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List of 1000+ Interview Questions
1) A natural disaster occurs in Manhattan. What impact does this have on markets?
2) Add up all the numbers between 0-100.
3) Are there any particular companies that interest you?
4) Are there aspects to your job that are repetitious?
5) Are you a Coronation Street or EastEnders fan?
6) Are you a goal-oriented person?
7) Are you a leader or a follower?
8) Are you a lone wolf?
9) Are you a team player?
10) Are you better with data or people?
11) Are you comfortable with a lack of deadlines?
12) Are you comfortable with strict deadlines?
13) Are you currently taking or enrolled to take any job related educational courses?
14) Are you currently under any employment contract obligation form current or
previous employers?
15) Are you good at accepting delegation?
16) Are you good at delegating tasks?
17) Are you hoping for advancement within the company?
18) Are you looking for a permanent or temporary position at the company?
19) Are you the type of student for whom conducting independent research has been a
positive experience?
20) Are you willing to make sacrifices for this company?
21) Are you willing to relocate?
22) Are you willing to spend at least six months as a trainee?
23) Are you willing to travel?
24) Are your grades a good measure of your ability?
25) Arent you overqualified for this position?
26) Bankers can work hard. How would you handle that?
27) Briefly describe the type of career opportunity you are seeking.
28) Build a tower of paper cups in 1 minute that would not fall down when you put
water in the top cup
29) Convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations and
30) Can you describe a time when your work was criticized?
31) Can you describe how swaps work?
32) Can you describe the difference between the balance sheet, income statement, and
statement of cash flows?
33) What is a balance sheet?
34) What is an income statement?
35) What is marketing?
36) Can you give me an example of your creativity/managerial/organizational skills?
37) Can you make a market based upon the expected value of a roll of a dice?
38) Can you perform Internet research? Please describe to me your steps in doing so.
39) Can you provide references from your current or previous employer?
40) Can you recall a time when you were less than pleased with your performance?
41) Can you summarize the contribution you would make to our organization?
42) Can you tell me about a situation where you used your imaginative skills to solve
a very difficult problem?
43) Can you tell me about a situation, which you tried to solve a problem with ideas
and methods that had not been tried before?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
44) Can you tell me about a time when you backed off in a meeting because you felt
someone else should speak or have an opportunity?
45) Can you tell me about a time when you did something extra, which was not part of
the routine activities assigned to you, but you did it for the benefit of the
46) Can you tell me about a time when you discovered a more efficient way to do a
work task?
47) Can you think of a time an idea of yours was rejected? Tell me about it.
48) Can you work without supervision?
49) Could you have done better in your last job?
50) Define commitment.
51) Define cooperation.
52) Define dedication.
53) Define discipline.
54) Define dishonesty.
55) Define excellent customer service.
56) Define honesty.
57) Define integrity.
58) Define laziness.
59) Define quality.
60) Define service.
61) Define teamwork.
62) Demand for skis declines sharply. What should the company selling skis do?
63) Describe a change you made in your job that you feel is innovative or that you are
very proud of.
64) Describe a contribution you have made to a (recent) project on which you worked
65) Describe a creative solution that you have developed to solve a problem.
66) Describe a group project you were recently involved in. Describe your role, the
purpose of the project, how you handled differences of opinion. What was your
67) Describe a major change that occurred in a job that you held. How did you adapt
to this change?
68) Describe a project that required a high amount of energy over an extended period
of time.
69) Describe a recent news article that interested you.
70) Describe a situation in which you accomplished a great deal.
71) Describe a situation in which you dealt with confrontation, for example a difficult
72) Describe a situation in which you lead a team.
73) Describe a situation in which you were successful.
74) Describe a situation where you did not agree with something your boss asked you
to do and how you resolved the problem.
75) Describe a situation where your results have been below your superiors
expectations. What happened? What did you do?
76) Describe a task you have done recently for which you exerted a high level of
77) Describe a team experience you found disappointing. What could you have done
to prevent it?
78) Describe a technical problem you had and how you solved it.

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
79) Describe a time when you and your supervisor disagreed on how to accomplish a
80) Describe a time when you had to make a difficult choice between your personal
and professional (or academic) life.
81) Describe a time when you had to use fact-finding skills.
82) Describe a time when you put your needs aside to help a co-worker or classmate
understand a task. How did you assist him or her? What was the result?
83) Describe a time when you took extra effort to make sure the person with whom
you were communicating with had really understood your point. How did you do
84) Describe a time when you took on additional work to help your team meet a
crucial work goal?
85) Describe a time when you were able to influence an outcome in a positive way.
86) Describe a time you led a team and dealt with a difficult individual in that team.
87) Describe a time you took a risk.
88) Describe a typical day at work.
89) Describe an important project you worked on.
90) Describe for me two situations in which you were proactive
91) Describe how you have persevered with a difficult problem in order to achieve a
successful outcome.
92) Describe how you have progressed through the ranks and landed in your current
position at ABC Company?
93) Describe how you would handle a situation if you were required to finish multiple
tasks by the end of the day, and there was no conceivable way that you could
finish them.
94) Describe how you would handle a situation if you were required to finish multiple
tasks by the end of the day, and there was no conceivable way that you could
finish them.
95) Describe in detail your experience with computer software programs.
96) Describe one change you made in your last job that was very beneficial.
97) Describe some of your latest written communications and how effective they have
98) Describe the best manager you ever had. The worst. What qualities did each of
them have?
99) Describe the best/worst co-worker youve ever had.
100) Describe the last time that you undertook a project that demanded a lot of
101) Describe the most difficult customer you have dealt with. What was the
situation and how did you handle it?
102) Describe the most difficult problem you had to solve. What was the situation
and what did you do? Would you do anything different next time?
103) Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and those
reporting to him/her.
104) Describe the top of your desk.
105) Describe the type of professor that has created the most beneficial learning
experience for you.
106) Describe the type of teacher who had the most beneficial influence on you.
107) Describe the types of documents you deal with on a daily basis.
108) Describe the worst decision you ever made and how you corrected it.

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
109) Describe times when you were not satisfied or pleased with your performance.
What did you do about it?
110) Describe what is in your refrigerator.
111) Describe your ideal job.
112) Describe your management style.
113) Describe your most rewarding college experience.
114) Describe your supervisors management style.
