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I07S0.fl,u.eV 1016104 2.

4& PM Page 1

Ifle Adm.""""", Of adlilralOt "'r Claim{s) .... Oed by you iIllhe W>/ts••
~:r~~s:~~o~J~~o=~your ~roo~=='::mr=in1orwtion: 1I'l''''I~''''IIIlI_ ....... io"stigmlO.lloI!'f."",,,m~· _"'_~fioaIyis.ff'"'don~f...w_nr!es. ... can'eoDecIlfle
=:~.~=mwa~=J.eees~:: mdto fI!JY lifo parts of,.... l1li111.1>" IJO! In question. 11m $5{1 01 the qtJe$!iooed _ ..... fOO' 1iIl_ t:OO!Ct
You may not idI. assflJD or tr;nsfer )'Our Account ot any of vour ~ • The dOtar amount of 1M $U$j)Ktlid mot.. ffwefindthal .. _.mis!aboo!'fU'bIll"" .... noIM<topay ..y Special_lor en (64134)
c:onsid6rin ~ faith i rruonabf8Wfitlen RlQuestbyyou to Nylf/Of,part under th6 Aqreefl\e1l1. .Oe!icribettletrrorand~.if'10Ilcan,Vfhy'ffJ1J~thtreis:anl5rmf. finance dl~ llfIted1e at1)'qutStioned !mount ffvtS tlido'1 mal:e a I'1'Ifstakti.
ot such adOilromd fees. Each party must pay for its Q'Im attomeop:. experts, I[ you need more infermation, des«ibc the item you are ne! suce about
CG9A (9f04) 5317·TIIC·S
2.3. SEVERABtUlY.lf any provision of this AGreement is determiMd to be vqid you....,h."t'P'Y_dIarlIos,if!I<I!""wlM<lO"'''lJ!l'''Ymissod
or _ _ . _ appIlcabIe bw. rule,or"llUlatioo. .ioll1<fp....sIr>os
'" !h;sP<l_sIJ.alI o1iIhevand iOO .nfon:oalllrJ.
Your Rl_ lAd Out ftnPOMOHIIflc, UerWt R.c::.Iw YOir WritI.. llktlltt _oolhoquestiorJ<d_ln_ ............ send"'" •.­ SAM'S CLUB'" STANDARD ACCOUNT
llatSHt or ~ftin'tburstlmeRtkom youOf ilmourtts paid by us foratfor.. We must a~e your kner wttrun 30 days, unless we have corm:te:d men! of Ih< ""aunt !'f" .... "'" tile date thai ~ Is due. H"'" fall to pay Ut.
noyli. eqcrts. ind Mtnesscs. We wm und« aU etrtlunsfam;es pay any fees
:!". MEI1WlSmf n..tINGJCANtEtUTlctt. YIMIf SAM'S ctua N.mtJerchijJ tile erto( by then. W"tfbin 9O~. we mINt eitM( comet the IIIrrer or ~n arn..ntthal .. lIlInk)'O<l ....... !II3\'~you"'<IofiIlq_H_,"'" ~ou must ~ made the p,un:base in your home state or, if not wittlin

:{.=.:.':~ry'(G~~1:'Idf(l~)~ This A(jfeement

why M balie"", die biI was correa. After-we racelv8 yout IlIttar. we QnntJC try
to ccltct atrtamount you ques600, er fepoltyoU as ddinquent We can con­
tinue fo biI you far Ih< ....... YI1II question. iru:fudiJlQ r...... chOlYJ6, anti
""lffa..lJond... OaIS<11islyyou""'YOU_"'''_IrIn~IeIIng ...
must!,...,.,.... ...
1f131","SIIII..,,,,,, 10 pay. we
J<jlOrt Y""'lNIyoo ""'" yotrT ",~~::=;:J,a===rress;·Old MONOGRAM CRfOIT CARD BAlli( Of GEORGIA


we can ~ IIl'{Unpaid JlTlotW.nst)tlUf t:tdtfimft. You do not haw to ycoIo.WOmastlol"'l....... """rtycotolflatlf1<.-has""" ..l!Ied maUedn;:=~~~n:t'ir/tt! ;~~~o::= merchant, or it we RETAIL INSTAlMENT CREDIT AGREEMENT
IJIsnibership b ",sl'flI'Ied .r C2nr:e1ed f<ii Ony mson. IncIudiJliI bit­ Nonnegotiable Cads_me, Hilla
Ril es '" _Old
aed In•• """" a1.oy of tile t.l11t$.f Il10 Mn~ Membership Conditions
iIIld Opmtloil, _ you 1llat you wi not be .1J!o us.10
.....lmnt wlIh IIle fAA. IIl1s Pr<Mslon, and the Admin_,'s nbs, In

