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It is mentioned in Hadis (Prophetic traditions) that Imam Mehdi's mother's name will be
Amina and His father’s name would be Abdullah. There are two explanations for it. One
answer is logical and the other is spiritual. It is also narrated in same Hadis (Prophetic
tradition) that antichrist would come while riding on a donkey and would be blind from
one eye. If he would really come riding on Donkey and blind from one eye, we can easily
recognize that he is antichrist. We say that can't anybody give even a car to him as he will
be having thousands of followers? If he has to go to Islamabad from here, imagine how
much time it will take while riding a donkey! Whereas the fact is that this is an age of
cars and airplanes. Then people say that once this age of science will end then that other
stone-age will come, and then he (antichrist) will come riding donkey. We say that ok if
this science age will end and there will not be any cars, but if there will be donkeys then
for sure there will be horses as well present at that time (of stone-age), then why would
he not prefer horse to ride as that will be superior ride. Then people argue that it is just a
hint. Actually “Donkey” means that it will be Satan (devil). Antichrsit will bear complete
satanic forces and blind from one eye means that he will be lacking spiritual knowledge.

We say that if that is a hint, then the other thing (mentioned in Hadis) will also be a hint
that Imam Mehdi's mother name will be Amina meaning pious lady and father's name
Abdullah means "the one who worships Allah". These explanations are logical which
most of the people talk about but we consider them useless.

Let me give you actual explanation as per spiritualism. Can't say of you will be able to
understand! Terrestrial and Celestial Spirits are mentioned in The Holy Quran. Terrestrial
souls in this world are present in stones, trees and in animals that have no relation to the
judgment day. Celestial Spirits are related to the heavens; like angels, spirits and spiritual
entities etc. So when Terrestrial and Celestial Spirits get together in this body then it
becomes a human, otherwise (in the presence of either) it remains either angel or an
animal only. After the human sperm entering the womb, the mineral spirit arrives to
enable the blood together. Then, the fetus grows in the womb with the botanical spirit.
Then, after Animal Spirit enters the womb the fetus begins to move in the womb. After
birth, the human soul arrives along with the spiritual entities due to which the child starts
to cry and shout. This is the reason that if a child dies in the womb a few moments before
birth, there is no funeral for it, as it was still animal. Should a child die a few moments
after the birth, then its funeral service is obligatory because it has become a human.

After a person’s death, the Celestial Spirit, which is particular to each body, returns to the
Celestial Sphere, whereas the Terrestrial Spirits are reallocated from one body to another
for a long time it continues to reallocate in other bodies. In families the effect of the
nature is due to these souls where as the family disease is related to the blood.

Terrestrial Spirits of ordinary people continues to reallocate from one body to another.
The souls of pious people keep entering in the bodies of pious people.

The Terrestrial Souls of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was held for Imam Mahdi. Just as
whole of the Prophet Mohammed's body can be said the jewel of Amina's eyes (the
Prophet's mother), similarly any separate part of the Prophet Mohammed's body hand etc
it can also be said jewel of Amina's eyes (the Prophet's mother). Just as the soul of the
Holy Prophet could be called the jewel of Amina likewise any other part of the soul could
be said the jewel of Amina. Since that very second part of the soul would be in the body
of Imam Mehdi that’s why His mother’s name would be Amina and His father’s name
would be Abdullah………………………………………………………………………….

Search for Imam Mehdi! If anyone worshiped his entire life but in the end, he opposed
Imam Mehdi then he is hell-bound as Balyim Ba'ur whose prayer was also used to be
heard but will go to the hell in the shape of the dog of Isahab-e-kahaf (Companions of
cave). If someone lived like a dog in this world, but in the end helped Mehdi, then he will
go to the Paradise. (Just as the dog Qitmir, who was elevated by association with the
'Companions of the Cave', and will go to the Paradise)………………………………….

Many say that if Imam Mehdi is present in Pakistan then why He is afraid of jails? Why
doesn’t He declare Himself? As Prophet Muhammad PBUH kept on giving azan (call to
prayer) in home (not openly) until Hazrat Umer did not join Him. Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) left Hazrat Ali asleep on His bed and migrated towards Medina as well. In the
same way Imam Mahdi is also expediently quiet…………………………………………..

No matter either He declares or not, He stays in jail, He stays in city or lives as hermit,
after all He is the very Imam Mehdi who is from God. According to one Hadis (Prophetic
tradition) usually it is thought, that very time has not yet came because at that time the
lamps will be lightened all across. It means that some hearts will be shining all over.

According to one more Hadis (Prophetic tradition) He will form a new religion or He will
revive the religion. In both cases He will have to face the propagandas and criticisms of
the scholars until He will be recognized by the scholars………………………………….

According to another Hadis he will give people a lot of wealth; that means the spiritual
wealth. Means His (Imam Mehdi's) spiritual grace according to Saint Sultan Baho;
“either Muslim or infidel, either living or dead would be for everybody”…………………

May be for this very age/time it’s in the Holy Quran that when you get worried regarding
something then take guidance from the Ahle zikr. Who are the Ahle zikr? Gause pak
says; that my disciple would be one who chant the name of Allah. I consider him a zakir
whose heart says Allah Allah otherwise orally the parrot can also recite.

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