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The Deve lopment of Coastal Citie s and Impact to

Environment in Indonesia

Written by:
Tanu widjaja, Gun awan

MSc. Environm ent al Management (N US), S. T. (ITB)
Urban Planner & Res earc her,

Gree n Impact I ndonesia

Integrated U rban, D rainage and Environmental Planning and Design
Em ail:


Indonesia is an archipelago state which has 17.504 i slands and 81.290 km coastline
which i s the second longe st in the world afte r Canad a. The total area of Indonesia is
7.9 million sq km, including with 1.826.440 sq km land a rea s. Furt her we a re going to
expo se more the co astal regions and the ocean becau se of their most beautiful but
fragile condition s.

Indonesian coa stal zone ha s eno rmou s development potential and at t he sam e time,
has solvability against negative developm ent im pact. Therefo re, if the coastal zone
is not prop erly m anaged, it is possible the zone m ight face dest ruction on its
environm ent and conse rvation that, at la st, effect s negatively to the coa stal zo ne and
the com munity around.

Because th e lack of enviro nmental planning as well a s environm ental impact

a sse ssm ent, m any coa st al cities has suffered t errible environm ental problem s such
a s flooding, inland and wate r pollutions, air pollutions, wetland and coral reef
destruction s and the lo ss of biodiversit y.

Floods Problems

Major floods have hit coa stal cities like Ja ka rta, Feb. 2002, Medan in Dec. 2001 and
Pacet in De c. 2002. Annu al floods al so occu r in coa stal cities like Sem arang. The se
floods have ca used hum an casualties, sprea ding di seases and m any economic
losse s. For instance in Ja karta, 2 002, floods reached 1.5 m eters to 4 m eters, sin king

thou sand s of home s and forcing over 300, 000 people to evacuate and see k shelte r in
public facilities. 1

The major cause of the flood s i s the lack of environm ental planning. Unbalanced
land use seem ed to be the bigge st p roblem s in coa stal cities. Many wetland s a rea
that tran sf ormed to housing and com mercial areas ha ve cont ributed the change in
the wate r balance. Thi s chang e eventually will cause flooding in the lowest point s of
the regions.

Secondly, t he problem that cau ses floods i s no integ ration in the water system
development. These p roblems happen ed becau se of the low economic capacity and
low hum an resources in the municipalities and government agencie s in Indone sia.
The lack of dimension of drainage system s a nd wate r bo die s al so cont ribute the
flooding problems.

Thirdly, the p roblem is the improper m anagement in water system s. The

management of water system not only has to include government, but also ha s to
include private and com munities t o en sure the accountability and su stainability of the
process. The good m anagement not only will im prove the condition s of wa ter
systems but al so has to deal with related problems such a s g arba ge, sewag e wa ter
and land use.

So far the solution s that have been m ade to flood are only tem porary a ction such as
flood disaste r relief, slum area rectification in the riverside area and temporary rive rs
digging and cleaning. This p roblem needs more coo pera tion and attention f rom
municipalities a s well as provincial government.

One po ssible solution to flood s p roblems i s Polde r System. For e xam ple in
Netherland s thi s system has p ro ven it s effe ctivene ss t hrou gh the year. This system
requires drainage system s, ret ention pool s, wate r pumps a nd wate r gate s. With this
system the flood area can be split clearly and the volumes of water needed to be
pum ped also can be defined. On the other han d we have to re sea rch the im pact of
polder system on wetland s and biodiversit y.

Anothe r solution that has to b e prepared is t he participatory water system authority.

This authority has to embrace all sta keholders of the wate r system s and to educate
all users about the importance of good water managem ent. The autho rity also ha s to

give integrated solution to the other related pro blems su ch a s ga rbage an d liquid
waste p roblems. La stly solutions will reduce the flooding due to ga rbage and surface
wate r pollutions.

Land, Water and Air Pollutions

Land and wate r pollution s ha ve happe ned in great scale in cities in Indone sia,
e specially in coastal area. This i s happen because of lack of environmental
awa rene ss, poverty and im proper garbage and waste water handling.

