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Reading practice: SQA Intermediate 1 – A Health Clinic

Edinburgh Travel Health Clinic

Welcome to Edinburgh Travel Health Clinic @

The Edinburgh Health Clinic is a specialist Non-NHS clinic providing travel health
services for a wide range of travellers whether it is for short or long-term, single
destination or even round the world trips. Advice is tailored to accommodate all ages
and trip types including –

 Resort visits
 Backpacking or independent travel
 Volunteering and gap year travels
 Adventure holidays
 Business Trips
 Ex-patriot and emigration

The clinic is accessible, is open extended hours, including some evenings and aims
to provide convenient appointments even at short notice when necessary: This can
be especially important for the last minute traveller.

We provide all travel vaccinations, including BCG, Yellow Fever and Rabies and we
advise on all aspects of malaria prevention. We also have in stock all the current UK
prescribed anti-malaria tablets. We also do Tuberculosis skin tests (Mantoux). We do
not provide telephone consultations.

Additional services include annual flu vaccinations and also the newly introduced
vaccine course for HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) for prevention of cervical
malignancy and genital wart infections.

Current prices and useful links can be found on our website at

To book an appointment and for any enquiries please contact us:

Tel: 0131 667 1030

Stevenson College, March 2010

Reading practice: SQA Intermediate 1 – A Health Clinic

Answer the questions in no more than three words.

1. Who is this written for? _______________________

2. What does the clinic provide? _______________________

Complete each gap with a maximum of three words.

The clinic has convenient opening hours and it is possible for (3)
_____________________________ to get an appointment at short notice.
______________________________. You can get advice on malaria prevention, but
we can not give you a (4). ___________________________
It is possible to get a (5) _________________________________ every year at the
clinic. You can contact us if you want to make an appointment or if you have
(6) ___________________________________

Complete these headings for (a) and (b) in the text.

7. Types of ________________________________
8. The services that _________________________________

Stevenson College, March 2010

Reading practice: SQA Intermediate 1 – A Health Clinic

1. travellers
2. travel health services
3. last-minute travellers
4. telephone consultation
5. flu vaccination
6. any enquiries
7. trip(s)
8. we provide / the clinic provides / are provided

Stevenson College, March 2010

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