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Subject: Basic Christian Faith

Module # 4 – The Gospels: Proclamation of Faith in Jesus Christ

I. Introduction:
The Power of God in the Gospel

For I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God for the salvation of
everyone who believes: for Jew first, and then Greek. For in it, is revealed the
righteousness of God from faith to faith, as it is written. “The one who is righteous by
faith will live”

II. Learning Competencies:

Illustrate the four Gospels
Analyze the Gospel stages of formation
Relate the Gospel in our way of life
III. Discussion
A. Lesson Proper
Church Teaching
The Church, through its catechism, makes us aware of how the Gospel can
become a part of our lives as we read the Good News of our salvation that must
direct our thoughts and action.
This is a book about life in Christ, life lived according to the Gospel. The
“Good News “ is that God has become man in Jesus Christ our Lord, who came to
save us from sin and bring us to fullness of life. This is the gospel which we
Filipinos have accepted. As PCPII proudly declares:” For us Filipinos, the first
century of coming millennium will mark the 500 th year since we as a people
accepted the faith (PCP II 3) It makes us the only Christian nation among our
Asian brethren. There are deep affinities between Christ message and the
Filipino’s in most ways of thinking and acting. “Much of the Gospel has become
part of us__ compassion, forgiveness, caring, piety, and makes us of a basically
decent people.” (PCPII 15)
B. Broadening of concept
The New testament exists only because of Jesus in Nazareth. Though he wrote
nothing, he caused the New testament. Unlike other disciples of great teachers,
the first Christian disciples who wrote the New Testament did not think of
themselves as passers –on of tradition_ the record of his teaching. Instead they
were proclaimers of the Savior, announcing His victory of life over death, and
that through His resurrection, the gates of heaven were opened to all. To anyone,
a joyful message ws descried as the good news, which is precisely what the word
Gospel means. In fact, Mark begins his Gospel with,” The beginning of the good
news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”
It took time to for the Gospels to be written and each as intended for a particular
group of Christians. The Gospels were written in Greek, the language spoken
during the time, and the writers whom we call evangelists, made sure they
presented Jesus in a way their intended readers would understand and make
connections between Christ’s teaching and their own life.
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are called Synoptic Gospels
because they could be seen side by side, though there are added stories in
Matthew and Luke. John wrote differently. in his work miracles were of Jesus
being the Son of God who would provide strength and nourishment in the
Dei Verbum18-19 emphasizes the characteristics true to all Gospels: namely (1)
all four Gospel are apostolic origin (2) all were written by sacred author under the
inspiration of the Holy spirit (3) it serves as the foundation of our faith (4)
faithfully handed on what Jesus had done and had taught for salvation and (5) it
was written to address the religious needs of the Christians for whom they were
The Gospel of Matthew, first among the books in the new Testament, portrays
Jesus as the new Moses the Jewish people eagerly awaited. Here Jesus is
described as the Christ, the Messiah, and the Son of David foretold in the Old
Testament as the “fulfillment of h law and the prophets. This Gospels include five
solid blocks of teaching, notably Sermon of the Mount, and stresses the
importance of being the Church.
The Gospel of Mark portrays Jesus as a great teacher and miracle –worker, and
as the Suffering Messiah who wanted to keep his identity as a Son of God a secret.

The Gospel of Luke is the longest of the four, probably written for the Gentiles
especially to Theophilus to give an “orderly account” It contains the nativity of
the Lord and presents Jesus as the Savior of the world.

The Gospel of John is the Spiritual gospel by the apparent interest on Jesus’
life rather on the facts of it. John emphasizes Jesus eternal existence and divine
Jesus nature, thus Jesus did not hesitate to call himself “Son of God’ and openly
declares who h is: I Am” these “ I am sayings with reference to Isaiah 40 55 uses
the imagery of light, water, bread and sheep.
Jesus compares the word of God, which is intended to produce fruit in our lives,
to seeds sowed into the earth by farmers. It is first planted in our heart, but I we
do not mind it, it withers and dies. The four different types of soil represent the
different “hearts” or the receptivity of people His word. The first type of soil is the
hardened path were bird could easily eat the seeds. This refers to those who have
hardened hearts toward God. When they hear God’s word, they are unreceptive to
the truth and therefore Satan (symbolizes by the bird) takes the truth away. The
seed never blossoms alongside greed, snobbishness and the love for an easy life.
The second type of sol is rocky. this talks about those who initially respond
positively to God’s word, but when the truth starts to cause pain and suffering,
easily they give up. The third type of soil has thorns and weeds. This connotes
those who receives God’s word but are more concerned with the worries of the
world. The fourth type of soil is a good soil. this suggests those who hear and
understand God’s word by living a good life.

The development of the Gospels consisted of three stages: the

first stage being the period of Jesus’ life, the second stage being the
period of Oral Tradition and the third stage being the period of the
Evangelists (16). The first stage is the period of Jesus’ life. The
foundation of the four Gospels is built upon the teachings and parables of
Jesus, dated at about 30-33AD (16). The second stage is the period or Oral
Tradition is when the apostles and disciples set out preaching, teaching
and spreading the Good News (16). The third stage is the period of the
Evangelists. This period included the gradual collection and compilation of


Dei Verbum- a Vatican II document that contains the teachings of the Church
on Divine Revelation
Evangelist –writer of the Gospel
Gospel – means Good News and refers to the first four books of the New
IV. Evaluation
1. What is the good news all about?
The good news is all about God because the God become man in Jesus Christ
our Lord and God save our lives from all the sins and he bring us to fullness of
our life.
2. Compare and contrast the synoptic Gospel?
Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are similar because their parallels cannot
be explained by a mere coincidence and they are seen together. While

3. Read and reflect Romans 1: 16-17 (from the Introduction) and

answer the following question
a. Why does St. Paul tell the Romans that he is not ashamed of the
He isn’t ashamed of the Gospel because for him it is the power of God
unto salvation to everyone who believe in it.

b. If the Sacred Scriptures contain the history of the Israel, why is

its use extended to other people.
Because it is part in the Christian Bible because it is a Holy Scriptures to the
Jewish people.

4. Compose a prayer invoking the help of the Holy spirit in helping

you live the gospel of life.
Our Father who are in heaven

Please do guide me for all the decision I make;

Take me to the right path of my life;

Forgive me for all the sins that I have made;

Give me strength for all the things that I’ve been going through;

I thank you for all the wisdoms and freedom;

and I believe in you our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the name of the Father, the son, the Holy Spirit. AMEN.

LYFE RVM Series grade 11b - Maria JoselleteS. Uy

New American Bible (NAB)
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC)

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