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DATE: September 18, 2014 TOT: __________/30


It is your responsibility to find the meaning of some important key terms, express them in your own
words. Based on the movie The Climb, write a reflection of what you need to do in order to build a firm
foundation for your own career journey.

(1.) In your own words, state the meaning of the following terms (Comm __________/10 marks)
Character Character is what you are. It is the things that describe you, how you react in different
Integrity Integrity is when you always try to be true to your values. You always try to respect people
and do the right thing.
Modesty Modesty is when you are humble about yourself, you do not brag about your abilities.
Teamwork Teamwork is when you join with other people to all work to a specific goal. Everyone
helps everyone else, and if someone gets into trouble, the others have their back.
Tenacity Tenacity is, even when faced with adversity, you will continue until you succeed. If you
fall, you dust yourself off and try even harder the next time.

(2.) With reference to instances in the movie The Climb, write a 1-page reflection on how you plan to
build solid foundational principles for your own career journey ( Think/Inq ___________/20 marks).


_________ /10

Teacher had difficulty
understanding the
meanings presented.


Displayed little
understanding of the


Teacher could clearly
understand the
meanings presented.


Displayed some
understanding of the

Student clearly expressed
the meanings with personal


Displayed a great deal of
understanding of the terms.

Student expressed the
meanings with
exceptional personal

Displayed thorough
and in-depth
understanding of the

Reflection showed
little insight into the


Implications of the
material were rarely

Reflection showed
some insight into the


Implications of the
material were

Reflection showed a great
deal of insight into the topic.


Implications of the material
were often considered.

Reflection showed a
thorough and in depth
insight into the topic.


Implication of the
material was


Comments: __________________________________________________________________________


Like Derrick and Micheal, I want to fulfill my dream, but mine is becoming a computer engineer
instead of climbing a mountain. Although they are very different, they are similar in that it is important to
have solid foundational principles for both. Some important ones demonstrated in The Climb include
integrity, modesty, teamwork, tenacity and character. Being taught these principles from a young age
will really help in life, but you are never too old to learn them.
I will begin with integrity. To me, integrity goes hand in hand with wonder and appreciation. To be
able to respect people and things, you need to appreciate them and understand why they are important.
You also need to be true to yourself and others, and stick to your values. In The Climb, Derrick and his
girlfriend has contrasting values, and that got them into trouble. Fortunately, they learnt how to
compromise. For me, honesty and integrity will help me on the journey of my career. They are important
qualities in any job, but sometimes it is important to dilute honesty with a bit of modesty. This brings me
to my next principle.
Modesty is the opposite of arrogance. You do not brag about your qualities, preferring to say less
about yourself or understating your abilities. It is mostly to make others not be jealous of you and feel
better about themselves. Between Michael and Derrick, the former is the more modest person, the
scene highlighting Derricks non-modesty being when he is telling his friends and family about saving
Josh. Modesty is mostly an instinctive principle, part of your nature. It is therefore hard to practice, but I
believe that it is not as important a principle as others. Many people prefer when you say exactly how
good you are at something, rather than more or less. For this reason modesty is not always necessary.
On the other hand, teamwork is extremely important in any job. Almost all work is done with a
team of people who have to work together to get the job done. If one of them cannot work with others
properly or does not communicate enough, everyone goes down with them. At the beginning of the
movie, Derrick refuses to work with others, preferring to do things only by himself. His dream is to climb
Mount Chicanagua by himself, notwithstanding knowing that it should be done with a partner. But when
he needs to do it with Michael, he slowly starts to learn the value of teamwork.
If you do not have tenacity, you are not going to get anywhere. There are always many times in
life when things do not go your way and you are faced with a problem, and you might not succeed the
first time. But you need to try and try again, never giving up. If you walk away from the first challenge
you face, your dream will never come true. Derrick and Michael were faced with plenty of adversity and
succeed in reaching the top of Chicanagua. If after learning of the storm, they had given up, they would
never have felt the euphoria of reaching the top. I also need to have tenacity and whenever I face a
problem, I need to keep trying until I overcome it.
Character is the first thing that people notice about you. It is what describes you, your personality.
It is impossible to change all at once, but your whole life affects it. How you were brought up, situations
you have been in, things that have happened to you. At the beginning of the movie, Derrick starts out
angry, but slowly, because of Micheal, his girlfriend and things that happen to him, be begins to let go of
his anger and be a better person. The better character I have, the better principles I have and the
happier I and the people around me will be.

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