 0.0 %

From Delaye<l PrinCipal Payment $18,508.06 $18,508.06 59.42 % $0,00 0.0 %

TOTAL FUNDS $31,146.93 $31,146.93 $412.06 1.3 %

Copies: Constru ction & General laborers' Local Union 190 PenSion Fund·Term 10/ 03 • Damien K. Lee

Wright In vestors' service , 440 Wheelers Farms Road, Milford, cr 06460· 1847 (800 ) 232·0013
Wnght Investm ent Management Account
Fina/ Statement for the period end ing October 31, 2006
Construct ion & Gener al Labo rers' Local Umon 190 Pension Fund-Term 10/03· w066485
Fir!t Niagara Bank

Sales & Other Realized Gains & Losses

Pur Date Sale Date Shares Cost Proceeds SIT Gain L/T Gain
(Loss) (Loss)

FIXED INCOME $56,971,982.94 $ 5 5,900,108.68 $66,181.57 sr 1,138,055.83)

AGENOES $7,281,437.60 $7,234,396.07 $49,353 .19 $(96,394.72)
4.000 % f'latunty Date: 3/10/08
4/ 28/ 2006 7/2 1/2006 470.0 00.000 $460,454.30 $458,865.70 $( 1,588,60)
4.500 % Mat urity Date . 9/LO/l0
7/ 18/ 2006 10/2/ 2006 315,000.000 $303.58 . .25 $3 LO,016.70 $6,435.45
5.3 75 % Maturity Date : 6!l4/L3
7/7/2006 LO/ 2/ 2006 660,000.000 $651,981. 00 $674,869.80 $22,88 8.80
3.030 % 1-1aturlty Dale : G/ ll/0 8
7/ 29/ 2005 7/21/ 2006 485,000.000 $467,307.20 $463, 170. 15 $(4,137.05)
7/ 29/ 2005 LO/ 2/ 2006 715,000.000 t6 88,9 16.80 $690,210.95 $1,294. 15
3.250 % t-1 at urily Dale: 1 1/2/07
iO/2 7/ 2004 5/ 1/ 2006 70,000.000 $46 ,468.90 $457,192.50 $(12,276. 0)
3.87 5 % Maturity Dale : 11/17/08
11/ 13/ 2003 7/21/2006 910,000.000 $907,925.20 5877,904.30 $(30,020.90 )
5.000 % 1'1aturlty Dale: 4/15/15
8/9/20 05 10/2/2005 875,000.000 $893,867.19 $877,572.50 $( 16,294.69)
7/ 111 2006 10/2/2 006 530,000.000 $511,6 15.63 $531,558.20 $19,942.57
6.2 50 % Maturity Dale: 5/15/29
5/28 12003 7/ 11/ 2006 65,000.000 $78,092 .30 $69.738.37 $(8,353.93)
5/ 28/ 2003 10/ 2/ 2006 220,000.000 $264,312.40 5252,00 1.20 $(12,3 11. 0)
11/ 13/ 2003 10/2/ 2006 45,000.000 $48,438.90 S51,545.70 ~3,1 0 6 . 8 0
FN1-1A Discount
0.000 % Maturity Date: 6/22/06

5/3 1/2 006 6/ 22/ 2006 1,04 5,000.000 $1,042,031.33 $1,045,000.00 $2,968.67
Tennessee Valley Auth
6 .00 0 % Maturity Da le : 3/15/13
9/24/2003 10/ 2/ 2006 350,000.000 $390,551.00 $369,250.00 $(21,301.00)
11/ 13/2003 10/ 2/ 2006 5,000.000 $5,512.55 :;;5,275.00 $(237.55)
7/7/ 2006 10/ 2/2006 95,000.000 597,331.65 $100,225.00 ~ 2 , 84 3 . 3 S

CORPORATE BONDS $14,691,495.43 S14,0 12,262.80 $33,015.95 $(712,248.58)

A T & T Broadband
8.375 % Maturity Date: 3/15/13
6/1 2/2003 10 2/ 2006 175,000.000 $225,338.75 $199,920.00 $(25,4 18.75)
American Electnc Power
5.250 % f'<laturity Date: 6/1 /15

- 2-
11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 11111111111III1111111111 11111111111111111111111
1 ' 1 ,) · Ii "] It ;:' ~ M.l
w right Investment Management Account
Fina/ Stat ement for the perod ending oaooer 31, 2006
Con truct ion & Genera l taborers' LOGlI Union 190 Pension Fund-Term 10/03 - w065485
Fir!1 Niagara Ban k

Sales & Other Realized Gains & Losses (cont.)

Pur Date sale Date Shares Cost Proceeds SIT Gain LfT Gain
(Loss) (Loss)
2/ 10/ 2006 10/2/ 2006 215,000.000 $211,233. 20 $209,657.25 '£(1,575.95)
Amgen Inc
6.500 % Ma turity Date : 12/ 1/07
8/2 0/ 2003 10/2/ 2006 100,000.000 $ 111,620.00 ·~ 1 0 t.3 73 ,0 0 ~ ( 1 0 , 24 7 . 0)
AT s T Wireles
7.8 75 % Maturity Dale : 3/ 1/11
6/l 1/20 03 10/ 2/2006 185,000.000 S223,727.90 '$202,932.05 $(20,795.85)
!\utOl one Inc
4.375 % Ma turity Date: 6/1/13
6/ 12/ 2006 10/ 2/ 2006 205,000.0 00 $181, 449.60 $187,212. 15 $5,7 62.55
Bear Stea rns Co Fit rete
s. : i 'j ~t, :·~ (jt u i ity c a za . ' ""\ ~ . ,,..,
:l 1 L-I / V /

12/ 3/ 2003 2/28 /2006 420,000.000 $425,506.20 $423,561.50 $( 1,9+ 1.60)

Boeing Capital Corp
7.3 75 % Maturity Da te : 9/27/1 0
6/1 8/ 2003 9/5 /2006 355,000.000 $4 19,567.40 $381,316.15 $(3 ,251.25)
BP Capital I'larl<ets PLC
2.7 50 % l'1atunty Dale : 12/29/06
11/ 3/ 2003 1/ 27/ 2006 555,000.000 $553,040.85 ~ 544,954 . 50 $(a.o 86.35)
Bntlsn Telecom PLC 8.625%
8.875 % Ma turity Date : 12/ 15/3 0
6/ 16/ 2003 10/2/2006 155,000.000 5222,917.90 ; 207.355.90 S 5,562.00
Cendant Corp
6.250 % Maturlly Date: 1/15/08
11/ 19/ 2003 7/ 27/ 2006 190,000.000 $207,848.6 $191,575. 10 $( 16,273.50)
Centex Corp
7.8 75 % f'laturity Date: 2/1/11
6/ 10/200 3 10/2/2006 180,000.000 $220,825.80 $194,243.40 $(26.582.40)
osco Systems Inc
5.500 % 1'1 a tunty Date : 2/ 22/ 16
3/7/ 2006 1012/ 2006 430,000,000 $427,19 2.10 $434,527.90 $7,335. 0
L1 t>roup Inc
7.7 50 % 1'1aturItY Date : 4/211 2
1/ 13/2004 10/2/ 2006 380,000.000 $456,581.40 $";22,256.00 ;;(34.325.40)
Countrvvade Home Loan
5.500 % Maturity Dale : 8 / 1/ 06
9/ 22/ 2003 S/ 1/2006 190,000.000 $203, 735.10 $190,000.00 '$( 13,735.10)
Countrywide Home Loan
6.250 % Maturity Date : 4/ 15/09
8/8 / 2006 10/ 2/ 2006 335,000.000 $340,909.40 $343,224.25 $2,3 14.85
7.200 % Ma turity Date : 9/1/09
8/ 13/ 2003 10/ 2/2006 185,000.000 $201,061 70 S192,794,05 $(8,267.65)
Deu he Tel Fin 8%
8.00 0 % MatUrity Date: 6/15/10

l l ' l nti ', U ~\ A \'
Wright Investm ent Management Account
Filla/ State ment ror tne period endoa october 31,2006
Constr uctio n & Ge ne ra l Labore rs' Loca l Union 190 Pension Fund ·Te rm 10/03· 1'1066485
Fir5t Niaga ra Bank

Sales & Other Realized Gains & Losses (cont.)

