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1. Would you like to receive future newsletters from the Parent Council?

Class of youngest (or only) child attending St Josephs

P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table Total
Row % Row % Row % Row % Base
No 100 100 1
Yes 50 17 33 100 56
Table Total 49 16 35 100 57

2. Would you like to receive the newsletter by email? [Please select one:]
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table Total
Row % Row % Row % Row % Base
Unanswered 29 14 57 100 7
No 44 17 39 100 19
Yes 57 17 27 100 31
Table Total 49 16 35 100 57

If yes, how often would you want to receive them? [Please select one:]
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table Total
Row % Row % Row % Row % Base
Unanswered 33 67 100 3
Every 2 months 62 15 23 100 13
Monthly 47 27 27 100 16
Once a term 46 13 42 100 25
Table Total 49 16 35 100 57
The location of the school, for example close to family home, close to parent’s
Class of youngest (or only) child attending St Josephs
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table Total
Col % Col % Col % Col %
1 Not important at all 4 11 16 9
2 Unimportant 7 11 7
3 Neither important nor unimportant 7 44 21 18
4 Important 67 44 26 49
5 Very important 15 26 18
Table Total 100 100 100 100

The ethos of the school, for example how welcoming is the school?
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table Total
Col % Col % Col % Col %
2 Unimportant 4 5 4
4 Important 30 67 11 30
5 Very important 67 33 84 67
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57
The school staff
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table Total
Col % Col % Col % Col %
3 Neither important nor unimportant 4 2
4 Important 22 33 11 19
5 Very important 74 67 89 79
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

The educational attainment levels of the pupils, i.e. how well do the pupils do in
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
3 Neither important nor unimportant 7 5 5
4 Important 30 67 58 46
5 Very important 63 33 37 49
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57
The out of school club
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
1 Not important at all 4 11 11 7
2 Unimportant 4 11 21 12
3 Neither important nor unimportant 33 22 42 35
4 Important 26 22 16 21
5 Very important 33 33 11 25
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

The building and playground area

P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
2 Unimportant 5 2
3 Neither important nor unimportant 11 11 5 9
4 Important 56 56 53 54
5 Very important 33 33 37 35
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57
The faith based aspect of the school
Class of youngest (or only) child a Table Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
1 Not important at all 4 11 5 5
3 Neither important nor unimportant 26 22 32 28
4 Important 37 22 21 30
5 Very important 33 44 42 37
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

The views of friends and family

P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table Total
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 5 2
1 Not important at all 5 2
2 Unimportant 11 11 5 9
3 Neither important nor unimportant 26 22 11 19
4 Important 48 56 58 54
5 Very important 15 11 16 14
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57
Class of youngest (or only) child a Table Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 96 67 100 93
5 Very important 4 33 7
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57
Other (Please indicate what this is)
49 red

I feel strongly that the council's proposal as it stands ( 3

schools 1 site is wholly unrealistic ! Not enough space
1 and danger for pick ups and drop offs.
I liked the staff and how approachable they are if I need
1 to discuss anything

1 Proximity of church important

2 St Jospeh's is an excellent school
The best school in dundee has a very old building
1 however it is well maintained

The building itself is not so important to me but I really

want my children to ahev excellent playspace .I think it is
1 essential for development at primary level
1 The cultural mix of pupils
57 Total
Additional Comments:
54 Unanswered
Committment to children with additional needs -
1 knowledge, experience
St Jospeh's is our parish church - married, confrimed,
and children baptised there; it was always going to be
1 the school our children would attend.
The community of parent staff and church It is essential
1 that the school has a good play field facilities
57 Total
A new school building is important to me
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table total
Col % Col % Col % Col %
1 Strongly disagree 4 11 5
2 Disagree 15 22 5 12
3 Neither agree or disagree 44 33 42 44
4 Agree 22 44 21 25
5 Strongly agree 15 21 14
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

The current building is in need of upgrading

P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table total
Col % Col % Col % Col %
2 Disagree 7 11 5 7
3 Neither agree or disagree 22 11 5 16
4 Agree 22 33 21 25
5 Strongly agree 48 44 68 53
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

My child would benefit from the proposed new school

P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7 Table Total
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 4 11 5
1 Strongly disagree 15 5 9
2 Disagree 15 16 12
3 Neither agree or disagree 22 56 37 35
4 Agree 26 33 21 25
5 Strongly agree 19 11 11 14
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

