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Continuation of the Twilight Saga: Old Sun-6

Thanks to Alyssa and Matt, for applying the idea of 'Epic Fail,'
and thanks to Alyssa (again) for helping me write this story.
Couldn't have done it without you!
6. Hunting
The next day, Rosalie, Alice, and I got ready at 6 a.m.
"So the humans won't see us; they like to sleep late at this
time of the year." Alice explained.
"Those lazy pigs!" Rose muttered.
As soon as Rose said "lazy," Edward came bounding down the
wooden stairs. "Not all humans are boring swines.. Just look at Bella."
Rosalie snorted. "Whatever. You're always trying to fit
her into the conversation."
Edward opened his mouth to say something, but I
told him to 'shut up' through my mind. He paused, and I quickly said, "Alice,
Rose: Let's go now! Bye Edward!"
Alice and I rushed out the door pulling Rosalie
with us.
"Wow-it's really nice out. The sun's finally
here." I said in awe.
"Not really. Not for us anyway. Maybe for the
humans, though." I could tell by Alice's choppy sentences that she was
worried about something. Had she found out about my meeting with the
"We are not going to school today." Rosalie declared,
completely ignoring us.
"Why not?" I questioned. I knew better than to bother
poor Alice who was lost in her thoughts.
Rosalie sighed. "Because. Blood types?
Biology? Ring a bell?"
"STOP! Just come on. I think I saw a grizzly." Alice
whispered. She was finally back!
Alice led us into the woods. "Emmett should have
been with me. He loves grizzlies." Rosalie whined. She can be really
annoying when she wants to.
"Shhhh! It's over here!" Alice hissed. I love when she shuts
Rose up. I feel afraid that I might offend Rosalie and she might not want to
have anything to do with me.
We followed Alice into a clearing, to find us face-
to-face with a baby bear. It was at least 6'3, and was big and furry, covered
just a bit in snow. "Isn't it hibernating time for these things? Go back to your
den, little bear." I joked.
Rosalie let out a low, bone-chilling snarl. I have to admit, that
young grizzly did very well. It tried not to show its surprise, and instead
growled loudly.
I had a feeling it was summoning its mother, and so I pounced
on the big, furry creature.
WWWRRRRR!" The innocent bear let out a last scream as I punctured a
hole near its neck and drank like there was no tomorrow.
Its blood was a bright, fiery red color. Sweet, juicy stuff with a
hint of spice. Animal blood was way more delicious than I expected it to be,
and I slowly drank the entire bear, forgetting about everyone and just
enjoying it.
"Excuse me, but if you would be so kind as to realize that there
are OTHERS HERE?" Rosalie yelled.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I softly said as I got up. "Did I drink
the whole thing?" Embarrased, I knelt down to pick the animal up.
"No! It's okay. We'll take care of it!" Alice slung the slightly
shriveled up bear over her tiny, graceful body and started to walk off. "Be
right back!"
Rosalie sighed. "Jasmine, I guess you can go to school now."
She checked her watch. "9:01. Biology's probably over by now. See you
later... But don't forget to change-blood stains aren't a good sign!"
I laughed as I sped off.
At home, I silently changed from my bloody
clothing to some dark-wash skinny jeans, and a long button-down cardigan
over a white T-shirt.
I sat down into Rosalie's polished red BMW, and drove
off. I parked the car next to Edward's silver Volvo and peered inside. Sure
enough, there he was, sitting inside, listening to a CD. "Have fun?" He
asked, pulling the window down.
"Not really." I admitted. "Rosalie got angry 'cause I drank up
the bear. Looked like she wanted to kill me."
Edward chuckled. "She's almost always like that." His
honey-brown hair was in a complicated style today, and he had on solid,
"Forks" clothing.
"Hey, are you ditching?" I quickly changed the subject.
Even though Alice and I hung out more, Rosalie and I had were better
friends. I didn't want her to find out about me gossiping about her behind her
"Why yes, yes I am. Obviously an innocent junior like you
wouldn't know a thing about ditching." He laughed.
"Don't forget: You were one too, last year."
Edward looked amused and surprised. He probably
didn't think I would think of a comeback. "Shouldn't you be in class now?" I
shrugged and walked off.
As I walked to my locker, the halls began filling up with
teenagers. That meant third period was about to start. Everyone started to
whisper the moment they saw me. I sighed. It's like the first day of school all
over again.
I opened up my locker and dumped my books inside, grabbing
my history book as I did so.
"Hey-ey! Look who it is! Catch any grizzlies?" Emmett
loudly exclaimed, grinning.
"Shhh! They'll hear us. And yeah, I did. Plus, it...was...GOOD!"
He laughed deeply. "That's what I like about you. You
have some vampire humor."
I smiled. Jasper appeared behind Emmett.
"Where is Alice?" He asked in a sad voice.
"Sorry Jasper. Alice and Rose aren't here yet. I'm pretty sure
they're not going to, at least." I explained.
Jasper's face fell.
"Lighten up, man! Let's go!" Emmett grabbed a hold of Jasper and
steered him out. "Bye!"
Instantly, Edward and Bella appeared behind me. "Hi." Bella said,
slowly and dramatically. I eyed her with curiosity.
"Uh...hi?" I said, with uncertainty.
Edward gestured to their next class. "Let's go, Bells."
Bella smiled, her cheeks a light shade of pink.
"Bye," she called, following Edward.
Every hour, I filed into my new period. When the lunch bell rang, I ran to
the cafeteria and sat at our table. I took a seat next to Bella and Alice, and
listened to the oddly bland conversation. Usually, we had something
interesting to talk about. Today, my siblings were all snuggled up to their
sweethearts. Edward with Bella, Alice with Jasper, and Rosalie with
Emmett. They were all softly mumbling about stuff to eachother. Their
expressions showed one thing: love, and love alone.
I sadly sighed. Would I ever find 'him?' Or would I join
an all-females clan, similar to the one that my family had previously visited,
in Denali. Only one person could lighten up my day. And that person could
also transform to a wolf. Jacob.
Just then, an immature sophomore tripped over his stupid
friend's outstretched foot and dropped his lunch tray. It splattered all over
the people passing by. "EPIC FAIL!" I blurted. Instantly, I regretted my
choice. The entire student body turned to look at me in disbelief.
"Jazz!" Alice hissed, exasperatedly.
People returned to their lunches, and Jacob began
walking towards our table, a big grin on his tan face. I signaled for him to
turn back, and thankfully he did. Terror would have struck if he had talked
to us, the vampires. It didn't help his going to this school, either.
"So, you been spending time with Black or something?
He's the only one that would be stupid enough to yell 'epic fail' like a sixth-
grader." Emmett asked, one dark eyebrow raised over the other.
I felt myself turn beet red. "What? No! I just go to a lot..."
My siblings look puzzled. "What the hell is that?"
Rosalie grumbled.
"Uh... all the teenagers go there. I was just trying to fit in,
you know?" I said, lamely making up stuff.
Astonishingly, Edward didn't read my mind this time. He
snorted. "Haven't you realized, Jazz? We're not exactly teenagers."
Bella seemed to find this hilarious. I scolded him, annoyed with
his comment. "I know, but I don't want it to be so obvious that we're like 60
years older than everyone."
Emmett laughed. "True."
Rosalie, always sucking the fun rather than blood said, "Why
are you so calm about being centuries old? We should all be human, and
"But Rose," Emmett said in a sly tone, "If we were human,
none of us would've met. That includes you and me." Emmett then
proceeded to kiss Rosalie- for a long time.
Rose pulled away, disgusted. "I guess you're right. Em."
"Really?" Emmett asked, awestruck.
"NO!" Rosalie cried, thumping him on the head.
"Well if you dislike me so much, I could always check out the
red-head in Calculus."
Rosalie opened her mouth to protest, but I beat her to it. "If you
two are done with your BARF-FEST, we should get going now."
Jasper and I started to make puking noises.
Rosalie complained, "You people are acting like
preschoolers watching a soap opera. I mean, all of you know what it's like to
fall in love." Her eyes flickered in my direction. "Well maybe not all of
I scowled and got up. "Good...BYE!"

