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Rush Limbaugh [1]

Jerome Gordon [3]
Jim Geraghty [1]
Jonah Goldberg [1]

Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Thursday, 9/25/14

Holder resigns: Drive-bys are breathless, trying to explain.
Seg#1: And I, of course, have the reason why Eric Holder resigns.

It doesnt matter; he will just be replaced with someone like Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson. No, he is not
afraid of investigationswhat would Republicans do anyway?

Eric Holder wants to go to the private sector and represent terrorists.

The Prime Minister of Iraq says there is an imminent threat to blow up subway stations in Paris and the
USA. Even if not true, it is making us afraid of our own shadows and thus a win for Terrorists.

There is always the cashing in aspects after serving Obama for six years. Sometimes, you dont even
have to do anything, just provide your name for a draw. Also, there may be a Supreme Court vacancy
and Obama could nominate him from the private sector. Dont rule any of that out.

Dont look for any scandal, Fast & Furious, or anything else.

A Republican victory in November will result in comprehensive amnesty reform, says The Hill and
Politico. That is out there but I dont know that it is true.

((Reading-Obama: There is no military victory over ISIS possible.)) Now we bomb oil refineries, and San
Francisco protestors must have heard me and are protesting. ((Rush Team plays parody music, Una
Poloma Blanca (Spanish for White Dove), with bombs in the background.))

CNN Money segment covers, What does a woman want in a man? Answer: for the guy to have a
steady job. It trumps moral and religious beliefs; lower are race and politics. And what do Democrats
want? To continue accusing Republicans of War on Women. With the Obama Economy, there are no
potential husbands,
>>> Women will not get married and continue to vote Democrat.

Seg#2: Democrats want Republicans to win on Amnesty? Says who?

Having a job is even more important to single women than listening. Good luck with that in the Obama
Economy. We have more people not working than ever before, with no signs of it getting any better.

CNN John King played part of the Scott Brown political ad. DbM is in panic with new polling data on
security moms swinging to Republicans. ((Clip-ad: Radical Islamic Terrorist are threatening.
Obama/Democrats are confused; not me.)) They are worried about this, as they should be. DbM is not
releasing much polling data because they dont want to publicize the trend.

Throw in the gender-gap and they are petrified. From FoxNews, Democrats refuse to release Obama
fund-raising results. Why? It is huge and suspicious, or is it small and embarrassing? ((Reading: The
committee would disclose how much the $100,000/plate event brought in, nor how many attended.))

Pro-Immigration-Reform Republicans say it may pass if Republicans take control. This article makes no
sense at all. There arent any polls, except Obama is at 30% approval and 60% disapproval. Why leak
this? Are some Republicans trying to make sure that Democrats keep control of the Senate? You are
the base, and I think you are donating less.

>>> Campaign money for Republicans has to come from somewhere;

>>>> Chamber of Commerce types must be paying them.

Seg#3: Amnesty would be the end of the Republican Party

Fewer and fewer base Republicans are donating: the candidates dont govern as they campaign, and
other reasons. Big corporate donors make up the slack. If they want Amnesty, then you have the
answer for this article. Somebody is leaking this. Is it a couple of senators?

Amnesty has a better chance of passing if Republicans win the Senate seems almost politically
suicidal. It makes no sense at all. It would be the end of the Republican Party, and Democrats know it.
Do not put it past Democrats to put this story out.

My whole life, every election, you hear that Republicans want to cut Medicare, Medicaid, school lunch
programs, feed pet food to seniors. It is the Democrats that do that. The playbook is 30 years old.
((Reading of new release by Democrats.))

Tonight is an NFL football game and announcer Phil Sims says he wont say Redskins.

Republicans are trying to suppress Black votes! No, Republicans wouldnt know how to do that. With
all the early voting and monitoring and Democrats stuffing the ballot box with deceased voters, who
does this? Democrats or Republicans? ((Clip-Black-accent: We must go to the polls and vote like ever
before. Remember Ferguson!))

The Black emphasis is being driven by: 1. Obama will not be on the ballot; 2. Obama popularity is in the
tank; 3. Black employment has gone down. Turn-out is going to be iffy and they resort to the Olde

((Clip-Maxine-Waters-rant: We have been fighting to hold on to our vote. Three days after Obama was
elected, three days [say what?]))