The teaching staff, pupils, parents and whole school community are more
important than a building
Class of youngest (or only) child aTable Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 5 2
1 Strongly disagree 4 2
2 Disagree 5 2
3 Neither agree or disagree 11 11 16 12
4 Agree 33 33 21 32
5 Strongly agree 52 56 53 51
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57
I have no concerns about the proposal as it stands
Class of youngest (or only) child aTable Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 11 2
1 Strongly disagree 30 33 53 37
2 Disagree 19 22 5 14
3 Neither agree or disagree 26 22 11 23
4 Agree 7 26 12
5 Strongly agree 19 11 5 12
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

I have concerns about the proposal as it stands

Class of youngest (or only) child aTable Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 11 5 4
1 Strongly disagree 4 2
2 Disagree 11 22 5 11
3 Neither agree or disagree 11 26 16
4 Agree 37 22 16 26
5 Strongly agree 37 44 47 42
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

I want my child to have access to open space for outdoor sporting

activities, for example football
Class of youngest (or only) child aTable Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 4 33 5 9
3 Neither agree or disagree 11 5
4 Agree 41 33 21 32
5 Strongly agree 44 33 74 54
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

I want my child to have access to plenty of playground space to run around in

Class of youngest (or only) child aTable Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 4 11 5 5
3 Neither agree or disagree 11 2
4 Agree 44 22 21 32
5 Strongly agree 52 56 74 61
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57
I want the Scottish Government to allow Dundee City Council to proceed
with the building of the new schools even though there have been
concerns raised about the site
Class of youngest (or only) child aTable Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 7 22 5 9
1 Strongly disagree 37 33 47 39
2 Disagree 11 5 9
3 Neither agree or disagree 11 33 21 19
4 Agree 15 5 9
5 Strongly agree 19 11 16 16
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

I do not want the Scottish Government to give Dundee City Council the
dispensation they need to build on the Logie site
Class of youngest (or only) child aTable Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 7 11 5 7
1 Strongly disagree 7 11 11 9
2 Disagree 15 22 11
3 Neither agree or disagree 19 22 21 21
4 Agree 11 5 9
5 Strongly agree 41 33 58 44
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

I think a new school would give the pupils better classrooms and learning areas that
would mean it is easier for the teachers to deliver more interactive learning
Class of youngest (or only) child aTable Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 11 11 7
1 Strongly disagree 4 5 4
2 Disagree 7 22 5 11
3 Neither agree or disagree 26 22 37 30
4 Agree 30 22 11 21
5 Strongly agree 22 22 42 28
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

I would like my child to have access to 2 halls that could be used for gym,
sports, drama and dining facilities
Class of youngest (or only) child aTable Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 11 22 9
2 Disagree 7 4
3 Neither agree or disagree 30 33 37 32
4 Agree 26 22 37 30
5 Strongly agree 26 22 26 26
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57
Additional Comments
39 Unanswered
1 1 a gym /sports hall and seperate dining area
1 A climbing wall would be great !
Although the facilities would improve on on balance I fell strongly that the site limitations would far
outweigh the benfits.This is not a viable long term solution.I feel other options have not beed fully and
1 appropriately considered.
As my child won't be affected by the new proposed school the outcome won't affect me but I would
1 support those parents who have concerns about the new site , children need space.
1 Can't comment on statement 3 - my child would benefit from proposed new
1 I am happy with St Joseph's as it is.
I believe that we have one chance to get a new school and get it right - which means not to accept
anything provided our wat without questioning its viability For new school I believe interactive learning
1 can only happen with larger clasrooms and learning areas
I feel I can't comment on above I don't know enough about the propoal for 2 halls .All I can say is that it
would appear to be better for health and safety and hygiene if the dining area was seperate from gym /
1 sports / drama etc.
1 I hope the new school is built and look forward to seeing my kids enjoying the new facilities
I think it would be fine for the school to be built on the Logie site if it did not contain 2 schools and a
1 nursery