Pur Date Sate Date Shares Cost Proceeds SIT Gain LIT Gain
(loss) (loss)
6/16/2 003 10/ 212006 175,000.000 5220,165.75 $190,982.75 $(29, 183.00)
Dominion Resources I c
6.3 00 % f-l a t unl y Date: 3/ 15/3 3
6/ 16/2003 10/ 2/2006 195,000.000 '$222,.493.05 $ 198,533.40 $(23,959 .65)
Duke Ca pta
7.5 00 % f\laturity Date : 10/ 1/0 9

6/ 11I2003 10/2 2006 95,000. 000 $221 ,794.95 '5206,598.60 $(15, 196.35)
First Union Corp
6.400 % Haturily Date : 4/ 1/08

8/ 20/ 2003 2Jl 5/200 6 185.000.000 $202,9S9.40 S1 89,64 1.65 $( 13,347.75)

France Telecom Fit Rate
7.750 10 MaLUr!tY Udte . 3 / 1/ 1
6/ 16/20 03 10/2 /2006 170,000 .000 $218,869.90 '51 85,398.20 $(32,.171.70)
Fund American Cos IncNffil
5.8 75 % f\la turity Date : 5/ l5/ 13
6 18/ 2003 10: 2/ 2006 200,000 .000 5214,584.00 $ 198,206.00 $( 16,378.00 )
Ge ne ral Bee Cap Corp
5.8 75 % 1'1a tur ity Date : 2/ 15/ l 2
5/3. / 2006 10/2/200 "90,000.000 $497 ,0 16. 0 s 7,21 .7 S10, 196.90
Ge n ral Elec Cap Corp
6. 125 % f'.latunty Date: 2/ 22/ 1 1
10115/200 3 6/5/2 06 440,000.000 $4 / 5,925.00 $45 1,382.80 $(24,543.20 )
Goldma n Sachs Grp Inc
5.3 50 % Maturity Date : l il5/1 6
1/ 25/ 2005 10/ 2/2006 25,000 .000 $42 1,2 13.25 $419.126.50 $(2, 086.75 )
Goldman secns Grp Inc
6.6 00 % f-l a turlty Date : 1/ 15/ 12
10/30/ 2003 1/ 3 1/ 2006 365,000.000 $404, 78 1.35 $389,68 1.30 $0 5. 100.05)
Heinz, (H.J.) CO
6.0 00 % Ma t urity Da te : 3/15/12
11/ 30/ 2005 6/15 /2 006 205,000.0 00 $212,535,80 $205.086. 10 $(7,449.70 )
Honeywe ll nc
7.0 00 % Maturity Date: 3/ 15/ 0 7
8/ 20/ 2003 10/2/ 2006 340,000.000 $383, 52.00 $342.3 25.60 $(41,126.40 )
Ho pira Inc
4.9 50 % f'.la turity Da le : 6/15/09
7/ 2 1 2006 10/2/ 2006 175,000. 00 $171,400.2 5 $ 170,579.50 S( 20 .75 )
House hold Fina nce Corp
4 .1 25 % 1'1a tunt y Da te : 11/ 16/09
/ 21/200 10/ 2/ 2006 465 , 00 .000 $442,024.3 $452.282.25 $10,257.90
Inti lease Fina nce Corp
5.8 75 % Ha turity Da te : 5/1/13

5/26/200 5 to / 2/ 2006 400,000.000 $'121.856 .00 $4 10,368.00 $( 11,488.00)

JP Morga n Chase & Co
5. 1SO % Ma turity Date: 10/1/15

I ' l l 06 1 , -I.' .\1M .1
Wright Investm ent Management Account
Fina/ Statement for th e penod endmg October 3 1, 2006
Con stru ct ion & General laborers' Loca l Unio n 190 Pension Fund -Term 10/03 - w056485
Fir g: Niagara Bank

Sales & Other Realized Gains & Losses (cent.)

Pur Date Sale Date Shares Cost Proceeds SIT Gain L{f Gain
(Loss) (LOSS)
12/7/2 005 10/2/2006 435, 00.000 $425,882.4 0 $425,664.90 $(217,50)
Lowes Cornoarue
8.250 % MilLurl1.y Date : 6/ 1/ 0
8121/2003 7/25/2 006 100,000.000 $ 119,970.00 $109,371.00 s 10,599.00)
Nat! Rural Uti!
7 25 % Mat urity Date: 3/ 1/1 2
1/ 13/200 4 101212006 360,000.000 ~ 4 2 8 , 4 S4 . 00 -:;394,412.<10 $(34,O-U .60)
Oneok Inc
55 10 % Mat uril.y Date : 2/1 6/0 8
8,9/2006 1012/2006 215,000.000 $214,484.00 :'214,991. '1 0 $507.40
Oracle Corp
:;.CCO ~~" ~ ~ ~t :';~::" i e c tc: ~ / ~ 5/ 1 ~

7/7 / 2006 1012/2006 360,000.000 $348,328.80 :5357, 120.00 $8,791.20

Phillips Pete
6.6 50 % r- aLunty Date ' 7/15/18
1/13/2004 7,1 2/2 006 365,000 .000 $424,3 16. 15 S383,3 74.10 $(40,942 .05)
PL Electric Util
5,8 75 % r'latunty Date: 8/15/0 7
7/22/ 2003 10/2,2006 190,000.000 $206,193.70 $ 190,767.60 ~ ( 1 5,426.10)
Royal Bank or Scotland
7,6 48 % Ivl at urity Da te: 8/3 1/4 9
5/2 7:2003 1012/2006 205,000.000 $265,987.50 $238,371.95 H27,6 5.55 )
Safe-.'Iay Inc
5.800 % Mal urity Date : 8/ 15/ 12
6/ 11/ 2003 10/2/2006 205,000.000 $224 ,41 5.55 $206,287.40 $( 18,128. • 5)
Sempra Energy
6.0 00 % Ivla tunty Date: 2/ 1/13
11/4/ 2004 10/212006 195,000.000 $210,020.85 $199,824.3 S(IO, 196.55)
SL1'1 Corp Fil rate
5.68 5 % f.1atur lty Da te: 1/ 26/0 9
8/3 1/2004 8/14/ 2006 430, 000.000 '5429,050.13 ~43 0 , 946.00 SI ,895 .87
::;pnnt Cap Corp
6. 125 % H atu ril.y Da te : 1 1/1 5/ 08
5/29 /2003 8/1412006 2 15,000.000 $228, 194 .55 ~ 2P , S 3 2 . 70 S(l O,66l. S5)
Target Corp
6.35 0 % Mat urIty Dale : 1/I S/l l

121312003 7/26/ 006 370,000.000 $410,300 .40 S38 1,89 1.80 S(28,408.60
TJX Companies Inc
7.450 % Mat urity Da te: 12/ 15/ 09
B/2 / 2003 101212006 155,000.000 $180,206. 10 $164, 602.25 H 15,603.85)
Transocean Inc
7,500 % Maturity Da te: 4/ 15/] I
5/1 0/2003 9/ 1l/2006 170,000.000 $221,079.90 $ 195.744.80 $(25,335. 10)
US Bancorp
5.100 % Mat ur ity Date : 7/ 15/0 7

Wright Investment Management Account
Fina/ Statement for the perio d endlll() October J l , 2006
Con t ruction & General Laborers' Local Union 190 Pension Fund-Term 10/ 03 - w06 6485
First Niagara Bank

Sales & Other Realized Gains & Losses (cont .)