>>> Would you rather listen to Maxine Waters or Hillary Clinton?

Seg#4: Obama will have no problem finding a like-minded radical

As a percentage, Black voter turnout exceeds White voter turnout, even in states that require picture ID
to vote.

ISIS has overrun another town and 300 Iraqi soldiers executed. I thought we had them on the run. The
terrorists are holing up in citizen homes. Who will clean up the mess of collateral damage?

Caller-gal: Eric Holder on the Supreme Court? Who will replace him?
I dont know and Im not being flippant. Obama just needs to find a lawyer like himself. It may not
matter if Republicans wont go along with confirming a nomineeEric Holder is going to stay on till that
happens. This came out of the blue and lists will be noted. Obama is not going to have trouble finding a
radicalthose are his buddies; may be someone already there.

Remember now, this is just for a year and a half. Claire McCaskill has been mentioned and Im not

>>> She would be loyal to Obama and Liberalism.
> If you are from MO, I hope you didnt crash or drive off the road.

Seg#5: Another hour in the can and at our Virtual Museum

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio dropped the ground hog and it died, and
> > > they tried to cover it up.
Segment#6: Democrats want a subservient voting bloc

(Theme Music) What do women want in a husband? A guy with a job, which favors Democrats in the
Obama Economy. There arent any jobs to be had. From The NYTimes ((Reading: Marriage Rates Keep
Falling as Money Concerns Rise. 20% of adults older than 25 have never married (Pew Research).
Trend increases. 25% will not have married, and primary reason given is money.)) Fascinating.

Snerdley, you remember how it was thought that men earned the money and women ran the
household? Feminism ruined that. ((Reading on)) We are told that only recently has Love been a
factor. Now they want a breadwinner.

Get ready, MediaMatters: Im going to say something to misquote. Women marry up! Those were
fighting words to Feminists.

The reason this is a story in The New York Times is they didnt like men being the breadwinner;
Feminists didnt need a man; Love suffered. Now we have gone full circle and are back to money
being a factor in marriage. This is not a solid development for Feminists.

Snerdley asks if unhappy feminists were called Spinsters back then(?)

One of the biggest fears they had was growing old and becoming a bag lady. Now with the economy in
the tank, and career jobs and grad jobs scares, and being told this is the new norm. It isnt true and
irritates me. Democrats want a subservient voting bloc.

Current leadership apologizes for America around the world.

It takes less effort to believe pessimism. This is still the place on Earth to devote yourself and become
profoundly successful, however you describe success. You see pessimism in articles and it is totally
political: How is this going to hurt Obama/Democrats?
>>> What about helping or hurting the people? It doesnt matter to Obama.

With Liberal Democrats, the story may not be the story you get from DbM:
Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "A Place Without Borders"

Newspapers across the country are running an AP story, the sympathetic tale of a community activist
visiting us from El Salvador. Francisco Aguirre, the activist, is now holed up in a Portland, Oregon church,
because the feds want to deport him.

Francisco has lived in America illegally for 19 years. Hes also father to two children, both American
citizens. Hes the coordinator a non-profit group that runs a labor center in Portland. More important,
Francisco is a well-known immigrant rights organizer. Bless his heart hes a musician. He performs songs
about social justice and can no doubt sing Kumbaya in English and espaol.

So why is our government hell-bent on deporting him? Years ago, Francisco was caught trafficking drugs.
In 2000, he was deported. But you cant keep a good man down. Francisco again came across our
borders illegally. Then, last August, when he was arrested for DUI, he came to the attention of mean-
spirited government agents who are now trying to deport him again.

The pastor of the Lutheran Church where Francisco is hiding, in plain sight, says: A church is a place
without borders. It allows people to be, and to sort things out, without guns, without coercion.

I guess. But Im old enough to remember when the Church was a place where people were taught about
morality, right and wrong, and about following and respecting the laws of your country.

But that was a long time ago, folks. In a country far, far away.