~1IIotJ '" IIle parIles' dglJls '" obtaln I n l _ underu.. Allmlnls·

=:::It!n~~~ay askllltarbittatorto.lod to _n mol<

.p<OI'i$ioo$ 01 tills AQioemont.
_oIMI_ _ .t:'_",urtmay""'iv<lI1I1l'Jrt""on NOnCES
the: atbi1tator'$ awafd.. The arbitiatof's dedsicn will be final ,aI'I1f bIodin<l

'''''pi "'r. (1) "'i appeal rigl1llltlder the fAA; and 121'01 party may ijIIICal HEW JERSEY WID£KlS: Becaus. _Ir! """"ions a1111is Ail"'' ' ' ' "'"

=~':ar':."vm~:O=~~:=ot=a:r~rda~;::: ~~:Jf==o~~~.:':.~~== -E
.wanl.lba _rsdeclsinn1Mllhe ronal and ~a. """III for "'1 ",peal
orinapp&r:able IoJ "",,,,,,,,,,,.
ri1/hllJllder Il10 fAA. ums, appll< prnvIdes otI1"";". !he iJ!fpeaI­
I'U6llUl!ICaRfSlOallS:Y.. _ _ ._oI!his~inSjlanisll.
InQ partywll! II'l'tII. aptlll3!"s eos!.noo_. of Its outco..., ",,_"'Of. W. 'toor Ilptlr. Oft tile appf~taUol:l or we...Ip initial pllr-chau

wfI consider 1If!/ reasoubSe written 1'equesi fur Us to bear the 0):>1.

ConUMe4 fftKt of ArOmIoo P'tlm,loft: This Provisicn wi SUl1Ii1tsthe w­ ::r.::~~~nl:l:.,==~ltU\t'l rour slgoalWt't" WI AQrtement and

~a!~a;;0unt=:::mas!J~rc:Ebi~;==:J: =::'~u~~~'=''Il!~lf':'~
ot1l~im ~rtad
to attitrale ifl1 in tbe: same lawsuit by anotOOr party.
£>a:eptas olhe""'" provided ...... n"'l' jIOrtioo "'!his _ ".,,,""
flon Ramon, Pfl'.Sident, Monogram Cradll earn 8ank Qt Geofgia
and •
·U yeu Milt a joint aecou1l1. iii. ft.Quest by ene party wi!! appf'j 10 aI paaies
00 UH! account
only 10r personal. family or bousehold purvcstS.­
twJe::o,~e~e=::~:!sr:.=·J1n~n::TJ! 4125 _rd Pla.!a 0...., AIphar..... GA 3000S
.::e:J=~r==::Vu~~=·~~~~t:: 3. P!IIlMI$£ TO PAY, roo pro!f1is< I. prry us lor all mdit IfIat we 'mod on
::%! or othbt' provisioo$ 'this Aorcemoat ttis: Provision wi. govern.
Notlcfr. The fol'kiMno is important Infatn'Utron reoatding roW' riotrtlo dispute in1:erlm, you may eoatinue to be klcklded in Proot'WS is described ibove.
Also, aftet your request Is processed, yntI may $00 be: mntaded by our
your Accaunt for Purchases and' ~13 Oltlet amounts: owed to us under the
Ie"", .fthis Aot.....nt.
r='~;~:~'::=:I~,r:.::'",::I==:~ YOUR BILUNG RIGHTS afrlti.1tes aod/o( other ~s based on their own lnfoll1'\atlOrt. •• ffIIANCE CI\ARGES.
~~:!t~.~~~:'Of==~=~:;~: KEEP THIS NOTICE FOR fUTURE USE . ;:nm~~::S~c:i~==::=,:,u with bilrma inserts A. The Finance Chaf'ge tor a bUliflO
applylnglho Periodic Ralela lifo
.'I"iIy......._d by 1114 '."""!I,d I. " ••_ willi f._ln...d This noUtt contalns IInpOfbIlt JntortTWioo 4Ibout your rights and our l'e$pen­