Acco rding t o a 2002 World Bank report, less t han 9 7 % hou ses in Ja ka rta are not
connected to the se we r system . 2 The rich m ay be able disperse their waste wate r to
private septic tanks, but m ost poo r people that face lack of sanitation net works m ay
dispo se of their wa ste directly into rive rs and can als. So ho w big a re t he de structions
that will be cau sed ?

These pollutions further al so disrupt the surface water and ground water. Enormous
contamination as well as epidemics of ga st rointe stinal infections happe ns especially
in slum s and rural region s. For instance in of 2001, estimated 90% of Jaka rta's
shallow wells we re polluted by domestic waste.3

The land and pollutions al so are a ccumulated from indust ries. The Indone sian
Ministe r of Environment, Mr Rahmat Witoelar de scribed som e multinational firms
including the dom estic subsidiaries of oil and ga s firms (Conocophillips, Caltex,
Uno cal, Total E&P) and pharmaceutical firm s (Bayer and Pfizer) got red label s for
poor pe rform ance in enviro nm ental m anagem ent.

In 2004 -2005 en vironm ental audit s, 150 from 466 fi rms of them were given the red
mark and 72 given black fo r not condu cting the environm ental management.4
Because many com panie s ope rate in coa stal area, th en PROP ER case s can give us
description how polluted are the rive rs and the water bodies in coa stal citie s and

A good example of m assive water pollution is Ne wm ont Mining Corp case. This
com pany dumps more than 50 million m etric tons of waste each year ont o a
sparkling sea in Buyat Ba y. 5 It is believe that the wa ste from the gold m ine ha s badly
affected the bay and th reatened t he health villagers.

This pra ctice ha s been stated to be un safe and United State s and othe r countries
effectively ban the pra ctice. Thi s ca se has sho wn tha t m ining companies t rie s to
disobey en vironmental laws in their e xploitation.

Prog ram in preventing wate r pollution has been done by Gove rnment such as
PROKASIH an d PROPER. This p roject ha s improved a lot but the t ren d se em s to be
declining since th ere i s n o coo rdination bet ween g ove rnm ent bodie s and
municipalities, al so t he wea k la w enfo rcement in this pa rticular p rog ram .

Our suggestion to wate r pollutions i s to tighten the law enforcement through setting
wate r system s authority to m anage and control this pollution. This prog ram further
need s h um an resource s building capacity and the coope ration b et ween a gencies
and municipalities. Other real action needed is to re vitalise the rive r and wate r body
condition s. Lastly we also have to educat e the private secto r and the com munity not
to disgorge wa ste wat er directly to the rive r an d sea.

The major problem that cau ses the land, wate r and air pollution is the garbage
problem s. Generally municipalities don ’t posses system atic concept, economic
capacity as well a s human re source s to handle ga rbage in environmentally correct.
This will further affe ct the g arba ge handling system and it s final treatment.

The biggest contam ination caused b y im proper ga rbage m anagement happened in

Final dispo sal dum psite area . Fo r in stance in Ja karta, the final dispo sal area i s
nam ed LPA Banta r Gebang , located in Beka si Di strict, We st Ja va P rovince. It covers
108 ha are a. First the f acility wa s arranged to be a s sanita ry landfill m ethods but in
real condition m unicipalities operated as sem i open dum ping area. This problem has
cau sed ma ssive pollution, such a s leach ate, methan ga ses, heavy metal, bad sm ell,
also sp read many disease s su ch as acute respirat ory infection, bronchiti s, a sthma,
myalgia, gastri stic, skin infection, allergic, hypertension. 6

This situation al so affe cts the g round wate r. Among 20 well in surrounding location
only one is in good water condition. The re st a re polluted with leachate and heavy
metal. In rainy sea son, the surrounding comm unity has suffe red from bad smelt and
many fly and rat s inva sion s. In dry sea son, the wa ste bu rning p roce ss cont ributes
smog and b ad vi sibility as one of air p ollution. 7

For instance Ja karta with 9.6 m illion populations in 1999/ 2000 p rodu ced 25,82 4 cubic
meters per d ay. On the othe r hand, the Municipalities can only t ran spo rted 21,876
cubic m eters per da y (84.68% ), to final dispo sal dum psite. The re st of garbage were
lumped anywhere and thre w into 13 rive rs in Jaka rta, such a s Ciliwung River and
Sunter Rive r.