AP: Republican victory in November will result in comprehensive amnesty reform
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"The fact of the matter is that the social safety net in this country became a hammock a long time ago,
and it simply isn't accurate to say, 'We don't take care of our own.' We have to the tune of $22 trillion.
The problem is we have not taught people to be self-reliant and self-sufficient."

"So George Bush supposedly went to Iraq for oil, right? So I guess we could say that Barack Obama went
to war with ISIS for the Senate."

"If no ground force of ours that's competent is part of this operation against ISIS, then the main reason
we're doing this is for the pictures everybody has already seen, which are supposed to convey an
impression or image of success."

"I'm going to make a prediction to you. You will not see any reports of civilian casualties resulting from
our bombs, and you will not see any reports of collateral damage like a nursery school accidentally
blown up by an American bomb. You will not see any footage of a hospital blown up by an American
bomb, which you would if George W. Bush were still president and operating this campaign or
commanding this campaign."

"Where are the peace marches? Where are the peace protests? Where's the anger over death caused by
American bombs? Slim Whitman is ready to go with our theme song for the global peace march, the
anti-nuke faction. I've got it queued up, I've got it ready to go, and you are letting me down!"

"The Republicans aren't out lying about anything when they tell voters that the Democrats are weak on
national security."

"I am mayor of Realville, and what that means is, I do not live in fantasyland, and I don't construct
scenarios that I wish were true and live them, and I don't see things and analyze them and massage
them as I wish they were. I am totally devoted to what is real."

"Labels work. It's one of the reasons why people don't like 'em. And in some cases, identifying templates
also work. And there is one that is undeniable, and that is that Democrats are doves. Everybody knows

"The NFL, in many cases, is probably the first real formal workplace discipline that a lot of players have
ever encountered. It's required to stay on the team."

"Students in Denver are protesting that they're being taught capitalism and free markets. They're
literally protesting and walking out of class! I saw the story today and I said, 'This is exactly why there is
a Rush Revere time-travel adventure series'."

Jerry Gordon provided three on-point entries; first, he quotes two [contrasting] POTUS-level viewpoints:
John Quincy Adams And Barack Obama On Islam
John Quincy Adams:
In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar
[i.e., Muhammad], the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the
preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed
himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an
extensive portion of the earth. Adopting from the sublime conception of the Mosaic
law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God; he connected indissolubly with it, the
audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle. Adopting from the
new Revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution,
he humbled it to the dust by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the
gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the
fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy;
and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against
two religions, thus contrasted in their characters, a war of twelve hundred years has
already raged. The war is yet flagrantWhile the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the
false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon
earth, and good will towards men.

"The precept of the Koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the
prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute;
the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the
faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but
the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when
it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by
fraud, or by force."
Barack Obama:

"...we have reaffirmed that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam.
Islam teaches peace. Muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of
justice. And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them there is only
us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country.