115) Describe your worst job.
116) Design a cellphone for a blind person.
117) Design a coffee maker that will be used by astronauts.
118) Design a communication device for Canadian park rangers.
119) Design a GPS navigation unit for a hiker.
120) Design a music system for a car. What are the features? Draw a picture.
121) Design a parachute.
122) Design a remote control for an automatic window-blind system.
123) Design a search function.
124) Design a TV Remote Control with Two Buttons.
125) Design a website for a library.
126) Design an alarm clock for a blind person.
127) Design an alarm clock for a deaf person.
128) Design an alarm clock for another solar system.
129) Design an ATM for children.
130) Design an evacuation plan for San Francisco.
131) Did you enjoy school/college/university?
132) Did you receive any promotions or raises?
133) Discuss your educational background.
134) Do you always double-check your work?
135) Do you apply the skills and knowledge learned at school in your work?
136) Do you check your messages while on vacation?
137) Do you consider yourself a leader? What qualities make a good leader?
138) Do you consider yourself successful?
139) Do you enjoy doing independent research?
140) Do you feel that grades are a good indicator of your ability?
141) Do you feel you have strong opinions about others?
142) Do you feel your GPA reflects your academic ability?
143) Do you function more effectively as a team member or as an individual
144) Do you handle conflict well?
145) Do you handle pressure well?
146) Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?
147) Do you have a geographic preference?
148) Do you have any location preferences?
149) Do you have any plans for further education?
150) Do you have any questions for me?
151) Do you have education or training relevant to this position?
152) Do you have plans for continued study? An advanced degree?
153) Do you have the stomach to fire people? Have you had experience firing
(many) people?
154) Do you know anyone who works with our company?
155) Do you like doing things in a new way? Do you think it is worth it?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
156) Do you like to sing in the bath?
157) Do you meet the application requirements?
158) Do you naturally delegate responsibilities, or do you expect your direct reports
to come to you for added responsibilities?
159) Do you need additional training?
160) Do you participate in many social activities with your co-workers?
161) Do you prefer a structured or entrepreneurial workplace?
162) Do you prefer oral or written communications?
163) Do you prefer structured or unstructured activities?
164) Do you prefer to be right, or be liked?
165) Do you prefer to speak directly with someone or send a memo?
166) Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
167) Do you prefer working with others or alone?
168) Do you set goals for yourself and how do you do that?
169) Do you take work home with you?
170) Do you think a leader should be feared or liked?
171) Do you think it is worthwhile to establish new relationships? What are the
consequences of building new relationships in your professional and personal life?
172) Do you think that technology can help to achieve better efficiency at work?
Give me an example.
173) Do you think that your grades are indication of your academic achievement?
174) Do you think this company is ambitious and if so, why?
175) Do you wear jeans outside of work?
176) Does your work relate to any experiences or studies you had in college?
177) Draw me a call option.
178) Every man in a village of 100 married couples has cheated on his wife. Every
wife in the village instantly knows when a man other than her husband has
cheated, but does not know when her own husband has. The village has a law that
does not allow for adultery. Any wife who can prove that her husband is
unfaithful must kill him that very day. The women of the village would never
disobey this law. One day, the queen of the village visits and announces that at
least one husband has been unfaithful. What happens?
179) Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew.
180) Explain to me how your work experience is relevant to this position.
181) Five years ago, how would you have answered this question: Where do you
see yourself five years from now? Do you think you have achieved what you
wanted to?
182) Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridge to get back to their camp at
night. Unfortunately, they only have one flashlight and it only has enough light
left for seventeen minutes. The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a
flashlight, and its only strong enough to support two people at any given time.
Each of the campers walks at a different speed. One can cross the bridge in 1
minute, another in 2 minutes, the third in 5 minutes, and the slow poke takes 10
minutes to cross. How do the campers make it across in 17 minutes?
183) Give an example of a time when you assisted a co-worker to enhance their
work skills?
184) Give an example of a time when you made a mistake because you did not
listen well to what someone had to say.
185) Give an example of a time you encountered a difficult question whilst working
in a group.

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
186) Give an example of a time you misjudged someone.
187) Give examples of ideas you've had or implemented.
188) Give me an example from a previous job where youve shown initiative.
189) Give me an example of a problem you've had at school and how you solved it.
190) Give me an example of a technical problem you had to solve. How did you
implement the solution?
191) Give me an example of a time that you felt you went above and beyond the
call of duty at work.
192) Give me an example of a time when you had to conform to a policy or rule
that you did not agree with.
193) Give me an example of a time when you had to think out of the box.
194) Give me an example of a time you did something wrong. How did you handle
195) Give me an example of a time you motivated others to achieve a particular
196) Give me an example of an important goal that you set in the past and tell me
about your success in reaching it.
197) Give me an example of the last time you went above and beyond the call of
duty to get the job done
198) Give me an example of when you worked with little or no supervision.
199) Give me an example of when you've demonstrated your customer service
200) Give me an example of your ability to facilitate progressive change within
your organization.
201) Give two examples of things youve done in previous jobs or school that
demonstrate your willingness to work hard.
202) Given a choice in your work, what do you like to do first?
203) Given a choice, what would you leave till last in your work?
204) Given the achievements in your CV why is your salary so high?
205) Given the achievements in your CV why is your salary so low?
206) Have you been absent from work more than a few days in any previous
207) Have you been coached in interviewing skills?
208) Have you ever been asked to leave a position?
209) Have you ever been given too heavy a workload? If yes, how did you handle
that situation?
210) Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling their own
weight? How did you handle it?
211) Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling their own
weight? How did you handle it?
212) Have you ever fired anyone? What were the circumstances?
213) Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How did you resolve
214) Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?
215) Have you ever had to change your working style to deal with a difficult team
216) Have you ever had to compromise to make an achievement? How?
217) Have you ever hired anyone? Why did you choose them?
218) Have you ever opted to resign from a position? Why?
219) Have you ever postponed a decision? Why?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
220) Have you ever worked in a job that you hated?
221) Have you ever worked in a position where you felt you were not given enough
to do?
222) Have you given any seminars/courses/presentations?
223) Have you held positions similar to this one? If so, tell me about them.
224) How ambitious are you?
225) How can we best help you get your job done?
226) How can you stay energized at work?
227) How competitive are you?
228) How did that job influence your career?
