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I nitial Reflections on Classroom Practice

The SI T TESOL Certificate Course

Please answer these prompts and questions for each lesson you teach during the course.
Write your responses the first 10 minutes of the feedback session. These reflections are meant
to help prepare you for the discussion and to support you during the discussion. These are
your notes and can be hand-written. Please attach your initial reflections to each lesson plan
and keep them with trainer written feedback in your portfolio.
Name: Sonia Albertazzi O Level of Class: Low
ECRIF Speaking
PDP Listening
Writing Culture
Date: September 9
, 2014. Number of Students: 3

My initial feelings on the lesson Ive just taught.

I felt happy about their participation. Sts were very responsive and they did very well on
the exercises. I was pleased to see all of them participating (even Hellen).

What I planned to do. What actually happened.
(What the students did/said,
what I did/said)
What I was feeling and
thinking at the time.

I planned to have them talk
about they like and dislike
about their communities.

They could complete the
exercises well and only had
difficulty in a few items.
They could incorporate new
vocabulary when speaking
about their community.

I was glad that I chose an
audio they could follow.

What did the students learn and how did they show me they learned it?
They completed the exercises and interacted using the new words and then they could complete the
fluency tasks.

What were the objectives of the lesson?
How well did the students achieve them?
SWBAT show comprehension of the listening by completing some tasks and later describing what they like about
San Carlos.

I think they achieved the objectives well. I decided to change San Carlos for their close community in
order to allow for more context.

Things that I think effectively served students learning in this lesson:
The use of pictures.
The vocabulary I chose.
The order of the activities.

Things that are puzzling me from this lesson:
Am I using CCQs correctly?

What Ive learned from this lesson about facilitating learning:
Previous knowledge can be elicited in a very delicate way.

Questions / Issues/ puzzles I would like to get feedback on and/or to discuss and/or think more
Am I using CCQ correctly?
Do I do too much talking?

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