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☺ Sleeping bag and extra blankets if required.

☺ Pillow or pillow case
☺ Bed Roll
Clothing and personal items
☺ P J’s
☺ Shorts and T shirt (3-4)
☺ Sturdy shoes suitable for walking (gym shoes are fine)
☺ Another pair of shoes (just in case)
☺ Socks (3-4)
☺ Long trousers/track pants
☺ Underwear (3-4)
☺ Warm top (1-2)
☺ Jacket – waterproof if possible
☺ Wetsuit/Swimming togs(in a plastic bag)
☺ Toilet bag and personal gear (toothbrush etc)
☺ Towel and Tea towel
☺ Sunhat and sunscreen
Other equipment
☺ Torch
☺ Any medical requirements
☺ A plastic bag
☺ Writing gear
☺ One container of Baking. Everyone shares this for supper, morning
tea etc
☺ Lunch for first day
☺ Water Bottle
Students may not bring
 Radio’s, walkmans cd’s, cell phones, ipods
 Money
 Pocket knives
 Make-up, perfumes, hairspray or other unnecessary hygiene

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