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%+,-./0123 0/356/.017 - hagocyLosls and kllllng of paLhogenlc organlsms
- SecreLlon of cyLoklnes and exLracellular anLlmlcroblal molecules, lncludlng
neuLrophll exLracellular Lraps (nL1s) and paLLern recognlLlon molecules (8Ms)
- hagocyLosls and kllllng of paLhogenlc organlsms, removal of forelgn maLerlal
and dead cells
- secreLlon of a wlde range of cyLoklnes and lnLerleuklns
- presenL anLlgen Lo lymphocyLes (adapLlve lmmune sysLem)
- desLroy larger mulLlcellular paLhogens
- modulaLe allerglc responses
%< 9+337 - recognlze and kllled vlrus-lnfecLed and cancerous cells
- opsonlses organlsms Lo faclllLaLe phagocyLosls
- chemoaLLracLanL for varlous cells
- membrane aLLack complex (MAC) kllls cells by puncLurlng plasma membrane
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- plasma proLelns whlch are lncreased durlng lnflammaLlon, e.g. C-reacLlve
proLeln (C8)
- 8ecrulL cells Lo speclflc slLes and acLlvaLe cells of lnnaLe and adapLlve lmmune
- lnduce dlfferenLlaLlon of cells Lo more acLlve and effecLlve subLypes
- Wound heallng and anglogenesls
- slgnallng molecules produced by many cell Lypes, lncludlng macrophages,
dendrlLlc cells, lymphocyLes
- regulaLe Lhe lmmune sysLem
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