I would like my child to have the same access to outdoor space as other children in Dundee while at
1 school
New build almost always means smaller .I'm not keen on open plan clasrooms- very noisy and will
1 affect some children's learning
One of the reasons St Joseph's does well is that it attracts able pupils from outside the catchment area
1 - why now exclude them froma new school
Several statements starred and comment - Do not have enough information/ knowledge of proposals
1 to make an informed judgement ( or alternative options)
Statement 3 of Question 2 A not the is added Statement 12 of Question 2 - not answered have added
1 as opposed to ?
There are certain questions I have chosen not to answer as results could be interpreted in a biased
1 way
We manage with one hall at the moment .Some compromise may be needed.Outside adequate space
is essential .If we need to travel for sports day that is ok .Space to play outside everyday is non
1 negotiable.We need it.
What I " want " and what can be reasonably expected are unfortuately seperated by some distance -
1 life ?
57 Total
Question 3 [Before receiving the Parent Council Newsletter in September
were you aware that Dundee City Council had approached the Scottish
Government to ask for a dispensation because of the concerns raised about
the size of the proposed site at Logie and lack of playing fields?]
Class of youngest (or only) child att Table Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 4 2
Don't know 4 5 5
No 59 56 37 51
Yes 33 44 58 42
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

Question 4 [Do you support the proposal for the new schools on the Logie
site even though it does not meet the minimum government regulations and
the children would not have a playing field on the site?]
Class of youngest (or only) child att Table Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 7 5 5
Don't know 11 16 12
No 56 56 58 56
Yes 26 44 21 26
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

Question 5 [1. Feedback the results to the parents and staff at St Joseph’s ]
Class of youngest (or only) child att Table Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 7 4
Don't know 7 5 7
Yes 85 100 95 89
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

Question 5 [2. Feedback the results to the Education Department of Dundee

City Council ]
Class of youngest (or only) child att Table Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 7 11 5 7
Don't know 7 11 7
No 11 2
Yes 85 78 84 84
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57
Question 5 [3. Feedback the results to the Schools Division at Scottish
Government, who are advising Scottish Ministers regarding the application
for dispensation]
Class of youngest (or only) child att Table Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 11 11 5 9
Don't know 11 11 9
No 11 2
Yes 78 78 84 81
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Base 27 9 19 57

Please give your suggestion

49 -1
1 Feedback to everyone

1 I would like the forms to be given to the outside bodies to ensure transparency.
I would like to know teachers opinionsas I fell they and the parents are best placed
1 to decide what is best for the children
1 Interview in Courier
It would be nice for all aprents at St jospeh's to have the opportunity to discuss the
new school together I am concerned that parents ahve not been fully informed in
1 an honest way about the proposal
1 Publish in press
1 Question 4 - telephoned planning myself to find this out
1 The Parent council is not there to be a vehicle for the Education dept.
57 Total

Question 6 [Do you want the Parent Council to continue to ask questions about the new
school proposal and to share this information with you?]
Class of youngest (or only) child att Table Total
P1 to P3 P4 or P5 P6 or P7
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Unanswered 7 5 5
Don't know 4 2
No 22 21 11
Yes 89 78 74 82
Table Total 100 100 100 100
Do you have any other comments?
42 -1
As long as I have peace of mind that my child is safe and happy at school I have
1 no other concerns
1 Good luck on keeping our excellent school as it is.
I agree my child will benefit from a new school if the building and site are fit for
1 purpose.
I do support the new school - the new school would be much more building friendly
1 take y p pp g
new school and therfore I fell that this questionnaire is not entirely neutral .i fell
1 that the Parent council
I haven't really thought about the new school as my son will be leaving St Jospeh's
1 next year.

I hvae not answered some questions as I feel the results can be used /
manipulated to suit an anti new school campaign which I am not in favour of.
Benefits of a new school will outweigh the few concerns people have. I have had 3
children educated at St jospeph's and have been very happy with all aspects of the
1 school and a new build will enhance the childrens' education in a positive way.

I would have liked a meeting betwenn the P council and the Parent forum prior to
the Council's consultation meeting at the school so that views could be discussed
1 This should be done in future to ensure true representation on an important issue.
My concerns is that the proposal of a new school and all that it offers will not be
provided due to the location , size and constraints they bring.
It is vitally important that the Parent council /Parent forum , the school and
education dept work together to deliver the best learning experienc for our children
1 and to assist them to achieve their full potential
Thank you very much for all your efforts.I feel strongly that the Parent council is
1 the only body looking out for the children's interests !
The education department and SNP administration handling of the whole issue is
a disgrace The Bishop and Mon McK should have spoken out againist the new
1 school and the request for dispensation

The education dept have failed to invest properly in St Joseph's and the council
1 want St J's off the current site.They have shown themselves to be untrustworthy.

The existing building ahs reached the end of it useful life and there are no suitable
1 alternative sites other than the Logie site.
Thnak you for giving us parents an opportunity to give our own opinions on the
1 new schol
We thanks you for the time and effort you have put into producing this
1 questionnaire for parents and guardians
57 Total

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