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Adolescent Daughter- Mother Communication

Mother’s Questionaire

The form is strictly confidential and the answers will only be used for research purposes. Only
summaries of all responses are published.

Reply by continuing the sentence, and tell a few sentences why you think so. Do not reflect
on how the matter might be formulated or said better. The first thought is the best. Answer
exactly the way you feel. You should answer this questionnaire without your daughter present.

1. My
Daughter ....................................................................................................................




2. My Daughter and I
do/make ............................................................................................................




3. When I ask a question or explain something, my Daughter ................................................




4. My Daughter and I quarrel for ............................................................................................




5. With my Daughter it is difficult to talk about ..................................................................



6. Concerning friendships with her girl

friends .........................................................................


7. When she has a boy friend I ..............................................................................................



8. In using her freedom, my

Daughter ................................................................................................




9. While bringing up my daughter due to the pressure from the social environment, I .........




10. My daughter is growing up and becoming a woman and I .............................................




11. In preparing her to marriage I





12. In choosing her husband I





13. Talking about sexuality, my Daughter …..........................................................................



14. If possible, I want to change my daughters’s following

characteristics ........................................




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