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Date: 20140718
Docket: CI 14-01-88037
(Winnipeg Centre)
Indexed as: Progressie Conseratie Part! o" #anito$a % &oern'ent o" #anito$a
Cited as: 2014 #()( 1**
I+ ,-. #/,,.0 12: The Retail Sales Tax Act C%C%3%#% c% 0130 and The
Balanced Budget, Fiscal Management and Taxpayer
Accountability Act C%C%3%#% c% (*
(i44 20: ,5e #anito$a (6i4ding and 0ene7a4 26nding and
2isca4 #anage'ent /ct (8ario6s /cts /'ended)
B E T W E E N:
,-. P01&0.33I8. C1+3.08/,I8.
P/0,9 12 #/+I,1(/ and (0I/+
) 01(.0, :% ,/PP.0; )%C%
app4icants; ) "or t5e app4icants
- and - )
) <1+/,-/+ (% =012, and
,-. &18.0+#.+, 12 #/+I,1(/; ) <1-+ (% #/0,.+3
) "or t5e respondent
respondent% )
) <>D&#.+, D.:I8.0.D:
) <>:9 18; 2014
In 1??* t5e Progressie Conseratie &oern'ent 75ic5 7as t5en in po7er
introd6ced; and ,5e #anito$a :egis4atie /sse'$4! enacted; The Balanced
Budget, Debt Repayment and Taxpayer Protection Act; 3%#% 1??*; c% 7%
1er t5e !ears t5ere 7ere certain c5anges to t5is 4egis4ation 75ic5 are not
'ateria4 to t5e iss6es on t5is app4ication; inc46ding a na'e c5ange% ,5e c6rrent
ersion o" t5e 4egis4ation is The Balanced Budget, Fiscal Management and
Taxpayer Accountability Act; C%C%3%#% c% (* (t5e @BBAA)%
(ot5 t5e origina4 ersion o" t5e BBA and a44 s6$seB6ent ersions inc46ded in s%
10(1) a re"erend6' reB6ire'ent "or certain tax increases% It reads:
Referendum required for !" #$!n%e&
10(1) C D,E5e goern'ent s5a44 not present to t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4! a
$i44 to increase t5e rate o" an! tax i'posed $! an /ct or part o" an /ct 4isted
$e4o7; 6n4ess t5e goern'ent Frst p6ts t5e B6estion o" t5e adisa$i4it! o"
proceeding 7it5 s6c5 a $i44 to t5e oters o" #anito$a in a re"erend6'; and a
'aGorit! o" t5e persons 75o ote in t5e re"erend6' a6t5oriHe t5e
goern'ent to proceed 7it5 t5e c5anges:
(a) The Health and Post Secondary Education Tax e!y Act;
($) The "ncome Tax Act;
(c) The Retail Sales Tax Act%
,5e BBA a4so contained in s% 1I; a specia4 4egis4atie process app4ica$4e to t5e
consideration o" 4egis4ation proposing to a'end or repea4 t5e re"erend6'
reB6ire'ent in s% 10(1)% It reads:
Re&ri#ion on !mendmen or re'e!(
16(1) /n! $i44 introd6ced in t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4! to a'end; repea4;
oerride or s6spend t5e operation o" t5is /ct '6st $e re"erred at t5e
co''ittee stage to a standing co''ittee o" t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4! 75ic5
proides t5e opport6nit! "or representations $! 'e'$ers o" t5e p6$4ic%
Requiremen& re $e!rin%&
16(2) ,5e standing co''ittee reie7ing a $i44 descri$ed in t5is section '6st
not $e sc5ed64ed 6nti4 seen da!s a"ter t5e 4ater o"
(a) t5e da! t5e $i44 is distri$6ted in t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4!J and
($) t5e da! t5e p6$4ic is gien notice o" t5e date; ti'e and p4ace o" t5e
co''ittee 'eeting%
Page: 3
1n /pri4 17; 2013; t5e #inister o" 2inance introd6ced into t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4!
