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Regular Session, 2010



ELDERLY: Provides for the mandatory reporting of abuse of adults by financial institutions
and the release of financial records


2 To amend and reenact R.S. 15:1504(A) and to enact R.S. 15:1507(H)(6), relative to adult

3 protective services; to provide that financial institutions are mandatory reporters

4 regarding adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation; to require financial institutions to

5 provide the adult protection agency with financial records; and to provide for related

6 matters.

7 Be it enacted by the Legislature of Louisiana:

8 Section 1. R.S. 15:1504(A) is hereby amended and reenacted and R.S.

9 15:1507(H)(6) is hereby enacted to read as follows:

10 §1504. Mandatory reports and immunity

11 A. Any person, including but not limited to a health, mental health, and

12 social service practitioner, and any financial institution in accordance with the

13 provisions of 12 U.S.C. 3403(c), having cause to believe that an adult's physical or

14 mental health or welfare has been or may be further adversely affected by abuse,

15 neglect, or exploitation shall report in accordance with R.S. 15:1505.

16 * * *

17 §1507. Investigation of reports, assessment, actions taken, and court orders

18 * * *

19 H.

20 * * *

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CODING: Words in struck through type are deletions from existing law; words underscored
are additions.
HB NO. 607

1 (6) Any financial institution shall provide the adult protection agency with

2 any financial records or documents in accordance with the provisions of 12 U.S.C.

3 3403(c) necessary to the performance of the agency's duties pursuant to the

4 provisions of this Chapter. Any financial institution having possession of a financial

5 record or document which is necessary to the performance of the agency's duties

6 imposed by the provisions of this Chapter shall, without unnecessary delay, make the

7 record or document available to the agency.

8 * * *


The digest printed below was prepared by House Legislative Services. It constitutes no part
of the legislative instrument. The keyword, one-liner, abstract, and digest do not constitute
part of the law or proof or indicia of legislative intent. [R.S. 1:13(B) and 24:177(E)]

Roy HB No. 607

Abstract: Requires financial institutions to be mandatory reporters of abuse and to provide

financial records to the adult protection agency.

Present law provides for mandatory reporting of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of adults.
Defines "adults".

Present law provides that any person, including but not limited to a health, mental health,
and social service practitioner, having cause to believe that an adult's physical or mental
health or welfare has been or may be further adversely affected by abuse, neglect, or
exploitation shall report as required by present law.

Proposed law retains the provisions of present law and adds financial institutions to the list
of mandatory reporters.

Proposed law requires any financial institution to provide the adult protection agency with
any financial records or documents in accordance with the provisions of federal law.

(Amends R.S. 15:1504(A); Adds R.S. 15:1507(H)(6))

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CODING: Words in struck through type are deletions from existing law; words underscored
are additions.

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