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Are we Truly Great or are we Failing?

In Truly Great schools
there is a Welcome to
the Learning Zone sign
in reception. There is a
fundamental belief that
every single child can
achieve. There is a
celebration of
achievement and there
are pictures of students
around the place. There
is a sense of a single
purpose and that every
person is working to
support others. There is
a can-do culture and
everyone aspires to go
beyond expectations.

In Failing schools there

is a Students are
Forbidden in Reception
sign in the reception
area. There is a culture
of excuse and
exception. There is talk
of difficult year
groups; poor KS2
results; 20% are Italian
and so the maths results
are down; Ive got set 4
so they will get D grades
next year; we work in a
poor catchment area;
excuse; excuse; excuse.

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