(i44 20 entit4ed @,5e #anito$a (6i4ding and 0ene7a4 26nding and 2isca4
#anage'ent /ct (8ario6s /cts /'ended)A%
3ection 2 o" (i44 20 proided "or an increase in t5e tax rate 6nder The Retail
Sales Tax Act; C%C%3%#% c% 0130 (t5e @RSTAA); to $e in eKect d6ring an
@in"rastr6ct6re "6nding periodA co''encing on <64! 1; 2013 and ending on <6ne
30; 2023%
3ection *(2) o" (i44 20 dee'ed s% 2 to 5ae co'e into "orce on /pri4 17; 2013; t5e
date t5e proposed tax rate c5ange 7as anno6nced%
3ection 1 o" (i44 20 exe'pted t5e tax increase "ro' t5e re"erend6' reB6ire'ent
in t5e BBA% It read:
Exemption #rom re#erendum re$uirement
1 Section %& o# The Balanced Budget, Fiscal Management and
Taxpayer Accountability Act does not apply in respect o# the increases
enacted by section ' o# this Act in the rates o# tax under The Retail Sales
Tax Act(
3ection *(1) o" (i44 20 dee'ed s% 1 to 5ae co'e into "orce on /pri4 1I; 2013; t5e
da! $e"ore (i44 20 7as presented to t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4!%
+o re"erend6' 7as 5e4d prior to t5e goern'ent presenting (i44 20% (i44 20
proceeded t5ro6g5 t5e 4egis4atie process%
/t t5e co''ittee stage; (i44 20 7as re"erred to a standing co''ittee o" t5e
:egis4atie /sse'$4! 75ic5 proided t5e opport6nit! "or representations $!
'e'$ers o" t5e p6$4ic% ,5e p6$4ic 7as gien notice o" t5e date; ti'e; and p4ace
o" t5e co''ittee 'eeting on <6ne 20; 2013% ,5e co''ittee 5earings took p4ace
on <6ne 27; 2013; and "ro' <64! 2; 2013 to <64! I; 2013%
(i44 20 receied 0o!a4 /ssent on Dece'$er *; 2013% ,5e res64ting 4egis4ation is
The Manitoba Building and Renewal Funding and Fiscal Management Act
!arious Acts Amended"; 3%#% 2013; c% 3I%
,5ro6g5o6t t5e 4egis4atie process; t5e 'e'$ers o" t5e Progressie Conseratie
Part! o" #anito$a (@PC Part!A) opposed t5e te'porar! increase in t5e rate o" t5e
0etai4 3a4es ,ax (@03,A); as 7e44 as t5e proision exe'pting t5e tax increase "ro'
t5e re"erend6' reB6ire'ent in s% 10(1) o" t5e BBA%
,5e PC Part! is an 6nincorporated association t5at is a po4itica4 part!% (rian
Pa44ister (@#r% Pa44isterA) is t5e c6rrent 4eader o" t5e PC Part!%
,5e PC Part! and #r% Pa44ister are app4!ing "or:
(a) a dec4aration t5at t5e a'end'ent 'ade to t5e RSTA 6nder (i44 20
increasing t5e 03, to 8L is ina4id; $eca6se it is 6nreasona$4e and
7as passed in $reac5 o" t5e stat6tor! d6e process sc5e'e artic64ated
in s% 10(1) o" t5e BBAJ
($) an order directing ,5e &oern'ent o" #anito$a (@#anito$aA) to "o44o7
t5e process artic64ated in s% 10(1) o" t5e BBA 7it5 respect to t5e
a'end'ents to t5e RSTAJ
(c) an order directing #anito$a to "o44o7 t5e 4egis4atie process
artic64ated in s% 1I(1) o" t5e BBA in 'aking a'end'ents to t5e BBAJ
Page: *
(d) a dec4aration t5at t5e a'end'ents 'ade $ot5 to t5e BBA and t5e
RSTA p6rs6ant to (i44 20 are ina4id and in"ringe s% 2($) and s% 7 o" t5e
#anadian #harter o$ Rights and Freedoms (t5e @#harterA); as
t5e! depried #anito$a citiHens o" t5e rig5t to d6e process and t5e
a$i4it! to ote in a re"erend6' p6rs6ant to t5e BBA; and to 5ae t5eir
respectie 4egis4ators ote separate4! on t5e a$o4is5'ent o" t5e
re"erend6' and t5e 03, increase%
,5e PC Part! and #r% Pa44ister take t5e position t5at t5e a'end'ent to t5e RSTA