Pur Date sale Date Shares Cost Proceeds SIT Gain L{T Gain
(Loss) (Loss)
0/23 /2003 3/ 10/2006 350,000.000 $373.348.50 $349,748.00 $(23,600.50)
venzon Global
7.7 50 % Matu rity Date : 12/ 1/ 30

10/ 2 / 2003 1 /2/ 2006 345,000.000 $ 4 ~ , 4 33 . 1 5 $397 .484.85 $(6,948.30)

5.5 00 % 1'1al urity Dale : 3 /1 5/ 13

12/ 16/ 2003 8/2 4/2006 210,000.000 $213,17 1.00 $208,817.70 ~( 4 , 3 5 3 . 30 )

FHLMC $1 ,096,122 .13 $1,069,326.28 $(525.53) $(26,270.32)

FHARM Pool :: 16129 1 Fit
4.4 00 % f" a t u r ~ y Date: 1 1/1/3 3
/ 23/ 2004 1/1 (2006 10,984.370 '$11,310.47 $10.984.37 $(326.10)
3/ 23/200 4 2/ 1/ 2006 S , -l9~ ..300 ~ 5 , 6 56 . 3 5 -S 5, ~S :; . 3 U t( : 5J.aC;
3/23 /20 04 3/ 1/2006 9.216 .950 $9,490.58 $9,2 16.95 $(273.63)
3/23/200 4 .! 1/ 2006 8,709 .470 S8,96S.03 S8,709.4 7 $(258.56 )
3/ 2:> 2004 511/ 2006 9.080.900 $9.350. ' 9 $9,080.90 $(26 .59 )
3/23 / 2004 6/1/2006 18,422.820 $ 18,969.75 S18,422.82 $(546.93 )
/ 23r2004 7 1/ 2006 4,331.550 $4,460.1-1 $4,331. 55 $( 128.59 )
3/23/ 2004 8/1 /2006 6, 30 7.400 '$6,494.65 $6,307.40 $( 187.25)
3/ 23/ 2004 9{1/ 2006 3, 11.940 $3,513.23 $3,4 11.94 $( 101.29 )
3/23 /20 04 9/25/2006 291.521.870 $300,176 .43 $287,149.03 $( 13,027.40)
FHARM Pool :nG0233 Fit
4.9 98 % ~l a t u rit.y Date: 5 /1/ 35

4/ 26/ 2005 1/ 1/ 2006 7,3 14.630 $7,398.06 '$7,3 14.63 ~ ( S 3.43 )

4/ 26/2005 2/ 112006 23,9 17.020 $24, 189.82 ~ 2J , 9 1 7 . 0 2 $(272.80)
4/ 26/ 2005 3/1 /2 006 14,79 1.0 10 $14,959.72 $ 14,791. 0 1 $(168.7 1)
4/ 26/ 2005 4/ 112006 52.000 $52.59 $52.00 5(0.59 )
4/26/ 2005 5/1 / 2006 25,698.040 S25,99l.! 6 $25,698.04 $(293. 12)
4/ 26/ 2005 6/1 / 2006 31,365. 130 $31,722.89 $31,365. 13 $(357.76)
4/ 26/ 2005 7/1 / 2006 15,484,640 $15,66 1.26 $ 15,484.6'1 S( 176.62)
4/26/ 2005 B/I / 2006 66,420 $67.18 $66.42 $(0.76)
4/ 26/ 2005 9/1 / 2006 15,096.120 ·S15,26B.3 1 $15,096. 12 $( 172. 19 )
4/ 26/ 2005 9/25/200 6 575,852.670 $582,4 20.99 $572, 433.54 $(9,987.45 )
FNMA $3,431,900.69 $3,408,069.53 $949.33 S( 24,780.49)
FNCl Pool ;;8 10896 Fit
.8 52 % 1\1at uflty Date: 1/ l/ 35

5/ 30/ 2006 7/ 1/2006 27, 165.780 $26,798.62 ~27 , 165.78 $367. 16

5/ 30/2006 8/ 1/ 2006 18,7 53.090 518,499.63 $ _8,753.09 $253,46
5/30/2 006 9/ 1/ 2006 22,006.980 $21,709.5'\ $22,006.98 $297.44
5/3 0/ 2006 9/25 /2006 944,882 .710 $932, 112.03 ~9 3 7. 5 00 . 8 2 $5,388.79
F Cl poor ::86374 1 Fit
5.2 74 % "'lal urity Date : 12/ 1135
2/ 20/ 2005 1 1/ 2006 10.990 $ 11.02 $ 10.99 $(0.03)
12/ 20/ 2005 2/ 1/2006 51.630 $5 1.76 $51.63 $(0. 13)
12/ 20/ 2.005 3/ 1/200 6 45.460 $45.57 $45.46 $(0.11 )
12/2 0/ 2005 '~ / 1I 2 0 06 74,068. 200 ')74,247.58 $74,068.20 $( 179.33)
12/ 20/2 005 5/ 1/200 6 63. 170 $63.32 $63. 17 '$(0.15)
12/20 /2005 6/ 1/20 06 44.94 0 $45,05 $44.94 $(0.1 1)

'l 1J;fJ'l '1 u. ,1M ""
Wrigh I nvestm ent Management Account
Filial Stalement for the period end ing Oa ooer 31, 2006
Con. tructio n & General Laborers' Local Union 190 Pensio n Fund -Term 10/03 - w066485
Fir~ Niagara Bank

Sales & Other Realized Gains & Losses (ccnt.)

Pur Date Sale Date Shares Cost Proceeds SIT Gain lfT Gain
(Loss) (Loss)
12/ 20/ 2005 7/ 1, 2006 155.900 $156.28 $155.90 $(0.38 )
12/ 20/ 2005 8/1/20 06 11,42 .8 10 $11.4 52.48 $ 11,424.81 $(27.67 )
12/ 20/ 2005 911/2006 44, 129.230 $44,236.11 $44, 129.23 $( 106.88)
12/ 20/2005 9/2 5/ 2006 1,270,005.670 $1,273,081.47 $1,268,4 18.15 $(4,663.32)
FNMA Pool :: 70 1043 Fit
4 .0 40 % Maturity Da le: 4 / 1/33
3/23 /20 04 1/ 1/ 2006 13,101.673 $13,43 l.Z6 S13, 101.67 $(329.59)
3/ 24/2004 /1/2006 1,819.677 $1,867.16 $1,819.68 $(47.48)
3/ 23/ 2004 2/ 1/2006 5,327.807 $5,46 1.83 $5,32 7.8 1 $(134.02)
3/ 24/2004 2; 1/2006 739.973 $759.28 $739.97 $( 19.31)
3/23/2004 3/ 112006 84.951 $87.09 $84.95 $(2.14)
3.'2<1,12004 3 /! : 2 ~ a 6 ~ 1. 7?9 sn .: ~ I , 0 '"
... . . . u ·...
.... ...... -.

