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Communications Department

September 23, 2014
Benedict Nguyen
Director of Communications

Statement Regarding Complaint Filed in Circuit Court

Bishop Frank J. Dewane, the Diocese of Venice in Florida, and its entities take very seriously the safety
of all minors and vulnerable adults, and work to prevent any instance of abuse from happening. Should
anyone believe abuse to have happened, they immediately should contact law enforcement and the
Department of Children and Families.

The Diocese of Venice has become aware of a lawsuit filed in Circuit Court. The incident did not take
place on the property of St. Francis Xavier Parish or that of the Diocese of Venice. At no time either
prior to or since the arrest of Mr. Robert Little did the Diocese of Venice or the Parish receive any
complaint of an assault by Mr. Little as alleged in the complaint. This is despite a public request by the
Diocese of Venice and the Parish for anyone to come forward to report incidents of abuse to law
enforcement and the Department of Children and Families.

Mr. Little was a volunteer lay Eucharistic Minister at St. Francis Xavier Parish, a person who
occasionally helps distribute communion at Mass, but at the time of his arrest he was no longer a

All volunteers in the Diocese of Venice must submit to a federal and state criminal background check
and fingerprinting prior to volunteering; Mr. Little was no exception. Neither the federal nor the state
background checks and fingerprinting in 2010 found reason to prevent him from volunteering.

It is our prayer that all victims of abuse, as well as their families, would feel Gods healing and love.

Due to the ongoing nature of the legal process, no additional statements will be made at this time.

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