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Small Group Teaching Plan

Session 80: The Antichrist

Key Question: Who is the Antichrist?
Biblical Truth: The Antichrist will lead the world to worship Satan, oppose God, and persecute believers.

(Note: Questions or activities that are more appropriate for younger youth or for older youth are marked by “YY” or
“OY” respectively.)

Preparation: Preview the video for this session. (See clip on this CD.) Read Revelation 13:1-10,16-18; and “Background
for the Bible Passages, Session 80.”

After the Video:

1. Ask:
 How did Pastor Kent describe the Antichrist? What have you heard about the Antichrist? Where did you
hear about the Antichrist? When will the Antichrist appear? (In the last days)
 What motive would the Antichrist have for opposing God? (The Antichrist would be motivated by self and
controlled by Satan.) (OY)
 How does knowing that there will be a person or people leading others away from God make you feel?
 What can you do to make sure you are not led away by the Antichrist?
2. Distribute the “Session 80 Outline”; review with students. Give each youth a copy of “The Antichrist in Scripture” and
review this handout. Say: Now that we know a bit about the Antichrist, we are going to study passages related
directly to him. Ask: Why is it important to know about the Antichrist? (So we will not be fooled by his coming)
3. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Revelation 13:1-6. Say: In this passage we see a future event described. The
Antichrist is described as the beast from the sea, or the first beast. A second beast is described in
Revelation 13:11-12. Ask:
 How is the Antichrist described in verses 1 and 2? (A beast, 10 horns and 7 heads, like a leopard, feet like a
bear, mouth like a lion, powerful) (OY)
 Who will give the Antichrist authority? (The dragon, which is Satan)
 How will the world respond to the Antichrist? (They will follow him)
 How will the world respond to the dragon? (They will worship him)
 What will the Antichrist speak? (Boasts and blasphemies against God, heaven, and those in heaven)
 Why do you think so many people will follow the Antichrist?
 What warning is contained in these verses for you?
4. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Revelation 13:7b-8,16-18. Ask:
 What will the Antichrist be given authority over? (Every tribe, people, language, and nation)
 Who will worship the Antichrist? (All non-Christians)
 What will the Antichrist require? (Everyone to have a mark on their right hand or forehead)
 Why will people need the mark? (To buy or sell)
 What is the beast’s or Antichrist’s number? (666) (YY)
 Why is it important for you to know about the mark?
5. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Revelation 13:7a,9-10. Ask:
 What are these verses talking about? (Persecution of the church)
 In verse 7a, what will the Antichrist be permitted to do? (Wage war against the saints and conquer them)
 Why do you think Christians are martyred? Is it inevitable? (OY)
 What advice would you give to anyone who lives during the days of the reign of the Antichrist?
6. Challenge youth to consider their lives to see if they are ready for the appearance of the Antichrist.

1. Divide youth into teams and give each team a piece of poster board and markers. Lead youth to create a poster
depicting the reign of the Antichrist. Allow youth to share their posters and discuss.

Hand out copies of the “Exploring the Bible Daily 80.” Encourage youth to read the passages for today’s session. Direct
youth as they read to write down any questions or insights.
© 2007 LifeWay Press®. Fuel2: Owning Your Faith, Volume 7. Permission granted to reproduce this item for church use only. Published in the United States of America.

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