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CW 280609PC16 122a


crossword 28th province page c16 122across

spy technique level II

"soapmaking compounds"

so i will write todays essay

topic for this article:
chrystal meth
specifically the "soapmaking compound "lye"

so i will write this and post it in [es2] and twinnlink it to utube [ritazaboski]
(i named this utube: rita/zabos/ki
an old nickname
z--ab as in a-z and getting from a to b
za boss -.-
sk, ski, snow blow chrystal ect
Pat ricia?!
Con is Stable lol

The goods about Chrystal Meth or Speed, Jib, Crank.

1) lye, an exremely concentrated alkali soap compound (will burn your skin just
like hydrochloric acid) is used in the organic separating process and if not
rinsed out properly, or in haste by the kitchen chemist, it will in a short period
of time, turn you from a healthy person into a haggad bag of rotten pulp. it does
not take much up your nostrils to destroy the flesh and will circulate in the
bloodstream and cause ulcers. think of what your poor kidney is going thru to
cleanse a fools blood.

1a) chrystalmeth is theebomb when it comes to an aphrodisiac

2) Chrystal is NOT a synthetic drug as the media will have you believe.

2a) It WILL absolutely harm you if not used with upmost care and resposibility! if
you use it enuff to rot your brain, it is more likely that you will become a
useless comatose jerkoff zipperhead, rather than a "Crazy Mental Pilot or Drive a
Tank around L.A crushing cars" unless of course you are being blackmailed. think
about it. random labotomizing of areas of the brain does not produce someone that
can drive! mental peolpe are not the ideal canidate to carry explosives and guns
so why are they always "massecering" peoples?

macdonalds usa
kindergarten england
virgina tech usa

3) Kristal meth is made from "Ephedra" which is made out of "Bak Fah" which is
also a primary ingredient (name changed obviously) in widely used over the counter
allergy tablets. (ie: asprin or acetominophen comes from the Willow)

4) "Bak Fah" or "White Flower" is a plant from China and it was named after the
"little pretty white girl" by the locals during the british occupation and opium
drug wars in China. The british nobility knew they had a ardulouse task of
stamping out pedofillia (pee doe feel ill, pee (boy) to doe (girl) fill (can be to
satisfy or can refer to anal sex) and the HerOWin that went hand in hand as it was
rampant all over China at the time. with bound feet, (lip and neck extensions in
Africa), bound feet (to keepit childsize (try fitting your size tens! lol) was a
sexual custom not so "the wife couldnt run away, but because she was the "honored"
wife in her role"

5) chrystal probably works better than Boiled Tiger Balls available in Chinatown
rinnow! lol

6) SEX DRUGS ROCK AND ROLL has ALWAYS been a part of the human experience and BB
does not want you to know and even think about it and associating it with
everythin evil is one way to brainwash you

7) FACT: the media will neverever talk about SDRandR and if they do, it is ALWAYS
associated with "SKID ROW" or a DYSFUNCTIONAL exsessive and greedy hollywood

8) nature also provided a way to weed out the unfittest, and control population in
China using HerOwin in the same way that skid rows mortality rate is not fit for a
"Banned Dog in a China Park".

9) in China, incest was normal (dont forget they only got off the bycicle in the
eighties) so that the Intelligencia existed side by side with the British Nobility
but rather than start to work and strategize "together"on this problem, they were
more likeley concentrating too much on getting laid and footbinding while the
Royalty quietly worked on war strategies

10) rite does not become wrong untill you start to abuse!

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