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Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 4:53 PM
Subject : FW: "Risks and downsides" of allowing a foreign floater to operate in Bristol Bay
I thought you might be interested in this paper I got from the processors on the topic of allowing a foreign
floater to operate in the bay. It was prepared by Mary McDowell of Pacific Seafood Processors
Association, the group we will be meeting with on January 22nd here in Juneau.

Cora Crome
Fisheries Policy Advisor
Office of the Governor
(907) 465-3500

Please note that my e-mail address has changed. The new address is cora.c.rome(

From : Mary McDowell []

Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 1:58 PM
To: Crome, Cora J (GOV)
Cc:; 'Kris Norosz'
Subject: "Risks and downsides" of allowing a foreign floater to operate in Bristol Bay

Hello Cora,

Thanks so much for the time you spent meeting with Kris Norosz, Glenn Reed, and I at the
council meeting in Anchorage about the concerns of the seafood companies we represent
regarding the possibility of an Internal Waters Permit being issued to allow a foreign floater to
come in to process salmon in Bristol Bay in 2008.

As you requested during the meeting, attached is a document we've put together to list and
explain some of the "risks and downsides" of allowing a foreign floater to operate in Bristol

Please let us know what other information would be useful to the Administration in considering
this issue.

Also, we'd like to reiterate that we and/or folks from the seafood companies we represent request
a meeting with Governor Palin to discuss Bristol Bay processing issues --- past seasons as well
as ongoing efforts and plans of the companies to meet the salmon processing needs in the Bay in
2008 and future years. We would very much appreciate the opportunity to have such a meeting
with the Governor during the time that the planned Bristol Bay processing capacity survey is
being conducted and data is being compiled by the State in mid to late January.

Again, Kris, Glenn, and I appreciate the time you spent with us in Anchorage and we look
forward to continued communication with you on these issues.

Happy Holidays to you and your family,

ROSTON 01329

Released to by the state of Alaska and presented by Crivella West

Mary McDowell
Pacific Seafood Processors Association
222 Seward Street, Suite 200
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: (907) 586-6366
Fax: (907) 586-4618
Cell: (907) 723-6366
marvm(a)pspafish. net

ROSTON 01330

Released to by the state of Alaska and presented by Crivella West

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