6nder (i44 20 increasing t5e 03, is ina4id $eca6se #anito$a did not o$tain
a6t5oriHation "ro' oters in a re"erend6' to present t5e $i44 to t5e :egis4atie
/sse'$4! as reB6ired $! s% 10(1) o" t5e BBA% ,5e! a4so take t5e position t5at
#anito$a in"ringed t5e rig5ts o" #anito$a citiHens to "reedo' o" expression as
g6aranteed $! s% 2($) o" t5e #harter; $! depriing t5e' o" t5eir rig5t to ote in a
re"erend6' in accordance 7it5 s% 10(1) o" t5e BBA% In addition t5e! arg6e it
$reac5ed s% 7 o" t5e #harter $! inc46ding t5e a'end'ent to s% 10(1) o" t5e BBA
in t5e sa'e $i44 as t5e $i44 increasing t5e 03, and 'aking it eKectie retroactie4!%
(! doing so; t5e! sa! #anito$a depried its citiHens o" t5e rig5t to ote in a
re"erend6' in a 'anner t5at "ai4ed to proide t5e' 7it5 d6e process or notice
t5at t5is rig5t 7as $eing taken a7a!% ,5e! sa! $! co'$ining $ot5 'eas6res in
t5e sa'e $i44; 'e'$ers o" t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4! 7ere depried o" t5e
opport6nit! to ote separate4! on t5e t7o 'eas6res%
/s a pre4i'inar! point; #anito$a arg6es t5at t5e PC Part! is an 6nincorporated
association 75ic5 5as no 4ega4 capacit! to $ring t5is proceeding%
Wit5 respect to t5e 'erits; it takes t5e position t5at t5is is not a #harter case%
0at5er; it sa!s it is a case a$o6t t5e 'aintenance o" CanadaMs constit6tiona44!
entrenc5ed s!ste' o" representatie de'ocrac!; t5e G6risdiction o" t5e proincia4
goern'ent to 'anage t5e proincia4 econo'!; and t5e 4i'its on t5e ro4e o" t5e
co6rt to interene in t5e operation o" t5e 4egis4atie $ranc5 o" goern'ent% It
arg6es t5e app4icantsM position 7it5 respect to t5e eKect o" ss% 10 and 1I o" t5e
BBA is inconsistent 7it5 t5e constit6tiona4 doctrine o" par4ia'entar! soereignt!
and 7it5 s% ?2 o" t5e #onstitution Act; %&'(% It a4so arg6es t5e doctrine o"
par4ia'entar! prii4ege prec46des t5is co6rt "ro' reie7ing t5e decision o" t5e
:egis4atie /sse'$4! to pass (i44 20%
,5e 'ain iss6es are:
1% W5et5er t5e PC Part! 5as 4ega4 capacit! to $ring t5is app4icationJ
2% W5et5er t5e a'end'ent 'ade to t5e RSTA increasing t5e 03, is
ina4id $eca6se it 7as not passed in co'p4iance 7it5 t5e proced6re
set o6t in s% 10(1) o" t5e BBAJ
3% W5et5er t5e a'end'ents 'ade to t5e BBA and t5e RSTA
p6rs6ant to (i44 20; in"ringed t5e rig5ts o" #anito$a citiHens 6nder
s% 2($) o" t5e #harterJ
Page: 7
4% W5et5er t5e a'end'ents 'ade to t5e BBA and t5e RSTA
p6rs6ant to (i44 20; in"ringed t5e rig5ts o" #anito$a citiHens 6nder
s% 7 o" t5e #harter%
*oe& $e )C )!r. $!/e (e%!( #!'!#i. o 0rin% $i& !''(i#!ion1
#anito$a arg6es t5at t5e PC Part! does not 5ae standing to $ring t5is
app4ication; as it is an 6nincorporated association% It re4ies on t5e decision o" t5e
#anito$a Co6rt o" /ppea4 in #anadian Re$orm #onser)ati)e Alliance Party
Portage*+isgar #onstituency Assn, ), -arms; 2003 #(C/ 112; 231 D%:%0% (4
214% In t5at case; t5e co6rt 5e4d t5at t5e "or'er )6eenMs (enc5 064e 8%10; 75ic5
per'itted a proceeding to $e $ro6g5t $! or against an association in t5e na'e o"
t5e association 7as ultra !ires t5e )6eenMs (enc5 064es Co''ittee $eca6se t5e
064es Co''ittee did not 5ae a6t5orit! to gie an 6nincorporated association t5e
4ega4 capacit! to s6e% It 5e4d t5at 6n4ess t5ere is 4egis4ation apart "ro' t5e r64es