229) How did you communicate bad news to your staff?
230) How did you find out about this job?
231) How did you get your last job?
232) How did you hear about this position?
233) How did your job change while you held it?
234) How do deal with a colleague who is less punctual?
235) How do you build consensus?
236) How do you continue learning on a daily basis?
237) How do you decide who needs what training?
238) How do you define arrogance? Are you arrogant?
239) How do you define continuous improvement? What is the last new procedure
you integrated into your job?
240) How do you define doing a good job?
241) How do you define empowerment?
242) How do you define teamwork?
243) How do you delegate authority?
244) How do you determine your priorities when you have multiple projects?
245) How do you feel about being on call?
246) How do you feel about blood sports?
247) How do you feel about company politics?
248) How do you feel about leaving all your benefits to find a new job?
249) How do you feel about taking no for an answer?
250) How do you feel about your present workload?
251) How do you get a peer or colleague to accept one of your ideas?
252) How do you get the best out of people?
253) How do you go about making important decisions?
254) How do you handle pressure?
255) How do you handle unpopular management decisions?
256) How do you handle working with people who annoy you?
257) How do you incorporate fun into your day?
258) How do you measure quality?
259) How do you measure success as a supervisor?
260) How do you measure success in training?
261) How do you merge a file in Microsoft Word?
262) How do you motivate people?
263) How do you organize and plan for major projects?
264) How do you organize yourself for day-to-day activities?
265) How do you orient new employees to your department?
266) How do you personally define success?
267) How do you plan an interview?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
268) How do you plan to achieve these goals?
269) How do you plan your day?
270) How do you plan your month?
271) How do you plan your week?
272) How do you proceed when you need to make a decision and no policy exists?
273) How do you rate yourself in computer skills? Please describe the programs
and software that you can use well.
274) How do you see this job developing?
275) How do you spend your day?
276) How do you stay current or up-to-date in this industry?
277) How do you take direction?
278) How do you think [name of your school]s reputation is viewed when it comes
to hiring?
279) How do you think I rate as an interviewer?
280) How do you think you have changed personally since you started
281) How do you typically confront subordinates when results are unacceptable?
282) How do you typically stay in the information loop and monitor your staffs
283) How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
284) How do you work out the best discount rate to use in a DCF?
285) How does a person progress in your field?
286) How does this job fit into your career plan?
287) How does your degree prepare you (a) for a career in [industry] or (b) to excel
as a [job title]?
288) How does your present position differ from past ones?
289) How familiar are you with the community that were located in?
290) How frequent do you add contacts to your address book? Do you think it is
worth building network of contacts?
291) How has college changed you as a person?
292) How has your education prepared you for your career?
293) How has your education prepared you for your job?
294) How has your job affected your lifestyle?
295) How have you added value to your job over time?
296) How have you differed from your professors in evaluating your performance?
How did you handle the situation?
297) How have you had to reinvent or redefine your job to meet your companies
changing needs?
298) How have your previous positions prepared you for this one?
299) How important are grades or GPA for obtaining a job in this field?
300) How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
How many departments did you deal with? What problems occurred?
301) How important is money to you?
302) How long will it take for you to make a significant contribution?
303) How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
304) How many applications have you made?
305) How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?
306) How many hours do you normally work a day?
307) How many hours do you normally work a week?
308) How many houses higher than 20m are there in NYC?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
309) How many matches take place during the Wimbledon tennis championship?
310) How many people enter London every day for work?
311) How many people set foot in the Roman Colosseum on an average day in
312) How many people set foot in the Vatican during an average day in July?
313) How many people use Facebook on a daily basis?
314) How many people use Google on a daily basis?
315) How many piano tuners are there in the entire world?
316) How many planes land at Gatwick every day?
317) How many skis are sold in Sweden each year?
318) How many times a day does a clocks hands overlap?
319) How many times does a ball get hit in the average game of tennis?
320) How many trees are there in Central Park?
321) How many vacuums are made per year in USA?
322) How many windows are in this building?
323) How much are you willing to travel?
324) How much job security do you have in this position?
325) How much money do you need to make to be happy?
326) How much money do you need to make to survive?
327) How much money would a buffet car on a train travelling from Edinburgh to
London make, on average?
328) How much notice do you require?
329) How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle?
330) How much training do you think you will need to become a productive
331) How often do you discuss and work with colleagues to think up new systems
and styles of working?
332) How was your transition from high school to college? Did you face any
particular problems?
333) How well defined is the job? Is there a written job description?
334) How will the academic program and coursework youve taken benefit your
335) How will this job fit in your career plans?
336) How will you judge yourself successful? How will you achieve success?
337) How will you manage to come in on time to the office?
338) How would colleagues describe you?
339) How would someone who dislikes you describe you?
340) How would you deal with an angry or irate customer?
341) How would you define leadership?
342) How would you define a good working atmosphere?
343) How would you define good customer service?
344) How would you describe an average day on this job?
345) How would you describe an object oriented programming language?
346) How would you describe the amount of structure, direction, and feedback that
you need to excel?
347) How would you describe the atmosphere at the company? Is it fairly formal or
more casual and informal?
348) How would you describe your experience level with Microsoft Office?
349) How would you describe your ideal job?
350) How would you describe your work style?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
351) How would you describe yourself to a stranger at a party?
352) How would you design a simple search engine?
353) How would you feel about working for someone who knows less than you?
354) How would you find out if a machines stack grows up or down in memory?
355) How would you fire someone?
356) How would you go about establishing your credibility quickly with the team?
357) How would you go about valuing Apple?
358) How would you grade your ability to communicate with upper level
management, customers, and peers?
359) How would you handle a client coming in to town from a foreign country, say
360) How would you invest $1m?
361) How would you persuade a German pensioner to save Greece?
362) How would you react if you knew that everyone in your department was going
to let go except for one person?
363) How would you show co-workers the importance of cooperation?
364) How would you tackle the first 90 days at this job?
365) How would you test a vending machine?
366) How would you test an elevator?
367) How would you value the pizza shop on the corner?
368) How would you weigh a plane without scales?
369) How would your co-workers describe you?
370) I flip a coin. If its heads you pay me 100. What should I pay you to play this
game? What about if I only have to get 1 heads in two tosses, what is the new
371) I see you were unemployed for a period of time. Tell me about it.
