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Treatment- related Community Correction Program

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Treatment- related Community Correction Program
In the last thirty years, community corrections have turned out to be an important part of
the system of corrections. In recent times, the change towards choices to the strategies has been
in response to uic!ly improving the populations of prison in "nited States and Canada.
#egislators in "nited States and Canada have passed legislation in recent times thought of
stabili$ing or reducing the populations of prison %Sieh, &''().
The programs for community crime prevention or strategies target alter in community
infrastructure, the physical environment, and culture to decrease the rates of crime. The variety
of approaches includes the neighborhood watch, urban or physical design, community policing
and multi-disciplinary or comprehensive efforts. These strategies possibly loo! to enlist
residents, faith-based firms and community, and agencies of local government in addressing the
elements that lead to the community*s crime, disorder and delinuency %+oberts, &'',).
Rehabilitation Strategies
The treatment of rehabilitation was a dominant response to criminal charges until
concerns started to increase in the -./'s, -.('s and -.0's. Those against to rehabilitation as!ed
the utili$ation of discretion afforded to the officials of the state in delivering and determining
treatment as a sentence, against its use as a techniue of discrimination and control %+oberts,
Punishment Guidelines
The authori$ation of punishment under the guidelines for sentencing is usually changed
for the crime and applies to every similarly situated crime offenders. #i!e, 1udges should follow
a system for rating, which is relied on the severity of the crime of the offender, the rate of
violations, and the crime*s nature. Non-violent crimes have the deepest rating for criminal,
letting 1udges the wide range of options for sentencing. In contrast, 1udges should impose uite
specific sentences for serious or violent crimes. 2iolent or serious felons sentenced to 1ail get
very little if any better time credit, and should serve a fi3ed term while in prison %4reifinger,
5dvocates of community corrections claim that the programs for community are more
effective than incarceration. The effectiveness of the program can be measured in terms of
decreasing recidivism, escaping e3posure to unwanted effects and helping the productive re-
integration of offenders into the community. Studies have demonstrated that incarceration is not
better than community corrections in !eeping re-offending and the programs for treatment have
been demonstrated to be better when presented in a community setting. 6oreover, the programs
for community corrections spare offenders most of the negative impressions of incarceration
%4reifinger, &''0).
7very individual, when as!ing about 1ustice and crime, tend to spea! in stereotypes and
generalities based on details got from the media. They utili$e phrases li!e 8you do the crime you
do the time.9 They control from the mindset of them9 and 8us where the people with the thin!ing
of law abiding are in the community and the ruthless people are in prison. They try to enter into
discussions focused on the premise that offenders are loc!ed inside. 5ctually, the professionals
further 1udge the supposition that incarceration is the starting point or benchmar! for sentencing
ne3t to which every other sentence is 8alternative9 in the system for 1ustice. This paper claimed
that the strategies for rehabilitation are more effective than any other.
Greifnger, R. (200!. Public Health Behind Bars: From Prisons to Communities.
Springer. "#: $%ringer.
R&'er(), A. R. (200*!. Correctional counseling and treatment: evidence-based
perspectives. Ne+ ,er)e-: Pear)&n Pren(i.e /a00.
$ieh, E. 1. (2002!. Community Corrections and Human Dignity. "$A: ,&ne) 3
4ar(0e(( 5earning.

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