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Mayan Solar Glyphs


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As you begin working with the Mayan calendar and familiarising

yourself with the solar glyphs, you may notice that you are attracted to
certain glyphs, some even more than your birthday glyph. This is
normal, and it will change as time goes by because your spiritual and
emotional needs are rapidly evolving. The glyphs you are most
attracted to will be the ones that are most beneficial at that moment, so
trust your intuition and meditate with the ones that appeal to you.

Be aware that the solar glyphs will communicate with you

telepathically- this is a two-way connection. You are encouraged to ask
questions and then relax and listen quietly for the telepathic answer.
The paintings allow you to access the energy of each solar glyph, and
you can invite this energy into your body for balance, healing and

The following information on the solar glyphs is provided as a simple

guide to get you started. Meditate with the one that feels most
appropriate at any given time. One caution: don't overdo it. These are
powerful energies. Ten minutes or less in one sitting is probably

1. IMIX. (Dragon) There is both a Father and Mother aspect to

God. Imix is God as Mother, the one who nurtures and who creates
form. You will feel a cosmic closeness to the feminine aspect of
God. You are interested in what that means and explore the
possibilities of being a gentle and nurturing person. You enjoy
making things. You might be dealing with issues around the value
of your feminine side. Meditating with this glyph can help restore
health lost through selfhatred. Self-acceptance is the first step to
perfect health and emotional balance.
2. IK (Wind) The symbol for God as Father, who blows life and
humor into the forms with his breath. God as Father is the thought,
the idea to create, the One who knows you. He represents
truth.You will have a cosmic closeness to the masculine aspect of
God, a knowing of what that means. You are very interested in
truth and have fun with humor. You might be dealing with issues
around the value of your masculine side. Meditating with this glyph
can help you bring your masculine and feminine sides into perfect
balance. This is necessary for becoming the fully enlightened being.
3. AKBAL. (Night) The forms of creation take on an appearance
and become the temple, or dwelling place, of God. You will have a
cosmic understanding of what it means to be the expression of
divine energy in form. The symbol of home is important for you,

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Mayan Solar Glyphs

and you will explore the meanings and spiritual aspects of home.
You want to make it a place of peace. The concept of home
expands to include your environment and your planet. You have a
strong desire for balance and peace.
4. KAN. (Seed) God's creations change and evolve continuously.
You have a cosmic interest in the mysteries of creation. How does
this miracle happen? This symbol portrays the dynamic and ongoing
nature of creation. It speaks about reproduction, growth and
change. You begin to see all creation as an expression of divine
love. This step is necessary for becoming the fully enlightened
being, because you need to feel the oneness running through all life
in order to love all things. Everything that has ever been created is
a child of God made from divine energy, and we are all loved
equally. This glyph can be used to heal issues of bigotry or racial
hatred. If God is present in all things, there is no point in making
5. CHICCHAN. (Serpent) This Is the step when you become very
aware of , your separateness as an individual. The mind becomes
your tool for separation. You are a separate consciousness, an
individual, one who can think. Only when you complete the
concept of yourself as being separate from God can you start the
exciting journey back to oneness. You might be dealing with issues
around loneliness and a strong desire to be loved. Meditating with
this symbol can be helpfu. in moving through feelings of despair
knowing that your feelings of separation and alienation are natural
but temporary. They were needed in order to gain the appreciation
for oneness, but you don't have to play with that energy any longer
than you choose. Meditate with this glyph for a few minutes, and
then move to glyph number 8 (Lamat the Mayan star). Lamat will
help heal the pain of loneliness.
6. CIMI. (World-Bridger) Awareness of the concept of time; the
realisation that a lifetime is finite and has more to do with cycles of
experience than endings. You know that you will eventually make
your souls journey back to divinity and then choose your next arena
of experience. You become aware of the preciousness of your life
here on Earth, and you want to make the most of it. You have a
strong desire to understand the things of this Earth and you have
great courage and daring, which move you into new experiences.
7. MANIK (Hand) You attain the ability to make things.You begin
to understand how things work on this planet. You also learn about
how other people operate. You become successful. You learn how
to make changes in your life smoothly. You enjoy creative abilities.
Basically, you enjoy being alive. Meditating with this glyph can be
helpful if you are dealing with issues around control. Is someone
controlling you? Do you have a need to control others? This must
be brought into balance in order to become the fully enlightened
being who honors the self and allows all things.
8. LAMAT. (Star) The Mayan star. This step is basically about
learning to love. You develop a tolerance and a compassion for
yourself and others. The ability to love yourself is very important in
attaining wisdom, and it is perfected here. You begin to feel a
profound sense of your own value and a love for yourself exactly as