372) I would be interested to hear about an occasion when your work or an idea
was criticized, what was criticized, who criticized you, and how did you handle it?
373) If a Hippo falls into a hole how would you get it out?
374) If boss gives you an unreasonable request, how would you handle it?
375) If I asked your boss to evaluate your performance, what would he or she say?
376) If I were to ask one of your professors (or a boss) to describe you, what would
he or she say?
377) If I were to ask your last supervisor to provide you additional training or
exposure, what would she suggest?
378) If I were to ask your last supervisor to provide you additional training or
exposure, what would she suggest?
379) If I were to give you this salary you requested but let you write your job
description for the next year, what would it say?
380) If I were your supervisor and asked you to do something that you disagreed
with, what would you do?
381) If offered this position, how long would you plan on staying with our
382) If one mile is 1.6km, how many kilometers are in eight miles?
383) If selected for this position, can you describe your strategy for the first 90
384) If selected for this position, can you describe your strategy for the first 90

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
385) If the probability of observing a car in 30 minutes on a highway is 0.95, what
is the probability of observing a car in 10 minutes (assuming constant default
386) If there is only one elevator in the building, how would you change the
design? How about if there are only two elevators in the building?
387) If there were two things you could have changed about that job, what would
they be?
388) If you are hired, what will you do in your first 30 days?
389) If you come across an unethical behavior what would you do?
390) If you could change or improve anything about your college, what would it
391) If you could choose one superhero power, what would it be and why?
392) If you could do so, how would you plan your academic study differently?
393) If you could get rid of any one of the US states, which one would you get rid
of, and why?
394) If you could get rid of any one of the US states, which one would you get rid
of and why?
395) If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do
396) If you could start again, what major would you choose?
397) If you don't leave your current job, what will happen there? How far can you
398) If you found out that one of your co-workers was doing something dishonest,
what would you do?
399) If you found out your company was doing something against the law, like
fraud, what would you do?
400) If you found out your company was doing something against the law, like
fraud, what would you do?
401) If you had a Rubiks cube with 10 little squares on each side, and peeled off
the outer layer, how many little cubes would you end up with?
402) If you had an opportunity to develop a basic set of values and beliefs which
would serve as a companys foundation for success, what would those be?
403) If you had to choose one, would you consider yourself a big-picture person or
a detail-oriented person?
404) If you had to choose one, would you consider yourself a big-picture person or
a detail-oriented person?
405) If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
406) If you had to turn down a request from a valued client, what would you do?
407) If you know your boss is 100% wrong about something, how would you
handle it?
408) If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour
and the minute hands? (The answer to this is not zero!)
409) If you were a college student again, what would you do differently to prepare
for this job?
410) If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?
411) If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?
412) If you were at a business lunch and you ordered a rare steak and they brought
it to you well done, what would you do?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
413) If you were at a business lunch and you ordered a rare steak and they brought
it to you well done, what would you do?
414) If you were CEO of this company, what would you change?
415) If you were entering this career today, would you change your preparation in
any way to better facilitate entry?
416) If you were hiring a graduate for this position, what qualities would you look
417) If you were interviewing someone for this position, what traits would you look
418) If you were interviewing someone for this position, what traits would you look
419) If your boss gives you a mountain of tasks at 3:00 and says she needs them by
5:00, but you know you cant finish them in time, what do you do?
420) If your boss knew you were interviewing, what would he say?
421) If your job was suddenly eliminated, what kinds of work do you feel prepared
to do?
422) If your supervisor unfairly criticized you, what would you do?
423) I'm interested in hearing about the last time you took a risk. What was it and in
retrospect, was it the right decision?
424) Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. Its very hard to find a shirt. So what
can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval?
425) In 200 words or less, please tell us why this role appeals to you?
426) In a country in which people only want boys, every family continues to have
children until they have a boy. If they have a girl, they have another child. If they
have a boy, they stop. What is the proportion of boys to girls in the country?
427) In a job, what interests you the most/least?
428) In general, how do you handle conflict?
429) In terms of managing your staff do you expect more than you inspect or
vice versa?
430) In what areas could your boss have done a better job?
431) In what areas do you typically have the least amount of patience at work?
432) In what courses did you get the worst grades? Why?
433) In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
434) In what part-time or summer jobs have you been most interested? Why?
435) In what way did this type of work interest you and how did you get started?
436) In what ways have your college experiences prepared you for a career?
437) In your last internship, what tasks did you spend most of your time on and
438) In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of working as a
part of a team? Why?
439) In your opinion, what is the difference between a vision and a mission?
440) Is a Jaffa cake a cake or biscuit?
441) Is detail important to you? Do you think details should be left to your
442) Is grad school important?
443) Is money important to you?
444) Is there anything that will prevent you from getting to work on time?
445) Is there anything that will prevent you from working the jobs regular hours?
446) Knowing what you know now about your college experience, would you make
the same decisions?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
447) List 4-5 qualities and examples in your previous experience where these
qualities allowed you to overcome a problem or succeed at a task.
448) List five words that describe your character.
449) List five words that describe your character.
450) Of all the work you have done, where have you been most successful?
451) On a scale from 1-5 (one being the lowest) how do you rate your
communication skills?
452) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your computer skills?
453) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your vocabulary and grammar skills?
454) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your work ethic?
455) On holiday, what do you miss most about your work?
456) On what do you spend your disposable income?
457) Pick an industry, tell me how its been doing for the past 5 years and how you
think it will do for the next 10.
458) Please briefly describe what brings you to be seeking a new position at this
459) Please bring a toy with you and explain how this reflects you as a person or a
part of your personality
460) Please describe in 500 words or less your greatest talent as an employee that
distinguishes you from most others.
461) Please describe in ten words or less your greatest talent as an employee.
462) Please describe your own roles and functions in school, college, job, clubs, or
other groups.
463) Please do an improvisation of a film (with potential co-worker)
464) Please give examples of when you have had to communicate information both
verbally and in writing in a clear and concise manner?
465) Please let us know the differences of your previous job description and our
company job description.
466) Please list three areas you feel have opportunities for improvement
467) Rate your vocabulary and grammar skills for me.
468) Recall a time from your work experience when your manager or supervisor
was unavailable and a problem arose. What was the nature of the problem? How
did you handle that situation? How did that make you feel?
469) Sell me something that you think I would need.