' \ '..I. oJ
... J

3/ 23/200 4 4/ 1/ 2006 0.334 $0.34 $0.33 $(0.01)

3/24/200 4 4/1/ 2006 0.046 $0.05 $0.05
3/23/ 2004 6/ 1/ 2006 18,097.051 $18,552.30 $18,097.05 $(455.25)
3; 24/ 2004 6 ' 1/2006 2,513.479 $2,579.07 $2,513.48 $(65.59)
3/23 /2004 7/1/2006 11.643 $1 1.94 $11.64 HO.30)
3/ 24/ 2004 7/ 1/ 2006 1.617 $1.66 $1.62 $' 0.04)
3/ 23/200 4 8/ 1/2006 16.262 $16.67 $16.26 $(0.41)
3/ 24/ 2004 8/ 1/2006 2.259 $2.32 $2.26 $(0.06)
3/23 /200 4 9/ 1/2006 15,213.503 $15,596.22 $15,213.50 $(382.72)
3/24/2004 9/112006 2, 112.987 $2,168. 12 $2,112.99 S(55. 13)
3/ 23/2004 9/25;2006 287,654.68 1 $294,89 1.00 $283.339.86 S(lI, 55 Ll4)
3/ 24/20 04 9/25 /2006 39,952.039 $40,994 .54 $39,352.76 $( 1,64 1.78)
FNMA Pool #809324 Fit
4.8 22 % Mat urity Da le: 2/ 1/3 5
3/ 7/ 2005 1/1/ 2006 18,734.270 $18,938. ' 4 $18,734 .27 $(204.17)
/ 7/ 2005 21112006 2,087.010 $2, 109.76 $2,087.0 1 $(22.75)
3/7 /2005 3/ 1/ 2006 13,986.900 $ 14,139. -I S13,986.90 $( 152.44 )
3/7/ 2005 4/ 1/ 2006 20,829.880 $21,056.89 $20,829.88 $(227.01)
3/ 7/ 2005 5/ 1/ 2006 15,217.! 70 $ 15,383.0 1 $ 15,2 17.17 $( 165.84)
3/ 7/ 2005 6/ 1/2006 18,898.780 $19, 104.75 $18,898.78 $(205.97)
:'/7; 2005 i / l / ;:li06 "'.b-u. 20u $ 4 ,!jg ) .::to $'l ,84 1.2U $(52.76)
3/ 7/ 2005 8/ 1/2006 12,497.620 $12,633.82 $ 12,497.62 $( 136.20)
3/ 7/ 2005 9 1/ 2006 11,115.450 $11,236.59 $ 11, 115.45 $( 121.14 )
3/7/2005 9/ 25/ 2006 507,925. 120 $513,460.71 $504.274 .42 5(9,186.29 )
GOVERNMENT BONDS $30,471,027.09 $30,176,054.00 $( 16,611.37) $(278,361.72)
U.S. Treasury Bonds
6.125 % t-lat ur!ty Dale: I 1/1 5/ 27
5/27/2003 8/ 31/ 2006 320,000.000 $403, 100.00 5366, 800.00 $(36.300.00)
5/27 /2 003 10/2 /20 06 685,000.000 $862,885.94 $802,841. 41 $(60,044.53)
7/ 29/ 2003 10/ 2/ 2006 210,000.000 $231,72 1.88 $246,126.56 $14,404.68
7/3 0/ 2003 10/ 2/ 2006 115,000.000 $127.362.50 $134,783.59 $7,4 21.09
6/24/2005 10/2/ 2006 125,000.000 $157,773.44 $146,503.9 1 'S ( 11,269.53)
7/6/ 2006 10/ 2/2006 65,000.000 $71,477. 15 $76,182.03 $4,704.88
8/14 /2006 10/2/ 2006 300,000.000 $335,906.25 $351,609.38 $15,703.13
9/6/ 2006 10/2/ 2006 170,000.000 $19<1 ,596 .88 $199,245.31 $4,648,43

1 I 1 1 r, t\ (1 1 ~ .t ;\.t
Wright Inve stment Management Account
FJiJa/ Stat ement f or tile period end ing October 31, 2006
Construct io n & General Laborer ' Local Union 190 Pension Fund-Term 10/03 - w06 6485
First Niagara Bank

Sales & Other Realized Gains & Losses (cont.)

Pur Date Sale Date Shares Cost Proceeds SIT Gain LIT Gain
(Loss) (loss)
U.S. Treasury Bonds
7.2 50 % rvlatu rltY Date : 5/ 15/ 16
5/27/2003 1/5/2006 20,000.000 $26,946.87 $24,568.75 $(2,378.12)
7/ 30/2003 1/5/ 2006 80,000 .000 $99/150.00 $98,275.00 ·S(87S.00)
7/ 30/ 2003 1/3 1/ 2006 20,000.000 $24,787.50 $24,318. 75 $(468.75)
12/9/200 3 1/3 1/2006 10,000.000 $12,381.25 $12, 159.38 $(221.87)
12/9/ 2003 2/ 15/200 6 220,000.000 $272,387.50 $266,887.50 $(5,500.00)
5/ 7(2004 2/ 15(2006 80,000.000 $96,662.50 $97,050.00 $387.50
5/ 7/ 2004 3/10 /200 6 55,000.000 $78.538.28 $77,4 10.94 $(1, 127.34)
3/ 4/ 2005 4/ 28/ 2006 300,000.000 $371,'184.38 $349,500.00 $(21,984.38)
3/4/ 2005 7/ 13/200 5 +15,000.000 $551,035.16 $515,7 13.28 $(35,321.88)
3 /'1/2~~ 5 S/ ~ /2005 !QQ,t:!Q0 coo ~ 1 3 .Q,?~ 11 ~ lh,Clf,R 7<; $(6.859.38\
3/4/2005 8/ 17/200 6 185,000.000 '5 229,082.03 $216,334.37 $( 12,747.66)
3/24/2005 8 17 2006 130,000.000 $158,295.3 1 $152,0 18.75 $(6,276.56)
5/5/200 5 811 7/2006 135,000.000 $169,403.91 $157,865.63 $( 11,538.28)
611 0/2005 8/ 17/200 6 325,000.000 $4 13,308.59 $380,046.87 $(33.261.72)
9/7/2005 8/17 /2006 660,000 .000 $830,98 1.25 $771,787.50 $(59, 193.75)
9/28 /2005 8/17/2006 145,000.000 $180,570.31 $169/559. 8 $(1 1,010.93)
10/14/200 5 8/.17/ 2006 625,000.000 '$763,769.53 $730,859.37 $(32.9 10.16 )
11/ 29/ 2005 8/17/200 6 ~ 5 , 0 00 . 0 00 ~ 5 o.J , 77 3 . 44 $52,62 1.88 ·H 2,151.56)
4/ 7/ 2006 8/ 17/2006 350,000.000 $4 10,548.44 $409,28 1.25 $( 1,367.19)
5/26 /2006 8117/2006 290,000.000 $337.850.00 $339, 118.75 $1.268.75
6/ 28/200 6 8117/2006 85,000 .000 $97.842. 7 $99,395 .87 $1,553.90
7/7/ 2006 8il7/2006 35,000.000 $40,534.38 $40,928. 13 $393.75
7/21/200 6 8/17/200 5 80,000.000 $93,550.00 $93,550.00
U.S. Treasur/ Bonds
8.125 % Ma turity Date: 8/1 5/ 19
8. 14/ 2006 10/ 2/ 2006 1,780,000.000 $2,278,956.25 $2,351,546 .88 $72.590.63
U.s. Treasury totes
3.0 00 % Maturity Date : 11/ 15/07
7/ 25/ 2006 10/ 2/2006 200,000.000 $194,625.00 $195,937 .50 $1,312.50
8/9/2006 10/ 2/ 2006 440,000.000 $429,292.19 $431,062.50 $1,770.31
8/ 14/2006 10/2/2006 t ,415/00U.000 $1,37'1,0:.1 5.00 oj; 1,386,25 7.1> $6,632.81
8/29 / 2006 10/ 2(2006 670,000.000 $654,7 15.63 $656.390.63 $1.675.00
U.S. Treasury Notes
3.3 75 % Mat urItY Date: 11/15/08
8/ 14/ 2006 10/ 212006 1,0 15,000.000 $981.060.94 $988,237.30 $7,1 76.36
9/26/2 006 10/2/2006 3,950,000.000 $3,85 1,712.89 $3,845,849.60 $(5,863.29)
U.S. Treasury Notes
3.6 25 % f'o'laturity Dale : 1/ 15/ 10
4/29 12005 6/23/20 06 '1 60,000.000 $456,262.50 $437,305.4 7 $( 18,957.03)
4/ 29/ 2005 8/ 17/ 2006 660,000.000 $654,637.50 $632,67 1.88 $(21.965.62)
5/ 10/2005 3/1 7/ 2006 185,000.000 $182.514.06 $177,339.84 $(5, 174.22)
12/ 28/ 2005 8/1 7/2006 310,000.000 $302,128.91 $297.164.07 $(4,964 .84 )
3/ 29/ 2006 8/17 /20 06 145/000.000 $139,200.00 $138,996.09 $(203..9 1)
U.S. r reasurv Notes
3.8 75 % rvl atunty Date: 2/1 5/ 13