•••1111" - . the Fair Crorr~ lIlling Att ·~~!r;=:!d~:-!~!:O:s;r~::l:~

H,atJt, Us II Cae 01 Emirs Of fleutl8os. About 'rOlf But YOu 00 not need to contact us ill order to opt out
'tyou Ullnk~ bill is wrong. Of if roll need fIlOf'e infonnallon about I transaction ChaJve for the billing period. &cept itt PR, there is a minimum AMANCE
. . m b . _ _ lIy .."'t.... CIWIGEof$1.00($.50inlA'!o"~llGll'!iodin_._C!1''1J<I
Tills A;tUment k ,nletlld (lito ~fween rou and til hi GMIf1l1. We mlla
4tdIlw about tflctllno"edit to rou f.nM:n. utond wednto rou II:I1der Ihk
bler than 00 days .tter we sent you lhe first biD en ~
Ihe tffOl' or probk!m
. '(64134)
~meN fnxrI • .aM' 1~1 your Ci.ym~nts la Georgia. 3rpeal'ed. Voo. can celephQne tJS, but d!OOO so wi nat ~M JOUlf rights, 8. The Periodic Rate for your Account Is the Ref,Jular Rate, un1ess the
CG9A (glO4) 5317-T&C:S UeUnqueney Rate applies as described below. Tl'MrRequ;., Rale for a
lal 19J IIZI If I
10750. fl. usW' 1016/e4 .2 :46 PH i'age 2