These has happened becau se only 716 effe ctive trucks are owne d by local
gove rnm ent of Municipal Jaka rta, which only could tran spo rt a round 10 cubic meter
per day. The other wa s owned by wa ste tran spo rt se rvices, ho spital, PD Pasar Jaya
(traditional market ope rato rs), indust ries, and wa ste industries. Pre sumably there i s
not enough equipm ent.10 But the p roblem hasn ’t been solved since there are no
proper garbage handling and treatment and p olicy.

One program that h as been do ne in this field is the UNE SCO program that ha s been
implemented for 8 yea rs in Banjarsari Ja karta. This ca se was initiated by UNES CO
and Ibu Ha rini Bambang Wah ono Thi s p roject has sugge sts the p ractices of
decent ralized integrated wa ste managem ent both in school activities and in
neighbourhood association programm es. Thi s program sta rted the sm all hou sehold-
based ‘waste sepa ration and re cycling centre s’. The tool s u sed are ‘wa ste -separation
corn er’ con sisting of u sed ca rdboard boxe s o r pla stic containers. The tool s have
been promoted fo r hou sehold s of t raining participant s, to enhan ce the pro cess of
waste management in the comm unity. Local waste sca vengers no w collect
previou sl y sepa rate d waste and reach a higher degree of efficiency and incom e.

On a higher level, decentralized recycling centre s on comm unity level are also being
prom oted. The combined "sm all steps" are aiming to m ake wa ste treatm ent on
com munity level and the principles of 4R (Reduce-Reu se-Recycle-Re plant) pa rt of a
resp onsible life style in the context of enviro nm ental education for sustainable

Now Municipalities of Jakarta has t ried to set 4 ne w final disposal a rea s and set the
new ga rbag e m anagem ent maste r plan. I thin k m ore municipalities have to do the
sam e too to solve th ese p roblems.

Air pollutions al so have occurred since the d evelopm ent of road s netwo rks in coa stal
cities. The problems g et wo rst by unco ntrolled increase of number of vehicles.
Private cars, m otor and die sel public tran spo rts are the main air polluters in streets.

Between 1995 and 2001, th e num ber of vehicle s in Indonesia g rew from 12 m illion to
almost 21 million. The air pollutions are worst al so be cau se of the u se of leaded
gasoline and die sel fuel s, beca use b oth of them are believed could deliver
unhealthily high concentration s of airborne lead.

One Wo rld Ban k official in Jaka rta states "Air pollution im poses cost s of at lea st $400
million on the Indonesi an e conom y e very yea r." The pollution di sru pted pu blic health,
contributing numbers of inflam mation of the respiratory t ra ct. The particular disea se
was the sixth leading cause of death in Indone sia (after accident s, diarrhoea,
cardiova scular disease, tuberculo sis, and measle s). 12

For reducing air pollutions we suggest to build cont rol team to tighten th e law
enforcement in indust ry pollution. We al so sugge st co-operation s with indu stry to
follow the Kyoto Proto col to reduce ga s emission. We al so suggest the PE RTAMINA
to redu ce lead-ga soline and diesel sale in the market. La stly we suggest
municipalities and police to red uce numbe rs of vehicles in heavy traffic time.

Conclusi on

Eve ry de velopm ent will cause effe ct, but better to calculate and plan it than to let it
destroy the en vironment and hum an being. We think we ne ed in every developm ent
com munities have to g et involved in the pro ce ss. This will m ake the developm ent
more su stainable in the futu re.

On the othe r hand, the e nvironm ental capacity n eed to be fu rthe r evaluated bef ore
conducting the developm ent. This would need a tho rough Environmental Impact
A sse ssm ent as well as Landscape Evaluation.

