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QSI Tirana International School

Tre Vellezrit Kondi E-Mail: Website:

Tirana, Albania Tel: (355-4) 2365239 Fax: (355-4) 2377679

04 December 2009
04-Final Winter Holiday Performance 6:30
Winter Holiday Musical
06-Cub Scout Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM
08-Instrumental Concert 6:00 PM
09-PAC Meeting 8:00 AM
11-Winter Vacation, Dismissal at 11:30 AM
11-Second Term fees are due for $100.00
discount per student.
04-Staff Development Day
05-Classes Resume
06-Second Quintile Ends
08-Status Reports Go Home
13-PAC Meeting
25-ITBS Testing Begins

Albania Day On November 26th,

Tirana International
School recognized
Albania’s Liberation
and Independence.
Thank you, to all of
our guests, parents,
students, and teach-
ers who helped to
make Albania Day a
rich experience for

Lunch Orders Dear Parents and Students, by now you should have received lunch order
forms for January and February. Please return these by Thursday of next week so that we will be able
to organize lunches when classes resume in January. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort that
helps us keep the cafeteria’s operating cost low, and insures an affordable hot lunch.
Concern for Others
To highlight the November/December Success Orientation Concern for Others, the seven
and eight year old classes will spearhead an all school drive to collect non-perishable
food for ARSIS, a Tirana center that shelters homeless and needy children. The food will
be used to make Holiday gift bags that will be delivered to individual families.

The most needed food items are:

dry white beans dry pasta rice oil

powdered baby formula UHT boxed milk flour canned

In addition, the ARSIS center needs packages of Ristora Te al Limone

(a Euromax tea product) and Molto snacks (croissants, etc.), which are available every-
where. These are used to feed children who are in the ARSIS shelter during the day.

On Friday, December 4th, a plastic grocery bag will be sent home with every student for
the food donations. Please return them to individual classrooms on Monday,
December 7th.

If you wish to make a cash donation to help purchase fresh meat for the gift bags, please
send it in a sealed envelope marked ARSIS.

Hospital From The Director

Announcement Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
As we close on 2009 and the first term of the school year, I would like to
The Universal Group Hospi- express my appreciation for our community’s commitment to making Ti-
tal is ready rana Internal School such a unique and successful institution. I believe
now. Open we have the good fortune of talented and professional staff that are
24 hours, it dedicated to insuring the best education they can for our students. With
is located on twenty five nations represented on our campus, we enjoy a richness of
Rruga e culture and diversity that many people will never know. The first term,
Kavajer, ish saw TIS opening with a record number of students. The Cross Country
Kombinati Meet, Fall Festival, Park Clean Up, the Winter Musical, and other events,
Ushgimor allowed us to come together with a common purpose, and create lasting
memories. Our second term, beginning in January, promises further op-
042 400 000 portunities for our students to find growth and success in both their aca-
042 400 004 demics and day to day lives. Thank you again for your continued support
and commitment to our most valuable resource, our children. Have a
safe and Happy Holidays.
–Mark J. Hemphill, Director TIS-

Parents, students, and teachers are welcome to submit announcements, articles, and photos to the Tirana Interna-
tional School News. The paper is distributed every Friday. Submissions can be sent via e-mail to the school’s Direc-
tor at , by Thursday afternoons.

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