and _ _ In II\aI biIilg periOd willl<ginlll accrue. finance-ii" lG. _ "'VMl'1IT ftMS. F.. mtime III lime. you I1IOY Il< 011<0"" $110­ ba ..-..tfa . , _ "partin• •"" I,.. raRIlI Iu1II11 lilt ......
billing period ~ \fI, ~_r 01 Q) Ih< Primo !We plu. 12.911%. lime. CNrves: on ~ur Accooot. t1e{WIdint;l on Ihe types: of tmlsatf~OO$ you makt
ci~pf1)_IOm1SI01IIdIIflQd;fy\flelelm$o!lIIisAgr.....m~h""l>OCl oflll.. A41....... 111.
1~ (or 1m ill I'll). or (II) .05453% (1.658% in PRj (ANNUAL .. olllle flrst <i>y 01 IIle next IliinoltlriOd W• """"'" Cl\arg<I ~ lmposed III
!=:J=r=:s~=~:=~b:~d::aI~O~~ CO cerUln run:haseo .. you, Accoont iSP'!cialPoymonf Plans,. Th' pflJVi­ mckJd.. ~p_\fIa! ...... l>efooou.._~e/I_dat..
PElICENTAGE RATE 19.90%). Tho 'Primo 1\:II,'Ior a' ~
I, tile IIlglltst bank prlmer""!1!~ as publ'!led In ' , :u~:~=~~~:n~t:e~~~~~=1~riflocatiooOpt;on ~~1~.::~=~t:n~ir ~~~:;:r:np;::::~~e and direct us (0 ft.mrisll iflf()~;tlkm a1na you: and your Account to SAM'S '"Administrat01" means the National ArtHtnttion forum. P.O. Box 50191,
in its M1)M'f RIto1i StcUoo on the last business day of the month
fl<1!COdinII \fie tim dov 0111\, billing period. ~ 01 Augost 31. 2004. lhe
, l:~i ~~ s:: ~~:al=~c=a==ri:.::.sootJ E._mont We tWdto obtain
11. _ _GElHltRMS. Vou...,_ your Ac<ounl
1IIol yoo send" US inKia!IltI '" ACH _ _ _ in \he
ClUB (and its affiliates) 10f use in connection with the SAM'S ClU8 (8~)~7~;2~7~~~~
begin 10 accru" finance ~ I""" 1M I<!M 01111' "''' 01 tfIe tmuaclion
HOllOW Role .... 05453% (1.658% In PRI (ANNUAl PElICENT·
AGE RATE 19.90,..). J ~:~n~~~~~~:':~:i:!~~~=:~==m~ not be "'turned 10 you by us or your b;mk.. amoont of your died: or ioslrument to yow account OUf etl~ oritern will :r:::.\=:"ad~~='::t='~"'C~~
CMnOe~) or1ermirate YOUf Ar:cotmt ~S$ prohibited appflCabfe law, we by
miolnq the daily bala!lce during th3t bitting period :jiM do not begin to accrue I. fEtS.. You ~ree to PlY the 1olliWMO tees, may II)Pty.tny Terms Change IflY outstlrlding or Mure balanGes of your
, • Rna"", Charg' ...Ii IIle SIaJ1 0I1Ile following bilinQ Il'riod. A. It Late: PaymMt Fee. b.&sed on your H~ 8.lIailCO at the lime your delin­ Atcount W. wilseM CO you n _ of "1l' T,,,,,, C~ .. "'lui"" by
: 7. PAYMEI(fS.
, A. You mus1 pay at least the Minimum Payment on '{l)UI' Stalement by the
quent Minimum Payment \iWJ$ t:aleu&aled. as imflcated below. if we bM: not
received your "'loire.! Minimum I'a_ by !he P:!yment 0.. 0'" shOWll ~:"::'·~N:;='J::;.~".'W:.:::te~
Payment Due Date shown on the StatMlCftL You may ~ more than the 't)Il¥un!ilyoudo ...
~mctea~":::r~~=I!:~~~~J:-r~W!: ~=:~~~~ta~~:~::U;::~=tclQlla~ the amount
on ~ur St.a1emenlln fA.. tbI! late Paymont fee wil oot exceed $15 and no
U" Payment fee "'. be Imj>oSlll ;n I'll. 1%. DEfAUlT. Sub)e<:110 "" limitatio..01 applk:ob1e law, we may d<c1aro you
is not MIabtt..
~ I.alI.f.mnmUIt .1-' afri _fOrm
In defautt if you: .(I) f.ilto make a.t fmt Itttt Minimum Payment ~ due:
of ibis Ag!eomon~ or \ill _ ... \fIe S\Jble<I of.
O.HjIlIJ00 OOI'-your"quim:lMInImum P')1l!Of1IIIylllthtmentOu,

1loIt1W01imos1nMf/sl<_", bilioO periods. 1M ~tyA.t1,

(f3Iher INn IhtR..ularRole)""I'1l< applied., aII_~

k<ounl .... aII_lran_ ~ning wah lilt fiB!
. ~

!he Q<mor.- $15 or 1120 01 1M _
1124 0I1Ile Newl!a"""
113601tf1e _ .. __
a.Ja"" $35.00 and I01de<