The W riter’ s D escription
I. Pe rsonal Information
Full name : Guna wan Tanu widj aj a
e-mail : g unteit b@ya hoo.c om
we bsite : htt p://g reenimpacti nd o. word m/
Mobile P hon e : +62 81 2 212 208 4 2 (In donesia)
Place of Birt h : Ba ndung
Date of Birth : 08 of August 1978
Se x : Male
Nation ality : In donesian
Mother Lang u ag e : In donesian
Langu ag e S kill : In donesian, E ng lish
II. Education Backgrounds
Formal Educ atio n

Name of Study T ime Graduated from

City/Countr y Speci aliz ation GPA
Institution (Months/Years) (Month and Year)

National MSc 3.8 6

Univ ersit yof Singapore 1 year October 2 00 6 Env ironment from scale
Singapore Management of 5
Institute of
2.7 3
Technolog y Bandung / 5 year s Jul y of 2 00 1 Bachelor of
(Institut Indonesia Architecture from scale
Teknologi of 4
III. Informa l Education
StudyT ime (Y ear s) Name of Institution Course Nam e & Spe ci alization

2008 Sing apore Ins titut e of Plann er Spati al Pla nning f or a Sust aina ble
Sing apore (1-da y se minar)
2008 Lee Ku an Ye w School Of Pu blic Polic y "Lesso ns Not to Learn fro m American
Cities" by Prof Alan Altshuler (Half-d a y
semin ar)
2007 Nation al Uni versit y of Singa pore , Fac ult y of Short Course On "A – Z Of Oil & G as
Eng ineering , P AC (Prof ession al Acti vities To Pe troch emicals ( 3-da ys semi nar)
2007 Sing apore Ins titut e of Plann er Destinati on Res orts, T he Next W ave
(1-da y se minar)
2007 Sing apore Ins titut e of Plann er, Malaysia Semi nar o f Pla nning of Is kandar
Institute of Pl anner and Uni versiti Developme nt R egion (1-d a y se min ar)
Keb ang saa n Mala ysi a
2001 The British Instit ute IELTS Prep aratio n Co urse
2000 Langu ag e Cen ter ITB Eng lish Writing Course
1999 Gradasi Bulletin St udent Union of Journalistic Traini ng
Architect ure G una dharma ( IMA-
Gun adh arma)
1997 Architect ure Depart men t ITB AutoC ad R 14 Traini ng
1993-1995 Saint Ang ela’s Eng lish Course Eng lish Course level C6 to C11
1990-1992 Saint Ang ela’s Eng lish Course Eng lish Course l evel J 2 to J5
IV. W orking Exper ience

Name of City/ Countries Position Job Des cription Contract

Institute/Companies Periods

Name of Contract
City/ Countries Position Job Des cription
Institute/Companies Periods
Green Impact In do nesia Ban du ng Manag er Team L eader a nd March 20 03 to
Integrat ed Urban, Urban Pl ann er now
Drainage a nd
Environme ntal Plan ning
Consult ant
Ag ency f or Rese arch Ban du ng Urban Pl anni ng Assistant Octob er 2 008 to
and De velo p men t, and Manag ement now
Institu te of Water Expert
Resources, Ministry of
Public Wor ks, Re pu blic of
Ind onesi a,
Jurong Consulta nts P te Sing apore Plann er Ph ysical Plan ner November 2006
Ltd. , Pla nning Division to Oct ober 2008
National Par ks Boar d, Sing apore Intern Research er July 2006 to
Repu blic of Singap ore Aug 20 06
Ag ency f or Rese arch Ban du ng / In don esia Junior GIS E xpert Jan 200 5 - A ug
and De velo p men t, Research er Assistant (Arc View 2005
Institu te of Water 3.2), in Pol der Team
Resources, Ministry of
Public Wor ks, Re pu blic of
Ind onesi a,

Sat yamitra J asapuri Ban du ng / In don esia Junior Architect, House, Factory an d Aug 20 03 - Dec
Eng ineering Estima tor Café Desig n 2004
PT. Trinitas Bua na Ut a ma Ban du ng / In don esia Junior Architect Apart me nt Design Aug 20 02 - Aug
PT. I mesco Dito Jakarta/ In donesia Junior Architect Junior Archit ect Jan 200 2 – A ug
COMBINE Ban du ng / In don esia Junior Urban De velop ment Aug 2 001 - Jan
Research er Research, 2002
especi ally on Urban
Manag e men t
CV. Cipta Bina Sar ana Ban du ng / In don esia Wor k Trainee Junior Archit ect May - J uly 2 001
ASPE K Ban du ng / In don esia Prog ram Garbage Jan 200 0 - A ug
Facilitator Manag e men t , 2001
Community Mechanis m Ma king
Reco ver y and Contr olling of
Prog ram (CRP- Coop erati ve Credit
HUI) in RW 1 1, Unit
Cibang kong
V. Res ear ch, Planning & Design W ork s
Name of Proj ect Position Year
Under Gre en Impa ct Indones ia

