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Name: Paula Felip Soria

Class: 3B

My life picture.............................................3
King Arthur...................................................4
Irregular verbs.............................................5
Past tense....................................................6
Past continuous..........................................6
Tell a story...................................................8
Comparatives and superlatives...............10
In My life......................................................13
Present perfect............................................14
Write a postcard.........................................16

Hi! My name is Paula and this is my scrapbook,
I’m going to explain all the projects, songs
and units that we made on class;

We revise the past continuous, we did our first

oral presentation about myself called “My life
picture”, we saw a film called “King Arthur”
and we read the book, we do one project about
King Arthur too(I did a video with a friend),
we learnt about the medieval times, we revise
the irregular verbs too and we did two exams,
then we learnt the past tense.
We study about the lifestyles. Then Lourdes
brought us some stories and we had to choose
one, I did the “Skydiving”. We learn
something about healthy
food and we had to do a
recipe in a video, I did
Banana and Strawberry
Smoothie We learnt the
Present Perfect and we
saw a very funny video
about it.

Unit 1
I’ve got : Long / Medium-length / Short / bland / bald / curly / dark
/straight / fair / Wavy / red/ginger /

Example: I’ve got long curly brown hair.

Adjectives (personal)

Careless – Careful (despistat – cuidadós)

Mean - Generous (egoista – genrós)
Hard-working – lazy (treballador-vago)
Funny – Serious (divertit –seriós)
Selfish – Tolerant ( egoista – tolerant)
Noisy –Quiet ( xerrador – callat)
Shy – Extroverted (timid – extrovertit)
Polite – Impolite (educat – maleducat) or rude
Cold – Warm (fred - calent)
Friendly – Un friendly ( amigable – inamigable)
Relaxed – Tense (relaxad – tens)
Honest – Dishonest ( honest – desonest)
Moody – Cheerful ( grunyó – divertit)
Sensitive – insensitive ( sensible – insensible)

My life picture
“My life picture” it’s a project that we make about our
own life. We had to do a power point explain those

-My favourite colours:

My favourite colours are
GREEN and BLACK. -When I was a kid:

-My hobbies: When I was a kid I was

always crying, I was a
My hobbies are: Listen to little bit annoying, but
music, Draw, Play since 3 years old I was
guitar, .... always happy. 
-My family: -Carnival 2009:
I have 3 sisters and one We were dressed up of
brother. Adriana(12) Eskimos.
years old), Me(14) ,
Gabriel(19), Marta(34),
I like do this type of projects because the class can
know more about the students.

Power Point:


King Arthur
King Arthur’s Stroy:

I did a video with Odei Martínez, explain a little bit King

Arthur’s story.

We saw a film of King Arthur and also we read a book.

And we did the “Plug Yourself into the Story” and I was
a Page:

My name is Peter, I’m a Page, and I am 7 years old. I’m

learning to ride a horse, use weapons, hunt with falcons
and hawks, but the most important is to serve and obey my
superiors like King
Arthur. I’m wearing a
brown jacket and
white t-shirt, my
shoes are a little bit
old. Now I’m on the
castle of Camelot in
the battlefield, I’m
learning to use the
arc, it is a very hard
thing to learn.

Irregular Verbs
Base Form Simple Past Past Participle
awake awoke awoken
be was, were been
bear bore born
beat beat beat
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
beset beset beset
bet bet bet
bid bid/bade bid/bidden
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
broadcast broadcast broadcast
build built built
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt
burst burst burst
cast Past
chosen tense
cling clung clung
come came come
cost cost cost 1.Form
meaning & Use 3.Pronunciation

· 2types of verbs in the past: Regular Verbs

Irregular Verbs

Regulars: end with –ed ALWAYS

Irregulars: don’t end with –ed.

Gave a speech = fer una

Exeption: verb BE = never use DID NOT
Use: was or were.

Past Continuous
[was/were + present participle]

•You were studying when she called.

•Were you studying when she called?
•You were not studying when she called.
Video Practice:

Unit 3
Life style (Health – salud)
Vocabulary - Oposites

- Strong – Weak
- Unattractive – Attractive
- Unfit – Fit
- Tired – Energetic
- Responsible – Irresponsible
- Dangerous – Safe
- Overweight - Underweight
- Healthy – Unhealthy

Bad Good
Fat Fibre Sugar
Sugar Frute & Vegetables
Fast food Fresh air
Chemicals Exercice

Super Size Me:


Tell a Story
1. Choose a story
2. Memorize it
3. Get ready to explain it in class!!
4. Be careful with the pronunciation and the intonation.

My funny story; Skydiving

A man went skydiving for the first time in his life. After
listening to the instructor’s lecture, he felt confident
and ready to go.

When it was his turn he jump out of the plane, thrilled

at the view and the rush of air past to his ears. About
five seconds later he pulled the ripcord. Nothing
happened. No parachute open up!

