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Sydney Sun



Eureka Thoughts

I’ve always thought that Physics was one of the most interesting subjects because

it challenges what society dubs “Reality”. A lot in Physics is unable to be seen and most

of it we as people don’t even know we’re feeling or are even conscious of, but it’s there

and it exists. String theory I think is a perfect example of what I believe physics is. I

chose String Theory because I thought that I knew about it because I had seen a

documentary on it. But, when I actually started studying I realized that I really didn’t

know anything about it at all.

Over the process of researching and figuring out this topic I of course figured out

a lot of String Theory (even though it’s still just the surface). I had to struggle so much

with this theory, because it is so abstract and none of it is proven. When I tried to look up

definitions, the answers would have other theories and topics that I didn’t understand so I

had to research those as well, which, was frustrating because I didn’t know where I could

or should stop. Then I felt like the thesis that I had chosen didn’t fit into the requirements

and that made me nervous. But, what I did was that I just “powered” through the topic

and all of the definitions. I just checked around with different teachers to help me figure

out where I should stop, in terms of going into the definitions.

When I got my head together and I knew how I wanted to create my script,

presentation, and write-ups I just had to do it. I had the most trouble writing my contents.
I didn’t know how to relate everything with the social and cultural aspects and

everything. But, surprisingly I feel a lot better about it now. Now, that exhibition is over

I understand what it is I need to do. I thought that string theory might have been a topic

that wouldn’t make that big of a difference on the general public because it isn’t talked

about really, and even with research it’s hard to understand the topic because it requires

such a high level of math and understanding of science and physics that I feel like it’s

hard to have a conversation about it and formulate really original and plausible ideas

around it unless I was of that caliber (which I’m not). During the exhibition I realized

that the beauty of string theory is that I didn't have to come up with a scientific break

through to enjoy the theory, and nobody expects me to. But, what my responsibility is

passing on the knowledge I have about it and creating a dialogue with other people about

String Theory. It challenges topics that are closer to home with people like their religion.

It’s figuring out what it would mean for those who believe strongly in their personal

philosophies and how the proving or disproving of String Theory will affect that. If

string theory is proven there will be anywhere between 4 to 11 dimensions which means

there will be parallel universes. If parallel universes are present, then, there will be a

copy of every person in each one of these dimensions. For example, every decision that I

make won't really be a decision because the other option would be happening in one of

the other dimensions. Slowly I think concepts like regret will die out because on the

large scale, all the decisions are going on and they all involve the person. If this concept

reaches politics, politicians might say that the reason why they are doing what they are is

because they are looking out for the people in the other dimensions. Though the
acceptance of these different dimensions might create a rivalry between the dimensions

and our will seem like it is in a perpetual football game because everyone will be

constantly on edge, competitive, and filled with adrenaline. The culture of the world will

change, and it will prove that the world started from one thing, which goes in hand with

the big bang theory and would cancel out religion for a lot of people. These radical

changes might come about if string theory is proven.

Last night during the exhibition we had a discussion about the difference between

devotion/determination and fanaticism. And by hearing what everyone else had to say

they helped me more clearly define what those words meant to me; spanning from KC

and his experiences in the Science field to Sierra and his music. KC drew the line

between determination and fanaticism when a person is willing to pick and choose bits of

evidence to fit into their hypothesis. They keep doing this until they get a solution that is

unnatural and was forced together, which, was the case with the scientists he worked

with. He (the scientist) was willing to neglect parts of certain findings, if it didn't fit into

what he was doing. He would keep trying until he had enough pieces of information he

then would put together like a forced puzzle. Sierra defined devotion and determination

as continuing to work, give, and perform even when you have nothing left but keeps

going because you want to make the people happy. But fanaticism on the other hand is

when even when your not doing anything good, and you are imposing the music on to

people. This action translated into String Theory means that the physicists no longer care

about the betterment of society or have genuine care about the unification of theory of

relativity and quantum mechanics. The main objective to these fanatic scientists is that
they are proven to be correct, no matter the cost. If this was to happen, then whatever

answer they produce will be forced like the answers from the scientist that worked with


The exhibition helped me thoroughly understand the importance of the Large

Hadron Collider, and where the criticism of fanaticism comes from. I also learned that so

many things in life are connected in their fundamental mentalities and actions. With all

of the topics that were in my room, Big Bang, Trig, Unifying Theory, Computers, Time

Travel, and String theory I know that none of these topics would be where they are now if

they didn’t have faith and devotion to their topics and that puts anyone in that position in

danger of becoming a fanatic because they are constantly straddling that that line. Over

the years that action of straddling the line becomes their life. Now that String theory has

come to where it has, I think the road that the physicists had to travel was worth it. The

potential findings of String Theory, and what it could do for their community and society

and how that can move the entire world forward is worth it. All of this can and will be

decided by the Large Hadron Collider and finding the Higgs Boson. I didn’t expect it but

it wasn’t just the science I learned, I developed a connection with my topic and

everything that it can and will affect and also to my own personal beliefs about science,

faith, responsibility, and choice.

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