470) Sell me this pencil.
471) Site an example from your personal life when you were dishonest to someone?
472) Tell me 10 ways to use a pencil other than writing.
473) Tell me 20 unique selling points about this BIC pen
474) Tell me about a class you did poorly in.
475) Tell me about a method youve developed for accomplishing a task.
476) Tell me about a piece of technology that would benefit J.P. Morgan.
477) Tell me about a problem you solved in a unique way. What was the outcome?
478) Tell me about a project that got you really excited.
479) Tell me about a situation that got out of control. How did you handle it?
480) Tell me about a situation when you were given job instructions and you were
unable to comprehend the instructions. How did you go about completing the
481) Tell me about a task you started but just couldn't seem to get finished.
482) Tell me about a time an idea or task of yours was criticized.

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
483) Tell me about a time that you undertook a course of study, on your own
initiative, in order to improve your work performance?
484) Tell me about a time when a work emergency caused you to reschedule your
485) Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss.
486) Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback. How
did you handle it?
487) Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback and
how you managed it.
488) Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback. How
did you handle it?
489) Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.
490) Tell me about a time when you made a decision without all the information
you needed.
491) Tell me about a time when you used your creativity to overcome a problem.
492) Tell me about a time when you were given an assignment, but you were not
clear of how to go about it. How did you tackle this situation?
493) Tell me about a time when your manager was in a rush and didn't give you
enough attention.
494) Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job.
495) Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job.
496) Tell me about a time you came up with a new idea. Were you able to get it
approved? If so, how did you go about it?
497) Tell me about a time you had to handle multiple responsibilities. How did you
organize the work you needed to do?
498) Tell me about a time you had to work according to a policy you disagreed
499) Tell me about a time you went out on a limb to get the job done.
500) Tell me about a time you were placed in charge of a group of people.
501) Tell me about a tricky situation for which you found a very simple solution?
502) Tell me about a work situation you had that required excellent communication
503) Tell me about a work task you enjoy.
504) Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.
505) Tell me about an important decision or judgment call youve had to make on
the job.
506) Tell me about an occasion when, in difficult circumstances, you pulled a team
507) Tell me about initiatives you have taken to improve procedures at work? Were
you successful? Would you do anything different now?
508) Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
509) Tell me about someone you admire and why?
510) Tell me about something you achieved as a group member.
511) Tell me about the funniest role you have had on a job/project.
512) Tell me about the last change which occurred in your office. How did you
handle it?
513) Tell me about the last time you failed to complete a project on time.
514) Tell me about the last time you had a conflict with a co-worker, what was the
conflict and how did you resolve it?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
515) Tell me about the last time you made a good decision and describe what it was
and what the results were.
516) Tell me about the last time you made a mistake and how you corrected it.
517) Tell me about the most boring job youve ever had.
518) Tell me about the one thing in your life you're proudest of.
519) Tell me about the PowerPoint presentations you have developed.
520) Tell me about the spreadsheets you have created.
521) Tell me about the types of word processing you did on your last job.
522) Tell me about the worst boss you ever had.
523) Tell me about your education.
524) Tell me about your experience.
525) Tell me about your experiences at school.
526) Tell me about your last position and what you did.
527) Tell me about your most significant work experience.
528) Tell me about your proudest achievement.
529) Tell me about your proudest achievement.
530) Tell me about your typical day. How much time do you spend on the phone?
In meetings? Etc.
531) Tell me about your undergraduate university experience.
532) Tell me about yourself.
533) Tell me everything you know about object oriented programming languages.
534) Tell me one thing about yourself you wouldnt want me to know.
535) Tell me the difference between good and exceptional.
536) Tell me what "success" means to you.
537) Tell me what are the first 5 things you would do if you got this position?
538) The successful candidate for this position will be working with individuals
who have been with the company for a long time. How will you mesh with them?
539) There are thousands of possible careers. Why do you want to follow this
particular career?
540) Theres a latency problem in South Africa. Diagnose it.
541) There's no right or wrong answer, but if you could be anywhere in the world
right now, where would you be?
542) There's no right or wrong answer, but if you could be anywhere in the world
right now, where would you be?
543) This job has a large component of travel/sales/negotiation/stress. How will
you cope with that?
544) Under what conditions do you work best?
545) Walk me through a DCF.
546) Walk me through some of the ways you value a company.
547) Walk me through the important points on your resume.
548) Was the book Frankenstein really about state control?
549) Was there a person in your career who really made a difference?
550) What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
551) What activities did you enjoy the most?
552) What animal are you like?
553) What applicable attributes/experience do you have?
554) What are assets on the balance sheet of a financial institution?
555) What are one or two areas in which you think you could improve your
556) What are some of the things about which you and your boss disagree?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
557) What are some of the things your boss did that you disliked?
558) What are some of your expectations of your future employer?
559) What are some of your leadership experiences?
560) What are some things that you may change in the near future about your style
of working? And why?
561) What are the disadvantages of this line of work?
562) What are the implications of Internet 2.0?
563) What are the major influences that encourage you to take a job?
564) What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?
565) What are the qualities of a good leader? A bad leader?
566) What are the steps you follow to study a problem before making a decision?
567) What are the three most common methods of valuing companies? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each?
568) What are the three top stocks to buy now? Why?
569) What are three positive character traits you don't have?
570) What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?
571) What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on?
572) What are you interested in outside of your career?
573) What are you looking for in terms of career development?
574) What are you most proud of?
575) What are your 5-year goals?
576) What are your best skills?
577) What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases?
578) What are your goals?
579) What are your hobbies?
580) What are your lifelong dreams?
581) What are your pet peeves?
582) What are your plans for self-improvement and personal development?
583) What are your regrets?
584) What are your short-term goals?
585) What are your strengths?
586) What are your three main strengths and weaknesses?
587) What are your weaknesses?
588) What assignment was too difficult for you, and how did you resolve the issue?
589) What assignment was too difficult for you, and how did you resolve the
590) What attracted you to this company?
591) What can you do for this company?
592) What can you do for us that other candidates can't?
593) What can you tell me about quantitative easing in Europe?
594) What can you tell me about this company that nobody else can?
595) What can you tell us about our company?
596) What certifications/classes have you completed this last year? Were any of
them required by your supervisor?
597) What challenges are you looking for in a position?
598) What changes would you make in your college or university? Why?