He tried again. Still nothing.

He was zooming toward earth faster and faster. Just
when he start to panic , he remembered his back-up
chute. He pulled its cord. Nothing happened.

He start frantically pulling both cords, but still no

parachute opened.

Suddenly, he looks down and he couldn’t believe what

he saw. There was another man sailing through the air ,
but the man was going up, not down!

As the two men passed each other in mid-air, the first

man yelled: “Hey! Do you know anything about
skydiving?”And the second man yelled: “No! And do you
know anything about gas stoves?”

My power point:

Opinion: It was a very funny project and easy to do, I

had a ten! 

Quotes :)

Friendship is a single soul living in

two bodies ...

Comparatives and

1. Forming regular comparatives and superlatives

How these forms are created depends on how many
syllables there are in the adjective. Syllables are like
“sound beats”. For instance, “sing” contains one
syllable, but “singing” contains two — sing and ing. Here are
the rules:

Adjective form Comparative Superlative

Only one syllable, Add -r: wider, finer, Add -st: widest, finest,
ending in E. Examples: cuter cutest
wide, fine, cute

Only one syllable, with Double the consonant, Double the consonant,
one vowel and one and add -er: hotter, and add -est: hottest,
consonant at the end. bigger, fatter biggest, fattest
Examples: hot, big, fat

Only one syllable, with

more than one vowel or
more than one Add -er: lighter, neater, Add -est: lightest,
consonant at the end. faster neatest, fastest
Examples: light, neat,

Two syllables, ending in Change y to i, then add Change y to i, then

Y. Examples: happy, -er: happier, sillier, add -est: happiest,
silly, lonely lonelier silliest, loneliest

Use “most” before the

Two syllables or more, Use “more” before the adjective: most
not ending in Y. adjective: more modern, modern, most
Examples: modern, more interesting, more interesting, most
interesting, beautiful beautiful beautiful

2. How to use comparatives and superlatives

Comparatives are used to compare two
things. You can use sentences with
“than”, or you can use a conjunction like
Comparatives “but”.
Jiro is taller than Yukio.
Yukio is tall, but Jiro is taller.

Superlatives are used to compare more

than two things. Superlative sentences
usually use “the”, because there is only
Superlatives one superlative.
Masami is the tallest in the class.
Yukio is tall, and Jiro is taller, but
Masami is the tallest.

Cooking a recipe
What is your favourite dish?
- My favourite dish is tiramisu or pizza.
Do you cook well?
- Yes, but I don’t cook a lot of things so.
How often do you cook?
- Once a week.

Video Spaghetti Carbonara:

My recipe was a strawberry and banana smoothie, it was

very easy and funny to do.

Video of my recipe:
In my life...

Write 10 sentences minimum of things you have done in

your life and you haven't done yet.

I have been to Canarias.

I have driven a car.
I have eaten Chinese food.
I have flown by plane.
I have done a Sudoku.
I have seen an aurora borealis.

I haven’t been in New York.

I haven’t eaten a frog.
I haven't
ridden a

How to form the present Perfect?
-You make the present perfect as follows:
Subject + have/has + past participle

I have worked
You have seen
She has walked
He has spoken
It has rained
We have forgotten
You have worn

Use (of the) Present Perfect

- Why Present Perfect?

-To talk about an action which is in the past without

saying when (no expression of time) I have visited Rome
I have seen him twice
-To talk about an action or situation that began in the
past and continues in the present I have been ill for 3
They have been married for 10 years

The present perfect is often used with the following

words: already, yet, just, since, so far:

She has just bought a new car

I have already made my bed
We haven’t cleaned the kitchen yet
You haven’t visited me since March
I have been to the cinema once so far this month

When the action in the past is so recent that you can

still notice the consequences It smells funny in here: oh
look, they have painted the walls
The streets are wet, because it has rained

When you say you have never done something before or

you ask if someone as ever done something in his life:

I have never driven a car

Have you ever been to Italy?

You have been writing about a country in your “Crèdit
de Síntesi”, haven't you?

Now it's time you imagine you are there on holiday.

Write a postcard to your English teacher from this

Include a picture of this country or the city you are

My PostCard
Postcard from Turkey
From: Paula Felip
To: Lourdes Roviras
Subject: Hello from Turkey!

Hi Lourdes!,
I’m here in Turkey enjoying the days and having a great
time with my family. Today, the sun is shining and there
aren’t any clouds in the sky, but we had a really bad
two days last week, it was all the time raining, but it’s
How are you in Spain? Are there any clouds in the sky?.
Today we are going to visit the city, Istanbul. It’s a
beautiful city, and its people are so funny, they are so
kind and generous. We meet an Istanbul’s family and
they show us all the habits of the people, all the typical
Everything its okay now, We don’t have any problem,
the trip was fine and we were laughing all the time with
a strange man we met on the plane. So, I hope you are

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