1 ' 11,0 '1 1 n -',1."" .1
Wright I nvestment Mi'lf i'lg rnent Account
Fina/ Statement for tile period end ing October .n. 2006
Const ruct iOn & General taborers' Local Union 190 Pension Fund-Term 10/ 03 - w06 6485
Fir!! Niagara Bank

Sales & Other Realized Gains & Losses (cont.)

Pur Date Safe Date Shares Cost Proceeds SIT Gain LIT Gain
(Loss) (L oss)
1/ 25/ 2005 5/31 / 2006 35,000.000 $] 4,529.59 $32.779.69 'S( 1,750.00)
8/29 /2005 5/3 1/2006 15,000.000 ~ 1 -1 , 779 . 69 4
SI~ , 04 8 . $(7] 1.25)
8 / 29/200 5 711l/ 2006 90. 00.000 588.678. 12 583,671.88 $(5,006.24)
9/1 42005 7 11/ 2006 640,000.000 $632,300.00 $595 ,000 .00 $(37,300.00 )
11/ 2/ 2005 7/ 11/ 2006 75,000.000 P l ,800.78 $69,726.56 $(2,07 ' .22)
11/ 2/ 2005 8/11/ 2005 50,000. 00 $-17,867.19 $47,I S7.50 $(679 .69 )
11/ 2/ 2005 i 17/ 2006 455,000.000 $435,59 1.41 $42S,0 19.92 'H7,57 .49)
11/18/ 2005 S/17 /2006 250,000.000 $240,703.1 $235,175 .78 $(5,527. 5)
1/30/ 2006 S/1 7/ 2006 310,000.000 $297,74 5.3 1 $291,6 17.97 'H6, 127.34)
2/ 2S/ 2006 S/17/2006 145,000.000 $138,542.97 $136,401. 95 $(2, 1 1.02)
6/1212006 8/17 /2 006 25,000.000 $23,460.9<1 $23,5 17.58 $56.54
71? I l/nn~ Q, ! 7 !?nn,; 7. 1'1 .1'1 00 on,; ~2 '. ';' 20(\ 00 nI5.35 !.72 ~ 1 5! . .,~

U.S. Trea ur- Notes

'1.2 50 % t·lalunty Dale : 8/ 15/ 14
8/ 14 / 2006 10/ 2/ 2006 550.000.000 s 2 ,390.63 S537,710.9o.J $13,320.3 1
8/ 22/ 006 10/ 2/ 2006 220,000.000 5212. 128.13 $2 15,08 .37 $2.956.24
81]0/2006 1012/2006 190,000.000 $183,409.38 $185,75 4.69 $2,345.31
U.S. Treasury 'ores
4.3 75 % Ha tun l y Date : 5/15 /0 7
11114/ 2005 1/ 5/ 2006 170,000.000 $169,853.91 $169,840.63 $( 1 .28)
11/1 4/ 2005 '1 / 12!2006 420,000.000 '; o.J 19,639.06 $4 17,3 2. 19 $(2,296.87)
11 14/ 2005 6: . .'2006 160,000.000 $159,862.50 '" 159,025.00 $(837.50)
1/2'-1/2006 6/1/2006 540,000 .000 $540,000.00 $536,709.37 ;(3.290.63)
1/27/ 2006 611/ 2006 155,000.000 515..J,806.2 S154,055.47 $(750.78)
2/ 10/2006 6 /1 /200 6 185,000.000 s18 ~ , 3 7 S .5 1 - IS3,872.66 5(505.85)
2/10 /2006 6/ 5/ 2006 50,000 .000 $~9 , S 3 2 . 0 3 $49,687.50 : (144.53)
2/ 10/2006 8/ ll/ 2006 105,000.000 $104,647.26 $10<1,368.36 S(278.90 )
2/23/2005 8/1 / 2006 195,000.000 $19 ~ . 1 84 . 9 6 $193,826.9-5 ~( 3 58 . 0 1 )
2/ 23/ 2006 3/ 17/2006 225,000.000 $22..J ,059.57 $223,593.75 $(465.82)
4/ 27;2006 8117/ 2006 565,000.GOO '$561,954.30 $561,468.75 $(485.55)
6/2 8/2006 S/ 17/2006 80,000.000 s 9,350 .00 $79,500.00 5150.00
711S/ 2006 8/ 171"006 995,000.00 $9 87, -1 8 A t 98S,78 1.25 $932. 1
/ , H:!/ LUlJO lU /L , t uU6 5,)5,000.000 $50 1,370.31 S503, 106.25 :$ 1,735.94
7/27/2006 10/2/2006 110,000.000 $168,990.63 $169,362.50 5371.87
7/28/200 6 10/ 2/ 2006 310,000.000 $308. 04.69 $308,837.50 $5]2. 1
3/ 30/ 2006 10/ 2/2 006 210,000.000 $209,048.44 $209, 2 12.50 $15<1.06
U.S. Treasury Notes
5.0 0 % fvla l urlty Da le : 8 /1 5/ 1 1
9/6/2005 10/ 2/ 2006 180,000.000 $ 190,237.50 $183,684.38 $(6,553.12)
8/ 14 / 2006 10/ 2/ 2006 2, 55,000.000 $2,468,425.78 '$2,505,250 .78 $36,825.00
U.S. r reasurv N s INFL IX
2.0 00 % fvlatu rl1.y Dale: 7/1 5/ 14
1/3 / 2006 1.' 31/ 2006 304,085.300 $30<1,738.94 5303,396.36 $(1,342.58)
CASH & CASH EQUrvALENTS $359,025 .00 $359,025 .00
SEI Daily Inc Govt II Fd ::33 $359,025.00 : 35 ,025. 0