599) What classes did you enjoy the most? The least?
600) What college subjects did you like best? Why?
601) What college subjects did you like least? Why?
602) What computing skills do you have?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
603) What concerns do you have about this job?
604) What contributions have you made to a group project?
605) What could you have done to be more effective at a previous job?
606) What courses do you wish you had taken that would have better prepared you?
607) What courses have proved to be the most valuable to you in your work?
608) What criteria are you using to choose companies to interview with?
609) What criteria do you use for evaluating success?
610) What criteria do you use for making decisions on hiring?
611) What days and hours are you available to work? Please be as specific as
612) What decisions do you find easy to make?
613) What did you learn from your summer jobs?
614) What did you like about being in charge?
615) What did you like least about your last job?
616) What did you like or dislike about your previous job?
617) What did you not like about being in charge?
618) What did/do you enjoy most/least about your last/present job?
619) What dinosaur would you like to be?
620) What Disney character are you like?
621) What do you consider the most important idea you contributed or your most
noteworthy accomplishment in your last job?
622) What do you consider your greatest strength?
623) What do you consider yourself good at doing?
624) What do you do if you cant solve a problem on your own?
625) What do you do in leisure/spare time?
626) What do you do in your spare time?
627) What do you do to attempt to motivate your co-workers?
628) What do you do to deal with stress?
629) What do you do to help balance life and work?
630) What do you do to help those unfamiliar with technology understand it better?
631) What do you do when making a mistake?
632) What do you do when things are slow/hectic?
633) What do you do when two employees are fighting?
634) What do you do when you are faced with an obstacle to an important project?
635) What do you do when you have a great deal of work to accomplish in a short
period of time?
636) What do you do when you have multiple priorities?
637) What do you do when you know you are right and others disagree with you?
638) What do you do when you're having trouble solving a problem?
639) What do you do when you're having trouble with a boss?
640) What do you do when you're having trouble with an employee?
641) What do you do when you're having trouble with your job?
642) What do you expect to be earning in five years?
643) What do you expect to learn from this job, that youre not currently getting?
644) What do you feel an employer owes an employee?
645) What do you feel this position should pay?
646) What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?
647) What do you find most attractive about this position?
648) What do you find most challenging in working with co-workers?
649) What do you find most frustrating at work?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
650) What do you find most rewarding at work?
651) What do you hope to gain from working for our company?
652) What do you know about our company?
653) What do you know about our competitors?
654) What do you know about the job?
655) What do you know about the UTSA/this department?
656) What do you know about this industry?
657) What do you like best about your school?
658) What do you like to do for fun?
659) What do you like to do on the weekends?
660) What do you look for in terms of organizational culture?
661) What do you look for on resumes and applications?
662) What do you prefer: recruitment or selection?
663) What do you really want to do in life?
664) What do you see as your primary qualifications for this job?
665) What do you see yourself contributing to this organization, in the short term?
666) What do you see yourself contributing to this organization, in the long term?
667) What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
668) What do you see yourself doing within the first 30 days of this job?
669) What do you think is most important when dealing with customers?
670) What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a manager or
671) What do you think is the reason for this rate?
672) What do you think is your market value?
673) What do you think it takes to be successful in this career?
674) What do you think of your previous boss?
675) What do you think this job will entail exactly?
676) What do you ultimately want to become?
677) What does "failure" mean to you?
678) What does "success" mean to you?
679) What does trust mean to you?
680) What expectations do you have for your future employer?
681) What experience do you have in this field?
682) What experience in your life has taught you the most?
683) What extracurricular activities were you involved in?
684) What factors most influence your willingness to take a risk?
685) What five adjectives describe you best?
686) What gets you out of bed in the morning?
687) What gives you the most satisfaction during free/vacation time?
688) What goals do you have in your career?
689) What has been the most rewarding university experience?
690) What has been your most important work-related idea?
691) What have you done to become more effective in your job?
692) What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
693) What have you done to reduce your departments operational costs or to save
694) What have you learned from participation in extracurricular activities?
695) What have you learned from previous jobs?
696) What have you learned from your experiences outside the

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
697) What have you learned from your mistakes?
698) What impact do interest rates have on a countrys exchange rate?
699) What in your view makes a person likeable?
700) What interests you about this job opening?
701) What interests you most about this position?
702) What irritates you about other people, and how do you deal with it?
703) What irritates you about other people, and how do you deal with it?
704) What is a suggestion youve made at work that was implemented?
705) What is big data?
706) What is important to you in a job?
707) What is intelligence?
708) What is more important to you: money or work?
709) What is the best educational preparation for this career?
710) What is the biggest failure you've had in your career?
711) What is the biggest risk you have ever taken in your life?
712) What is the cosine law and how do you use this in real life situations?
713) What is the current yield on a 10 year Treasury bond?
714) What is the difference between multitasking, multiprocessing and multi
programming operating systems? Can you provide some examples?
715) What is the employee turnover rate in your area?
716) What is the expected value of a roll of a dice?
717) What is the last movie you watched? Did you like it?
718) What is the most difficult adjustment you have ever had to make?
719) What is the most difficult thing about working with you?
720) What is the most difficult work situation you have faced?
721) What is the most important thing you learned at a previous job?
722) What is the next step in your career?
723) What is the sum of the numbers from one to 100?
724) What is the sum of the numbers one to ten?
725) What is the thing you love the most in life?
726) What is the thing you most hate in life?
727) What is the worst job you can imagine holding?
728) What is your approach to handling conflict? Solving problems?
729) What is your biggest regret, and why?
730) What is your definition of failure?
731) What is your definition of intelligence?
732) What is your dream job?
733) What is your favorite memory from childhood?
734) What is your five year plan?
735) What is your greatest achievement outside of work?
736) What is your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?
737) What is your greatest fear?
738) What is your greatest strength/weakness or deficiency?
739) What is your greatest strength?
740) What is your greatest weakness?
741) What is your least favorite memory from childhood?
742) What is your long-range objective?
743) What is your most important accomplishment to date?
744) What is your most significant professional accomplishment?
745) What is your one year plan?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
746) What is your personal mission statement?
747) What is your salary history?
748) What is your short-range objective?
749) What is your ten year plan?
750) What job tasks do you feel most successful doing?
751) What kind of car do you drive?
752) What kind of games do you like to play?