Assistance f or Directorat e of Team L ead er a nd Urb an Planner Dec 2009

Spati al Planning, Pu blic Wor ks
Departme nt (2 009), Sus tainable
Urban I mpro vemen t Progra m
(SUSIP) - E xec utive Prese nta tion
Drainag e Master Plan Team L ead er a nd Urb an Planner Apr – D ec 2 009
Revit alisatio n in Su mmareco n,
Kelap a Gading , J akart a, I ndon esia
Hospital Pr eliminar y Design an d Team L ead er and Se nior Archit ect Apr – Aug 2 00 9
Stud y in P angale ng an , W est J a va,
Indonesi a (Prop osal to KPB S, Milk
Produc er Coo perative in
Pang aleng an)
Communit y Bas ed Develo pmen t Team L ead er and En vironment alist Aug 2009
Revitalisatio n in PT Ne wmont
Nusa Te ngg ara, Su mb a, Nusa

Name of Proj ect Position Year
Teng g ara Barat, I ndon esia
Tradition al Market Ma pping, GIS Team L ead er a nd Urb an Planner Aug 2009
Database an d Anal ysis in th e
frame work of Imple me nting
Presidential Decre e No 11 2/ 200 7
on Development of Tra ditio nal
Market a nd Rel ocati on of Mo dern
Market in I ndon esia (Pro posal to
Ministry of Trad e of Rep ublic o f
Ind onesi a)
Integrat ed Water Reso urces Team L ead er and En vironment alist Aug 2009
Manage ment Plan f or Bar ang kal
River, s ub catch me nt of Brant as
River Basin, i n relati on with Soci al
Aspect a nd I nstit ution Capacit y
Building (Prop osal to JICA)
“9 Pe arl” Element ary Sch ool in Team L eader a nd Architect 200 3
Ban du ng
Propos al 99’ers Radio Scho ol Team L eader a nd Architect 200 3
Under Jurong Consultants Pt e
Preliminary Stud y and Brief Plann er 2007 t o 200 8
Develop ment C once pt of QEZ3,
Petroche mical Co mple x, Qatar
Dera Bassi Detaile d Mast er Pla n, Plann er 2007 t o 200 8
Greater Mo hali Area, Pu njab, I ndia

Lib ya Africa Econ omic Cit y Plann er 2007 t o 200 8

Won og iri Indus trial Park, Indon esia Plann er 2007 t o 200 8
(Guan xi Stat e Far m - Bio fu el Pla nt)
Master Plan A n Ta y In dustrial Plann er 200 7
Servic e Ce ntre
Master Pla n Zh angzho u Waterfront Assistant Pla nn er 200 6-2007
City, Chi na

Master Pla n AMRL Internati on al Assistant Pla nn er 200 7

Tech Cit y, T amil Nadu, India

W it h MSc Env ironmental

Management P rogram
“Neotiewpia” Ec o Villag e Mas ter Planner & En viron ment alist 200 6
Plan in Kra nji Singap ore
Under SJP Engine ering
BTC Café Junior Archit ect 200 4
Kop omas Fac tor y Junior Archit ect 200 4
Privat e Ho uses Band ung Junior Archit ect, Desig n 2003 – 2004
Develop me nt
Under PT. Trinitas Buan a Utama
Rental Houses in Ban dung Studi o Co ordina tor 2002 – 2003
Bu kit Resi k E xclusi ve Aparme nt Studi o Co ordina tor 2002 – 2003
Site Pl an “S. Par man” Elite Studi o Co ordina tor 200 2
Under PT. Imes co Dito
Privat e Ho uses i n Ja karta Junior Archit ect 200 2
Freel ance Proj ect