t5at grants an 6nincorporated association stat6s to co''ence 4ega4 action; t5e
association 5as no s6c5 capacit!%
,5e PC Part! c4ai's to 5ae capacit! to $ring t5is app4ication $! irt6e o" t5e
c6rrent #anito$a )6eenMs (enc5 064e 8%10 and s% 101(1) o" The .lection
Financing Act; C%C%3%#% c% .27 (t5e @.FAA)% It points o6t t5at "o44o7ing t5e
decision in -arms; )6eenMs (enc5 064e 8%10 7as a'ended to read:
P01C..DI+& (9 10 /&/I+3, /+ /331CI/,I1+
8.10 I" an association 5as; p6rs6ant to 4egis4ation; t5e 4ega4 capacit! to s6e
or $e s6ed or to $e a part! in a proceeding; t5e r64es app4ica$4e to
corporations 7it5 respect to practice and proced6re app4! to t5at
association; 7it5 necessar! c5anges% D.'p5asis addedE
3ection 101(1) o" t5e .FA proides:
234 5 S!u& of or%!ni6!ion in 'ro&e#uion
/ prosec6tion "or an oKence 6nder t5is /ct or t5e reg64ations 'a! $e
$ro6g5t against an organiHation in its o7n na'e; and t5e organiHation is
dee'ed to $e a person "or t5e p6rposes o" t5e prosec6tion%
/n @organiHationA is deFned in s% 11* o" t5e .FA as inc46ding @a po4itica4 part!;
constit6enc! association; trade 6nion; partners5ip and an 6nincorporated
association; $6t %%% not %%% a corporation%A
,5e PC Part! arg6es it no7 5as 4ega4 capacit! to $ring t5is proceeding as it can $e
a part! in a @proceedingA 6nder t5e .FA%
I do not agree% /'ong ot5er t5ings; t5e PC Part!Ms arg6'ent "ai4s to take into
acco6nt t5at )6eenMs (enc5 064e 1%03 proides t5at a @proceedingA 'eans @an
action or app4ication%A / prosec6tion 6nder t5e .FA is neit5er%
,5e c6rrent )6eenMs (enc5 064e 8%10 7as not intended to con"er 4ega4 capacit! on
an 6nincorporated association% ,5e c5ange 'ade to t5e r64e 7as 'ere4! to
reNect t5e r64ing in -arms%
W5i4e s% 101 o" t5e .FA proides t5at an organiHation is dee'ed to $e a person;
t5is is si'p4! "or t5e 4i'ited p6rposes o" prosec6tion 6nder t5e /ct% It does not
con"er capacit! to $e a part! in proceedings 6nre4ated to e4ection Fnancing: see
+ongley ), #anada Attorney /eneral"; 2007 1+C/ 8*2; 288 D%:%0% (4
) *??J
Mc0inney ), +iberal Party o$ #anada et al, (1?87); 43 D%:%0% (4
) 70I (1nt%
Page: ?
/ccording4!; as t5e PC Part! is an 6nincorporated association; I a' satisFed on t5e
$asis o" t5e decision in -arms; t5at it does not 5ae 4ega4 capacit! to $ring t5is
W5i4e I a' satisFed t5e PC Part! does not 5ae 4ega4 capacit! to $ring t5is
app4ication; t5is is 4arge4! an acade'ic iss6e in t5e context o" t5is case; as #r%
Pa44ister 5as $een added as a part!% -e is an indiid6a4 75o 5as 4ega4 capacit! to
prosec6te t5is case% It is t5ere"ore sti44 necessar! "or 'e to address t5e 'erits o"
t5is case%
I& $e !mendmen m!de o $e RSTA in#re!&in% $e RST in/!(id 0e#!u&e
i 7!& no '!&&ed in #om'(i!n#e 7i$ $e 'ro#edure &e ou in &. 38234 of
$e BBA 1
#r% Pa44ister arg6es t5at t5e a'end'ent to t5e RSTA increasing t5e 03, is ina4id
$eca6se it 7as not passed in co'p4iance 7it5 t5e proced6re set o6t in s% 10(1) o"
t5e BBA% -e points to t5e "act t5at a re"erend6' a6t5oriHing t5e introd6ction o"
(i44 20 7as neer passed as reB6ired $! t5at s6$-section%
#anito$a takes t5e position t5at inso"ar as s% 10(1) o" t5e BBA p6rports to restrain
a "6t6re goern'ent "ro' introd6cing a $i44 to increase t5e 03,; it is 4ega44!