753) What kind of goals would you have in mind if you got this job?
754) What kind of mentoring and training style do you have?
755) What kind of people did you have contact with on your previous jobs
756) What kind of person are you?
757) What kind of person do you get along with the best?
758) What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
759) What kind of personality do you work best with and why?
760) What kind of salary are you looking for?
761) What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
762) What kinds of jobs have you held in the past and what did you like most about
763) What kinds of people do you deal with on the job?
764) What kinds of problems do you normally experience in a day?
765) What kinds of work interest you the most?
766) What magazines do you subscribe to?
767) What major challenges and problems did you face?
768) What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
769) What makes a job enjoyable for you?
770) What makes someone a good supervisor?
771) What makes you stand out among your peers?
772) What may cause your priorities to change in a retail environment and how
would you react?
773) What method would you use to look up a word in a dictionary?
774) What motivates you to do your best work?
775) What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
776) What motivates you?
777) What negative thing would your last boss say about you?
778) What new skills have you learned or developed recently?
779) What parts of your education do you see as relevant to this position?
780) What parts of your job do you consider most important?
781) What percentage of your time is spent on each of your job responsibilities?
782) What proactive steps did you have to take to increase the output of your
783) What programs have you put in place to build morale?
784) What qualifications do you have beyond academics that qualify you to make a
successful transition into business?
785) What qualifications do you have that make you successful in this field?
786) What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
787) What qualities do you find important in a co-worker?
788) What qualities do you look for in an employer?
789) What qualities do you think are necessary to make a success of this job?
790) What quality of yours or personal trait matters the most in your career?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
791) What questions do you have for me?
792) What relevant experience do you have?
793) What salary are you seeking?
794) What salary range are you looking for?
795) What seems least attractive about this position?
796) What significant trends do you see in our industry?
797) What skills have you acquired from your work experience/internships and
part-time jobs?
798) What social obligations go along with a job in this field?
799) What software do you have experience with?
800) What software programs do you use most often in your current position?
801) What solution are you the proudest of?
802) What sort of person do you enjoy working for?
803) What sort of things do you like to delegate?
804) What sort of things have you done to become better qualified for your career?
805) What special skills or knowledge have you gained to help in this job?
806) What specific skills acquired or used in previous jobs related to this position?
807) What specifically do you do to set examples to your fellow employees?
808) What sport would you play on the Moon and why?
809) What sports do you play?
810) What steps will you take to clarify unclear information, or instructions with
regard to your work?
811) What suggestions do you have for our organization?
812) What superhero are you like?
813) What systems are in place to enable employees to give management feedback
and suggestions?
814) What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?
815) What three character traits would your friends use to describe you?
816) What training do you think you will require doing this job?
817) What training have you had for this job?
818) What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?
819) What two or three things are most important to you in your job?
820) What type of supervisory training have you completed in the last two years?
821) What types of jobs do you have the most difficulty with?
822) What types of office equipment have you used?
823) What types of people do you get along with and why.
824) What types of people have trouble getting along with you?
825) What types of people need to be treated with good manners?
826) What unique experiences separate you from other candidates?
827) What was more important on your job, written or oral communication?
828) What was the last job related book you read?
829) What was the last project you headed up, and what was its outcome?
830) What was the most difficult period in your life, and how did you deal with it?
831) What was the most important project you worked on in your last job and why
did you choose this example?
832) What was the most important task you ever had? What was your role?
833) What was the most traumatic experience to happen in your personal life?
834) What was the most useful criticism you received? Who was it from?
835) What was the name of your most recent employer?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
836) What was your biggest failure?
837) What was your biggest failure?
838) What was your favorite job? Why?
839) What was your starting and ending rate of pay at your last position?
840) What were the responsibilities of your last position?
841) What were your expectations for the job and to what extent were they met?
842) What were your favorite classes/activities at school?
843) What were your favorite classes? Why?
844) What were your most significant accomplishments at your last job?
845) What were your responsibilities in your last job?
846) What were your three most important responsibilities in your last job?
847) What will you do if you dont get this position?
848) What will you miss about your present/last job?
849) What would be the advantage of using cloud servers in an office?
850) What would be the impact on markets if the US went to war with Iran?
851) What would be your ideal working environment?
852) What would cause you to miss an assignment or be tardy?
853) What would you do differently if you were in charge of this company?
854) What would you do if the sun died out?
855) What would you do if you caught a member of staff kissing the boss?
856) What would you do if you knew your boss to completely wrong about a work
857) What would you do if you won the lottery?
858) What would you do to deal with office gossip?
859) What would you do to drive additional sales?
860) What would you say are the major technical skills needed for this position?
861) What would your current employer have to do to make you stay there?
862) What would your current supervisors say makes you most valuable to them?
863) What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?
864) What you have learned ever since you were born?
865) What, in your opinion, are the key ingredients in guiding and maintaining
successful business relationships?
866) Whats 16 multiplied by 243?
867) Whats been your biggest failure at work?
868) Whats one divided by 16?
869) Whats our stock price?
870) Whats the connection between interest rates and equity prices?
871) Whats the difference between a Linked List and an ArrayList. Can you give
me examples of when youd use each one?
872) Whats the most difficult part of being a (job title)?
873) Whats the most important thing you learned in school?
874) Whats the most important thing youve learned in life?
875) Whats the probability that a pregnant woman has a baby boy?
876) Whats the software development cycle?
877) Whats the square root of 0.1?
878) Whats the square root of two?
879) Whats the story behind your resume?
880) Whats the terminal growth rate? How do you calculate it?
881) Whats wrong with the UK economy?
882) Whats your greatest achievement?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
883) What's the best movie you've seen in the last year?
884) What's the last book you read?
885) What's the most difficult decision you've made in the last two years?
886) What's the most important thing you learned in school?
887) What's the most important thing you've learned in lie?
888) What's your ideal company?
889) What's your salary history?
890) When can you start to work if hired?
891) When did you decide on this career?
892) When do you plan to retire?
893) When given an important assignment, how do you approach it?
894) When was the last time you used an inventive method to draw out company
resources beyond a level that is usually met?
895) When was the last time you were angry? What happened?
896) When were you happy at work?
897) When were you most satisfied in your job?
898) When you go on holiday, when do you pack your case?
899) When you need to create an order of job tasks that need to be completed, how
do you decide which task has priority?