'1 1 or. . \: 11-\'"
Wright I nvestm ent Management Account
Final Statement for the period elid ing Octooer 31, 2006
Cons tructio n & General Laborers' Loca l Un icn 190 Pens'lon Fund -Term 10/ 03 . w06 6485
Fir~ Niagara Bank

Total Realized Gains & losses $66,181.57 $( 1,138,055.83)

Purchases Trade Date Settle Date Shares Price Amount

fIXED INCOME $27,450,828.18

AGENCIES $3,067,045.16
FHL8 4/ 28/06 S/U06 470,000 .000 $97.97 $460,454.30
4.00 0 % Mat urit y : 3/ 10/ 08
FHLB 7/7/06 7/11 / 06 650,000.000 $98.78 $651,981.00
5.37 5 % MatUri t y : 6/14/13
FHLB 7/18/06 7/ 2 1/0 6 315,000.000 $96.37 $303,581.25
4.500 % Matunly : 9/10/10
FNMA 7/ ! 1/ 06 7/13/06 530,000.000 '$ 96.53 $511,615.63
5.00 0 % f'.'la t urit y : 4/1 5/ 15
FNr>lA Discount 5/31/ 06 6/1/06 1,045,000.000 $99.72 $1,042,031.33
~ . Q Q.O ~{. r ~ :: ~ ~: :-:t j' ~ c.t'")~ /n~
" 1 - - • .., .....

Tennessee Valley AUl h 717 /06 7/ 11/06 95,000.000 $102.51 $97,381.65

6.00 0 % t'l al urity : 3/1 5/ 13
CORPORATE BONDS $3,255,251. 75
Amencan Eleanc Power 2/ 10/06 2/ 15/06 215,000.000 $98.25 $211,233,20
5.250 % r·l atufl ty : 6/1/ 15
AutOl one toe 6/ 12/0 6 6/1 5/ 06 205,000.000 t 88.51 ;;181,449.60
4.375 % r>l at ur it y : 6/1/ 13
Cisco Systems Inc 3/7/0 6 3/ 10/06 430,000.000 $99.35 $427, 192.10
5.5 00 % Mat unt y : 2/22/ 16
Countrvwide Home Loan 8/8/06 8/ 11/06 335,000.0 00 ~ 1 01. 7 6 $340, 909040
6.250 % Mat urity: 4/ 15/ 09
General Elec Cap Corp 5/3 1/ 06 6/5/06 490,000.000 $ 10 1.4 3 $497,016.80
5.8 75 % i'-'lat urity : 2/ 15/ 12
Goldman Sachs Grp Inc 1/ 26/ 06 lI ) 1/06 425,000.000 $99.11 $421,213.25
5.35 0 % H at unly: 1/1 5/ 16
Hospira Inc 7/ 21/ 06 7/26/06 175,000.000 $9 7.94 $171,400.25
4.950 % t'l at unt y : 6/1 5/09
Household Finance Corp 6/2 1/06 6/ 23/ 06 465,000.000 $95.06 $442,024.35
4.1 25 % MatUrit y : 11/ 16/09
Oneok I nc 8/9/0 6 8/ 14/06 215,000.000 599.76 $2l4, 484.00
5.5 10 % Maturit y: 2! 16/ 08
Oracle Corp 7/ 7/06 7/12/06 360,000.000 $96.76 $348,328.80
5,0 00 % Maturit y : 1/15/11
FNMA $999,119.82
FNCL Pool .. 810896 Fit 5/30/0 6 612 2/06 1,012,808.560 ~9 8 . 6 5 $999,119,82
4.8 52 % fvI at urity : 1/ 1/3 5
GOVERNMENT BONDS $20,129,411.45
U.S. Treasury Bonds 4/ 7/ 06 4/ 12/06 350,000.000 $117.33 'S410,648.44
7.250 % H at urity : 5/ 15/1 6
U.S. Treasurv Bonds 5/ 26/ 0 6 51) 1/ 06 290.000.000 $116.50 $337,850,00
7.250 % r·1at unl y : 5/ 15/ 16
U.S. Treasury Bonds 6/ 28/06 6130/0 6 85,000.000 $115.11 $97,842.97
7.2 50 % Mat urity : 5/15/16
U.S. Treasury Bonds 7/6/06 7/11/06 65,00 0.000 $109.96 p l ,477.15
6. 125 % Maturity: 11/1 5/ 27
U.S, Treasury Bonds 7/7/06 7/1 2/06 35.000.000 $115,81 $40,534.38
7.2 50 % Mil t urity: 5/ 15/1 6
U.S. Treasury Bonds 7/21/06 7/26 /06 80,000.000 $116.94 $93,550.00
7,250 % Maturity : 5/1 5/ 16
U.S. Treasury Bonds 8/14 /0 6 S/1 7/06 1,780,000.000 $128.03 $2,278,9:;6.25
8.12.5 % H aturity: 8/ 15/19

1: 1) .(It"j' 1 1.I J I M .!
Wright Investment Management Account
F/nal Statement for the perio d endlllg October 31, 2006
Constr uct ion & General Laborer s' Local Un ion 190 Pe nsion Fund -Ter m 10/03 .. ",,0 &6485
F i r ~ Niaga ra Bank

Purchases (cent, ) Trade Date Settle Date Shares Price Amount

U.S. Treasury Bone 8/ 14/06 8: 1 106 300,000.000 'S11 .97 $335,906. 5

&. 125 % 1'-1a lurlty : 11/ 15/ 27
u.s. Trea sury Bonds 916/ 6 9/11106 170,000.000 $ 114.4 7 'S194,596 .88
6. 125 % f>la turlty : 11/ 15/2 7
U.S. Treasury Notes 1/ 24/ 06 1/27/ 06 540,000.000 $ 100.00 $540.000.00
4 .3 75 % r-iatuntv: 5/ 15/ 0 7
U.S. Trea u Notes 1/ 7/06 1/31 /06 155,000.0 0 ~9 9. S 7 $154,806.25
4.3 75 % Mat urity : 5/15/ 07
U.S. Trea sury otes 1/30 /06 1/3 1/0 6 310,000.000 :S96.0S $2_7,745.3 1
3.8 75 % f>olal urJt:y: 2/ 15/ 13
U.S. Treasury Notes 2/10 /06 2/ 15/06 340,000 .000 $99.66 $3 ,857.S1
4.375 % Maturity: 5/ 15/ 07
U.S. Trea sury Notes 2/23 /06 2128/06 420,000.000 $99.58 $..H 8,2+ 1.53
4.3 75 % Ha tunly : 5/15/07
U.S. Treasury Notes 2/28 /0 6 3/ 2/06 145,000.000 $95.55 $ 138.542. 97
'; .S 7S q /,; ~'1 3 t :J r:t y : ; 11 e l l ")
....1 ... ,J I ... -I