Name of Proj ect Position Year
Cibangkong L o w Cost H ousing , Final Ye ar St ud ent 200 1
Ban du ng Ind onesia
Desig n Develop ment of KARANG Junior Archit ect, Desig n 200 1
SETRA Hot el, S pa an d Cot tag es, Develop me nt
Ban dung Ind on esia under Cipt a
Bina Sara na
Master Pla n of Cipulir Housing Site Junior Archit ect 200 1
Plan, J a kart a und er Prof Ir.
VI. Awards, Pre stige, Activitie s, and Publi cation
Awa rds/ Best Dissert ation Prizes fro m Sh ell, MEM Natio nal Uni versity of Sing apore, 20 06-2 007
Prestig e Shell Grant Bursar y Holder in MEM Na tion al Uni versit y of Si ng apore , 200 5-20 06
Second Cha mpio n of Desig n Co mpetition o f Infor mal Trad ers St and h eld b y Th e Municip al\
Go vern ment of K ot a B andung, Praksis dan IMA-Gun adharma IT B Y ear 2 001
Activ ities Ban du ng Ind epen dent Living Ce nter (B ILIC)
200 3 - 2 00 4 : Vol unt ary Att enda nt f or Difabl e (Disable) P erson
200 3 : Coordi nat or Research T ea m in Accessibility Issue for Difable (Disabl e) Perso n in Several
Location in B andu ng
Forum Gelar Kot a Band ung (City De vel op ment Discussio n Foru m)
200 2 : F oru m Gel ar Ko ta Secret ariat
200 1 : J uni or Rese archer
Ikatan Mahasiswa Arsitektur Gun adhar ma IT B (Guna dhar ma Stu de nt Uni on of Architect ure
Depart ment o f ITB)
200 1 Memb er of L eg islative Bodies of IMA - Gu nadh arma
Memb er of Sus tainable Hu ma n S ettle me nt Discussi on Grou p
Co ordin ator of TOR T eam of S ust ainable Hu ma n S ettl ement Semin ar
199 9 – 2 000 Co ordin ator of Gra dasi (Archit ect ure B ulletin of IMA-G)
OSIS SMAK I BP K Pen abur (Stu den t Unio n of B PK P enab ur Se nior Hig h Sch ool)
OSIS SMP St Alo ysius (Stu dent Uni on of St Al o ysius Junior Hig h Sch ool)
Publication s Integration o f Sustaina ble Pl anni ng Policy a nd D esig n of Lo w-Cost Ap artment , in the Con text of
Sustai na ble Urban Development, Natio nal Se minar of Lo w-Cost A part ment, Maran ath a
Universit y, Ba nd ung , Ind onesia, 20 09.
Bambo os as Sus tainabl e a nd Aff orda ble Mat erial for Housing as on e of alt erna tife ma terial o f L ow-
Cost Apartmen t, Nati on al Se minar of Lo w-Cost Ap artment, Mara natha U niversity, Ban dung ,
Ind onesi a, 200 9.
Guidelin es f or De velo ping P older Syste m in Indo nesia, Ag enc y for Research an d De velo pment ,
Institu te of Wat er Resources, Ministr y of P ublic Wor ks, Repu blic of Indon esia, 20 08-2 00 9.
Developi ng a Lan dsca pe E valu ation To ol for De velo ping Countries, Cas e S tu dies Bi nta n Isla nd,
Ind onesi a, MSc En viron ment M an ag ement Program, National Uni versity of Sing ap ore (Bes t
Dissertation A ward)
Report of Resear ch in Acce ss ibilit y Issue for Difab le (Dis able) Person in S ev eral Location
in Bandung
Reports of Bandung Urban Discussion Forum on Urb an Solid W aste Managem ent, J anuary
200 2.
Reports of Bandung Urban Discussion Forum in Housing Ne eds, August 2001.
Thesis of Design Studio , Cas e o f Low Eco no my Fla t f or Cibang kong Villag e, B andu ng, In don esia
(Kelurah an Cib ang ko ng ), The me Pat tern La ng uag e Arc hitect ure
Semi nar Re port of Ho using Devel op me nt B ase d on Lo w Ec on omy Pe ople .

http://www.usem bassy lood.htm l
2 eu/cabs/indoe.htm l

The Jakarta Post, Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Brummit, Chris, Associated Press W riter, Batu H ijau Mine, Indonesia, August 6 (AP)
op.cit .3


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