900) Where did the oil price close yesterday?
901) Where do you see the banking industry in 50 years in the future?
902) Where do you see the interest rate on US 10 year treasury bonds going?
903) Where do you see yourself in five years time?
904) Where do you want to become ten years from now?
905) Where else have you applied? OR Who else have you applied to/got
interviews with? OR Are you interviewing anywhere else?
906) Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
907) Wheres the S&P trading?
908) Which are the most important/interesting subjects within FX markets at the
909) Which areas of your work are most often criticized?
910) Which areas of your work are most often praised?
911) Which bonds would you buy if Greece defaulted?
912) Which books do you like reading?
913) Which is more important: creativity or efficiency? Why?
914) Which of your personal characteristics do you feel enhances your
effectiveness in communicating with others?
915) Which of your skills, technical or otherwise, has most helped you on the job?
916) Which one is better: mentoring or coaching?
917) Which three celebrities would you like to join for a night out?
918) Which video game character would I like to be and why?
919) Who are your favorite villains?
920) Who are your heroes?
921) Who do you contact and communicate with on a regular basis and for what
922) Who do you respect? Why?
923) Who has impacted you most in your career and how?
924) Who has inspired you in your life and why?
925) Who is your favorite Doctor Who?
926) Who is your role model and why?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
927) Who or what caused you the most trouble in implementing your ideas?
928) Who reports to you? What are their job functions?
929) Who was your best boss and who was the worst?
930) Who was your favorite manager and why?
931) Who were your favorite professors? Why?
932) Who would win in a fight superman or batman?
933) Who would you invite to a dinner party?
934) Whom may we contact for references?
935) Why are you applying for a job in a field other than your major?
936) Why are you dissatisfied with your present job?
937) Why are you interested in our company?
938) Why are you interested in this vacancy?
939) Why are you leaving your present job?
940) Why are you looking for a new job?
941) Why are you the best candidate for this position?
942) Why arent you earning more money at this stage of your career?
943) Why did you change majors?
944) Why did you choose this career?
945) Why did you choose to attend your college?
946) Why did you choose your degree subject?
947) Why did you choose your major?
948) Why did you choose your university and what factors influenced your choice?
949) Why did you leave you last job?
950) Why did you quit your job?
951) Why did your choose your major?
952) Why do you think graduates in [your degree subject] would be good [job role
you have applied for]?
953) Why do you think you would do well at this job?
954) Why do you want this job in this division?
955) Why do you want this job?
956) Why do you want to work for us and not for our competitor?
957) Why do you want to work in the _____ industry?
958) Why have you had so many jobs?
959) Why is continuous improvement necessary?
960) Why is there fuzz on a tennis ball?
961) Why is your GPA not higher?
962) Why should I consider you for this position?
963) Why should I hire you?
964) Why should we hire you?
965) Why should we hire you?
966) Why was there a gap in your employment between [insert dates] and [insert
967) Why were you transferred/promoted?
968) Will you take a drug/psychological examination as a condition of
969) With your eyes closed, tell me step-by-step how to tie my shoes.
970) With your eyes closed, tell me step-by-step how to tie my shoes.
971) Within WACC, what is Cost of Equity and how do you calculate it?
972) Would you be willing to take a salary cut?
973) Would you drive through an amber traffic light?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
974) Would you lie for the company?
975) Would you like to have your boss's job? Why or why not?
976) Would you post about work on Facebook?
977) Would you rather be liked or feared?
978) Would you rather know a lot about a little or a little about a lot?
979) Would you rather work with information or with people?
980) Would you say that you can easily deal with high-pressure situations?
981) Would you work holidays/weekends?
982) Write to us about an incident in your life that shows how you faced a
difficulty/challenge and how you handled it.
983) You are at a party with a friend and 10 people are present including you and
the friend. your friend makes you a wager that for every person you find that has
the same birthday as you, you get $1; for every person he finds that does not have
the same birthday as you, he gets $2. Would you accept the wager?
984) You are given 2 eggs. You have access to a 100-story building. Eggs can be
very hard or very fragile means it may break if dropped from the first floor or may
not even break if dropped from 100th floor. Both eggs are identical. You need to
figure out the highest floor of a 100-story building an egg can be dropped without
breaking. The question is how many drops you need to make. You are allowed to
break 2 eggs in the process.
985) You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and your mass is proportionally
reduced so as to maintain your original density. You are then thrown into an
empty glass blender. The blades will start moving in 60 seconds. What do you do?
986) You have a lot of experience. Why would you want this job?
987) You have eight balls all of the same size. 7 of them weigh the same, and one
of them weighs slightly more. How can you find the ball that is heavier by using a
balance and only weighing the balls twice?
988) You have five pirates, ranked from 5 to 1 in descending order. The top pirate
has the right to propose how 100 gold coins should be divided among them. But
the others get to vote on his plan, and if fewer than half agree with him, he gets
killed. How should he allocate the gold in order to maximize his share but live to
enjoy it? (Hint: One pirate ends up with 98 percent of the gold.)
989) You have supervised people in the past. What were their titles and what type
of supervision did you give them?
990) You have to get from point A to point B. You dont know if you can get there.
What would you do?
991) You have two threads, one printing even numbers in order and other odd
numbers in order. How would you design an algorithm so that it prints numbers in
natural order?
992) You have worked in a fast paced environment. How did you like the
993) You look at the clock. Its 3.15pm. Whats the angle between the clock hands?
994) You seem not to have too much experience in [required skill]?
995) Youre about to give a PowerPoint presentation in a meeting and you notice it
has a mistake in it. What do you do?
996) Youre in the middle of an urgent task and someone more senior demands
some instant information. What do you do?
997) Youre the CEO of a company. Would you rather raise debt, or equity? Why?
998) Your boss assigns you a project and then goes on holiday. What do you do?

List of 1000+ Interview Questions
999) Your resume suggests that you may be over-qualified or too experienced for
this position. Whats your opinion?
1000) Your supervisor left you an assignment, then left for a week. You can't reach
him/her and you don't fully understand the assignment. What would you do?
1001) Your supervisor tells you do to something in a way you know is dead wrong.
What do you do?
1002) You've changed jobs frequently. What makes you think that this position will
be different?
1003) You've stayed with the same organization for years. Why have you decided to

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