"And so, I just got up and left. They can be so rude sometimes." I
explained to the wolf-man. We were in study hall, passing the time away. I
had finished my homework in minutes, while Jacob didn't bother to even
start on his. "I'm glad Billy doesn't get on my back for school. Porbably
'cause he knew the day I was born that I was going to be a average student."
"An average." I corrected.
"It's called GRAMMAR." I enounciated.
Suddenly, Jacob's eyes widened. He quickly moved five seats down
from me. Immediately, I knew what had happened: Edward was here. Sure
enough, he glided through the room, with Bella faithfully at his side.
Edward muttered something in her ear, and she bent down to
awkwardly hug me.
I winced. She smells so good! So rich, sweet, kind of flowery. Such an
aromatic scent. I pushed her away, before anything devastating happened.
Plus, Edward was sending me dark looks.
"What in the world were you doing with the dirty dog?" He
asked, not caring if Jacob heard him. Jacob came back, standing behind my
chair. I stood between the vampire and the werewolf now. Even with my
impressive height of 5'8, I had to look up to meet Jacob's shiny, obsidian
eyes, now squinted with hate.
"Wouldn't hurt ya to cuss once in a while." Jacob snarled.
Edward fumed up, but his face stayed strangely calm. "Yes,
well, it wouldn't hurt ya to put on a shirt now and then." He smirked,
because he had been mimicing Jacob.
"I would---,"
"Jacob! Edward! Stop...fighting!" Bella cried, interuppting
"Stay outta this, Bells. Only between the mosquito-boy and
Bella abruptedly say down. I looked into her desperate, pleading eyes,
and knew what I had to do.
In order to read what a person wants, I have to look into their
eyes for a split second. Then, the thought occurs to me out of the blue.
While I had been lost in my thoughts, Edward and Jacob had
been at it, insulting eachother.
"--- at least I can see in color; not just black and white!"
Jacob's hand was in a fist, curled up high above his head. "You want
me to hit you so hard you lose your vision?"
This was it. I quickly looked into Jake's eyes. He wanted to take Bella
forever. Not going to happen! He also wanted to leave the school with me.
That, I could arrange. I would explain it all later to Edward and Bella.
Instantly, I put on my best "gorgeous" face. Batting my
eyelashes, I took a hold of Jacob's freakishly warm hand and held it in my
own, freezing cold one. A current passed through my body, but I ignored it.
"C'mon, Jake." I said sweetly.
Mesmerized, Jacob walked to the parking lot with me. I turned
slightly and winked at Edward and Bella. Of course, Edward knew what I
was doing as he had read my mind. He explained quietly to Bella as I
walked out.
"What was THAT all about?" questioned a very confused
"Oh nothing." I softly answered. "Bye!"
I hugged him, and after talking in all the warmth, quickly walked
away. As I sat and drove away with my siblings in the family car, I saw him,
still standing there, with a shocked look on his face. Towering over the other
Smiling, I drove my siblings and myself home.

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