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Mayan Solar Glyphs

you are. You evolve this self-love into a deep love for humanity
and a love and caring for the planet Earth. Meditating with this
glyph will help you remember and hold the vibration for
unconditional love. The solar glyph painting Lamat portrays with
colors our coming forth into being from love when we awake,
creating our bodies out of light, then our return back to love, which
we all do each time we fall asleep. Lamat is the symbolic portrayal
that love is what we are.
9. MULUC. (Moon) Very clear awareness of our spiritual nature;
opening to a more vivid realization of the existence of God. Here
we see ourselves as separate from our Creator in order to know that
such a thing as God even exists. We allow separation from the
oneness in order to have many experiences on Earth. We have a
great desire to under-stand our divine nature on a cosmic level. We
stand easily in the gateway between two worlds, seeing both
sides.Meditating with this glyph will create an opening to other
dimensions when we do it with the pure intention to grow in
10. OC. (Dog) Just as a dog is faithful companion to its master, we
are a faithful companion to God. This symbol helps us balance the
emotions. Our emotions are vivid and scattered, and the job here is
to make some sense of it all. We must keep the strong emotions, for
they are needed in telepathy, but we arrange them in a more
comfortable order. Sexuality is a big issue with this step of the soul.
The goal is integrating sexuality into our lives and recognizing it as
something of God, and as such something to be appreciated and
respected. Meditating with this glyph can help bring wild emotions
into balance. It can also help us come to a place of peace around
sexual issues, healing past wounds. This glyph will help on a
telepathic level, a soul level. No words are needed. Just state an
intention as you begin your meditation.
11. CHUEN. (Monkey) The gift of originality is received. God
creates new things through us. This step of the soul portrays the
loving recognition that everything we are and all we do is of God.
We are living reflections of the spirit working through us as walking
sparks of creative energy. This is an important foundation for the
concept that the spirit of our Creator is truly in the creations.
Because we are living reflections of our Creator, we become more
powerful. Meditating with this glyph can help resolve the issues of
powerlessness that sometimes create unwanted addictions.
12. EB. (Human) Realization of God's presence inside oneself. Life
takes on a more spiritual orientation. There is a very close
connection with God, a deep love given and received. The
temptation here is to spend most of our time in meditation and
prayer, forgetting about our physical obligations. This needs to be
brought into balance in order to attain the wisdom of this step. Most
of the spiritual energy is concentrated from the heart to the crown,
so feelings of bliss are easy to attain. Another challenge of this step
is to avoid judgment and scorn for others who do not feel the close
connection to God the way we do. Meditating with this glyph can
help balance spiritual and physical needs. It can help us allow
others to be exactly what they want to be and know that every
experience becomes wisdom gained.

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13. BEN. (Skywalker) Awareness of God moving through all

things; the longing for peace and harmony, wanting to unite the
pillars of heaven and Earth. Thirteen is God's number; it was held in
reverence by the Mayans and many other ancient civilizations. In
this step of the soul the Christ energy assists us to create peace in
our lives and our environment. We become very uncomfortable
with conflict. We are the peacemakers. If there is a tendency to
turn the other cheek" and allow others to abuse us, this needs to be
brought into balance. Meditating with this glyph can bring the
strength and courage necessary for honoring ourselves and our
needs. We learn what feels good and what doesn't. We learn to
protect ourselves by avoiding abusive situations. We learn that
gentleness is a form of inner strength, and we respect ourselves
enough to stop any form of abuse in our lives.
14. IX. (Wizard) Wisdom; power to perform miracles, to create
with thought; power to heal ourselves and others.There may be a
tendency to become the "teacher" because we seem to know more
than others, and others are often eager to give their power to us as a
way of avoiding responsibility. At this point in the soul's journey
there is a danger of egotism. Humility is needed to complete this
step. Remember that Jesus fled when the people wanted to crown
him king. He was very concerned about protecting himself from
egotism at this point, because that would have spelled the end of his
mission. This glyph is all about power and learning to combine
power with humility. The secret here is loving yourself. When you
truly love yourself, you never need to be egotistical. Meditating
with this glyph can help you deal with issues of power or ego.
15. MEN. (Eagle) Learning through thought alone.You can access
knowledge and wisdom from within yourself. You will become very
telepathic and be able to solve problems-then wonder where the
answer came from. (It came from someone else who knew the
answer, and you reached out and picked it up telepathically.) You
are wise enough not to read people's minds deliberately. That would
be an invasion of privacy. The pillars of heaven and Earth are
united as you grow in understanding. Activation of higher and
higher vibrations becomes routine as you become the expanded
16. CIB. (Warrior) You will experience yourself as a member of
the universe and feel a sense of finally being home here on Earth.
You can attain an ability to use and understand telepathy easily and
become familiar and communicate with other life forms such as
angels and space beings. You will be adjusting your physical body
to the higher frequencies to make such communication possible.
Stay out of awe or worship for other kinds of sentient life, but
recognize them as brothers and sisters.
17. CABAN. (Earth) Planet Earth evolves to nurture a greater
spirituality. More complex energy patterns from our Creator
become available to transform the planet to one of peace. You will
be very interested in this process, becoming involved in assisting
the shift to the higher frequencies. You will facilitate the shift in
others by holding it within yourself. This is the loveftrust vibration.
This is the unwary heart, keeper of the wisdom. You will have to
stay centered and focused during the transition period, especially

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during difficulties.
18. ETZNAB. (Mirror) The ability to be fully focused on what is in
front of you. You learn to stop thinking so much about the past and
worrying about the future. Your ego is centered and disciplined.
You become fully pre-sent in the now. Your mind becomes
peaceful, with no urge to complain or worry. Loving and allowing
all things,you allow life to be easy.
19. CAUAC. (Storm) This is the last shedding of tears as you heal
all past, present and future wounds of the body, mind and spirit.
Your emotions are cleaned and purified. You have complete and
total trust in God and yourself Your body is prepared for the final
step of the soul. This is the solar glyph painting that directly assists
in healing. Meditating with it or wearing it will help you release
decayed energy that has been locked in the cellular mass of your
body. It is the final purification of the enlightened being prior to full
20. AHAU. (Sun) This brings the spiritual energy that was pulled
into the crown chakra on number 12, Eb, down through all the
lower chakras to the root. You become aware that everything you
do, from any chakra, is a divine act. You easily express God in all
your actions and thoughts. You become the purified human vessel
for divine love expressing on Earth. You work easily with the
kundalini energy. You become the mind and the body of light, the
fully enlightened being. This step integrates all the other steps into
the physical body. Your divinity is allowed, acknowledged and
reclaimed. You harmonise easily with the higher planetary
vibrations of the new cycles.


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