So we reject any suggestion of a clash of civilizations. Belief in permanent religious war
is the misguided refuge of extremists who cannot build or create anything, and
therefore peddle only fanaticism and hate. And it is no exaggeration to say that
humanitys future depends on us uniting against those who would divide us along fault
lines of tribe or sect; race or religion."
Second, he details the current plight of the Kurds:
Is the US Going to save Syrian Kurds and Others in Besieged Kobani?
Upwards of 400,000 Syrian Kurds, Turkmen, and Christians are besieged in Kobani (Ayn
al-Arab) in Syria's north closed off from the Turkish border crossing. They are ringed by
tanks, mortars and artillery, some of it American equipment which was captured when
Iraqi forces fled before the ISIS assault on Mosul in Iraq. There is also Russian equipment
captured from Assad forces. As we now know, the ISIS military command structure is led
by former Ba'athist officers of the late Sadaam Hussein. Hence we are dealing with the
equivalent of at least a reinforced division headed by experienced military. While the US
and the coalition of five regional Arab Sunni states have struck at targets in Raqqa, near
Aleppo, the Deir es-Zor oil fields and refineries and the open Syrian border crossings, the
possible fall of Kobani would create a massive humanitarian disaster surpassing Sinjar
and Mosul in Iraq. With no forward air controllers on the ground in the vicinity of
Kobani, it is unlikely that US/Arab coalition air contingents, even with precision GPS
guided weapons, could provide close air support to attack ISIS military strong points.
Moreover, should ISIS forces penetrate Kobani, they would have the cover of an urban
center to slaughter the encircled population. Syrian Kurds and other regional Kurdish
fighters probably lack the anti-tank, counter-battery detection and weapons to stave off
the siege. The surrounded population lacks adequate food and water as well. This is the
air mission of the day. It is also the diplomatic mission of the day to force the Turks to
open a humanitarian corridor to alleviate the looming debacle. However, as we come to
learn with this White House, politics count. That along with support of the very
extremists that the President spoke of in his UN address yesterday.
Buried in his remarks was a reference to a Muslim Brotherhood Cleric, Sheikh Abdallah
Bin Bayyah, who you may recall visited the White House just before the July 2013 coup
by now President Fattah el-Sisi that ousted former President Mohammed Morsi. On that
occasion, Bin Bayyah was visiting the White House at the request of then National
Security Adviser Tom Donilon and staff in to discuss 'messaging' to combat Al Qaeda,
now it's ISIS. Lest we forget Bin Bayyah's and his anti-Semitic colleague al Qaradaw, arch
Muslim Brotherhood preacher and chair of International Union of Muslim Scholars, in
their 2004 fatwas condoning killing of American service personnel in Iraq and suicide
bombing missions against Israelis. Al Qaradawi lives in exile in Qatar. His extradition
was requested by the el-Sisi government in Egypt in February 2014.
The Qatar connection was also on display yesterday at the UN with the address by Sheik
Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani the Emir of Qatar autocratic head of the energy rich Persian
Gulf state, that many consider a 'frenemy' of the US. He used the bully pulpit of the
rostrum before the UN General Assembly, yesterday, to accuse Israel of war crimes and
request shunning of its leaders. This from a man whose government has
contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to build the network of terror tunnels across
the Gaza Israel frontier to have Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad suicide commandos
capture/ kill citizens of Israel during the current Rosh Hashanah holy day period. For
these reasons, we question the resolve and intent of this Administration to commit
forces to prevent the fall of Kobani to barbarous ISIS forces encircling the city in a siege
with routes of escape closed off for the population within.

Third, he adds the CIA-dimension to Benghazi-Gate:
Was Former CIA Official Morell Unaware of Kidnapped Iranian Red Crescent Workers
in Benghazi?

One of the questions posed to former Acting CIA Director Mike Morell during the Q+A
period at the Pensacola Tiger Bay Club on Friday evening, September 19th, was the CIA
aware of the arrival on July 30, 2012 of a 7-man team of so-called Iranian Red Crescent
workers in Benghazi? Morell issued a denial, saying he was almost certain there
were no Iranian Revolutionary Guards or Hezbollah operatives in Libya. In Dark Forces,
Timmerman discussed how the CIA Chief of Base (COB) in Benghazi had picked up
chatter in Farsi between two Quds Force operatives they were shadowing. The COB had
enlisted agents in the Zintan Militia that controlled the Benghazi Airport to track a seven
man team working undercover as an Iranian Red Crescent Medical team. Timmerman
alleges that the COB knew these were the Iranian brains that would command, fund
and perhaps actually carry out the attack. The Iranian undercover Red Crescent team
disappearance covered the period of the fateful attack that took the lives of the four
Americans. It gives rise to questions about whether the COB and his agents lost track of
the whereabouts of the Iranian team after their kidnapping. Further, there is the
question about whether CIA analysts in Langley, Virginia, were engaged in completing
the puzzle from published open sources, agent reports and intercepts of the Iranian and
local militia communications to discern a picture of what were their intentions?

Timmerman commented:

The Muslim Red Crescent Society has a long history of being used by
terrorists, from Gaza and the West Bank to Lebanon, Somalia, and the

For former acting CIA director Mike Morell to deny the CIA was aware of the Iranian Red
Crescent Team in Benghazi, which was public knowledge ,Americans should find
unacceptable in a senior public official.