ineKectie% It re4ies on t5e doctrine o" par4ia'entar! soereignt! and s% ?2(2) o"
t5e #onstitution Act, %&'(%
I a' satisFed t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4! 5ad t5e constit6tiona4 a6t5orit! to
consider and pass (i44 20 not7it5standing s% 10(1) o" t5e BBA% ,5e doctrine o"
par4ia'entar! soereignt! preents a 4egis4atie $od! "ro' $inding "6t6re
4egis4atie $odies as to t5e s6$stance o" its "6t6re 4egis4ation% Peter W% -ogg; in
#onstitutional +aw o$ #anada; 4oose-4ea"; *
ed%; 8o4% 1 (,oronto: Cars7e44;
2007- ); at para% 12%3(a); states:
C I" a 4egis4atie $od! co64d $ind itse4" not to do so'et5ing in t5e "6t6re;
t5en a goern'ent co64d 6se its par4ia'entar! 'aGorit! to protect its
po4icies "ro' a4teration or repea4% ,5is 7o64d 4a! a dead 5and on a
goern'ent s6$seB6ent4! e4ected to po7er in a ne7 e4ection 7it5 ne7
iss6es% In ot5er 7ords; a goern'ent 75i4e in oOce co64d "r6strate in
adance t5e po4icies 6rged $! t5e opposition D"ootnote o'ittedE%
,5is is precise4! 75at t5e Progressie Conseratie &oern'ent 7as tr!ing to do
in 1??*%
In Re$erence Re Securities Act; 2011 3CC II; D2011E 3 3%C%0% 837; t5e 36pre'e
Co6rt o" Canada again conFr'ed t5at @as a 'atter o" constit6tiona4 princip4e;
neit5er Par4ia'ent nor t5e 4egis4at6res can; $! ordinar! 4egis4ation; "etter
t5e'se4es against so'e "6t6re 4egis4atie actionA (para% 11?)% /4so see Friends
o$ the #anadian 1heat Board ), #anada Attorney /eneral"; D2012E 3*2
D%:%0% (4
) 1I3 (2ed% C%/%); at para% 82%
26rt5er'ore; I a' satisFed t5at an! atte'pt to trans"er 4egis4atie po7er 7it5
respect to a 'one! $i44 a7a! "ro' t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4! to t5e e4ectorate is
inconsistent 7it5 t5e express proisions o" s% ?2 o" t5e #onstitution Act, %&'(%
3ection ?2(2) proides:
?2% In eac5 proince t5e :egis4at6re 'a! exc46sie4! 'ake :a7s in re4ation
to #atters co'ing 7it5in t5e C4asses o" 36$Gects next 5ereina"ter
en6'eratedJ t5at is to sa!;
% % %
2% Direct ,axation 7it5in t5e Proince in order to t5e raising o" a 0een6e "or
Proincia4 P6rposes%
D.'p5asis addedE
Page: 11
In Re 2nitiati)e and Re$erendum Act; D1?17E 32 D%:%0% 148; t5e #anito$a Co6rt
o" /ppea4 5e4d t5at it 7o64d $e a io4ation o" s% ?2 o" t5e #onstitution Act, %&'(;
"or a 4egis4at6re to trans"er its a6t5orit! to t5e e4ectorate $! i'posing a $inding
re"erend6' reB6ire'ent% ,5e G6dicia4 co''ittee o" t5e Pri! Co6nse4 6p5e4d t5e
decision o" t5e #anito$a Co6rt o" /ppea4 on anot5er gro6nd; $6t 7ent on to state
@3% ?2 o" t5e /ct o" 18I7 entr6sts t5e 4egis4atie po7er in a Proince to its
:egis4at6re and to t5at :egis4at6re on4!%A (3ee Re The 2nitiati)e and
Re$erendum Act; D1?1?E 48 D%:%0% 18; at p% 2*)% ,5e reasoning o" t5e #anito$a
Co6rt o" /ppea4 in Re The 2nitiati)e and Re$erendum Act; 7as adopted $! t5e
36pre'e Co6rt o" Canada in Re3 Authority o$ Parliament in Relation to the
4pper -ouse; D1?80E 1 3%C%0% *4%
2or a44 o" t5e a$oe reasons; I a' satisFed t5at to t5e extent s% 10(1) o" t5e BBA
p6rports to "etter t5e 4egis4atie po7er o" t5e :egis4atie /sse'$4!; it is 4ega44!