U S. rea sury Note 3:29/06 3/ 3 1 06 145,000.000 . 96.00 S139,200.00

3.6 25 % Mat Urity : 1/ 15/ 10
U.S. Trea sury ores 4/27/06 'i 28/06 565,000 .GOO ; 99.46 'S S6 1,9S..UO
4.3 75 % Maturrty: 5/ 15/ 07
U.S. Trea sury Note ' /1 2/06 6/15/0 6 25,000.000 S93.84 ; 23,460.94
3.8 75 % fvla turity : 2/15/ 13
U.S. reasury Notes 6/28 / 6 6/30/06 80,000.000 $99. 19 :$79,350.00
4 .3 75 % I" la turlty : 5/1 5/ 07
U.S. Treasury Notes 7/ 1S/06 7/21 /06 1.500,000.000 $99.28 $1,489,218.75
4 .3 75 % f>ol a l unty : 5/15/07
U.S. Trea sury Notes 7/21106 7/26/06 230,000 .000 $94.00 $216,200.00
3.8 75 % f>ola turity : 2/ 15/ 13
U.S. Treasu ry Notes 7/25/06 7/28 /06 200,000.000 $, 7.3 1 $194,625.00
3.000 % t-laturity : 11/ 1 / 07
u .s , Trea sury ores 7/27/06 7/ 3 1/06 170,000.000 $99.4 1 $168.99 0.63
4.3 75 % Maturity: 5/1 5/ 07
U.S. Trea sury Notes 7/28 /06 8/1/06 3 10.000.000 $99. 5 5308,304.69
.3 75 % t-la turity : 5/ 15/ 07
U.S. Trea ury Notes 8/9/06 8/ 14/06 440,OOO.GOO $9 7.57 $429.292.19
3.0 00 % /·la tunty : 11/15/ 07
U.S. Treasu rv Notes S/ 101/ 06 8[17/06 1,0 15,000.000 $96,66 'j;98 1.060.94
3.3 75 % f>olaturrty: 11/ 15 / 08
U.S. Treasury otes all '/ 06 8/ 17/06 550.000.000 $95.34 $524,390.63
.2 50 % Ma turity: 8/1 5/ 14
U.S. Trea sury Notes 8/ 14 6 8/ 17/06 2," 5,000.000 $100.55 , 2,468,425.78
5.0 00 % 1'1atunly : 8/1 5/1 1
U.S. Trea sury , ores 8/14 /06 8i 17/ 06 1,4 15.000.000 $97.50 '$ 1,379,625.00
3.0 00 % r'1a turity: 11/1 5/0 7
U.S. Trea sury Notes 8/22 /06 8/ 2 /06 220,00 .000 596.42 $212, 128. 13
4.250 % r-iatuot v: 8/15 / 14
U.s. Treasu ry Notes 8/29 /06 8/31/06 670/000.000 $97 .72 $654.7 15.63
3.0 00 % Maturity: 11/ 15/0 7
U.S. Trea sury Notes 8130/06 9/5/06 190,000.000 $96 .53 $1 ,409.3
4.2 50 % Maturity: 8/ 15/ 14
U.s . Trea sury Notes 8/3 0/0 6 9/5/06 2 10,000.000 $99.55 $209.048.44
4 .3 75 % Halunty : 5/1 5/ 0 7
U.S. Treas urv Notes 9/26/06 9/261 6 3.9 0, 000.000 $9 7 51 $3.85 1,712.89
3.3 75 % f.tla tlJrity : I t/1 S/0S
U.S. Trea sury Nts INFL IX 1/3106 115,06 290, 000.000 $ 105.08 5304,738.- 4
2.000 % t-laturrty: 7/ 15/1 4
SEI Dally Inc Govt II Fd ;1 33 3-1 3.107. 730 $ 1. 0 $343. 107.73

-i r-
I , 1 1 0... · 1 1 ..,.\ .~~
Wright Investm ent Management Account
Final Stat ement for th e period end!jlg October 31, 2006
Construction & General Laborers' t.ocat Un ion 190 Pension Fund-Term 10/03· w066485
Firg: Niagar<l Bank

Total Purchases $27,793,935.91

Income & Expense Amount

INCOME $1,459,203.80
INTEREST $1,459,203.80
AGENOES $161,764.35
FHLMC $7.595.07
3.250 % Maturity Date : 11/2 /07
FHLB S4.177.78
4.0 00 % t--Iatu rity Date : 3/ 10/ 08
FHLMC '£26.492.73
3.0 30 % Maturity Da te : 6/1 1/08
FNI'IA $23.900. 14
3.8 75 % r" al unl y Date: 11/17/03
FHLB $2. 795.62
4.500 % Mnturity Dal e: 9/ 10 / 10
Tennessee valle v Auth $23.588.33
6.0 00 % Maturity Dare : / 15/ 13
FHLB $7.98 1.8S
5.3 7S % tvl atu rity Date: 6/14/ 13
FNI'-IA $47.985.4 1
5.0 00 % Maturity Date: 4/15 / 15
FNMA S17 .247.39
6 .2 50 Vo tvl atur ity Date : 5/1 5 / 29
58 euv Inc Gov!. !I Fd ::33 'S4 .687 65
CORPORATE BONDS $633,615 .55
venzon Global S22.355.5
7.7 50 % 1"l al ur ity Date : 12/ 1/ 30
British Telecom PLC 8.525% $10.966.79
8.8 75 % Mat urity Date: 12/ 15/30
Tran ocean Inc tl 1.545.83
7.500 % 1"latu nt y Date : 4/ 15/31
DomlOlon Resources Inc ; 12.865. 13
6.3 00 % Maturity Date : 3/ 15/ 33
Roval Bank of Scotland s 15.765.50
7.6 48 % f>\aturity Date : 8/ 3 1/ 49
Countrvwide Home Loan SI0,450.00
5.5 00 % Maturity Date : 8/1/06
'L L I B7 08
2.7 50 % !'-Iatu rrty Date : 12/ 29/06
Honevwell Inc $24.923.89
7.0 00 % Matu rity Date : 3/ 15/ 07
US Bancoro $1 1.652.08
5. 100 % I'la turrty Date : 7/15/07
PPL Electn c Util $12.6 19.83
5.875 % tvlaturity Date : 8/ 15/ 07
Bear Stearns Co Fit rate $3.756.34
5. 1 19 % Maturity Date : 9/ 27/ 07
Amoe n Inc 55.434.72
6.500 % t--Iaturity Da le : 12/1 /07
Cendant Coro $ 12.303.73
6.25 0 % Matunty Date: 1/1 5/ 08
Oneok Inc $ 1.579.54
5.5 10 % Maturrty Date 2/ 16/08
Firs Union COrD $4.407. 11

- 12-
Wright in vestment fvl anagement Accoun
Finn/ Statement fo r the period ending October 3 1, 2006
Cc nstr ucno n & General Laborers' Local Union I 0 Pension Fund -Term 10/ 03 - '.'106 6485
First Niagara Bank