. " _.. " . 'deatfl,and
your Credit
iliaD b. AlU alld vofd.

~~~~~O~lr:.\~~~:~!:vth~ $300 $29

ftl,III" Rlllel ArII'tnUon: You !Irq rejel:t ibis _tian Pro._.:

.uoazz,. tor Z.un70 in pRj (AHNllAl PERCENTAGE RATE ~;~ot~~~::=11r.:~=:J:i,::~ B. ARelumlld Check I'M 01 S2S ($20 ;n!AI ff ally checI< or o!l1er"""""l
SflI1tu~ Of any eJedronic payment au1tloriralion you p{1WWc US In~t

8.M _ _ _ _ _
24.90%~I!Io Olinqua>ey R:I!< awIi... ~ you mal"<~_ on your keoont is not honored upon rust presenbnOOf.. cwn if the chedr.


:;""'ll:"~uIu,:=~u:~=~~~r; ~:~ 0I11o!.. ',,,,...nll. MI" oris 1t!I"'..

....d<" oIIItr ,._1II1"""'...0I1IIol I IodlttlK 11111'" PlY'll.......
I I I•• _ .. of • dbpulod
Jlstrumenl or electronitauttlori1:iltion is later honored. No re!Urned cbert fi!IEI
IWIll<(mjlosedIn PR. so_irttiIinelS' .....
""'Ice") 11131 ... ieoeIve wilhin s.t>1j (60)
your t1$dit caro aceount Any Relflction
txIsmo bala.ntes on your AI:cotMt and all new ta.ns.actions baginnino wiHl amount, or (111 "lend",. wlfII_ ...dlllm or fimH,U... ('Olfll<l1ed 13, UAUJTT fOR UHAUncofUZED USA::. The c.aI'd is: i$$Uoo 10 you by us at AtbittaUon Pro'dslon and not to any other . ......... •
IIle lim dov oIl1lebilln~!\l'"l1od 111•• boa"" ,fter!lle Payment Ilue Date 'or
~=ive a period for which you made the mtwred =:l::.u::.:.=~,,=,:d..'::.:~~ .... 1riNIIli J:.ur IVqtMl$t md you aoree to clesttoy it upon demand. ~I.I wi1 not bt liable
19. CIWIGl: OF AIlDRUS. You .0reelo notify us prom"" Myoo .....'" your ~=N~:~~chin::ea=~!fJr=&!o~~J:.
c.r~\:~:..,:~,;;;-.::..:co.:.:=:::.r;; add...... um;J .... a.. notified IfIaI your ......... has ehanQlld, we wftI cooUnus
S.IW..AII!:E$lJllJfCTlU _CIWIGE. ~:~",::r=,,:'!~~:'~";:: AtctJunt to ~ecitu fts unpaid putdlue price until ~ucb mmhandise Is Pa,ld COP.ll.8oi<9!l1~.B""', TX1999!I-1~,,,,bycalmo"'''l-111JO.964-1911. to send Statemetds and otimnotices 10 the1astiddress WI! maintained on )'Our i~~=r.~=~~~~.!"1':':2::~~~
after 5:00 ..... O!l""" Of.n """ dov oiIm~. busf. Account You aqr-ee U1at when we are pctffied that you haw new address. the: whether you we: provided 1 timety Rejection ~otk:e. you must provfde a
~t==~~~~::J~~~~~~et~= _ in fult ~n NY, rtOt to eXC6ed five years tram the dat(ll tM met'dlJndise is
~~~~~:=~~n:rr:~ :::d':estNJi~:e~c:~~~ """" oIlhis AIi_ specifu:ally .?p&aIJIofollle residents oIjIlIJr""" s1aw'
posted til your Account). Solely ioc the purp!m 01 determinirnj the extent
Oaitt &1anc:e ottbe Account HOWtVef. there is no b!Unce subject to FlfWlct of our purchase money securityinwest in ~'ach such item of merchandise:. of residence will apply tD thf entire bq!aooe of your Account
ctwqe for. bIing period it there is no Prtvious Balance on your Ac:coolI1 and subject to the t&Quiremen1S of lppti~bie law. YOUf piym&nts will be :~rsro:':~~yls::~~¥:t~~~~~~rity~::um~ 20. AII!llTllA1lO1II'ROVISIOK.
ltudl tltird party must ffichlde Mdence .of his or her 3Utl'lority 10 submit
=~~~~~'!::r:mis~c:a~~~fe=~a:!:r alloeated fim to Allanct Cflatges on the A.ctount. and then to pay off each n,1iIy us 011-800-964-1917.
Phase read thk~1hti01lproris:IGn(..f'tori:liion'1 carefully. It provides that,
the Refection t-Jo1ice on your behalf.

upon 1lwl.1ec!l0ll 01 ~ny log!! tlispul' hetweeo!he parnes wiI b.