ineKectie and 6nen"orcea$4e%
*id $e !mendmen& m!de o $e BBA !nd $e RSTA 'ur&u!n o Bi(( 98:
infrin%e $e ri%$& of M!nio0! #ii6en& under &. 9204 of $e #harter 1
#r% Pa44ister arg6es t5at $! increasing t5e 03, 7it5o6t co'p4!ing 7it5 t5e
proced6re in s% 10(1) o" t5e BBA; #anito$a in"ringed t5e rig5ts o" #anito$a
citiHens to "reedo' o" expression as g6aranteed $! s% 2($) o" t5e #harter% -e
arg6es t5at oting in a re"erend6' is an expressie actiit!% -e 'aintains t5at as
(i44 20 exe'pted t5e increase in t5e 03, "ro' t5e re"erend6' reB6ire'ent in t5e
BBA; it aKected t5e expressie actiit! o" citiHens o" #anito$a and t5ere$!
io4ated t5eir "reedo' o" expression%
I do not agree% ,5ere is no constit6tiona4 rig5t to a re"erend6' in Canada% In
-aig ), #anadaJ -aig ), #anada #hie$ .lectoral 56cer"; D1??3E 2 3%C%0%
??* (3%C%C%); :M-e6re6x-D6$P <% stated (pp% 1040-41):
/ re"erend6' is a creation o" 4egis4ation% Independent o" t5e 4egis4ation
giing genesis to a re"erend6'; t5ere is no rig5t o" participation% ,5e rig5t
to ote in a re"erend6' is a rig5t accorded $! stat6te; and t5e stat6te
goerns t5e ter's and conditions o" participation% ,5e Co6rt is $eing asked
to Fnd t5at t5is stat6tori4! created p4at"or' "or expression 5as taken on
constit6tiona4 stat6s% In '! ie7; t5o6g5 a re"erend6' is 6ndo6$ted4! a
p4at"or' "or expression; s% 2)b* o" t5e +harter does not i'pose 6pon a
goern'ent; 75et5er proincia4 or "edera4; an! positie o$4igation to cons64t
its citiHens t5ro6g5 t5e partic64ar 'ec5anis' o" a re"erend6'% +or does it
con"er 6pon a44 citiHens t5e rig5t to express t5eir opinions in a re"erend6'%
/ goern'ent is 6nder no constit6tiona4 o$4igation to extend t5is p4at"or' o"
expression to an!one; 4et a4one to eer!one% / re"erend6' as a p4at"or' o"
expression is; in '! ie7; a 'atter o" 4egis4atie po4ic! and not o"
constit6tiona4 4a7% D.'p5asis in origina4E
(6t; #r% Pa44ister a4so arg6es t5at a4t5o6g5 t5ere 'a! 5ae $een no #harter rig5t
to a re"erend6'; once t5e BBA esta$4is5ed t5e reB6ire'ent o" a re"erend6'; it
"or'ed part o" t5e @"6nda'enta4 de'ocratic rig5t o" a44 #anito$ans%A -e arg6es
once granted; t5e rig5t to a re"erend6' can on4! $e re'oed i" @certain
proced6ra4 and s6$stantie d6e process sa"eg6ardsA are 'et% /gain; I do not
agree% ,5e 36pre'e Co6rt o" Canada reGected t5is 4ine o" reasoning in Baier ),
Alberta; 2007 3CC 31; D2007E 2 3%C%0% I73%
In Baier; t5e 36pre'e Co6rt o" Canada considered 4egis4ation t5at 4i'ited t5e
a$i4it! o" sc5oo4 e'p4o!ees to r6n "or e4ection and sere as sc5oo4 tr6stees% /n
a'end'ent to t5e 4egis4ation restricted t5e rig5t o" sc5oo4 diision e'p4o!ees to
$e candidates "or sc5oo4 tr6stee% 3o'e e'p4o!ees; 75o 7ere preio6s4! entit4ed
to r6n "or oOce; 4ost t5at rig5t% ,5e! co'p4ained t5at t5e rig5t to $e a sc5oo4
Page: 13
tr6stee ino4ed an expressie actiit! protected $! s% 2($) o" t5e #harter% ,5e
co6rt reGected t5is arg6'ent stating:
3I C ,5e appe44ants seek access to t5e stat6tor! p4at"or' o" sc5oo4
tr6stee candidac! and sc5oo4 tr6stees5ip% ,5e "act t5at t5e appe44ants 5ad
access to t5is stat6tor! p4at"or' prior to t5e :/./ /'end'ents cannot
conert t5eir c4ai' into a negatie one% ,5ere is no 'eaning"64 distinction in
t5is case $et7een a 5!pot5etica4 sit6ation 75ere t5e goern'ent "or t5e
Frst ti'e proides "or e4ected sc5oo4 $oards 7it5 proisions to disB6a4i"!