Income & Expense (cont.) Amount

6.4 00 % lvlaturlty Dale: 4/1 /08

Sonnt CaD Cero 0$9 .839.99
6. 125 % I'-lat unty Dale: 11/ 15/08
clJl.l Com Fit rate '517.138.60
5.685 % Mat urity Dale: 1/ 26/09
Countrvwoe Home Loan ; 2.966.14
6.250 % I<lalurlty Date: 4/ 15/09
HOSDlra Inc $1.588. 13
.9 50 % t-lalurlty Dale : 6/15 /0 9
Dalmlercl1rl sler 514. 67.00
7 2 00 % Iv atu rity Date : /1/ 09
Duke Caoltal 51-1 .665.63
7.500 % lvlal uril y Date: 10/ 1/ 09
Household Finance Corn $5.274 .84
. I 25 % ""'atur:!.v Date : t 1/16/(1q
JX Cornoarues Inc 59.205.92
7.4 50 Va r-1 at urJty Date: 12}15/09
Lowes Corncames ·S5. 5. ' 2
.250 % t-1ilturrt)' Dale : ~/ 1/ 10
Deutsche Tel Fin 80/0 $1 1.16 1.11
8.0 00 % t-Iat unt y Date: 6/1 5/ 10
soemo (aoltal Coro 52 .58 1.29
7.37 5 % 1'l atunt y Dale : 9/ 27/ 10
rad e Coro ;4 .000.0
5.000 % I<lat unt y Date . 1/ 15/11
Taraet Com s 4 .212.90
6.35 0 % fvlal unty Date: 1/1 5/1 1
Cen ex Corn s16.575.57
7.8 75 % 1'l atun!y Date. 2/ 1/ 11
General Elec CaDCom 521.18S, 69
6.12 5 % t-Ial urity Date : 2/22 / 11
France Telecom 1'1 Rate $14 ,309.51
7.750 % t'l al urity Date : 3/1/ 11
AT & T Wlrel 5 515.823.25
7.8 75 % lv' atunty Date: 3/1 /1 1
Goldman Sachs Gro Inc ·H3 .11S.57
6.6 00 % " al unty Dale: 1/ 15/ 12
Genera l Elec CdO Com
- .v... -, - . . . ..
~ ... .
1· 10 ..... . ''- I
~ _.
LlO~ C .
~ .... . -.J/"
_ , i..
J ....
$9 .355.9-1

atl Rural Utll 528. 47.50

7.2 50 % Mal urlty Dale : 3/ 1/ 12
Heinz. ( H. . ) CO $9.225.00
6.0 00 % I' latunty Date : 3/15 / 12
CIT Grouo Inc $29.450.00
7.750 % H at unt y Date: 4/ 2/ 12
sarew v Inc $13.442.3 1
5.800 % t-1al unty Date : 8/15/ 12
Semora Ener v 513.582.5
- .0 00 % I<lal urll.y Dale : 2/ 1/ 13
'Wv th 510.875.25
5.500 % laturity Date : 3/ 15/ 1
A T & T Broadband 515.348.35
8.3 75 % MatUrity Date : 3/1 5 / 13
In I Lease Fmance Cora $ 21. 06.94
5.8 75 "/0 lvlil l urll.y Date : 5/ 1/ 13

I I I' nit , -I S ;-"1 /1, 1:
Wright In vestm ent Management Account
Final Stat ement for the period end ing october 31 , 2006
Consrruct o n & Genera l Laborers' Local Unic n 190 Pension Fund-Term lO/ OJ - 1'106 6485
First Niagara Bank

Income & Expense (cont.) Amount

Fund Amencan Cos I ncN m 'l $l0.346.53

5.8 75 % t-l a turlty Date : 5/ 15/1 3
Autozone Inc $2.665.72
4.3 75 % t-l atu rity Date: 6/l/ 13
Amencan Electric Power 9 .117.39
5.250 % Maturity Date : 6/1/ 15
JP Moroan Chase & Co 522.278.04
5,150 % Matu rity Date : to/l / IS
Goldma n Sachs Gro Inc 'S 15.221.49
5.3 50 % Matunty Date: 1/1 5/1 6
Cisco Systems Inc 513.270.28
5.500 % t-l aturity Dale: 2/2 2/ 16
Philhos Pete $24 .070.23
6.6 50 % fv1 atu nt y Date: 7/15/18
~HLM(' 538,091.96
FHARM Pool :: . 8 129 1 Fit $11.768.26
4,4 00 % t-la turity Dale : 11/1 / 33
FHARM Pool t: IG 0233 Fit $26.323.70
4.9 98 % ~-'la tu nty Date : 5/ 1/3 5
FNMA $104,460.16
FNMA Pool :1 70 104 3 Fit :S l I.823.76
4.040 % Mal urity Date: 4/ 1/3 3
FNCL Pool :: 810896 Fit $12 .183.56
4.852 % Mal urlty Date : I l l / 5
FilMA Pool ::80932' Fit S22.363 50
4 .822 01., r-lal unt y Date : 2/1/35
F CL Pool ::86 3741 At i 58.089 3<1
5.2741)/" t-lat unt y Dale: 12/ 1/35
U.S. Treasurv totes ; 56.19 1.70
4.3 75 % t-latur ity Date: 5/1 5/ 07
U.s. Treasurv Notes $9.887.77
3.0 00 % H aturlty Date: I V 15/07
U.S. Treasury Not es '; 6.455.6 1
3.3 75 % t-l atur!t.y Date: 1I{l 5/ 08
U. - . Treasurv Notes 563.295.35
3.625 % Maturity Date : 1/ 15/ 10
U.S. Treasurv Notes $25.5 17.66
5.000 % H atunty Date : 8/ 15/ 11
U.S. Treasurv Notes :;;68.969.43
3.8 75 % fl-Iaturity Dale : 2/15/ 13
U.S. Treasurv Nts I NFL IX $.127.25
2.00 0 % MatUrity Date : 7/15 /14
U.S. Treasorv Nol es $4.505.23
4.2 50 % fl-l atur ity Date : 8/ 15 /14
U.s . treasurv Bones $182.708. 10
7.2 50 % Maturity Date : 5/15/16
U.S. Treasury Bonds SI8.078.12
8. 125 01. Maturity Date: 8/ 15/ 19
U. . Treasurv Bonds $80.5 '7 .9 1
6.125 % Maturity Date: 11/15/27
EXPENSE $(65,927.22)
Wriaht manaae ment fee $157.831.091
Bank custocv fee $(8.096.181
Variance $0.05

Wright In vestm ent H anagement Account
Final Statement {or the period ending October J 1, 2006
Consrructo n & General Labor ers' local Union 190 Pension Fund-Term 10/03 - w06 6485
Fir st Niagar a Bank

Net Income

Deposits & Withdrawals Transaction Date Shares Amount

Relmb. by Wint hrop Corp Trad err or 10' 11/06 $12.506.25
WITHDRAWALS $( 29,897,919 . 72)
Transfer to Oeutcne Bank 10/ 3/06 ·H29.853,966.S2)
Transfer 0 Deutcl e Bank 10/1 7 06 $(43,953.20)
Net Deposls & With drawals $(29,885,113 .47)

·1 5·
Wright I nvestment Management Account
Final Stat ement for tile perio d ending October ] 1, 2006
Constru cton & Generat Lacorers' L<XLl1 UnIon 190 Pension fund- Term 10/ 03 - w06&185
F ir~ Niagara Bank

, I 1 J, 0 " 'j I ·; ...~ .\ ~.I

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