Timmerman has briefed House Select Benghazi Committee Chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy
(R-SC) and the Committees Chief Investigator on his book, Dark Forces. Morell is
looking forward to appearing under oath to set the record straight during the Select
Committee deliberations. Perhaps he can refresh his memory about the Benghazi
kidnapping of the seven members of the Red Crescent team and what they may have
been involved in during the two months they were held.

Jim Geraghty is always on-point and colorful:

The Goldberg File
By Jonah Goldberg
September 26, 2014

Dear Reader (including suspected terrorists like Steve Hayes),
I probably shouldnt be having this much fun with Steves plight. On Twitter Ive been going on about my
SteveHayesenfreude the taking of undue pleasure at his misfortune. Hayes is a great guy, a real talent,
and a good friend. But, how shall I put this? Bahaahahahahahahaha!
I mean, the guy has been doing all of this intrepid reporting about the terrorist threat for more than a
dozen years. And what does he have to show for it? Every time he wants to fly, some TSA agent is going
to ask him to turn his head and cough and give new meaning to the phrase packer fan.
Its just so ridiculous. Unless, that is, theres some truth to it. Imagine the scandal. If Hayes turned out to
be deep, deep, deep, deep cover al-Qaeda, even Pamela Geller would be like, Whoa, I didnt see that
coming. Dick Cheneys Secret Service detail would have to commit seppuku en masse and Bill Kristol
would finally declare he was caught unaware of something: I was shocked. Well, not shocked. I sort of
suspected. Well not suspected. I knew. Yeah, I knew.
And, perhaps best of all, when coupled with the revelation that George F. Will is actually a sleeper agent
for a radical Marxist splinter faction of Up With People! (equally as plausible), I could finally get some
more panel time on Special Report.