8. To _ ..... \fIeAcoount_"'~o:I .. AIwlreChar~ .... bl"<the

folded~ "'~"'" Ol"'l~ Vou,g,," lhaI'fri_ts on
'14. CR£fl1T IW'OfITS NIB ACtOUIIT IHfORIUTIOK. Vou give US ...-­

~nlO~ln10rmafi00 aruftomWwhatever~ we coRSidernec-­

=~g~~mJ:' .
provisicnRpWcesanymstino lfbitmion
its 1\1r\flat dov and_any paytmIl1s and 0I1ler "edits awIIodlhatday. not_
, your _deli_CO ,SAlGS ClUB ... _ b y SAM'S ClUB ... co,,"
""nIen<e .... yoo and are or .CCt1j1IodIly", .niilpIIysicatf_
to us. Vou undersfand. oowevo«; that paymems. may nat be maOO. and may not
of tm3l1te Chartres and Hl.ilt PUf&h.ast iru::luded M Statemem.s during the
promotionai9Wod. we also wi( aliocate to such promotional Purchase tbe
mary and.""ropriate (il1(:rud""lIobIainkig 1010....1.. from !hird p.rIles

Ceonnectlon with any updates, retteW1J1$ or extmslons of cadit mJew­
OetUllllaM: As used in this P(tlvlsion: -vI&.'" ·U$,· '"'()u(* and slmiLar terms
mean (f) MoflOQ"'" CredlCard &I!lk of G,""lia. and oJ( ils ~ par·
ents, wfH.tIY or majority owned subsieftanes, affltiatts. predecessors. SlJ(:CeS­
,,,._""'Ntdby ... at"""(oea!lonoll1<rifl.. lIlehfmlmtMdrtss .... same payments referred 1o in the immediately preceding sentflfltf Uthose 1l6905.IIo!iCe""begiveo• • _"""""fi1ed,InI01lldl .... ff ....
!~~=~=':'~~~~:;:=.::~~ ~~!l~:f~:!sd::&~~~:::~~~!~~~:rt" =-';'~by~:!,;~=~U:~=
debt tatK:ditioR fees: are not induded. This 'QNes U$ the "'Daily Balance" 01

th.atartses from or relates ~=~~~=;;l~ar:o.":~
purP05~Sof oettl'mifling tfie troount owing ( ave reporte. klac~
10, Ex.c.ept as specified in pau,graph 9- be(ow with m:ped. sakfy to ttle deter·
Mcredited only once .at,~eUme ~.P~ymtl
anct (If your Account We agree that no
ir:a~~::: "Ctalm- means 3n1 dlspute betWeen YOU and Us _1:..-.or,..bJ_ _ ... hlminislra!<lr'$ruIes."""P' •
of JeS$ thanmro"wiII be Im.Ied as UIfD.
~~=!~:=;;~=~~rcau:=~:ga~o;~:: 1haI\fIe_mllSlbe'''-v.ilh''_lmyearsof~
retained Of acquired under this Agreement i l l . . .
• Htlen It is 'ncor..
6. WHEN RHANC£ CflAA6~ 8£<iIM TO ACCRU£.. If there is no P'HlIIious :;~~i=~n:~OfOU~~=s:"~~u=:; or is ~xpected to be used your
as 10
dwding (and in NY. lit)' molar vehl­ _ • copy of tiM cndlt ftJOl1 that 'Iliclldn III. Inac.ctlRte tocaUOft aAd Casf.t;; /uri .atbltr.rticn hearing that you aI:1end will tab platt
by whiCh payrtl«lts a~its iOI "noeatad' 10}'il1ff AI;OOurd in our $Ole- dis~ cle Of in any goods 100:Iy to be affixed to ;t mo1or vehicle or real fl«I{)erty iaformaUoa. plu" lind. copylif that ,.,OlUO Iil IS ..'" You are h.rtbr abi1ity (lr scope of this ProvIsion. tt Includes disputes based 00 constitutional in a klcation thzt is reasonabfy ootWeniemlot you.. At yoor wtiHoo r&quest:.
=~::eicd~~~e:~S~~~Ji~u~-=~~ ~:=a: :cretion. The payment .alIocationmettlod tnatwe O$Itmayrescll:in Ji/(,lhDfNnaoc.e so ,as. to IHIc1une I part thereof}. CloUf1eo Utat I neg.Uft tttdit report refttdiQl Oil YOUf erecllt recont mat proll1Sions. statutes. teotdations, contraas. torts. and acts: of every type we w\U pay all f\lino. administrative. hearing andlot other fees charg~d by

[21 , 13) [41 (5) IGI [11

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