sc5oo4 e'p4o!ees "ro' r6nning and sering as tr6stees; and t5e present
sit6ation 75ere pre-existing 4egis4ation 5as $een a'ended to t5at end% ,o
5o4d ot5er7ise 7o64d 'ean t5at once a goern'ent 5ad created a stat6tor!
p4at"or'; it co64d neer c5ange or repea4 it 7it5o6t in"ringing s% 2(b) and
G6sti"!ing s6c5 c5anges 6nder s% 1%
/ccording4!; I a' satisFed t5e #harter i'poses no o$4igation on a goern'ent to
i'p4e'ent a re"erend6' or to 'aintain a re"erend6' it 5as preio6s4!
esta$4is5ed% >nder t5e circ6'stances; #r% Pa44ister 5as "ai4ed to satis"! 'e t5at s%
2($) o" t5e #harter is engaged in t5is case%
*id $e !mendmen& m!de o $e BBA !nd $e RSTA 'ur&u!n o Bi(( 98:
infrin%e $e ri%$& of M!nio0! #ii6en& under &. ; of $e #harter 1
3ection 7 o" t5e #harter proides t5at @DeEer!one 5as t5e rig5t to 4i"e; 4i$ert!
and sec6rit! o" t5e personA and @t5e rig5t not to $e depriedA o" t5ese @except in
accordance 7it5 t5e princip4es o" "6nda'enta4 G6stice%A
#r% Pa44ister arg6es t5at t5e a'end'ents to t5e BBA and RSTA constit6te a
depriation o" 4i$ert! o" #anito$a citiHens contrar! to s% 7 o" t5e #harter% -e
'aintains t5at t5e 4egis4atie process "o44o7ed in t5e passage o" (i44 20 7as not in
accordance 7it5 t5e princip4es o" @"6nda'enta4 G6sticeA $eca6se:
*% ,5e a'end'ent 7as retroactie; andJ
I% ,5e a'end'ent 7as inc46ded in a $i44 t5at i" de"eated; 7o64d $e a
'atter o" conFdence in t5e &oern'ent%
/s t5ere is no #harter rig5t to a re"erend6'; I a' satisFed s% 7 o" t5e #harter is
not engaged in t5e circ6'stances o" t5is case%
In an! eent 75et5er a $i44 operates retroactie4! or is a 'atter o" conFdence in
t5e goern'ent; are 'atters 75ic5 are 7it5in t5e exc46sie G6risdiction o" t5e
:egis4atie /sse'$4!% /s t5e! are 'atters 75ic5 "a44 7it5in t5e scope o"
par4ia'entar! prii4ege; t5is constit6tiona4 doctrine prec46des t5e co6rt "ro'
reie7ing t5ose decisions% (3ee 7ew Brunswic8 Broadcasting #o, ), 7o)a
Scotia Spea8er o$ the -ouse o$ Assembly"; D1??3E 1 3%C%0% 31? (3%C%C%)J
Re$erence Re #anada Assistance Plan B,#,"; D1??1E 2 3%C%0% *2* (3%C%C%)J
Friends o$ the #anadian 1heat Board; at para% 83J and 5ntario Spea8er o$
the +egislati)e Assembly" ), 5ntario -uman Rights #ommission"; D2001E
201 D%:%0% (4
) I?8 (1nt% C%/%))%
In conc46sion; as I a' satisFed t5e PC Part! 5as no 4ega4 capacit! to $ring t5is
app4ication; and as #r% Pa44ister 5as "ai4ed to pers6ade 'e t5ere is an! $asis "or
t5e co6rt to grant t5e re4ie" 5e is seeking; I a' dis'issing t5e app4ication%
,5e iss6e o" costs 'a! $e spoken to; i" necessar!%

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