Women & War
Earlier this week I wrote a column on the objectively idiotic notion that we are in the midst of a war on
women. An excerpt:
Sure, women still face challenges. But the system feminists have constructed cannot long survive an
outbreak of confidence in the permanence of women's progress. The last thing the generals need is for
the troops to find out that the war on women ended a long time ago and the women won.
The response from feminists me. Over and over again women dismissed the very idea that there isnt
a war on women because, in the words of one, I am a white dude. Now anyone misfortunate enough
to have wasted time better spent making replicas of Devils Tower out of their mashed potatoes reading
left-wing academic gobbledygook knows that this response stands on a huge pile of identity-politics
asininity. But, it should be noted, just because white dude lacks the polysyllabic panache of critical
gender-studies jargon doesnt make it any less serious. If anything, it is more serious because it is honest
and decipherable. So much of what passes for academic writing these days is really a kind of guild-
mentality gnosis, an impenetrable code intended to empower and elevate a priesthood (or in this case a
priestesshood) as keepers of a truth the rest of us are too addlepated to grasp. (Time to recycle an old
Jewish joke: Guy gives a piece of matzoh to a blind man. Blind man says, Who writes this stuff?)
One could babble on for pages about structures of power and false consciousness and offer no
greater insight or intellectual sophistication than youre wrong because youre a white dude.
First, Kill the Messengers
Of course, its not even original. Its simply a fresh coat of paint on the decrepit edifice of cultural
Marxism. That vast enterprise can be summarized as little more than shooting the messenger in order to
have a monopoly on the message. If the truth isnt to your liking, all you need to do is claim that it isnt
the truth, but merely a social construction deployed by the Pale Penis People to keep the rest of us
down. Facts can be dismissed by attacking the motives of those presenting them. And if you are foolish
enough to explain that your motives arent what the self-proclaimed champions of the oppressed say
they are, you are guilty of false consciousness and must check your privilege.
Maybe its true that pointing out that women are doing much better today according to myriad
measures somehow solidifies my rank in the Cult of Priapus, but Im at a loss to figure out how. And,
even if it did, even if pointing out there is no rape epidemic on college campuses earned me an extra
round of martinis at the mens club with Mr. Monopoly and the Koch Brothers, I cannot for the life of
me see how that makes the facts any less factual. If I slapped my wifes name on my column instead of
my own, would the facts therein suddenly be more true? (Hey dont use slap and wife in the same
sentence or theyll compare you to Ray Rice. The Couch).
The Revolution Will Be Internalized
I didnt set out to write a column on the war on women, I set out to make a larger point. But I couldnt
do it justice in the space required so I carved off everything but the bit about the war on women. (How
do you carve an elephant? Take a block of stone and remove everything that it isnt an elephant.) In the
column I wrote:
Obviously, this isnt all about elections. Theres a vast feminist-industrial complex that is
addicted to institutionalized panic. On college campuses, feminist- and gender-studies
departments depend almost entirely on a constant drumbeat of crisis-mongering to
keep their increasingly irrelevant courses alive. Abortion-rights groups now use
womens health and access to abortion on demand as if they are synonymous
terms. The lack of a subsidy for birth-control pills is tantamount to a federal forced-
breeding program.
Well, this sort of thing is hardly restricted to feminism. One doesnt have to read Crisis and Leviathan
(or, you know) to see that progressivism increasingly finds its sustenance from the cultivation of fear and
the demonization of political opponents. I could write pretty much the same column about law
enforcements supposed open season on young black men or the anti-Muslim backlash that always
seems to fall on Jews or the new elite fad of gender identity as the most important civil-rights issue of
our time. Note, just as with feminists, Im not saying that there are no legitimate problems or grievances
among any of these constituencies (indeed, Id argue that young black men face much bigger challenges
and have more legitimate complaints than any Sandra Fluke or Wendy Davis acolyte). What I am saying
is that the constant crisis-mongering outstrips the scope of the problem by orders of magnitude. And,
more to the point, its deliberate. This is the great irony. When I say:
The U.S. has made enormous environmental progress.
Sexism and racism are smaller problems than at any time in American history.
Capitalism helps poor people more than socialism does.
The best way to feed a bear a marshmallow isnt by putting your hands behind your back and holding
the marshmallow between your lips.
. . . the response from the left is that I am merely trying to protect the vested interests of The Man and
His League of Extraordinary Meat-Eating Oligarchs. But, when alarmists insist the Earth will burn like an
ant under a magnifying glass if we dont ban the internal-combustion engine by this Thursday at noon,
its merely speaking truth to power. I mean its not like anybody is making any money off of global
warming. Its not like theres any privilege that comes with being a climate activist. Its not like big
corporations would ever think to take advantage of the issue. Nor would government bureaucrats ever
use climate hysteria as an excuse to expand their own power.
Maybe liberals have a point about voter-ID laws I dont think they do but even if Im wrong, the
relentless comparisons to Jim Crow and chants of We wont go back are not merely incredibly dumb,
they amount to a kind of insidious and willful slander against the society we live in and the progress
weve made. Think about it: At least 70 percent of Americans support voter-ID laws, including a majority
of blacks and Democrats. But in elite circles the push for voter-ID laws is proof of racism run amok. Think
about that. When elites, in and out of the press, talk about voter-ID laws as troubling evidence of
widespread racism, they are saying that the American people are racists. And yet they pose as if they are
speaking for real America. This rhetoric and the reasoning behind it gives bureaucrats in Washington
license to aggrandize or hold onto as much power as possible. (Dont get me started on President
Obamas spiel yesterday about how the Civil Rights Division is the conscience of the Justice
Department.) And because the mainstream media is on the same page, they celebrate expansions of
government power for the right reason.
I understand that none of this amounts to a particularly new insight. But its really worth pondering
because I dont think people see the problem in its totality. The vast complex of New Class intellectuals
and activists, rent-seeking capitalists, liberal politicians, and the apolitical-in-name-only bureaucrats
who work for them actually hold remarkably radical views better suited for the crowds marching in the
streets. But they have brilliantly figured out a way to translate their radicalism into a license to boost
their own prestige, power, and quite often material prosperity. Talk about renewables: They stoke
the fires of hysteria and panic and use the heat to propel them into positions of ever more power and
advantage. America can never simply be a healthy country in their eyes because healthy countries dont
need to follow doctors orders. And they are the self-appointed doctors.
Marque It Down
My column today is a partial defense of Bill OReilly and his idea to create a mercenary army. Again, I
intended to write a slightly different column but things got away from me. As Ive written here before
(see this illegal bootleg copy of an old G-File), I think we need to be a lot more creative in how we do
foreign policy and national security. What that would look is open for discussion. I am a big fan of
Jeremy Rabkins idea of bringing back letters of marque to empower private-sector cyber privateers to
go after cyber-pirates. Every few years, I write about how we need a League of Democracies to, at least,
provide some useful competition to that hive of feckless crapweasels and feckful thugs at the U.N. I
never understood the moral objection to assassinating Saddam Hussein instead of killing tens of
thousands of his soldiers. And oh, before you leap to explain it to me, please mind the differences
between bad, impolitic, and illegal policy versus immoral policies. These distinctions are important
because I whenever I argue with people about this kind of stuff, they get morally outraged about the
notion we should ever violate international law. I get it; international law has its purpose (though I will
never respect it as much as I do our own national laws). But if international law is preventing us from
winning or preventing wars and saving more American lives, then maybe the problem isnt the idea, its
the law.
Anyway, my point is that the national-security and defense complex has become incredibly
bureaucratized and unimaginative. I remember talking to an ex-Mossad guy once. He went on quite a
rant about how Israeli intelligence used to be much more creative because the business hadnt been
professionalized. Holocaust-surviving violinists, novelists and accountants from Eastern Europe and
Jewish refugees from Muslim countries didnt really know how to be spies so they just made it up as
they went along. Ive heard similar things about the old OSS versus the modern CIA. Professionalization
has a lot going for it, but it also creates lots of jobs for people who get ahead by handing everything off
to the lawyers for approval.
Rather than OReillys mercenary army, Id prefer something closer to an Americanized French Foreign
Legion, in large part because I agree with Charles Krauthammer that calling Americans mercenaries
doesnt negate the fact they are Americans (thought it did for Markos Moulitsas, remember?). Maybe
that wouldnt work either. Fine. But Id rather see a constructive conversation about creative ways to
fight the enemy and help our friends than reliance on the same old thing.
Various & Sundry
Zo update: So its been a while since theres been any news of Americas Favorite Dingo. On the one
hand shes more amusing every day. Shes quite the snuggler (damn it spell-check, I dont care if you
dont recognize that as a word). If shes not in bed with me already, she jumps up in the morning to take
a nap under my arm, with her head under my chin. Thats cute, until the licking begins. Anyway, the bad
news is that shes still very hard to train. Remember all of the animals that the Tasmanian Devil ate in
the Loony Tune cartoons? (Aardvarks, ants, people, gnus, bats, antelopes, etc., etc.?).Well, Zo chases
them. Not only that, she chases things she imagines might be them. She chases rumors of them. Unlike
Cosmo, who could walk anywhere off-leash, we have to be very careful with Zo. The other day the Fair
Jessica took the dingo for a run along the canal in D.C. This has worked out well many times before. But
this time Zo saw something that had to be chased. She jumped into the canal, up the steep
embankment and almost into the traffic on canal road. Anyway, were working on it. Another problem is
that, much like Gore Vidal, she likes to roll around in deer poop. We immediately give her a bath
afterward and then shes like I just got the stink of that shampoo out with some healthy deer poop!
Its a vicious cycle.
Speaking of vicious cycles, Kevin Williamsons speech to the Heritage Foundation about the future of
liberalism is great.
Oh, and speaking of Kevin Williamson, he had a very good piece on Ruth Bader Ginsburg the other day. I
joined the pile-on.
There was no G-File last week because I was on Foxs Outnumbered. Despite numerous warnings to the
contrary, it was actually a lot of fun. Here are a few highlights.
I have one of the cover essays in the current issue of NR. I have no idea if my capricious overlords will
bring out from behind the firewall, but if they do, you will be blown away by my truth bombs. Or maybe
not. Either way, you should be subscribing!
And here are some seminal works of art improved by Mr. Bean.
24 inevitable advertisements for when all drugs are legal.
Japan is beating us at the quirky snack food game.
A story about a dude with turtles in his pants that isnt about Joe Biden.
As foretold, the Corgi shall lie with the lamb.
Stupid Kansas every month is Zombie Preparedness Month.
Freedom means being able to dress like a horse!
World's scariest playgrounds!
Nature! For the Win!
Why do you wake up early after a night of drinking?
Whats the problem?

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